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tv   11 News at 5  NBC  November 25, 2011 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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[captioning made possible by constellation energy group] >> good evening everybody. i am stan stovall. >> the big story tonight, black friday. it is not over yet. >> hours of earlier than usual. preliminary membership even bigger crops this year. sheldon detests is live tonight where people are still searching toward good deals. >> the parking lot out here is credited and there are definitely still people muscling iran the stores. it is not as crazy as you would think considering how many people are in there. take a look at video inside the store we just shot right now.
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flat screen tvs at this best but were advertised for as little as $200 and other merchandise has been marked by 50%. all great news for shoppers but the friday after thanksgiving is also a big deal for retailers. sales are a barometer for what they need to do for the rest of the season. although there has not been any crazy stories of physical attacks or pepper spray in maryland, shoppers are still breathing crowded parking lots but say it is worth the inconvenience. >> you get all of your christmas shopping done early. it is worth it. it is a big hassle and russia. if you can get it all done on black friday, you will save yourself a lot of money. >> if you want to avoid all of the long lines, you can shop online. this upcoming monday is a cyber monday and a lot of stores like best buy and amazon will be marking down their prices.
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>> thank you. if you are planning on going out and doing shopping tonight, let me give you an idea of what to expect. this is a look at what some of the area mall parking lots look like. just about 90 minutes ago, you can see the parking lot is still intact. this take a live look at mall where shoppers are expected to trickle into the evening. meanwhile, all across the country prices are low and the stakes are high. retailers banked on a strong day of shopping, this freddie has not been without some real drama. -- this black friday has not to bid without some of drama. >> november consumption of a different kind.
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one and three americans shop today -- a black friday record. >> when we first opened, we counted about 1100. >> mob scenes like this one at a georgia walmart played out across the country. some came not to shop but to steal. this robber shot a 55-year-old woman demanding her purse. near los angeles, a woman fighting to buy video games used pepper spray injuring 20 people. police called it competitive shopping tour >> it could have been a lot worse. that is when you start to get people getting trampled and a stampede inside. it could have been worse than it was. >> the large crowds were where retailers hoped for. the door busters help get people not only to shop but to buy. >> we spent a little more than we expected to.
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>> i have already taken some things to my car, came back, and i am about to go to my car again and do the same thing and come back. >> prices were not the only way stores attracted buyers. some opened earlier than ever, some last night. it may have worked. analyst say americans spent $27 billion today making this the biggest, brightest black friday ever. >> the numbers are encouraging to retailers because they still expect to get another boost next week on cyber monday. >> as you hit the stores this holiday season, be sure to check in with we had area mall operating hours. the five biggest upsets to bookmark for cyber monday. -- web sites to bookmark for
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cyber monday. >> some stores needed extra help. many retailers were not hiring seasonal workers. that seems to be changing. barry simms is like. >> this target store started hiring seasonal workers in september and so did a small boutique nearby. kickoff is coming up on the grievance network. >> third and 13 -- >> that was on the information -- we will try to bring that to you later. let us try one more time. we talked about the retail store of target. >> 40% for black friday. >> one of the busiest shopping days of the year, this small baltic is having a sale. >> in a recession, it
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definitely it seemed like the tail end of the recession i thought it -- everyone thought i was crazy. >> she saw a great opportunity. she is a makeup artist focusing on a fashion and the making women feel beautiful. she has hired a temporary extra sales staff. >> the whole season from fall on it became busier. we noticed it was busier than last year. >> the indicator that business picked up, more customers coming in and also they were spending more on luxury items and gifts. at this target store, one of the busiest areas is the electronic department. a target spokeswoman said that nationally in the last year the store hired and 6000 temporary workers and they are on track to hire 10% more.
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a staffing experts said while stores and other companies may be hiring more workers, they are still a very selective. >> especially in retail, things are pretty good but it is always hard to find good it talent. at the right people are still hard to find a. >> at this styles studio, the honor was glad she could bring in a few people. >> when you watch the news and you watch what is happening, you feel affected. in at this particular area, i would not say -- that are starting to spend again. >> she says a very fortunate. when she first opened things were a little slow. now, she is 25% higher than compared to last year. >> thank you. a deadly fire blocked off roads for much of the morning.
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it also has homicide detectives of the case. the town house fire at the intersection of clearwater court and around it 10:00 this morning. it took firefighters 15 minutes to control the blaze. once inside, they found a man dead. they're not sure how the man died or how the fire started. a 40 -- a girl have been taken with permission from her home by a woman known only as but she'd never brought her back. the little girl was located safe and unharmed. >> the american help and a robot could go free next week. -- held in aruba could be free next week. the judge turned down a request to hold him another 30 days.
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he admitted to taking out $1.5 million life-insurance policy on rabin gardner days before the trouble to our robot. . aruba. >> reasons why we believe there is no reason for him to remain detained. even if there are reasons for other investigation. the judge agreed with that end of the judges decided she would not granted the prosecution and other extension. he will have to be released on tuesday at it o'clock in the evening. >> prosecutors have filed an appeal. he admitted to taking out the policy days before the trouble. her body has not been found. he says he is innocent. >> terrific day today.
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absolutely wonderful. lots of sunshine and temperatures beyond our expectations. i half jokingly yesterday said a couple of people might get above 70. it made it to 70 at the airport and 72 at the inner harbor. it did not break any records. but 70 is awfully close. morning lows were well above the freezing point. here is a track from this week going into next week where high temperatures will be as we expect officially reported at the airport. you do see a drop in the temperatures early next week. that is what our forecast is all about. the weekend will still be fine. i will have details and just a few in the trade-stick it around. riven fans are still celebrating a big --ravne s -- ravens fans
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still celebrating a big one last night. >> i heard over and over it was the best atmosphere ever seen at the stadium. a family event and holiday wrapped around a pair of playoff teams. the baltimore ravens victory keeps them in the plight of seat and gives tremendous members of a historic night. >> introductions are done and kickoff is coming up on the grievance network. -- ravens network. terrell suggs got there. here he comes. mistake throat. pocket collapsing and the baltimore ravens get him toward a fourth time. cory redding will get to him first. the baltimore ravens and rushed for. looking for edwards and is
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intercepted and the end zone. >> 6-3 baltimore ravens in front of the forty-niners. >> pass deflected and caught. flacco takes the snap. kennedy and sound -- caught -- touchdown ravens! >> what a great job. >> rolling to his left. ponce under pressure and he will be hit. he is out of bounds. eight site of the night. >> -- eighth sack of the night. >> baltimore ravens brent the pressure. it is all over. 115 left to play. happy thanksgiving as the baltimore ravens well when the
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brother abel. -- b bowl. but a new tradition under wait for joe flacco. >> we will look forward to that. that brings us to our text question for the day. how would you describe the performance of the defense during last night's game. grab your cell phone and text us. textile letter a if you thought it was outstanding, b if it was what you expect, or,c, if it was just average. we will share the results with you tonight at 6:00. >> coming up project child abuse awareness may be on the rise but a report may be a cause for concern. >> the doctors are not reporting the problem enough. >> there is a new effort to
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honor of the legendary lenny moore. >> 3 fires today has strapped it
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>> there is sell local post to honor hall of famer lenny moore.
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there is all ready a bronze likeness of him in canton, ohio, but that are working to raise funds for a statue dedicated not only to his athletic prowess but his commitment to public service. it would have his right hand with a football located near his side and located at the wax museum. >> here you have an athlete that -- this is almost 40 years ago that he played and he is still giving back. even at the last game on thanksgiving, who was there saluting the kicker? it was lenny moore. >> he was an all-american halfback in college and played for the baltimore colts as a rookie of the year and 1956.
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>> a new flu strain has been discovered in iowa and three children. the center for disease control says the virus originated in the kicks. a total of 18 cases of the h3m2 virus over the past two years seen in pennsylvania, maine, indiana. this strain only makes people seemed mildly sick. not as bad as the strain that took thousands of people back in 2009. it gave doctors different scenarios different abuse and describe how they would handle the case. primary-care physicians and child abuse experts agreed about the suspicion of abuse and 81% of cases but doctors did not report injuries the experts say they would have reported.
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the holidays are a great excuse for an apology but overexposing in holiday cheer could lead to health problems like heart trouble. >> i scrim, liquor, shaved, chocolates, that is enough to get me in the spirits. you might end up in the hospital. >> it comes not necessarily from been some drinking but partying a little too much. >> and about one-third of patients that come into his emergency room have something called holiday heart syndrome. it affects those who are not used to drinking very much to overindulge in alcohol and get to gutters. in their heart rates beat up and becomes a regular. >> blood pressure can drop and you can get lightheaded. >> feeling like they are getting a heart attack, they head to the emergency room only finding out it was the alcohol causing the
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problem. >> be aware if you are on any medications. if you are not used to drinking. this is not a time to drink five or six in one setting. >> problem usually goes away in 24 hours without long-term damage. doctors say it is always good to get symptoms checkout just in case. while you are toasting to health in this holiday season, keep in mind that might affect your heart. >> now, your 11 insta-weather forecast with meteorologist john collins. >> readings may get up to 70 degrees. we did not break records but we were close to not -- close to it. the storms ec and plains states were bused to the mountains yesterday. the weather disturbance out there -- the storm complex is
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moving to the east and will eventually get here and we will see a change in the weather. the trick is to see if we can't get everything to hold us through the weekend. look at what temperatures are right now around the area. readings are evenly distributed around the state of maryland and the mountains. most of the readings are in the mid-1950s. and a few cases it is only 50 degrees and oakland. 53 degrees on the boardwalk. kind of telling if you look at the more regional temperatures, you will see a whole blood -- below the of the 50s. king's change into the 40's. we are kind of on the northern edge of maryland on the mild readings that affected much of the country during the day to day. we have scattered thing crowds around the area.
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this big area of high pressure that reaches out over the atlantic ocean is still with us. all of the weather to the west, you cannot get into it right away. because we are on the northwest edge of the area of high pressure, we are getting mild air coming out of the gulf of mexico. it is not exactly comparable, it is warm considering the season. if this were august, it would be considered cool. kind of complex at this stage, but it is trying to come together as they clears the mountains. some changes will follow. as you can see from the storm system to the east, temperatures are mild. behind the storm, a purple shaded there. that is where cold air comes in behind it. that is on its way in. overnight it will be in the 30's to around a 40. the chillier readings will be away from the city.
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winds are calm. mostly clear skies grew we have a few wispy clouds. a couple of scattered clouds possible. the unseasonably mild temperatures ranging from the mid 60's to the upper 60's. somebody might hit 70 along the way. sunset is at 4:45. that is a little earlier every day. everybody else in the 19th step -- everybody else and the 60's. 5 knots to 10 knots tomorrow, similar to today. temperatures are getting chilly. the next showdown next week will take readings even further. we look at the futurecast. saturday, we are looking good. we picked up a few scattered clouds. it is not until sunday we see a weather system come in. we have clouds moving in.
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significant rents are west of the mountains. it looks like grants will hold off essentially until monday or so. 56 tomorrow. 61 on sunday. after dark and into monday is when the rain chances are to increase. that will be monday and tuesday primarily. as the storm leaves unstable weather, look at where temperatures fall to. 60's 250's to 40's following the front. >> still ahead -- new evidence that there may be or may have been life on mars. we will explain the most sick -- sophisticated launch yet to what we come back.
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at different companies... is a pain. but with allstate, bundling policies is easy and can save you money. you should try this instead. thank you...yeah... now she should be an allstate agent. shop less. get more. make one call to an allstate agent. [ female announcer ] introducing the allstate auto + life discount. now when you protect your family with allstate life insurance you can save even more on allstate car insurance. shop less. get more. make one call to an allstate agent. ♪
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next step for the
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search for life on mars begins tomorrow. >> the mission to its the rover going on next search on the planet. >> this is what the laboratory will look like once it reaches mars. this rover is called curiosity. calling it complicated may have worked as well. >> this is the most complicated mission we have attempted on mars. the science demands that. >> the science is trying to determine if mars is or ever could have been a place that harbored life. that is what curiosity will be looking for driving 4 miles across the red planet landscape because it is the size of a car with six wheels. >> this rover -- curiosity is really a war over on steroids. it will discover more than we could possibly imagine. >> sometime between 10:00 and
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2:00 on saturday, the capsule carrying curiosity will separate from the rocket and spend 8.5 months traveling 60 million miles to mars. >> that is a long way. >> that is holiday travel. >> a new push to get you shopping. >> first, you will have to find parking. >> the financially strapped local red cross has a catalog of ways you can
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>>live, late breaking, this is
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wbal tv 11 news at 5:00 in hd. >> a job at tops the list of needs this holiday season. >> food, clothing, and the blood are also in short supply. >> as you mentioned, chops and everything else seemed to be and a short supply. few organizations are feeling pinched as hard as the red cross. >> bargain hunters camped out for days to save a few dollars. at least he's people have a little bit of money. lines for free food and essentials are just as long. >> we are anticipating serving 400 people in this year. >> it to charities and nonprofit
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across the region see a greater need in this year compared to last. >> the red cross needs more than anything else financial assistance. >> red cross officials believe fighters are driving the need it. the agency say there are three fires a day in the area. blankets and personal hygiene items, donating money rather than goods gives the agency flexibility. >> everybody's needs are different. for somebody it may be a blanket. somebody else might need a prescription medication replaced. >> like the red cross, good will provide services year round as well. there are experiencing a higher demand that this year. they operate 26 stores. >> virtually anyone in need with any kind of disadvantage can come into good will and we will help them navigate services and
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get job training and get jobs. >> the effects of hurricane irene also stranded charities. >> the easiest way to donate is online. >> $30 buys five the blankets. $45 buys comfort kits. 200 donations to $200 donations provides food and shelter. >> this year we have launched something really great. it is our holiday catalog. you can go online and flipped through the catalog and decide we want to get a family. >> they offer everything from phone calls to clean water >> we aren't -- we are not government funded, we are a nonprofit. we are going to be there but we need your help. >> the red cross is also experiencing a blood and shortage. in addition, they could use some more volunteers.
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you urged to go online to red >> thank you. here is a look and some other top stories of the hour. police will release the identity of a woman found a burned in her vehicle wednesday morning and what they call a suspicious death. the founder and the 13th hundred block of the phoenix wrote. the medical examiner is also investigating this case. authorities have identified the man killed during a deadly police involved shooting in southwest baltimore. an officer shot 52-year-old on wednesday morning after he refused to comply with an officer's commands to drop two large knives. he was taken to in the hospital where he died. the failure of the congressional super committee sets a state for a big battle between
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republicans and the white house and could end up pitting millions of americans in the pocketbook. >> the failure of the congressional super committee sets the stage for a year and is spending so showdown on capitol hill. parks and congress returns from its thanksgiving handover, on the to do list is legislation possibly extending the payroll tax credits and unemployment benefits. >> millions of the americans could pay the price of congress cannot find a way to expand unemployment benefits and business breaks that expire at the end of the year. obama wants voters to put the pressure on lawmakers. >> tell them, do not be a prince. the put the -- do not be a gr inch. >> to avoid more than one
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trillion dollars in automatic cuts, the social programs and pentagon budget. republicans claimed the president. >> when we came to the end stages when negotiation should have been under way, the president was not there. >> republicans have to figure out how to keep tax breaks without spending a cent. >> we are back right where we are for basically the entire year. >> baltimore county is offering a gift in time for the holidays. you can park free for up to two hours to the county up until sunday. it is a move that will pull in more shoppers for local small businesses. >> kit is easy to park when it is free and we will save a couple of dollars. there's lots to eat and lots of parking and there are places to park. >> we did find officers running
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up tickets for it across the street from where we did the interview. we are told not to worry. there are not in a metered parking spot. those faults were parked illegally. >> thank you. coming up, a hospital lockdown turned deadly in chicago appeared >> police said a band snap and killed his ex-wife. >> it is the annual festival of trees. that story is coming up.
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>> a man is in custody accused of killing his wife at a hospital. the hospital was on lockdown as they searched for earl roberts. police arrested him when he fled his car at a traffic stop this morning. he is charged with shooting his ex-wife in a hospital parking garage.
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>> demonstrators in egypt are rejecting the appointment of a new prime minister. they packed into tahrir square for the biggest demonstratio centsn. they are to form a new government after the parliamentary elections. they want a huge organization at penn state university to remain solvent. they want it to remain solvent so they can file future suits. it suggests future legal strategy that may be used. the charity was looking to shut down or transfer a number of programs.
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>> the movements of anyone carrying a working cell phone can be recorded while shopping. >> marketing directors can't figure out your footpath as you shop around the mall. >> christmas trees may be running dry this year. but we certainly were dry today with beautiful temperatures. as you see on the satellite image out west, there is a storm. one? we will tell you with the forecast coming up. clear skies. the airport and downtown -- 62 degrees and beautiful.
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>> coming up at 6:00, black friday frenzy. he has been and aruba jail, but he soon could be set free. c l -- see how he reacts to
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>> picking out the perfect christmas tree. the season does not look so bright for tree farmers in texas after a record-breaking drought and wild fires, many firms have been wiped out. most farmers plant to import trees to sell. we are not really sure what the going rate is for the word house christmas tree, but it is 19 feet tall and was presented to michelle obama this morning.
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the tree was selected in october. it will be on display throughout the holiday season in the white house blue room. >> your 11 whether into -- insta-weather forecast with john collins. >> with a day like today it is hard to think about christmas. it is just a round the corner. there is a change coming up. here it is. showing up on the composite radar across the country. eastern half of the country, try is a bone. the storm that is in the plan states were west of the mountains yesterday. it will not make a huge leaps to the point where it will ruin our weekend, but a changes on our way. let's focus on today. beautiful day. temperatures will be on what we would normally expected this time of year. the typical fight this time of year is 53 degrees.
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the record is 75 degrees in 1973. we were close enough to make the record terrific. on the boardwalk it is 53 degrees. was mr. 57 degrees. oakland has dropped to 48 degrees but they were in the '50s and '60s. fair weather situation with high pressure reaching down to the southeast states. because we are on the northwest side of the bubble of high pressure, we are getting a flow of mild air coming our way. that will continue for a couple more days before unsettled weather out west begins to move in. behind that there are cold temperatures. look at the national temperature map. you can see a mild readings covering the plains states all the way into the east. the upper midwest and out west, temperatures are colder.
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it is in the 30's in many cases. that is on the way eventually. mostly clear tonight with temperatures down route 40 in the city. winds will be calm. 64 the average. a couple of places may make it near 70. temperatures above average for the season. the travel forecast around the country, in case somebody is coming back or pending in, on settled weather in the central part of the nation. in texas and out to the west, here in the east we are still in great shape. insta-weather futurecast, outlined in blue is the area of high pressure. as we advance into saturday and sunday, the hyde moves to the east and the stormy weather gets a lot closer to us. you could say late in the day on sunday, rain chances start to
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increase and they will move into monday. the bulk of the storm hanks to the west which seemed to indicate monday is not the rainy day as much as perhaps tuesday. here is the 7 day forecast. generally dry both day spurred by the end of the day on sunday it may catch up to us. on monday and tuesday. even wednesday as the temperatures are falling, the atmosphere may be unstable. an isolated shower could pop up. >> something to consider as you do your holiday shopping. yourself on the detracted this year. starting today and running through new year's days, two malls will attract a guest at movements bite on the touring the movements of their cell phone. the data is anonymous, i can
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follow shoppers pass from store to store. u.s. malls up the tracking how crowds move through stores from time to time but this is the first time they have used cell phones. the management company in both malls as a personal data is not being tracked, just where your cell phone goes. >> they are not able to collect any kind of demographic. i do not know if your ping is male or female. customers are being warned by signs it around the mall. they can opt out of this by just turning off their fun. it does not collect any personal details of associated with the id like the name or phoen number. it can only be obtained legally through a court order. with most of the black friday rushed out of the way, some retailers are turning their way to small business saturday.
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small-business owners are pulling all of the stops. they want to steer holiday shoppers to local and independently owned stores. small stores are it at a big disadvantage to retailers who have big marketing budgets. small businesses raise the value of property that surrounds them. owners of businesses and belvedere square say this national effort could help pull in dedicated office -- customers appear >> what to make sure we have unique items, things you cannot find at the big box stores. really just keep money local. >> in case you are wondering, the house downtown is a furniture store that sells bedding and other luxury gifts. in the meantime, the holiday shopping season is transforming. retailers are adapting to the changes. experts say the number of people who say they are going out on black freddie has gone up substantially partly because of
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the economy. everybody is looking for a good deal. customers to pay down debt, they put more money into savings that means retailers are ordering less merchandise and focusing on items shoppers might want to buy. there is one other major change. >> the smartphone and it tablet craze is completely revolutionizing the retail industry. according to our research, half of americans with a smartphone like a droid or iphone is using that device for holiday shopping. they may be using it for directions or hours or determining if merchandise in stock, but they are also using the devices to make purchases. >> because of that, retailers are focusing on elements like convenience and service. whatever might bring a consumer and to their store. finally, you have heard this before, prices are going up at the postal service. this is in addition to the
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increase already announced earlier this year. this is part of an effort to stave off bankruptcy. experts say the postal service debt will reach $15 billion by next year. the service plans to triple the price of overnight express mail boxes. that will now cost you $39.95. plus the price of priority mail will increase by 3%. >> a recent i team investigation invoked anger and frustration. interest to another sos from a pure on the edge of financial collapse. >> i m rob roblin, if you are into christmas you need to come to the fairgrounds.
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>> it's your kennedy krieger helps 16,000 children. >> one of the biggest fund- raisers is the festival of trees. the 22nd annual event began today and runs through the weekend. >> it all started in 1990. overeat the years, the festival of trees has become a christmas tradition. >> there in this. he found it. >> if you have kids, it is a great place to spend the day. it will put anyone in the
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christmas spirit and help a good cause. >> the money all goes to kennedy krieger to help with our community program. it is our biggest fund-raiser of the year. over the past1 years, we have raised over $12 million. this year we hope to add another $1 million or $2 million to it. >> there are these from our morning show crew. if you are looking for a christmas tree already decorated to buy, this is the place to go. there is this baltimore ravens true, it lottery tree, even this funky monkey treat made by the arc angels. >> it is a wonderful feeling we'd get to. we have fun doing it. i can't picture all of the kids in the hospital looking at them and wanting one of them. it is a wonderful feeling. >> all of the proceeds go to kennedy krieger institute to.
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>> what he was younger and in third grade, his left was a little more difficult and increases. he was high functioning on the autistic spectrum. kennedy krieger really saved us. >> if you are looking for something to do this week in -- >> we love it. >> everybody is enjoying ourselves. >> -- come out to the kennedy krieger all festival of trees. the money raised here goes to help. it is what christmas is all about. >> very nice. >> nice pictures as well. >> that is all for us at 5:00. >> we are live with all of the black for the excitement. while some shoppers say black friday advertisements are not what they are thought to be. >> some retailers are listening up the purse strings and hiring
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employees for the holidays. we will have details. >> black friday shopping lines are short compared to the once the needy are in. how you can help. >> light, local, lead pricking, this is wbal tv news at 6:00. >> black friday frenzy in full spring. is it worth it? shoppers have been pepper's board, travel, one man was shot while trying to take advantage of the door bustard deals. while there have been no such instances in our stores, stores are packed. >> many shops opened earlier than usual. many open before the clock struck midnight. sheldon joins us where the shopping continues. >> i was at the best buy here that opened at 11:50 on thanksgiving night. thanksgiving night.


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