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tv   Treasure Island Mobility Management Agency Board  SFGTV  May 18, 2024 8:30pm-8:46pm PDT

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[gavel] >> m. dorsey: good morming this is the may 14th, 2024 meeting of the timma board. i am matt dorsey and i serve as chair of the timma board. vice chair is rafael mandelman. thank you to sfgovtv for broadcasting today's meeting today. our clerk today s yvette i wouldje like to excuse commissioner ronan who is not able to join us today and i'm informed that commissioner stephanie is late but joining us sortly. >> clerk: good morning. commissioner chang. chang absent. chair dorsey.
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>> present. >> commissioner guardio. absent. vice chair mandelman. mandelman present. commissioner melgar, melgar present. commissioner peskin. present. commissioner roan -- i'm sorry, she is excused. commissioner spheen. absent. commissioner stephanie is commissioner walton. walton present. chair, we have a quorum. >> thank you madam clerk. i believe you have a public comment announcement. >> for members of the public interested in participating if thisti meeting, we welcome your attendance here in-person in room 250 at city hall or you may watch cable channel 26 or # 9 or stream live at
8:32 pm for remote, dial (415)655-0001 and enter code 26606760220 then press pound and pound again. you will bega able to listen to the meeting in realtime. when public comment called for the item you wish to speak on, press *3 to be added to the queue to speak. do not press *3 again or you willr be removed from the queu. when your line is unmuted, operator will advise you that you have two minutes to speak. calls will be taken in the order inrd which they were received. best practices are to speak slowly, clearly and turn down the volume of any television or radios around you. public comnt will be taken first from the members of the public
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in the agenda in the legislative chamber and afterwards from the remote speaker's queue on the telephone line. thank you. >> m. dorsey: before calling the next item, as chair i want to invoke rules 3326 to limit public comment per item for 30 minute for today's meeting. each speaker will have two minutes to speak. >> clerk: this is an information item. >> m. dorsey: i want to begin this m month for appreciation to all ofn you for passing the treasure island development agreement amendments to allow us to maintain the momentum we're seeing with housing on the island. that will facilitate new housing as well as open space such as park opened on the island we celebrated this last weekend. our transportation program is
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supporting all the growth on the island in multitude of ways from the roadways to planning for increased ferry, shuttle and bikend services for treasure island. f earlier this year timma staff joined on open house to discuss all the transportation plans for the islands. this was around the same time as the loop shuttle pilot which ran for about four months on treasure island. thank you to alisa, the project manager for that and the executive director for leading that work. i look forward to hearing more about what we learned in the evaluation next month and with that, i conclude my remarks. any questions or comments from colleagues? seeing none, is there anyone in chamber who wishes to comment on item 2? operators, any remote comment?
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>> checking for remote public comment. there is no >> m. dorsey: thank you operator, the public comment on this itemn is now closed. >> clerk: item 3, executive districter's report. this isor an information qut. >> good morming chair dorsey and commissionerses. i'll pleasedsi to provide a shot update.rt the workshop we held with the treasure island community earlier this year as well as the loop which we'll be presenting to you next month. meanwhile, what we've been working on primarily is fuming applications. in april, we submitted a $44 million grant for congestion relief program for broad implementation of the mobility management program with treasure islandre as our partner. we've been partnering to apply for the environmental protection
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agency exchange program for $19.5 million to implement the priority actions from last year's neighborhood transportation plan for t.i., the sub elemental transportation study that the t community workd hashed on. in addition, weave he been partnering with the metropolitan transportation with the yerba island pass with phase 1 and that's a $40 million request for the solutions for congestion corridor's program which is a state program as well as $25 million for the active transportation program again at the state level. we're excited and grateful to our partners and hope to have good news to you about their outcomes. i note that this week, the 2550 ferry system was approved which
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is planned to start electric service in 2026 pending final funding plans that we're working on. w as w well, the service vision includes service to mission bay and san francisco's southern waterfront as well as other points such as south san francisco and beyond. we're excited for that plan to take shape. in addition, in parallel, our capital project team is working on the ferry terminal enhancement that we received permits last year and we're working with caltrans for final funding and initiate progress for this fall. holmes and his team have been completing a water line relocation on yerba buena island and we're excited to deliver
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that project. i'm happy to take questions. >> m. dorsey: thank you director chang. i don't see nep on roster for questions. we'll open this up for public comment. is therere anyone in the chamber who wishes to comment on this item? operator, any remote public comment on this item? >> yes, going to the caller now. hi caller, your two minutes begin >> [indiscernible] thank you for opportunity. i have a quick question about the pilot project. we received a $2 million grant for the nine month project. [indiscernible] the question is whrl we have the ability soon
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where we have $1 million left to rezoom the pilot at a later date? the answer will be provided in next month's report. thank you. >> thank you, caller. >> there is no additional public comment. operator and public comment on this item is now closed and i appreciate the question. i think for next month's report we'll m work on getting an answr for that. >> clerk: item 4 approve the minute for the january 29th meeting. this is an action y item. >> any questions or comments? seeing noab on the roster anyone in the chamber? seeing none. any remote public comment on this item? >> there is no remote public comment. >> public comment is now close. can we have a motion and a
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second on item 4. motion by commission consider mandelman and seconded by commissioner preston. clerk, can we have a roll call. >> commissioner chen. commissioner chen is absent. dorsey. >> aye. >> engourdeau. absent. vice chair manld map. mandelman aye. melgar, aye. peskin. >> aye. >> commissioner preston. preston aye. commissioner roan -- i'm sorry, she's excused. commissioner sa fine is absent. commissioner watson. aye. walton aye. we have six ayes and the motion ask approved.
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>> thankro you madam clerk. >> the next item is item number 5, amend the adopted fiscal 2023/2024 budget to increase revenues. decrease expenditures by 7,975 and increase other financing sources by 51,974. this is an action item. >> m. dorsey: items 5 and 6 were herd at the timma committee last month. staff ismo not planning to mac a presentation today but can do so if requested as well as answer any questions if any of my colleagues have any. are there any questions or comments on item number 5? seeing no one on roster, since we took public comment at committee, we do not need to do so again. al many and we do not need a motion. roll calll on item 5.
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>> clerk: commissioner chen. chen ant. chair dorsey. >> aye. >> commissioner engardio. enguard yes absent. vice chair mandelman. aye. commissioner melgar. aye. commissioner peskin. >> aye. >> peskin, aye. commissioner preston, preston aye. commissioner safie. absent. commissioner stephanie. stephanie aye. commissioner walton. walton aye. there are seven ayes and the item las final approval. >> m. dorsey: thank you madam clerk. please call next item. >> item 6 final approval for adoption of local assistance procedure manual 10. this is an action item. >> i'll ask if there are any
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questions or comments on item number 6. seeing non-on the roster. as previously we took public comment at committee and don't need to't do so again and we dot need a motion. can roll call please. on item number 6. same house, same call. [gavel] okay. and madam clerk, next item. >> clerk: item 7 is introduction of new items. this is an information item. >> m. dorsey: thank you madam clerk. i'm not seeing on the roster with new items. can you please call the next item. >> clerk: number 8. public comment.>> >> m. dorsey: is there anyone in the chamber who wishes to make general public comment today? seeing no one, operator, is
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there anyone o remotely who woud like to make public comment? >> schair, there is no remote public comment. >> public comment on this item is now closed. madam clerk, please call the next item. >> item 9 adjournment. >> thank you madam clerk. please stay with us for the next meeting after this meeting. this meeting of timma is now adjourned.
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[gavel] good morning everybody and welcome to the may 14th meeting of the transportation forward. i'm rafael mandelman. i serve as chair of this board. i want to thank clerk today yvette lopez-jessop. please call the roll. >> commissioner chan, chan present. commissioner dorsey, present. engardio, present. vice chair melgar, melgar present. commissioner