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tv   11 News  NBC  January 23, 2011 11:00pm-11:30pm EST

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>> live, local, late-breaking, this is wbal-tv 11 news news tonight. >> this is just miserable. >> despite being bundled up, people in baltimore are fed up with this recent blast of arctic cold air. but some say it is better than the blizzards that pounded the area last year. the wicked winter weather has brought an extreme chill to the area. we caught up with some folks earlier tonight to find out if they prefer a lot of snow or rigid temperatures. >> yes, snow. we enjoyed snowcopalypse.
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>> i can put a coat on, but i can't push a car awhen when it's sliding into it. >> how long can we expect the big chill to last? let's head over to john collins, our meteorologist. >> that's right, two very distinctive winters in a row. today is the coldest we've experienced so far this winter, this month, however you want to put it. take a look at the numbers. 29 was the high at the airport. what made it so cold is the morning low this morning. 12 degrees at the airport and 19 degrees at the ann arbor. right now it's -- at the nash. a dry atmosphere. the barometer is high it's helping the cold air. winds at five miles an hour. down to 24 at the inner harbor. always one of the warmer spots, so to speak. the forecast calls for very cold temperatures by daybreak tomorrow and one of the coastal storms that we're keeping an eye on as well.
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the forecast, just ahead. >> thank you, john. the cold weather was a factor in the case of carbon mon knocks eyed poisoning. a 44-year-old man and 29-year-old woman sought shelter in a running car parked inside the garage of an abandoned house in the 700 block of monmouth avenue. there's no word tonight on their conditions. old man winter has a firm grip on many parts of our country from the northeast to the midwest. frigid conditions are making it difficult to get around. >> bundling up. the latest defense by people in chicago and across the northeast. >> obviously can't be overdressed. >> layers, layers, layers, and i don't care how i look. >> winter's latest cold snap means dipping and dangerous lows in some parts of the country. >> when you consider the air temperature and throw in the wind chill, if you've got exposed flesh, you can get frostbite in as little as 10 minutes. >> it's that danger that's forcing people to seek shelter.
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>> we try to bring them in from the cold, because the cold is not forgiving. >> some people cower from the cold, but there are some who, well, revel in it. in temperatures in the 20's, hundreds of people in bathing suits ran into the freezing river on saturday for the sixth annual polar bear plunge on the potomac. >> it's great. it's like, whoo! >> i'm awake now. >> and in boston, being on thin ice was actually welcomed by kids of all ages. >> i have like five layers on right now. >> is it working? >> yeah, it is, yeah, definitely. as long as you prepare extremities, gloves, hat, you're good. >> nbc news. >> and don't forget, you can follow storms any time, using our interactive radar on you can upload them. we asked our facebook friends
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how they're coping with the temperatures. tiffany says heat, fireplace, blankets, and if i go out, i wear five layers. i'm a wimp when it comes to cold weather. come on summertime. manny says he uses comfort foods, chicken noodle soup, a rolling wood stove and lint ton tea to stay warm. switching gears now. a 29-year-old father and youth sports coach is dead after a shooting in south baltimore. it happened yesterday afternoon in the 400 block of swale avenue in the cherry hill neighborhood. we have the latest on this. sheldon? >> well, deb, it's unclear if the shooter acted alone or what the motive may have been, but so far police have not made any arrests. >> a makeshift memorial of stuffed animals and flowers is set up near the site where harry hicks was fired. shots were fired in the 400 block of swales avenue, not far from his home. >> i ran outside. i kept telling him to get up.
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it was too late. >> when we arrived we found a 29-year-old male who had been shot several times much the victim was transported to shock trauma, where he later died from his injuries. >> it's unclear if the shooter acted alone or had a motive. taylor is a close friends of hicks. he says he's confused why anyone would target the well-known youth sports coach. >> it was like shock. i never would have thought something like this would happen to him. he was probably the coolest person you could ever, ever know. he was laid back, had a wife and kids, trying to do right in the community. >> to most young people in the neighborhood, he was known as coach hicks, the funny guy who men toward them on the field, on the court and in life. so far no arrests have been made, but city police are looking to the community for help. >> if you were in the area, if you saw someone running, if you saw a car driving fast, if you saw anything that didn't look right in this neighborhood, please contact us. >> this violence really needs to stop. it's uncalled for.
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>> now, if you have any information that could help police, call metro crime stoppers. we're live tonight outside of city police headquarters. wbal-tv 11 news. >> the parents of two missing only teens are pleading for their safe return. 16-year-old rachel riley and her 17-year-old boyfriend were last seen january 12. balanced ersan's black jeep wrangler was later found abandoned in roanoke, virginia. family and friends have been passing out fliers hoping someone will come forward with information. >> we're all reaching for answers basically right now, trying to figure out why. it's really hard every day not hearing it from you that you're fine. >> investigators say as of now they do not suspect foul play. and meantime, the search continues for missing north carolina teen felicia barnes. it's been nearly a month now
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since barnes disappeared from a family member's home in northwest baltimore. baltimore police have asked for federal assistance in the case, which has now gained national attention. more than 70 tips have been called in, which led to another search wednesday night in south baltimore. anyone with information is urged to call baltimore city police. covering the nation, a police precinct in detroit lined with yellow crime scene tape after a commander and three officers were shot. a gunman opened fire inside a detroit police precinct this afternoon. it appears the four department members do not have life-threatening injuries. officers shot back at the gunman, killing him. >> of course we have to take a step back and re-assess security procedures at each one of our facilities. >> a motive and the shooter's identity have not been released. meantime, two people are dead and two sheriff's deputies wounded after a shootout in front of a wal-mart in washington state. authorities say one of the dead is a man who shot at deputies. the other is a young woman who
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died after she was taken to a hospital. the two deputies are expected to survive. officials say the man started shooting when deputies approached him after receiving a call about a sustain pishes person. jared loughner, the man accused of shooting congresswoman gabrielle giffords will be arraigned tomorrow. it seems his mental state will be an issue. officials are looking at whether or not he is competent to stand trial or the possibility of entering a plea of not guilty on the basis of insanity. and that deadly shooting rampage is just one of many things that president barack obama may touch on tuesday night during his state of the union address. today the president gave supporters a sneak peek. >> my number one focus is going to be making sure that we are competitive, that we are growing and we are creating jobs not just now, but well into the future. >> republicans appeared to be onboard with the president's message, but many question if he will be willing to meet them
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in the middle. the woman suspected of kidnapping a baby from a new york hospital two decades ago is now in custody. the f.b.i. says she allegedly raised the infant and turned herself in this morning in connecticut. she's accused of snatching the infant from a harlem hospital after the parents brought the child in for a high fever. the child was kidnapped over 20 years ago and has since been reunited with her family. still ahead tonight, the man who inspired television viewers to slim down has passed away, as a little bundle of joy enters the world. details on the state's third highway baby. >> first-timer. never will go back. >> and what do you get when you add skis to a couch? some are finding a way to enjoy the slopes while sitting down. >> it's cold out there and getting colder by daybreak. the coldest morning of the season so far. and then we have to talk about and then we have to talk about a chance for snow or rain. [ male announcer ] what happens when you channel the speed,
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>> the animal cruelty trial for the two brothers accused of setting a pit bull on fire is set to begin tomorrow. they allegedly doused a pit bull puppy with gasoline in may have 2009 and set her on fire. the pit bull was rescued and
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named phoenix but was later euthanized due to her injuries. travis also faces attempted murder charges. family and friends will gather tomorrow to say their final goodbyes to a man who sacrificed his own life to save others. 43-year-old mark falkenhan lost his life wednesday night as he battled a fire in parkville. the mass is scheduled for tomorrow morning. he will be buried at delaney valley memorial gardens. traffic delays are expected throughout the baltimore area. the pioneer of the modern fitness movement, jack lalanne, has died. he inspired viewers to trim down and pump iron. he died of respiratory failure at his california home. his agent says lalanne ate healthy and exercised every day of his life, right up until the ends. jack lalanne was 96. as one life is remembered, another is celebrated with yet another highway birth along i-97 again. before 7:00 this morning, a baby girl was born in
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millersville after the father was coached by 911. this marks the third highway birth this week. if you're looking for a new and improved way to enjoy winter weather, an old couch and some skis might do the trick. it's called scouching. max has more. >> i'm building a scouch. you take an old couch and some skis, put them on the bottom of the couch and find a big, snowy hill to ride it down. >> sounds simple enough. scouching has become a yearly tradition for those looking for a plush rush. >> my fraternity was looking for something fun to do on a weekend. >> first-timer. never go back. best thing i've done in my life. >> once the skis are screwed down and the cushions filled up, it's time to ride. >> we've had a few lazy boys, and those are fun, because they're really fast and comfortable. they bounce really well. >> but those few seconds of comfortable fear come with a
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cost. >> there's no lift lines. we thought about bringing a snowmobile up, but we don't have one. we thought about bringing a four-wheeler up, but i don't think the golf course would like that. so we just push them back up. whoever rides the couch down has to push it back up. >> you use your friends and put skis on a couch and ride down the hill. it's amazing. for like $7 you have the best time of your life. >> now, your 11 insta-weather plus forecast with meteorologist john collins. >> ok, there it was cold and there was a lot of snow. we only have the cold right now, intensely cold. high pressure, clear as a bell over us. west of the mountains, west of that ridge of high pressure, there is a weather disturbance producing some snow in the ohio river valley and it's moving in this direction. with this bubble of cold, dense air overhead, this snow will have a hard time getting in here. it will get caught in the mountains. the high pressure will pull away tomorrow and some of the moisture that's indicated by this will come in in the form of clouds. but it looks like the snow is
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going to hold off for a while. let's look at the temperatures right now. it's 22 at annapolis, 19 at cambridge and at sals present. 16 at ocean city. elkton 15. 16 edgewood. 12 in parkton. 16 westminster. 14 frederick. we're still in the teens to around 20 around our area. out to the west, though, hancock, frostburg, oakland, all in the single digits. oakland is 5 degrees. nobody below zero as of yet. it's likely that out in western maryland that's what's going to happen by daybreak. take a look at the wider area. you can see the cold air now across the country. the coldest is concentrated over the northeastern united states, reaching down into the mid-atlantic region. temperatures have already dropped below zero and in the teens to almost 20 below zero up in canada. so this bubble of high pressure eventually will slide a little bit further to the east and it will lessen the intensity of the cold air once we get past tonight and tomorrow morning.
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it won't warm up dramatically tomorrow, but it won't be quite as cold. here's the satellite picture showing the generally clear conditions over us and that weather disturbance out to the west. we pull back just a little bit. i've shaded in the area of this high pressure, that cold, dense air. you can see the snow out to the west. the game plan is in the next 24 hours this high pressure will move to the east and allow other stuff to start happening, and that stuff eventually will be a storm which is starting to try to get itself together out west, develop in the gulf coast region and eventually come up along the eastern seaboard. then the questions pick up. what is the storm going to do when it gets up to the mid-atlantic region? go offshore, come up the coast? let's get through tonight first. mostly clear skies. very cold. seven to 14 degrees the temperature range overnight tonight. in the city, leaning toward the 14 out in the outlying areas.
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colder than that in western maryland. the winds light and northerly. here's the futurecast, in close, just showing tonight. watch the timeline into tomorrow. by tomorrow afternoon we begin to see some clouds coming in. that's that high pressure moving out of the picture and some of that moisture to the west moving into the area. we do pick up some clouds tomorrow. it will be a day of mixed sun and clouds. unseasonably cold. 25 to 29 the high. a couple of degrees warmer than today. southeast winds at 5-10 miles an hour. now we look at our forecast of clouds in the area. there is a disturbance offshore. that stays away from us. here's that high pressure and here's the storm developing down the gulf coast region. a confusing picture over the next couple of days. we have this high moving in our direction. we have cold air just parked off to our northwest, but we do warm up. this computer model keeps most of the moisture south of us. other models have it moving
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over us. a chance for rain or snow on wednesday, but it warms up. tomorrow 27, 41 tuesday and 38 on wednesday. and then dry weather, but windy thursday and friday, and another mixed precipitation situation next saturday. >> buckingham palace is keeping mum about the details of the upcoming wedding. we did learn about one name on the guest list. we have a report from london. >> well, you know, weddings, even royal weddings, can be tense occasions. and the royal family and sarah ferguson have had tense times in the past, to say the least. but prince william apparently wants her there on the wedding day, ending 15 years of divisions within the family. then there's the big question of the wedding dress. that's already being taken on, hoot designer will be, but we may not find out until the big day. buckingham palace apparently trying to keep it a secret
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until the very last minute. one secret that is out there, though, reportedly william and kate intend to live at kensington palace, princess diana's old home. they want to break from the past, but at the same time remember those who loved them as they plan for their future. back to you. >> i feel better. >> can't wait. >> i just feel better. >> can't wait. >> we're still broken-hearted. >> for the second consecutive year the team that beats the ravens in the playoffs is propelled to the super bowl. interesting game, though, because it mirrored what we saw a week ago in pittsburgh. this time, though, the steelers got out to that quick start. we'll check and see how they've earn
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no 11 sports with pete gilbert. >> no sugarcoating how tough it was for the ravens fans to watch the title game,
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especially as the steelers were man handling the jets in the first half. that could have been the ravens at home trashing new york. for the second week in a row pittsburgh only put together one good half. again, no, it was just good enough. mike tomlin, rex ryan entering the game each with 4-1 playoff records. impressive. second quarter, we pick it up. pittsburgh on a roll. ben roethlisberger rolling right and walking in for the touchdown. two yards. steelers rushed for 128 yards in the first half, the jets, just one. and the steel curtain in full harassment mode. ike taylor the blitz. hits mark sanchez. william gay scoops and scores, 24-0. it's over before the break. except that it's not. third quarter, sanchez. gutsy kid, letting it fly for santonio holmes, the former steeler. he gets free, 45 yards. 24-10 game. fourth quarter, steelers. the next play for ben roethlisberger bad. tough snap, he hangs on, but it's a safety. so 24-12.
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heinz field getting quiet, as rex ryan is barking the ensuing drive. sanchez, jerricho cotchery. that was the same play the ravens ran last week. 24-19 many they need to stop roethlisberger, who didn't have a good day. a q.b. rating of 35. makes the play to who else? antonio brown. him. the same guy that was huge against the ravens down the stretch. last week the steelers earn their eighth trip to the super bowl. the game that almost got away. >> it's a unique group in there. they've had a unique journey. so it's special, but they all are. who are we kidding? 32 themes that start this journey and there's two left and we're fortunate enough to be one of them. >> to the credit for mike tomlin with some humility. the green bay packers run a third straight road game today in the playoffs.
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and watched -- brian urlacher, not part of the toughness question. never is. second quarter, packers in control. 14-0. jay cutler, not having a great day. cutler would not take another snap. leaves the game with a knee injury. able to walk and watch the rest of the game standing. fourth quarter, bears fighting. chester taylor, a one-yard score. 14-7, packers. caleb hanie at the helm. he was a third stringer. didn't see the big nose tackle. ok, it's over there, right? 21-7. except for -- again, it is not. credit the bears and caleb hanie. a perfect strike to earl bennett. somehow the packers forget to tackle. he goes in for the touchdown. 21-14. however, haney's final effort,
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just like jay cutler's, ending in the arms of the undrafted rookie, sam shields. packers hang on 21-14. but neither green bay nor pittsburgh scores a second-half offensive touchdown. both advance to super bowl xlv. >> we made enough plays on offense to put us in a good position to win the game. we'd like to put more than 14 points on the board obviously, but we're going to the super bowl. >> well, the ravens said they want to re-sign billy, and they're not kidding. espn reporting he's agreed to a five-year contract for $15 million. that would make him the second highest paid kicker in the league behind chicago's robbie gould. he tied the nfl rrd for touchbacks with 40. also proved terribly accurate on field goals. country difference, perfect in the playoffs. he's not missed in the playoffs for two years. in terms of the deal as far as guaranteed money, not been
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reported. when last we checked in on the maryland women, they were escaping with an overtime win at virginia on friday. today back home, the terps just rolled. north carolina, no match at comcast center. one of the best post players in the conference and occasionally she'll step outside as well. kaiser knocking down that three. that kind of day for maryland. even when carolina looked like they had something going, not so much. a beautiful clean block. and the rout, it is fully on indeed. kaiser back inside and-one. 12 points, nine rebounds for her. maryland's biggest win over north carolina since 1990. 88-65 is your final. stay with us. another check of the forecast with john is coming up.
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