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tv   11 News  NBC  December 26, 2009 6:00pm-6:30pm EST

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>> intelligence officials say
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richard reid use the same explosive when he tried to bring down a christmas like years ago. u.s. officials were probing his links to a radical islamic cleric. his father also reportedly warned u.s. officials his son had taken a radical turn. >> president obama has been getting regular briefings on the incident. officials are urging passengers to be patient. officials are demanding an investigation. >> this is having a direct impact on the already busy holiday travel weekend. security measures have been tightened across the country,
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but some travelers at dulles airport are trying to take it all in stride. >> the chances of it happening are so slim, that if they can be more secure, that is fine. we can still get where we are going. >> you can get the latest look at airport delays an estimated wait times by going to our website, last week at this time we were under a foot of snow, but what a difference a week makes. let's check in with jim nichols. how much more rain are getting? >> a lot of the heavy rain is moving out, but this is what is left behind.
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of >> will not be worried about a lot of the white stuff, at least until next weekend. a lot of the rain is making its way of the delaware coast. we are in a 50's right now with some 40's out to the west. we will talk about those warmer temperatures and how much longer they will last in a few minutes on the forecast. >> nothing says barden like the day after christmas. shoppers were on the hunt in search of after christmas deals. typically the week after christmas is big business for retailers. many retail outlets in the mid- atlantic are hoping to see a boost in sales this weekend
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after last weekend's blizzard shut down many malls. >> a lot of people are looking around to see what last-minute deals they can get with their exchanges. >> today i had returns, the bursaries and i came here. i came early to get away from the crowd. >> according to the research firm shopper track, many sales occurred a week after christmas. it has been five years since the tsunami devastated southeast asia. how people there are remembering those who were lost. first, a salvation army worker in gunned down. tonight, the shocking details of
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ahhh. time to get the latte budget under control. mm-hmm.
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[ female announcer ] trying to be smart with the family budget? here goes the good old steam. [ pfffft! ] whooa!!!! [ female announcer ] let bounty help... because it cleans the mess with less than the bargain brands. it's thick and absorbent. and really durable. in lab tests bounty absorbs twice as much as the bargain brand. [ steam hisses ] why use more when you can use less? bring it. with bounty. the thick quicker picker-upper. and try bounty napkins. now with new prints. >> a horrible scene in arkansas where a salvation army was work -- worker was shot and killed in front of his three children on christmas eve. authorities in north little rock
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state major philip wise was gunned down near the back entrance to the salvation army facility. two men approached him, demanded money, and then shot him while his three children stood watching. 911 was called, but he died before help arrived. >> our entire community is saddened by this horrible crime. particularly because it is a gentleman who has given so much to the neighborhood, to lose a father and husband. >> the shooters are still on the loose. >> a disturbing domestic dispute out of pennsylvania where police say a man tried to make his pregnant girlfriend drink bleach. authorities say gregory pope told them he went after his seven months pregnant girlfriend with a bottle of bleach because she thought -- he thought she was cheating on him. the boyfriend has been charged with aggravated assault.
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>> there was a promotion gone bad in los angeles last night. as we take a stroll down memory lane, that was nothing compared to what happened 30 years ago. we will explain. a lot of the snow has melted, and we are dealing with a few areas of flooding. most of the heavy rain is moving out. temperatures are still miles, 48 degrees at the airport, but 53 downtown. some warmer temperatures will be some warmer temperatures will be on the
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..when your nose is raw and sore. plain tissue can make it burn even more. but mom knows there's puffs plus... ...with the magic of three. soothing lotion with a touch of shea butter, aloe and e. plain tissue can irritate the sore nose issue. puffs plus with lotion is a more soothing tissue. a nose in need deserves puffs plus indeed. and try puffs plus with the comforting scent of vicks.
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>> candlelight vigils were held across southeast asia for the five-year anniversary the tsunami. in thailand, thousands of people released balloons in memory of those laws. a tsunami killed nearly a quarter million people in 13 countries. a special prayer ceremony was held in sri lanka by a religious
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leaders. >> a lot of heavy rain today. it was a nasty day to be outside. now we are doing a little bit of that missed and spray on the roadway. it will be a little bit difficult to see out on the roads later on tonight. a lot of the heavy rain now moving its way into jersey, so that is good news there. we can take a wider look at the storm and seek the midwest is still getting hammered with snow. they have seen snow in some places in iowa and the dakotas for three days straight so far. we are of the rainy side of the entire system. it is not really moving a lot. that is what we have seen the rain all day today, this entire complex will be pushing its way through the north and east. we are dealing with warmer temperatures. it has been very pleasant outside, helping melt lot of
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this note. a lot of cold air is bottled up across portions of the midwest. that will be heading our way by the middle of the week. temperatures will be struggling in some locations with overnight lows into the teens. we are dealing with 50's today. we will have 48 for the high tomorrow after hitting 52 today. 42 on monday, and the trend continues into tuesday. tuesday, wednesday, and thursday will be the chilliest days of the week, and then we have to talk about snow again towards the end of the week. we will talk about that in the full 7-day forecast. we are looking at 40's and 30's a little further out to the west. patchy fog is possible, 35-40 degrees. it will be tricky driving tonight with some of that fought. -- some of that fog.
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by monday we will see lots of sunshine and a slight chance for a flurry. a quick look on the futurecast shows the clouds eventually moving out by the middle of the afternoon. partly cloudy tomorrow with early morning patchy fog. we will start to see a little bit of sunshine. a good travel day tomorrow with temperatures in the 40's and tutti's once again. a quick look at the forecast shows a slight chance of flurries monday morning. very windy by tuesday when the cold air arrives. new year's eve and new year's day, a slight chance of some snow. we will be watching that very closely. >> now, 11 sports. >> the ravens lost up again. lardarius webb is already out.
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mack is banged up, too. joe flacco played a tremendous game last sunday. four touchdowns against the bears, sending them into hibernation. flacco now has 19 touchdowns, second highest ever for a ravens quarterback. >> it is huge. everybody loves it here in baltimore. every now and then, it is such a good rivalry. we have such good fans around here, but we have a couple of outcasts. it is a fun rivalry for everybody. >> watch out for the outcasts. the biggest of the 34 does not happen for almost two weeks, but there was some serious -- sarah
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thomas became the first woman to official -- officiate. she had to do some running to keep up. andre booker doing some serious booking here. he races 58 yards for the touchdown. 21-0. ohio mounted a great comeback. this christmas present bounces right into the hands of shannon bauer, who takes it 76 yards. 21-17 for the win. the former player of the year, the mcdonald's all-american, was putting together another highlight reel today. he cleans up o.j.'s mess with a slam dunk. a power slam, 22 points. a losing cause today, but the
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highlight of the day. he nails it became unfortunately, they never set on tv what the guy one. i hope it was something good. there must be something in the air like reindeer dust. that was grant hill. this is lebron james to throw from halfcourt. it did not count because it was after the buzzer. lebron is not what everyone was talking about at a later game last night. it was a generous gesture that turned into a finger foam fiasco. the lakers late index on the court and the fans started throwing false fingers at the players. for the all-time giveaway, we bring you disco demolition night. they decided they would blow up disco records on the field.
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bad idea. they ended up burning the grass. a riot erupted. needless to say, the game had to be postponed. that was amazing. you do not see that these days. we'll be back with the forecast right after this. right after this.
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♪ ♪ i'm cool like that, i'm cool like that ♪ ♪ i'm cool like that [ female announcer ] there's a smarter, cooler way to get your clothes brilliantly clean. and it's a turn for the better. ♪ i'm cool like that, i'm cool like that ♪ [ female announcer ] tide coldwater. it's specially formulated to clean in cold better than the other brand does in warm. ♪ cool like that and by washing in cold, you can save up to $10 on your energy bill with every 100 oz bottle. and that's cool. tide coldwater. get out of the old and into the cold. ♪ i'm cool like that >> a woman dies after being exposed to carbon monoxide last week. this just as baltimore county passes a stricter law monitoring alarms in rental properties. plus, the latest on the attempted christmas day attempted christmas day terrorist attacks as author it's so hard to choose one. you know, during the sign then drive event,
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you can get a cc, tiguan or fuel efficient jetta for practically just your signature. you can get scheduled maintenance at no cost. there's got to be more to it than that... i'll never doubt you again.
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>> almost all of the snow is gone. >> it will be warm again tomorrow, and it will still be misty and foggy out on the road tonight. if you are out tonight, you need to take it easy on the road. 48 tomorrow and then 42 degrees, with a slight chance of a flurry. then we are talking about the chance for another snowstorm potentially at the end of the week to usher in 2010.
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>> still very far out in advance, but something we are watching. >> let's try not to overhype this thing. >> thanks for joining us. nbc nightly news is next. [captioning made possible by constellation energy group] captioned by the national captioning institute >> as we come to the close of
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another year with our military fighting on foreign soil and to different countries, we must remember those who are sacrificing their lives for the pursuit of liberty. these greetings are also available on click on editorials. from our family to yours, happy holidays. >> i am sergeant danny crenshaw, serving in southwest asia. i love you all, and i will be home soon. >> i am currently deployed to southeast asia. i would like to send holiday greetings to my wife, my kids, and the men and women of the 29th. i would also like to say happy
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anniversary to my wife anna. i love you, miss you, and i will be home soon. >> i like to wish happy holidays to my friends and family in maryland. >> i am in southwest asia. i would like this in a holiday greeting to my father, joseph johnson and my wife [ telephone rings ] pepto-bismol. nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, and diarrhea.
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yeah, my son's got all that and he's on his first date. will new pepto instacool cover him? what's he got, a little bit of the nervous stomach? the chimichangas probably aren't helping either. ouch. well, when he feels the instacool sensation, he'll know that pepto's about to kick in. oh, ah-ha. honey, do you feel... the instacool sensation -- yes, mom. thank you, mrs. wagner. you're welcome, sweetheart. [ pepto guy ] have a great date, everybody. [ male announcer ] new pepto-bismol chewables with instacool. yup, you're covered.


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