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tv   Late Night With Jimmy Fallon  NBC  March 15, 2011 12:35am-1:35am EDT

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[ cheers and applause ]
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[ cheers and applause ]
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"jimmy fallon," happening right >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center, the national broadcasting company presents -- tonight's guests are -- and featuring the legendary roots crew. and here he is -- jimmy fallon! [ cheers and applause ] captions paid for by nbc-universal television -- captions by vitac --
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: oh, that's what i'm talking about. hey! welcome. welcome to "late night with jimmy fallon," you guys. good to be back. how you guys feeling tonight? you feeling good? [ cheers and applause ] that's a good new york city crowd right there. welcome, everybody. i'm so excited. it's the beginning of march madness. [ cheers and applause ] of course, if you're charlie sheen, you got a three-week head start. [ laughter ] "winning, duh." [ laughter ] everyone is doing their march madness office pools. you know, that's where you analyze the brackets, research the best teams, and lose to the girl who went with the cooler-looking mascot. [ laughter ] i just heard this, you guys. bill clinton is writing the preface to a novel written by his former college roommate. clinton's also adding a nice dedication that says, "thank you for always respecting the sock on the door knob, bro." [ laughter ]
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in a speech to students today, president obama said he was always getting in trouble when he was in middle school. in fact, obama said he talked so much during class, the teacher had to take away his teleprompter. you believe that? [ laughter ] >> steve: why with would she do that? >> jimmy: she just did it. he was talking too much. speaking of president obama, in his radio address this weekend, obama said that women earn about 75 cents for every dollar that men earn. [ audience boos ] and then sarah palin was like, "have you met todd?" [ laughter ] "just came in fifth in the snowmobile race, honey." [ laughter ] "todd. out of how many people?" "four." [ laughter ] "oh, todd." this is interesting. a new study found that stress and hard work can actually lead to a longer life.
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or as the kardashians are reporting it, "please pray for us." [ laughter ] this is weird. i read about a man straining for the los angeles marathon while eating nothing but mcdonald's. [ light laughter ] yeah, i'm not a doctor, but i think that's a pretty giant mcstake. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] ♪ that's just crazy. i don't know. [ laughter ] oh, here's some tech news, it's estimated that more than 600,000 ipad 2s were sold this weekend. yeah, the lines were so long, by the time i got to the front, they were selling the ipad 7. [ laughter ] it's a little lighter, comes in three colors. finally, this is crazy. i read about a man in iowa who's going on a beer-only diet for lent.
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[ scattered cheers ] or to put it another way, an alcoholic just found out that it's lent. [ laughter ] ladies and gentlemen, we have a great show tonight. give it up for the roots. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: oh, man. a great show tonight. a great show tonight. but first up, we want to let you know that the red cross is doing a lot to help people in japan. it's super-easy to donate. you just text "red cross" to 90999, and it will charge $10 to your phone automatically. it goes to the red cross. it's super easy. you should do it. [ applause ] quick. as i said, it's a great show tonight. the beautiful, the talented, tyra banks is here. [ cheers and applause ] i love her. she's awesome.
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he's the star of the terrific fx show "lights out." holt mccallany is joining us. [ cheers and applause ] and we've got this great, irish music from legends. the chieftains are going to be here! [ cheers and applause ] what more do you want in march than the chieftains? so exciting. you guys, president obama has been a lot in the news lately. one thing i've noticed about him is that he has a very expressive face. he has these thousands of different facial expresses. one for every occasion. now, you all know the classics, like this one, the determined yet hopeful. [ light laughter ] but there are tons more that you just don't see as often. you can almost tell what he's thinking, just by looking at his face. so tonight, i thought he would look at some of his lesser-known facial expressions in a segment we call "obama expressions." ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: now, take a look at this first expression, this is from a recent oval office
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teleconference. this is the, "no, what are you wearing?" [ laughter ] by his face, you can tell what he's -- here's another lesser-known expression that comes out every one and a while. it's called the "who wants to read sarah palin's new book?" [ laughter ] here's another one. this is another great expression. this is the, "so there is a drug called 'charlie sheen.'" [ laughter ] this next expression is one of my favorites. it's from obama's visit to -- [ laughter ] -- a maryland middle school's science fair. this is the, "and i thought i was a nerd." [ laughter and applause ] here is another lesser-known obama facial expression. this is the, "suck it, banksy." [ laughter ] nobody would say that to poor banksy. >> steve: yeah. >> jimmy: all right, this next expression is great. it's from obama's recent visit to a science lab.
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this the, "now i can see my approval rating." [ audience ohs ] >> steve: no, you didn't! [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i did. >> steve: oh, no, you did not. >> jimmy: i did! >> steve: you went there? >> jimmy: you don't know me. [ laughter ] here's another expression. this is from a recent white house event. this is the "i'd hit that." [ laughter ] >> steve: wow! wow, at a white house event in front of his wife? >> jimmy: i know. this one is from obama's visit to a local elementary school. it's called the "type in 'two girls, one cup.' just do it!" [ laughter ] why would he -- shocking. >> steve: shocking. >> jimmy: here's another one. it's from a joint news conference with canadian prime minister stephen harper. [ scattered cheers ] this is the "pretending to listen to this guy talk while thinking about the 1990s sitcom 'hangin' with mr. cooper.'" [ cheers ]
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here's another one, from the same conference. [ light laughter ] this is the "i wonder if 'hangin' with mr. cooper' is out on dvd. [ laughter ] man, that was such a great show." [ applause ] here's one. this is the, "i mean, you've got mr. cooper, or as i like to call him coop, you've got vanessa, you got the next-door neighbor kid, tyler, and then you've got coop's niece, played by raven simone from 'that's so raven.' hey, you know what else would be 'so raven'? them bringing 'mr. cooper' back to tv. who's with me!?" [ cheers and applause ] this is one is called -- [ laughter ] "speaking of that, whatever happened to mark curry? i actually have an autographed picture of mark curry on my desk in the oval office. i got it because, in sixth grade, we had to write a letter to our hero. everyone else chose michael jordan or bill clinton, but i chose mark curry because he was so funny. then a few weeks later, he sent me back an autographed pic.
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that was probably the greatest day of my life. except, maybe, the day i was elected president of the united states. heh, heh, heh, good times." [ cheers and applause ] >> steve: all from his face? >> jimmy: expressions. must have been interesting meeting. because here's another pic. [ laughter ] this is the, "hey, do you remember the episode of 'hangin' with mr. cooper' where coop and vanessa win the lottery using the secret formula to pick the numbers? but then they lose the ticket, because aunt geneva donated the jacket it was in to the salvation army? [ light laughter ] and then coop and vanessa try to get it back, but it turns out the salvation army threw out the jacket? and then, this is the best part -- [ laughter ] -- they go into the dumpster and start looking for it, but they can't find it. but when they get home, mark sees that the ticket is stuck to vanessa's shoe! and you think they're going to be rich, but it turns out one of the numbers is wrongs, because it's supposed to your age, but vanessa lied about her age to the cute guy selling the tickets? hah, hah, hah, oh man. [ laughter ] that might have been the greatest twist in the history of television. [ laughter ] in conclusion, 'hangin' with mr. cooper' rules." [ cheers and applause ]
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from one glance. he loved "hangin' with mr. cooper." and finally, one of the most common obama facial expressions. this is the, "when's justin bieber getting here?" [ laughter ] there you have it, everybody. those are some great facial expressions. [ cheers and applause ] stick around. we'll be right back with a new edition of "doll posin'." [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back, everybody. oh, man, good to be back. i've had a great day, a great tomorrow. guys it's time to play a game that was listed as number seven on "games" magazine's list of [ male announcer ] applebee's 2 for 20 fans just can't get enough.
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[ male announcer ] unrestrained. unexpected. and unlike any hybrid you have ever known. ♪ introducing the most fuel-efficient luxury car available. ♪ the radically new, 42 mile per gallon ct hybrid from lexus. ♪ welcome to the darker side of green. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back, everybody. oh, man, good to be back. i've had a great day, a great tomorrow. guys it's time to play a game that was listed as number seven on "games" magazine's list of hottest games of 2011. [ laughter ] that's right. it's time to do some "doll posin'." here we go. ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: all right, everybody. check out my little friend right here. yeah. [ audience aws ] it's this tired little baby monkey -- just hanging out on a banana in her cotton diaper in her pink sweatshirt that says "mommy's little monkey." [ laughter ] let me tell you how the game works. we briefly show this sad little lady to our contestants who are hiding back stage and have yet to see her. they have to memorize her outfit and her pose as best as they can, and then try to pose exactly like her. [ laughter ] you guys decide who the winner is. are you ready to meet the contestants? [ cheers and applause ] here we go. higgins, who do we got doing some doll posing tonight? >> steve: well, jimmy, coming to the stage are tony, guy and matthew. get ready to pose it up. ♪ [ applause ] >> jimmy: now i realize that we just met, but you guys definitely look like you're really into dolls. [ laughter ] >> yeah. >> jimmy: oh yeah. i can tell. >> oh yeah -- yep.
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>> jimmy: are you guys ready to do some doll posin'? >> yeah. >> definitely. >> jimmy: all right, good. well, here's how it works. a tiny doll is hidden inside here. when it is your turn, i will show you the doll for five seconds. you have to make a mental note of what it's wearing, how it's posed and what its facial expression is. [ laughter ] yeah. i'm looking at panda hat. he's really focusing on me right now. he's like -- [ laughter ] it looked like you were trying to levitate something with your -- yeah, with your mind. don't worry about that. worry about the game first, and then we'll save the universe. you then have 30 seconds, okay? you pull props from your bin, okay? put them on, and then when you heard this sound -- [ baby crying ] you have to look right at that two-way mirror over here and strike your pose. okay? [ laughter ] the contestant whose pose looks most like the doll wins a grand prize. any questions? >> no. >> no. >> no. >> jimmy: higgins, what are they playing for tonight? >> steve: well, jimmy, today's doll posing winner will receive $100. and that's not all. they'll also get to take home tonight's doll.
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♪ jimmy >> jimmy: thank you so much. appreciate it. thank you so much, higgins. contestant number one, why don't you join me over here. you guys -- so you don't cheat and look at the doll before it's your turn, we're going to have you -- [ laughter ] -- put on these helmets of silence. [ laughter ] there you go, cover you up there. that's perfect. this one's for you over here. [ laughter ] that way you can't hear or see anything. all right, now -- i'm going to show you the doll, but only for five seconds. make sure you take a good look at this beauty, memorize the pose. here we go. ♪ [ laughter ] [ buzzer ] >> got it. >> jimmy: you got it? >> i got it. >> jimmy: you're serious. >> i'm serious. >> jimmy: all right, go do this. go to your place, go to your bin. when i say ready, you have 30 seconds -- pose in the two-way mirror. ready, set, go! ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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>> steve: 25 seconds. >> jimmy: 24 seconds. ♪ >> steve: 20 seconds. >> jimmy: 19 seconds. ♪ >> steve: 15 seconds. >> jimmy: go -- go -- yes! 11 seconds. >> steve: ten seconds. >> jimmy: you have 11 seconds. go, go, pose for the banana. you got 11 seconds. 5, 4 -- >> hurry up! >> jimmy: -- 3, 2, 1. you've got to pose. you got to pose. got to get your pose on there. go -- go get it on. [ baby crying ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: let's see -- [ laughter ] let's see how accurate your doll pose was there. [ laughter ] not too bad. [ laughter ] ♪ that's not too bad. [ cheers and applause ]
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not too shabby. all right. go over there, head over there. we'll have security take you out of the building. [ laughter ] all right, let's go to these guys over here. [ laughter ] hey, buddy. >> hey. >> jimmy: are you ready to do some doll posing? >> oh, yeah. >> jimmy: here we go. all right, here we go. i'm going to show you the doll for only five seconds -- okay? >> okay. >> jimmy: you have to memorize the pose, what it's wearing. okay? >> got it. >> jimmy: here we go. ♪ [ light laughter ] [ buzzer ] >> jimmy: that's enough! >> okay. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: all right. take your place behind your bin. okay. when i say go, you'll have 30 seconds to pose in the two-way mirror. ready? >> ready. >> jimmy: set -- go! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> steve: 25 seconds. 20 seconds. ♪
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15 seconds. ♪ >> steve: ten seconds! seven seconds! >> jimmy: seven seconds! get over there! >> steve: five -- four -- three -- two -- one! ♪ >> jimmy: plose it up. see if it's a good pose. [ baby crying ] [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: oh my gosh. let's see how accurate you were there with that great pose. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] that was very good. [ laughter ] ♪ oh, my gosh. you did a great job there, buddy. why don't you go over there. go -- go over there. we're going to have -- we're going to go -- have you mentally looked over. [ laughter ] panda hat. here you go, guy. ready, buddy?
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[ laughter ] there you go, buddy. >> oh, thank you. >> jimmy: are you okay? >> yeah, i'm good. >> jimmy: okay, it's 2011. >> good -- excellent. [ laughter ] oh, nice. >> jimmy: here's what we're going to do. i'm going to show you the doll for five seconds. okay, make sure you take a good look at the doll. >> okay. >> jimmy: you've got to memorize her pose, her expression and the clothes that she's wearing. >> okay. >> jimmy: okay, ready? here we go. ♪ [ light laughter ] [ buzzer ] [ laughter ] >> jimmy: are you freaking out right now? >> yeah, i'm freaking out. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> steve: we could -- we could have just left when he had the helmet on. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: he thought that was the game -- just put the helmet on. yeah, that's -- this is the game right here, my man. stand behind bin number three. okay, okay? >> okay. >> jimmy: and when you do that -- i'll give you 30 seconds. [ laughter ]
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>> steve: the game is not here, man. >> jimmy: just get over behind bin number three, please. thank you so much. [ cheers and applause ] all right. when i say go, you have 30 seconds to dress and then sit on this banana and pose like the doll you just saw. >> okay. >> jimmy: all right. >> yeah. >> jimmy: all right, my man. here we go. ready -- >> yup. >> jimmy: -- set -- go! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: yeah, he's got the boot -- >> steve: 24 seconds. ♪ 20 seconds. ♪ >> jimmy: 15 seconds! >> steve: 15 seconds. ♪ >> jimmy: good. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] that's it. time to spare. [ cheers and applause ] >> steve: check for a pulse. >> jimmy: i think we need a doctor.
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[ laughter ] okay. he's all right. great -- that was a great pose. let's see how accurate your doll pose was, my man. [ cheers ] that's pretty good. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] that's great, my man. appreciate it. all right. stand up. now it's time to see who our winner was here. contestants one and two, why don't you come out and join us over here. [ laughter ] how are you doing, buddy? >> good. >> jimmy: that's the best way to wear diapers, by the way. [ laughter ] never have to change them. never have to change them. put them around your neck. audience, it's up to you. you got to cheer for the contestant you think struck the best doll pose. was it contestant number one? [ drum roll ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: contestant number two? [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: or was it contestant number three? [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: the winner is contestant number one. congratulations.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] here's your $100! here's your $100. and, more importantly, here is your doll. [ laughter ] there you go. >> thank you. [ audience aws ] >> jimmy: super cute. she's super cute -- aww. [ cheers and applause ] super cute. sorry you guys did not win. you gave it your best shot. because no one goes home empty-handed here, you'll be leaving here with your very own doll-size "late night with jimmy fallon." thank you all for "doll posin'," everybody. [ cheers and applause ] we'll be right back with tyra banks. come on back. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ female announcer ] sometimes you need tomorrow
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to finish what you started today. for the aches and sleeplessness in between, there's motrin pm. no other medicine, not even advil pm, is more effective for pain and sleeplessness. motrin pm.
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♪ >> jimmy: welcome back. our first guest is a supermodel, television host -- not me -- and successful business woman. she just launched her new fashion and beauty website, ladies and gentlemen, please welcome tyra banks! ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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>> hello. >> jimmy: gorgeous -- beautiful -- >> thank you. >> jimmy: thank you so much for being on my show. >> thank you. >> jimmy: i was on your show -- last year, was it? >> yes. you were on "the tyra show." >> jimmy: yes. >> and -- i heard that you had -- an issue with mayonnaise. >> jimmy: that's correct. >> and -- >> jimmy: yeah, yeah, it used to freak me out. >> and i freaked you out with a big vat of it. >> jimmy: yeah -- it was disgusting. >> you guys, he was so like freaked out by the mayonnaise that you started to tear up a little bit. [ laughter ] it was like an emotional -- >> jimmy: i was -- >> -- kind of thing -- this is who -- >> jimmy: i was gagging. yeah, i was just throwing up. i don't like mayonnaise at all. >> you know, i had said you were vomiting at the back of your throat a little bit. >> yeah, i was trying to do the -- i was like -- [ imitates vomiting ] [ laughter ] it was so gross. but, thank you. there will be no mayonnaise around. i'm not going to freak you out here. >> no mayonnaise. >> jimmy: no. >> i like mayonnaise, though. >> jimmy: you do? >> extra -- i put extra mayonnaise on things. >> jimmy: really? >> yes. >> jimmy: what? >> i love it. especially like a burger, and like you bite the burger and the mayonnaise like drops onto the plate like with the ketchup mixed into it. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: why do you do these things?
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it's so ridiculous. it's so gross to me. i hate mayonnaise. >> i know. >> jimmy: it reminds me of pus. [ laughter ] i want to know about this 'cause you're a student right now, by the way, congratulations. >> thank you. >> jimmy: you're going to harvard? >> yes, harvard business school. [ cheers and applause ] yeah. >> jimmy: what made you do this? >> jimmy, i feel that in order for my company to grow and to -- and to grow in skill, and to be what i want it to be, i need an education in the business world. it's been my gut, my whole entire life, my career, and i feel that i need higher learning for my company to grow to the next level. >> jimmy: yeah, absolutely, you do. >> no, but for real -- seriously, though. >> jimmy: no, but i mean that's amazing. >> yeah. >> jimmy: 'cause you don't have to do this, i mean. >> i feel i have to. >> jimmy: really? >> i know people go why are you doing this? i feel i have to in order to grow my business. i look up to people like sir richard branson and walt disney. and these people have created these -- these brands and these businesses from scratch. >> jimmy: yeah. >> and so i -- i look to them as my, like, role models. >> jimmy: i mean that -- >> i want to grow my company and
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be them. >> jimmy: but you're in a -- you're living in a dorm with kids eating spaghetti-os and stuff -- [ laughter ] -- and ramen noodle soup and -- what -- you're on campus, right? >> yeah, no. we do live in dorms and -- >> jimmy: you're someone's roommate? >> no, i have my own room. >> jimmy: so fun. this is so cool. some kid is like thank you god! [ laughter ] >> look, we don't actually -- we don't sleep in the same room. so, i do have my own bed in my own room, but we sharing a living room, a -- you know a kitchen, a study area. >> jimmy: but wait, you couldn't get a campus off campus? >> no, it's mandatory dorm. >> jimmy: really? >> mandatory. i freaked out. in the beginning, i was like, "oh, yes, i'm going to harvard business school. and you know, executives -- and i'll be at the four seasons down the street." >> jimmy: yes. >> and they were like, "girl, you're going to be in the dorms." i was like, "what?" >> jimmy: yeah. >> i freaked, freaked, freaked out. and now i wouldn't have it any other way. now it's like summer camp. every time a term ends, i get withdrawal and i get attitude for like a month because i miss my friends. i miss my professors. i miss living in these dorms -- it's like a bubble. >> jimmy: you miss your posters of justin bieber on your wall over your bed? [ laughter ]
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did you decorate your room? >> oh, my god, i go to target. >> jimmy: yeah, that's where you got to go. >> yes, yes -- okay. they have -- and this -- target does not pay me, but they should. [ laughter ] they have -- >> jimmy: lesson number one here, guys. free lessons. >> free -- okay. no, but they have these orchids that look so real. they're like 12 bucks. >> jimmy: oh. >> so i get like five or six orchids -- i get those like smelly things with the sticks -- >> jimmy: yeah. >> -- i put one in the bathroom. i get like artwork. they have this lamp that almost looks very kind of like a japanese style lamp. i put that in the corner. oh, yeah, my dorm is going on. >> jimmy: it's going on. that's so cool. >> it's really nice. >> jimmy: and now, in the meantime of that -- doing that and "america's next top model," which, by the way, 16 -- seasons? >> 16 cycles. >> jimmy: so what does that mean? two a season? >> two a year. >> jimmy: two a year. >> yeah, so eight years. >> jimmy: and this is a juicy year. >> you like it? >> jimmy: it's a good one. >> you like it. >> jimmy: yeah, i love it. absolutely. but i mean that's a lot of work. >> it's a lot of work. >> jimmy: 'cause you're also doing as of an hour ago tonight, launching fresh >> yeah, it's fresh. >> jimmy: yeah. >> i mean it's so fresh and new. like you go to -- >> jimmy: it's just coming out tonight. >> you go on -- it's live.
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>> jimmy: now i like -- >> yes. >> jimmy: i like this idea. >> tell people what you do. okay, so typef is really about a place that's about personalization for fashion and beauty. there's these magazines and the magazines say if your booty doesn't look like this, if your boobs don't look like this, if your hair doesn't look like this, if your lips don't look like this, you're a loser. you're not good enough. you're bad, right? >> jimmy: yeah. >> so what typef does is it celebrates women's uniqueness. so you go on to typef, you sign up -- your wife can do this. you sign up and you tell us -- you tell me your hair color, your eye color, your eye shape, your face shape, your body shape, your height, everything. and then we start feeding you information based on you and your specification. >> jimmy: like what would look good on you? >> what would look good with you. and we greet you by name. >> jimmy: that's the way to do it. that's the future of the internet. >> exactly. >> jimmy: it's all personalization. >> yeah, but it's for girls. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: wait, so what website should i type in my booty shape in? [ laughter ] that's craigslist -- never mind, i'm fine. [ laughter ] on good authority.
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>> i still like, with guys, you know i've had some guys ask me, like well can they come to typef -- >> jimmy: yeah. >> -- and they said to learn about beauty and fashion. do you know about fashion? >> jimmy: no. >> no? >> jimmy: not really. >> okay, and i don't think you should know that much. so, when you see your wife, you should say, "honey, that -- you look so sexy in that dress." you don't want to say, "that chartreuse dress that's cut on the bias with the grosgrain zipper --" >> jimmy: yeah, yeah. >> -- fantastic. >> jimmy: i've never done that -- no, no. >> okay, good. >> jimmy: no, i don't know that much about fashion. >> really? >> jimmy: no, no, no. >> but, you can go on typef and look around. >> jimmy: i am going to go check it out cause i think it's really cool. and i'm a fan of yours, and i think you're always thinking about something new or the next big thing. i also like that you're very funny -- that you have a great sense of humor, obviously joking with the mayonnaise earlier. but, you're super funny on the season premier, tyra did impressions of all the different girls that did auditioned to come on "america's next top model" -- >> yes. >> jimmy: and you just -- you did all of them. >> i did. >> jimmy: i thought that was so funny and so good. >> thank you. >> jimmy: we actually have a clip -- >> that's a compliment from you. >> jimmy: -- of tyra doing everyone. here's tyra banks, everybody. [ screaming ] >> i'm 19 years old, and my favorite designer is hello kitty.
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i would do anything, anything, anything to be "america's next top model" -- except cut my hair. >> woo! i can smile -- like with my eyes. [ laughter ] i'm doing it. >> i want it. my name is angora nylandra satratia michaels. i'm not here to make friends. what do i have that the other girls don't have? hello? >> look, when you start off by saying i don't want to be here -- i am my art. [ growling ] >> what? i don't know the first thing about posing, but i don't know what i'm doing -- i have no idea. >> i'm not a cookie cutter, i cut the cookies. [ laughter ] and i'll cut you. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that was fantastic. >> thank you. >> jimmy: tyra banks. check out her website [ cheers and applause ] and "america's next top model" airs wednesdays at 8:00 p.m. on the c.w. holt mccallany joins us next. here he is hanging out in the bud light lime greenroom, you guys. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ my recipe for french toast?
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take toast... spread with i can't believe it's not butter... add jacques. he's french. oui! ♪ oui like! [ male announcer ] four out of five agree it tastes as good as fresh butter with 70% less saturated fat than butter. [ kim ] you can have it all.
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with 70% less saturated fat than butter. ice breakers frost. a great tasting mint core, frosted in powerful cooling crystals. ice breakers frost. feel the frost.
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♪ [ applause ] >> jimmy: our next guest stars as a former, heavyweight champion patrick "lights" leary in the critically-acclaimed fx drama "lights out." here he is starting a rematch with the current champ. >> all you are is barry's little house boy. [ grunts, groans, crashing ] >> jimmy: say hello to
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holt mccallany! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ lights out uh-huh flash, flash, flash lights out ♪ ♪ uh-huh flash, flash, flash lights out ♪ >> jimmy: holt! holt mccallany. >> holt mccallany. >> jimmy: holt mccallany, that's a great name. >> thank you. >> jimmy: mccallany. i don't know many mccallany's. >> irish. i'm an irishman, like you. >> jimmy: yeah, absolutely. yeah, i'm irish as well. jimmy fallon. shamus o'whalen. but holt is an interesting name. >> thanks, yeah. holt is actually, originally, a viking name. but it's also found in old english poetry, a holt was a small forest or stand of trees. i looked it up one times, it means like "knight of the forest." i know. >> jimmy: trippy. that dude with the panda hat is now freaking out. [ laughter ] "oh, my god, the knight of the --" [ laughter ] are you celebrating st. patty's game? what are you doing? >> you know what? i am. i'm a good irishman. and i'm going to celebrate st. patrick's day.
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>> jimmy: i love that. what are you gonna do? are you going to party down to the parade? >> i'm going to go to some of those irish pubs on second avenue and just have a few pints. you know, on thursday night, i was with a bunch of irishmen at the american ireland fund dinner because they made me man of the year. and you were man of the year last year. >> jimmy: yeah, last year. that was the year to get it. [ cheers and applause ] >> that was the year to get it. >> jimmy: congratulations. >> well, thanks! >> jimmy: american ireland fund. >> yeah, the american ireland fund, which raises money for irish causes. you know, there's an economic crisis, at the moment, in ireland. but ireland -- the irish are known for being able to overcome hardships, so they will come back. >> jimmy: completely. >> but they told me you have to give a speech. and they said, "but don't worry about it, jimmy fallon last year gave this really funny speech. we had conan o'brien, and he gave a really funny speech. and you'll be fine. get up there and just be funny." i'm like, "well, i'm not exactly known as a funny guy."
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>> jimmy: "i can act and i can speak --" >> but i guess i'll try, so i wrote a speech. i got up there, jimmy, and i said, "okay, i'm not going to be as funny as jimmy but i'll try." it's like hundreds of drunken irishmen. they're all like walking around, like, slamming shots, drinking pints, paying no attention! >> jimmy: they're ordering food over your speech. >> but instead, i'm up there trying to quote shakespeare and william butler yates. and yeah -- no, no, no. >> jimmy: i was like, "who wants a drink?" >> "get him off of there." >> jimmy: we have to talk about your show. i'm telling you "lights out" critics are freaking out about the show. congratulations. >> thank you so much. >> jimmy: it's fantastic. a lot of fighting, obviously. but do you want to let everyone know what the story's about? it's a cool story. >> yeah, you know, it's really a family drama that's set in the world of boxing. and i play a former heavyweight champion of the world. >> jimmy: done, finished, retired. >> i've got out of game for five years. and i have a beautiful wife, three beautiful daughters, and
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i've left the boxing world behind me. and i'm just raising my family. and trying to find that second act in my career. you know a lot of athletes, after they retire, face that challenge? >> jimmy: "do i become a sports commentator or sell diet pills?" [ light laughter ] usually one of the two. "i eat these three meals and i lost 100 pounds." like, oh, that guy was a great football player. [ light laughter ] >> so, that's where i'm at. you know? but, you know, my back's against the wall, so i decide to make a comeback and get back in the ring. >> jimmy: he gets back in the ring and it's pretty awesome. it's so fun. man, you're getting smacked around. >> yeah. we get smacked around on my show. >> jimmy: i you could not do that on this show. >> oh, yes, you could. >> jimmy: i come out ever night before the monologue starts and higgins punches me in the face. and i go out and tell jokes. [ light laughter ] are you taking shots? >> yeah, well, you want to make it look as authentic as possible. and the only way to do that is to have some contact. so, what we do is we land the jabs to the head, because you can tuck in your chin a bit. and you get hit in the forehead like that. >> jimmy: oh, my god.
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>> and we land the body shots. and do a head snap for the right hand and the left hook. >> jimmy: really? >> that's how we do it. >> jimmy: god, right there that would have hurt me. >> no! >> jimmy: what you just did would have hurt me. yeah, yeah, yeah. can you show me some moves when we come back? >> absolutely. >> jimmy: you'll show me how to take a guy down? >> i'll show you how to knock somebody out. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: holt's gonna teach me some moves. when we come back, holt mccallany. come on back. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ survival is all about staying power.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: we are back with holt mccallany. he plays the former world heavyweight champion on the great show "lights out." he's going to teach me some boxing moves here. so, what do we got? >> okay. so, i'm going to teach you, just in case, when you're out on st. patrick's day, some drunken irish guy tries to start some trouble, i'm going to show you how to knock him out. >> jimmy: all right, here we go. >> okay. so, the first thing you want to do -- >> jimmy: i've got a show on friday, so let's -- here we go. >> so, you're gonna keep your hands up. right? okay? >> jimmy: of course. >> the first punch is the jab. keep your knees bent a little bit. right? you want to be balanced, right? and just shoot that left hand out. very good. now, just bring it back a little quicker, like your hand in hot water. shoot it out and bring it right back. [ laughter ] very good. one more time. good. all right. now we'll add the right hand. >> jimmy: okay. >> okay, so first show me one right hand. that's pretty good. you got a strong right hand. >> jimmy: yeah? >> yeah. >> jimmy: that's good. hot water. [ laughter ] >> okay. >> jimmy: dip in hot water, i
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have visions of as a baby. [ light laughter ] no feeling at all, temperature in this fist. [ light laughter ] >> so now the one-two, the classic joe lewis, bang-bang just like that. ready? one, two. good! good! >> jimmy: yeah, that felt good. >> that was strong. you've good power in your right hand. >> jimmy: left hand is a little lame. [ light laughter ] i'm not too exited about my left hand. okay, good. [ laughter ] so, i'll just goof you with the left? >> no, no, you're doing great. so that's it. so that's the one, two. and i'll teach you one more thing. the one, two, three. which is the left hook behind the right hand. so you're gonna pull the jab, the right hand, and then you're gonna turn that left hook over. one, two, three. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah, yeah. >> all right? [ laughter ] here we go. ready? ha, ha, ha. very good, man! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you wanna try it out? >> yeah! so here's what you do. let's say -- okay, it's st. paddy's day, right? >> jimmy: yeah, yeah, yeah. >> you're having a beer, minding your own business. >> jimmy: chilling out. >> and some big, irish,
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meathead, i'll play the big, irish, meathead, comes over and for no reason he bumps into you. hey, watch where you're going, man! >> jimmy: sorry, good sir. >> what's your problem, anyway? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i don't have a problem. i don't have a problem at all. what do i do there? >> oh, yeah, yeah. right, exactly. >> jimmy: whoa, whoa, whoa. >> you're doing everything right. you're gonna bring your hands up like, "hey, buddy, i'm not looking for trouble." and then right from there, because you're going to keep your hands up, you're going to throw -- what are you going to hit him with? >> jimmy: i'll do the three. i'll do the one, two, and then the bang, right? >> okay, you're gonna throw the three. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: hot water, hot water, hot water, out of nowhere. >> okay, so, here i come. i hate this bar. hey, man. >> jimmy: hey, man. mmm. >> what's your problem, man? >> jimmy: i don't want any trouble, buddy! bap, bap, bang. [ cheers and applause ] [ sad tuba ] you told me what you were going to do, jimmy. it's a bar fight. you never tell me what you're going to do. [ light laughter ]
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we'll be right back with more "late night with jimmy fallon." [ cheers and applause ] ♪ we download about four free songs a month.
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♪ [ applause ] >> jimmy: our next guests are irish music legends. their latest album is "san patricio." but tonight, they put together a medley of classic songs just for us. please welcome the chieftains. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ ♪
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