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tv   Transportation Authority Board  SFGTV  May 18, 2024 8:45pm-10:01pm PDT

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[gavel] good morning everybody and welcome to the may 14th meeting of the transportation forward. i'm rafael mandelman. i serve as chair of this board. i want to thank clerk today yvette lopez-jessop. please call the roll. >> commissioner chan, chan present. commissioner dorsey, present. engardio, present. vice chair melgar, melgar present. commissioner peskin, present.
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commissioner presken, presken present. commissioner ronen. ronen absent. commissioner safai. present. commissioner stefani. present. commissioner walton. walton present. we have a quorum. >> r. mandelman: i received a requestel from supervisor roneno be excused. and i'm going to do that and i believe you have a public comment announcement. for members of the public interested in participating in thisar meeting we welcome your attendance here in-person in room 250 city hall or you may watch cable channel 26 or 99 or stream live at wat to make comment remotely, dial
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number and enter the code and press pound and pound again. you will be able is to whrissen to the meeting in realtime. when public comment is called for item you wish to speak on, press *3 to be addedded to queue to speak. do not press *3 again or you will be removed from the queue. the live operator will advise that you have two minutes to speak. when your two minutes are up we'll move on to the next caller. calls are taken in the order they are received. best practices is to speak slowly and clearly. and turn off television or radio around comments will be taken first from people in the chaim der and then on the telephone line. >> r. mandelman: before calling going toitem, i'm invoke rule 3.26 to pliment the
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comments to 30 minutes. i'll give each speaker two minutes on each item. with sta, madam clerk, please call the next item. >> clerk: item 2 community advisory committee report. thisee is an informational item. >> i believe we have kat siegel appearing remotely. >> at our april meeting, the cac voted in support of the allocation of prop l funds for the greenway and prop level a funds for the stop signage enhancement program. members were glad to hear that all enhancements will be completed and we're hopeful that the any signage inventory will
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help with more timely signage updates in response to future service changes. we also adopted a motion of support to program up to 5.2 million in sta county grant funds for paratrance its, bart elevator and treasure island electric ferry service. as in previous meetings, members expressed interest in seeing the bart elevator program expanded and also asked whether the agency had considered bringing the b attendance staff positions in-house. several members had questions on whether committing funds to ferry service at the point make senseak as the vessel has not bn procured and the service will not start until 2026. we're happy with staff's explanation. we received a presentation on the preliminary fiscal year
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2024/2025 fiscal year. there was significance around sb-1031 particularly on the issue of funds used for highway widening. members asked about highway wide expng other amendments to the bill. there was interest in sb 9 # 5 and general continued interest ines seeing greater local contrl over autonomous vehicle operations. much and i can answer any questions. >> thank you chair siegel. i don't see any comments or questions from colleagues so let's open this item to public comment. if there is anyone in the chamber to speak to us on item 2, please come forward. if not, let's see if we have any remote public comment on item 2. >> good morning, chair, there is no public comment. >> all right. public comment on item 2 is closed. again, chair siegel and madam clerk, please call item 3.
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>> approve the minutes of the april 16th, 2024 and april 2 3-rd and 24th meeting. this is an action item. >> let's open this item to public comment. if there is anyone in the chamber to speak to us on our minutes, please come forward. if not, let's seal if we have any remote public comment on the minutes. >> clerk: no remote public comment on minutes. >> r. mandelman: item 3 moved by dorsey, second by peskin. madam clerk, please kale the roll. >> commissioner chan. >> aye. >> chan. aye. >> commissioner dorsey aye.>> commissioner engardio, aye. and chair mandelman. >> aye. >> vice chair melgar. >> aye. >> commissioner peskin.. >> aye. >> peskin aye, commissioner pesten aye.
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safai aye. stef stefani aye exl walton aye. there are 10 ayes, the motion is approved. >> please call theov next item. >> clerk: item 4, state and federal legislation update. this is an information item. >> and we have mark wats our sacramento advocate joining remotely and amber crabb we have here. >> thank you chair and commissioners for having me here today. staff is not recommending new bills at this time and that's largely because the first order ofrd business for deadlines is passed and bills vn to the appropriations committee and that many mark some activity in the coming week or two. just as a reminder in the
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legislative process, last friday was the release of the governor's main revision. i'm sure you've had plenty of information provided to you on that note.n may 17th this coming friday is the deld line for fiscal committees to actca on any bills that are in their possession. so, as i alluded to, the bill that have been moving along, the policy committees in appropriations that are on suspense will be dealt with either on thursday or friday of this coming week and there is a lot of being tift on potential amendments -- activity on potential amendments to the bills at this time. the week of the 20th to the 24th, that will be for-session only and during at that period there will be no committee meetings of standing committee nature. they will be moving bills -- attempting to move bills through
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the next highways in both cases. that's where we are on the legislative process. in terms of the impact of the governor's budget and i guess i missed announcements today. there maybe a live update on the amount of the deficit in the budget. but it's still in the 70s, they worked on a reduction of the deficit by 17 billion. disb this bill was signed and the may revise was on saturday. the active transportation program is receiving another $300 million reduction in 25/26 budget here and 99 million-dollar reduction in 26 vsh 27 year for birls appropriated for active
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transportation grants. there ista a freeze on transportation programs using general fund money in the last couple of years. i think we'll see that freeze loosen up as we get closer to the june 15th deadline for budget actions. probably the most significant change in the state budget transportation was another half a billion dollars from the general fund that was appropriated having that shifted to the greenhouse gas reduction fund.ed there is aed total of a billion3 be proposed. that does not mean the million is gone but it's shifted out for another year. there has been modest moneys that the governor's rind revision proposed. that would conclude my prpks for today and i think we'll be working closely with staff as
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the suspense files in both houses come beforeis next week or later this week. >> thank you, mr. watts. >> thank you very much. >> good morning chair and commissioners. i'msi going through four bills that currently are on our support or support seeking amendments list. again, as mark noted, we're not going to ask for any change in that position, just providing an update on the many things that happened. first the tremendous autonomous vehicle they're in the committee of origin and they've had amendments since last recorded. first is it senate bill 917, previously it wolf required a jurisdiction in advance of starting commercial deployment.
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that's been changed to more of an opt-in, it requires local jurisdictions to adopt an ordinance governing how abs are deployed. the second -- there are two a assembly bills that we've been actively engaged with the authors. first is sb 1777. that's the most extensive of the three that we're supporting. it addresses a number of different provisions including newdi requirements around interactions with first responders, how enforcement is managed with autonomous vehicleses and dealing with what data needs to be collected in order to evaluate and monitor performance. assembly bim -- focuses on data and sinceat we recorded to this committee is last, the assembly member have taken some
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amendments to align with what we requested be included in the bill ab-1777. for all three bills, a major concern that has been flagged by committee staff is primarily around cost and so, any additional cost to the state in the budget situation is going to be very challenging to move forward.e irw think we're working again wh the assembly authors to try to look for cost reduction measures in language if they get out of the assembly appropriations committee on thursday. so then, fourth on was bill 1031. in is senator wiener and senator hobs bill for options for authorizing a regional transportation revenue measure including manage 789 provisions.
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an amended version of the bill would be in print on april 14th and addressed the amendments that we were seeking noted in the board materials. the bill has passed out and is currently in senate appropriations. at the transportation committee there was a term sheet that included amendments that would prohibit mtc for placing amendments on the balance limiting the tax to 30 years and if a sales stacks perceived, limiting it to half a percent. those were appropriate into the bill yesterday and put limits on commission funding as well as update the transportation consolidation language to allow them to enhance coordination or consolidate or both. there could be more more
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flexibility there. we're supportive of any language, however, we're seeking amendment to ensure that transit operators are represented on any government structure on regional committee or body. unfortunately, at the mtc legislation committee on friday, the executive director noted that the status of the bill is extremely careless. basically there are currently more agencies in the reasonable opposing the bill than supporting it can. so, the most significant opposition is coming from the south bay but there are a number of other airgt sis concerned with the direction the bill is going. we under if it gets out of the senate, there will be more amendments moving forward in the assembly. we'll continue to be working withng mtc and the two author to
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support them in crafting a bill that can be supported across the bay area and support doubts and concerns. that ends my report. i'm happy to answer any questions. >> r. mandelman: thank you for that. >> thank you. >> r. mandelman: yes. extremely careless. >> it was very -- >> r. mandelman: jarring 37 that's a good word for it. let veas comment on this item. let's have comment on this item. >> good morning. any language starts with simplifying everything. you cannot treat agents with [indiscernible] the script you are reading is full of [indiscernible] you need
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to understand everything. stop, because it means you don't know what you're doing. you keep going on this [indiscernible] >> r. mandelman: i don't see anyone else in the chamber coming forward. let's see if we have any remote public comment on item 4. >> we have remote public comment. i'm going to the first call now. hi caller, your two minutes begins now. >> hello, this is michael petrellis calling in. i want to speak on the bill introduced by matt haney. vehicles, autonomous vehicle incident reporting. i feel this bill is very necessary along with all of the amendments. there isn't enough gathering of
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incidents and accidents involving these driverless vehicles on the streets of san francisco. i think the companies owning these driverless vehicles have a lot of information not only on accidents but also on usage and how long the rides went, how much money they're maching from the rides. i. think that as you move forwad supporting this matt haney bill, that the supervisors need toll ask for as much information as possible from all of the companies with these driverless vehicles on our streets and share that information on the web with the public. it's going to be crucial that will it be easy to find whatever information is gathered and
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shared. that's what i would like to say today. thank you. >> clerk: thank you caller. moving on to the next caller. hi. hi caller. your two minutes begins now. >> good morning chair mandelman and members of the comiet. you have some good news and not so good news. yesterday morning the appropriation meeting [indiscernible] whichal is what you know most bills go to die. hopefully this is not one of them. i would like to bring to your attention that the individual
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who was behind -- is opposed to is assembly bill 71 has died [indiscernible] thank you. >> clerk: thank you caller. is there is no additional public comment. >> public comment on item 4 is closed. thank you, mr. watts and miss crab. call next item. >> item 5 allocate 140,000 with prop l funds with condition and am kailtd prop aa funds for two requests. this isen action item. >> and for this item we have the principal transportation planner. >> i should be able to see my slides now.
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first prop l request is for $140,000 for design of the golden gate greenway project to reconfigure golden gate avenue to make more room for public space, reconfiguring the wires. them project aims to create a car-like public space with programming and partnership with the tenderloin community. this specific design scope that we're talking about here today would focus on the overhead wire system, coordination of puc, parking and curb changes and parking plans. it's been taken place woilt the tenderloin with a number of grieps. and wanting to receive a federal grant for the golden gate greenway project. the prop l would provide future
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allocation to match that will federal grant. next is a federal fee request to update the signs that have updated customer information. new routes will include information at every rail and rubber tire stop. there willen lanterns at rapid and frequent lines and other locations where possible. they'll be prioritized. the work will be completed citywide line by line except for students to update signage as other priorities arise. there is a request form as well as lines being updated and they expect full scope will be completed by december 2027. with that, i can take any questions on this item and we have project managers available
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37 thank you, mr. pick ford, commissioner preston. >> thank you chair mandelman and mr. pick ford. i wanted to speak on the golden gate greenway allegation. last year we worked with the ta and community to ensure that we're dedicating prop l funds to move the golden gate greenway project forward. thank you for your support of that initial funding. we later learned as mr. pick forld referenced, we're proud to announce we received funding from the federal safe streets for all grants and that funding is being specifically dedicated to reducing golden gate avenue on this block from two lanes of traffic to one and reconfiguring the overhead wires and relocation of fire hydrants and so forth.
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as excited as we are for the federal money to come in, we know that federal funding comes a little slower and the process can be slower. and requires our on going diligence to facilitate and receive it those funds and get them out the door. this item that's beforeis in the interim really reflects collaboration from our office to ta and the mta and community to secure funds through prop l for this design phase for the golden gate greenway that's been described and the funds will support a site survey which will inform the design and help prioritize long term capital changes that are envisioned for the area. i appreciate the collaboration your office is in touch with mta every other week to emphasize the you are jen jensy. they're tired of hearing from us
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but we keep reminding everyone the urgent need to move forward on this. in particular, i want to thank kimberly and tanya from mta and thank you anna and mike pick ford for all their work with our office and the community to ensure that these funds are dedicated and i would be remiss not to mention the strong support from the cac for the golden gate greenway. this will remain a pop priority from our office to do everything possible to expedite and make the vision of the golden gate a reality in the heart of the tenderloin where we need pedestrian-friendly green space. so i want to thank you and urge support for this allocation today. thank you. >> r. mandelman: thank you
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commissioner preston. it's open for comment on this item and see if there is anyone in the chamber. >> is this project about following the vision zero? it means what you're talking about? you doesn't know? you have no vision. so go ahead. when are you going to understand that you're going to destroy this with your lack of vision. there is no zero [indiscernible] >> r. mandelman: next speaker. >> thank you all and i'm happy to speak that vision. i'm the project manager for the golden gate greenway here on behalf of st. anthonys that is spearheading the project. the golden gate greenway continues to be a fair community
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vision. outline the 100 block of golden gate and that includes four children and youth service organizations st. bon fast and st. anthonys delivering support of services on block. residents and workers in the neighborhood voted to advance phase 1 of this project. through the tenderloin community action plan in 2022 and the project continues to enjoy broad community support. st. anthonys spearheads this and we're dedicated too a community led process and transparency at all stages. i'm here to thank you for your support of this $140,000 in funding becauses it allows the detailed scoping of phase 2 as well as the road survey so we can take it back to community? keep them as collaborative partners and anticipating the
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changes that are going to happen on road we share and identifying future necessary funding to ensure that the kids play safe. this is all in-service to provide a safe and shared roadway in a neighborhood that needs it. that needs a consistent community call for open space for our residents and a safe play space for the children that already live in the tenderloin. i want to thank you for your support of this item and supervisor preston mta for continuing to work with us to make sure this is a project that hoadle to all the problems in the tenderloin. >> r. mandelman: let's see if we have row moat comment. >> clerk: going to the caller. your two minutes begins now. >> this is michael petrellis
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again. would i like to speak about what is on page 4 of the aa allocations under the project description for transit category. i see it calls for funds to be spent on installation updated and upgrade signage at meeting stops. there is one stop i'm interested in that is the f-car turn around at jane warner plaza. unfortunately this plaza is in deplorable condition. this has not had a shelter for more than two years. there is no signage in gin warner plaza where jsh jane
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warner plaza where the f-car tirns around. there is no signage indicating when the f-car departs to head downtown towards fisherman's whatever. what are of. fisherman's wharf. i would like to make sure signage is put up at the f-car turn around. it's now pride cease and then we have thousands of guests coming from the castro and that is also where they depart from the castro. i think our tourist friends deserve as much signage as possible to fund muni at the f-car turn around at jane warner plaza. i believe that jane warner herself would endorse what i'm calling for. thank you. >> next caller. there is no additional public comment.
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>> r. mandelman: public comment on item 5 is closed. thank you, again, mr. pick ford although we'll hear from you in a minute. commissioner preston, would you like to move approval? is there a second? seconded by ronen. and i think we need to call the roll on this. >> clerk: on the motion to approve item 5, commissioner chan. chan absent. commissioner dorsey, aye, commissioner engardio, aye. chair mandelman, aye. melgar aye. commissioner preston aye. commissioner ronen aye. commissioner safai, aye, commissioner stefani, aye. there are 10 ayes and the motion
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is is approved. >> thank you madam clerk. next item. >> item 6 programming priers of prierlts for 5,295 in fiscal year 24/25 state transit assistance county block grant funds. this is an action item. >> mr. pick ford. >> hello again. in 2018, the metropolitan transportation commission established the county block grant program to be administered by congestion management agencies. these funds were previously distributed through the paratransit program and lifeline transit program. revenues come from a state sales tax on diesel fuel which is volatile and only transit operators can receive the funds. this is one of the few funds where the transportation authority will support programs for a capital program.
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this year mtc estimates we'll have up to $5.3 million in funds. mrks tc has advised us to program 95% of the expected revenues to 100 percent if the revenues come in. we're recommending three projects. the paratransit program, bart's elevator program and ferry service. consistent with past programming cycles, we recommend $3.3 million to the paratransit services for people with disabilities in compliance with the american disabilitiesability and funds the shop around and go shuttles and the trip card. these programs are critical to persons with disabilities.
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they're recommended amount will complement sales tax funding programmed. we also recommend programming up to $357,000 for bart's elevator attendant program in the current fiscal year and next fiscal year to provide for increases. this will provide monitoring of each bart and muni stations. the attendance help improve ak sessability for those who rely on elevators. they discourage undesirable behaviors and include cleanliness and reduce maintenance costs. the program supports economic recovery downtown and encourages people to take transit. we funded this since 2019 and bawrtd contributes equally to the program. in may 2023 the funds for
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current fiscal year and next fiscal year 23/24, and 24/25 however costs are higher than expected as well as equipment for uniforms and radios. with the volatility of the revenues, it's possible that the cycle will reduce the need for the recommended funds is we won't know the final amount until fall of 2024, but revenues are coming in slightly higher than the 95% level. bart will increase training and oversight of the program and will provide detailed quarterly reporting on expenditures. finally we're recommending about $1.4 million up to 1.68 million if the revenues come in high enough as seed money towards the first public electric ferry operations for the new treasure island fer which service.
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fully electric service will benefit the island by reducing the emissions. ferry service will support the expect increase in population from 2,000 to more than 20,000 residents. 27% of them will be affordable. the any vessel will meet the zero omissions requirements and this service has been a central part of plans since 2011. with that. i can take any questions. >> thank you, mr. pick ford. commissioner dorsey. >> thank you. i did warrant to expression my appreciation. i think my district will benefit from all of these but in particular, i wanted to express my gratitude to the state tax expairs to the state
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policymakers on the securing funding for the treasure island service. as you mentioned, taking the poll flaition 2,000 -- population from 2,000 to 20,000 is going to raise the stakes on managing congestion. i think this ferry service is something if we can make sure it is it fast, clean and safe. that is something that is going to enable us to manage the congestion there. i think it's going to create a great local destination that people will go out to treasure island to have lunch for a ferry ride ask great time. thairchg so much and i'm looking forward to it. >> thank you commissioner dorsey and thank you, mr. pick toward.
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forward. >> we don't need you to demonstrate. now you want to mix electric and water. this is another -- the number of dollars you put here which is so [indiscernible] if you were counting each dollar, don't you care about not spending one more dollar of the taxpayer's money? you think we take this crap? i don't. you better not any more. >> r. mandelman: do we have any remote comments on item 6? >> yes, going to the caller now. hello caller, you have two minutes beginning now.
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>> hello. this is michael petrellis again. it's terrific that is there is remote public comment allowed at this committee. i wish we had remote public comment for all meetings at city hall especially board of supervisor meetings. regarding -9d elt vaitder tean attendant program, i think it's -- regarding elevator attendant program, i think it's appalling that it doesn't include a bart stop. there is a tremendous need for an elevator attendant at 16th and mission treat and i would like for you to consider amending how the money will be spent to include allocating funds to higher an tan dant at 16th and mission -- attendant at mission and 167th street.
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you need to install way-finding signage at 16th and mission so people know how to find the elevator and have it located there. regarding an attendant program, i'm asking you to expand your vision to include an attendant at jane warner plaza. it is so necessary that our tourist friends who come to jane warner plaza to visit the castro neighborhood be able to talk to an attendant on when the next s-car departs to go downtown. i see many reasons why there should be an attendant from muni to help riders navigate using the f-car. thank you. >> thank you, caller.
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there is no additional public comment on this item. >> public comment on item 6 is closed. commissioner dorsey, would you like to move approval? is there a second? seconded by presken. >> clerk: on the motion a proffer item 6, commissioner chan. chan aye. commissioner dorsey, dorsey aye commissioner engardio, aye. commissioner manld han, aye vice chair melgar. >> aye. >> peskin, aye, preston aye. commissioner ronen, ronen aye and safai, aye, commissioner stefan itching aye. there are 11 ayes and the motion is approved. >> r. mandelman: great. thank you and please call our next item.
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>> clerk: item 7 preliminary fiscal year 2024/25 budget and work program. this is an information item. >> r. mandelman: and i think we have lily yu our finance manager and i think director chan may be adding in. maybe not. >> good morning chair mandelman and commissioner. i'm lily yu. i'm here to present the preliminary annual budget for 24/25. this is an informational item and we'll return next month to seek approval for the adoption of our fiscal year 24/25 budget and work program. i'll present the figures and our executive director will present the program. this expando pandz from july
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first to june 30th each year. we function as the congestion management agency for san francisco. we administer the 10-dollar vehicle registration fee and the traffic congestion tax. we also act a the local program manager for the transportation fund for clean air and operate as the mobility management agency for timma. sales tax revenues are our largest revenue source representing 66% of total budgeted revenues. this slide shows how much we collected in sales tax over the last eight years with budgeted information for fiscal year 24 and 25. based on receipts collected through february 2024, we're on track to meet our revenues budgeted of 106.2 million.
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for the p coming fiscal yore we hold revenues steady with a modest increase of 2.5 million up to $108 million. the 2% increase is mainly due to inflation and looking back at our recent fiscal year 2020 and 2021 were the years most heavily impacted by the pandemic. fiscal year 2022 and 2023 were main years of pandemic recovery and now we're projecting returning to more normal growth levels offer two to three percent. the return to workplace business travel and international travel all have been returning slower than anticipated. our projections are similar to the controller's office five-year budget outlook published in late march 2024. this slide shows the budgetary
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estimates in gray columns and 2025 budget in blue. total revenues are budgeted to increase by an estimated $4.5 million compared to fiscal year 2024 and increase is attributed to sales tax revenues and program revenues. vehicle registration fees are projected to decrease slightly by $100,000 to 4.5 million and decline in revenue is due to having fewer vehicles registered in san francisco and that is consistent with declining population trends that we've seen during and following the pandemic. the traffic congestion tax revenues are projected to be $8.5 million and same level at the fiscal year 2024. this estimate is aligned with the city's most recent estimate for this fund source. or program revenues are budgeted at $70 million and these revenues are mostly project
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specific under our role as the san francisco congestion management agency. these include federal, state and grant funding for projects such as yerba buena projects. it's expected to increase by $3 million and increase regional funding for the various yerba island projects. total spen deur are projected to be $22,066,000. this is sab increase of $16.7 million. capital project costs are $228 million. most of these are awarded to grants such as sfmta. costs are budgeted to increase by 13 million-dollar and due to
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the program, capital expenditures related to the yerba buena suite of projects mentioned earlier. administrative costs are personnel and non-personnel expenditures. we're at similar levels including salaries, legal and it expenditures. we're including a budget of 42 full-time positions to support the program. we're budgeting a debt service cost of $25 million and this is an increase from our fiscal year 2024 amended budget. by $3.2 million. this includes fees and interest payments related to the credit lone agreement as low as scheduled bond principle payment of $15 million. current reinvolving loan
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agreement will expire in october of 2024 and considering entering into a new short term borrowing facility. we pailt the need to draw down $65 million on our resolving credit agreement this year to be able to fund our expenditures. we have a total of $125 million loan agreement to support our borrowing program and we'll continue to monitor capital spending closely in the up coming fiscal year and seek your approval when we need to draw down. next few slides provide further break down of our capital project. expenditure budget, prop aa and cma funds. the primary drivers for the capital expenditures for fiscal year 2025 include rehabilitation and equipment projects. light rail vehicle procurements. paratransit and fair gates.
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fare gates. we have the good repair initiative and the downtown rail extension projects. next, the largest capital projects expenditures budgeted in the vehicle registration fee program include renovation projects for payment -- pavements. there will be mission and geneva, 23rd streement and so forth. the largest expenditures include the projects mentioned earlier. the bridges project, hillcrest road project and pier e-2 projects. the pass project is advancing
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into the design safe. now i'll passion the presentation to the executive director to go over the work program. >> good morning commissioner. i appreciate your support throughout the year and the guidance of you and your staff particularly for the transportation. our work program begins with planning efertle led by understanding the situation that we see our efforts in post pandemic a couple of years. that begins with travel surveys, um dating the model and understanding the travel trends. that is something that we'll try to answer as to what is driving up the traffic downtown even as we see hybrid work patterns and high vacancy rates. we'll follow up with a citywide look beyond downtown as well. planning will largely focus on the update which will keep pace with the high focus on transit
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policy everything from funding to network management reforms. we'll focus heavily on the westside in other agencies particularly for the westside planning study we plan toe bring before you next month and the gerry study underway. a few other studies will continue threwing the brotherhood way and studies. we'll foi cuss on completing a -- we'll focus on efforts in conjunction with sphm ta sfmta e study for district 5 with the western edition and commissioner preston's office. phase 3 will focus on non-downtown locations where the first two phases focused in the
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downtown area and we'll continue to implement other previously approved enabled studies such as 5, 6 and 7 and we'll anticipate the new neighborhood plans in districts 9 and 7 for the listed projects here. our travel data and thanls team in addition to updating and our model is doing some work with the autonomous vehicle standards and performance safety analysis study and providing input to the policy work that our policy team is advancing. on funding, the team is preparing the last group of proposition l five-year program in partnership with sponsor. hopefully we'll wrap those up by the end of this fiscal year and some of that will turn into active implementation of the five-year programs including the programming of this whole other
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row of programs we work on through the years. prop aa and tax. we work with the potential revenue measure in 2026 or beyond as well as a host of financing strategies for the major capital projects and coordinating our debt strategy with sponsors. you've heard we're heavily involved in the bridges and hillcrest lamp projects and working with the neighborhoods on specific projects such as the southbound off ramp and other projects in that vicinity. and we're helping to advance the larger treasure island mobility management program through timma. major partner support is happening with the portal downtown rail extension and
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muni's large program whrm it's state of good repair or mod rngization vehicles, facilities and the like. and then for bart. we have early money on the gear gates, he will drash fare gates and escalators and train control and vehicles. we'll continue reporting and provide excellent financial reporting and also provide the debt strategy report for sponsors including perhaps utilizing the revolver loan that we anticipate over the summer as well as renewing is that facility later this year. and with that, we want to thank you so much for support for the office space. we're delighted to be able to stay in our building and appreciate the city coming together on allowing that to happen. thank you again for your support and to our sponsors and partners and incredible staff at the ta
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for their work year and year out. with that, i'm happy to take questions. >> r. mandelman: i think you have a next steps slide too. maybe. maybe not. >> thank you. wow! i forgot to mention that we'll bring this item to our community advisory committee and back to you on an action item in june. for now, this is the perfect time to take any guidance and seek your support. thank you. >> r. mandelman: that's a comprehensive list of things to work on and we're grateful for you and your teams being able to keep your eyes on many balls at the same time. with that, not seeing any other comments or questions, let's open this item to public comment.
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>> i haven't recovered from the pandemic because that's what it was. so now, anyone who thought [indiscernible] to benefit from it by bearing all these things, you have something coming. just [indiscernible] i noticed that you to be happy. understanding that this is it. we create a new system of education here in san francisco can. so, [indiscernible] >> r. mandelman: next speaker. >> good morning. my name is harry. a few years ago i was walking across jane warner plaza and saw a person speaking. he told me he was a volunteer
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called castro ambassadors and gave me the contact information. i signed up and have been participating in this group since june 2nd, 2012. it's been one of my gatest honors as a gay resident in san francisco to welcome people to the castro neighborhood. i welcome on each of my weekly three-hour shifts an average of 40 to 60 visitors from all corners of the world as they deboard the f-line streetcar. for many years jane warner plaza is deteriorating and seemingly ignored if i the sfmta and those that incur financing for harvey milk plaza only a few feet away. these are the book ends to the
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gateway of the castro. i believe that harvey milk would find a way to include jane warner plaza in the revitalization endeavor of that intersection. please find it in your hearts and minds and politics so revitalize jane warner plaza. thank you. >> r. mandelman: i don't see any other public comment in the chamber. let's see if we have remote public comment on this item. >> we do. hi caller, your two minutes begins now. >> hello, this is michael petrellis again. thank you harry for your comments. i hope that the supervisors are listening to what you said, harry, about jane warner plaza. now, regarding this item on page
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20 of the preliminary budget, there is discussion about transparency and accountability. and there is nothing in the two pages about transparency and accountability calling on the agency to meet with the public. there is discussion here about growing your on line influence with instagram and facebook and twitter. that's all good, but there is nothing here requiring the bureaucrats to meet with the public. in open forums. where we the taxpayers get to engage with the bureaucrats directly to ask our questions. and to hear back from the bureaucrats about how our concerns will be addressed. we recently talked with a
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fantasy plan on jane warner plaza. there want a sing many public meeting where we the people could attend to listen to the fantasy clans will jane warner plaza. it was disrespectful that william boakly from dpw did not see fit to hold any open meeting with the public. and i ask as you go forward with this budget plan that you require the bureaucrats to meet with the public in open meetings. thank. >> thank you, caller. there is no additional public comment. machine mnd thank you. public comments on item 6 is closed and --
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>> r. mandelman: thank you, public comments on item 7 is closed and we'll look forward to continue to watch the budget evolve. with that, madam clerk, please call our nks item. next item. >> item 8, this is an information item. >> r. mandelman: please call the next item. >> clerk: item 9, public comment. >> general public comment. anyone in the chamber would like to come up and talk to us? if not, lit's see if we have any remote public comment under item 79. 9 approximately calling number one, your two minutes begins now. >> thank you. i would like to follow-up on the comments i made earlier about the retirement and the
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individual responsibility for senate bill 1031 and remind you that this was responsible for the termination ofl the annual 2000 contribution to our caltrain operations after the passage of measure rr. this action triggers a withdrawal of contributions from the san francisco and san mateo partners which resulted in a combining effect of $15 million [indiscernible] including i hope that [indiscernible] would come to reaching out to his peers on the caltrain about operating cost
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sharing by the partners. preferably by the time the caltrain budget is presented by the finance committee on may 20th. thank you. >> clerk: thank you, caller. going to the next caller. hello caller, your two minutes begins now. >> hello. this is michael petrellis again. i'm speaking about the jane warner plaza. i wish to make everyone aware that this sunday for harvey milk day, i will be at the plaza with my bullhorn to demand that the potholes at jane warner plaza be patched up. we've waited too long for the sfmta to patch up the dangerous potholes at jane warner plaza and the only way this will be
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addressed is through my use of a bullhorn this sunday for harvey milk's birthday. i think harvey would be screaming about the dangerous conditions at jane warner plaza. the transportation authority wasted $100,000 on the fantasy plan on what to do with jane warner plaza. unfortunately, the man responsible for creating this plan, william buckley, held not a single meeting with the public. when he issued his plan, the public was not allowed to hear it directly. we have not been allowed to publicly question him or anyone related to this plan. we really need the potholes patched up at jane warner plaza because it endangers all pedestrians.
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finally, pride season is beginning. jane warner plaza is an embarrassment to all gays coming to the castro, getting off the f-car and the gateway to the castro at jane warner plaza is filthy. there are so many things that need to be cleaned up with that plaza, it is why i will be screaming through a bullhorn on sunday to demand action at this plaza. thank you. >> thank you, caller. there will are no additional public comments. >> r. mandelman: public comments on item 9 is closed. >> clerk: item 10, adjournment. >> r. mandelman: we are adjourned. [gavel]television.
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>> (music). >> we're going to show you how to pay for parking with the smart phone app the quickest way to pay for parking you'll
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download did app in the apple and google play store and on the app and enter our name and phone number and make sure to verify your account to use the app and net check the overhead signs and type that zone number in the location and then choose how long you want to park for and for the duration and finally confirming this and make the payment that is a combination many parking control officers need and if you need to extend our parking time on the app and select the option and select the time and make the payment. >> for for whatever reason the
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connection call 866 to pay by phone and enter our number or press one to register. emergency our pin the last four digits of our credit card number and number of the minutes you want to park. alter the end of call will confirm everything if you're a new users call (856) 490-7275 and the walk you through will walk through it you'll enter the zone number and see parking time. and finally there are for refunds. that's it the information will only be saved for the direct your
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attention of our parking time and it is by the pay by phone is simple check our other parking zone number and thanks for
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pen. >> well to edge own little square we are a new culture "accelerating sf government performance - taking accountability and transparency to the next level." the artist and culture of chinatown. as an immigrant giveaway we tell the stories of chinatown the people that are here and the culture and history our presence and future through arts and culture. it is a 35 community. there is so many to see come come in and buy certify increases and ongoing exhibitions here t
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>> great weather in san francisco. people out there and hopefully can give you the gift of time to enjoy the weather. so, welcome back and deborah, thank you for filling in. it is great to see you back here. deborah filling in and extrameeting. i feel i was just here not too long ago. let's go with roll call. >> alright. prior to calling roll i note director tumlin is absent and vice chair mandelman is-- [roll call] directors, we have quorum. should i call