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tv   11 News  NBC  April 10, 2010 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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>> this is wbal-tv 11 news at 6:00 in high-definition. >> there is tragedy abroad. the president of poland and his wife are among the dozens dead after a plane crash in western russia. polish officials put the death
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toll at 97. we are told some of the country's highest military and civilian leaders were on the presidential plane when it crashed while trying to land in the fog. pat sinclair has the latest. >> emergency crews tried to put out a flaming debris in western russia on saturday. the debris from the airplane pates are horrific scene. on board the plane was deposed president, lech kaczynski, a u.s. ally seen at the white house with former president george bush. also killed was the first lady and several high-ranking officials. the foggy weather may have played a part. an investigation is ongoing. the delegation was in russia for a ceremony marking the anniversary of the world war ii massacre. vladimir putin went to the crash site and is promising full cooperation with poland. >> we will set up everything necessary to meet their relatives and whoever wants to
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visit. >> in poland, the mourners in this deeply roman catholic country build the church is to express their grief. in washington, this polish- american was one of many who visited the polish embassy to pay their respects. she says that lech kaczynski will not soon be forgotten. >> he did a lot of good things for poland and for the polish people. >> the polish presidency is largely a ceremonial position. if doubts have some powers. the prime minister was not on the trip. -- it does have some powers. passing clear for wbal-tv 11 news. >> president obama said our thoughts and prayers are with the families of the loved ones killed in the tragic plane crash and the polish nation. members of the baltimore polish community gathered in a show of solidarity for the crash victims. the maryland senator was among those at the katy memorialn dedicated to the 20,000 polish
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officers murdered during roman -- world war ii. >> as the highest ranking member of polish heritage in the u.s. senate, i wanted to come to express my personal condolences, that of maryland, and also bring the condolences of president obama. the world is we think today -- crying today. we want to stand in solidarity as we did when poland broke free of communism. >> baltimore is one of a handful of cities with a significant polish population. we will follow the latest tragedy on our web site. for updates and reactions coming in from all run the world, go to our web site 11 ne>> it is down to the wire t the state house. this rare saturday session is like a marathon. it has been productive.
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david collins is keeping score. he towards us live from annapolis with the highlights. >> busy does not come close. this the second session today for the house. the senate has not been taken a break. some of the most significant legislation passed today include the budget and a unique sex offender legislation. the senate passed legislation adding special coding to sex offenders driver's license. opponents are characterizing it as the scarlet letter approach to law enforcement, making it tougher for sex offenders on parole to transition back into society. senator colbert sponsored the legislation. it would be down and away the only law enforcement could decipher. he thinks it would prompt law- enforcement to ask more questions to the stop a car with a child. the senate also passed legislation to require a lifetime supervision for those convicted of severe types of sex
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offenses. it is crunch time in the house. the delegates approved a bill requiring utilities to buy more power from solar energy sources. the measure is backed by the governor. republicans are opposed. they call it a tax on consumers because starting next year, and 5 cents will be added to utility bills to pay for solar power and distance. the surcharge would increase to as much as 77 cents by the year 2016. differences in the house and senate bills must be worked out in conference committee. arguments against the measure were the same. the senate debated the bill earlier this month. >> this is a $1 billion tax increase bill. there is no doubt about it. this would cost three and dollars million over the next three years. it is a $1 billion tax bill. >> the senate also passed a medical marijuana bill. that is as far as the issue will get.
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the house wants to study it more. the house has just wrapped up for the day. they will be back at 11:00 on monday. david collins for wbal-tv 11 news. >> economic developments from the stock how -- from the state house on our web site at tonight, police in baltimore are investigating a murder. it happened at the busy intersection of green mount avenue and 33rd street around 2:00 this afternoon. officials say 22-year-old man was shot and killed. the search continues for two suspects involved. >> we are learning more about the murder of a south baltimore youth leader. the sky team was over the scene when police arrested ronald hall for the murder forang of ao dangerfield.
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hall is being held without bail. a preliminary hearing is set for may 5. the city council president ushers in the little league baseball seasons. you can hear his rendition of the national anthem just ahead. >> bodies of the last four miners were found today. president obama it is demanding accountability for the disaster. >> we have sunny skies. it was warmer today. the insta-weather
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>> i hope turned to tears as the four remaining miners were found dead. the families have begun burying loved ones from the worst mining disaster in 40 years. we have the latest from washington. >> law enforcement officers paid tribute to the last of the miners coming out of the mind.
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these ambulances are now on a rescue -- mission of recovery. the confirmed that none of the missing workers would be coming home. 25 coal miners were found dead not long after the explosion monday. the final four bodies were recovered early saturday morning. when the sad news spread, family members or leaned on those nearby, including the red cross. >> the committee has been holding on to a fragile thread of hope. when that broke, the pain was excruciating. >> for days, thick smoke filled the tunnels causing problems for rescuers. a safety official said that they walked past the missing miners on the first day and never saw them. funerals are under way. these victims or fathers, brothers, uncles, and sons. they went in like any other day but did not come out. with the sorrow comes anger.
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this author was raised in a coal mining family. >> this should not happen. >> president obama says that every american should have a safe workplace. he wants a preliminary report on the cause of this week. he vows to thoroughly investigate the tragedy and demand accountability. he says he knows we cannot bring back the man we lost. congress plans to hold special hearings. wbal-tv 11 in washington. >> one of the rescue miners remains in the hospital. officials are expected to arrive in west virginia on monday to launch the investigation. there's a final push for the census. it brings a familiar face to the doors. >> style points are awarded for the blue jays. that is coming up later in sports. >> it is great weather now. we do have a rainmaker to the west.
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we will see how that behaves tomorrow. the insta-weather forecast is ahead. it is sunny and beautiful right it is sunny and beautiful right now.
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♪ o say can you see by the dawn's early light >> that is the baltimore city council president jack young. he opened the little league baseball season today. he said that he was honored when asked to sing at the opener this year. with the senses deadline a week away, some city residents received a knock on the door from a familiar face. the baltimore city mayor led the way in the march to the mailbox campaign. the effort is designed to increase the male in rate. city council members went door-
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to-door to urge people to mail their census forms back in. >> we want to make sure that every single neighborhood is counted. i am so grateful we have so many people making sure that everyone is involved in the final push. >> for more on the 2010 census and receive e-mail in rate for your neighborhood, go to >> here is your forecast insta- weather with john collins. >> it is a nice day today with plenty of sunshine. there is another cold front to the west. it does have rain along the front. it is moving slowly in our direction. we will keep an eye on it. i will talk more about it later. let's see what happened today. 63 was the high at the airport. the inner harbor hit 65. 63 is typical for this time of year. we were right on target. the low this morning was 38 at
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the airport. that is typical. we are right in the range of comfort that made for a gorgeous day today. it is 64 indianapolis right now. edgewood is 62. it is 64 at westminster. mcinhenry is at 56. here is the satellite image. the storm that davis the rain the day are so ago is finally pulling away. it did produce snow this morning in parts of new england. new england is always slow to get spring going. it is finally going. here is the next weather system coming our way. it is a cool front. there is a southwesterly wind ahead of it. that will bring our temperatures warmer tomorrow. there is colder air behind it. on monday and tuesday, that will drop temperatures again.
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this is a typical april thing. we do not think it will produce april showers. the warmer air and on the other side of the mountains will add 10 degrees tomorrow before the front comes in. the forecast tonight is clear and seasonably cold. the wind will be calm the days are getting longer. year is the map for tomorrow. the front will come through the area. there might be some sprinkles. it will mostly be in the mountains to the northwest. it looks like this will be a dry frontal passage when it does come through. tomorrow will be mostly sunny skies with clouds in the evening. the southwest winds will be five to 10. it will bring temperatures up to 75 degrees. here is the day forecast for
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sunday. southwest winds with the water to return in the mid 50's. let's show the front moving in. there is not much to it. the computer seems to be stalled. we will jump ahead to the seven- day forecast. 73 tomorrow. it will be down to 67. on tuesday and wednesday it will be in the 60's. thundershowers could be possible by the end of the week. >> it is time for sports with pete gilbert. >> brian roberts will not play tonight because of an and donald -- and abdominal strain. that is the first problem. the second problem is that mike gonzales cannot close. he has struggled in his first week with the orioles. he is blown two saves.
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the orioles fans are booing like crazy. dave pointed the finger at in dallas for the lost. he does not care for the fans' perception. >> the easy thing is to step on people when they're down. i do not think that you gain anything by doing that. you make matters worse. you draw attention to the negative. gonzales is the last guy in the world trying to fail. they all want to do well. >> dana is looking pale for the blue jays. david hernandez got the first starter's job. the first pitch is at 7 05 p.m. at camden yards. they will battle in across -- they will battle on the football field today.
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maryland was down early. the navy had great passing. this was from behind the net. three-one, navy up. there were several good moves. he had three in a row himself. this is the third quarter. brian young is out front to travis. 7-4, maryland. he finally gets himself a goal. maryland wins the game, 11-9. hopkins is writing a four-game losing streak. taking out of frustration on albany. the blue jays are in front, 5-1. here's more hopkins. shoot and score. it is 6-1. this is the second half. he gets a shot. he scores.
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eight-one. the goals keep coming. johns hopkins gets 13 different goals course today. the blasted albany, 19-7. holmes appears to be out of the criminal woods. its problems off the field are not done. numerous reports say the super bowl mvp will be subject to a suspension for violating the substance-abuse policy. it is not confirmed yet. if that is the case, it means he failed several drug tests. stay with us. we will check the forecast after this.
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>> we are learning more about the criminal history of the man charged with murdering a south
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baltimore youth leader. we will show you whthe reports about his violent criminal past. lawmakers have until midnight on monday to pass critical legislation. we will have the people who walked these streets before us were just like you and me. with hopes. dreams. challenges. today, we do more than just walk the same streets. for a moment, we get to walk in their shoes. preparing us for what lies ahead. down our next road. be part of the story. colonial williamsburg.
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it's the chevy spring event. and everyone deserves a car they can count on. one that's backed by a 100,000 mile powertrain warranty. and named a consumers digest best buy, two years in a row. discover malibu for yourself and see why over a thousand people a day are switching to chevy. during the spring event, qualified lessees can get a low mileage lease on this new malibu ls for around $199 a month. call for details. the switch to chevy starts at chevy dealer dot com. >> the prep races are just about done. it was a great finish today. we're just five weeks away --
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three weeks away from the roses. we will have pretty much the same weather todaas today in fie weeks. i want a guarantee. >> take a little more faith in the seven-day forecast. that is more in the range of our expertise. 73 will be the hike tomorrow. we will pick up clouds in the afternoon. the front coming through will primarily be dry. there could be sprinkled. it will be a very nice day tomorrow. it will be clear on monday and tuesday. we could see some frost later in the week. the best chance of rain is late in the week on friday or saturday. a stronger system will come through. ahead of that, we will be in the 70's. this is typical for april. >> this was really nice weather today.
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>> even the bad is fairly good. >> thank you for joining us. [captioning made possible by
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