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tv   11 News  NBC  April 11, 2010 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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ask ron leaders to secure weapons-grade nuclear material which will ask ron leaders. see what a summit tomorrow is vital to security -- president barack obama will ask world [captioning made possible by constellation energy group] captioned by the national captioning institute >> it is frustrating to see the level of gang violence in that
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community. we are going to fight back. we are going to do what we do. we agree to put cops out there, and we are going to arrest bad guys which we are going to put cops out there. >> -- we are going to put cops out there. >> the commissioner says he is taking action against recent violence in the waverly neighborhood, and today, he said howey planned to do it. 11 news kim dacey is here. it -- how he plans to do it. >> baltimore police are visibly stepping up patrols in the area. the first victim, a 72-year-old man killed inside a chinese carryout on his way to work, and yesterday, a 22-year-old man was killed when a fight ended in gunfire. because of these two incidents, police have saturated the area
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with patrols. the police commissioner today acknowledged it is an area known for gang violence. he says it is frustrating to see teenagers getting roped into crime for a lack of something better to do. >> they are wandering around and drinking 40-ounce beers with no good mentoring or positive support, and they are left to their own devices and the evil in that neighborhood. >> he says they are fighting back with increased patrols but that he says the entire community is going to have to come together tool belt these teenagers before they get involved in gangs. -- going to bafta come together to help these teenagers. -- going to have to come together. >> a man's body was found just before 9:00 this morning in the 5300 block of one avenue. officials say he was shot and left in the alley. homicide is investigating. just a little bit more than 24
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hours left, and lawmakers are still looking for consensus on a number of major bills, including one for stiffer sentences, on sex offenders and those who commit crimes in schools. -- stiffer sentences on sex offenders. go to our web site and click on politics. >> temperatures this afternoon into the mid 70's with sunshine, just a whisper or two of clouds. temperatures above average for the season, and looking at hd doppler radar, yes, there is something trying to move in from the north. the first band of showers tried to move in, but the air is really dry. there is not much moisture. we may see some clouds this evening. all it will do is pull the temperatures back to something close to seasonal we will talk
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about the forecast for the week ahead -- something close to seasonal. we'll talk about the forecast for the week ahead. >> an historic two-day meeting in washington, where president obama is expected to pressure countries to secure their nuclear material. talks are already underway. >> world leaders from 47 countries are writing for the first nuclear security summit. -- are arriving for the first nuclear security summit. president barack obama wanted to not fall into the hands of terrorists. -- once it to not fall into the hands of terrorists. -- wants it. it only takes a grapefruit size amount of the material to make a devastating bomb, and president obama met with 54 leaders ahead of the conference, the forest with india.
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-- the first with india. hillary clinton says focus must be on keeping this material in safe hands. >> continuing efforts by al qaeda and others to get just enough nuclear material to cause destruction and loss of lives somewhere in the world. >> defense secretary robert gates says they are not the only concern. >> we are doing everything we can to try and keep iran from developing nuclear weapons. >> that is a top priority for israel. its prime minister, benjamin netanyahu, who pulled out of the summit to avoid questions on whether or not his country has the weapons. the united nations was formed in 1945. wbal tv 11 news. >> the body of the polish president arrived in warsaw today.
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his daughter knelt beside the casket, later followed by his twin brother. the acting president and other politicians also paid respects. other leaders died in a plane crash in zero russian yesterday on route to attend a memorial for the 70th anniversary of the katyn massacre -- oa plane crash in eastern russia yesterday. a prayer for victims of the plane crash. church history dates back to when many state -- emigrated. for more on the crash investigation and how baltimore's polish community is mourning the victims, go to our website, you will find a link on our
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homepage. and today marks the final round of the masters and tiger woods' work turned to golf, but it seems he is not in the spotlight in augusta. >> well, tiger is not in the lead, but that patrons surround him nonetheless. we have this report -- but the patrons around him. >> in his classic sunday red, tiger woods t off, looking for a move -- teed off. scalpers or asking for up to $10,000 per ticket for what was hoped to be a storybook comeback off and on the court. >> he is an awesome player, and a lot of people really want to be like that in golf. >> so in agusta, at least, fans appeared to be ready to look past the women. >> he will move on. >> but moving on is still about more than golf, and on the eve
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of the final round, reminders that even shooting under par may not keep woods from being a punchline. >> you have not slept with tiger woods. >> i have not, but in defense of me, that is probably because i have never met him. >> it looked that pressure may be too much. early on, he seemed to lose his swagger, and then glimpses of its looking like nothing was over. it is still not clear whether this is the start of a more regular schedule for him. he has still not announced any plans to play in future tournaments. wbal tv 11 news. pete, back to you. >> there is still one hour of play remaining. i do not know how i can take the highlights from so many korean phil mickelson.
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it will be a lot of fun -- highlights from some many. phil mickelson. >> spring lacrosse season is underway. and providing a life-saving opportunity to those in need. a very special ceremony honoring organ donors, and swept away in the avalanche zone, the survival tool officials say helped save one man's life. >> there is a cold front coming through the area, not much rain with it. stick around. stick around.
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>> this spring lacrosse season kicks off. 150 players attended the spring clinic before wednesday's season opener. players from some of the best teams or on hand to help coach in their middle school counterparts. the league is a partnership.
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turning tragedy into a life- saving opportunity was the scene of a very special ceremony honoring the organ donors today. the living legacy of foundation hosted the 14th annual donor remembrance ceremony in towson korean the event honors those who gave. they got to share their personal life savings stories with the family members of donors. >> they are giving someone else a second chance in life that they did not necessarily know they would get. truly an amazing thing that they do. >> the living legacy foundation is a non-profit organization that links organ donors with transplant candidates. a man trapped under an avalanche buried under several feet of snow. tonight, how it common device became his survival tool. >> well, a cold front on the way and. it should be -- on the way in.
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>> tonight, officials are crediting a cell phone to help a man swept away in an avalanche. he was only able to make one call, but, apparently, that was all crews needed to rescue him. >> he was near the tree line, and that avalanche swept him about 100 feet from the trail. >> while six search and rescue teams hikes up the mountain. >> it was all along here somewhere. >> they were looking for a man called 911. >> partially covered in an avalanche. >> it is because of several feet of snow. >> right now, are danger of avalanche is extremely high. >> the man only got through once -- our danger of avalanches is extremely high. >> the key was the telephone
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call. the man mentioned the snow sweeping them off the main chute of the trail. >> we have a location that the rescuers are diverting too. >> finally, at 7:30 -- >> they made contact with the victim, a life. >> and helicopter hoisted him to safety -- with the victim, alive. >> a helicopter hoisted him for safety. he was conscious and talking. >> avalanche risk is considered high this time of year. last friday, another man from washington state was airlifted after being trapped in an avalanche. as for the man rescued saturday afternoon, he is expected to make a full recovery. >> fairly close on our hd
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doppler radar this evening. a couple of wispy clouds. there is a cool front just off to our north. that will be coming in. there are a couple of areas where the radar was to pick up some rain, but look how limited that is -- where the radar wants to pick up some rain. the front will be coming through this evening. in the mountains, maybe a sprinkle, and that is about it. today, it was great. we were like 12, 13, 14 degrees warmer than yesterday. 79 at the inner harbor. morning lows were well above freezing, although the airport did get down to 38 degrees very briefly this morning. here are the current temperatures around. 74 at the airport, randall's down 71. -- randallstown 71.
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as you get up into pennsylvania, 66 in pittsburgh. in new york state, buffalo, 58 degrees, so behind that front, yes, there is slightly cooler air coming in. the satellite picture, you can see where that front is lined up in pennsylvania right now. there are few clouds now than there were a few hours ago. these clouds are coming down. the high pressure that gave us this great weather, this is drying up. it will be dying out as it moves into the carolinas. ahead of the front, and i southwesterly breeze coming out of the mountains, so that is what helped enormous up -- a nice a southwesterly breeze coming out of the mountains, so that is what helped warm us up -- a nice a southwesterly breeze -- a nice souythwesterly breeze.
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a sprinkle or two is possible but not very likely, so a nice evening this evening. 45 to 49 the temperature range overnight. tomorrow, 67 to 71 the high temperature range. 63 is typical. a few scattered clouds. again, tomorrow looks like a very nice day. winds at 5 to 10 miles per hour. this should be out of our way by morning. now, something a little more significant, another weather system dropping down in our area, clouds late in the day tuesday and into wednesday morning korean a much better chance with that than we have -- and into wednesday morning. a much better chance with that. we have more rain chances beginning friday. >> all right, tom, thank you.
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pete is here. we are talking orioles. >> we were trying to figure out what is going on sundays, how hard it has been. they're trying to make sure they do not have the same issues. do not have the same issues. whiten your smile. no red wine, blueberry pie, coffee, or tea. i've got it. ♪ [ female announcer ] introducing crest 3d white toothpaste. the remarkable new toothpaste that removes
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up to 80% of surface stains in just two weeks. good advice. what did i tell ya. [ female announcer ] for a noticeably whiter smile in just two weeks. new crest 3d white toothpaste. and try crest 3d white rinse.
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>> sunday has long proved troublesome for the orioles. there was the more than three- month drought. the first sunday in the 2010 campaign, groundhog day. judged more on results than progress in the sierra, miguel tejada, a very pleasant return -- judged more on results and progress of the season. the birds would lead. -- more on results than progress
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this season. the first error of the year for an oriole. not. jose bautista, of course. what can go wrong, will. a two-run home run. and then, your next batter. alex gonzalez. av millwood. the orioles' lead another one get away -- off millwood. the orioles let another one get away. >> those are the ones to try to forget. i feel ok about it, you know? i feel it was better than the first one. if i can keep improving, then i think i will be ok. >> it was definitely tough for the ball club.
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we hopefully believe that we will get some rest. >> next up, against the race tomorrow. but capitals, they are on the top -- next up, against the raise -- rays tomorrow. the capitals, they are on top. alex ovechkin. first period, good things happen when you do that. his 40th goal of the year, 1-0, washington. interesting. jason, out-of-control a little bit, into the goalie. the penalty though. third period, the capitals in front. yes. tied at 3-3. this one goes on to a shootout. yes, that is inevitable.
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boston wins it, 4-3. in phoenix, an impressive display of toughness. he got behind the wheel 10 days after surgery to repair a torn acl, in gingerly making his way into the car. it gets worse for him. busch ricochets. a distant finish. a late start in the race, he has the better part. you can see in there. your points leader, jimmie johnson. and finally this evening, eye candy. suffering the fate of all outdated venues, boom.
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who does not love that? more than 20,000 gathered to watch and say goodbye, and while must have took for some, the owner charged $25 to watch. and that sums up the dallas cowboys. that's a look at sports. [ baby babbles ]
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>> not as warm tomorrow but still nice. >> "nightly news" is n
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