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tv   11 News  NBC  February 27, 2011 6:00pm-6:30pm EST

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just a couple more minutes. if he doesn't make the putt, he'll probably concede. i've got a world golf championship. 200 times i've started on the pga tour and finally got a big one. >> luke donald is one of the players, with tiger woods vacating the number one spot. donald will fall to three. tiger will fall from three to five in the rankings. donald would talk about what it would be like for him to get to the top spot. he says i've got a shot now. >> i would think this has to go in. otherwise, it's a consolation. >> it's low. >> kaymer has to win the hole outright to move it to the next hole. this will put it in perspective for donald who has just two putts to win it all. >> you can see how quickly he is hitting this. he's just walking up and putting
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it. >> he's about to become the first match play champion to avoid playing the final hole in any of his matches. >> just cozy it down there. just cozy it down there. that's what he's doing. >> that should do it. luke donald concludes one of the great weeks we've seen in the history of this championship. the 2011 wgc-accenture match play champion. >> couldn't have painted it any better. >> there are titles, there are big titles, and then there is winning big titles in the fashion that luke donald displayed this week. he could do no wrong. he moves up to third in the world. so you've got four europeans, one through four, in the latest official world golf rankings, which will officially come out tomorrow. so the fedex cup standings, luke
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donald still with a pga tour event in mexico, with a 550 points. we know that he is moving into the top ten. matt kuchar, by winning the consolation match, picks up 200. he's also into the top ten in the fedex cup point standings. bubba watson, by virtue of his fourth place, gets 140 points and moves all the way to third. mar kin kaymer not eligible to receive points because he's a non-member of the pga tour. down to roger maltbie. >> thank you, dan. luke, congratulations. your first world golf championship victory. you move to number 3 in the world with this win. this has to feel pretty good doesn't it. >> it feels amazing. i've had a big of a monkey on my back for the last few years. i haven't won for five years over here in the u.s. it's a lot of sweat and tears to get to this point, but i broke through and it feels really good. >> different golf course today. played a little longer with the cold. you might have thought martin had maybe a little bit of an
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advantage with his power. but you seem to fight him off with solid play around the green. so great week for you on the greens. >> it was. i was shaking in the middle of the round. but held it together in the last few holes, made nice birdies on 11 and 13 and 15. and that was good enough. hats off to martin, becoming number one in the world is quite an accomplishment and makes this win a little sweeter even. >> congratulations again. and enjoy this and your daughter's first birthday. >> thank you. >> back to you. >> thank you roger. you saw the top ranked player in the world beaten by the new third ranked player in the world. that's good golf this week. we'll head to the first leg of the florida swing this coming week. and it begins at pga national with the honda classic. the tournament that luke won and matt kuchar won. they'll both be there. it's a great field. lee westwood, ian poulter. the coverage continues on golf channel. on the weekend on the golf channel and nbc. catch today's action on golf
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channel. next, except on the west coast, it's your local news followed by "dateline" and three episodes of "dateline" and three episodes of "minute to win it." -- captions by vitac -- captions paid for by nbc-universal television
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>> the latest on the budget fight in wisconsin next. >> rain is on the way.
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marriage a quality continues, the state representatives fires back. good evening. and met burns has been a vocal opponent of gay marriage and plans to fight against the bill as it moves to the house. let's go live to the studio for more. >> the rep is expressing his fervent opposition to a same-sex marriage bill and plans to settle it in a referendum if needed. he says it is not a civil-rights issue or an issue of discrimination. he says it is about legalities.
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he says he plans to fight against the bill's passage. >> we fought the battle in the senate. we will fight it in the house. we will fight it in the referendum. as churchill says college history of this battle is over, they will record this was our finest hour. >> in terms of the marriage itself, it really affords same- sex couples and no more legal protections than those of their heterosexual married counterparts. there is nothing more that they gain. >> the bill cleared the senate last week and went to the house. house delegates could begin debating the bill this week. if the bill passes, martin o'malley says he will sign the bill into law. >> what a difference that a day makes. from snow to spring like
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temperatures. many people out today enjoying the semi-warmest weather. you can upload your pictures to our website. >> yesterday we were only in the '40's. today, limited to 60. tomorrow, we'll go warmer and then we will start at the roller coaster again. today, plenty of sunshine filtered by clouds. as you can see on a satellite picture, you can notice to the southwest of baltimore, some rain activity in virginia into kentucky and indiana. that is the storm system that is coming our way. we will detail all in your forecast in just a minute. >> baltimore city police are
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investigating a deadly stabbing in west baltimore. a man was found just before 1:30 this afternoon, discovered by a relative. no word on the suspect or motive. a sheriff's county is investigating a shooting and stabbing in edgewood. there received the call shortly before 3:00 this morning. during a traffic stop, a 27- year-old man who had been shot and a 35-year-old woman who had been stabbed were found inside a vehicle believed to be at the scene. authorities say they have several leads. the budget fight in wisconsin has continued and tonight, state officials are trying to restore order to capital that has been in chaos for two weeks. >> after 13 straight days of fruitless at the wisconsin state capital, authorities ordered demonstrators to pack up and
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move out. they may be out in the cold, but of fight over budget cuts and union rights is still plenty hot. >> we are broke and it's time someone stood up and told the truth and that here's the problem, here is the solution and acted on it. >> the state's new republican governor wants to slash the budget and cut collective bargaining rights for teachers and state workers. the senate democrats want a wall and delayed the vote. now the governors as layoffs may be necessary. union leaders consider that a threat. >> they are saying you either have to accept a loss of your rights or on going to lay you off. >> labor groups have organized coast-to-coast protest. as the nation's governors meet in washington, many of face problems just like wisconsin. >> these are dangerous times. >> the governor of new jersey is ready to fight a contract that's great for workers. >> it has a 7% salary increases
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in a 0% inflation world. >> a national debate over human rights and who pays the price. the federal government faces its own problem -- a potential sat down on friday of congress cannot reach a budget agreement. >> still ahead, airport officials are notifying travelers of a sick passenger. one girl's fight against leukemia and the effort to help. aid to the highway shutdown. we will tell aid to the highway shutdown.
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quite a mess last night on interstate 44. more than 40,000 pounds of mayonnaise spill when the truck
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hit a bridge pier. officials are working to notify several passengers who may have contact -- who may have come into contact with a woman infected with measles. the woman arrived at washington dulles airport and later deposit -- later departed on a flight to denver and then to albuquerque. officials at the centers for disease control say most people have been vaccinated but are concerned about pregnant women and young children. coming up, raising money for the red cross while preparing for prom. >> a storm is brewing out to the west and headed this way. the
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>> high-school students looking for the perfect down for the prom did so at a discounted price to benefit the red cross. project prom dress took place today and offered more than 300 gently used addresses at no more than $75. the project raised money for
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disaster relief. she had been diagnosed with leukemia and bone marrow transplant was the only chance for her. jumps shots for jordan into bring people out and encourage them to become donors. >> jordan right now is having her transplant in march. we are moving forward with the closest donor we could find for her. >> hit is a simple process to get signed up and the opportunity to save someone's life. >> the event was held in pikesville. >> here is a closer look at the radar/satellite combination. heavy clouds to the south. quite a bit of sun today and it took the temperature is up. there is rain to the southwest
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and maybe by midnight we could begin to see shower activity closer to us. what happened today because of the sun and a southerly breeze, we warmed up. the inner harbor hit 58. 50 in cambridge. westminster at 54 degrees. the satellite image shows clouds nearby. tomorrow it will be even warmer. our forecast tonight, the clouds moved in, and a chance for showers. tomorrow, look at this -- mid '60s to near 74 high. showers and storms toward the end of the day. strong storms are possible. we could see the storm the dustup to 60 miles an hour. maybe an outside chance for a tornado in this shaded area.
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as the warmer air filters in tonight, brain chances to the west and northwest increase considerably. still, the range chances overnight are scattered. we see dry times tomorrow but as the front gets closer, things will begin to line up that we could see strong thunderstorm activity into the evening hours. overnight, everything polls offshore. cooler temperatures to commend to the area. 68 tomorrow with a strong storm possible. breezy on tuesday. try on wednesday and thursday. by friday, a sprinkle and cloudy. rain chances next weekend. >> we are talking practical jokes. jokes. >> [ male announcer ] what if you could combine
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achievement: expects a lot of itself. cfo: cash flow options, helping business achievers better manage their cash flow. pnc. for the achiever in us all. >> live action for the orioles. they tune up for the grapefruit league game with an interest- wise scrimmage. the new third baseman, his first at bat, hit a grand slam. it came off a minor leaguer. the orioles beat the orioles 7- 4. davis will pitch later this week, hoping to establish himself as the staff ace. he went eight starts without a loss and had six victories along the way. when you start to establish
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yourself, you become a target in the form of practical jokes. >> the guys will be messing with you all the time. we had our first meeting and a couple of guys turned my phonon and called it during the meeting. it's all fun. they are just messing with you. >> the maryland men face the season with a either take control of their fate or give it away. at north carolina, the terrapins looking for their top 25 victory. the tar heels pose a tremendous task but maryland is playing its best ball of the season. the war -- the rookie of the week could have been the player of the week. he has improved the scoring complement's. a win tonight would put them at
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8 and 6. a loss and they know they have to win the whole thing for a chance to dance in the third consecutive season. stay with us.
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>> is starting to feel like
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spring. >> that there will still be these ups and downs. >> today, we made it to 50. close to 70 tomorrow but thunderstorms later in the day on monday. be prepared for that. tuesday and wednesday look quiet but cooler. wednesday goes up and thursday goes down, stays down friday and saturday and sunday, more rain and the temperatures go up a little bit. up and down and up and elm. >> that's it for us at 6:00. we'll see you back at 11:00. alright, so we have $10.
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