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tv   11 News  NBC  August 21, 2010 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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>> live, local, late breaking. this is wbal-tv 11 news at 6:00 p.m. in hd. >> city police are -- and to
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members of the hispanic community and are warning about bad guys with guns. good evening everyone. baltimore city police are troubled by a series of violent attacks against hispanics. the latest attack was early this morning in south east baltimore where a man was beaten to death. george is in south east baltimore with the latest. >> police in the community are taking action tonight trying to reach up to the large hispanic population that lives here in the southeast district where many of these crimes have been happening in. in the last two breaks, hispanics have been the target of at least five attacks and two victims have died. a 50-year-old hispanic man was beaten to death and died. the robbery appears to be a motive in each case. please do not think the attackers are the same but they are investigating whether the victims are targeting them because they are hispanic. >> i think there are some
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language issues. criminals may identify them as easy targets. they know they do not contact police and carry a lot of money. and is an easy job for them. >> they met up with community leaders. they are handing out flyers urging local latinos to report but they see to police. this population is very reluctant to do so because they fear they will be asked about their immigration status. it clearly says baltimore city police officers are too -- are here to help you and will not check for immigration status particularly as the victim of a crime. live in baltimore city, wbal-tv 11 news. >> fire officials say seven people were injured in a car crashed around 2:30 p.m. this afternoon on eastbound route 50. a man, woman, and three children were sent to the hospital. two other patients were flown to
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shock trauma. add this one person was hurt in this crash when a car ran into the front yard of this house. the cut -- police say the driver lost control of the car before smashing into the porch. the crash is still under investigation. the suspects involved in a trooper involved shooting is still being treated. the trooper first-class responded to an assault call last night. 29-year-old hugh alexander iii approached the trooper with a gun. alexander was carrying a pellet pistol. the trooper has been placed on administrative leave pending an investigation. as many as 60 people died in colombia today. there were injured during a
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terrorist bombing. they wanted to help pay the medical and travel expenses that has mounted since she has been injured. the benefit is being held at the swim club. everyone is invited to go out, swim, and donate to the cause. >> she had this idea when we were coming home from vacation. we were still in shock over the news about family. -- about family. she was desperate to do something for her. she could not be in africa to give her friend a hug. family is one of her closest friends. >> she was on a mission trip when the july 11th bombing occurred. the ravens are gearing up for their second preseason game, hopefully another win. tonight they take on the washington redskins. pete gilbert has more on the battle on the beltway. >> preseason game no. two for
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the redskins and the ravens. both of them won their openers. we should expect a pretty high quality contest. anytime you get these two together, you need to think about the rivalry. is there for fans. no love lost between these two cities. what about for the ravens? it is a preseason game and it is not their rival. i get a sense of for talking to some of them that this game means a little bit more. >> absolutely, we play and scrimmage them. we play them about every preseason. it is not a huge rivalry, but there is a little rivalry. against the fans going and it is good for us. >> it is important for that reason we have a lot at stake in terms of how we develop the football team. you see the burgundy and gold, that is the team you are
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planning. >> he grew up in michigan but it did not taken too long to figure out there is something extra one baltimore and washington get together. coming up later in sports, we will talk about the game and with the ravens are trying to accomplish from game 1 it's a game two. we will talk about pass protection. at fedex field, pete gilbert, wbal-tv 11 sports. >> plenty of excitement and a little international fare in the finals of the cal ripken world series. the favorite to take on the title, mexico, ran circles around the dominican republica. they will take on the team from ocala, florida. you can watch it tomorrow afternoon at 3:00 p.m. on wbal +. >> otherwise, a pretty quiet
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saturday. if you are clouds than initially anticipated because of this area of low pressure dragging aimed -- dragging along. and is just entering western maryland. this is well to our west. this is headed our way for tomorrow. in the meantime, let's take a look at the current temperatures. 87 downtown with some higher due points today. 84 at the airport and 86 in easton. tonight, cloud will be sticking up throughout the night. a slight chance for a shower after midnight. a better chance for scattered showers and storms tomorrow. i will break that down for you in a little bit. >> coming up on 11 news, why scientists believe a major earthquake could soon strike california. new rules are helping you get the most out of credit cards. we take a look. first, a controversial nuclear plant start unloading materials. we take a
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>> iran and loading fuel into its first nuclear power plants and a. they began a week-long process. russia says they will make sure none of the reactors will be used to make nuclear reactions. this will begin providing fuel for iranian cities and about a month. there is now a warrant issued for the wikileaks founder. a new prosecutor has now dropped the rape charges. he still faces of molestation charges but there on -- unaware of his whereabouts. there were about to release a fresh batch of documents from the afghan war if you like to give or receive a gift cards, especially during the holidays, we have great news. starting tomorrow, new rules go
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into effect help get the most out of your card. leann gregg explains. >> sunday, a new law governs the multibillion-dollar gift card industry. >> under the new rules, gift cards will last longer and some fees will not be as brutal. >> they will no longer be allowed to expire before five years. each time you reload the card, it starts over on the amount you had. consumers will be shielded from annoying in user fees like a service fees or non-use charges. >> that is good news. >> you can be charged if you do not use your card in 12 months. >> we hear complaints of the time to give or get a gift cards but find out there's a lot less money on it than they thought when they go to use them. >> that is why the consumers union applied for the changes.
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the federal changes apply to store cards as well as the sec, mastercard, discover and american express cards. leann gregg, wbal-tv 11 news. >> they can still charge fees for replacing the lost cards. still ahead tonight, one nba star takes to the courts. hear the message he is sending to the kids. >> i am pete gilbert at fedex field. coming up, the redskins and the ravens. see what baltimore needs to do to make john harbaugh smile a little bit. stay with us. >> for the first preseason ravens game we had the downpour. down at fedex field, they will stay dry for tonight. and is on the way for tomorrow. i will break down your insta- weather + forecast. right now, still a little bit of hazy with sunshine. we are in the epoxy.
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84 at the airport.
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>> is california due for a major earthquake? according to a new study, yes. scientists say large quakes occur every 45-144 years. the latest was in 1857 which could signify a major earthquake is on the way. >> now, your 11 insta-weather + forecast with your meteorologist, sandra shaw. >> and i start to the weekend. no showers so far. quds and little activity as we get closer to midnight. all the showers and storms are out ahead of a cold front will move across the state of maryland tomorrow. there is a strong upper level low that will drag along the route the day tomorrow. right now, some rain approaching maryland. we will be dry for the ravens game at fedex field tonight. that is good when you contrast it to the first game of the season. as far as temperatures go, 87
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downtown, 84 at the airport, 86 in westminster. tomorrow it will be much cooler because of the cloud cover. we will see increasing cloud cover to run tonight. mostly cloudy skies after sunset or so with a slight chance of a shower later. temperatures range between 68 and 73 degrees which is above normal. the normal low is 63 degrees. the ravens take on the redskins. mostly cloudy for kickoff at 7:00 p.m. and not a bad night for football. it should be pretty good. tomorrow, it gets a little bit ugly. take a look at the mountains in western maryland. a high of only 80 degrees with scattered showers and storms. we saw the signs with the approach activity from the west. in baltimore, it will not be a complete washout, but we will see some rain and maybe some storms as this makes a final
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push. the high is only 82 degrees. we go from above normal to below normal which normal is in the mid 80's this time of year. maybe a little bit of sun tomorrow morning. the showers around ocean city will be developing later in the afternoon. winds out of the south around 5- 10 knots tomorrow. waves in around 1 foot. this to be crossing new york can drag the cold front across the state. as it does, we will see this occur. bottom line, the front will stick to our south and will remain unsettled. these will rotate on through. here's the breakdown. much of the heavy activity will be between 4:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. tomorrow. we should see more at night but then slowly dry out. tuesday, another round or two of rain will come through. we will remain unsettled. we have a new tropical depression no. 6 which is way out in the central atlantic. it is south, southwest of the
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cape verde islands. it is likely to become a depression in the next couple of days. 82 tomorrow with the scattered showers and storms. beautiful wednesday through saturday with cooler temperatures and a sunny skies. >> and now, 11 sports with pete gilbert. >> coming to you from fedex field as the ravens and ready to face the redskins. it will be an interesting contest for sure. it will be the most hostile environment that the ravens face. their first string will only play about a half or so. it will be a sold-out crowd. there will be plenty of ravens fans here as well. the environment will be exactly what you want. when the ravens line up offensively, they will face something entirely different than what they have seen in the past which is donovan mcknabb. you will see guys in the backfield like johnson, park
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,portis. they gave up some big plays last week putting the carolina panthers. i spoke about what they have done to get ready for tonight's game. >> mainly, getting ourselves more depth in our lineup. we're focusing on that and getting more comfortable. the first game is always a little uncomfortable for anybody. now we're working the kinks out. we're going to go and there and do it. >> your second preseason game is usually the one you struggle with. it is probably the most important, especially going against the redskins. mike shanahan has always had a great game. it will be a good challenge for us. and is a perfect game for us. >> the other big question for the ravens will be their offense of the line. gaither will not play.
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his back up? he will not play either. both have injuries. it will be a tough task to make sure he we -- he stays protected. the worst thing is having an injury to a key player. that will be the focus of the john harbaugh and his staff as the ready to face the redskins. they know this as well and they will do everything they can to keep him protected. the pre-game show coming up at the bottom of the hour. it will be broadcast right here between the redskins and the ravens. >> thank you, pete. made his way here ca --rmelo anthony made his way here. he grew up playing on the same courts. he talked about with the tournament means for him and where he keeps coming back come to baltimore. >> the kids to come out here and have fined, play basketball. they get to do something different. there are a lot of things that need to change in the city, but
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as long as i keep doing this i will feel good. lala was alsoife led the tournament. another check of the seven-day forecast. stay with us.
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>> here is some of the stories reworking on for 11 news tonight. the battle of the beltway kicks off here when the -- will the ravens beat the redskins? the latest on the game plus the latest on the war in the hispanic community in what residents are saying. those and much more when you
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>> a few hours left if you want to do some outside activities. if you want to growth amendment tonight. >> it is looking like it washington tomorrow. we will see these showers and storms in waves. one round early afternoon and another in the evening. out the clause will keep the temperature is down. 82 degrees tomorrow. -- the clouds will keep the temperature down. this will linger into monday. low 80's for the beginning of the week. >> wednesday for saturday looks good. that is it for 11 news at 6:00 p.m. the ravens pregame show is next.
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where was he back to 11:00 p.m. questar breaking news and weather any time that and stay >> this is a wbal-tv 11 editorial by president and general mineral -- general manager george marlee. -- jordan wertlieb. >> there the first to have smart cards designed to save money and allow customers went to the like to use the most power. a stimulus grant has been the center of a discussion between the utility and the public service.
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it is how much and when they start paying for the high-tech system that is advertised to save customers money over 10 years. wisely, they approve the plan allowing them to proceed but customers will not be billed until after the system is in place. the conditional approval allows the grant from the energy department to protect consumers which is scheduled to be completed by 2014. there will be rate increases after the system is completed and customers are reaping the benefits. this is a win/win for all parties involved. the utilities get what they believe will be more efficient system and the customer gets greater control over the efficient use of the energy they are paying for. both parties can monitor and control the cost and offset causes by avoiding expensive peak energy.
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this decision allows bge to put their money behind innovation with consumers benefiting. by smoak agreements, the consumer will pay when the goods are developed -- like most agreement, the consumer will pay when the goods are delivered. is margaret is a smart pay. [captioning made possible by constellation energy group] captioned by the national captioning institute
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