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tv   Late Night With Jimmy Fallon  NBC  February 5, 2013 12:35am-1:35am EST

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me to take out the garbage. i said, you cooked it, you take it out. [ laughter ] >> jay: oh, wow! >> so -- >> jay: and i see clinton gave you a nice -- >> yeah, so -- >> jay: -- endorsement here in the back. can you do him? have you been -- [ as clinton ] >> i don't know, jay, you know. i'm -- i'm watching tv with hillary and michael's on singing. i love -- i love music, you know that. he actually does, he's like a a big, big music fan. >> jay: yeah, yeah. >> he wants to come out on the road and play sax with us. >> jay: all right. well, listen, you know, congratulations on everything. >> thank you. >> jay: "the soul of it all." actually, it's a lot of fun to read, actually. we go back a long ways. >> yes, we do. >> jay: i recognized a lot of things in here. and this is album as well. congratulations, my friend. >> thank you so much. >> jay: jessica, good luck at the oscars. [ cheers and applause ] "zero dark thirty" and of course hugh jackman, "les miserables." best actor, good luck to you as well. i hope we'll see you right after the academy awards. [ cheers and applause ] tomorrow night, josh duhamel will join us. but jimmy fallon happening right now! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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>> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center, the national broadcasting company presents -- tonight's guests are -- and featuring the legendary roots crew. and here he is -- jimmy fallon! [ cheers and applause ] captions paid for by nbc-universal television -- captions by vitac --
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: oh! that's what i'm talking about. welcome, everyone. thank you so much. welcome. thank you so much, everybody. welcome to "late night with jimmy fallon." we're going to have fun tonight. super bowl, did you love it? [ cheers ] it was great, right? everyone's talking about this. the super bowl was last night, and it was one of the highest-rated super bowls ever, with 108 million people watching. plus, i read that this year's game added $430 million to the new orleans economy. none of which apparently was used to pay the electric bill. [ laughter ] that was weird. [ cheers and applause ] that's a weird deal. last night, the lights in the superdome went out for 33 minutes at the beginning of the third quarter. yeah, the 49ers were just standing around the field not knowing what to do, and then the blackout happened. >> steve: right. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: yeah, the lights went out in the third quarter. it was weird because normally, i don't experience a blackout until after the super bowl party. so i was like -- [ laughter ] i peaked too soon. i heard that budweiser's ad starring a clydesdale -- did you guys see that one? >> audience: yeah. >> jimmy: that was my favorite one. that was great. but apparently, that was the most popular super bowl commercial last night, while another popular commercial was the ad for taco bell. so either way, it was a big night for horses. [ laughter ] [ scattered applause ] >> steve: oh! >> jimmy: actually, viewers thought the worst commercial of the super bowl was the go daddy ad where supermodel, bar refaeli, made out with a nerd. or as the nerd put it, "yeah, so what?" [ laughter ] "that was pretty awesome. that was the best day of my life, man." hey, you guys, this is not good here. bad news. radio shack is planning to close more than 500 stores by the end
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of the year -- >> steve: aw. >> jimmy: while its remaining stores will just continue to look like they're closed. [ laughter ] they're plucking chickens in there. i don't know what's happening. >> steve: maybe macrame. >> jimmy: did you guys see this? on saturday, punxsutawney phil did not see his shadow. [ cheers and applause ] and you know what that means. nothing, because that's not how weather works. [ laughter ] that's a wives' tale. check this out. a new survey found that 17% of men in the marines would leave if women moved into combat positions. the other 83% of marines said, "wait, we can just leave?" [ laughter ] is that an option? yeah, it doesn't make any sense. get this -- new research found that having sex should not take the place of actual exercise. especially at the gym. [ laughter ] and i just saw that iranian
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president mahmoud ahmadinejad said that he wants to be the first person that his country sends into space. so finally, iran and the u.s. agree on something. [ laughter ] we have a great show tonight. give it up for the roots! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thank you so much for being here. thanks for watching. what a game last night! >> steve: oh, my gosh. >> jimmy: that was just awesome. did you enjoy the game? >> steve: i watched most of the game and i enjoyed most of the game. >> jimmy: so you phased out a little bit? >> steve: i watched "downton abbey." [ laughter ] and then went back. because i'm manly, though. you know what i mean? >> jimmy: yeah, well, you play a base character in our spoof of "downton abbey," which airs tomorrow night. >> steve: oh, yeah. >> jimmy: tomorrow night and wednesday night is the "downton abbey" spoof on our show, so tune in for that or set your tivos and dvrs. >> steve: dvr it. >> jimmy: i had a great time. i watched the whole thing. loved it. beyonce? >> steve: fantastic.
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>> jimmy: that was unbelievable. [ cheers and applause ] >> steve: that was, like, a different level. >> jimmy: that's it. i don't think they can do a halftime show anymore. >> steve: how do you follow that? what are you going to do if you follow after that? >> jimmy: i don't know. >> steve: magic? >> jimmy: yeah, maybe magic. that's a good idea. david blaine just hangs out. >> steve: frozen -- >> jimmy: they wheel him out -- >> steve: standing in a block of ice. >> jimmy: ice for 30 minutes. >> steve: yeah. >> jimmy: then wheel him back out. i'd watch that. that would be pretty rad. >> steve: i'd watch that. >> jimmy: yeah, that'd be fun, man. >> steve: dude, what's he going to do? [ laughter ] nothing. he's gonna sleep. he's not going to sleep, man. >> jimmy: he's the best, man. i love it. i still can't get over the whole super bowl. it was an amazing game, you guys. first half was all baltimore. it was, like, crazy times. then the blackout. then the 49ers almost came back right down to the wire. there was no way that anybody could have predicted who would win that game. not true. someone did know. last week on our show, we predicted our -- we had our puppy predictors come out and tell us who is going to be crowned the super bowl champs. take a look at this. >> jimmy: right here are two bowls of food. one marked ravens, the other marked 49ers.
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and behind this wall are five puppies. the bowl that attracts the most puppies will be the team that wins the super bowl. blue 32, blue 32, hut, hut! you can do it. [ cheers ] yeah. take it. there you go. oh! [ cheers and applause ] the ravens! oh my goodness. there they did it. oh, my goodness. that's right. our puppies -- [ cheers and applause ] -- correctly picked the baltimore ravens to win the super bowl. they nailed it. congratulations to the baltimore ravens and to our puppies on doing such a great job. [ cheers and applause ] that's so cute, man, yeah. we're going to bring them back. we have such a fun show tonight. gosh, he's a hilarious comedian. we love it when he comes by. he's brilliantly funny. russell brand is back on the show. [ cheers and applause ] very, very funny. ladies love him. plus, she is great on her show, "smash." we're happy to have her back. katharine mcphee is here. [ cheers and applause ] and we have music --
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this guy -- every time he comes, he's unbelievable. wouldn't you say? now, every time. epic. he always outdoes himself, whether it be jim james or -- remember, he was yim yames? >> steve: yep. >> jimmy: he was yim yames for awhile. i got corrected, i got scolded by him. >> steve: because you said jim james and it was yim yames. >> jimmy: i said, "jim james," he goes "no, i'm yim yames." [ laughter ] >> steve: well, i'm yimmy yallon. >> jimmy: yeah. [ laughter ] i was "late night with yimmy fallon" for a while. and then, so he changed it back to jim james. but he's on the show tonight. he's got -- i mean, what do you call the drum? bass drum? >> questlove: yeah. bass drum. >> jimmy: there's no real name. you know, boom boom. >> steve: you know, the -- >> jimmy: yeah. energizer bunny drum. [ laughter ] they got those drums. they got violins. they got every instrument you could think of. tonight, he's going to blow your pants off. jim james on the show. [ cheers and applause ] it's so good. crank it up. crank it up. so it's a fun show. we got russell brand. i just love that guy. he -- everyone knows about his show, "brand x." it starts the second season on thursday on fx.
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it's fantastic. going at an hour now. but he also has this other show where all he does is read through the latest issue of "star" magazine. have you guys seen this? [ laughter ] yeah, he just sort of leafs through it and he comments on some of the stories and pictures. it's a fascinating show. [ light laughter ] and believe it or not, we actually have a sneak peek of tonight's new episode of "russell brand reads 'star' magazine." [ cheers and applause ] take a look. >> jimmy: real exciting. that can't be true. scandalous. ♪ hello again. i'm actor, comedian and noted lothario, russell brand. and here in my possession is the latest issue of "star" magazine. let's take a look at the cover. here's justin bieber. drugs, lies, and cheating. is he planning to race in the tour de france? [ laughter ] salacious. and here is justin again showing us all what would happen if mc hammer had sex with vanilla ice.
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[ laughter ] tricky business. and here he is down here with his friend, little twist. look at this picture. it looks like the movie poster for "honey, we shrunk rachel maddow and will smith." [ laughter ] exciting. ooh, here we see carly rae jepsen. but then, who's this guy getting all touchy and feely? hey, i just met you and this is crazy. but i cook meth in my basement, so call me maybe. [ laughter ] criminal. page 26. "adrienne and sean -- for real?" i have no idea who these people are. [ laughter ] but i'm going to say no, they're not real. [ laughter ] they're simply figments of my imagination. scandalous. now we take a look at the best fashion of the week. ashley tisdale, check. rose byrne, check.
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miranda kerr, check. kirsten dunst, checkmate. [ laughter ] apparently, she's wearing a chess board. piggly wiggly. what do we have here? "rihanna dumped by macy's." well, i wouldn't worry. if macy's is anything like chris brown, they'll be back together in no time. [ audience ohs ] lickety-split, i'd say. here we are. page 59. good god. it's rupaul not in drag. [ laughter ] i have to say, rupaul not in drag looks a lot like reggie miller in drag. [ laughter ] kind of creepy, isn't it? [ scattered applause ] it's an illusion of the optical variety. [ laughter ] lovely. here we have jessica chastain. and let's see what the heading says. "zero dark pretty." come on. you think they'd at least go with "zero dark flirty." it rhymes with thirty.
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i can do better than that. let me have a go at this. here we see jessica chastain looking zero dark flirty carrying an osama bin latte -- [ laughter ] -- that she recently purchased from a local starbucksistan. [ laughter ] well, whatever, you get the point. two out of three ain't bad. >> hey, what's going on? [ cheers and applause ] this is an absurdity. why are you doing this? >> jimmy: it's like you're looking in a mirror. yeah, it's like looking in a sarcastic mirror. [ laughter ] >> if you're going to do this, i think i should seize control. >> jimmy: by all means. >> right, i think this is a hate crime now. [ laughter ] oh, starbucksistan -- is that the kind of pun you've been working with? this is how i would analyze your culture. ah-ha. ah, bradley pitt, he's looking at the world through rose-tinted glasses. that's why he likes such a variety of hues among his offspring from around the globe. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: there's no real ending. there's no beginning, there's no end. >> no, there is an end because
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i'm a narcissistic fantasy. so to see me rendered like this -- like me with a bit more masculinity. >> jimmy: kiss me. [ cheers and applause ] >> look at that, he hesitated, so i put it in his mouth. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: it finally happened! thank you so much. >> for the queen! >> jimmy: thank you. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: for the queen, he's saying. gosh, he is funny. "russell brand reads 'star' magazine." our thanks to russell brand. [ cheers and applause ] we'll be back with "darts of insanity," everyone. ♪ [ male announcer ] you know that guy who sells those remote control helicopters at the mall. buy 'em or don't. whatever man. either way, he gets to fly helicopters all day. i'm talking da vinci style flying machines! he's datin' kayla, the lotion girl. able, bodied, athleticism.
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here's his buddy marko, who's got the hot water for his velveeta shells & cheese. achieve your dreams. liquid gold! eat like that guy you know. our go sleeveless deodorant for five days.
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♪ everybody got two t-shirts as well, a short sleeved and a sleeveless one. which would they wear on day five? ♪ sleeveless. definitely sleeveless. ♪ what? i just like the t-shirt. [ female announcer ] for visibly softer, smoother underarms, sleeveless ready in just five days. dove go sleeveless deodorant. ♪ you! get k-y yours + mine and a gift card to ♪ i had[ designer ]eeling enough of just covering up my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. i decided enough is enough. ♪ [ spa lady ] i started enbrel. it's clinically proven to provide clearer skin. [ rv guy ] enbrel may not work for everyone -- and may not clear you completely, but for many, it gets skin clearer fast, within 2 months,
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and keeps it clearer through 6 months. [ male announcer ] enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal events, including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders, and allergic reactions have occurred. before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis and discuss whether you've been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. you should not start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if you have symptoms such as persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. if you've had enough, ask your dermatologist about enbrel.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back, everybody. hold on to your hats. it is time to play "darts of insanity!" ♪ darts of insanity [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thank you. this is "darts of insanity," a game of skill, strategy and what some would consider moral depravity. >> whoo! [ whip cracks ] >> jimmy: higgins, let's get three contestants down here! >> steve: well, jimmy, coming to the stage are p.j. mclaughlin, nick wynn and mark muster. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thank you for being here.
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thank you for being here. what is your name, and where are you from? >> p.j. mclaughlin from chicago. >> jimmy: welcome, buddy. >> nick wynn from oklahoma city. >> jimmy: welcome, nick. >> mark muster from jersey. >> jimmy: welcome, mark. very good. [ cheers and applause ] thank you for coming to the show. thank you for playing our game. now, you know how the game works. to your right, on the sharp 108, is the dreaded dartboard of insanity. >> oh, hell no! [ laughter ] >> jimmy: now, one at a time, you'll each take this official buzz bee ultimate rapid blast air blaster and shoot a rubber dart at the board. the board will quickly flash between various stunts that you may be subjected to, each of which carries a specific point value. for instance, we have "beat your meat" for three points. [ laughter ] "bride of spanxenstein" for six points. or the dreaded "hula hoop of horror" for 12 points. that is where you attempt to hula hoop while 15 strangers in hooded robes shock you with cattle prods. [ laughter ] now, whatever your dart lands on, that's what you have to do. whoever has the most points at the end of one round wins the game and a check for $100.
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[ cheers and applause ] you guys ready? all right. contestant one, step up to the line here. the firing line. here is your gun. let's initiate the dartboard of insanity. you may fire when ready. [ ding ] "hot dog in a hole." [ cheers and applause ] ♪ five points. >> not bad. >> steve: well, jimmy, the next lucky contestant gets to grab a bunch of hot dogs and throw them through the mouth hole of disgraced cycling athlete lance armstrong. if he can get seven hot dogs through in 20 seconds, he's got five points. jimmy! >> jimmy: all right, thank you. thank you, pal. all right. as you can see -- [ light laughter ] it's lance armstrong. yeah. here's a bunch of wieners right here. [ laughter ] all you have to do is grab your wieners and throw seven through the hole in 20 seconds. >> oh, no problem. >> jimmy: think you can get your wiener into lance armstrong's mouth? [ laughter ] think you can do it?
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>> kind of hoping not, but -- >> jimmy: yeah, you can do it. [ laughter ] get yourself set. $100 on the line. 20 seconds on the clock. please, audience, help him out. ready, set, toss those wieners! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: oh! [ cheers ] ♪ [ cheers ] ♪ [ cheers ] ♪ >> jimmy: oh, very nice! wow! that was fantastic! that was pretty good. good job! [ cheers and applause ] that was great. how many wieners did he get in lance armstrong's hole? >> five or six? >> jimmy: there you go, yeah. five. very good. ♪ sorry, you didn't get enough wieners. good try, my friend. take care. let's see who's next. next contestant. all right, buddy. >> all right. >> jimmy: here we go. let's initiate the dartboard of insanity. here we go.
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[ ding ] "shake your balls off." ♪ [ cheers and applause ] for ten points. higgins, tell him what he's got to do here. >> steve: well, jimmy, tonight's lucky contestant gets to put on a customized velcro man thong with a bunch of sticky balls attached to it. he'll then have 15 seconds to shake all the balls off. if he succeeds, he has ten points. jimmy. >> jimmy: thank you so much, higgins. all right. pretty simple. [ cheers ] you just got to put on this velcro diaper. [ cheers and applause ] and we're going to give you 15 seconds. you've got to try to shake off all those balls. you can't use your hands. only hip thrusts and body gyration. you think you can do this? >> yes. >> jimmy: all right. very, very good. 15 seconds on the clock. go nuts. audience, cheer him on. ready, set, shake your balls off! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪
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>> aw. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: sorry. sorry. you did not shake all of your balls off, but it was a good effort. head on over there. let's go to our last contestant. sorry, buddy. hey, how's it going, pal? >> i'm good. how are you? >> jimmy: it's all down to you, buddy. you can do this. you can go for the win here, all right? >> all right. >> jimmy: let's initiate the dartboard of insanity. very good. here is your gun. >> thank you. >> jimmy: you may fire when ready. [ ding ] "dude spoon." ♪ 15 points. higgins, tell him what he's got to do. >> steve: well, jimmy, tonight's contestant gets to spend some quality time in bed with sebastian. he's a scorpio, a three-time convicted felon and master of the ancient art of spooning. it's a "dude spoon," and it's worth 15 points. jimmy! >> jimmy: thank you, higgins.
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welcome back, sebastian. >> welcome back to you, jimmy. how are you, buddy? >> jimmy: pretty good, man. you enjoy the super bowl? >> oh, i -- [ cheers ] i've not slept since my super bowl party, but -- >> jimmy: oh, really? >> getting ready to penetrate the end zone right now. [ cheers ] >> jimmy: all right. [ laughter ] higgins, here we go. this is it. you could be tonight's big winner here. all you have to do is let sebastian spoon with you for 20 seconds. [ laughter ] go ahead. jump into bed with sebastian. assume the position. don't worry. it's going to be fine. >> all right. >> jimmy: let him have his way, and get it over with. [ cheers and applause ] 20 seconds on the clock. dim the lights, please. 20 seconds! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> just relax. just relax and enjoy the spoon, buddy. don't struggle. don't struggle. just enjoy it. did you watch the game last night? what was your favorite part? >> when the ravens won. >> what? >> when the ravens won.
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>> mary and his wife? >> when the ravens won. >> oh, the ravens won. of course. >> jimmy: all right. time is up. you did it. get out of there. it's all right, buddy. >> he didn't want to leave. >> jimmy: i know. he didn't want to leave. he's sweating. i don't know what you did to him, sebastian. >> what didn't i do? [ laughter ] >> yeah. >> jimmy: you completed the "dude spoon," which means you won 15 points. you are the winner! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] as our big winner, you'll be receiving a check for $100. congratulations, my friend. >> thanks so much. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: guys, come on over here. so sorry you did not win, but you were good sports. so you all will be getting $100. [ cheers and applause ] everyone will be taking home these official "late night with jimmy fallon" hoodies. show those hoodies. show how good they look. oh, my gosh. they're brand new hoodies in the store. they're very good. thanks to everyone for playing. stick around. we'll be back with russell brand, everyone. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ woman ] there was something about him.
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something that set him apart from the others. ♪ he was different somehow. [ wolves growling ] i was afraid, then seduced, then intrigued, then in the car. [ wolves growling ] [ tires skid ] [ glass shattering ] i never had a chance. [ old spice whistle ] that's why i take new trubiotics. it's a daily probiotic that helps in two ways. one helps support digestive health, the other immune health. stay true to your health. new trubiotics. from the makers of one-a-day.
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stay true to your health. so we put the power to keep more of it in the palm of your hand. just take a picture of your w-2. we'll automatically import your information. and help you get back the refund you deserve. learn more at turbotax dot com. for over 75 years people ...with geico... ohhh...sorry!. director's voice: here we go. from the top. and action for over 75 years people have saved money with gecko so.... director's voice: cut it! ...what...what did i say? gecko? i said gecko? aw...
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for over 75 year...(laughs. but still trying to keep it contained) director's voice: keep it together. i'm good. i'm good. for over 75...(uncontrollable lahtuger). what are you doing there? stop making me laugh. vo: geico. saving people money for over seventy-five years. gecko: don't look at me. don't look at me.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back, everybody. we are now joined by a talented comedian. you know him from movies like "hop" and "arthur," as well as his late night show, "brand x with russell brand," which now airs for one hour live starting this thursday live at 11:30 p.m. on fx. please welcome back to the show a good man. here's russell brand. ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: russell brand, thank you for coming back to our show. and thank you so much for doing the bit with us. because "russell brand reads 'star' magazine." we're very similar. we look like twins. [ laughter ] >> yeah. we look like we came from the same uterus. [ laughter ] at the same time. the same ovum and sperm that divided to create two people, different lives. and yet somehow, we still get along. >> jimmy: we do somehow get along. but i appreciate it. have you heard about the bit? that i've done impressions of you. >> yeah. i've seen it before, jimmy. and, well, see, in many ways, it was like a knife to the heart. [ laughter ] i enjoyed the lampoonery. >> jimmy: lampoonery. >> it was gentle lampoonery. >> jimmy: it is total lampoonery, yes. big, big game last night.
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the super bowl -- 49ers, ravens. what did you think? >> i'm afraid i was unable to watch it, as i was coming from england on an airplane, and also i'm english. [ laughter ] i respect you culture and your traditions and your customs. love what you've done with the place. [ laughter ] but we got football where you kick it. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, yeah. there is some kicking involved, a little bit. >> it's only very occasional kicking, isn't it? >> jimmy: it is more throwing. >> when you have a burst of electricity, those moments where the place is illuminated. a bit of a kick, a bit of a throw, some argy-bargy and some lads going to disney world is my understanding. [ laughter ] [ applause ] i respect your culture. >> jimmy: yeah. >> and your beliefs. >> jimmy: yeah. it was a very exciting game. >> the systems of belief. >> jimmy: you have a very adventurous life. you do a lot of cool things that i love that you do. because i think you've taken to celebrity in the way that should be done. you have fun. and you go and you travel and you do cool things. one of the cool things you've done -- i follow you on twitter. @rustyrockets? >> yes, that's right.
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that's my name during twitter. just in that narrow parameter of my life. i don't announce myself as @rustyrocket in a church or in a graveyard. >> jimmy: why would you -- a graveyard? >> sometimes i like to make the rounds in the graveyard. it's where we're all going. get among them. establish a good spot. [ laughter ] get some rapport going in the afterlife. >> jimmy: yeah, that's -- go, hey guys, i might be over here soon. tting to know each other. >> then the maternity ward. it's the circle. the circle of life. i own that. i copyright it just then. >> jimmy: no you can't. [ laughter ] it's disney. it's elton john. >> i own it. i think there's a song about it, actually. >> jimmy: but you tweeted about this thing. and this your -- you're teaching a yoga class first of all. and that's you. >> that's me here in the foreground showing off, even in a yoga class. it's a renegade yoga class that me and my beloved friend run. we teach yoga to these people. once people have done enough yoga, you'll find they're incredibly sexually available. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: russell, that is why -- that's not why you're doing this, though. >> no, i do it because people
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need to live spiritual lives. all of us. i'm a person. and it's good to have access to the internet of consciousness that is available to all people but through the five senses it's delineated, keeping us trapped on a material plane. tune in to the metaphysical wonder that's available in your mind. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: if i could just put that on a bumper sticker, it would be unbelievable. >> i notice you don't do that in your spiteful impression. [ laughter ] "oh, oh, hello. oh, brad pitt, oh." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you're the one who said brad pitt. but i do, i have to say -- and i appreciate this. i was doing the impression of you and you don't actually talk like my impression. so russell, i said well, i just kind of, like, prance around in a very high voice. and then he changes his voice to match my impression better and started prancing more than you would. >> that is the power you have, jimmy. you alter reality. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: thank you, yeah. >> you are a graffiti artist, and your canvas is reality. you are the banksy of the
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material realm. >> jimmy: thank you. i will take that. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ a man i respect. now, another thing that we have in common now instead of just being you is you are a host of a talk show. >> oh, yeah. that's right. i've got a talk show. it's on at night. >> jimmy: yes. it's on at night. it's a night talk show. >> during the nighttime. there it is. it's on there. >> jimmy: people talking. >> thursday at the nighttime. >> jimmy: now, wait. now, this is a big -- >> tune in. if it's nighttime, just put it on. there i'll be. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, i mean -- you'll be there. but, i mean, it's on fx, which is -- >> that's a type of channel, fx. >> jimmy: yes, fx. and it's, like, a cable thing, so can you do things you can't do normally on other things? >> there's a lot of ritual sacrifice. i won't deny it. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: is that right? yeah, you can get away with that. >> there's no sacrifice. you can't do ritualistic sacrifice. you can't worship the dark lord satan, and why would you want to? horrible pig of a man. >> jimmy: all right, yeah, yeah. [ laughter ] we don't have to get into that. but we do have -- >> we don't have to get into that. >> jimmy: "brand x," it was a half hour. it was 30 minutes. >> yeah. >> jimmy: but now it's not. now it's an hour. >> it's been expanded to take up
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an hour. that's 1/24 of the day. that's mathematics. you can't argue with math. >> jimmy: now you can't argue with math. and it's all live now. you're not -- why live? >> i'll tell you why jimmy. because if something's live, that means it's literally just happened. like all of us here. we're here now, live. that's when everything should happen. if something happened yesterday, i don't care about it no more. [ laughter ] i've moved on. >> jimmy: you've moved on. >> like that super bowl between a raven and a gold miner, i don't think about it now. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: no, that's not what that means. >> yeah, a raven and a gold miner, they had a fight for a bowl. but the raven got the bowl. congratulations. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: and now you've moved on from that. >> i've moved on. that's the past. >> jimmy: you've moved on. that was the past. >> next year, it will be someone else, and we'll have to think about that. >> jimmy: two other mascots. but i like that. i think it's fun. every time you come on, you're a great guest. do you think being a guest on these talk shows prepared you better to be a host? >> i'm scrutinizing you so deeply. i'm trying to understand the molecules of your body. the pheromones that come from you. because i think you have a very natural sense of exuberance and fun. i think when people look at you, they know that you have good love in you. so i watch that. i focus --
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you do? >> you're a fine example. there's a lot of other talk show hosts. i don't enjoy them. stalin. his talk show, awful. [ laughter ] very bossy. yeah, that guy stalin? oh. >> jimmy: stalin had a rough one. >> hitler. his show's horrible. he's a bully! >> jimmy: he's a bully. he's a bully. but, i mean, you've taken it now. 'cause i think you do a great job and actually, you have a way with words. >> thank you. >> jimmy: you are fun to converse with. >> thank you. i very much enjoy conversing with you. i think you exemplify greatness, entertainment, sweetness. and other than your cruel impressions, you're a lovely gent. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: russell brand. "brand x with russell brand," this thursday at 11:30 p.m. on fx. we will all be watching. >> thank you, thank you. >> jimmy: katharine mcphee joins us next. stick around, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ we were so blessed when we had triplets if by blessed you mean freaked out about money
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second season with a the two-hour premiere tomorrow. see, russell? people are doing two-hour shows. >> russell: blimey, that's excessive. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: two-hour premiere tomorrow at 9:00 p.m. ladies and gentlemen, please welcome katharine mcphee! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you have to move out of your chair and russell: katharine is welcome to sit here. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: no! she's not. it's not. no. don't do it, katharine. don't do this. don't even say for the queen. you can't. >> are we going to do an interview? >> jimmy: don't say for the queen. >> russell: for the queen! [ laughter ] >> jimmy: ah, don't say that! please, russell. russell. >> russell: you're beautiful. >> thank you. >> russell: should i just sit here? >> sure. >> russell: i'll just be here. >> jimmy: russell, look away. >> russell: with my sexual charisma. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: all right. there we go. katherine, please sit here. welcome. >> oh, my gosh. this is all too much for just the first 30 seconds. wow. >> jimmy: that's how fast -- you look gorgeous. thank you for coming back to the show. >> thank you.
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thanks for having me. >> jimmy: oh, please. i saw a picture of you. yesterday, you were at the super bowl. >> i was. can we not talk about it? it's all too soon. [ audience aws ] >> jimmy: you're a big 49ers fan. you painted your face, everything. >> i know. >> jimmy: and pointing at your hat. and then you just left just a loser. [ laughter ] >> i did. >> jimmy: a real dumb -- no. >> i left as a loser. >> jimmy: you love the 49ers. you got to meet the quarterback, or the coaches, right? >> i was pretty -- i was pretty sneaky the way i got on to that field. >> jimmy: what do you mean? >> well, the jets played here, obviously, in new york. and actually, the 49ers were here. and i got invited by the jets. and i'm a huge 49er fan. and i made my way on to the 49ers side. >> jimmy: oh, no, no, no. this is very sneaky, yeah. >> it was very sneaky. and then i got kind of lucky because the kids of jim harbaugh are kind of fans of the show. and so then we just got welcomed with open arms, and it was amazing. and then we kind of exchanged numbers. and here i was hanging out with -- i didn't meet jim harbaugh the
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first game -- >> jimmy: russell? >> russell: yes? >> jimmy: you think you have something? >> russell: yeah, as a matter of fact, i was thinking about something. because as you know, i've announced it. i find katharine very attractive. so, i'm going to exchange numbers. i've thought of things that i'd like to exchange with her. [ laughter ] numbers! >> jimmy: numbers. a numbers thing. >> and genes. >> jimmy: no, all right. now, you can't -- >> russell: genetic info. data. >> what is happening right now? >> russell: genetic info. >> jimmy: that's all right. don't worry. >> this is awesome. >> jimmy: don't worry about it. now you're friends with the harbaugh family? >> okay, so, this was, like, at the beginning of the season six months ago probably when we first started. and we killed the jets, i add. and -- >> jimmy: hey. >> i'm sorry. you're a jets fan? >> jimmy: yes, i'm a jets fan. >> oh, i'm so sorry. i'm so sorry. >> jimmy: that's okay. >> okay. so, then we got -- >> jimmy: you weren't really sorry. >> i wasn't. >> jimmy: yeah, i know. [ laughter ] i can tell. i can tell. sorry. >> we managed to get tickets for the super bowl. >> jimmy: fun. >> and when i say we, i mean my husband. >> russell: yeah. look at the way you dropped the jets. you could drop that guy any day. [ laughter ]
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[ sad tuba ] >> jimmy: russell, no! russell, no. russell, absolutely -- stop dancing. [ laughter ] >> russell: turn and face the change. ch-ch-ch-changes. >> jimmy: turn and face the change. ch-ch-ch-changes. he's unbelievable. >> russell: i'm only joking. you must never destroy a marriage unless you're really bored. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: thank you. thank you, russell. >> yeah, so anyway -- >> russell: i didn't know you were married. i'm going to [ bleep ] now. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: russell, this is not -- take care. russell brand, everybody. there he goes. take care. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> russell: i didn't know! be clear! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thank you very much, russell. you made it clear. >> that was -- that was pretty -- >> jimmy: well, you made it clear. you have to make it clear. >> that was pretty impressive. >> jimmy: yes, it was very. he tried. he tried. he didn't know. he didn't know. i'm sorry to derail -- >> so, as i was saying --
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>> jimmy: yes, as you were saying. yeah. sorry, but -- >> no, seriously. i got to the super bowl, and i got an email from jim harbaugh's brother-in-law saying the kids would like to see katharine. can you come to the super bowl -- i mean, the 49er hotel? >> jimmy: 49ers had the whole hotel? >> yeah the marriott hotel, whatever. so, we ran over there. we were just thinking, like, oh, we'll be able to be in the lobby and see a few players. and maybe we'll see some of the kids. we ended up in jim harbaugh's, like, family hotel room the night before the super bowl. and it was -- >> jimmy: was he there? >> and he walked in, like, ordered room service. standing up eating a hamburger with french fries. >> jimmy: that's what he -- really? >> yeah. he sang for me. >> jimmy: i wouldn't do that. i don't know it i'd -- he sang this little, like -- i don't know. something you'd, like, hear in a high school cheering game. he's like, "i want to test this song out for you. i want to see if i should sing this for my players tonight." anyway, long story short -- >> jimmy: wait, what? that's a weird hotel room. are you sure it was jim harbaugh? [ laughter ] are you certain it was him? >> just to clarify -- [ impersonating russell brand ]
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>> jimmy: "was he very tall and have a british accent?" [ laughter ] >> no, no. >> jimmy: "it might not have been jim harbaugh singing." >> just to clarify, it wasn't just me and jim. it was his wife and children. >> jimmy: yeah. >> anyway -- >> jimmy: two-hour "smash." this is giant. i'm so happy. congrats on the show. >> thank you. >> jimmy: it's a mega hit. >> thank you. >> jimmy: you have a new addition to the cast. >> yeah, we have a couple new additions. we have jeremy jordan, who's a new love interest. well, also, he's an aspiring composer for shows. and i -- karen cartwright finds these new songwriters. and while she's working on "bombshell," the musical from last year. the marilyn musical. she gets an idea to pursue a new musical while she's doing the other one. so, they're not necessarily in competition. you kind of have to tune in to see what happens with the two shows. but, yeah, there's a lot of new characters. and it's a little bit more -- it's faster. it's a little quicker. a little bit of younger energy. so, it's really -- we're excited about it. >> jimmy: we're going to have
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time. we're going to show you a clip here. katharine mcphee on the season premiere of "smash." take a look at this. ♪ i'm caught in a storm i'm caught in a rain i'm caught in a rut can't hide this pain ♪ ♪ i'm ready to try but's it's done and done but i feel so alive ♪ ♪ just let me go just walk away if you love someone you never let them say ♪ ♪ caught in a storm >> you son of a bitch. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: ooh, drama. >> drama. >> jimmy: very dramatic. katharine mcphee. the second season of "smash" is tomorrow night. here's season one. it's out on dvd. and katharine has brought one for everyone in the audience.
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ katharine mcphee. the second season of "smash," tomorrow night, 9:00 p.m., nbc. jim james performs next. you don't want to miss this. it's really good. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ male announcer ] oh, to suffer with dandruff that keeps coming back. women hate dandruff. but now, sad man, you're saved by an anti-dandruff shampoo. clear men with mint, ginseng and tea tree. clear men feeds your scalp and stops dandruff at the source. ♪ ahh, look at him now. admire his scalp. he's heroic. clear men. stop dandruff at the source, perfect man.
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a big treehouse or a small treehouse? if it's big enough, you can have a disco. oh yeah. [ male announcer ] it's not complicated. bigger is better. and at&t has the nation's largest 4g network. ♪ [ male announcer ] it's a whole new februany at subway! now you can get any footlong for a song. ♪ februany any! that's right, many of our scrumptious footlongs are $5 footlongs. and we've got amazing $6 footlong specials too. ♪ februany any! ♪ is g-g-goin' strong enjoy favorites like the turkey breast as $5 footlongs. and hearty subs like the steak & cheese as $6 footlong specials. subway. eat fresh.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our next guest is the front man of my morning jacket and a great friend of the show. tonight, he's here to perform the song, "a new life," from his debut solo album, "regions of light and sound of god," which will be in stores tomorrow. please welcome jim james. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ hey open the door i want a new life ♪ ♪ hey and here's what's more i want a new life a new life ♪ ♪ babe
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let's get one thing clear there's much more stardust when you're near ♪ ♪ i think i'm really being sincere i want a new life ooh ♪ ♪ a new life with you ♪ ♪ ooh ♪ ♪ hmmm ♪ ♪ hey open the door i want a new life ♪
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♪ hey and here's what's more i want a new life a new life ♪ ♪ babe let's get one thing clear there's much more stardust when you're near ♪ ♪ i think i'm really being sincere i want a new life hmm ♪ ♪ a new life with you ♪ ♪ can't you see a perfect picture you and me ♪ ♪ but you know
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it won't come easy and what's more it's worth working for ♪ ♪ whoo ♪ babe open the door and start your new life oh your new life ♪ ♪ babe roll onto the shore and start your new life your new life once more ♪
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♪ yeah hey whoa ooh oooh ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ oooh oooh oooh oooh ♪ ♪ oooh oooh oooh oooh ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: wow! jim james! jim james! jim james! check out his new album, "regions of light and sound of god." we'll be right back! wow! that was great! thank you. [ cheers and applause ] ce
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