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tv   11 News  NBC  September 19, 2010 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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[captioning made possible by constellation energy group] captioned by the national captioning institute >> scoring 10 points every week will not pick up many wins in the nfl football league. good evening. the ravens suffered their first loss of the season. pete gilbert will have a little bit more coming up on a day when some say they look like they had
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just a rookie quarterback. >> with the ravens loss and an orioles win, baltimore sports fans have mixed emotions. but it was good news for some down-home baltimore merchants. you can thank the new york yankees. the resurgent orioles have meant an uptick in crowds downtown. it is bringing a boost to baltimore's economy. add in a raven the way game, and you have some very happy businesses. >> in the past few days have been the busiest we have had all season. we rang and over $10,000 in sales as of yesterday. >> i really appreciate the yankee fans coming down. they're helping out the city, absolutely.
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i think we had almost a sellout crowd last night and the night before. what i do not appreciate is the actual fans themselves. >> speaking of those fans, you're looking at yankee fans coming out of the orioles game. they seem a bit lost, maybe. but they provide a lot of good business for downtown baltimore. guess who's playing tonight? the new york giants. maybe some of these yankees fans will stick around in baltimore to watch the giants game tonight. >> we are always happy to take the new yorkers. the offensive was felt something like the pre-ravens
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/pre-and john harbaugh era. they faced a desperate opponent. a career high and, down 6-0 at the half. baltimore led 7-6, but then someone hit the snooze. what go, off his back foot, throws into double coverage. near-receptions kept coming. fourth down, last chance. flacco was unable to find a receiver. four turnovers on the road, a recipe for a miserable meal.
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>> we cannot win in this league with turnaround. that has been proven again and again. we did it with - 2 last weekend we get it done. we have to get this straightened out fast. >> we will hear from joe flacco later in sports. the giants vs. the colts will kick off later. there will be a half an hour to talk about what the ravens need to fix this offense. >> the searches on for the suspect in a shooting last night. a man was shot in the head early this morning. no word on the suspect or possible motive in this case. 50 minutes earlier, police were called to 1500 block of edgewood street. a man was shot in the back and chest. police say he was involved in a fight downtown earlier this
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morning. no arrests have been made. following overnight tests, certainty is now here. >> it began april 20 it with a massive fireball and deadly flames cutting through the night air. as the deep water horizon rig exploded and collapsed, 11 lives were lost. and oil began to seep into the gulf, the start of the worst spill in u.s. history. 150 days later, it is quiet with no ceremonial fanfare. government scientists say that the final seal, 74 barrels of cement, once stood over night pressure tests and that the well will never leaked again
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president obama acknowledged the work that has been done and perhaps the most difficult job that lies ahead. "we will continue to work closely with the people of the gulf, to rebuild their livelihoods, and restore the environment that supports them. my administration will see our communities, businesses, and fragile ecosystems through this difficult time." those are difficulties that continue to wash up along the gulf coast. while crews may have permanently stop the flow of oil, it does not mean that there is not oil in the water. you do not have to go that far or look that far to find it. cleanup teams fight every day. it seems that the oil is still winning the battle. >> i have been taking people up and down the shoreline for weeks, months now, watching the cleanup. it just keeps coming. >> charter captain joe demarco worry is that, now that the well is still, that the support will not keep coming. >> we can fix something like a
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train appeared we cannot fix this on our own. we cannot rebuild this on our own we need help from the whole country. we need everybody. >> it is help they may need for years here. tomorrow, a parish leaders from louisiana will be in washington to reinforce that point with lawmakers on capitol hill. >> officials in westminster say that water is safe to drink after a water main break this morning. it broke around 10:15 a.m., reducing water pressure to the entire system. crews have repair the leak, but officials say some residents may experience some ground as colors into the water. they say it is safe and does not need to be boiled. just run the water until it is clear rocker frank zappa is being honored in his hometown. she spent more than a year behind bars in iran. now the woman captured in iran speaks about her capture and
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release. >> baby, wanted to tell you that mommy loves you and i could not have asked for a better daughter of venue. >> an emotional speech from the mother of one victim from the explosion in california. >> it is a nice afternoon out there. but there is a cold front on the way. we will see if it will
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>> family and friends get to say goodbye to a young fred demler of the explosion in california. morales was at her boyfriend's house when it caught fire and was unable to escape. her boyfriend remains hospitalized with second and third degree burns. a funeral is set for tomorrow. one of three american hikers held in iran return this morning and spoke for the first time since she was released by the iranian around's president says
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that the remaining hikers -- the iranian government. president suggest the other two hikers may be free. pressed iran is preparing to -- >> iran is preparing to try her fiancee. >> we committed no crime. we are not spies. >> reading a prepared statement, sarah shourd thank you religious and political leaders for her release in iran. >> shane and jobs wanted with all their hearts for mind suffering to end. >> i love him so much. i want him home for his father, for his brother, for his grandparents. >> they are hoping to plead
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with ahmadinejad. he heads a prisoner exchange may be possible. >> so i believe that it would not be + based -- not be misplaced that the u.s. government should make a humanitarian gesture. >> one family reunited while two others hold out hope. shourd was released in part because of a medical problem. but she has been given a clean bill of health. >> down on bermuda, i look at the conditions and how close hurricane a war may get to the island when we come back. >> we will take a close look at igor and there is a cold front coming in from the pennsylvania mountains. it might bring a sprinkle to a few locations. it is 82 degrees at
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>> today has been officially declared frank zappa day. a statue of the artist was unveiled. frank zappa was a world-renowned artist and testified on capitol hill about free expression . hurricane igor is heading toward the island of bermuda hurricane wind and powerful waves have already done a lot to the beaches. in the next 24 hours to 36 hours, the brunt of the storm will hit as close as 10 miles. just a few power flashes have hit the island, but bermuda is prepared for the worst of igor. >> temperatures today and are
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cooperating for interesa nice fo the weekend. it is starting to back off a bit now. it is in the upper-70's are wronaround the beltway. it is still 82 degrees down at bwi marshall. it is warm out towards hagerstown. we have cool and comfortable conditions out in western maryland where a few showers are approaching during the late afternoon and early evening. these clouds are associated with a cold front that will come through here and not the temperature back a bit more could imbedded in these clouds, there may be a few isolated showers. it will not be much more than a brief sprinkle, perhaps. once the wind shifts to the northwest, temperatures will settle back into the upper-50's 2 low-60's by dawn.
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it is the cold front of to the north and west of that will make it past our region tonight, move off the coast, and bring in more direct conditions as we head into monday and tuesday. we expect a good deal of sunshine and very comfortable for the first part of the workweek. by wednesday, the wind will shift back to the south and southwest. it will heat up again. we may be talking about temperatures in the 85 degrees to 90 degrees range. there may be some scattered afternoon thunderstorms to contend with on wednesday and into thursday. 77 degrees to 82 degrees tomorrow, maybe a low cloud cover early on and clearing out the win will be north to northwest at 10 miles per hour to 20 miles per hour. when that of the north -- wind out of the north. there could be 2 feet to 3 feet
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waves tomorrow. igor is right near bermuda right now. it is bearing down on that island. ise center of the storm ha coming right up on to appear in the latest -- right up onto it. a category 1 hurricane is into the southwest of the island of bermuda and a tropical storm julia is getting weaker with wind of only 45 miles per hour. there is a pretty decent storm surge to the beaches. it will weaken as it heads out to the chilly waters of the north atlantic. it is not a direct hit, but a close call and some rough weather in bermuda this evening. there is beautiful weather around here. sunshine, breezy, and comfortable tomorrow.
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some spots will be into the 40's by tuesday morning. hot and humid weather will return on wednesday thursday. >> pete is here and it is bad, all around. >> the ravens had a rough day. they did not play well offensively. they played very badly. we will take and see what kind of a career
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>> the ravens loss to the bengals today and it cannot stop anybody. what did surprise was the complete regression of the offense that we sought in preseason. playing worse in week 2, those are real problems.
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the offense was barely better than baltimore. bengals in the red dawn, carson palmer on the third down, the past should have been picked up by the 1 landrieu. -- dwon landrey. bolton had a nice tackle, but by the way. he flat out dropped it. that could have been a touchdown or a field goal, at the very least. joe flacco and had 23 yards passing in the first half. 19 of them were to todd heath. he steps into the and throw and delivers the strike to derrick mason. in the third quarter, 9-7
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bengals. the handoff to know where is the family going somewhere. 117 yards total for the day. 10-9 ravens. baltimore special teams, failed. running up the middle, finally tracked down by josh wilson. it is 12-10. now it is 15-10 with 2 minutes left to play. flacco ended arguably his worst game so far. he had a career-high four interceptions. listen to the music. >> it is a tough one for me. i do not like going well there and turning the ball over and feeling responsible for it. we have to come back, just what we do every week. we are 1-1. we have 14 games left.
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we feel like we have a pretty darn good team. we play a game-by-game. we will go against the cleveland browns and that is what we have to do. i do not think anybody feels good about it. i definitely do not. i think everybody will be ready to go. >> the steelers are trying to take early control. moore hands off to antonio brown. sprinting down the sideline he goes and wins the foot race. 97 yards. that was just a few seconds into the game. dennis dixon left the game with an ankle injury. it turns out he was really not all that much needed. vince young for the titans, he left to for curches decision for plays like this. tennessee's offense was miserable.
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the pittsburgh defense makes up for any shortcomings. but the orioles offered what seemed impossible to baltimore fans, getting a win over the keys. and the bottom ninth inning, luke scott, the first home run in a month. that is the second hit he has ever had of of where mayor appeared bases were loaded for lance burke. he gets to the double play by a whisker. that was used as we get to the bottom of the 11th. luke scott, doubles after getting the home run. and then wigginton. please stay with us.
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>> these are the nice days. >> falwell refresh -- will officially begin on wednesday. we may be greeted with a sprinkle on monday and tuesday. we will have cool and comfortable mornings. then we may have a chance for a thunderstorm. there may be a lingering and thunderstorm threat into thursday and friday. >> it is still looking pretty good. thank you for joining us. we will see you back here tonight after the game.
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everyone knows a fee is a tax. you raised some taxes during that period, particularly the property tax as well as a lot of fee increases. as you know, there's a big difference between fees and taxes. but...they're the same. it's a tax. it's a tax. it's a tax. it's a tax. there's a big difference between fees and taxes. fees and taxes are one in the same. if it comes out of my pocket, it's a tax. now he says it isn't true. we didn't raise taxes. what? still doing the same thing, paying out more money. typical politician. definitely.
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