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tv   BOS Government Audits and Oversight Committee  SFGTV  May 16, 2024 10:00am-1:00pm PDT

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>> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> city and county of san francisco government audit and oversight committee meeting this morning at 10:00 am., thursday, may 16, city and county of san francisco government audit and oversight committee meeting this morning at 10:00 am., thursday, may 16,
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2024.) (gavel) good morning. i'd like to call the meeting to order. county of san francisco government audit and oversight committee meeting this morning at 10:00 am., thursday, may 16, 2024. i'm combhergd joined by supervisor stefani and commissioner chan and we want to thank sfgovtv for staffing this meeting. >> madam clerk, any announcements. >> public comment will be taken when the item 6 interest comes up and please line up to speak on the right and submit comments in the writing e-mail to the government audit & oversight committee to the clerk at and if my e-mail will be forwarded to the board
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of supervisors or sent your condominiums to dr. carlton room if you have any documents please submit them before the end of the meeting and silence all devices and finally, items acted on will be on the next agenda unless otherwise stated. >> madam clerk, call items >> madam clerk, call items 1 and approving an annual report for the central market community benefit district for calendar year (cy) 2022, submitted as required by the property and required by the property and and highways code,sections 36600, et seq.), section 36650, and the district's management agreement with the city, section 3.4. >> thank you. >> and these items are sponsored by supervisor dorsey and starting off will be the
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director of the oewd and as possibly i have before thank you for your engagement with our office and in advance of this hearing. >> the floor is yours. >> commissioner chan and supervisor stefani i'm the program director at the presentation is the presentation for the 2021-2022 reporting period i want to am and thank supervisor preston and melissa hernandez and back and forth in preps these presentations before you here with me is stacey and the mid-market hearing from my colleague i'll of it's okay. i'll present on behalf of oewd. >> as you can see they're
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governed by the california highway code in the property and business improvement district law of 1994 the second at the article 15. oewd is charged with make sure that all are meeting their plans it is providing serves as outlined in the plan in the assessment fund accordingly those finds are in the memo and summarized in today's presentation this thyroid is an overview of the cvd and over one million dollars in revenue. the civic center c cdb as part of the memo oewd reviewed the final benchmarks the benchmark one comparison the
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with an year to the other budget benchmark two northern assessment benchmark were met and many moving forward with the specific embedding civic center met all 4 benchmarks with the deliveries has a strong focus on the services and in particular providing kind services in an amount not-to-exceed for the abatement and safety code and they doubled did permit efforts in preparing with the period. sorry. >> the staff supported key activation like the ones mentioned san francisco roller
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rink and tree lighting and community outreach and a strategy efforts with safe services and generally have a strong pitching in the corridor in oewd memo cdb was late with their submissions and all cdb tips with oewd with follows up and further tasked related to this were increasing more demanding during the reporting period and oewd assisted with multiple partnerships to help with immediate recovery in wake of the covid pandemic and clear to oewd the delay in reporting was a result i have those. so looking forward the next reporting period cdb their deadline is not come up with that said, oewd and the cdb have
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been in communication. the cdb didn't employ take advantage of the cdb had no reported violation with the brown act and oewd opinion that is well positions to carry out their position and go ahead with the mid-market community development board met all four benchmarks and focused across economic development and in support of small businesses and certified for small businesses and a resources to those interested under securing a storefront in the area. cdb ambassador clean team continued their work doubling their categories in the
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prior year and the mid-market was late in their reporting and mid market with oewd upon follow-up and as possibly also with the service center center the critical services that was provided during the period impacted 2345ir timing submission for the report and the next reporting period in the mid market operates on the calendar year and anticipated they're meet that and late in submitting the policy to oewd but they did for a fact submit it as you can see in the packet is included with the current policy for the calendar year 2022 confirmed? available upon request. and further confirmed in policy been included in the
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upcoming manual report during the period no reported violations in the brown act for the california records act and to continue carrying this ad mission in the clean area and with that, i'm going to turn it over to my colleague. >> thank you welcome tracey executive director for the oewd that is before us today welcome. >> gum good morning, supervisors. >> i'll take through slides the civic center center for the manual budget is $13 million a majority on the services. and a reminder of our boundaries
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expanded to the east side of golf and a light blue section in the plazas the federal building didn't pay into our integrity. >> wanted to take the opportunity to commend and thank the amazing individuals were out doing the challenging work and keeping our district streets clean and safe so not all the folks are city with the organization but most are our services are many. so we have the clean item, ambassador program, we were providing overnight security for the playground and the garage reader the civic center and partner
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with both the urban community and the downtown streets team in the district. these are three of many, many things we collect and getting better and better at that is a detail of everything we have and your software is pretty amazing. our team in 2022 continued to evaluate with challenges throughout the district and parklet created more work for the team and high number of break ins we're first on the scene if if happened overnight or in the morning help to clean up. to too hot spots that are today by tenderloin
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schools and 12th street. those are areas we have to pay attention to. bus shelters are all downtown we have a problem to cross the street in front of the state building to try to make that assessable for transit riders. and un plaza numerous challenges in 2022 most of relishes shown here. the drug dealing open air drug use in the el segundo and fortunate had had a great pitcher with all the organizations throughout the district primarily and the plazas. this is an work of our data collection system at any
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given moment can tell where our folks are and they're uploading pictures in the system. and i think in 2022 the most transformative thing be in the un - so had a number of events kept the place fun and throughout the year those continue. we did our lunchtime concerts that of in the zone and, of course, during the good weather months september and october held an amazing tree lighting entertainment seven hundred toys and then have the music providing free he concerts along venice before and after
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performances on venice and continue to do as possibly much as possibly better to be safe than sorry we could to make sure they're recognized and promoted on the website and in the social media channels. and we continue to do a lot of work making sure point playgrounds are safe and free of vandalism put out seats when it was good to do so and we continued to pursue or updates to share our shelter guides now give to thirty organizations have copies that i'll drop-off at the offices and it is highly sought offer that's it for civic
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center center and transitioning to the open market 2022. this is a reminder a map of the mid-market from the west side of 5 down to van ness and along market and mission and the street corridor from market. um, in 2022 we had a budget of $1.5 million you can the breakdown on the slide versus public safety and economic development. our coarse services are maintenance and public safety and economic development and challenges to our work for the open air drug dealing and
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use the proliferation of evan kaments and this is a particular bad encampment these are things that our staff, you know, does their best to mitigate but probably mingle cleaning as possibly often as possibly they can and, of course, we call ecology when needed and have the bulky items this a tremendous amount of litter and debris as a result of encampments nearby. our public safety services are
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extremely confident we do a lot of directions and, of course, work with the merchants residents and visitors. homelessness camps are ongoing. >> we call entering services when needed a lot of time your ambassadors especially in the photo know who the individuals are and can get them to home serves as needed like i said a large number of vacant commercial spaces and have a few vacant lots problematic so we do our best to prevent fires being set and break ins an educational campaign. one possible pair one
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of the ambassadors with an attendee officer for the responder approach. and for economic development in 2022, we saw the opening of the whole foods a small pharmacy and the line hotel on market and the chicken on market. our street cluster of shops conditioned to grow with 7 businesses on the left and at that time 4 tenants we appreciate they do an excellent job with maintaining the landscape in front of their businesses that is one space we were able to improve for a short time and had a grant part two of
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the robin williams across the street and unfortunate the mural was destroyed about 6 months in but - this is just a map showing the commercial vacancies we had in the district in 2022. and we tracked that. and just another illustration on the storefront and this is a marketing we have objective been updated since 2022 but we use this to help to attract any businesses in the district. and this is a map that illustrates the number of affordable housing, no. special service locations in our district the fingerprint this
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too has been updated since 2022 but it is available if you need it. >> and just want to end thanking our mid market crew do incredibly challenging work and those folks are still with us today. >> thank you. >> thank you very much for the presentation and the work and especially appreciate highlighting the folks doing the work in the field everyday and many at least on the civic center side of office are out there and do the work every single day and doing the - i had a couple of quick questions so looks good in terms of compliance with the benchmarks those were to the manual reports
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late and want to have a comment on what happened there and also on track to be timing. >> yes. we're on track. for civic center we he a lot of extra work the department of emergency management around the u united plaza but to support city services we service part time to get to the designers and if the reports are comprehensive together involve the operations team and communication team i prefer - so civic center was the definitely a challenge and mid
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market the lack of submission of the camera policies to oewd i think was a design oversight 12 page word document and so we'll add, add that going forward but a link to that policy on the website we didn't think anyone couldn't find it we'll make sure we forward that. >> thank you member stefani. >> through the chair. you mentioned i think your report in terms of the civic center three 4 though needles is that annually; right? >> and picked up by whom. >> those are just the ones picked up by our staff additional ones collected by the urban streets team and multiple departments like public health department.
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>> do you the location of where you're picking up the needles. >> when i do. >> and are they a pro-active approach around people picking closures of tenderloin. >> that was or expands like; right? >> yeah. >> (multiple voices.) >> half a year. >> right. >> on a fiscal calendar. >> yes. the center closed. >> it was earlier. >> right. >> um, i had additional
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question around the fulton gift gallery the hillside cdb and in conversations around the closure of um, that the gift gallery and then i think the - the cdb if have communicated not having capacity to manage the market after the department of raeft were impacted about that and we just learned yesterday from rec and park that the cdb will be hosted a vintage market very to we've been pretty regular in
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existence to resume the/59 out there. and if that decision was made will be a vintage market? >> yeah. i think we have found a republican take advantage market wanted to come we don't operator operates the market. >> of being able to operate on fulton so um, it is group out of oakland and they have the oakland convenient tangle market and no, we don't have a final agreement but hoping they'll start in august when the weather is nice we did - who did we tell? i think we told did
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farmers' market approached by the gallery. to tell the gift gallery if they're not able to join the farmers' market but join with the small business commission and - but also, if there were any of us could would sit with the vintage market we could connect them not until late summer. >> thank you thank you for the clarity and exciting to hear about the potential vintage market but conversations in the rec and park and emphasis those are like a half a dozen years we're talking about been following all the rules as part of the community and my understanding that there is discussions of potentially implementing that as part of farmers' market for a period of
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time and looking at that new market coming to merced but half of the dozen didn't seem to fit with the definition of what, you know, look i want to urge in possible terms weather exemption we need to do to graerth. >> fund it unfair what happened to the vendors but looking forward to collaborating with you further and i just it is leaving a bad taste something could transition positive for someone the urban certify for that half-dozen in particular
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singles not accommodated. >> you're welcome to comment on i - i wanted to comment. >> great. >>. thank you very much. >> and if no further questions open up for public members of the public wishing to speak should line up by the windows, and all speakers have two minutes to speak. can the first speaker come forward? comment. >> >> thank you public comment is closed. (gavel) thank you and everyone and thank you, i'd like to move it sends those to the full board with positive recommendation. >> to forward to the full board. >> supervisor stafani, aye. >> supervisor chan, aye. >> chair preston i have three i sees. >> motion passes. and madam
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clerk, call item mayor, recreation and park department, office of economic and workforce development, san francisco international airport, office of the and organizations to support san francisco in hosting panda bears from the people's republic of china, notwithstanding the behested payment ordinance. >> thank you, madam clerk >> we have with us today um, shawn chief of staff to the mayor, i see that supervisor safai would you like to say something before the gentleman comes forward go ahead. >> thank you, mr. chair and i was wondering who was going to be here but, you know, we're considering in front of us today, the behested payment
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waiver ordinance to allow the mayor with other departments to raise $25 million or more for a panning panda enclosures but with the pressing needs perceiving two weeks ago a multiple of organizations that deal with children, youth, and families received services for $25 million of cuts were happening in particular just to underscore apa conciliate us know of $70 million in cuts violence presentation and teenager pregnant and health centers programs that were funded for thirty years and so we all know the city faced and
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significant financial exchange in the next two years and ready to mobilize significant focus on the panda bears pins a few years ago we championed together and the mayor initiative to raise money for summer programs after-school programs and hubz we want to the philanthropic community and for low income families provide low and free cost summer camps and despite the fact dcyf has the proven capacity to raise funds without waivers for the central programs and fact wearing facing $25 million no cuts it is truly
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unconscionable to prepare for a facility not 100 percent certain we're to get it and after that as possibly we been reported in the paper there are millions of dollars in disrepair at the zoo for the facilities workers are upset and workers with filed complaints. so i introduced a resolution on tuesday i know many of the colleagues supported that your honor, the mayor to initiative the same level of fundraising for comments for urgency of $25 million in cuts for children and families this is prioritizing our future and children over panda bears if we can rally a home for panda bears we can rally to raise money foreseeable programs that impact every single person in the city so i have a multiple of questions i'll save those until
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after the presentation but i think that is important at that moment we're facing dramatic, dramatic impacts all over the city so many programs point to programs in our district that are being impacted. so thank you for that opportunity mr. chair and hold my questions until after the presentation. >> and thank you, melgar and others. >> we've done that before think that about year ago doing the best for the panda bears waiver and periphery you ponder that supervisor safai but let's
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get both the issues that are supervisor safai first, the mayor's office will be happy to incorporate dcyf and incorporating raising programs ranch past supervisor safai we can amend many and effect what the positive change and as you can see that currently the legislation that exist you are prohibited with the behested payment waiver ordinance from raising money i honestly never other side why that is the case you passed is ordinance changing the rules allowing supervisors just like the mayor just like the did that heads to go through this process and behested payment waiver ordinance to you
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all could join us of we passed that by incorporating the points that supervisor safai raised you'll be prohibited from doing any of that but could change the code obviously not with us but happy to work with you on legislation that allows the 11 of you to participate as well and supervisor safai mentioned the philanthropic for dcyf during covid that did happen before the behested payment waiver ordinance legislation was imposed we did have the ability to raise and made it easier and frankly why we have to make the cuts this year one notable contribution was generous to $25 million and the teams matched up 25 contribution from
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plain star 3 contribution has just run out if i amend this supervisor we could seek additional funds from them and few amend the legislation i honestly don't recall you being a partner in raising those monies a few years ago but if we change the ordinance to allow you to raise dollars we'll be happy to support that so you could help us with that, getting back to the panda bears supervisors we want to make sure that not a single there are of general fund goes into this but to make sure the philanthropic will go in support of panda bears exhibits and all the costs associated with that. >> thank you i have questions less about the merits of this investment or relate priority
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over them more about what's before us in the resolution i would like to note the behested payment waiver ordinance the waivers are a waiver allowing fundraising not just general fund raising but hundreds from interested parties; right? that's where your oversight rbo role my we have focused whether or not on the hsh request not just when they come before us but in terms of renewables it looking at lying the potential conflicts and the question i have about this one - first an observation much, much broader than others not being asked like one department quite broad i want to ask you about that by first if i could answer do you
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know the identity of the person's or organizations or companies or foundations who will potentially be solicited here. >> no, i have a general idea we can certainly go to the sponsors who supported this and certainly go to all the sports of shanghai san francisco committee as possibly you may know celebrated the 45 anniversary but one specific one supervisor gets to your point about interested party and the draeth to demonstrate this is the first time support has been list in the behested payment waiver ordinance these were approached by others who would like to participate. and they are an interested party we
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couldn't solicit them they approached united states and we said hold on we can't be a partner until the supervisors. >> thank you. >> and i think and again, this is not going to the ultimate area of whether or not the board should be passing a waiver as possibly supervisor safai you're suggesting and possible amendment but i do want to make sure we're on the same page what has to be in the waivers and united airlines is a great example my read on waivers is that if you know who you're going to be soliciting you have town of cutler bay listing those folks out in the resolution. along with why they're interested party. and then the
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board looked at that and makes the decision whether there is an appearance of impropriety or that's why we have the ordinance and pet that conflict we're okay with that one of my concern is that and it is fixable i know but i - interested in our comments i believe the way the board is structured this is like what the bridge one; right? like the money it coming from specific sources those are known to the committee we can talk about what potential what makes them an interested party and evaluate that and approve or not approve it we're here a long list of folks like united are expressed from what the community lacks i know what some of the relationships are on a
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few of apec donors one thing i'd like to see in the resolution um, and i didn't think that is fixable is a list of the potential donors why they're interested parties. and then evaluate the comfort level at those level of conversations. >> we can try supervisor but a little bit of a - i'm not inclined could reach out to potential donors and say are you interested without breaking an ethics law a number of donors not inclined to say yes. i think the provisions we have in place to address our concerns are two-fold on for 6 months and have to come back and ask you to reauthor it and two, and every
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single contribution that is made is pubically disclosed i mean nothing hides the dollars everything we raise i told you generally where i think we'll get the dollars for the buckets of donor and setting a precedent and ask you in a sense permission who we could raise money from. and the payment for hsh the board of supervisors unanimously passed specifically list all of the varies donors could be solicited to this police department boarding has precedent not accurate i want to be as possibly transparent as possibly potential and in you're landmarking for specific city and i think we're able to get frankly. i do recognize the
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chicken and egg as possibly you say. but i think with live apec donors or is shanghai donors i'll read it from the ordinance shall summarizes and identify the type of interested parties or the specific interested party what the identity is known to whom the solicitations will be directed in a statement why the partnerships and interested parties with the work of apec if he had that kind of list and again, i'm looking at that list there are some i'm concerned. i mean united contract gave me with the airplane and asking for
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the airport commission themselves to reach out and seek the behested payment waiver ordinance and at on the list maybe really minor contract for the a lot of concern but is possible for the board to look at a list that is proposed and you know what this is fine but those two companies or something and the conflict is so great we've got like john conways and chris larson folks with i'm not saying those are necessarily problematic but raised questions from others don't have the information that's the problem i think what the code requires is they be identified in the resolution i do not on this should be a challenge or problem. >> (multiple voices). >> did that to be required to be a apec resolution. >> i'm not saying and.
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>> (multiple voices.) >> in front of you of the board of supervisors and voted on "then. >> actual not possible. >> but so an answer an ordinance requires us to approve. >> thank you i'm following precedent from the board of supervisors you're telling me it is different. >> i'm saying what we have before i guess the broad 5 different departments authorized to do workers of $25 million from interested parties that is let's see a need and required code we exercise as possibly scrutiny but hard to do that we don't have the list of donors and why they're an interested party. but let me go to commissioner walton.
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>> thank you more i think what is different in the previous quo grant waiver and in supportive housing i supported it, you know, both actually supported that and approved but voted for that and that is including the department of homelessness and supportive housing that also is the departments fault to receive the waiver and a slight difference that what is different similar to what chair preston mentioned it is necessary to conclude the commissioners airport i commissioners and again, that
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the scope of quite large and again, the spirit of that the behested payment waiver ordinance and as well as the regulation is to spot this potential opportunity or even the perception of pay to play beyond the city departments and inclusive of our airport commissioners which is kind of and stretch for me and so i'm trying to understand why the airport commissioners are included in this of this waiver i have a little bit of a question and really about the zoom manager and about i'm happy to go on oh, better findings about the waiver it and the waiver specifically to the airport commissioner. >> yes. >> the president of the
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airport commission want to make sure a waiver is passed an. >> we included commissioners. >> commissioner you can't know was on the trip with us in china and the was excited to see real live panda bears and this is the first another clearing was on the trip and want to be a participant and supervisors if you're uncomfortable with that i'm not expediting much from them in terms of fundraising that's fine. >> it's. >> (multiple voices.) >> and totally fine. >> but also i think that my question is self necessarily
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mean. >> i think understand /* understand and the- >> (multiple voices). >> excuse me - like to strike oewd or airport or you city administrator. >> just to be clear, i think that what i'm not in any way
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trying to say whether that is one over the other but i'm trying to understand let me put that clearly that the dealing that the mayor has embarked on and a fo i'm trying to understand beyond my knowledge and how would you bring a panda bears to san francisco? i'm i'm trying to understand what that requires i'm simply asking questions not saying wondering or against it and that goes we learned recently in the report in the chronicle and - have seen in the united states as possibly seems to have potential problems we
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can't verify but unfortunately, there are panda bears passed away and deceased in the united states so in case you do the right thing that and all the reason that san francisco needs to be thoughtful for the national - is san francisco zoo i heard an internal investigation is that true an investigation and when it will be complete and the results of investigation to share with the public. thank you. >> sure a lot there periphery first let me thank you for the points of in itself a point of national pride with the chinese-american community and generously before any trip i
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didn't appreciate them the panda bears by seeing the pride they sunshine had appreciate was that panes to the san franciscans chinese-american and so at the for bringing that forward. as possibly to the important point about the readiness of the fade i think one of the questions you mentioned helps illustrate why i am confident and the mayor confident about the san francisco zoo you asked how does that work? so let me kind of take a couple of step with the behested payment waiver ordinance start raising the people and what is happening as possibly we speak? littering had meetings yesterday and one tomorrow and the society people that run this people run the zoo are in the middle of negotiating the technical agreement it a
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document that, you know, i've been told more than one hundred pages long that details down to the fine point how much a animal curators are soirnd to the panda bears it is technical a document only will be approved not by the neighborhood but by the department of central certificate of participation fevery of china and the china wildlife association and the china research interest for giant panda bears are the international experts there is no team in the world or united
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states know important about giant panda bears they're not going to sign off on an agreement not having a iron clad agreement but wait more once that technical agreement is done it will be done by the end of summer or early fail that document needs to be submitted to the wildlife service they are the equity that provides i'm not sure they provide whatever legal authorization to every zoo that imports panda bears i'm sorry one level above to the previous agencies i tell you at an panda bears from ensdarsdz to one step
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above to care for panda bears they don't side request without the american logic association provides credentials and on top we have we didn't talk about this but we have a joint with the rec and park and our local san franciscans are going to have an opportunity to weigh in at the joint zoo community and number of safeguards to make sure those giant panda bears will be cared for the panda bearss arrive in san francisco. >> is there a a current internal investigation. >> i read in the chronicle that is not being done by the city of
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san francisco or rec and park but i read the earlier they said it is done i'm assuming done by them i don't believe that has nothing to do with with animal care but staff and staff leadership i assume based on what i read in the chronicle. >> baseline when i read in the chronicle yes. i think that is the working safety save working environment for the workers and for the sake of the workers and the animals based on what i gathered from the chronicle. >> the all american logic like society. >> safety. >> yeah. >> (multiple voices.) >> and in that isn't we're seeing by the fda? >> i'm sure a bureaucracy
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organ oversees the zoo but that document is pubically available and published in the regulatory and have a public comment where public comment gets to summit comments before the wildlife. >> i'm i think i'm definitely concerned, you know. thank you very much for the working walk you through the process i appreciate that is critical part of education to understand what it takes and what is head of us i think for me again, you know, based on the real the reporting from the chronicle lies about some of the concerns i have about the additional zoo frankly i've not visited the zoo
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personally since the pandemic and so much more interested in many other spaces. but at the same time it is concerning about the condition and given the fact there is construction going on by floats and skyway and like merced and i'm trying to understand how that physically be able to accommodate and see the work is concerns about their current working conditions in the future and more. thank you very much. and thank you, colleagues. >> thank you are supervisor chan. >> supervisor stefani. >> thank you chair preston i want to add a few remarks in terms of what and experienced in chinatown and i've been to the communities and talked to others people outside of san francisco how excited we are about that
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and that has given me, you know, a lot of reason to really look at how we make that happen and not only an incredible panda bears exhibit but good people want to get to san francisco and a myriad of positive ways to make our city incredible and people want to come here i think that panda bearss can do that and hoping and funding our zoo so it is world class zoo to look at as well and i hear different comments about this resolution and other people's take on this, you know, i have to say nothing it black and white candidate maybe the panda bearss themselves and it is not impossible to have dollars for panda bearss supported by the
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dcyf and our children if we get into the mutually exclusive wars we can not this and that this is positive for san francisco and i think rather than play politics here i think we really need to society aside our differences and make that work for san francisco this resolution does that i think we, you know, should doing everything we can to really come together and figure out how we can not only make that happen but looking at the policy and investing in the zoo a way to bring more people to san francisco and create a space where families can thrive and thoufrt can come and yet another thing in san francisco so much 40 to be approved in san
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francisco and another thing will make our city from. thank you. >> thank you. supervisor stefani and supervisor safai. >> thank you to the staff for saying you're in the mayor is willing to prioritize raising money for children that's my on point i'm opposed 100 percent going after panda bearss but a concept we literally have 6 or seven hundred people piers and stress i don't talking about programs that were fund for thirty years not a one versus the other but i think we're talking about prioritization right now i think that is has to be conversation unfortunately, and it is not about politics but about saying we can do both glad
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to hear you say that is it is better to keep it separate i'm not trying to water down this but i would say and good point on the merits i - i don't think setting a presenter of commissioners to fund-raise is a good thing and commissioners are the ones that approve the majority of contracts and hard to separate the basis of corruption in the last number of years i'm sure the departments and commissioners have seen that not a good thing it is fine for was city administrator but good to hear you all have learned on that (coughing) i very specific questions
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though. so when what is the anticipated time for the panda bearss to come can we i want to put that out there and mayor said multiple times months? i'd like to hear - i know in the resolution for 2025 the second thing the true costs $25 million but good to know if you don't have the questioning answer that's fine. >> i have to be careful but to go through the process of negotiating and at the told us they expect that astonish the done in the summer. >> and sitting on the budget committee and from anywhere from 9 months to a year and a half what the cost of construction is and goes out to bid i'm sure
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you'll be coming back to ask us for a wafer waiver and it won't be rec and park the zoo does that that me to the next request where did the $25 million plus go. >> it is in the resolution and with the zoo sovereignty. >> can you point that to me. >> supervisor we can't seem to find that i apologize we should make clear the zoo society apologize. >> so the zoo society is
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nonprofit in partnerships with rec and park is that right. >> they're the contractor did entity of the zoo and so. >> they and their board oversight on the funding and because of the work happening on city land and joint committee of rec and park you're saying not contracting will be merely their process public works and zoo society manages this facility. >> okay.. okay. so i guess i'll say it will be will be helpful alternating supervisor i believe the contract has to be approved by the rec and park commission. >> (multiple voices). >> i defer to the city attorney's office i'm not sure but have the zoo society and
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commissioner ma goal is active. >> through the chair. can we have the city attorney weigh in on that? >> deputy city attorney ann i'm not familiar with rec and park policies respect to approve the contracts most commissions do approve them or large funds i'll mention approved by the commission but i'll have to look at their documents. >> okay. >> so it seems as though going back to the behested payment waiver ordinance had an amount and put to money on reserve not enough money. >> (multiple voices.) >> and requests for city funds. >> no. >> so no requests for city fund and is there a join plan -
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upcoming for the remainder of conditions at the zoo? i mean. >> (multiple voices.) >> and broader discussions. >> supervisors we're challenges by the zoo society and the zoo has i'm not sure the exact day but in the last 90s one approval that set up this architecture with the zoological society and with the terms of that deal is probably the zoological society they guarantee $4 million flat number every year and the dollar above that to operate the zoo the zoo has to fund that and didn't match $4 million in- >> (multiple voices). >> and no cpi in it is $4 million a year. >> so.
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>> that's a big deal for the city the zoological society is up for the fundraiser. >> i guess i'm asking an additional $10 million worth of deferred maintenance on top of the panda bears a conversation to expand and raise additional people or just going to be focused on panda bearss that- >> (multiple voices). >> a hard pill to shallow for people on the on the ground overall $4 million. >> if you follow the panda bearss of the zoos not too many and supervisor safai this tifrnz the neighborhood to a major place. >> and that brings more revenue to the zoo. >> of course. >> and other elements of zoo.
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>> if you don't want to have the park situation and people show up and all another zoo were shut down the let me exhibit is not please vote. like you could go on and on and not a lot of it makes sense if you're fully diving in and gig to the process of getting why not add that? that would make sense to a smart amendment and on on the other hand, we wanted too narrow and wondering if i want to expand this beyond the panda bears go for that. >> well, let's hear from smooven that represents the work of the zoo will be helpful and we can do that get information from the head of zoo and
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zoological society to get that that $10 million is easy to say address additional - so the zoo is - but anyway, i'm to stop and i'm going to turn it over to the committee members i'll say we or going to misunderstood with the resolution and with the mayor we love for you to come to the competent on the - raising money for children and families. >> i love that and love to entertain a discussion how we can partner with that we need to change the legislation that allows the supervisors. >> let's do that. >> and happy. >> (multiple voices.) >> and you know, i don't thank you, supervisor stefani before public comment just additional questions i want to follow up in
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terms of timing of the mou in our packet is talks about sending a pair of panda bearss to san francisco in 2025. >> uh-huh. >> but is that we're talking about timing is the aspirational. >> given the scope of work the fundraiser work has to happen i'm trying to get a sense of 2 this. >> add admittedly that technical agreement been done in the summer or early fall and that passes but i think i heard the clerk say that goes to the board approved by the mayor and i believe we can start fundraising in the summer while the technical agreement is worked out and over the course of the summer that technical
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agreement gets done sea submitted to the department of fish and wildlife it is 6 month that process and a minimum 90 days technical has to be published to the public and to the u.s. fish and wildlife and then that goes to all of that happens smaep and presentations made by the - they would to provide did panda bearss by spring or early summer of 2025 you know this is beyond our control that could impact that. way beyond our control and in the world of affairs section in the newspaper but that's the aspirational goal. >> got it. >> you talked about the costs are - my understanding ongoing
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license fee or charge annually. >> that is actually- >> (multiple voices). >> limit litter /* literally there are staff and food costs. >> (multiple voices.) >> what's the ongoing. >> (multiple voices.) >> is this strictly per capita. >> that continues to pay for it ongoing. but. >> what's the lease cost annually. >> supervisor i don't know as possibly soon as possibly i get that i'll share that what that is done that's where we're say supervisor that costs x all the
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pines and capital to bring the panda bearss we have - and is that a waiting is that available to the capital investments or waiting for that technical to be able. >> i'm going of i'm sorry, i'm sorry we don't know the details told ball park but that's i should be careful why not to minimize we spoke to washington, d.c. and we president & ceo to the atlanta and the other zoos hosted panda bearss and threats the number. >> got it. thank you. >> and to the issue that xhvrnld raised and objective
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we'll have to correct that in the resolution but can you tell me what - why are we fundraising into this nonprofit equity and in the to the city or created the best model where we create dedicated fund within the city that objective has a layer of control and reason that structure where all the funds good directly to that nonprofit? >> question believed that was a constitutional place to go to the zoological society for all animal care and the oversight the zoo committee all the dollars have to be unare to go and supervisor more than happy
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if you got some sort of how to further document those department of human resources there's nothing to hide want to be an transparent and open with the dollars coming and going we left off. >> in terms of identifying the solicited and i think suggestions were departure if past resolutions we want to add like the way the law is structured you generally don't know we don't know this is a what happened for the first hsh they were not planning to go the mayor's office for this and that donor by a feeling so many
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urgency need for he entering shelters the way the law sew structured allows that if you combrod and having meetings and more specific target like we have no idea; right? that is presented and then a vote what is different here; right? i don't know 100 percent on the other one i think that is apples and oranges were you know the target folks they're folks are expressing some are interested party we i don't know why this is the layout and that's why it is important i don't think that is a big departure and a mid gone are supervisor you'll saying united airlines is a great example supervisor stefani said can be one heck of a good
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tourism contribution and this is the trade if we say apec owners and say shanghai city donors that is sufficient or do you actually want a - >> i envision attach and listed for exhibit a here's all the folks with other column that are what makes them interested party this is an example of conversation around the airport; right? i hear with supervisor safai is saying about the commissioners, i appreciate your vote and sometimes with fundraising it is based on on a personal relationship and maybe and member of airport commission can get access if potential donors but again my level of
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discomfortable is from the airport /* airport commission negotiating with united airlines- >> (multiple voices). >> wouldn't expect them to but once we say here's the list of the folks and here's why they're interested parties; right? the airport commission is authorized to participate by not with respect by 5 interested party they're interested party because of their contracts with the airport i'm suggesting we can do that but want a list of folks and what the nature of the contractural relationship with an interested party and see if there is any jaufrment we feed to make of the wait and happy to gave me further with you on that
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and supervisor chan. >> that is a question. i believe that for all the behested payment waiver ordinance typically is 6 months at a time and for the specific but that's really the rule isn't it. >> deputy city attorney that's right. >> so wanted to talk about the time of legislation and they is where only 6 months so- >> the resolution will not have to wait thirty days before executive. >> got it. >> roughly 6 months so extension for waiver and then have to come back. >> absolutely last month, we
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approached and six months extension i fully expect to come back 6 months from now. >> that is for other conversation but you can come back and gives us a sense and report back on the donors. and yeah. and don't forget you'll have plenty of opportunities to review all the donations it has to be properly disclosed and all the mayor disclosed all the payments and interim if you want to set up a formal process for this committee you'll have not have to bother with that we we're happy to do that two. >> thank you for the ethics commission for about publishing have the payment laws and all
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approved by the board timeframe a very good resource and impressed how that is up-to-date and before we go to public comment. and deputy city attorney, i just wanted you to weigh if on this question. sort of pulling requests around more specificity am and correct the resolution seeking a waiver to the extent it the respective donors are known who will be solicited? >> that the interested party should be list listed as well as why they're interested parties here in resolution?
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>> is the section of the code are authorized the board we're proscribed the type of information that proves it and indicates the types of donors asked for donations or of the identity if they're known. >> yeah. >> i mean that is accurate. >> that's accurate. >> in the parties are interested they should be listed as possibly to why did i get it right. >> (multiple voices). >> supervisor chan and this is interesting acknowledge because again really a very international endeavor and with the interested party is there any prohibition from the list of the city departments and
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including our airport commissioners prohibition for us to be informed. >> from foreign guest. >> i'm sorry not that i'm aware of a prosecution but i'll look at that and get back to you and you want to comment on venture to comment. >> that's not the first conversation but admittedly i never asked to it city attorney's office and the board and mayor's office are asking me to research this. >> fair enough. >> i think that is i have to have a look you thank you supervisor chan and members of the public wishing to speak should line up by the windows, and all speakers have two minutes to speak. can the first speaker come forward?
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>> hello supervisor corey. i'm here to bring up the concerns of the workers of san francisco have with our current executive director tonya petersen and taken a vote of no confidence 10 years ago dealing with the death of a guerilla and not received or dealt with but the concerns are now around working conditions and deliberating under staffing and also for the animals again is zoological society needs to meet with us we met with them last week and they hired someone we're hopeful changes that will be impacted but the works had concerns around the leadership of the
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current executive director tonya petersen and concerns that investing additional money will not address the concerns of zoo will not be addressed. >> thank you. >> thank you >> any additional public comment? >> more that concluded public comment. >> public comment is closed. (gavel) and colleagues i'm going to suggest that we continue this to through the chair but hopefully we can work on and we can't do it quickly one i raised to did extent folks who are perspective donors here who we know or list
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those out along with the reason they're an interested party and that should be concluded in the resolution. second, is consider narrowing the number of departments i think you indicated - i'm reluctant to do that across the board because i want to make sure you have an opportunity for the relationships and particular folks may well a healthy department waiver makes sense here i want to flag the concerns if there are um, mayor, we did have people fundraising who are not in leadership roles for the interested parties and seeking permit from that department i think we want to be more nuance
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on that once we see the list third we're in agreement to clarify where it goes in the amendment as well and then i heard and suggestion think i think i can gave me if did you have occasion offline but. >> citation about potentially broovlg i appreciate your effort too narrow and start out broadening by to the extent you have donors and some donors only care about panda bearss but donors are friends of zoo and shame to feel like you're constrained to only talk about capital needs of fascinating panda bearss as opposed to to something broader those are the thing that happy to be in communication with you and also
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hear in colleagues eventually in committee we can't discuss offline but with supervisor safai and, yes first of all, thing the teamsters for coming out and lettuce know we know about the issues bringing panda bearss to san francisco i think obviously are addressing issues we feed to address that and i want to make sure, you know, in quest to continue this matter it is not a dwla tactics in terms of - i want us to come together on this i think we need to do this and i was going to ask you shawn whether or not i had any ideas about the continuous and where you had in the thoughts potentially to start fundraising
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immediately. >> thank you, supervisor. thank you for that this is not going to be at the board unless tuesday june 4th that is we'll come back with hanging he's the one getting stuck with the list of all the donors and interested party we'll pride you with that well in advance we know where the people will go and the amendment you can probably make right now happy to have the conversation about evil capital needs either in public right now or later and limiting we can do later or between june 1st, the request can you send this forward without a recommendation and let's work together between now and june figure out if you're not satisfied then what i'm concerned about the committee meets twice a month i don't want to get caught we need
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to start raising money right now and we can skewer all the questions in advance. >> thank you so i think those - i'm not for that those are amendments that need to be made not just getting external commitments but will be made shouldn't take that long so but depending on the nature once we have the list of folks and nuanceed - i don't think that is a ready to move forward to the full board but just to resure you and supervisor stefani calendar that as early as possibly possible i don't think have any intention to slow down
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this. >> (multiple voices). >> when is our next meeting. >> first week of june. >> so i'm going to. >> (multiple voices.) >> and continue the item to the call of chair. >> if we continue it when will that be heard at the board. >> if we have the option at the next meeting of there is some kind of urgency we can calendar that and i don't know what the amendments will be and substantive join the city attorney is ready to write amendments on the fly here in the committee on those he especially for the all the information we need. so but, yeah can either forwarded if there is a urgecy and so won't be heard until june 11th or
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june 18th at the full board. >> june 11th. >> are you committed to sending it to the full board. >> to the call of chair and get the information so we can for the record it. >> i want to see a commitment to get it daughter-in-law it is submitted can we - >> what i'm saying i think there's not lawful argument we need to get information and then discuss what the appropriate if there are appropriate limits on what the waiver extends to. >> i think you're right not a lot of differences hashed them out pretty well and without positive recommendation forward will allow us to do that but and
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yes, but if i want a continuous theirs nothing i can do to stop it that's why i'm - >> thank you, sir. final word. >> yes a question i want to make sure i understand what the motion is through the chair and and continue to you're next meeting and i say continue to the call of chair didn't preclude hearing that at the next meeting but continue to the call of chair and use the material we discussed and work together on an amendment. >> madam clerk on the motion to continue this to the call of chair and supervisor stefani, no. >> excuse me - >> supervisor chan, aye.
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>> chair preston, aye. >> and have two i and with an notice. >> thank you that motion passes. >> madam clerk, call items 4 though 10 for closed session. >> manning and richard manning v. city and county of san francisco; the lawsuit involves an alleged personal injury on a city sidewalk. (city filed on november 15, 2023, the claims involve a refund of gross receipts and commercial rents taxes. (city attorney) >> and let's open up for public comment for the closed session i want public commenter to note my intention not to make a motion but to approve those without the feed for a closed session. that is my members of the public wishing to
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speak should line up by the windows, and all speakers have two minutes to speak. can the first speaker come forward? chair, appears no public comment. >> thank you, public comment is closed. (gavel) >> do we know who is joining us, we have a group of students looks like who is here? >> wonderful. >> welcome, everyone and your capturing the tail end of hearing but welcome to the city hall and government audit & oversight committee would any of you like to move to continue closed session or procedure eloquently that? >> seeing needs i'd like to go ahead and move to forward items 4 through 10 to the full board
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with recommendation. >> on the motion to forward 4 to tone. >> supervisor stefani, aye. >> supervisor chan, aye. >> chair preston, aye. >> i have three i's. >> motion passes. more any further business and no, that completes the agenda. >> thank you we're adjourned [meeting adjourned]
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>> making to may grandkids a program all about pop ups, artists, non profits small business in into vacant downtown throughout the area for a three to 6 months engagement. >> i think san francisco is really bright and i wanted to be a part of it revitalization. >> i'm hillary, the owner of [indiscernible] pizza. vacant and vibrant got into safe downtown we never could have gotten into pre-pandemic. we thought about opening
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downtown but couldn't afford it and a landlord [indiscernible] this was a awesome opportunity for us to get our foot in here. >> the agency is the marriage between a conventional art gallery and fine art agency. i'm victor gonzalez the founder of gcs agency. thes program is especially important for small business because it extended huge life line of resources, but also expertise from the people that have gathered around the vacant to vibrant program. it is allowed small businesses to pop up in spaces that have previously been fully unaccessible or just out of budget. vacant to vibrant was funded by a grant from the office of economic workforce development that was part of the mayor's
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economic recovery budget last year so we funded our non profit partners new deal who managed the process getting folks into these spaces. >> [indiscernible] have been tireless for all of us down here and it has been incredible. certainly never seen the kind of assistance from the city that vacant to vibrant has given us, for sure. >> vacant to ibvooerant is a important program because it just has the opportunity to build excitement what downtown could be. it is change the narrative talking about ground floor vacancy and office vacancy to talking about the amazing network of small scale entrepreneur, [indiscernible] >> this is a huge opportunity that is really happy about because it has given me space to showcase all the work i have
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been doing over the past few years, to have a space i can call my own for a extended period of time has been, i mean, it is incredible. >> big reason why i do this is specific to empower artist. there are a lot of people in san francisco that have really great ideas that have the work ethics, they just don't have those opportunities presented, so this has been huge lifeline i think for entrepreneurs and small businesses. >> this was a great program for us. it has [indiscernible] opening the site. we benefited from it and i think because there is diverse and different [indiscernible] able to be down here that everybody kind of benefits from it.
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>> who doesn't love cable cars? charging emissions and we're free which we're proud of you know, it's not much free left in the world anymore so we managed to do that through donations and through our gift shops. you got a real look and real appreciation of what early transit systems are like. this was the transit of the day from about 1875 to about 1893 or later, you know. cable car museum is free, come on in. take a day. come down. rediscover the city. you can spend as time you want and you don't have to make reservations and it's important to be free because we want them to develop a love for cable cars so they do continue to support whether they
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live here or other places and people come in and say, yes, i have passed by and heard of this and never come in and they always enjoy themselves. people love cable cars and there's none left in the world so if you want to ride a cable car, you've got to come to san francisco. that what makes the city. without the cable cars, you lose part of that, you know, because people who come here and they love it and they love the history ask they can ride a cable car that has been running since 1888 or 1889. wow! that's something. can't do that with other historical museums. rarely, have i run into anybody from outside who didn't come in and didn't feel better from knowing something about the city. it's a true experience you'll remember. i hope they walk away with a greater appreciation for the history, with the mechanics with people are fascinated by the winding machine and i hope the appreciation, which is a part of our mission and these young kids will appreciate cable cars and
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the ones who live here and other places, they can make sure there will always be cable cars in san francisco because once they are gone, they are gone. it's the heartbeat of san francisco that founded the cable and the slot and without the cable cars, yeah, we would lose something in san francisco. we would lose part of its heart and soul. it wouldn't be san francisco without cable cars. [bell ringing]
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[gavel] good morning everybody and welcome to the may 14th meeting of the transportation forward. i'm rafael mandelman. i serve as chair of this board. i want to thank clerk today yvette lopez-jessop. please call the roll.
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>> commissioner chan, chan present. commissioner dorsey, present. engardio, present. vice chair melgar, melgar present. commissioner peskin, present. commissioner presken, presken present. commissioner ronen. ronen absent. commissioner safai. present. commissioner stefani. present. commissioner walton. walton present. we have a quorum. >> r. mandelman: i received a requestel from supervisor roneno be excused. and i'm going to do that and i believe you have a public comment announcement. for members of the public interested in participating in thisar meeting we welcome your attendance here in-person in room 250 city hall or you may watch cable channel 26 or 99 or
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stream live at wat to make comment remotely, dial number and enter the code and press pound and pound again. you will be able is to whrissen to the meeting in realtime. when public comment is called for item you wish to speak on, press *3 to be addedded to queue to speak. do not press *3 again or you will be removed from the queue. the live operator will advise that you have two minutes to speak. when your two minutes are up we'll move on to the next caller. calls are taken in the order they are received. best practices is to speak slowly and clearly. and turn off television or radio around
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comments will be taken first from people in the chaim der and then on the telephone line. >> r. mandelman: before calling going toitem, i'm invoke rule 3.26 to pliment the comments to 30 minutes. i'll give each speaker two minutes on each item. with sta, madam clerk, please call the next item. >> clerk: item 2 community advisory committee report. thisee is an informational item. >> i believe we have kat siegel appearing remotely. >> at our april meeting, the cac voted in support of the allocation of prop l funds for the greenway and prop level a funds for the stop signage
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enhancement program. members were glad to hear that all enhancements will be completed and we're hopeful that the any signage inventory will help with more timely signage updates in response to future service changes. we also adopted a motion of support to program up to 5.2 million in sta county grant funds for paratrance its, bart elevator and treasure island electric ferry service. as in previous meetings, members expressed interest in seeing the bart elevator program expanded and also asked whether the agency had considered bringing the b attendance staff positions in-house. several members had questions on whether committing funds to ferry service at the point make senseak as the vessel has not bn
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procured and the service will not start until 2026. we're happy with staff's explanation. we received a presentation on the preliminary fiscal year 2024/2025 fiscal year. there was significance around sb-1031 particularly on the issue of funds used for highway widening. members asked about highway wide expng other amendments to the bill. there was interest in sb 9 # 5 and general continued interest ines seeing greater local contrl over autonomous vehicle operations. much and i can answer any questions. >> thank you chair siegel. i don't see any comments or questions from colleagues so let's open this item to public comment. if there is anyone in the chamber to speak to us on item 2, please come forward. if not, let's see if we have any
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remote public comment on item 2. >> good morning, chair, there is no public comment. >> all right. public comment on item 2 is closed. again, chair siegel and madam clerk, please call item 3. >> approve the minutes of the april 16th, 2024 and april 2 3-rd and 24th meeting. this is an action item. >> let's open this item to public comment. if there is anyone in the chamber to speak to us on our minutes, please come forward. if not, let's seal if we have any remote public comment on the minutes. >> clerk: no remote public comment on minutes. >> r. mandelman: item 3 moved by dorsey, second by peskin. madam clerk, please kale the roll. >> commissioner chan. >> aye. >> chan. aye. >> commissioner dorsey aye.>>
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commissioner engardio, aye. and chair mandelman. >> aye. >> vice chair melgar. >> aye. >> commissioner peskin.. >> aye. >> peskin aye, commissioner pesten aye. safai aye. stef stefani aye exl walton aye. there are 10 ayes, the motion is approved. >> please call theov next item. >> clerk: item 4, state and federal legislation update. this is an information item. >> and we have mark wats our sacramento advocate joining remotely and amber crabb we have here. >> thank you chair and commissioners for having me here today. staff is not recommending new bills at this time and that's
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largely because the first order ofrd business for deadlines is passed and bills vn to the appropriations committee and that many mark some activity in the coming week or two. just as a reminder in the legislative process, last friday was the release of the governor's main revision. i'm sure you've had plenty of information provided to you on that note.n may 17th this coming friday is the deld line for fiscal committees to actca on any bills that are in their possession. so, as i alluded to, the bill that have been moving along, the policy committees in appropriations that are on suspense will be dealt with either on thursday or friday of this coming week and there is a lot of being tift on potential amendments -- activity on potential amendments to the
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bills at this time. the week of the 20th to the 24th, that will be for-session only and during at that period there will be no committee meetings of standing committee nature. they will be moving bills -- attempting to move bills through the next highways in both cases. that's where we are on the legislative process. in terms of the impact of the governor's budget and i guess i missed announcements today. there maybe a live update on the amount of the deficit in the budget. but it's still in the 70s, they worked on a reduction of the deficit by 17 billion. disb this bill was signed and the may revise was on saturday. the active transportation
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program is receiving another $300 million reduction in 25/26 budget here and 99 million-dollar reduction in 26 vsh 27 year for birls appropriated for active transportation grants. there ista a freeze on transportation programs using general fund money in the last couple of years. i think we'll see that freeze loosen up as we get closer to the june 15th deadline for budget actions. probably the most significant change in the state budget transportation was another half a billion dollars from the general fund that was appropriated having that shifted to the greenhouse gas reduction fund.ed there is aed total of a billion3 be proposed. that does not mean the million is gone but it's shifted out for
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another year. there has been modest moneys that the governor's rind revision proposed. that would conclude my prpks for today and i think we'll be working closely with staff as the suspense files in both houses come beforeis next week or later this week. >> thank you, mr. watts. >> thank you very much. >> good morning chair and commissioners. i'msi going through four bills that currently are on our support or support seeking amendments list. again, as mark noted, we're not going to ask for any change in that position, just providing an update on the many things that happened. first the tremendous autonomous vehicle they're in the committee of origin and they've had
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amendments since last recorded. first is it senate bill 917, previously it wolf required a jurisdiction in advance of starting commercial deployment. that's been changed to more of an opt-in, it requires local jurisdictions to adopt an ordinance governing how abs are deployed. the second -- there are two a assembly bills that we've been actively engaged with the authors. first is sb 1777. that's the most extensive of the three that we're supporting. it addresses a number of different provisions including newdi requirements around interactions with first responders, how enforcement is managed with autonomous vehicleses and dealing with what data needs to be collected in
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order to evaluate and monitor performance. assembly bim -- focuses on data and sinceat we recorded to this committee is last, the assembly member have taken some amendments to align with what we requested be included in the bill ab-1777. for all three bills, a major concern that has been flagged by committee staff is primarily around cost and so, any additional cost to the state in the budget situation is going to be very challenging to move forward.e irw think we're working again wh the assembly authors to try to look for cost reduction measures in language if they get out of the assembly appropriations committee on thursday. so then, fourth on was bill
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1031. in is senator wiener and senator hobs bill for options for authorizing a regional transportation revenue measure including manage 789 provisions. an amended version of the bill would be in print on april 14th and addressed the amendments that we were seeking noted in the board materials. the bill has passed out and is currently in senate appropriations. at the transportation committee there was a term sheet that included amendments that would prohibit mtc for placing amendments on the balance limiting the tax to 30 years and if a sales stacks perceived, limiting it to half a percent. those were appropriate into the bill yesterday and put limits on
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commission funding as well as update the transportation consolidation language to allow them to enhance coordination or consolidate or both. there could be more more flexibility there. we're supportive of any language, however, we're seeking amendment to ensure that transit operators are represented on any government structure on regional committee or body. unfortunately, at the mtc legislation committee on friday, the executive director noted that the status of the bill is extremely careless. basically there are currently more agencies in the reasonable opposing the bill than supporting it can. so, the most significant opposition is coming from the south bay but there are a number
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of other airgt sis concerned with the direction the bill is going. we under if it gets out of the senate, there will be more amendments moving forward in the assembly. we'll continue to be working withng mtc and the two author to support them in crafting a bill that can be supported across the bay area and support doubts and concerns. that ends my report. i'm happy to answer any questions. >> r. mandelman: thank you for that. >> thank you. >> r. mandelman: yes. extremely careless. >> it was very -- >> r. mandelman: jarring 37 that's a good word for it. let veas comment on this item. let's have comment on this item. >> good morning.
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any language starts with simplifying everything. you cannot treat agents with [indiscernible] the script you are reading is full of [indiscernible] you need to understand everything. stop, because it means you don't know what you're doing. you keep going on this [indiscernible] >> r. mandelman: i don't see anyone else in the chamber coming forward. let's see if we have any remote public comment on item 4. >> we have remote public comment. i'm going to the first call now. hi caller, your two minutes begins now. >> hello, this is michael petrellis calling in. i want to speak on the bill
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introduced by matt haney. vehicles, autonomous vehicle incident reporting. i feel this bill is very necessary along with all of the amendments. there isn't enough gathering of incidents and accidents involving these driverless vehicles on the streets of san francisco. i think the companies owning these driverless vehicles have a lot of information not only on accidents but also on usage and how long the rides went, how much money they're maching from the rides. i. think that as you move forwad supporting this matt haney bill, that the supervisors need toll ask for as much information as possible from all of the
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companies with these driverless vehicles on our streets and share that information on the web with the public. it's going to be crucial that will it be easy to find whatever information is gathered and shared. that's what i would like to say today. thank you. >> clerk: thank you caller. moving on to the next caller. hi. hi caller. your two minutes begins now. >> good morning chair mandelman and members of the comiet. you have some good news and not so good news. yesterday morning the appropriation meeting
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[indiscernible] whichal is what you know most bills go to die. hopefully this is not one of them. i would like to bring to your attention that the individual who was behind -- is opposed to is assembly bill 71 has died [indiscernible] thank you. >> clerk: thank you caller. is there is no additional public comment. >> public comment on item 4 is closed. thank you, mr. watts and miss crab. call next item. >> item 5 allocate 140,000 with prop l funds with condition and am kailtd prop aa funds for two
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requests. this isen action item. >> and for this item we have the principal transportation planner. >> i should be able to see my slides now. first prop l request is for $140,000 for design of the golden gate greenway project to reconfigure golden gate avenue to make more room for public space, reconfiguring the wires. them project aims to create a car-like public space with programming and partnership with the tenderloin community. this specific design scope that we're talking about here today would focus on the overhead wire system, coordination of puc, parking and curb changes and parking plans. it's been taken place woilt the
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tenderloin with a number of grieps. and wanting to receive a federal grant for the golden gate greenway project. the prop l would provide future allocation to match that will federal grant. next is a federal fee request to update the signs that have updated customer information. new routes will include information at every rail and rubber tire stop. there willen lanterns at rapid and frequent lines and other locations where possible. they'll be prioritized. the work will be completed citywide line by line except for students to update signage as other priorities arise.
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there is a request form as well as lines being updated and they expect full scope will be completed by december 2027. with that, i can take any questions on this item and we have project managers available 37 thank you, mr. pick ford, commissioner preston. >> thank you chair mandelman and mr. pick ford. i wanted to speak on the golden gate greenway allegation. last year we worked with the ta and community to ensure that we're dedicating prop l funds to move the golden gate greenway project forward. thank you for your support of that initial funding. we later learned as mr. pick forld referenced, we're proud to announce we received funding from the federal safe streets for all grants and that funding is being specifically dedicated
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to reducing golden gate avenue on this block from two lanes of traffic to one and reconfiguring the overhead wires and relocation of fire hydrants and so forth. as excited as we are for the federal money to come in, we know that federal funding comes a little slower and the process can be slower. and requires our on going diligence to facilitate and receive it those funds and get them out the door. this item that's beforeis in the interim really reflects collaboration from our office to ta and the mta and community to secure funds through prop l for this design phase for the golden gate greenway that's been described and the funds will support a site survey which will inform the design and help
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prioritize long term capital changes that are envisioned for the area. i appreciate the collaboration your office is in touch with mta every other week to emphasize the you are jen jensy. they're tired of hearing from us but we keep reminding everyone the urgent need to move forward on this. in particular, i want to thank kimberly and tanya from mta and thank you anna and mike pick ford for all their work with our office and the community to ensure that these funds are dedicated and i would be remiss not to mention the strong support from the cac for the golden gate greenway. this will remain a pop priority from our office to do everything possible to expedite and make the vision of the golden gate a
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reality in the heart of the tenderloin where we need pedestrian-friendly green space. so i want to thank you and urge support for this allocation today. thank you. >> r. mandelman: thank you commissioner preston. it's open for comment on this item and see if there is anyone in the chamber. >> is this project about following the vision zero? it means what you're talking about? you doesn't know? you have no vision. so go ahead. when are you going to understand that you're going to destroy this with your lack of vision. there is no zero [indiscernible] >> r. mandelman: next speaker.
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>> thank you all and i'm happy to speak that vision. i'm the project manager for the golden gate greenway here on behalf of st. anthonys that is spearheading the project. the golden gate greenway continues to be a fair community vision. outline the 100 block of golden gate and that includes four children and youth service organizations st. bon fast and st. anthonys delivering support of services on block. residents and workers in the neighborhood voted to advance phase 1 of this project. through the tenderloin community action plan in 2022 and the project continues to enjoy broad community support. st. anthonys spearheads this and we're dedicated too a community led process and transparency at all stages. i'm here to thank you for your support of this $140,000 in
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funding becauses it allows the detailed scoping of phase 2 as well as the road survey so we can take it back to community? keep them as collaborative partners and anticipating the changes that are going to happen on road we share and identifying future necessary funding to ensure that the kids play safe. this is all in-service to provide a safe and shared roadway in a neighborhood that needs it. that needs a consistent community call for open space for our residents and a safe play space for the children that already live in the tenderloin. i want to thank you for your support of this item and supervisor preston mta for continuing to work with us to make sure this is a project that hoadle to all the problems in the tenderloin.
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>> r. mandelman: let's see if we have row moat comment. >> clerk: going to the caller. your two minutes begins now. >> this is michael petrellis again. would i like to speak about what is on page 4 of the aa allocations under the project description for transit category. i see it calls for funds to be spent on installation updated and upgrade signage at meeting stops. there is one stop i'm interested in that is the f-car turn around at jane warner plaza. unfortunately this plaza is in
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deplorable condition. this has not had a shelter for more than two years. there is no signage in gin warner plaza where jsh jane warner plaza where the f-car tirns around. there is no signage indicating when the f-car departs to head downtown towards fisherman's whatever. what are of. fisherman's wharf. i would like to make sure signage is put up at the f-car turn around. it's now pride cease and then we have thousands of guests coming from the castro and that is also where they depart from the castro. i think our tourist friends deserve as much signage as possible to fund muni at the
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f-car turn around at jane warner plaza. i believe that jane warner herself would endorse what i'm calling for. thank you. >> next caller. there is no additional public comment. >> r. mandelman: public comment on item 5 is closed. thank you, again, mr. pick ford although we'll hear from you in a minute. commissioner preston, would you like to move approval? is there a second? seconded by ronen. and i think we need to call the roll on this. >> clerk: on the motion to approve item 5, commissioner chan. chan absent. commissioner dorsey, aye, commissioner engardio, aye. chair mandelman, aye.
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melgar aye. commissioner preston aye. commissioner ronen aye. commissioner safai, aye, commissioner stefani, aye. there are 10 ayes and the motion is is approved. >> thank you madam clerk. next item. >> item 6 programming priers of prierlts for 5,295 in fiscal year 24/25 state transit assistance county block grant funds. this is an action item. >> mr. pick ford. >> hello again. in 2018, the metropolitan transportation commission established the county block grant program to be administered by congestion management agencies. these funds were previously distributed through the paratransit program and lifeline transit program.
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revenues come from a state sales tax on diesel fuel which is volatile and only transit operators can receive the funds. this is one of the few funds where the transportation authority will support programs for a capital program. this year mtc estimates we'll have up to $5.3 million in funds. mrks tc has advised us to program 95% of the expected revenues to 100 percent if the revenues come in. we're recommending three projects. the paratransit program, bart's elevator program and ferry service. consistent with past programming cycles, we recommend $3.3 million to the paratransit
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services for people with disabilities in compliance with the american disabilitiesability and funds the shop around and go shuttles and the trip card. these programs are critical to persons with disabilities. they're recommended amount will complement sales tax funding programmed. we also recommend programming up to $357,000 for bart's elevator attendant program in the current fiscal year and next fiscal year to provide for increases. this will provide monitoring of each bart and muni stations. the attendance help improve ak sessability for those who rely on elevators. they discourage undesirable behaviors and include cleanliness and reduce maintenance costs.
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the program supports economic recovery downtown and encourages people to take transit. we funded this since 2019 and bawrtd contributes equally to the program. in may 2023 the funds for current fiscal year and next fiscal year 23/24, and 24/25 however costs are higher than expected as well as equipment for uniforms and radios. with the volatility of the revenues, it's possible that the cycle will reduce the need for the recommended funds is we won't know the final amount until fall of 2024, but revenues are coming in slightly higher than the 95% level. bart will increase training and oversight of the program and will provide detailed quarterly reporting on expenditures. finally we're recommending about
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$1.4 million up to 1.68 million if the revenues come in high enough as seed money towards the first public electric ferry operations for the new treasure island fer which service. fully electric service will benefit the island by reducing the emissions. ferry service will support the expect increase in population from 2,000 to more than 20,000 residents. 27% of them will be affordable. the any vessel will meet the zero omissions requirements and this service has been a central part of plans since 2011. with that. i can take any questions. >> thank you, mr. pick ford.
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commissioner dorsey. >> thank you. i did warrant to expression my appreciation. i think my district will benefit from all of these but in particular, i wanted to express my gratitude to the state tax expairs to the state policymakers on the securing funding for the treasure island service. as you mentioned, taking the poll flaition 2,000 -- population from 2,000 to 20,000 is going to raise the stakes on managing congestion. i think this ferry service is something if we can make sure it is it fast, clean and safe. that is something that is going to enable us to manage the congestion there. i think it's going to create a great local destination that people will go out to treasure
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island to have lunch for a ferry ride ask great time. thairchg so much and i'm looking forward to it. >> thank you commissioner dorsey and thank you, mr. pick toward. forward. >> we don't need you to demonstrate. now you want to mix electric and water. this is another -- the number of dollars you put here which is so [indiscernible] if you were counting each dollar, don't you care about not spending one more dollar of the taxpayer's money? you think we take this crap? i don't. you better not any more.
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>> r. mandelman: do we have any remote comments on item 6? >> yes, going to the caller now. hello caller, you have two minutes beginning now. >> hello. this is michael petrellis again. it's terrific that is there is remote public comment allowed at this committee. i wish we had remote public comment for all meetings at city hall especially board of supervisor meetings. regarding -9d elt vaitder tean attendant program, i think it's -- regarding elevator attendant program, i think it's appalling that it doesn't include a bart stop. there is a tremendous need for an elevator attendant at 16th and mission treat and i would like for you to consider
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amending how the money will be spent to include allocating funds to higher an tan dant at 16th and mission -- attendant at mission and 167th street. you need to install way-finding signage at 16th and mission so people know how to find the elevator and have it located there. regarding an attendant program, i'm asking you to expand your vision to include an attendant at jane warner plaza. it is so necessary that our tourist friends who come to jane warner plaza to visit the castro neighborhood be able to talk to an attendant on when the next s-car departs to go downtown.
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i see many reasons why there should be an attendant from muni to help riders navigate using the f-car. thank you. >> thank you, caller. there is no additional public comment on this item. >> public comment on item 6 is closed. commissioner dorsey, would you like to move approval? is there a second? seconded by presken. >> clerk: on the motion a proffer item 6, commissioner chan. chan aye. commissioner dorsey, dorsey aye commissioner engardio, aye. commissioner manld han, aye vice chair melgar. >> aye. >> peskin, aye, preston aye. commissioner ronen, ronen aye
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and safai, aye, commissioner stefan itching aye. there are 11 ayes and the motion is approved. >> r. mandelman: great. thank you and please call our next item. >> clerk: item 7 preliminary fiscal year 2024/25 budget and work program. this is an information item. >> r. mandelman: and i think we have lily yu our finance manager and i think director chan may be adding in. maybe not. >> good morning chair mandelman and commissioner. i'm lily yu. i'm here to present the preliminary annual budget for 24/25. this is an informational item and we'll return next month to
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seek approval for the adoption of our fiscal year 24/25 budget and work program. i'll present the figures and our executive director will present the program. this expando pandz from july first to june 30th each year. we function as the congestion management agency for san francisco. we administer the 10-dollar vehicle registration fee and the traffic congestion tax. we also act a the local program manager for the transportation fund for clean air and operate as the mobility management agency for timma. sales tax revenues are our largest revenue source representing 66% of total budgeted revenues. this slide shows how much we collected in sales tax over the
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last eight years with budgeted information for fiscal year 24 and 25. based on receipts collected through february 2024, we're on track to meet our revenues budgeted of 106.2 million. for the p coming fiscal yore we hold revenues steady with a modest increase of 2.5 million up to $108 million. the 2% increase is mainly due to inflation and looking back at our recent fiscal year 2020 and 2021 were the years most heavily impacted by the pandemic. fiscal year 2022 and 2023 were main years of pandemic recovery and now we're projecting returning to more normal growth levels offer two to three percent. the return to workplace business travel and international travel all have been returning slower than anticipated. our projections are similar to
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the controller's office five-year budget outlook published in late march 2024. this slide shows the budgetary estimates in gray columns and 2025 budget in blue. total revenues are budgeted to increase by an estimated $4.5 million compared to fiscal year 2024 and increase is attributed to sales tax revenues and program revenues. vehicle registration fees are projected to decrease slightly by $100,000 to 4.5 million and decline in revenue is due to having fewer vehicles registered in san francisco and that is consistent with declining population trends that we've seen during and following the pandemic. the traffic congestion tax revenues are projected to be
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$8.5 million and same level at the fiscal year 2024. this estimate is aligned with the city's most recent estimate for this fund source. or program revenues are budgeted at $70 million and these revenues are mostly project specific under our role as the san francisco congestion management agency. these include federal, state and grant funding for projects such as yerba buena projects. it's expected to increase by $3 million and increase regional funding for the various yerba island projects. total spen deur are projected to be $22,066,000. this is sab increase of $16.7 million. capital project costs are $228
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million. most of these are awarded to grants such as sfmta. costs are budgeted to increase by 13 million-dollar and due to the program, capital expenditures related to the yerba buena suite of projects mentioned earlier. administrative costs are personnel and non-personnel expenditures. we're at similar levels including salaries, legal and it expenditures. we're including a budget of 42 full-time positions to support the program. we're budgeting a debt service cost of $25 million and this is an increase from our fiscal year 2024 amended budget.
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by $3.2 million. this includes fees and interest payments related to the credit lone agreement as low as scheduled bond principle payment of $15 million. current reinvolving loan agreement will expire in october of 2024 and considering entering into a new short term borrowing facility. we pailt the need to draw down $65 million on our resolving credit agreement this year to be able to fund our expenditures. we have a total of $125 million loan agreement to support our borrowing program and we'll continue to monitor capital spending closely in the up coming fiscal year and seek your approval when we need to draw down. next few slides provide further break down of our capital project. expenditure budget, prop aa and cma funds.
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the primary drivers for the capital expenditures for fiscal year 2025 include rehabilitation and equipment projects. light rail vehicle procurements. paratransit and fair gates. fare gates. we have the good repair initiative and the downtown rail extension projects. next, the largest capital projects expenditures budgeted in the vehicle registration fee program include renovation projects for payment -- pavements. there will be mission and geneva, 23rd streement and so forth. the largest expenditures include the projects mentioned earlier.
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the bridges project, hillcrest road project and pier e-2 projects. the pass project is advancing into the design safe. now i'll passion the presentation to the executive director to go over the work program. >> good morning commissioner. i appreciate your support throughout the year and the guidance of you and your staff particularly for the transportation. our work program begins with planning efertle led by understanding the situation that we see our efforts in post pandemic a couple of years. that begins with travel surveys, um dating the model and understanding the travel trends. that is something that we'll try to answer as to what is driving up the traffic downtown even as we see hybrid work patterns and
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high vacancy rates. we'll follow up with a citywide look beyond downtown as well. planning will largely focus on the update which will keep pace with the high focus on transit policy everything from funding to network management reforms. we'll focus heavily on the westside in other agencies particularly for the westside planning study we plan toe bring before you next month and the gerry study underway. a few other studies will continue threwing the brotherhood way and studies. we'll foi cuss on completing a -- we'll focus on efforts in conjunction with sphm ta sfmta e
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study for district 5 with the western edition and commissioner preston's office. phase 3 will focus on non-downtown locations where the first two phases focused in the downtown area and we'll continue to implement other previously approved enabled studies such as 5, 6 and 7 and we'll anticipate the new neighborhood plans in districts 9 and 7 for the listed projects here. our travel data and thanls team in addition to updating and our model is doing some work with the autonomous vehicle standards and performance safety analysis study and providing input to the policy work that our policy team is advancing. on funding, the team is preparing the last group of
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proposition l five-year program in partnership with sponsor. hopefully we'll wrap those up by the end of this fiscal year and some of that will turn into active implementation of the five-year programs including the programming of this whole other row of programs we work on through the years. prop aa and tax. we work with the potential revenue measure in 2026 or beyond as well as a host of financing strategies for the major capital projects and coordinating our debt strategy with sponsors. you've heard we're heavily involved in the bridges and hillcrest lamp projects and working with the neighborhoods on specific projects such as the
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southbound off ramp and other projects in that vicinity. and we're helping to advance the larger treasure island mobility management program through timma. major partner support is happening with the portal downtown rail extension and muni's large program whrm it's state of good repair or mod rngization vehicles, facilities and the like. and then for bart. we have early money on the gear gates, he will drash fare gates and escalators and train control and vehicles. we'll continue reporting and provide excellent financial reporting and also provide the debt strategy report for sponsors including perhaps utilizing the revolver loan that we anticipate over the summer as well as renewing is that facility later this year.
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and with that, we want to thank you so much for support for the office space. we're delighted to be able to stay in our building and appreciate the city coming together on allowing that to happen. thank you again for your support and to our sponsors and partners and incredible staff at the ta for their work year and year out. with that, i'm happy to take questions. >> r. mandelman: i think you have a next steps slide too. maybe. maybe not. >> thank you. wow! i forgot to mention that we'll bring this item to our community advisory committee and back to you on an action item in june. for now, this is the perfect time to take any guidance and seek your support. thank you. >> r. mandelman: that's a comprehensive list of things to work on and we're grateful for you and your teams being able to keep your eyes on many balls at
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the same time. with that, not seeing any other comments or questions, let's open this item to public comment. >> i haven't recovered from the pandemic because that's what it was. so now, anyone who thought [indiscernible] to benefit from it by bearing all these things, you have something coming. just [indiscernible] i noticed that you to be happy. understanding that this is it. we create a new system of education here in san francisco can. so, [indiscernible]
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>> r. mandelman: next speaker. >> good morning. my name is harry. a few years ago i was walking across jane warner plaza and saw a person speaking. he told me he was a volunteer called castro ambassadors and gave me the contact information. i signed up and have been participating in this group since june 2nd, 2012. it's been one of my gatest honors as a gay resident in san francisco to welcome people to the castro neighborhood. i welcome on each of my weekly three-hour shifts an average of 40 to 60 visitors from all corners of the world as they deboard the f-line streetcar. for many years jane warner plaza is deteriorating and seemingly
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ignored if i the sfmta and those that incur financing for harvey milk plaza only a few feet away. these are the book ends to the gateway of the castro. i believe that harvey milk would find a way to include jane warner plaza in the revitalization endeavor of that intersection. please find it in your hearts and minds and politics so revitalize jane warner plaza. thank you. >> r. mandelman: i don't see any other public comment in the chamber. let's see if we have remote public comment on this item. >> we do. hi caller, your two minutes begins now. >> hello, this is michael
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petrellis again. thank you harry for your comments. i hope that the supervisors are listening to what you said, harry, about jane warner plaza. now, regarding this item on page 20 of the preliminary budget, there is discussion about transparency and accountability. and there is nothing in the two pages about transparency and accountability calling on the agency to meet with the public. there is discussion here about growing your on line influence with instagram and facebook and twitter. that's all good, but there is nothing here requiring the bureaucrats to meet with the public. in open forums. where we the taxpayers get to
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engage with the bureaucrats directly to ask our questions. and to hear back from the bureaucrats about how our concerns will be addressed. we recently talked with a fantasy plan on jane warner plaza. there want a sing many public meeting where we the people could attend to listen to the fantasy clans will jane warner plaza. it was disrespectful that william boakly from dpw did not see fit to hold any open meeting with the public. and i ask as you go forward with this budget plan that you require the bureaucrats to meet with the public in open meetings. thank. >> thank you, caller.
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there is no additional public comment. machine mnd thank you. public comments on item 6 is closed and -- >> r. mandelman: thank you, public comments on item 7 is closed and we'll look forward to continue to watch the budget evolve. with that, madam clerk, please call our nks item. next item. >> item 8, this is an information item. >> r. mandelman: please call the next item. >> clerk: item 9, public comment. >> general public comment. anyone in the chamber would like to come up and talk to us? if not, lit's see if we have any remote public comment under item 79. 9 approximately calling number
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one, your two minutes begins now. >> thank you. i would like to follow-up on the comments i made earlier about the retirement and the individual responsibility for senate bill 1031 and remind you that this was responsible for the termination ofl the annual 2000 contribution to our caltrain operations after the passage of measure rr. this action triggers a withdrawal of contributions from the san francisco and san mateo partners which resulted in a combining effect of $15 million [indiscernible]
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including i hope that [indiscernible] would come to reaching out to his peers on the caltrain about operating cost sharing by the partners. preferably by the time the caltrain budget is presented by the finance committee on may 20th. thank you. >> clerk: thank you, caller. going to the next caller. hello caller, your two minutes begins now. >> hello. this is michael petrellis again. i'm speaking about the jane warner plaza. i wish to make everyone aware that this sunday for harvey milk day, i will be at the plaza with
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my bullhorn to demand that the potholes at jane warner plaza be patched up. we've waited too long for the sfmta to patch up the dangerous potholes at jane warner plaza and the only way this will be addressed is through my use of a bullhorn this sunday for harvey milk's birthday. i think harvey would be screaming about the dangerous conditions at jane warner plaza. the transportation authority wasted $100,000 on the fantasy plan on what to do with jane warner plaza. unfortunately, the man responsible for creating this plan, william buckley, held not a single meeting with the public. when he issued his plan, the public was not allowed to hear it directly. we have not been allowed to
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publicly question him or anyone related to this plan. we really need the potholes patched up at jane warner plaza because it endangers all pedestrians. finally, pride season is beginning. jane warner plaza is an embarrassment to all gays coming to the castro, getting off the f-car and the gateway to the castro at jane warner plaza is filthy. there are so many things that need to be cleaned up with that plaza, it is why i will be screaming through a bullhorn on sunday to demand action at this plaza. thank you. >> thank you, caller. there will are no additional public comments. >> r. mandelman: public comments on item 9 is closed.
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>> clerk: item 10, adjournment. >> r. mandelman: we are adjourned. [gavel]television. >> (music).
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>> we're going to show you how to pay for parking with the smart phone app the quickest way to pay for parking you'll download did app in the apple and google play store and on the app and enter our name and phone number and make sure to verify your account to use the app and net check the overhead signs and type that zone number in the location and then choose how long you want to park for and for the duration and finally confirming this and make the payment that is a combination many parking control officers need and if you need to extend
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our parking time on the app and select the option and select the time and make the payment. >> for for whatever reason the connection call 866 to pay by phone and enter our number or press one to register. emergency our pin the last four digits of our credit card number and number of the minutes you want to park. alter the end of call will confirm everything if you're a new users call (856) 490-7275 and the walk you through will walk through it you'll enter the zone number and
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see parking time. and finally there are for refunds. that's it the information will only be saved for the direct your attention of our parking time and it is by the pay by phone is simple check our other parking zone number and thanks for
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>> good morning. the meeting will come to order welcome to the may 15 meetings of budget and appropriation committee i'm supervisor connie chan chair i'm joined by supervisor mefwar and walon short low by mandelman and president supervisor peskin. our clerk is brent jalipa. i would like to thank sfgovtv for broadcasting the meeting. >> a reminder for those in attendance silence phones and electronics to