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tv   11 News  NBC  April 11, 2010 11:00pm-11:30pm EDT

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>> live, local, latebreaking. [captioning made possible by constellation energy group] captioned by the national captioning institute >> the big story tonight, budget proposal part to. tamara, baltimore mayor stephanie rawlings lake will pitcher plan to close the budget deficit. kim daisy has all the story from the beginning and joins us live outside city hall with the very latest. >> in the proposed budget, there were cuts to nearly every city department. as an alternative, the mayor is set to outline ways to raise money so that those budget cuts will not have to be so drastic.
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>> this like any family, i cannot spend what we do not have. with the revenue on the table, some of those cuts were necessary. >> the mayor explained why major cuts were made to the proposed 2011 budget. the city is facing a $121 billion budget gap, and in an effort to close it, nearly every city department is looking at cuts. recreation centers and pulls could be shut down. even the police parma is not exempt from the cut. >> i cannot spend a lot of time gnashing '90s about it. we have to make contingencies for what we would do in the alternative. >> the mayor is set to propose a budget plan to the city council on monday. >> we will make sure we can restore some pot -- some funds to public safety as well as infrastructure. >> it could include a beverage tax on just about every drink except milk, fruit juices, or to
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leader sodas. another way to raise revenue, making nonprofits and churches property-tax is. right now they are exempt, but they make up one-third of the city's land. finally, a tax could be placed on hospitals and colleges of up to $1 per day for every bed. these measures have the potential to raise tens of billions of dollars for the city. >> -- tens of millions of dollars. >> i am optimistic we will get a lot of the resources we need. >> the mayor said she is focusing on keeping the city's core properties on track and making sure the city continues to run smoothly. >> if we cannot live with those cuts, how come we get more services to the public? we are arnn to talk about revenue enhancement. >> the mayor is set to unveil our plan tomorrow at city hall. we'll bring you the latest tomorrow on 11 news. >> just 25 hours left in this
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legislative session, and lawmakers are still looking for consensus on a number of major bills, including one that toughen sentences for sex offenders. the session ends monday midnight. to read more on the bills that have already passed, go to our website, tonight, detectives are working to solve the murder of a man in northwest baltimore. the unidentified victim was found on denmore avenue just before 9:00 this morning. officials say he was shot and left in an alley. >> after two murders in as many days, baltimore police have descended on the waverly area and the police commissioner finds himself reacting to violence. he spoke out earlier today. >> they are the images that help define the aftermath of murder. police flooding in area, this
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time waverly, where a 22-year- old man was killed after a middle of the day fight insider restaurant spilled out into the street near green mount avenue and 33rd. >> he tried to run away from his attackers and was shot multiple times, once in the head. >> 72-year-old charles moment was killed during an armed robbery on thursday. >> it is frustrating to see the level of gang violence in that community. >> the police commissioner again let lucent on whom he calls the bad guys. >> they are out there wondering along and drinking beer at 16 with no good entering and no positive support. they are left to their own devices and the evil in the neighborhood. >> the commissioner also said he was concerned about what he calls the intensity of the officers who work in the area and the consistency of their efforts.
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>> where we have been successful over the last 2.5 years is not being responsive, being head of violence. is being proactive and being prevented. the challenge for the police and the community and the people who care about renown avenue and the neighborhood is to sustain that all through the year. >> police have yet to make any arrests. if you have information on any of these cases, you are asked to call metro crimestoppers. tonight, speculation is mounting over who will be the president's neck supreme court nominee. the vacancy comes with the retirement of justice john paul stevens, who will turn 90 this month. in a letter to president obama, he said he will step down at the end of his term in june. who will fill that vacancy? that was the topic of conversation on "meet the press" this morning. >> i think if republicans and
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democrats want to set aside politics, stop listening to this single issue groups. >> i think senator feinstein said the other day that she believes the president should nominate somebody that would get a very strong vote, bipartisan, that they were a proven and competent professional. that is the kind of nominee i hope he nominates and that we can support. >> the center believes the president will make the nomination soon. he hopes to have a new justice in place by this summer. keeping nuclear weapons away from terrorist is the focus of a historic today meeting in washington. at the summit, president obama is expected to pressure countries to secure their nuclear material. it is set for tomorrow, but talks are already underway. >> world leaders from 47 countries are arriving for the
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first nuclear security summit. president barack obama wants them in the next four years to secure all weapons-grade nuclear material so it will not fall into the hands of terrorists. >> we are locking down the nuclear material in a very specific time frame. >> it only takes a grapefruit size amount of the nuclear material to make a devastating bomb. president obama met with five world leaders and also with neighboring pakistan does the prime minister. secretary hillary clinton said international focus must be on keeping this material in safe hands. >> continuing efforts by al qaeda and others to get just enough nuclear material to cause terrible habit and loss of life somewhere in the world. >> robert gates says terrorist groups like al qaeda are not the only concern. >> we are doing everything we can to try to keep iran from
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developing nuclear weapons. >> that is a top priority for israel. benjamin netanyahu pulled out of the meeting. his deputy will attend. >> tax day is fast approaching. today maryland comptroller offered tips. the most significant advice, do not be afraid to embrace technology this season. >> we are re greater than greater thane-filing, because even the senior citizens realize it is the safest, fastest, most accurate and efficient way to file your taxes. it saves us $1.60 in administrative costs. the state has saved millions of dollars from e-filing.
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>> the comptroller's office says it has returned about a billion dollars to taxpayers who have filed of mine. the comptroller's office says it will help you file for free. to make an appointment, call their office. the day of remembrance as members of baltimore's jewish community on the 6 million jews killed by nazis during world war ii. it was a community wide, intergenerational events. >> on this solemn occasion when we remember, we honor the memories of those we lost. we keep their spirit and their memory alive. >> a study released today from tel aviv university found anti- semitic incidents double worldwide last year, the highest in two decades of studies.
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tonight, poland is mourning the loss of its president, lech kaczynski, his wife, and many prominent polish officials who were killed when the presidential plane crashed on the way to a memorial service in russia. >> he had come to russia to mourn polish victims from the 1940 massacre. it was the darkest of all chapters for his country. today, watched by russian prime minister vladimir putin, the body of lech kaczynski was flown home. on a rival in warsaw, the coffin was received with full military honors. he was the most prominent victim of the plane crash that wiped out some of poland's best and brightest officials. his brother was there to say
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farewell to his president, his brother, his identical twin. this was a scene to break polish hearts. there were emotional scenes as the convoy made its way into central warsaw, a route packed with mourners. all political divisions vanished today. this was national solidarity not seen since the collapse of communism. at midday, sirens sounded in all polish towns and cities. people paused for two minutes to remember the 96 victims. politics will resume. a presidential election must now assume the call. all day, the polish people wanted simply to light candles and lay flowers. long after nightfall, crowds are still gathered around the presidential palace.
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this is a scene of sympathy and solidarity. ♪ >> here at home, members of holy rosary church in east baltimore offered a special prayer for victims of the plane crash. the church history dates back to the 19th century when many polls first migrated to baltimore. gas prices are back on the rise. could they hit the $3 more before summer? and remembering organ donors. tonight, a ceremony honoring those who gave so much of themselves to help others. >> passengers have hit a breaking point on the fees that are being imposed month after month and year after year. >> consumers nickel-and-dimed at the airport. how one u.s. senator is taking
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action. >> temperatures are mild deceiving, but they will be fallin
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>> this afternoon, the city commissioner helped kick off spring lacrosse season. wednesday is the season opener. the lacrosse league is a partnership between the baltimore city police and the parks commission. there was a very special ceremony honoring organ donors today. the living legacy foundation of maryland hosted the 14th annual donor remembered ceremony in towson. the viet honored those who had
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donated their organs and tissues. trans but recipients got a chance to scare their personal -- transplant recipients got a chance to share their personal stories with donors. >> it is truly an amazing thing that they do. but the living legacy foundation is a non-profit organization that links organ donors with transplant candidates. switching gears, it is a jacked up fee. those are the words from u.s. senator charles schumer who says he is working to stop airlines from charging a fee for carry-on bags. he is asking for an end to the loopholes and tax laws that allows airlines to charge the fee. spirit airlines announced it would charge $45 per carry-on bag while reducing the cost of most tickets by $40.
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>> it seems that every time you buy an airline ticket, there is something new you are being charged for. charging for carry-on bags? that is over the line. >> spirit airlines says that the is necessary to keep its ticket prices low. schumer says he will introduce legislation against it if the treasury does not act. after holding steady last week, gas prices are back on the rise, moving ever closer to that $3 a gallon mark. the national average price for a gallon of regular gas rose 5 cents friday. here in maryland, a gallant will cost an average of $2.84, just three pennies more than last week. >> a little cold front is coming into the area. it is right of the city right now. on that front, some clouds. radar indicates the cloud of trying to generate a few
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sprinkles, but there is really drive. anything coming out of clouds is more than likely evaporate in before it hits the ground. it looks like the most we can squeeze out of this is a couple of sprinkles. it looks like most of it is occurring in new jersey and out in northern virginia. it is not a rainmaker, just producing some clouds. the temperatures have not started to fall yet. it was a gorgeous day today. a southwesterly breeze drove the temperatures to 76 at the airport, 79 at the inner harbor. once the front passes to the south, the winds become more northerly. that will help to drop the temperature is a little bit, but even tomorrow will be above the average temperature. here is a look at high temperatures at the airport last week and what we are forecasting for the week ahead. we were way above normal last
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week. on average, we will be above normal in the coming week as well, although closer to the normal line. we are monitoring things a little bit, taking the temperatures down from these extremes that were up in the record category. it looks like even in the coming week we will maintain a slightly above average reading. 57 then randallstown, 57 in white marsh. even though the winds are beginning to turn normally, temperatures have not started to fall much yet. pittsburg is down to 57 and buffalo is down to 47. there is that tulare coming in behind the front, which is sitting right over us right now -- there is that cool air. there is some clearing up to the north of us. northerly winds behind it and more southwesterly winds behind it.
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the really mild stuff we had today will be pushed further to the south. there is another weather disturbance of to the northwest. that stands to give us a better chance of rain when we get to tuesday, but tonight and tomorrow look good. a few sprinkles are possible, 45-49 for the overnight low. are around 70 for the high tomorrow with a few scattered clouds. take a look at our insta-weather futurecast. once we get ended tuesday, we have a little disturbance coming our way, raising the rain chances as we go into tuesday and early wednesday. here is a look at the seven-day forecast. with the clouds on tuesday and arrange chance developing in the afternoon, a high of only 59. reign ends wednesday morning around 60, and another chance of rain friday, saturday, and sunday. >> this was a fascinating masters to watch. >> it absolutely was something. the whole tiger woods of the
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played out today, but it was bill nicholson who s
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>> a master's unlike any other, at least none that i can remember. it began with a personal and public rebuke fromgexz the chain about sexual transgressions from the world's best player.
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those who just wanted to watch some great golf enjoyed one incredible show. a disaster of around for tiger woods. he could do nothing right, just having a miserable afternoon. it is not getting close. an evil, and he is back in the mix with - 7 -- an eagle. fred couples, a great turnout for the 50-year-old. he struggled, but finishes in a tie for sixth. he had a few masters moments in him this weekend. that is always something special. a birdie here, so steady the first 12 holes, then he struggled at 13 and ended his title hopes.
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a double bogey on this whole last year ended his chances. instead, after a great shot, he takes the lead from lee west would at 13 under par. have the focus at times. 14, this is the short putt. he followed it up with a cap in. he followed that up with an eagle at 15. a bizarre round of 69 for tiger woods.
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by 18, phil mickelson locking up the fairway and knowing that the masters is his. his wife amy, fighting breast cancer, was in attendance. phil mickelson joins an elite group to own three green jackets. a genuine moment of happiness as he and his wife put aside their grief over fighting cancer and just enjoyed it. >> i don't normally shed tears over wins. when amy and i hugged off 18, that was a very emotional moment that i will look back on and cherished every moment of this week. this has been a very special week. >> mickelson had a three shot victory over lee westwood, firmly entrenched for the best player in the world. tiger woods said afterward that
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-- brian roberts and his spring training dealing with a bad back and now he will be sent to the disabled list. a pulled abdominal muscle, just the paper work keeping the decision from going final. it started out well sunday against the jays. it is a double to the corner. adam jones had six rbis in the season. he strikes out. one strike away from going to the ninth. the first oriole error of the season, and it would prove costly. the next batter is short.
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the orioles led another one get away, losing 5-2. the washington capitals had a shootout loss to boston. it depends on the rangers and flyers and the finale. the winner goes to the postseason. it goes to issued out. a perfect shot. the rangers have a chance to answer. the flyers are in the playoffs. another check of the forecast coming up right after this.
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