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tv   Late Night With Jimmy Fallon  NBC  March 6, 2010 3:05am-4:00am EST

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>> jimmy: thank you, thank you, very much. [ cheers and applause ] thank you, thank you so much. welcome to "late night with jimmy fallon." it's friday. how are you guys feeling tonight? feeling good? [ cheers and applause ] the olympics are here, you guys. i love it. the olympics are here. right now vancouver is the home of the winter olympics. and this summer, it will go back to its old name, the home of righteous weed. [ laughter ] here's some weird olympic news. i read that the u.s. curling team has its own official condom. [ scattered cheers ] yeah, but it's still not as good as the most effective method of birth control, being a member of the u.s. curling team. [ laughter ] hi, i'm a member of the -- no, you don't want to? hey. i'm a member of the -- no, not at all? [ laughter ] president obama has a lot of stuff coming up. he's gonna give the commencement address at the university of michigan on may 1st.
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obama plans to open with some bipartisan gratitude. i'd like to thank joe biden, hillary clinton, john mccain -- sarah palin. [ laughter ] this is pretty interesting. a new gallup poll found that 44% of americans would vote for president obama in 2012, while 42% would vote for a republican candidate. if you are wondering about the other 14%, let's just say bieber fever has gotten a little out of control. [ laughter ] bieber fever. [ light laughter ] the whole situation with toyota is not good at all, you guys. toyota is still out there apologizing for this massive recall. i'm like you know what, toyota, we appreciate the apologies but you can stop now. no, really, stop, stop, stop, stop! you can stop now! [ laughter ] geez. listen to this. a company in israel has a new machine that can shrink man boobs by 40%. [ laughter ] [ scattered applause ] that's crazy, right?
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yeah, it's called a treadmill. [ laughter ] ♪ [ scattered applause ] they're calling it a treadmill. ♪ >> steve: i think they forget you're the kung fu comic. >> jimmy: they forget i was the kung fu comic from '89 to '91, i think. i was reading that there's a new program in washington, d.c., that gives free blackberrys to smokers so that they can call a quit smoking hot line whenever they want. so far, the program has helped over 1,000 smokers get a free blackberry. [ light laughter ] this is just bizarre. a company in japan has a new sneaker that adjusts to the changing shape of a woman's foot according to the balance of her hormones. it's going to lead to some fun arguments with your girlfriend, right?
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"why can't you understand me like my sneaker does?" [ laughter ] and finally, there's a new trend in australia. kangatarians. kangatarians, that's people who only eat vegetables and kangaroo meat. meanwhile, kangaroos have given them another name. a-hole. [ laughter ] ladies and gentlemen, we have a great show tonight. give it up, please, for the roots! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: hey, we're finishing the week up strong. tonight, we've got a big, big, big, big, big, big show. "the wolfman" himself, benicio del toro is here. [ cheers and applause ] yeah, he's a great dude. with perfect timing for valentine's day this weekend, we have a power couple, kim kardashian and reggie bush. they're going to be right here. [ cheers and applause ] oh, they're fun. kim was on one of our first shows, remember?
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>> steve: yep, with the fam -- >> jimmy: and we've got our pal, selena gomez is joining us. [ cheers and applause ] oh, i love her. we're going to talk to her and she's singing a song from her album to close the show tonight. it's going to be a great, great show. i'm so excited. well, today is friday. and that's usually when i catch up on some personal stuff. you know, i check my inbox and return some e-mails and, of course, i send out thank you notes. well, i'm running a bit behind tonight. so, i thought if you guys wouldn't mind, i'd just like to write out my weekly thank you notes right now. is that cool? do you guys mind? [ cheers and applause ] i'll make it very quick. i apologize. hey roots, can i get some thank you note writing music? ♪ [ light laughter ] ♪ beautiful. thank you, olympic rings, for showing fruit loops what they're capable of becoming if they really apply themselves. [ light laughter ] ♪
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thank you, figure skating, for being like if hockey came out of the closet. [ laughter ] ♪ thank you, john mayer, for the article in "playboy" magazine in which you used the "n" word, said your penis is a white supremacist, and called jessica simpson sexual napalm. you really put the rumor that you're a douche bag to rest. [ laughter ] [ scattered applause ] ♪ thank you, fake drawer in my kitchen. even when i've lived with you for ten years, you still manage to fake me out. [ laughter ] come on, fake drawer! ♪
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thank you, hangers, for being like floating plastic shoulders. [ light laughter ] ♪ thank you, new york, for being the only city in america with enough tall buildings for spider-man to do his thing. can you imagine if peter parker was born in santa fe, new mexico? [ laughter ] lame! ♪ [ light laughter ] ♪ this is the last thank you note right here you guys. [ audience aws ] [ light laughter ]
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thank you, 6% of male population, for admitting to passing off existing romantic poetry as your own in order to impress women. for the record, i'd just like to tell my wife that i would never do that. in fact, i'd just like to say that i would fight for you. i'd lie for you. walk the wire for you. i'd die for you. you know it's true. that everything i do, oh, babe, i do it for you. [ laughter and applause ] there you go, everybody. those are my thank you notes. stick around. coming up after the break, the season premiere of our new "lost" inspired drama "late" about the survivors of an elevator crash. here's a sneak peek. >> ten, please.
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>> looks like we're all going to ten. must be your lucky day. >> don't worry. that's normal. >> i just hate elevators. [ screams ] >> you don't want to miss your elevator. [ cheers and applause ] host: could switching to geico really save you 15% or more on car insurance? host: does elmer fudd have trouble with the letter r? elmer: shhhh, be very quiet; i'm hunting wabbits. director (o/c): ok cut!!!!'s i'm hunting "rabbits," elmer. let's try that again. elmer: shhhh, i'm hunting wabbits. director (o/c): cuuuuut! rabbits. elmer: wabbits director (o/c): rabbits. elmer: wabbits. director (o/c): rabbits with an "r." elmer: aw...this diwector's starting to wub me the wong way. vo: geico. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more.
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( wind blowing ) ( leaves crunching ) ( metal clanking, engine revving ) ( wind blowing ) a wintermint flavor that warms... and cools as you chew. 5 gum. stimulate your senses.
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get your look on track. come on, covergirl. take beautiful back. you can start right here. just click to match your department store shades for less. easy, breezy, beautiful. covergirl. for our seasonal beers from all over the world. [ cannon ] for our new spring seasonal, we're introducing samuel adams noble pilsner. it's our take on a classic bohemian pilsner. and we found the traditional heirloom malts. laid out and turned daily by hand. [ man ] it produces a lot more flavor. [ glanville ] our twist with this beer is using all five noble hops. [ man ] four hops from bavaria and one from bohemia. we get a very bright, hoppy note with a clean finish. it's got a lot of flavor. and refreshing. [ man ] it makes you look forward to the warmer days of spring, but noble pils will be gone before you know it.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back to the show. thank you so much for watching at home. i appreciate it. any "lost" fans out there? [ cheers and applause ] such a great show. in fact, before the season started, i went back and watched all five seasons from the beginning and actually reminded me about a year ago, i had a pretty similar experience to "lost," right here in this building. it's true. except, instead of a plane crash, it was an elevator crash. and we got stranded on a mysterious deserted floor. anyway, they made a whole show about it, and i thought, tonight i'd show you guys the first episode. so, sit back, relax and get ready for all the exciting action, shocking twists and
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mysteries that may never be explained in tonight's season premiere of "late." [ breathing heavily ] [ screaming ]
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[ beeping ] [ screaming ] [ intense music ] [ light laughter ] >> help, help! we need help down here. ♪ >> help! help! >> jim! jim! >> elevator's not working. >> it's like it's stuck. >> just stay calm.
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>> it's okay. we're going to get you out of here, okay? >> jimmy: aah! what's your name? >> jane. >> jimmy: jane, see if you can find something to prop this open. >> okay. will this work? >> jimmy: perfect. perfect. okay. one, two, three. okay. you, stay here. are you okay? >> i think so. >> jimmy: listen to me. we don't have much time. the elevator is about to fall. >> okay. >> jimmy: i need you need to be as far from here as possible. do you understand? >> yes. >> jimmy: all right, now go to the conference room and wait for me. now! >> wait. where's the conference room? >> jimmy: uh, you go down the hall and you make a right. >> my right, or -- >> jimmy: i'm sorry, i'm new. so down, it's like three, uh, three offices to the left. >> to the left? okay, okay, great. >> god! he's not breathing.
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>> jimmy: come on, breathe, damn it, breathe. >> are you going to do that thing where you kiss him? [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: come on, breathe. come on, breathe. come on, come on, come on. come on. come on. [ coughing ] all right, come on, we've got to get out of here. the elevator is going to blow. everybody out!
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someone check the other elevators on the floor and see if any of them are working. >> jim! jim! jim! my son, have you seen my son? >> jimmy: calm down, sir, okay. calm down, we're going to find your son. is this him right here? >> oh, thanks. >> jimmy: uh-huh. [ coughing ] hang in there buddy. hang in there, okay? all right, look, keep this leg elevated. if you see any more bleeding, come find me. >> hey, where are you going? >> jimmy: our elevator just crashed on a deserted floor and i'm late for my show. where do you think i'm going? to find the stairs. >> i'm coming with you. >> jimmy: no, you're staying right here! >> you're not going out there alone! >> jimmy: yeah, i am! >> no, you're not! >> jimmy: oh, yeah huh! >> uh, no. >> jimmy: uh, yeah. >> come on. >> hey, where are you going? >> jimmy: uh, me and jaime are just going to go -- >> oh, i'll go with you. come on. jane. [ laughter ]
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>> jimmy: i just tried to -- >> which one? did you try this one? >> jimmy: keep an eye on the which ones i'm trying. can anyone hear me? >> can you hear him? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: dad? you're not real. >> what are you looking at, soup boy? >> jimmy: nothing. uh, i was just looking for the stairs. >> well, i'm looking for the stairs.
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[ laughter ] >> i think you guys are going to want to see this. >> jimmy: whoa. >> what do you think they used it for? >> jimmy: this place is starting to freak me out. ♪ >> scared of legal pads? need a pacifier, baby?
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>> jimmy: you don't know what i need. [ laughter ] >> guys, come on. ♪ >> jimmy: guys, i think i just found our exit. there's still time to make the show. i'll see you on the other side. ♪ >> be careful. >> jimmy: usually, i'm saying that to you.
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>> take care, bro. ♪ [ laughter ] ♪
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[ laughter ] >> jimmy: where are we? [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: "late," everybody. stay tuned for the next episode monday, march 1st, where a major question will finally be answered. and be sure to watch this episode again online, so you don't miss any of the clues. we'll be right back with benicio del toro, everybody. come on back! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ so, what's the problem?
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it's your blades pal ah man, i should have known. even the best blades get worn down. when that happens, it's not as comfortable, see? when the strip turns white you should think about changing it... for a smoother ride. (announcer) gillette fusion. fresh blade. more comfortable shave. ♪ five-dollar footlong ♪ any, any, any ♪ five, five dollar ♪ five-dollar footlong
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♪ any, any, any ♪ you c-c-can't go wrong even the zesterrific italian bmt... and dee-licious subway club are now $5 footlong subs. any regular footlong sub for just $5 -- hurry in! this offer won't last. ♪ at subway a complete adult multivitamin in a gummy... with ingredients to support energy, immunity, and your inner child. ♪ one a day vitacraves. multivitamin gummies... for grown-ups. mmm?! belongs to molly and alex. i'll take good care of them. [ erin ] in times like this, you can really use a friend. you have enough to do without worrying about your car. that's why esurance lets you manage your repairs online.
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email questions and your mechanic will be there for you. the shop will even send you daily photos of your repairs in progress. isn't it nice to know someone's looking out for you? i'm going to miss those crazy kids. online repair monitoring. from esurance. click or call today. ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: welcome back, everybody. our first guest is an academy award-winning actor whose new film, "the wolfman," is in theaters today. ladies and gentlemen, please welcome benicio del toro. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thanks, buddy. thanks for coming, pal. i appreciate you being here. >> thank you for having me. >> jimmy: are you a winter olympic fan? >> you know, a little bit, yeah. >> jimmy: yeah, sports fan in general? >> yeah, i love sports. i love sports. but i grew up playing basketball and baseball and watching boxing and stuff. more summer olympics. >> jimmy: yeah, more than luging and -- >> grew up in puerto rico, you know, so we don't have snow. >> jimmy: yeah, so, there's not much luging going on in puerto rico at all, no. i saw "the wolfman." it's awesome, really, it's such a cool -- and this is like a pet project for you? no pun intended. [ laughter ] sorry. >> well, you know, i've been a
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big fan of those movies since i was a kid. all those classic universal horror movies. and, you know, my manager -- >> jimmy: lon chaney and all of those. >> yeah, lon chaney jr., boris karloff, bela lugosi. so, my manager and i were just -- said, "hey, you know what? let's go to universal and propose the idea of doing a remake of 'the wolfman'." and they went for it. >> jimmy: they went for it. exactly, yeah, that's good. and it's wild. the makeup on that, it's amazing. >> yeah, the makeup was done by rick baker. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah. he does all the great -- >> he's a maestro when it comes to makeup. >> jimmy: we have a picture of you in the makeup. look at this. yeah. that was -- >> that happens on a full moon. [ laughter ] it really does. >> jimmy: how long does it take? >> that took about four hours, you know, to put it on. and then the tough part is to take it off. >> jimmy: yeah, it must be a pain in the neck. >> taking it off is not fun at all. everybody's gone home. [ laughter ] you got to sit in that trailer
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for two hours and they got to scrape it off your face. >> jimmy: must be a bummer, too, like, just getting lunch on lunch breaks. [ laughter ] because you're dressed like the wolfman. you got to go into, like, a taco bell drive-through. you're like, "how are you doing? can i get a -- i know, dressed like a wolfman." [ laughter ] people are freaking out. you roll through the drive-through looking like that, that's just pretty frightening right there. [ laughter ] "give me a chalupa!" [ laughter ] you play in the movie, you play an actor who -- you go to visit -- your brother is dead. you go back to the family castle, which is the spookiest place. where did you film that? >> that was in derbyshire, england. >> jimmy: really? >> and that's a real castle. the interior was shot in pinewood studios in england. >> jimmy: oh, is that right? >> yeah. >> jimmy: i mean, it's just creepy looking on the way in. like, it's just horse and carriages and you go in and you're like, "i'm scared right off the bat." >> pretty cool, yeah. but then -- but this is, like, the one movie, i think, that we always waited for for cgi to show, like, turning into a wolf.
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because we've seen the wolf man in the old days where it's like, "i think i'm turning into a wolf." and there's a cut to, like, some weird hair growing out of clearly not a human face. you know, or, like, "teen wolf" where he's like, "i'm just brushing my teeth, washing my face." he comes back down and comes back up and he's a wolf. [ laughter ] he's like, "oh, my god, i'm a wolf." this is actually -- you actually have amazing cgi. you have bone crunching and you full-on turning into a wolf. it's awesome. >> yeah, it's look pretty cool. >> jimmy: like, finally. yeah, it looks fantastic. i think we have a clip of actually you transforming. take a look. "the wolfman" in theaters. >> darkest hours of hell lie before you. i don't think they'll kill you, lawrence. but they will blame you. the beast will have its day. the beast will out. ♪ [ grunting ]
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♪ >> jimmy: oh, my god. [ cheers and applause ] it gets scarier and scarier. that was good. it's a good, scary movie. i like it. you know, one thing i always loved about you. your voice. you're very, like, you have a very deep voice and cool sounding when you talk all the time. and, yeah, but i was wondering if you don't mind doing -- i have a couple of helium balloons here. [ laughter ] and i was just wondering if you would -- >> oh, okay. maybe i could ask you a couple of questions. maybe just -- [ laughter and applause ] just take a good inhale. [ in high pitched voice ]
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>> jimmy: have you been traveling a lot for the movie? [ laughter ] [ in high pitched voice ] >> yeah, i've been to moscow. [ laughter and applause ] i've been to rome. i've been to many places. hey, double trouble. hey, double trouble. [ laughter ] you want a ride? helium. it's really good helium. i really like it. [ laughter ] [ in high pitched voice ] >> jimmy: i got it all the way from vancouver. it's really good stuff, yeah. [ laughter ] [ in high pitched voice ] >> it's really good stuff. really good stuff. yeah. are they selling it here in new york now? i'm going to l.a. i'd love to get some. [ laughter ] [ in high pitched voice ] >> jimmy: ladies and gentlemen, benicio del toro. "the wolfman" is in theaters today. selena gomez joins us next. come on back! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ if you've taken your sleep aid and you're still fighting to sleep
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back, everybody. our next guest this evening is a terrific young singer and actress whose tv series "the wizards of waverly place" is an emmy award-winning hit. she and her band are touring the world to support her best-selling album "kiss & tell." she's going to perform a song to close our big show tonight. please welcome back one of our favorites, selena gomez, everybody. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hey. >> thank you. >> jimmy: how are you, pal? >> i'm good. how are you? >> jimmy: thanks for coming back. i appreciate it. >> i was telling everyone back there this is my favorite part of going to new york, is being on your show. >> jimmy: oh, my gosh, you are the coolest. thanks for saying that. you are the busiest person on the planet. so, i appreciate you coming by. you have the record. you have "wizards of waverly place." won an emmy. congratulations, that's so cool. >> yeah, thank you. [ cheers and applause ] thank you.
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>> jimmy: that's pretty fun, right? >> i know. it's so funny because i'm so proud of my show, but everybody was always like, "oh, well you work on some kids show." but now i can say, "ah, ah, i work on an emmy award-winning show." >> jimmy: yeah, absolutely. it's a totally different thing. it's great. and how is the tour going? >> good. >> jimmy: "kiss & tell." >> it's going good, it's awesome. that's really big, of my face. [ laughter ] it's going good, though. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: is that right? >> it's going really good, though. me and my band are having so much fun. we're all sick right now. so, everybody, after sound check, we're like -- [ coughing ] >> jimmy: oh, my gosh. >> it's really cute. >> jimmy: have some helium. [ laughter ] >> what? >> jimmy: have some helium. it's good for your throat. >> it's probably not good for my throat. >> jimmy: it's probably not. come on. >> what do i do? [ laughter and applause ] [ in high-pitched voice ] am i doing this right? [ laughter ] [ in high-pitched voice ] >> jimmy: yeah, i think so. i think you're doing it right. [ laughter ] your laugh is really good, too. that's creepy. now my voice is really creepy. yeah, sorry. >> that's awesome.
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>> jimmy: sorry, that's enough of that. yeah, sorry, that's just getting creepy. hey, congratulations on this, pal. look at this. >> what's that? what's that? oh, thank you. >> jimmy: cover of "seventeen." look at that. [ cheers and applause ] that's the big -- the prom issue. >> yes. >> jimmy: that's a big issue for "seventeen." >> it is big. >> jimmy: sorry about that. >> is that -- oh, i thought that was you. >> jimmy: no, no. [ laughter ] i know i better not. but the big prom issue, pal. >> yeah. >> jimmy: that's huge times. >> it was fun. i mean, i don't get to have a prom, so that was my prom. >> jimmy: what do you mean? >> i'm home schooled. i've been home schooled. >> jimmy: really? so, you've never had a prom? >> no. [ audience aws ] >> jimmy: aw, man. >> it's all good. no, i am living my dream. >> jimmy: next time, we're going to throw you a prom. >> okay. >> jimmy: yes, that's what we'll do next time you come on. >> yeah! >> jimmy: yeah, we'll throw you a big prom. >> that'd be great! >> jimmy: i went to both of my proms. i went to junior prom and senior prom. >> okay. >> jimmy: this is a picture of -- this is my junior prom. >> oh, my goodness. i love that. [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: yeah, she was taller than me. she was very pretty.
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and she wore heels, even though i'm very short. i think she went tanning, too, before -- [ laughter ] so, she was tanner and taller than me. >> can that be my screen saver, please? >> jimmy: it should be, she was awesome. and then here's my senior prom. here's me and -- me and laurie mullen right there. [ laughter and applause ] >> you're taller. >> jimmy: i love how we pose in front of, like, a car. we thought that would be the best place. [ laughter ] like, "i got the picture right here. let's pose in front of that white dodge." [ laughter ] "that'd be perfect. i got it in the cemetery." "perfect. that's exactly where we want to go." [ laughter ] that's laurie mullen. i think we won king and queen or something. or runner-up or something. >> oh, yay, good. >> jimmy: but next time you come on, we have to have a big dance-off and all that stuff. >> heck, yeah. i'm down. >> jimmy: it'll be fun, with the disco ball and all that. >> that's right. >> jimmy: so, now you'll be playing -- well, i should say, we're looking for crazy prom pictures from people at home. so, go to our website and send us videos or pictures of you at your prom that are just as embarrassing as that, please, to make me feel better about myself. you are going to be singing later on for us. >> yeah. >> jimmy: and i just recently heard that you were on, i think
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you were in texas, i think, and you sang a bunch of covers at your concert. >> i did. yes, i sang my set, of course, but i sang backstreet boys and some katy perry and i covered that selena song that you guys greeted me with. thank you. >> jimmy: that's super cool. what backstreet boys song? ♪ i want it that way >> jimmy: i like it. ♪ tell me why [ laughter and applause ] >> yes! >> jimmy: i don't do it. but anyways, that's cool. would you ever do a covers album? >> yeah, i love covering songs. i love music. so, i would love to. >> jimmy: that'd be super fun. well, maybe next time, we'll do a prom theme when you come on and we'll do some cover songs. >> yeah, and then you can rap on one of them. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: why would i rap on one of them? >> i don't know, i think that'd be cool. >> jimmy: because it's better than my singing voice? [ laughter ] absolutely. hey, selena gomez will sing her song "naturally" to close the show out tonight. >> thank you. >> jimmy: up next, kim kardashian and super bowl champion, reggie bush. so, come on back! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ya know, i'm really glad we finally decided to see where raisin bran crunch is made.
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yeah, this trip is way overdue. i just can't wait to see all those crunchy flakes in action. i hope i get a chance to put two scoops!™ of raisins in some boxes. you know what will really get us in the spirit? ♪ 99 boxes of raisin bran crunch ♪ ♪ if you're nice to me i'll share some with you ♪ ♪ you take one down ( and pass it around ) ♪ ♪ 98 boxes of raisin bran crunch ♪ three tasty ingredients, one great combination. ♪ raisin bran crunch! from kellogg!
3:45 am
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back, everybody. our next guests are one of the hottest couples around. she's an entrepreneur with a hit reality show on e! and a new perfume. and he just won the super bowl. give it up for the lovely kim kardashian and from the new orleans saints, reggie bush! ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: welcome, welcome, welcome. thank you so much for coming back. >> i know. thanks for having me. >> jimmy: first time for you, reggie. >> it is my first time. >> jimmy: absolutely, yeah. >> the dressing rooms have changed a lot. >> jimmy: thank you. yeah, it was better than last time, right? >> better than last time. and we love your show. every night, we watch it, and we -- >> not every night, but -- [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: you can lie, reggie, geez. i mean -- "not every night." yeah, you do. >> we are, like, the biggest -- like, all we do is play board games at night, and we saw you playing taboo. we could literally kick your butt in taboo. you suck. he was pretty bad. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i mean -- i am not that good at taboo. i got to be honest. i'm not -- that's not my game. charades is my game. >> charades? >> jimmy: yeah, just because -- >> i like charades, too. >> jimmy: yeah, like, taboo freaks me out. i don't know what to do. i just start saying words that
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don't make any sense at all. people are guessing things that -- i just want to stay so far away from the words that -- >> i think it's easier to play with a couple, because if the word is like "taco," you could be like, "what did we eat for dinner last night?" you know, and only him and i will know. >> jimmy: well, hopefully you ate tacos the night before. or else that'd be confusing. like, "lasagna?" [ laughter ] and then it gets confusing. dude, you won the super bowl. >> yeah. >> jimmy: congratulations. [ cheers and applause ] how exciting. >> it's been amazing. you know, it's been exciting. you know, it's more exciting because of the fashion that we did it in. we did it for a city that needed something like this. when you are able to do something like that for a city that needed something like that, it makes it that much more special. and, you know, just -- we couldn't be more happy. new orleans was literally on fire when we got back, and it was crazy. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, yeah, absolutely. >> bourbon street was crazy. and, you know, we just had a great time. it's a historical moment, time, for the city of new orleans, and i'm just so happy to be part of it. >> jimmy: i mean, that's so cool. that's really a big accomplishment.
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[ cheers and applause ] now i thought i read in some interview that you were going to propose to kim if you won the super bowl. >> i think we've been engaged, like, literally, 100 times this week, according to the tabloids. >> jimmy: yeah, i mean, but is that -- i mean, you -- >> the ring is right there. there it is right there. >> jimmy: but that's not the ring. [ laughter ] did you do it? >> no, we did not get engaged. >> you know what? we're young. we're in a great relationship. and we're just taking our time. i think everyone is, like, pressuring us. >> jimmy: come on, can we bring the lights down? roots, give me a little something. ♪ >> jimmy: i'm sorry, i'm sorry. no, i'm sorry. i'm sorry to embarrass. [ laughter ] >> hopefully it would be a little more romantic than that. you know? >> jimmy: well, that's romantic for me. that's what i do. [ laughter ] usually, i'm on helium when i do it, too. >> that was kind of like a "shaft" -- that wasn't necessarily, like -- >> jimmy: oh, it's a crazy party here. yeah, it's bizarre.
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you guys want any helium? i mean, i got as much helium as you want. just take a little hit. just a little helium. just say your name. it just could be legendary. i just want to hear both of you guys do it. >> you do it. >> jimmy: kim -- [ in high-pitched voice ] >> hi. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: just introduce yourself. [ in high-pitched voice ] >> hi, i'm kim. >> hello, i won the super bowl. >> your voice doesn't even change. [ laughter ] >> yeah, my voice didn't really change. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: maybe you're immune to helium. this is so weird. [ in high-pitched voice ] >> hi, i'm kim kardashian. [ laughter ] [ in high-pitched voice ] >> and i'm reggie bush. [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: that's exactly what i wanted to hear. that is precisely what i wanted to hear. >> can we do the whole interview like this? >> jimmy: yeah, sure. yeah, you can do it. are you excited about this, reggie? what do you know about perfume? >> i don't know a whole lot about -- [ in high-pitched voice ] >> you love my perfume. [ laughter ] i don't know a whole lot about perfumes, but um -- >> but you helped me pick it. i made you smell my arm a
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million times. >> yeah, when she gave me a chance to smell it, i smelt it, so -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: hey, hey, hey. absolutely -- hey, absolutely not. >> so, you know, that was kind of like my input. >> jimmy: yeah. >> i got to chance to smell it and, um, you know, it got -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: uh, but it must be wild, having your own scent. and you're going all around. i know i saw you in a couple of newspapers. you're going around selling this, it's on sale in just four stores now, but it's going global. >> it's sephora, yeah, um, and it's really cool because my sisters and i, when we were little -- >> jimmy: i love them. how are your sisters doing? >> they're really good. >> jimmy: they were great and you mom is doing good as well? >> my mom is doing really good, yeah. >> jimmy: yeah, best to your family. >> thank you. >> jimmy: sorry to interrupt. [ laughter ] >> i was just going to say that kourtney and i thought that making fragrance was taking flowers and putting it in a blender and then, using the juice. and, i don't know if we used poison ivy or whatever, but we had this huge rash all over us.
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so, i learned the right way to make perfume. >> jimmy: this is the way to do it, right now, yeah. i -- >> -- with that helium over there. >> yeah. i think that that wore off. >> jimmy: my sister had some barbie thing, where you crank it and you put water in it and you move some switch and you made perfume. >> really? >> jimmy: and then, my dad bought me a baseball glove. [ laughter ] stop playing with barbies, kid. [ laughter ] but dad, i'm making perfume. get over here! [ laughter ] oh, boy. anyway, i'm happily married now and uh -- [ laughter ] we love each other and, uh -- [ laughter ] >> you don't ever like revert back to those times when you play with barbies, do you? >> jimmy: no, no, not at all, but i'm keeping this perfume. [ laughter ] this is fantastic. you guys, "keeping up with the kardashians" airs sundays at 10:00 p.m. on e!, and their perfume is available exclusively at sephora. kim kardashian and super bowl champion reggie bush, everybody. selena gomez is on next, come on back! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ cannon ] for 25 years, the focus at sam adams
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back, everyone. here with the song "naturally" from her album "kiss and tell," please put it together for selena gomez and the scene, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ how you choose to express yourself its all your own ♪ ♪ and i can tell it comes naturally it comes naturally♪ ♪ you follow what you feel inside it's intuitive ♪ ♪ you don't have to try it comes naturally it comes naturally ♪ ♪ and it takes my breath away
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you are the thunder ♪ ♪ and i am the lightning and i love the way you know who you are ♪ ♪ and to me it's exciting when you know it's meant to be ♪ ♪ everything comes naturally it comes naturally ♪ ♪ when you're with me baby everything comes naturally ♪ ♪ it comes naturally ♪ b-b-baby you have a way of moving me a force of nature ♪ ♪ your energy it comes naturally it comes naturally ♪ and it takes my breath away what you do so naturally ♪
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♪ you are the thunder and i am the lightning and i love the way you know who you are ♪ ♪ and to me it's exciting when you know it's meant to be ♪ ♪ everything comes naturally it comes naturally ♪ ♪ when you're with me baby everything comes naturally it comes naturally ♪ ♪ when we collide sparks fly when you look in my eyes it takes my breath away ♪ ♪ you are the thunder and i am the lightning and i love the way you know who you are ♪ ♪ and to me it's exciting when you know it's meant to be ♪
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♪ everything comes naturally it comes naturally ♪ ♪ when you're with me baby everything comes naturally it comes naturally ♪ ♪ naturally naturally naturally naturally ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that was good, buddy. that was great. thank you so much. selena gomez and the scene. check out their album "kiss & tell." my thanks to benicio del toro, kim kardashian, reggie bush, selena gomez and the scene, and the greatest band in late night, the roots. happy valentine's day. thanks for watching. have a great weekend. bye-bye. [ cheers and applause ] ♪


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