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tv   BOS Land Use Transportation Committee  SFGTV  April 24, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm PDT

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dollars dollars stolen. do not cut budget for the organizations that support workers. like me anding rights. being a sing will mom i don't know where i would be without the support. thank you. i worked at burger kin for 12 years special did not know labor rights until i met [inaudible].
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>> >> this funding would affect the out reach able to do with workers and it would hurt the working class. thank you.
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i had to look for resources online. resources in the community organizations i try to finds for unemployment and denied don't cut budget. thank you.
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>> hi i'm john and i'm a member of the and live in san francisco. i'm here to ask san francisco does not cut budget.
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more than 13 upon million dollars it palestine i urge you tomb invest this money communities here. and putting your money and all power to the people. >> hello. board of spierzs i'm from worker's united and from the mission district and here to like uplift that like -- workers are still like essential in this
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economy and please continue to uphold the fundsing guess to the community and in this case i wanted mention wrcc. and expanding the city's reach on to our lep community members. and immigrant workys not only they are able to know about rights and also able to understand like how to exercise those rights at work. workforce that is unable to exercise those rights. it puts people in a more additional vulnerable position prevents them from getting that security them and families deserve. thank you. why next speaker, please.
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>> i'm the cofounder of [inaudible] and established in san francisco since 2002. i seen throughout my years organizing in san francisco how important how vital it is to invest in san francisco. >> workers centers are vital to denounce exploitation that happens to workers.
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in 2023, i lost my job. i relied on support from organizations like amythose it become resilient after lost my job after 25 years. >> ace has been an organization that has supported my resilience and congress the fight and the trauma of having lost this job. >> time. >> these worker centers are
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vital please invest in them sthoe does not happen to other people. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hello i'm maria asking you not cut budget.
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r good are there if wars don't know how to use the rights and >> about them? we support city's in we support the city -- to fight against and
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have a thriving working class community and supplying for the city of san francisco to invest and not cut our budget >> next speaker, please. >> good afternoon i'm mirrium. i grew up in d 11 san francisco. i know you heard a lot of our speakers i want to reiterate how much money we are winning people back money they got stolen. we recovered 36 thousand dollars of stolen wages. no one else is doing this work no one is going to the store fronts and no one is going in the community the same way our organizations is it is essential we funds them if not here that would be money lost you know if money lost people use houses and live lihoods and stressed it affects their family. so we need tong about how to preserve this. thank you. next speaker, please.
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>> hello. a long day and you have a lot our city is looking at the next two years and how we can fully recover from a global pandemic. i'm dana, i'm with the association and many other agencies and programs out here. you know you had invested in supported the first pacific islander coalition which is salt. in the whole nation. recognized all around and supported us in many other things that now we are just barely you know building foundation to be recognized. i ask you please, continue to prioritize this support us so that we can serve the peopleful thank you. next speaker, please.
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>> good afternoon i'm [inaudible] and i'm a parent of a student. currently w with association in collaboration with [inaudible] in bay vow community. i'm a member of the [inaudible] paraphernalia council. i'm here to support people's budget we need programs to serve the needs of students and their families. especially the needs of under served communities. serving the child especially -- with the basic needs essential to building foundation of a child to be strife nothing our community. imagine my shock when i had a summer program middle school and most could not read. reading in math should be a basic for all children if schools. i will hand under fund i wear
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many hats from filling forms to taking family to access points. a new parent how to take the bus and the train. to sitting in communities to help uplift. >> thank you, ashley. >> next speaker, please. >> good afternoon. i want to say [inaudible] hello i'm [inaudible] american with salt pacific island are association and the resource hut where families come through. and there has been an increase of families that come through wefrg that has been said. although, we have education coordinator and many families and multiply them and a lot are under serveed the day.
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ask that you continue and improve the association. thank you. thank you, next speaker, please. thank you for the opportunity the point this our communities do exist in san francisco. continue to invest in us. and remember us. and as you having budget conversations. next speaker, please. >> hello board of supervisors i'm sa listen at executive director of nonprofit organization in the mission horizon's unlimited here on behalf of a program cut during the process the dj project.
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our project is a legacy organization program. that has been around for 25 years. 95% of young people identify as youth of color. 60% you black and african-american a multimedia program that is a magnet for people and especially cross districts 9 and 10. around skill chas will change the trajectory. more than an art's program it healed young people's lives and serves a strong violence intervention employment to make sure we put that out there. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. i'm josephine with jobs of justice and work in the tenderloin.
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thank you san francisco needs a full workforce of public service workers employed budget cannot be balanced on backs of working class community kuth services to those who need them most. is san francisco a city for billionaires or work class who love it keep it run and make it what it is. >> and they receive seats filld and balance the budgetos working class communities who keep the city running putting serves to those that need them most. thank you. >> thank you. >> i work at collision based organizations and unions. many have been here impacted by
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the budget cuts. we than the budget cuts mean cutting jobs and the community programs and working class families rely of every day working people are essential to rebuilding and running a vibrant city. city hall is bringing back restaurants. if we are not all ensure the city is for every day people can work and live and thrive. >> thank you. >> jewel spears housing right's committee. i represent the far reaching coalition of nonprofits
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providing all across the city. it is critical the city supports keeping service rung. this is done throughout full and proper funding of tenant out reach counciling program. department of code enforcement out reach. hunan housing counciling program and the many other programs that impact people's live in san francisco. nonprofit funding wars can earn a living to survive and continue to raise the residence dens and workers the people of san francisco. thank you. next speaker, please. good afternoon i'm kyle special here as an organize frer housing right's committee and member of opi local 29. i want to be honest about what come with being a worker facing budget cuts. organizers like me are put in a difficult position. we do this work out love but as we know love does not pay bills.
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now in addition to my full time work i bar tends to help pay bills and live in a house with 7 roommates. i consider myself lucket people who will suffer if you cut personaling tenants and workers who fight in corporate landlords every day. these landlords will celebrate if you cut budget than i will have and know that our people will have less to fight against. cutting the budget is not an abstract nobody's decision is making possible for workers like myself to dot work we love to fight for a city that works for the people. thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> i'm a community advocate
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asian law caucus provide free education and legal service for people fighting eviction and deportation and workers right's team violations. city proposing cuts to the collaborative. the third time this year. the only partnership with the city and organizations to fight wage theft. our clients are dish washers, driver and janitors. after receiving education about her rights, one client reached out and helped her file a claim and her courage lead to a company odd and i a large employ are settle am impacting 30 clothes. cuts will harm services and devastate communities don't balance the budget on backs of workers. next speaker, please. >> hi.
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i'm sascha from jobs with justice san francisco. the decisions will have impact on the future of our city. by the city's analysis we need a workforce in san for our city and our communities to recover from the pandemic. that includes frontline nonprofits like those who provide critical service. public service workers from nurses to teachers and street cleaners and the essential service wars who run mall business fist working people can't ford to live in the city andarc sesz public service, how will our city recover and thrive? don't balance the budget on backs of working class community who love san francisco, keep it run and make it what it is. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hi. i'm maria from justice [inaudible] and mission district residents.
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i ask the budget funds are every day herrise the early childhood educators. the worker leaders doing out roach to ensure [inaudible] the worker organizers train the lead exerts workers the most essential [inaudible] homeless workers keep our folks fed and other folks who are essential and make our city vibrant providing vital service society public and private sector. show our community you care by not kuth the funds that keep the services and heroes supporting our people. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon. supervisors i'm sailorar with early care educators. and when i heard director say some received 47% increases i said thank goodness this is how bad it was. new class rooms sat empty there
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were no teachers. great this has changed and good the funds are not being cut. when you build manage that has been neglected for long when do you need do. you have to build the foundation. compensate being the workforce and ensuring all on the list get a space. we are at the beginning and ready to reach that vision we had to go deeper. when you go to early care sxejz cites now what do teachers asking for. ask to deepen pockets to serve the children with them now. there are higher numbers of children with special needs identified. families resources that teachers want to give fahrenheits on the cites they work with. help teachers deepen pockets with preparing for the greater governed infan services we need. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hello. i'm anna hunter d5 and mfbt san
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francisco [inaudible]. i'm here to highlight the impact that baby prop c had on our community and why it is crucial to protect funding. baby prop c a life line for families across san francisco. laid foundation for vision of universal ec sxeshgs work is not done you heard from my colleagues we need build this vision. on behalf of those helped and continue to help, i urge to you defends the funding in the budget season. resist the scarcity minds set and urgency by white screamacy that accompanies the decisionmaking in challenging times in a deficit the city has choice. bear in minds that system change cannot be done over night. takes commitment of resources and effort and time. protect the funds support early
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childhood to reach the gospel universal childcare. thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> good afternoon. alex with advocacy coalition. thank you for adding the hearings. thank you to the department of early childhood. the department is getting started with their work to move our city to universal childcare. thanks to wage enhancements provideers are feeling appreciated. more are getting in the field to be providers. changes to grants providers become small business owners and care for our children. the baby prop c funds they have made that possible. we have to make sure we preserve the funds keep caring for our children and keep our city working. and want to say thank you for agreeing to visit cites the next
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few weeks supervisor supervisor peskin seeow friday looking forward to see the rest you as well. thank you >> thank you. next speaker, please. good afternoon, thank you for being here today and allowing san francisco vulnerable to stand before you advocating for a people's budget prioritizing working class and children. am i'm here on behalf early care and education community to echo those who spoke before me today and ensure assess for children and families is a community safety issue and priority. we need to protect and preserve baby prop c dollars not cut funding in a time critical for working families. we cannot balance the budget on backs of babies and work class that makes up san francisco. true measure can be found in how it treats the vulnerable. stand with those buffer today to