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tv   11 News at 5  NBC  July 7, 2009 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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memorial park. michael jackson's family and children gathered for a quiet, private service, which then turned very public. a motorcade went through los angeles to staples center, where quite, respectful crowd waited. ordinary fans. >> it will be one of those a once-in-a-lifetime experiences to come and pay respects to michael jackson. >> and the famous are here for his final curtain call. ♪ shh she -- the king of pop was moves to replace he was so familiar with and perhaps most comfortable -- center stage. the reverence of a church service gave way to a concert.
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♪ he and a video tribute -- that is exactly what he would have wanted. >> i think he is simply the greatest entertainer that ever lived [applause] >> he was from a family of entertains. his brother joined with an emotional performance of one of his favorite songs.
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>> ♪ >> the tribute was a stream of the internet and televised over the world. it was televised in times square, even in libraries. >> when billion people worldwide watched a memorial service just on television alone, including a lot of folks here in baltimore. >> i'm a dancer, a classically trained dancer. watching michael jackson, you know, he was so natural and creative and inspiring. >> that is what run a good on
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lab made time tuesday for his memorial service. one of dozens who watched him at the library on a 10-foot screen. some were crying, some were seen along. >> it brings this delta, and this has been a nostalgic moment. it is just an honor. i'm really grateful to be here. >> a man's landing on the moon 40 years ago, people want to be with people's during in turin -- important times. >> folks were morning michael jackson all over baltimore. >> adding that was 14 at the time. >> clarence caught covered on a table inside lexington market. he disappointed -- and this child was watching my cellular phone. >> there will never be another
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entertainer like michael. he was the best. there will never be another like him. >> merchandise is sold out of buttons, hats, and t-shirts. >> i'm not surprised people love him. we know him. we grew up with him. he has been singing to us for 40 years, so we know him and we love him. >> he media experts are trying to figure out if today's viewership will rival the inauguration. michael jackson merchandise is definitely selling better. reporting live downtown, wbal-tv 11 news wbal-tv 11 news. we have continuing coverage on our website,, where you will find a video of the tributes and a survey where you can vote on your favorite jackson song. there is a link to the special
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section on the homepage. and breaking news right now. a hit and run in northwest baltimore. let's go live to skyteam 11. >> they are on the scene investigating a hit-and-run involving an 8-year-old child. we have video. we do not know the extent of the injuries but we can tell you that the child is taken to hospital. in other news tonight, new details and the debts of two teenagers along the rail tracks. they were hit from behind. when we are joined live from the light rail with breaking details.
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>> officials say that they took a good look and it showed that he two boys were walking on southbound tracks when they were hit from behind by a light rail. he said something like this, and northbound train reports of hitting a guard rail that has been placed on the track. it is not known if this was related to the boys being hit. head and then the first tranche hits, and officials say that the driver apparently was unaware he had hit the two boys. finally, at 3:10 p.m., train 21 ran over the boys a second time, but an inspector noticed something strange, so when it called in to the losers will station, she walked on the tracks and may discover -- at the lutherville station. now they are investigating how it is possible that the boys
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were not noticed initially. we will have the answer at 6:00. until then, wbal-tv 11 news. what started as a water rescue has turned into a drowning investigation. the sky team was over and around 3:15, and you can see crews here trying to rescue 19- rural said burkhart. he spent 15 minutes under water before being rushed to bayview medical center, where he was pronounced dead. he -- the i-team has uncovered new questions about the 17. cahoon -- the 17-year-old boy accused of shooting a little girl. >> we have learned that a hamas davis was under what was supposed to be the most intense
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supervision in the juvenile system, but if the allegations are true, under the supervision he was willing to settle a fight with a gun and in the process put a 5-year-old's life on the brink. >> he has spent much of the last year and the most incentive street meant -- intent of st. intense this treatment -- intensive treatment. davis was arrested 13 times since the age of 10 for crimes that have increasingly become more violent. we now learned that he was sent last summer to aprons toward discounting group home after an arrest in may 2007 car theft case. he is in eight security facility that keeps dangerous suspects under lock and key. he was there in june 4 beating
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and choking a young woman with her cellular phone. but over the objections of prosecutors, he was put back in the community to be supervised by a gps system that tracks offenders reportable device strapped on an angle. yesterday, he cut off the anklet just before he allegedly shot a 5-year-old girl. a spokesperson for the juvenile system today said that ual officials put him on community detention several weeks ago because the judge indicated that order. the spokesperson said that the gps monitoring is the highest level of supervision. reporting live, jane miller, wbal-tv 11 news. a police officers recovering after being involved in an early morning accident in west baltimore, in the 1500 block of north fulton street. details are unclear tonight but officials said it is still under investigation.
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we have seen some he scoured -- some scattered showers and storms try to develop, and it looks like there's only 10% to 15% chance of an isolated start popping up as we head through the evening. showers and storms are coming across pennsylvania and they are developing and of a cold front. cooling back into the low-and- mid-70's. our wind shifted to the northwest, so expect some of the cooler air to focus in. low normal temperatures are what to expect. we will see how it comes around. one of the archdiocese of baltimore is closing its doors.
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house and he towson him -- towson catholic will not open next year. the drop in enrollment created a $700,000 budget cap, and about 20 teachers are affected by the closing. >> that is a shame. >> that school is where anthony graduated from. links to hundreds of deaths from suicides and overdoses. patients are made more at one of the danger by the fda. means an whole grains may bring pressure down. time for dinner? what is on your plate? is it steak? we will tell you about new food safety rules put forth by the obama administration today. over 25 car tires are slashed. fios guy! where ya headed?
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ah, just installed fios in the whole building. now everyone has the fastest upload speeds. and we're giving them a mini netbook. well, i'm sticking with cable. so's ted. (voice) no i'm not! he's just goofing. (voice) no i'm not! (sighing) ted has betrayed me. (announcer) unlike cable, fios brings 100% fiber optics straight to your home and when you switch now, you can get a free compaq mini netbook. just pay shipping, handling and taxes. with fios, you'll get razor-sharp tv, blazing fast internet and crystal-clear phone service all for just... sign up today. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v, and for a limited time, get an incredible compaq mini, to get the most out of your fios internet. get it all together with a great deal on fios tv, internet and phone plus get a free compaq mini netbook. just pay shipping, handling and taxes. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v before time runs out on this astonishing offer.
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the lot recognizing same-sex marriages performed elsewhere has gone a into effect in the district of columbia, approved by 12-1 vote by the council in mel -- in may. a push by black church leaders opposing the gay marriage failed to get a referendum and congress took no action. three states, connecticut, iowa,
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maine, massachusetts, vermont, new hampshire all allow same-sex marriage. after one of the longest recount struggles, al franken is now a senator. he took the oath of office this morning, sworn in by joseph biden. the new senator from minnesota is the 60th member of the senate caucus, giving a potential filibuster-proof majority. >> internet's medical alert, the fda is allowing darvon, darkness set, and others to stay on the market, but they are ordering stronger warnings, which means that patients will receive eight pamphlet which is the bottle that mentions risks. it has been linked to hundreds of deaths from suicides and accidental overdoses. it is also known as propoxiphine. is a week painkiller, commonly
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prescribed. also tonight, the obama administration is promising a revision of the food safety system after recent incidents when people became sick after improperly handled food products. tracy has that story from washington. >> he buys fresh fruits and vegetables twice a month at the farmers' market. when >> you want to make sure that it is safe. >> family should not have to worry about whether the food on your dinner table he will make you sick. >> but with peanut butter, spinach, and other financing 75 million sick every year, families do worry. joe biden met the mother of a 6- year-old boy had died from tainted fast food. >> a hamburger is something we all feed our children, something we do without thinking
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twice about any possible danger. >> this will require almost all turkey and poultry producers to meet new standards by next year. the department will also build a national tracking system for outbreaks. >> what the capacity to be able to trace back to the source of a food-borne illness. >> a new safety standard for tomatoes, melons, and leafy greens. they will also require testing and refrigeration for egg production to control salmonella. the new food commission will oversee those changes and advocates are hopeful. >> if this time they are going to put money behind them, it will make a difference. >> agriculture and the fda are teaming up to greet one central command for the dozens of agencies involved. what they desperately need are more food inspectors, something
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congress must authorize and pay for. from washington, wbal-tv 11 news. if you have high blood pressure, try eating more beans, whole grains, and tofu. it may help you, according to new research from northwestern university, where scientists say that there is a key amino acid in vegetable proteins. blood pressure was slightly lower among adults with higher dietary in takes of that protein. researchers say that there is no indication that glutamic acid supplements would work the same way, and they encourage eating rich vegetable protein foods instead. and johns hopkins is being credited for spearheading an unprecedented procedure. the multi-patient kidney swap had been done before, but this time, the hospital successfully
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completed the first 16-patient multi-center transplant, with eight people, five men and three women. it appeared $8 and matched them with eight patients needing kidneys. doctors say that this exchange of organs made it possible for each recipient to receive a compatible kidney. >> donor kidneys were immediately with live donors. they last longer. there are tremendous benefits to live the nation. -- live donation. >> the procedure was completed just yesterday. now, your instaweather forecast. >> we're keeping an eye on the sky to see if any isolated storms will develop. there's a possibility, because a weak front is coming through the area. it has been a warm afternoon, with temperatures in the mid-and
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upper-80's. clouds are starting to build up, trying to for a spot or two. we're watching a ragged area of showers and storms. that is back southwest to the western part of maryland. if you connect the dots, you can see them in the form of a friend coming down, and this will make it through. behind it, cooler, drier air, but he considers the whole lot as far as storms along the final boundary. so the day was in the low range again, and temperatures warmed up, but not too much to worry about as far as trees, grass, and we pollen. the total town is just seven. associated with the storms in amounts to our northwest, there are just a few isolated cells, but the temperature contract is
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significant, 85 in baltimore to a cool 64 in pennsylvania and torts buffalo, n.y., 71 in cleveland. that is the cooler air that will follow and you conceit things filling up nicely. so with a wind shift, comfortably cool for this time of year. 57-64, said that 8:36. -- sunset at a o'clock 36. -- 8:36. the high will settle in here, which means a pretty nice middle-and-end of the week here as far as high pressure coming on an cleared things up. ec the sunshine we expect in the region tomorrow, and while they feature cloud cover, it does look like it will stay dry here. even friday is a decent looking day here with the clouds and showers holding off near the great lakes. the next front probably will
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not push into baltimore until later in the day saturday. nice summer weather ahead of us precise customer, breezy, cooler, 77-84, and dreyer, too. humidity levels will go down and the atmosphere will dry out. 15 not sit with day-weather temperatures in the mid-70's. western maryland is cool and comfortable, a nice day, and about 70 degrees. along the chesapeake, it will be breezy, with sunny skies in the short, and around ocean city, another beautiful day as the sea breeze kicks in. cleaning things up a bit here, with sunny to partly cloudy skies wednesday, thursday, friday, temperatures in the upper deck 70's and low-80's, and 50's at night for the next couple of nights making it tolerable. then we see more humidity and a
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chance for an evening thunderstorm on saturday and a few scattered thunderstorms on sunday and monday. breaking news right now. at vw wife -- atbwi -- what is happening? >> you have heard of a bird strikes. they had an airplane's your breaking off from this location and as it climbs out, it struck about 40 birds. from what we understand, no one was injured and it ended up coming back into the airport to make a safe landing. right now, runway 28 a shutdown, which is where everybody takes off. you will see about one of a 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, eight jets standing by in a process of clearing the birds up who were struck.
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first to want to share the airplane standing by. you can see how they're pretty much just stacked up because they cannot get out right now until they are able to -- keep on the left, keep on the left. you will see. those airplane standing by, waiting to take off. shtick we will try and show you where the actual strike took place, following the runway at, and you'll see a truck and other equipment in the middle of the runway crit there you go. that is the area where there in the process of cleaning up about 40 birds struck by this jet. but the good thing we talked about before is that no one is injured whatsoever, and the airplane was able to make a safe landing, a cautious one because of the strike, and that is the protocol that all airlines are going through right now. if they have a strike on takeoff, they do not even think about it.
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they turned back and check the aircraft out to make sure that it is safe because they need to before they proceed to the destination. as we get more updates, we will get to you. >> the wheels never left the ground in this situation? >> no. the airplane took off. as it was taking off, it struck the birds, the pilot notified the tower, declared an emergency, it there'd -- it did a couple circles and ended up landing on runway 33 left. no one injured. pilots were able to do an excellent job. as far as i could tell, it was all card generic -- precautionary. but they have for -- 40 birds in the process of being cleaned up, and until they do, they will not let any airplanes take off on that runway.
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>> so there are obviously delays at the airport. but we will update you on the situation. my husband and i, we love to go to steakhouses i can smile, i can carry on our conversation i do most of the talking yes i wear dentures and they fit wonderful super poligrip acts as a seal between my dentures and my gums super poligrip makes eating more comfortable. even well fitting dentures can feel more comfortable with super poligrip. just a few dabs of super poligrip create a seal between your dentures
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and gums to make them more comfortable while you eat. i can eat my steak, i just love it. try super poligrip. ah, just installed fios in the whole building. now everyone has the fastest upload speeds. and we're giving them a mini netbook. well, i'm sticking with cable. so's ted. (voice) no i'm not! he's just goofing. (voice) no i'm not! (sighing) ted has betrayed me. (announcer) unlike cable, fios brings 100% fiber optics straight to your home and when you switch now, you can get a free compaq mini netbook. just pay shipping, handling and taxes. with fios, you'll get razor-sharp tv, blazing fast internet and crystal-clear phone service all for just... sign up today. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v, and for a limited time, get an incredible compaq mini, to get the most out of your fios internet. get it all together with a great deal on fios tv, internet and phone plus get a free compaq mini netbook. just pay shipping, handling and taxes. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v
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before time runs out on this astonishing offer. four years ago today, four suicide bombers attacked a london transit system. today, a special memorial was unveiled. >> 52 steel pillars, one for each victim of the july 7
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attack. we have more. >> four years ago, 52 lives were lost, and the lives of so many more were changed forever. today, the victims and their families have a permanent memorial in london's hyde park, a place for reflection and commemoration. as it was unveiled, prince charles paid tribute to their fortitude. >> i feel that here there is some small awareness of the shattering loss you are suffering. >> the colors you signify a victim -- the pillars each signifies a victim. they are named on a plaque and in a roll-call of the dead. there is also a common desire among many for a public inquiry to help them make sense of loss. >> the company that operates
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london public transit has said it carried out major upgrades to communications systems for staff. they will hold a new inquiry into those attacks. sarah palin talks about why she decided to step down midterm. an internet venture that microsoft cannot fix. in moscow, president obama meets the man many say is really running russia. lots of folks here on sedona avenue woke up two flat tires this morni
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many surfaces that seem smooth and strong... ...are actually susceptible to irreversible damage. your teeth are no different. everyday acids can cause irreversible loss of enamel. new crest pro-health enamel shield protects against... ...enamel loss by forming a micro-thin shield against acid attack. only crest pro-health toothpastes... ...protect all these areas dentists check most. save your enamel. once it's gone, it can be gone for good. new crest pro-health enamel shield. also shield with the rinse.
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and up the right now on the breaking story out of the airport. a bird strike, and we will be brought up to date. what is going on? they pretty much shut down runway 28, a primary takeoff year, with the moving of just a few jets said it will be able to take off. because of the traffic, it will be awhile before they are situated, and for what we heard, other pilots have been talking about there being a lot of fog. there are numerous birds on the runway and they are still watching the facilities here, trying to clean up that mess. you also see not only if there
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are birds but if there are any parts of the airplane missing. the airport is still sitting on the tarmac -- the airplane is still sitting on the tarmac. landing was precautionary because of the amount of birds in a hit, and the airplane was taking off right here. we do not know where it was going. it and that certain to the east and was able to land without incident. -- after circling to the east. with more information, we will update you with a new report. >> quickly, passengers still on board the jet? >> as far as we know, everyone is still there. nobody has departed the airplane and they are just going through their protocol right now to deal with what has transpired. new, more than two dozen
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tires slashed in northeast baltimore has neighbors more than all little upset. a little upset. sedonia avenue, ne baltimore with the latest. >> police say there are no suspects and no motive in deep slashing of these tires. >> 26 and counting. >> for many residents here, when they went to their cars this morning, this is what they found. >> thank god i did not have to go to work today. >> 25 to 30 cars here had tires slashed, according to police. >> it is terrible. i cannot believe it. i thought my car just got a flat. >> five long blocks, tires were randomly/. >> it was terrible.
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it was terrible. that is all i have to say. >> i was torn to take my wife's car to get an oil change. i never noticed mine was flat. >> they cannot understand why an individual or individuals would do something like this. >> you just watch and wait to come back. that is all. i'm kind of matter right now. the kind of matter right now. >> police are beefing up patrols in the area. at this hour, the world watched as thousands gathered for a star-studded memorial tribute to michael jackson. entertainers and athletes from smokey robinson and usher to magic johnson performed and spoke kind words about he led --
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the legends. the jackson family and friends gathered for a private funeral service in hollywood before the tribute. investigators still do not know if the mistress of steve mcnair committed suicide or was murdered. the bodies were discovered saturday afternoon inside a home that mcnair lived in with a friend. he was shot four times, she was shot once. authorities are hesitant to conclude that he was shot by his girlfriend, saying she did not appear to have a motive. but they're saying murder- suicide is a likely scenario. baltimore council has approved limitation to the circulation of unsolicited materials. businesses cannot leave pamphlets on cars and trucks and in apartments. advertisers are required to include a toll-free number on each flyer to opt out.
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they would face fines of up to $500. takes place july 20. obama went to russia to speak to vladimir putin and a group of students -- knowledge a deep alliance is going to take time to build. brian has the latest from washington. >> the first meeting between obama and vladimir putin was far from shore doubt that some had been expecting. -- far a showdown that people had been expecting. >> this is an excellent opportunity to put relations on a stronger foot. >> many believe that two and is the man running russia. he was recently accused of having a foot stuck in the cold war past. but president obama says that the old school suspicions may be
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giving way to new world pragmatism. >> i found him to be very smart, and i found him to have a practical bent. >> obama suggested a solution to to appoint. our missile defense system, and russia's own willingness to get tough on iran. >> if the threat of iran's programs is eliminated, the guiding force for missile defense will be eliminated, and that is in our mutual interest. we need a fresh start between our societies. >> the first family got a taste of local culture. history on the russian stage as the president tries to make some of his own. the president and prime minister did not agree on all of the issues but they promised to be better listeners. sarah palin is talking
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publicly after announcing she was stepping down. she talks to nbc about her reasons for resigning. she said she knew she was not going to run for reelection after being picked for vice- president, but she did not say what was next. >> i do not know what the future holds. i cannot predict the next fish run, much less what will happen in a couple of years. my focus is on my state and it always will be. and my family and what is best for them. what is best for them is to avoid a lame duck session in the final year of office. >> her last day is july 26. >> maryland and other states may get tougher on mature drivers. are they driving too fast? how police knew they had
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their circular in south carolina. america, whattaya say to big cheesy-steaky-ness!
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- subway. eat fresh! - eat fresh! when you wanna kick it up with zesty chipotle sauce. - eat fresh! - eat fresh! the flavor-fullest sub only subway can offer. - eat fresh! - eat fresh! try the new subway big chipotle cheesesteak. an updated all-time favorite: juicy steak layered with zesty chipotle sauce... and melted cheese, piled high with only... the toppings you love. subway. eat fresh!
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police in south carolina say the man who killed five people last week is dead. during a shootout 30 miles away in north carolina yesterday, officers killed patrick tracey burris after he shot an officer in the leg during a burglary. tests on his gun and blow it -- both say it is the same weapon used to kill five people last week reprieve. >> this is 25 pages. >> now, and investigation is underway to see why a man with such a criminal history is not in jail. a baseball fan who was kicked out of a yankees game during god bless america for leaving his seat is suing the city.
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he will get $10,000.12000 in fees will be paid to the new york civil liberties union. the team says in settlement papers that fans at the new stadium are free to move around. on average, women still make less than men do. tips for women at each stage of their lives. cold front on the way. see if we will hear any thunder. right now, it is warm, 86 at
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abrasive on dentures? look, scratches collect and grow cause bad breath instead clean without scratching causing bacteria every day good afternoon. here's a look at what we're working on 46. a new report suggests that the polluted waters of the chesapeake are becoming
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dangerous to humans. and one location is very popular. and one location is very popular.
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now, your forecast t. >> for the first time, we did not have a cooler than normal day. today, the morning low as a comfortable 64, the afternoon high of 88. when the average those out, you come out pretty much normal for this time of year. a little warmer in downtown baltimore, but not record territory. 99 degrees, and a chilly 53 to start the day back in 1980.
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nothing on the almanac today, but you can see the slightest risk of picking up rush-hour here through the evening. clouds developing ahead of a friend were isolated storms are trying to form. hit and miss, and very little activity south the pennsylvania. just a few little blips on the radar screen. probably a 10% chance of a thunderstorm popping appear in the next four hours to five hours. warm temperatures that of the front, almost 90 down in virginia, then you see a cooling effect across northwest pennsylvania. we should be passed baltimore and on to the eastern shore by midnight as skies cleared out, setting the stage for a nice day tomorrow. 50's and 60's tonight, sunset
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8:36, and minimal chances of any isolated storms developing. an area of low pressure has been up there for a while and the front is breaking upper. it will be strong enough to keep the front moving through, and it sets the stage for a couple of nice summer days. skies are mostly clear, lots of sunshine to more, minimal cloud cover, but pleasant with humidity staying down and even into friday, temperature is warm a bit, and things go way up, not scheduled to get here until the weekend. low humidity and a west wind at 5 miles an hour to 15 miles an hour, temperatures from 77 to 84. water temperatures, a high tide in fort mchenry. 87 is the normal high.
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you only see that showing up once here in the next seven days. other than that, a cooler weather pattern continues. breezy and sunny, pleasant, 80 degrees, and an afternoon high of 78. low 80's, chances for an evening thunderstorms saturday and the chance continues into sunday and monday. >> tonight, surfers are at high risk of wiping out with internet explorer 6 and 7, and microsoft cannot fix it, at least not yet. users can be infected by viruses by visiting websites. microsoft announced that they will be working on the security hole but it will not release it until ready. in the meantime, users are urged to disable volatile software.
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you can find out how to do that by logging on to our website. be sure to keep an eye and your checking accounts. they are charging more by adding or raising your feet, according to a bank and watched our website which also says that higher fees and changes in annual memberships are also going up. 68 million working women last year. women now make up nearly 47% of the american workforce, but they still make less than men, one reason for them to have to be money smart. >> women are not equal to men when it comes to money yet. they make up 50% the workforce and we still only make 80 cents to $1 a man pull in and we
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receive smaller social security benefits, like 32%, which means we need to work harder to achieve goals. the best thing you can do for yourself is not fall behind with debt. it can be easy to get to debt. most 20 somethings graduate in with the debt. live within your means and start investing in your retirement plan if you have access to one or a roth ira. in your 30's and 40's, you have families and more obligations but hopefully we're also earning more. it is more important than ever to balance the budget to make room for future polls. saving for retirement should be a big goal now. make sure how you have life insurance, disability insurance, and trust if you have dependents. and be careful to balance the demands of kids' college and funding retirement.
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your retirement needs to come first, because it can bar for a school and you should not be borrowing as a senior. play catch up if you need to but do not get too conservative. you do not need all your money at 65. you'll hopefully of decades ago. drivers might come under closer scrutiny as the baby boomer generation gets older. 18 states now require more testing. states like california, florida, and maryland are looking at tougher requirements. drivers are expected to be 65 or older. >> for more, log on to our web site and click consumer. also, the five things that gas stations and airlines will not
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tell you. fine details clicking on the smart money link. and i think the fourth of july holiday in new york made me think of lyme disease. if you're wondering why, you can check out my block. and we have posted the top five restaurants to say serve the best tactics in maryland. hit -- crabcakes in maryland. more on that under entertainment. >> and i think of crabcakes, i never think of lyme disease. still ahead, pollution in the chesapeake bay poses more of a threat than already thought.
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news service said he now crab tyree library is getting real answers. >> jennifer has the story. >> instead messaging has become part of life, so we decided to venture into that. >>/library usage is up, and the library is trying to stay a step ahead becomes too anticipating needs. there now considering instant messenger and text. during library hours, librarians like cynthia vendor are standing by in the sights and sounds department to answer questions like -- >> peter billings lee, a christmas story. >> your question cannot be more than 140 characters, and standard rates might apply.
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>> they asked if i had twilight on audio book. i responded that we do. it is like a book, but it is live people. you can come by and get information that you need or look for more things online. >> know when use the phone anymore, and this is a way that we have become of to date which the new technology. to be able to get the question and answer right at your fingertips is fabulous. >> some answers take research. to find out how to use this, to our website. wbal-tv 11 news. a great way to do that. here is what is coming at 6:00. >> folks and baltimore were watching michael jackson's memorial today. we will have the latest for you.
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new information concerning teenage boys hit by a light rail train this last weekend. a live report straight ahead. >> effective chesapeake bay on human health. that is coming up. live, local, late-breaking.. this is wbal-tv 11 news at 6 in hd. family and friends celebrated the legacy of michael jackson and a public memorial seen around the world. that is our big story at 6. it is star-studded and emotional, wrap it up just a few hours ago. the ceremony was attended by thousands and watched worldwide. we begin team coverage from los angeles. >> a tribute by the hollywood elite to honor one of music's biggest stars. >> this man, this b


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