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tv   11 News  NBC  January 16, 2011 11:00pm-11:30pm EST

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[captioning made possible by constellation energy group] captioned by the national captioning institute >> after hours, searching a drainage pond, five teams find a body. a big story, a woman found a break in the eyes while walking in edgewater. he joins us from the anne arundel county police headquarters with the latest. >> it is unclear how the men ended up in the water or how long he was underneath. officials do not suspect foul play.
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>> a woman noticed the break in the ice while walking around this drainage ditch. an emergency dive team started their search. >> i saw the fire trucks this afternoon. that was it. i saw a bunch of activity going on. >> two issues were found. after searching the pawn for hours, five teams found the body of a man believed to be in his late 20s's. >> hopefully, they will be able to come to a final determination of what happened today. >> that is a popular area to exercise and play. >> there is a lot of people there. >> i have never heard of anything like this happening before in this area. i am shocked. i am just shocked.
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>> it is scary. some people walk through the area out when they know it is really dangerous. >> it is unclear how the men fell in or how long his body was underwater. there are some that use this tragedy as a teachable moment. >> we have to tell our neighbors, we have to be careful when we see a pattern of ice. >> police have been able to identify the victim, but are waiting to release his name. >> a baltimore city youth mentor is charged with the rape of a teenager. douglas hicks-bey was arrested last week on a rape, child abuse, and other sexual assault charges. he allegedly raped a 15-year-old girl who was a client of the shake and bake center.
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he was released on bail last friday. two 16-rolle boys charged as adults in laurel. they were rested last night. they were allegedly with two other suspects when they approach to an 18 and 20-year- old who were having car trouble. one of the victims was hit with what appeared to be a taser. the funeral service for officer william will take place later this week. he was killed outside of a downtown nightclub last week when other officers opened fire. a public hit -- a public viewing will be held. his funeral will be wednesday at 11:00. a white will begin an hour earlier. he will be laid to rest at the memorial park. doctors in tcson have operated the condition of gabrielle
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giffords. she was shot at a public event. a makeshift memorial continues to grow in size and spirit. >> the victims of the shooting were laid to rest. the tucson community is coming together. healing and trying to understand. >> it is tough, especially to know that there was a 9-year-old girl who passed away really hits home. >> there was more good news about the alleged target of the shooting, gabrielle giffords. doctors have upgraded her condition from critical to serious. she is breathing on her own. doctors have seen no complication after taking her off of a ventilator on saturday. her and two other victims are recovering. a makeshift memorial continues
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to grow. >> this is the tucson that i know, that i grew up in. this is who we are. >> a community only beginning to heal after a tragedy. >> the parents of the 9-year-old girl killed during the rampage said that their spirits were lifted over the weekend after they learned that her organs have been donated to a young girl in boston. he received a call confirming that the organs had been received. no other details were released. following the tragic events in tucson, democrats and republicans have promised to tune down their debates. some lawmakers said it will come together for the sake of the nation. house republicans will try to repeal health care reform. gabrielle giffords has shown the true value of putting people above party.
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president obama showed just how true that is that with the youngest victim holding the bar quite high. >> i want our democracy to be as good as what christina imagine it. >> the health-care repeal is the first of many debates ahead. lawmakers are pledging civility. a sergeant has been hospitalized outside of washington. the former peace corps director, vice presidential nominee and brother-in-law of president kennedy has been living with alzheimer's since at least 2003. he is the brother-in-law of maria shriver. >> chaos continues to feel -- and fill the streets of tunisia. airports packed with tourists including some americans tried to escape turmoil and violence. a lack of flights will force
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them to stay another night. the leader of 23 years was ousted. rights continued over the weekend. an announcement of a coalition government is expected tomorrow. he presided over one of the most brutal chapters in haitian history. he returned to port-au-prince after the country is trying to dig out of the earthquake. a spokesman said that he is happy to be back in his home country. oc is expected to hold a news conference on thursday. earlier today, the rain let up, giving crews a window to deliver to up neighborhoods. brazilian officials fear that a number will dramatically rise. more than 47 people have been killed in the philippines after
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monsoon driven raines and landslides. or the 1.5 million people have been affected. nearly 2000 homes have been damaged. get out your thinking camps -- thinking caps. we will introduce you to the boy that maybe the next match genius. georgia board has been hospitalized for removing her legs. >> another one of those two-part storms developing to the southwest of us. see what happens with the forecast just ahead.
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>> zsa zsa showed no hesitation towards having her leg amputated above the knee. she actually joked about the red -- the procedure is saying that she would not live long anyway. the social networking craze has made its impact on hollywood. the movie based on facebook won four awards tonight. here is a look at the winners.
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>> bale got the night started, best supporting actor for his performance as a crack addicted former boxer. >> there will be a punch out over the best supporting actress. >> look mom, i got a golden glow. >> annette bening took the best actress award for comedy or musical. she beat out juliane, moore. >> "the social network" one best screenplay. "boardwalk empire" won big. steve took best actor. best actress honors went to katy for "sons of anarchy."
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"glee" made it two in a row for best comedy. other winners included linney, who was absent. "toys storage 3" was the winner for best animated feature. our hds take a look at doppler radar this evening. relatively quiet. a little bit of snow activity not really coming in art direction. the storm is moving off to our west and are southwest. we will be begin seeing some cloudiness move into our area. what happened during the day today? we have plenty of sunshine. it was rather pleasant.
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the inner harbor is 42. for once, we got temperatures up where they belong. temperatures a little bit chillier than that right now. we look at the readings right now. it is annapolis 30. 23, edgewood. westminster, 25. frederick, gaithersburg, 27. in the teens out in southwestern maryland. you can see the stars through this. the clouds will get thicker as the storm system is developing in the south. that will occur all day during the day tomorrow. the clouds will get thicker and thicker. there is the second part of the storm up in the plain states. this will carry the bulk of the moisture as we go towards the coast. our forecast for tonight, clear
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skies, then that overcast and then overcast before daybreak. 20-24, the overnight low. cloudy and cold tomorrow. maybe a fleury or two setting up. that will not be the main event. there is only a small chip for that. east wins hold the temperature down. it brings in enough moisture to generate cloudiness. we will not be quite as warm as yesterday's or during the day to day. the storm developing in the gulf coast, that is the main storm. by tuesday morning, we will be up near cape hatteras. we will be pulling warm air in. in the transition process, we could see a mix of precipitation of sleet and freezing rain changing to rain.
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the secondary storm will be moving towards the great lakes. that will be a second kick that comes through on tuesday night and into wednesday. the futurecast shows relatively dry conditions during the day on monday. by monday night into tuesday we could see a wintry mix of rain, sleet, and snow across the area. we could see some slippery drive it the dish atop tuesday morning. there may be a brake on tuesday. the second part of the storm comes through on tuesday. by wednesday, that will be pulling out of the area. here is the seven-day forecast. at 32 on monday. and wintry mixed after dark. that all changes to rain. 38 is the high. 39, the morning mex. the sun is breaking through.
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drive of thursday. the second storm coming through at the end of the week. the computer models do not agree on all of this. we will see what happens. that could go either way. >> still ahead, a child genius you do not want to mess. -- miss. the answer after the break. the huge strides this kid is making at such a young age. first, the winning maryland lottery numbers. is a bird in the hand worth 2 in the bush?
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appraiser: well you rarely see them in this good of shape. appraiser: for example the fingers are perfect. appraiser: the bird is in mint condition. appraiser: and i would say if this were to go to auction today, appraiser: conservatively it would be worth 2 in the bush. woman: really? appraiser: it's just beautiful, thank you so much for bringing it in. woman: unbelievable anncr: geico. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more.
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>> i know you know this. figuring out the value of x may be hard for us. he scored a 1690 on his sats. that is 10 points away from perfect. >> i was trying to think back, what did i mess, what did i do wrong? >> the square root of 15i by 2. >> i know you know the answer.
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he has figured it out. eighth grade. he says that he just enjoys working hard to be smart. like those three over there. >> seventh grade i took the sats. >> we have some weather coming in tomorrow night and tuesday, a mix of precipitation, a wintry mex. during the day, we expect generally cloudy skies. more likely after dark, then there will be a complicated situation for the morning drive. >> we will keep an eye on it. the final ravens wrapup starts right now. >> flacco to throw under pressure. it is batted down at the 35-yard
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line. intended for t.j. houshmandzadeh. that was the ravens season. >> as if yesterday did not staying enough's, the ravens would have posted the afc championship next sunday at mn t bank stadium. what they not to shakespeare, now is the winter of our discontent. that was a tough one. >> that was a tough one. i am in this loop of my nightmares -- thinking that the game is a 21-seventh and the ravens have full control. they do not. >> the terrible towels. it is going to take weeks to get out of that one.
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>> joe flacco will catch a lot of criticism. it is not fair to pin this on the quarterback. right rice suffered flu symptoms. a 14-yard touchdown run. >> the defense does eight excellent job of diagnosing plays before you do. >> i hope you are rolling the this one. it looked like an incompletion. the whistle had not been blown. the touchdown. tomlin lost the challenge. the touchdown to todd heap at pittsburgh in shock. >> pittsburgh was reeling after this turn of events that put baltimore in clear control. >> then came the second half.
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>> joe flacco to ray rice. at the expense of a fumble. ray rice does not fumble. 405 carries before he fumbled on that one. he thought he was free and clear, but he was not. that was the beginning of the end. going the way of the black and gold. credit the steelers, they took full advantage right away. roethlisberger to miller. that is emblazoned on the brain, seeing that kind of thing. joe flacco try to take advantage like he did in baltimore against the steelers. that did not pay off at all. joe flacco would have loved to have had that one back. you have got to credit the defense once again. that particular play, todd heap
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was not able to come down with the catch. >> the steelers able to take advantage. >> he was about 8 yards deep in the end zone. one-on-one on hines ward. he had the events. >> may be the play that is going to change things back the way of the ravens. holding marcus meth. he was beside himself. i spoke with him after the game. >> it is bogus holding. >> the referees nine times out of 10 are going to call it. >> they still have the ball. anquan boldin can make that play. >> i know for sure he is going to be frustrated that he missed on a golden opportunity. >> antonio brown on third and
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19. >> perfect defense, a perfect call. poor technique by webb. >> mendenhall had very few yards rushing in the game, but he did get to the end zone. needed the touchdown. fourth down, t.j. houshmandzadeh had wanted the ball all along. he demanded it. he did not make the catch. it was that kind of game. your final, corporate for the ravens. >> they know how to win a playoff games. we did not put them away. we did not put them away. we have nobody to blame but ourselves. this sucks. we have got to take a long look at ourselves.
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it has been a long season and it comes at the -- to the end against the steelers. this sucks. you look at the turnovers and you say that is why we lost. >> i am proud of our football team. grateful for the opportunity to play in a football game like this. grateful for the opportunity to coach a football team like this. i think our guys banged -- guys are grateful to be part of a chance like this. all you can do in life is take a shot at being great. our guys did that. our guys did that all year. >> the offense was never really an attraction in this game. passing,o's 125 yards less than half of his wild card numbers in k.c. emmitsburg limited as the ravens
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offense to 28 -- pittsburgh limit to the ravens offense to 28 yards in the second half. >> how about the real head scratcher? antonio brown getting behind any and all ravens defenders. gets 58 yards. how did it happen? >> it is called cornerback play 101. webb allowed brown to get behind him. there was a technique flaw that caused him to have the opportunity for roethlisberger to throw it to his receiver. it is third and 19. he had back quarter of the football field. brown, an easy little rock on him. he did not have the right
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technique. antonio brown gets the big play. >> the question that everybody continues to ask, how does antonio brown get that people in the secondary started 30 yards away from the line of scrimmage? i will be antonio brown, you be webb. >> there is a cushion that i want to keep between you, the wide receiver, and me, the defensive back. if you start to break the question, i think that he is going to run by me. as i am opening up my hips and turning and running, i am still on top of you. i have the ability to break on eyeball if you break your brow. i have the ability for you to not get behind me if you run a deep route. he did not fully turn and run. >> if i am going to p a


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