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tv   Entertainment Commission  SFGTV  May 19, 2024 5:30am-7:01am PDT

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>> commission meeting may 7, 2024 to order at 5:35. welcome to the tuesday may 7, 24 hybrid, in person meeting of the entertainment commission i'm laura thomas and president bleiman is absent. we will start with announcements. >> >> we would like to start with the land acknowledgment. [ramaytush ohlone land acknowledgment]
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>> this meeting is held in hybrid format in person in city hall room 416 and available on zoom or lib calling. we welcome the public's participation during public comment. an opportunity for general public comment at the beginning. and an opportunity to comment on each discussion or action item on the agenda. each comment is limited to 3 minutes. remotely the commission will hear up to 20 minutes total for
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each item. because of the limit, it is possible that not every person in the queue will have an opportunity top provide remote public comment. remote public comment from due to disability will not count toward that limit. public comment taken in person and remote by video or call in. each item first from people in person and then remotely. those in person, fill out a speaker card at the side table or podium. state your name and the affiliations and your comment. youville 3 minutes. hand your card to the commission staff behind the podium. if using zoom select raisad hand option. calling by phone dial star 9 weather when your item come up. you unmute yourself by hitting star 6. call from a quiet location speak
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slowly and turn down your television or radio. if you are viewing on sfgovtv mute it before providing comment. we recommend you used zoom or a phone submit a written public comment through the chat on zoom. note that commissioners and staff are not allows to respond during public comment. thank you to sfgovtv and media service for sharing this meeting the public. >> all right. commission secretary. do the roll call >> yes. commissioner perez. >> here. >> commissioner poggio. >> present. >> commissioner schlander. >> here >> >> commissioner thomas >> here >> bleiman other wong and davis were excused. item 2 general public comment. members of public may address on
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interest to the public went subject matter jurisdiction of the commission. members of public may address the commission for 3 minutes. is there public comment for items not listed on the agenda? >> no public comment temperature is closed. the next item is item 3 approval of the minutes for april 16th meeting. >> so moved. >> seconded. >> that was the motion for approval of the april 6, 2024 meeting, i believe. >> that's correct. >> okay. is there public comment on the minutes? public comment is closed on the minutes. >> vote. >> yea. >> okay. commissioner perez. >> aye. >> commissioner poggio >> aye >> commissioner schlander.
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>> aye. >> commissioner thomas. >> aye. >> i appreciate everyone's enthusiasm. the next is agenda item 4. report from the executive director. >> thank you, so much acting president thomas. or chash thomas i appreciate attach i have a brief update. i wanted thank everyone so much who attended our night life and entertainment summit last week. and to the commissioners for all the your support in preparing for the event. al, thank you, again for doing our graphic design for our collateral we got our logo updated it was great on sfgovtv. and then just to everybody who attended, we are looking forward to hearing more of your feedback on the upon event and so we will send out an after event survey.
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likely by end of week this week and collecting your feedback well as we are looking for ways to improve this event. and that same goes to the commission if you have ideas, burning ideas for next year we love to hear them. only other update this is evening are around our appeals. we attended the board hearing representing the commission on april 17th the day after our most recent hearing with the commission. in reference to two permits issued on the previous hearing. one was for a limited live performance for palm house. and the other was for one time event with extend duration permit for lion dance me in china town. both dylan rice and i attended the board appeal's hearing for palm house the board determined that they denied the appeal out
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right. the permit and conscience stand as is. and as for china town line dance me, we really used the board of appeals as an opportunity for further mediation between parties. and at that time, the board of appeals made the decision to uphold the appeal. but in doing so they add conditions limiting the where and when of the event through june. and still prosecute voiding the event and the ability to continue forward with entertainment. with the guise that the event would come back to us some time in june to amend their permit moving forward after doing community out reach. we are since heard the permit applicant is like low not going to proceed further with entertainment at the location in the street closure. we will continue to community
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with them and see if that changesmented to let you know and update around the two appeals and just wanted to thank staff for their hard work on preparing for those appeals that is a lot of work when that happens. it is part of what we do. >> so. let me know if you have questions. >> thank you. >> any questions? >> from your report? >> no. comments. thank you to the staff for an amazing job hosting the summit. and we had a full compliment of commissioners the first time. >> yea. >> we did. >> so congratulations to the panel speakers. and thank you to everyone who participated. >> thank you. and your comment helps me provide a stat for you all. we did have a full commission in attendance which was great. we had 186 people attend in
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person. i think is the highest number we had in recent years. we had 175 streams on you tube. great. >> great. it was nice to see some positive news coverage. related to the panelists from events. katie burnbalm. good coverage of the entertainment events we were highlighting >> yea. exciting. we have to make it down first thursdays. >> see the disco ball if nothing else. is there any public comment on the report from the executive director? >> public comment is now closed. the next item on the beyond is item 5. report from the senior inspector. >> thank you. acting president thomas. good evening. >> cracks me up all evening.
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>> good. >> we have received 74, 311 complaints since the left hear ogapril 16th i have one update let me finish you have questions. my update tonight is about sanria located at 2251 market street. now holds a one time event permit with our office and did not have a permit in place at the time issuance of the notice of violation i'm reporting to you tonight inform response to the sound complaint about thes out door amplified sound are all from the same person. inspector young rice visited on april 24 at 3:45 p.m. and observed out door amplified sound from the speaker afixed on the front of the building. held a jam permit and since the program ended the inspectors visited the business and spoke with the staff obtaining the
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entertainment permits an extend duration or for long-term operations. deputy director has core sponldzed with the manager and owner about the permit requirements they acknowledged. the deputy director issued a notice of violation on april 25 for operating out door sound without a permit. positive note. since the nov was issued the business granted extend duration one time out door event permit to bring operation in compliance and staff encourages them to apply for a fixed place amplified sound permit due to the eligibility. >> greatest will thank you. >> any other questions about the inspector's report or other items? >> all right. i did one question one of the
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items about the loud nonpermitted warehouse party. i feel it has been a minute since we had complaints about such a thing. in terms of the next steps on that. >> are there? i think may be deputy director could better answer that question. we did visit them. they are doing what we benched in the past. i don't want to speak out of line i believe they don't have assembly permits and i think she could speak to that >> i like clarification acting president thomas, on when address of the warehouse parties. there are a few out there. it is 33 norfolk street. >> okay. that dated 4/26 on the enforcement report >> yea, so senior inspector everything you said was accurate this is enzyme this is a co-op
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that is we are still trying to navigate what it is they are doing there. we know they don't hold assembly permits and in a zoning location on the border of 11th with the night clubs they are in a district that does not allow for night time entertainment. most recently we learned they shifted the business models to be a co-op through the night. 6-5 a.m. artistic hours, workshop hours not entertainment. and not legal under the planning zoning controls. i have been in touch with the general manager or the person name is on the lease to convey this. but it seems like tell be a planning enforcement case. we had insfektors go this friday and it not confirmed entertainment they did not gain access inside. it was loud.
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there was alcohol. yea. >> got it. >> i see that bottom's up bar is on the list. in my neighborhood can you give more context and update on that? >> bottom's up never been on our enforcement report that was a surprise to see. we did have inspector young rice respond to the complaint. spoke to the owner. she was transparents. they hold a poe permit operations all is compliant there is a new neighbor who move instead ajoining building and share a wall. and so they have verbalized complaints to the owner directly and found a way to reach out to us. through our inspection their permit is quite old and don't have an updated sound limit. senior inspector will work with
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the owner to set one with the police code and we anticipate rectifying and educating the neighbor this is a legal use. >> thank you very much. >> thank you, commissioner perez. other questions or comments? >> seeing none, is there public comment on the report from the senior inspector? public comment is now closed. and the next item on the goodbyed. item 6 hearing and possible action regarding applications for permits under the jurisdiction of the entertainment commission. >> deputy director would you introduce the permit application on consent. >> we have one permit on content for a one time out door event permit out door entertainment with extended dur iegz a repeat from last year for third alley music series. the applicant conduct out reach
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and no opposition nor concerns from northern station for the permit. staff recommendation is for to you approve the consent agenda with the recommendations listed below. all right. is there public comment on the consent agenda permit application? no. public comment is closed. do we have a motion to approve the permit on consent. gi like to make a motion to approve this consent agenda with staff recommendations. >> seconded. >> excellent. >> a vote. >> commissioner perez. >> aye. >> commissioner poggio >> aye >> commissioner schlander. >> aye >> commissioner thomas. >> aye. >> all right. your permit application is granted. follow up with commission
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secretary for next steps. and deputy director can we have the first permit application on the regular agenda. jot first is poe located at 395 south vaness avenue. it attended the hearing on april second and you voted condition it to a future hear to allow time for commune engagement to voice opposition. however although people spoke in opposition that night 91 reached out to me. and president bleiman instructed them to contact me. one neighbor submitted written opposition met with me in the applicants we did on april 23. the meeting did not allow for a wider discussion with the neighbors we had a fruitful conversation resulting in the neighbor voicing concerns and explaining the solution strategies to mitigate future sound complaints.
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they will install sound panels on the ceiling. and they will replace the windows in the roar bedroom with thick are upon glass. and they floon install durable front door mitigate sound leakage the owner was receptive to concerns and voiced his troubles with vocabularying folks on the street causing issues for the business. outer come was positive and i believe benefitted both parties the next step once the panels are installed inspector will conduct a sounds test. mission sdagz not have recommendations and something i would like to add before the hearing tonight i received photos of the strategy that have been completed and they are in the file for you to review i see that sound panels are installed on the sealing and bedroom windows have been updated nought new front door they tackled two
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of the 3 items discussed april 23. which is grit. here to speak with you is the owner salvador and the manager tony. >> welcome. come oup, please. i understand we have interpretation as well? il be interpreting. >> thank you. go ahead. >> so he wanted bring to attention that he already has contracted someone to install the door. he has -- the door be in 21 days. it is already fabricated.
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>> he is introducing himself as salve doert owner of lajackys and wanted to let you know that he is installed the panels that were required. that also he changed the windows and they are working on installing the doors.
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>> he would like to see if somebody would want to upon test the sound proving he has 90 pvrts work completed.
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fwroing attention by him not able to hold the nights of karaoke at his restaurant his business seen losses in income and had to cut his employee's work or hours. he is payings over 10 thousand dollars in sxrent it is causing a huge burden on him and might not be able to sustain this if we can't get this type of
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>> he wanted to let you know he works proactively with the neighbors and above to ask if there is anything wrong with the noise. he has been in business for over 20 years there. this is new to him everybody else that lives above the restaurant has never had a complaint. he has two tenants above if you like to ask questions as witness they have not had complaints within the last 10 years they started doing this entertainment.
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last hearing you brought an issue of double parking. and walk the driveway of the neighbor. he wants to bring to attention
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that he tries to reduce that by telling people that are pick up food to not do this he rather lose a client than issues with neighbors. but he wants to let everybody know that there is a lot of people there that always double park and not always the restaurant. wants to bring that as well. so i gus spoke about clean liness in front of the restaurant. he has no control last tuesday
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they left a bed there but he is try to mitigate is tried to condition to keep that area clean temperature is public space it is hard to be try to clone or look after people that don't go to the restaurant. but they are prosecute active in taking care of that as well.
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>> he wants to bring to attention he has 15 employees working currently there. out of the 15, 12 work full time there. no other jobs they depends this job. but if this conscience obviously he said that he might have to suffer losses worse than during covid. because of the loss in income from the upon effectses that they do.
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brought documentation of bills and thaefrg they how to run the business and has a letter from his accountant in english showing the drop in income. if you would lieshg to see that he brought all of that information as well. and has all the sales numbers first past 3 weeks the last 3 months.
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he is trying to make an effort to keep this get this license in order for him to runt business he will do all this he can to mitigate the sound and you can understand that a lot of live lihoods depends on the business. >> okay. that's it. >> thank you. >> thank you for that information and thank you for taking action to install the sound panels. and if this work is complete the next step is for the inspector
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to go out and test sound. thank you for meeting with the niches and deputy director, sounds like that was a productive meeting. >> are there questions, wait. one moment. questions from commissioners? >> commissioner perez. >> hello. thank you for coming back. and i want to echo what commissioner thomas shared. >> sorry. and i appreciate that you were accommodating to all the requests with the sound mitigation. my question is, moving forward.
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what will be the plan and case there is a complaint from the neighbor how would you [inaudible]. after you guys go and inspect sound proof if that conditions he would work as best possible
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with the neighbors to do other, other installations of speaker systems or just changing the way that the volume resonates next door. >> will a phone number available for neighbors? they already have the numbers they have been proactive with that. >> are you familiar with the sf3 upon 11 program?
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it it is a great president trump dial 311 on the phone or go online. and it is what we recommend to neighbors if you see like a mattress or any blight garbage, they will come and pick it up for free. and so -- it is an opportunity to be a good steward for the block and the area. can you clean up. and that way worn problem does not attract another. you can show we are trying here.
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>> yes. thank you. >> okay. >> thank you. is there public comment on the permit application? folk who is want to make comment. come on up. to the microphone. come on up.
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>> thank you. we appreciate your interpretation here. >> okay. so. we usually with interpretation we need to adjust the time limit. okay all right. go ahead. >> so. an employee of the restaurant.
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he wanted to know that he is worried about the cutting of his hour and this he has 2 kids. that is all. ...
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he works for the restaurant and wants it express his concern this his hours have been drastically cut. his family dependsos him and he is very worried that he might not be able to find other employment in this situation. and he really would like that you guys understands what is going on with the permit not issued. the delay. that is it. thank you. >> thank you.
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he is one of the chefs at the restaurant and concerning his concerns about not able to work or have a job in the near future and wants you to know that a lot of families depends on this establishment. >> thank you.
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gloria is a neighbor that lives above the restaurant and known them since they opened the restaurant and are very hard working guys and says that they
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help this neighborhood change for the better. there was more crime before this restaurant was there. and now this they are there they made everything better. they are working for families and for people that are hard working and she says that all she wants is the best for them and to succeed and hopeful low you understand this.
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hao is a neighbor who lives next to the building and a room he rent there is and says that the whole time he has been live thering there has never bhn an issue with sounds it is a great place for him to bring his family. and not adult entertainment it is more of a family oriented establishment. and he would like to see that come back again.
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>> he is an employee of the restaurant a chef, also and he is seen drastic cuts to hours. his fell and i believe in mexico
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he supports them this is an asciiing more and more as the entertainment is not provide for them. so much that's basically it >> thank you, guys y. thank you for coming here and sharing your thoughts. we appreciate it. is there other public comment on the item? >> online public comment? with that public comment is closed. any conversation? >> i want to share with folk who is spoke entertainment is vital to the city and economic driver. and supports the many liv livelihoods we are concern body that and i'm surety staff will be mindful to dot best they can
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to expedite had as soon as possible. >> and with that i like to make motion to approve this permit with staff recommendation. is there a second? >> and a second. >> all right. >> with that, let's move ahead with a vote. >> yes, commissioner perez. >> aye >> commissioner poggio >> aye >> commissioner schlander. >> aye. >> commissioner thomas >> aye. >> then congratulations your permit has been conditionally approved. follow up with deputy director for next steps and we have the sound inspector set the sound limit. >> i want to put in the record and to make the commissioners away and applicants aware this is a conditional grant. you have approve today but cannot issue the permit until the inspections from the
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agencies have been completed. i do want to playerifiy to the applicant you are approved but can't host entertainment until they issue the permit. you are a step closer. >> great. >> thank you. >> okay. i can condition. why introduce the next permit >> next is for poe for the parth none at 582 sutter street. this business was hog wash and this will be the first permit at this location they held with our office. new owner is opening a middle easten restaurant with bands and dj's. this is the owner's second permit with the office he owns euro~ in the mission which holds an llp. senior inspectorville a sound limit. the owner sent a letter to the neighbors which are commercial.
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and there was no opposition for the permit. included the calendar condition and security measure for friday and saturday entirety. the owner agreed to which we had a meeting today the owner, myself and the permit recover. search on the same pai believing and in agreement with the suggested recommendation regarding security. here to speak with you is the owner, jim. >> welcome. >> so. the parth none will go to my second business in san francisco. i want to foster events that last 2 a.m. friday and saturday. so i don't have the sound system yet i'm having a problem with the supply chain. so i have the sound system
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installed i will have the person come in and we will have the sound limit. and help to go from there. >> great. are there questions from commissioners? >> hello. what time entertainment are you planning on. >> i plan to do north african and greek mix of both. >> live performances. >> yes. >> sounds great. >> come check it out. >> i will come for sure. >> thank you. and in case there are complaints from neighbors what is your plan to address those in role time. joy hope it will not get this point i'm trying to keep it quiet this will not be like something huge and like over packed but i will make sure that we don't get complaint fist i get one tell not happen again.
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>> will you turn down the music in real time >> exactly. >> yes >> how will we know about your phone number. >> they can contact me directly or call the restaurant. >> thank you. >> other questions from commissioners? all right. thank you. thank you very much. >> any discussion? thoughts, concerns? all right. is there any public comment on the permit application? seeing none. public comment is closed. and do we have a motion to approve the permit? i will make a motion to adopt with staff recommendations. >> second. motion and a second did we have a vote? commissioner perez.
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>> aye >> commissioner poggio >> aye >> commissioner schlander. >> aye >> commissioner thomas. >> aye. >> congratulations, your permit application is grantd and follow up with deputy director for next steps. >> great. >> all right employing can we have the third application. >> we do. yes. jot next on the regular agenda is poe for pan am sf at 523 broadway. it is a new concept owned by the same behind petite paris next door. the owner has applied for a type 90 liquor license and multiple forms of entertainment. once the sounds system is installed the inspector will set a sound limit. all near by xhshl and nashes of application and there was no opposition for the perimism central station dollareded the
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standards permitting and here is the owner liam. >> good evening. everyone. i like to say that i have been open for 4 years we brought a different concept with a hybrid like live jazz. and dj's on the weekends. so pan am is going to be similar concept like in the hybrid. but it will be a big are space. we are thinking like during the week we will do live bands. cabaret like comedy and live dj's during the weekends. and yea.
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we are open to discussions with neighbors. or any concerns that could potentially come. yes, ma'am any questions from commissioners? >> is tht old urban curry? >> yes. >> commissioner perez. >> you already had discussions with neighbors? >> yes >> how did that go? >> i did write a letter to the whole block for the it is also like a duplication dithe same thing about a few weeks ago to the liquor license. all neighbors are like informed
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twice. for this. and for the liquor license we have not got any concerns. and as far as the entertainment, i think we have not got anymore i spoke to a lot of neighbors and a lot of them are excited see the shows that we want to bring on broadway and have make broadway like good live entertainment. >> okay. thank you. can you describe what you will do with the lines that form outside. a lot of times sometimes on broadway street the people wait nothing line is where the problems happen with public safety. >> so, we are thank of that broadway has a bigger sidewalks our plan is so where you walk that way on the venue the
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outside part of the sidewalk is where we will build have stages all across. and good thing is that next to us is an adult intament venue we are excited to for us to have the pliant it front of them. so we can do that line all the way like over 60 feet long. and without any like issues. i believe. so far. >> are you having security. >> yes. >> so we plan to have at least 4 to 5 guards two outside and two inside and one or two floating. depends on the entertainment we are doing and how busy we are expecting the night will be.
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>> thank you. any other questions? >> all right. thank you. . you can sit down. any comments or concern sns >> commissioners? >> all right. is there public comment on this permit application? no public comment >> public comment is closed. do we have a motion to approve this permit? >> i would like to make a motion to approve this permit with staff recommendations. i second. >> all right. >> do we have a vote? >> yes. commissioner perez. >> aye >> commissioner poggio >> aye >> commissioner schlander. >> aye >> commissioner thomas. >> aye. >> all right. congratulations your permit has been approved follow up for next
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steps and looking forward to this being open. all right. deputy direct. yet final permit is for a limited live performance permit out door entertainment and amplified sound in the parklet and the front of the business for simple pleasures cafe on 3434 balboa street. simple pleasures the oldest coffee shop in business for over 30 years in the same location and same ownership they, a plying they have been hosting indoor mic nights. we have never received complaints about their operations they are excited continue this and like to add-on layer of out door entertainment for small performances. the owners ukts conducted out reach to the surrounding neighbor included in your file. there was no opposition and received one letter of support.
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pd station had no added ness and here is the owner amed. >> hi. welcome. >> i'm owner of simple pleasures cafe in business for near low 50 years since 1978. we were the first coffee house in the city we had this type of entertainment. and had a lot of musicians that come through. some are famous today. and some of them are just still hard working musicians. we never had an issue. i have been here for 30 years. i have never had an issue with anybody. weave never cause an issue we are part of the community. and -- we have a music every
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week. we have open mic every week. we have like trivia night. we hold single's night. and we have writers that wrote book in the cafe. and we have credited and few different books. am simple pleasures started a lot of people wrote their book crime store that hes started at the cafe we never had crime but -- that is a story >> it is fiction. >> child kidnapping we never had that in 50 years. and we are really part of the communities. and i think we will continue to be i don't think there is reason for you to have our cause an issue with anybody.
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most of them came to tell mow they want to come and i thought, you know its -- just no complaint and move on. >> thank you. >> thank you. any questions? commissioner perez? >> hello. thank you for coming in. and you have been in objects for 20 plus years. >> first have been there since 78. like 47 years. >> yes. >> you have no complaints. >> never. >> i mean, i'm sorry >> must be doing something right? >> we invite people in. people always are happy to have a beer and join in the fun and we never have entertainment that is outrageous. you know it is a neighborhood. so. all this time the entertainment has been inside. >> yes. >> we have inside and outside.
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>> okay. now we want to do more outside. >> i want to be you not weather in the richmond is not -- you know -- not the the best but not -- you know. not always conducive to out door entertainment >> when september and october, sometimes people come in we have some of our customers are musician and they come and play music. you know upon because just they want to do it god bless them that is awesome and it is so beautiful like better than being in a concert hall. >> intmate. two feet from the musician. >> sure. >> and they come and sit outside when you know 4 of them when the weather is good and
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play for couple hours. can you see our instagram we put them on when they show it up it is a fantastic scene, impressive for a tiny hole in the wall. and we legacy business and >> and when you did your entertainment outside before did you do a one time permit? or? what permit did you have when you did entertainment >> director makes we made in the last 50 years. >> okay. >> and coming in compliance. that's the wordivemented to say. >> you plan to do this similar entertainment outside as you are inside? >> yea. it will be just something like
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acutic. there are 4-5 times a year we have a festival. music festival, art festival we want to be able to have a musician. we have them and i think the city gives a permit. i'm not aware i never dealt with t. a neighbor has a permit he asked if he can have his musician to play in the parklet on the weekend. and we let them. we do it in the middle of the day between 1 and 3 when the weather is good and people are walking around. >> okay. >> and do you have a chance to talk to neighbors in the back where the out door entertainment will take place. >> yes. all my neighbor i know personal low. we give them the letters and
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everybody on the block i don't know if anybody won't don't know personally. we talk to them and weave. put the letters at the doors. >> you will have a sounds system outside as well. >> we don't. >> no. >> we don't have it now. we usually have an amp or something. >> i'm worried is it possible that the arch is not facing the neighbor facing inside. it is usually facing -- the cafe the amp's toward the sidewalk rather than. >> okay >> thank you. >> >> what is your most popular bagel? >> our most popular bagel is -- i'm joking. this is a topic of conversation that is important to us. >> for sure.
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i'm happy to answer the question. oc bagel. >> and i see that your parklet is unique. >> it was the first in the city designed that way. >> and it was at the time in 2014 was the most expensive built in san francisco. >> breaking boundaries you are leading the way. >> [laughter]. my question is how are you going to when it is a busy performance how are you going to make surety sidewalks are kept clear? >> so. we have our employees there and most of our people are neighbors we always have make sure there is a path. most will be in the parklet or within the -- the -- barriers. so very few. i mean we never had that number
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that blocked the sidewalk. because we are a cafe. so the entertainment is part whf we do rather than people don't come and say. i want to listen to music. they come have a beer and there is music it is a comp limitary. in our neighborhood is kind of a lot of people know where the outer richmond is. so. there is not tons of entertainment. and having something for free. it is kinds of -- really nice to do in the area. >> thank you. >> thanks. >> any other questions. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> any discussion. >> okay.
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public comment it is i wanted compliment them on how well they run their business. it is a small cafe and has out door seating and the parklet. when they do have nuke. it is not overnight top. it is a really nice bohemian style like the cheers out there in the out are richmond. i go to the strunlt across the sdrooet and i get early to get their coffee. guy across the street allows me to bring it in. it is just a really community or gented space. doing well for a long time. and compliments to them and hope they got another 30 years left in them >> thank you. >> do we have another public comment. one with hand raiseod zoom. etic i will allow to you speak. can you hear me.
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unmute yourself. >> yes, state your name. thank you. why no problem i will be less than that i am eric the owner of the society across the street of simple pleasures. i'm vice president on the merchant's association and ahkmed's best friend. >> i want to you know i represent the neighborhood that is in full support of anything that simple pleasuresments to do including music. amplified heavy metal whatever they want to do we support it and wanted jump on here and say that that is all i got. >> thank you. eric. >> no problem. >> other public comment? >> that's all. >> that's it. >> all right. with that public comment is closed. >> do we have a motion?
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would you make a motion. >> motion to approve with staff recommendations. >> a second? >> second. >> could we have a vote? commissioner perez? >> aye >> commissioner poggio >> aye >> commissioner schlander. >> aye >> commissioner thomas >> aye >> congratulations. your permit is approved follow up and keep doing what you are doing. >> all right. so the next item on the agenda is -- was item 7 we need to table. this item. i can read in the record a brief so we have like to share background information this is a
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discussion and possible action to amend the limited live performance permit. 2140 union street on going enforcement actions of the business. the brookston was asked you voted bring them fanatic for recongress. due to on going enforcement actions. we learned, i learned today at 3. . 30 that there has been a major change in ownership. and as such, the new owner who was a third owner, was a part of the team now the sole priority cannot make it tonight. so -- we would like to i would like to offer the suggestion of continuing this item to a future hearing date for potential recongress of the llp permit and
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i will simultaneous low go through an amendment to the llp permit. as to remove the previous other two ordinance no longer affiliated and making sure that they are aware they have a new owner. aware of the potential reconditioning. idea would be to still have the item as a discussion at the next hear nothing john if you choose to elect that date. and i will be going through the amendment press for the llp permit. >> the other thing i want to note is a reminder if we do observe an additional violation in the next few weeks prior to the 90 day period ending i plan to issue an a suspension for 15 days. that is manage we have. as a tool we can use prior to bringing them in again.
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skwoo issue tr commissioner questions about the staff comments. >> all right. >> and any --ing motion. >> like to make a motion to condition this to a future hearing date in june. >> is there a second to that motion joovm seconded. >> all right. moved and seconded we continue this to a future meeting. a vote, please. >> commissioner perez. >> aye. >> commissioner poggio >> aye >> commissioner schlander. >> aye >> commissioner thomas. >> aye. >> thank you and thank you staff for continuing to keep eyes on this. . all right. the next item is agenda item 8 commissioner comments and questions? >> commissioner thomas. we did not do public comment for
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that last item >> i'm sorry we did not do public commentom this item. let's do public comment on the motion to continue. no public comment for that. jop there is no public comment. dmore online. do we need to redot vote? >> might be smart. >> sure. public comment is closeod item 7. we have a motion, can we have a vote on the motion >> great. >> commissioner perez. >> aye. >> commissioner poggio. >> aye >> commissioner schlander. >> aye. >> commissioner thomas. >> aye. >> thank you. commissioner, secretary for keeping us on track there. now, move on to item 8. commissioner comments and questions. >> commissioner perez. why like to wish everybody happy heritage month for may. and i would like to invite to
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you an event out in excelsior my neighborhood. . it is like a restaurant week. we are calling a dine on or abouted we will be inclusive to include bakery and calfys and bars to support the asian merchants on the business corridor on mission. and this year is where we expand to organization avenue and geneva avenue. we have a passport program the more you purchase you get stamp and you qualify for a prize that we will give out on june one. so. check out the website. >> sounds good. >> anything else? >> since we are talking about events we have a festival on may 19 you are welcome to come check it out. we are doing a fundraiser.
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we are supporting small businesses and we have a great good talent in town for this one. >> and where is this? >> district statistic. san francisco, california 94103. [laughter]. there you go. >> and i wanted to say thank you again to all of the commission staff for the fantastic summit. i think all the planning and preparation and out reach really showed with the number of people. that we had there. it is good to see the elected officials come out and support entertainment. we had robust decisions. so, i than is a huge amount of work. so, thank you to all of the staff and to everyone who showed up as well. >> yea. >> good job dylan and everybody else. [laughter]. >> it was great.
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>> all right. is there public comment on item 8? >> public comment is closed. and with that, we will adjourn the meeting at 6. . 49 p.m. clear clear .
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>> i just feel like this is what i was born to do when i was a little kid i would make up performances and daydream it was always performing and doing something i feel if i can't do that than i can't be me. >> i just get excited and my nickname is x usher my mom calls me i stuck out like a sore thumb for sure
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hey everybody i'm susan kitten on the keys from there, i working in vintage clothing and chris in the 30's and fosz and aesthetic. >> i think part of the what i did i could have put on my poa he focus on a lot of different musical eras. >> shirley temple is created as ahsha safai the nation with happens and light heartenness shirley temple my biggest influence i love david boo and el john and may i west coast their flamboyant and show people (singing) can't be unhappy as a dr. murase and it is so fun it is a joyful
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instrument i learned more about music by playing the piano it was interesting the way i was brought up the youth taught me about music he picked up the a correspond that was so hard my first performing experience happened as 3-year-old an age i did executive services and also thanks to the lord and sank in youth groups people will be powering grave over their turk i'll be playing better and better back la i worked as places where men make more money than me i was in bands i was treated as other the next thing i know i'm in grants performing for a huge protection with a few
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of my friends berry elect and new berry elect and can be ray was then and we kept getting invited back you are shows got better we made it to paris in 2005 a famous arc we ended up getting a months residencey other than an island and he came to our show and started writing a script based on our troop of 6 american burr elect performs in france we were woman of all this angels and shapes and sizes and it was very exciting to be part of the a few lettering elect scene at the time he here he was bay area born and breed braces and with
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glossaries all of a sudden walking 9 red carpet in i walgreens pedestrian care. >> land for best director that was backpack in 2010 the french love this music i come back here and because of film was not released in the united states nobody gave a rats ass let's say the music and berry elect and performing doesn't pay very much i definitely feel into a huge depression especially, when it ended i didn't feel kemgd to france anymore he definitely didn't feel connected to the scene i almost feel like i have to beg for tips i hey i'm from the bay area and an artist you don't make a living
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it changed my represent tar to appeal and the folks that are coming into the wars these days people are not listening they love the idea of having a live musician but don't really nurture it like having a potted plant if you don't warrant it it dizzy sort of feel like a potted plant (laughter) i'm going to give san francisco one more year i've been here since 1981 born and raised in the bay area i know that is not for me i'll keep on trying and if the struggle becomes too hard i'll have to move on i don't know where that will be but i love here so so much i used to dab he will in substances i don't do that i'm sober and part
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of the being is an and sober and happy to be able to play music and perform and express myself if i make. >> few people happy of all ages i've gone my job so i have so stay is an i feel like the piano and music in general with my voice together i feel really powerful and strong >> making to may grandkids a program all about pop ups, artists, non profits small business in into vacant downtown throughout the area for a three to 6 months engagement. >> i think san francisco is really bright and i wanted to
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be a part of it revitalization. >> i'm hillary, the owner of [indiscernible] pizza. vacant and vibrant got into safe downtown we never could have gotten into pre-pandemic. we thought about opening downtown but couldn't afford it and a landlord [indiscernible] this was a awesome opportunity for us to get our foot in here. >> the agency is the marriage between a conventional art gallery and fine art agency. i'm victor gonzalez the founder of gcs agency. thes program is especially important for small business because it extended huge life line of resources, but also
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expertise from the people that have gathered around the vacant to vibrant program. it is allowed small businesses to pop up in spaces that have previously been fully unaccessible or just out of budget. vacant to vibrant was funded by a grant from the office of economic workforce development that was part of the mayor's economic recovery budget last year so we funded our non profit partners new deal who managed the process getting folks into these spaces. >> [indiscernible] have been tireless for all of us down here and it has been incredible. certainly never seen the kind of assistance from the city that vacant to vibrant has given us, for sure. >> vacant to ibvooerant is a important program because it
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just has the opportunity to build excitement what downtown could be. it is change the narrative talking about ground floor vacancy and office vacancy to talking about the amazing network of small scale entrepreneur, [indiscernible] >> this is a huge opportunity that is really happy about because it has given me space to showcase all the work i have been doing over the past few years, to have a space i can call my own for a extended period of time has been, i mean, it is incredible. >> big reason why i do this is specific to empower artist. there are a lot of people in san francisco that have really great ideas that have the work ethics, they just don't have those opportunities presented, so this has been huge lifeline i think for entrepreneurs and small businesses. >> this was a great program for us. it has [indiscernible] opening
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the site. we benefited from it and i think because there is diverse and different [indiscernible] able to be down here that everybody kind of benefits from it. >> (music). >> hi, i'm emmy the owner of emmy's spaghetti i offers
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working that with some kind of fine dining and apron and feeling stuffy and in the 90s in san francisco it was pretty pretense in a restaurant in the restaurant scene i want to it have a place to have a place for my friends to guess i started the restaurant a no better place the outer mission spaces were available that's when i opt in two 10 he start with all people and work with them and the events they create one of the events we do every year and backpack give away and give piaget away and a christmas part with a santa and bring 5 hundred
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meatballs and pa get and we're like in the mission not about them knowing where the food comes from but a part of the community. and my restaurant emmy's spaghetti and fun banquet and san francisco not the thing that everybody knows about we stay under the radar we show the showcase i take it food and we started to eat we wanted to have comfort food and that a claims friend from i take it and helped me create meatballs and dealing evolved over the years in the beginning one plate of spaghetti and a meatball we tried to make
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the portions as big as they could be. and now we have quite a few types pasta dishes with a la begin and meat sauce or have a partition to a lot of food we are at a point with all the favorites i don't change the menu often 0 i eat here so much but everything is fresh your cocktail menu is the best it's ever been one thing on the menu our magazine ghetto we change the flavor one of the fun things it is served in the historically we're known emmy's spaghetti as a friendly place and when i opened i wanted my friend to be welcome and other parents to be
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welcomed and it is very for this is a place for families especially in san francisco and this is where though hold their celebration important i mean you're coming to a family restaurant and you're coming for o to a fun place i love being the owner and pretty sure my life i enjoy running the psta spaghetti place i hope to be here a while we'll see how it goes we everyone is a friend we're hoping you'll be a
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>> welcome to the san francisco city and county board of supervisors regular meeting this afternoon at 2:00 pm., tuesday, may 14, 2024.) >> madam clerk, call the roll. >> supervisor chan present. >> supervisor dorsey present. >> supervisor engardio present. >> supervisor mandelman present. >> supervisor melgar present. >> supervisor peskin present. >> supervisor melgar present. >> mvrnld present. >> supervisor safai present. >> supervisor stefani