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tv   NBC 10 News at 5pm  NBC  September 15, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT

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what philadelphia police are calling this pregnant woman who was shot and killed yesterday. doctors delivered her baby just after the shooting but the infant died early this morning. good evening, i'm keith jones. >> i'm jacqueline london. nbc 10 rose marmary connors is at police headquarters where police announced a $40,000 reward for any information leading to an arrest. >> i spoke to the homicide captain a few moments ago. he tells me at this point they have little to go on still. that's why they are hoping that that reward money will encourage somebody to come forward. at this point all is pretty quiet in the neighborhood. few people out and about. yesterday morning there were plenty of people outside enjoying the weather and police say somebody knows something. >> i'm so close to it. a couple weeks ago, another friend of mine got killed where i used to live. where is it safe at around here. >> reporter: parents like john
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dougherty who has a 2-month-old daughter is especially disturbed by the shooting on sunned that took the life of 25-year-old megan doddo. she was a mother of two, eight months pregnant, ultimately both of them died. a stray bullet struck her in the outside with her friend. he helped get her to the hospital. >> there were 30 spectators and d-]rját helped but me. no one even called 911. no one lifted a finger. >> reporter: do you think people are afraid to come forward to police? >> yes, thi think so. >> reporter: detectives were in the neighborhood today need help. they're looking for a white sedan that was the target of the gunfire. someone started shooting at the car as it came down the block. >> this happened on a sunday, broad daylight. we need people who were out there to give us a call inside the homicide unit. >> nobody deserves to get killed like that.
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>> reporter: again, police have no suspect, no motive, no surveillance video. they do tell me this area is known to drug dealers with be had drug problems. that's something they're going to be looking into for their investigation. reporting live in frankfurt, i'm rosemary connors, nbc 10 news. the state trooper ambushed and killed outside the barracks in the poconos had ties to our area. corporal bryon dixon spent a year at the belmont barracks in winfield. he won numerous awards according to his commanding officer. >> he's a natural leader. i mean he was a good man to have here at the station. the guys that worked for him loved him. the impact he had on the younger troopers, he took a great interest in their report writing, their skills, their safety. >> bryon dixon transferred to pike county to be closer to his wife and two young sons. ten of his colleagues from the
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belmont barracks will be honorary pal bearers at corporal dixon's funeral thursday in scranton. if you live in kennett square, chester county, officials say you must continue boiling your water for at least another day. that's because of a water main break on east south street. the break was fixed late last night and water service has been restored. even though there are no signs ofç contamination, they are urging everyone to boil their tap water. the advisory will be lifted after two days worth of tests come back clean. now your nbc 10 first alert weather. >> a perfect day for a jog on philadelphia's kelly drive. or a walk with family, of course. the schuylkill river, both calm for rowers and apparently these canada geese swimming in a straight line. changes are on the way. >> rain could be coming, just in time, unfortunately, for the morning commute. meteorologist sheena parveen
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with our first alert forecast. >> we're seeing nice conditions outside, still very fall-like weather. this is the area of rain we're watching. it's not impressive, not too strong but it is a batch of rain that will move in as we go through the morning hours tomorrow. right now we're not seeing much in the way of changes because of it. overnight tonight you'll start to notice more clouds moving in. here's a look outside. we have not seen overcast conditions today. we've seen a lot of sunshine. later on tonight we get the clouds. we have center city, brigantine along the shore, the poconos look fantastic and the ben franklin bridge. here's a live view looking down philadelphia. we're looking at the skyline here. current conditions, still dry air in place. tomorrow it will be different with rain around. it's 72 degrees right now, northeast philly, 60s through parts of the lehigh valley. 68 in pottstown, 68 allentown, 63 in mount pocono. 63 at the atlantic city airport. low 70s for delaware.
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also much of south jersey, 71 right now in philadelphia. so as we go through the rest of the evening tonight, we will stay dry. the rain won't be here until tomorrow morning. by 6:00 p.m., sunny, nice and cool. 71 degrees. below average for this time of the year. by 8:00 tonight, still mostly clear, mid-60s. by 10:00 we'll start to see more clouds moving in. the rain stays back until tomorrow morning. we'll be in the low 60s by 10:00. a cool start tomorrow morning, just not as cool as it was this morning. cool temperatures do stay in the forecast. the timing of the rain and how cool we'll stay for how long. that's straight ahead. domestic violence comes to the forefront on the floor of new jersey's general assembly. a six-bill package passed unanimously, aimed at protecting domestic violence victims across the garden state. the conversation comes one week after the video of ray rice punching his then fiance inside atlantic city elevator surfaced.
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today lawmakers gave their full support to bills that would protect victims by not having them confront and abuser face-to-face in court, instead testifying by closed-circuit tv. it's aimed at helping the abusers get professional help. >> we have to have the conversation. we have to start educating people on how to handle their anger. that's not the aappropriate way and we also have to tell the victims when you are victimized like that, you need to be able to be comfortable enough to come forward and seek help. >> the bill which would go to governor christie's desk would require police to check every arrest against a restraining order database. the league'snñe0 off-the-f issues overshadow's sunday's games.
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jay gray has more. >> reporter: the ongoing problems, legal and otherwise are anything but a game. >> i think that the nfl itself is in a bit of a crisis. >> reporter: a superstar accused of abusing his child. another seen on camera beating his then fiance who's now his wife. a handful of players facing domestic abuse allegations or charges. and a commissioner, roger goodell, who's admitted to dropping the ball when it comes to punishment and a league policy on domestic violence. >> where is roger goodell's concrete steps to keep these victims safe? i'm not seeing it anywhere. >> reporter: facing a growing pr blitz, and outrage fromç fans, today the league announced it's hired two high-profile women, a former law enforcement agent and victim's rights advocate to help in a full range of education, training and support programs relating to domestic violence. >> this latest development is a positive one. from the very start, roger goodell handled this case really
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deceptively. >> reporter: ray rice is challenging his indefinite suspension and the vikings have announced adrian peterson will be allowed to practice and play this week after sitting out sunday. two of the men at the center of the nfl controversy, like the league, trying to turn attention back to the field. jay gray, nbc news. in other news now today, philadelphia mayor michael nutter helps launch a new program aimed to introduce kids to careers in the sciences. nbc 10 at university city at the launch of u.s. 2020 phl. the program stresses the importance of science, technology and engineering and math. professionals in those fields mentor and teach students through hands-on projects. the u.s. 2020 program focuses on creating opportunities for girls, minorities and children from low-income families. a young boy's face is scratched and bloodied. >> we must warn you, some of the
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images you're about to see may be disturbing. next, his mother zplanz how at tack happened and why the boy never cried out for help. stepping down, a top republican lawmaker is leaving his position over something he said about helping the poor and disadvantaged. and "playboy" picks upenn. wait until you hear why the magazine is giving the university of pennsylvania top marks in one eye-opening category.
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this is nbc 10 news. >> international health officials say the ebola outbreak is growing out of control and now the u.s. plans to up the amount of aid to africa. the details tomorrow in atlanta. the effort could include sending mobile hospitals and staff. the president is expected to encourage congress to approve $88 million in funding to fight the disease. at least 2,400 people have died from ebola. officials say that number is likely much higher. edward snowden, the former u.s. intelligence worker who fled the country after allegedly leaking classified information is accusing other countries of spying on its citizens. during a satellite appearance from russia, snowden told a group in new zealand that the prime minister was not telling
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the truth when he denied about knowing about mass surveillance. he said prime minister john key was aware that new zealand's domestic spy agency routinely gathered data on its citizens. key has been quoting as saying mass surveillance was considered but never implemented. a top republican official in arizona has resigned amid comments he made about stabilizing poor women. former state senator russell pierce stepped down as the party's vice chair yesterday. democrats called him out on recent statements about medicaid. he reportedly said women on medicaid should be sterilized and tested for drugs and alcohol before getting benefits. pierce later said he was referring to comments made by someone else and never attributed those comments to that person. it's been a wild ride here. police say a man stole a taxi and led officers on a high-speed chase on oklahoma city. it was all caught on camera. watch as theç drivers try to g away from police in a grassy area.
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the man is wearing a blonde wig, runs off and hides in the grass. he was eventually taken into custody. a small plane crashed in st. petersburg, florida. three men and a 17-year-old girl from ireland were on board. two of the men were rushed to a hospital in serious condition. the third man and the girl suffered minor injuries. here's a close-up picture of the wreckage from the ground. investigators say that piper experienced some sort of engine failure before trying to make an emergency landing. injured golfer greg norman said he had a premonition something was about to go wrong. something did go horribly wrong. this picture posted on instagram shows norman in his hospital bed after surgery to repair a dupe
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wound to his left wrist. the blade of the chain saw slashed norman as he was using the machine to bring down a branch. the pro golfer says the doctors told him the saw missed an artery by a fraction of an inch. norman says he's lucky to still have his hand. a 3-year-old boy in new york is covered with bite marks and scratches after being attacked by a rat in the middle of the night. but his mother says that's not even the worst part of it all. we must warn you, some of these images are graphic. the mother says her son is a special needs child who does not speak. he was unable to call out to her as that attack happened. the boy has wounds on his face, neck and feet. doctors confirmed they were rodent bites. the apartment's management company brought in exterm narts but the mother said the creatures chewed through the walls from an infested subway station next door. >> it wasn't no scratch.
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it was the teeth that bit him.ç >> a rat? >> yes, a rat. not a mouse, a rat. >> bit your child? >> yes. >> that mother wants to be relocated but wants building managers to continue her rent stabilized rate. turning to this now, trains finally running again through a new york city subway tunnel that was badly damaged by hurricane sandy. this is what the montauk subway tunnel looked like after it was flooded by millions of gallons of water by sandy. the tunnel connects brooklyn to lower manhattan. the tunnel re-opened this morning. crews installed three miles of lighting and replaced substations, pumps and track switches. changes were made to better equip the tunnel for the next major storm. these include a circuit breaker room in the tunnel which has been sealed with a heavy duty waterproofing door of submarine quality. >> we can get on the "r" train
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now. >> $250 million repair project finished a month ahead of schedule and $60 million under budget. comedian bill cosby and his wife plan to show off their extensive african-american art collection at the smithsonian later this year. the national museum of african art says the entire cosby collection will go on view in november. it compares african art with african-american art. the cosby collection includes more than 300 paintings, prints, sculptures and drawings, none of which have ever been seen before. a well-known men's magazine honors a local university. >> unfortunately it's a dubious distinction. "playboy" magazine calls the university of pennsylvania the top party school in the u.s. the magazine says the rankings are based on night life, concerts and so-called, quote, creative party planning. editors say they also considered
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sports and grades. in response, the ivy league institution tells nbc 10 they never comment on rankingsç of y kind. well, here's the rest of the list. the top five as you see it there, the university of wisconsin came in number two. followed by west virginia university, the university of arizona and the university of iowa. now, your nbc 10 first alert weather with meteorologist sheena parveen. >> well, a beautiful start to the week. feels a lot like fall with a cool start to our morning. now we'll see changes starting tomorrow morning, tracking some showers moving through. it does look like these will be around just in time for the morning rush for part of the area. but the fall weather still stays. the temperatures will still stay cooler, even after the rain. [ñ stretch along with these cool fall-like temperatures. we will stay nice and sunny as we go through most of the week after the rain gets here. here's a live look outside right now near the art museum along the schuylkill river around
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center city. we're still seeing fantastic conditions. a lot of dry air in place. humidity around 41%. that is fairly low. 71 degrees right now in philadelphia. so it does feel a lot like fall. average high temperature is 78 degrees. we are quite a bit below that today. we'll stay like that as we go into tomorrow. we're in the 60s, areas north and west. 68 pottstown, upper 60s in allentown, 69 at atlantic city. up to northeast philly, wilmington and dover, we are staying right in the low 70s and we'll have another cool night tonight just not as cool as last night in some spots. on satellite and radar, we are nice and dry. pretty much clear as far as our skies go. back off to the west, we have more clouds, an area of moisture that's moving in our direction. this will be here for part of the area for the morning commute. that's what the timing looks like right now. future weather for tonight, we do stay nice and dry. the rain does not move in tonight. overnight we'll start to see an increase in cloud cover starting
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tomorrow morning, we see showers moving in. anytime between really 6:00 a.m. and about 9:00 a.m., we should have rain moving through the area. the timing, 7:00 a.m., puts it through philadelphia, into parts ofç new jersey. depending on what time you leave in the morning you could miss some of the rain. through the afternoon we clear up pretty quickly and we'll see developing sunshine. here's all the cool air that's still up to our west and northwest. we have 50s and 60s here. so you can see the cool air mass coming down. we'll stay cooler as we go through the rest of the week. cool, more clouds moving overnight tonight. 60 for the low in philadelphia. then tomorrow we'll see early showers, clearing as we go through the afternoon hours with more sunshine building, 73 to 76 degrees. so not a washout day at all, just some showers in the morning. we look really nice, wednesday, thursday, friday, even saturday. temperatures, low 70s the rest of the week. on saturday, warmer, 77 degrees. looks good sunday for the eagles, around 80 degrees.
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we'll stay nice even as we go into mostly monday. the oldest nuclear power plant has been taken offline for planned reualing outage. the oyster creek plant in lacy township was shut down today. they will repair nearly one-third of the reactor's fuel to keep the unit running safely and efficiently for another two-year cycle. plant officials did not say how long it will take to complete this work. we're following new developments in the eton paetz investigation. and hold the phone. if you plan to get the new iphone 6, not so fast. why apple says you better be prepared to wait. i'm sheldon yellin,
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and i started my career rebuilding homes for one family at a time. today, our companies help build something more. for 28 years, belfor has been restoring homes and businesses
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destroyed by fire, flood, or any disaster. and even though we've grown to over 6,000 dedicated people around the world, for me, it's still about helping one family or business at a time. at belfor, we're restoring more than property. a business manager. and a stickler for homework. i'm john kane running for state senate. dad says the road to a good job starts in the classroom. [ lori ] he's a great dad who sees taxes going up but schools not getting the funding they need. [ john ] so i'd put back the billion dollars corbett cut from education and make sure corporations and natural gas drillers paid their fair share. time to close the loopholes for the tax cheats. dad thinks a lot about education. i'm john kane and it's about time harrisburg did too.
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19 people have died because of faulty ignition switches in general motors cars. the number may go up. the man hired by gm to decide who deserves compensation, so far he's received 125 death claims. links to faulty switches in older gm mod. s such as the chevy cobalt. the families of the 19 who are eligible for payment should have a check before thanksgiving. investigators say other claims are delayed because manufacture the accidents happened several
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years ago. >> the car is gone. the black box data is missing. and we have to use circumstantial evidence, photos, police reports to reinstruct the accident to show likelihood of the ignition switch. >> gm has admitted they knew about the ignition switch problem for more than ten years but didn't issue a recall until earlier this year. maybe you've been bragging to people that you ordered the new iphone, guess what, you may not be making calls from your iphone 6 this week after all. right now, supplies are limited. the wait time for the new phone is up to a month. other suppliers have even longer waits. but if big isn't your thing, the smaller iphone 6 can be in your hands by friday. demand for the bigger version is outpacing supply. christmas might be the furthest thing from your mind right now. retailers are already getting ready for the holiday shopping season.
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and you can expect some really good deals. that's because companies are worried about dismal earnings and are desperate to attract shoppers with sales and promoti promotions. tarring set expanding hours at most of its stores and toys "r" us is allowing shoppers to earn $5 back for every $125 they spend. coming up next, the case shocked and saddened montgomery& county residents. >> a baby abduct and murdered, her grandmother was also killed. next why all eyes are on the man accused of the crimes and his lawyer. sweatshirt controversy. it looks weathered and worn but it's brand new. why some find the reason for the tattered look offensive. plus, what the company behind it is saying. plus, all new on nbc 10 news at 6:00, will be it revel's resurrection? the judge's decision that could change the trajectory of the casino crisis.
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this is nbc 10 news. nearly two years after a 10-month-old baby and her 61-year-old grandmother were murdered the trial begins this week for the man charged with killing them. that man is raghunandan yandamuri. he faces the death penalty if he is found guilty. >> he's about to attempt something that's never been done before at least in montgomery
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county court. his first set of arguments begin today. what happened inside the courtroom? >> reporter: raghunandan yandamuri has decided to represent himself now even though he has been given two lawyers appointed by the state and certified in capital cases. he's repeatedly told a montgomery county judge he can do a better job defending himself. today he made a number of arguments against the prosecution's crime scene photos and the autopsy pictures, arguing to a judge that all of them should be thrown out. it was the early morning hours of october 26th, 2012 when prosecutors say raghunandan yandamuri admitted to murder and attempted kidnapping. yandamuri told police he killed the 61-year-old grandmother in an attempt to kidnap her 10-month-old granddaughter. police say he wanted money for his gambling debts. after a week of searching for the baby she was found dead in the basement of one of the buildings on the marquee
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apartment complex in upper merion. prosecutors say yandamuri led police to the location of her body. that's not the case yandamuri plans to present. steven heckman is no longer representing yandamuri but the judge has ordered him to stand by. >> he's thinking about having the jury look at the evidence and finding him to be a person who was drag into this by two other people. >> reporter: where are these people who brought him here under coercion? >> all i can say we don't have them yet or much information to locate them. >> reporter: yandamuri's mother arrived from india over the weekend and first saw her son in court this morning. >> i'm more concerned that monday can get him in a position where he might consider a different alternative than the one he's chosen. >> reporter: i did ask steven heckman what did that mean, did he mean he would then begin representing yandamuri or would he want him to take a plea deal? he does want him to come up with a different way to resolve this case.
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now if yandamuri continues to act as his own attorney he'll have to wait for the judge to rule on the crime scene photos. it presents an interesting question as to how he will question himself once he takes the stand in a trial that could last several weeks. deanna durante, nbc 10 news. >> what questions come up with a defendant represents themselves. >> the judge has a big responsibility, first and foremost, making sure that the jury never sees yandamuri being escorted by sheriff's deputies, making sure they never see him in prison-issued clothing and in handcuffs and shackles. that presents a problem, how do you walk him arádu$is courthouse. that has to be done while the jury is in another room. the judge did admonish him saying he's shown respect for the courtroom thus far so he'll be allowed to do that, although
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telling him there will be sheriff's deputies present. the judge did take a number of sheriff's deputies explaining that this is an unusual case. the defendant will be able to move around the courtroom. if he does get near a doorway, sheriff's deputies are trying to prevent him from leaving the courtroom should it happen. yandamuri has so far shown respect for the process, says the judge. >> deanna durante, live from norristown. thank you. the courtroom will be full of the victim's friends, family. we asked nbc eed an nbc 10 legt to walk us through why self-defense is so rare. >> this is very unusual. this can be a life or death situation. i mean, this person is facing a capital murder case. it is very usual that they will not use an experienced attorney to represent them. if they cannot afford an attorney, the state will only appoint certain people.
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there's only people that can be appointed to deal with a capital murder case. >> this could be a strategic move to make the case easier to appeal. the police corruption trial against governor tom corbett's former son-in-law began today in philadelphia. he's a former narcotics officer. he's accused of stealing money in an fbi sting and didn't turn it over until the agency con front -- confronted him about it. pedro her nan says is charged with killing 6-year-old etan patz back in 1979. andrewç siff has more. >> reporter: i grabbed him by
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the neck, i started to choke him. i wanted to let go but i just couldn't let go. something just took over me. that was part of a lengthy confession from the 54-year-old hernandez. the defendant worked in a bodega down the block from where etan waited for the bus. he offered him a soda, then attacked him in the store basement. today, etan's mom left court before any of the tape was played. hernandez said after strangling the child he was still alive, moving. even though he was still alive, i put him in the basket. i closed the basket bag and i put him in a box. he continued, i know i did something wrong but it didn't bother me. i just kept working. >> is it what they would call a false confession. that will be a jury question. >> he said the videotaped confession should never be allowed in court because
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hernandez wasn't advised if his right to remain silent until after investigators grilled him for seven hours. he also says cops got the wrong man and that etan's real killer is in prison. whatever the judge decides could bring an end to a case that transfixed new york for decades. fishbin also said hernandez is mentally disabled and prosecutors have no proof. >> there's no corroborating evidence as far as we're concerned. there's no evidence other than the confession. >> the judge is expected to hear evidence about the videotaped confession for the next month or so before deciding whether it will be allowed at the trial. at criminal court, lower manhattan, andrew siff, nbc 10. it's feeling a lot like fall out there. nbc 10 on east state street in trenton.ç we are tracking some showers,
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though, that will move in for our morning commute. >> let's talk to nbc 10 first alert meteorologist sheena parveen. what can we expect, sheena? >> in the morning for part of the area we can expect it to be very different than this morning. today we started off cool, tomorrow will still be cool, not as cool but we'll see rain around. locally we're dry. off to our west we have this area of moisture which is moving in our direction. foretomorrow morning, we'll see the showers move in. here is the timing of it for tomorrow. by 7:00 in the morning, we'll have scattered showers throughout. 61 degrees for the temperature. kind of a cool rain. by 9:00 in the morning we should start to see the rain pushing more into new jersey and parts of delaware. by 9:00 it could be very well exiting the area. by 11:00 tomorrow morning we'll start to see gradual clearing, more sunshine through the afternoon. still the cooler temperatures. that's what we're seeing right now. below average, feels like fall. 71 in philadelphia. 72 northeast philly. only 68 degrees right now in
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cherry hill. a cool entopd your day as well. 69 in trenton, 70 in chester springs. through the lehigh valley we're in the upper 60s through many areas. 68 pottstown and quakertown. 9 in allentown. in south jersey and delaware, mostly the low 70s here. 71 millville, mount holly. closer to the shore, upper 60s. tomorrow, how cool it will be as we go through the rest of this week. >> dozens of medical marijuana supporters rallied at pennsylvania state capital today. they want lawmakers to pass a bill that would authorize doctors to prescribe marijuana for patients who into ed it for pain relief. >> i'm very hopeful. we are this close. we have the momentum right now. we're controlling the line of scrimmage, placing the ball forward. we have to continue to do what we've been doing, that is educating, educating, educating. >> under the bill, the marijuana could not be spoked but
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delivered in other forms, including extracted oil, edible products or vapor. philadelphia's urban outfitters finds themselves at the center of a sweatshirt controversy. it was a big seller until it was yanked off shelves. we'll tell you why the company decided to sell it in the first place. and paradise lost, a powerful hurricane blast cabo san lucas with wind, rain and crashing rains. it's not the only natural disaster in the area. two pennsylvania state troopers ambushed outside their state barracks. i'm learning more about one of the victims who has ties to our area. then, trump plaza closes
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tomorrow. how many more employees will be out of a job. count on nbc 10 news at 6:00.
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new information about a crash we first told you about on nbc 10 news at 4:00. skyforce 10 was over an accident involving a box truck that caused a major backup on interstate 95 in chester. this is near the chestnut street exit. traffic was backed up for
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several miles but it has since cleared. frac'ing is not to blame for highly publicized cases of tainted water in pennsylvania and texas. that's the word from a new study out of ohio state university. after they looked at dozens of cases of suspected contamination, they found and focused on eight hydraulically fractured wells if those states and chemically linked the tainted water to the gags wells. they leaked gas because the piping and cement seals in the wells weren't working properly. hurricane odile pounded the baja, california, peninsula overnight. the winds were nearly 110 miles an hour, ripped away building facades, brought down trees and power lines. residents and tourists rode out the hurricane in shelters. no word of injuries or damage
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from the quake. this picture tweeted by the cabo san lucas visitors bureau shows the extent of the destruction. cab [ongly dependent on tourism. cooler temperatures, i'll show you that coming up. happening right now, the eagles are gearing up for their second game of the season. big game tonight, john. >> every player loves playing on monday night. we'll hear from nick foles on dealing with the crowd noise with a revamped offensive line. that's next. know that chasing performance can mean lower returns and fewer choices in retirement. know that proper allocation could help increase returns so you can enjoy that second home sooner.
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the birds face the colts in a monday night matchup. john clark joins us to take a closer look at what it will take the eagles to pull off a win tonight. >> the eagles are hoping to start the season 2-0 for the first time over the last 20 years. this would be a big win on the road against andrew luck. the birds have won their last five road openers. nick foles is hoping to have a better start than he did in the season opener. he'll have a revamped offensive line in front of him. eagles are down four total offensive linemen. it's going that a loud dome. it may be duff for the birds to be completely on the same page running the up-tempo offense with all that noise out there. >> i have 100% confidence in those guys. you hate to see guys go down, especially your linemen. these guys will step in, do their job and my job is to execute and do my job, get the ball out at the right manner.
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>> eagles are three-point underdogs. we'll have a lot more at 6:00. we have a report from derrick gunn in indianapolis. for now, i'm john clark. >> great matchup on the road. thanks, john. >> all right. now your nbc 10 first alert weather with meteorologist sheena parveen. >> well, a nice cool, dry start to our morning, tomorrow morning will be quite a bit different. we're tracking showers and it does look like just in time for the morning commute. fall weather, though, this does stay in the forecast, even after the rain. temperatures still below normal for this time of the year, still feeling like fall as we go thrát)q week. we'll have a dry stretch coming along with it. the rain tomorrow morning is really the only rain all the way through the weekend. we'll stay nice and dry with cooler temperatures. i'll show you that forecast in just a minute. right now here's a live look out in boat house row. 71 degrees right now in philadelphia. humidity is down at 41%.
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that's what makes it feel so comfortable, along with the normal temperatures. we're still in the 60s for parts of the lehigh valley, upper 60s for allentown, 68 pottstown, 69 in atlantic city, low 70s south jersey and delaware. these numbers start to drop off soon. overnight, it will be cool but not as cool as last night. many will see more clouds starting to move in. the moisture back off to our northwest. the rain will be here for the morning hours tomorrow. it won't last too long but it looks like the timing is putting it at the morning rush for parts of the area. future weather is showing us the time be. overnight you start to notice more clouds moving in, early tomorrow morning by about 6:00, 7:00, 8:00 in the morning, we'll start to see rain approaching from west to east. by 8:00 it could develop well be in new jersey and continuing to move out. it shouldn't be lingering through the afternoon. we'll start to see the improvements through the afternoon after the morning rain. more sunshine start to move in.
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two hurricanes, one in the atlantic, one in the pacific. this is hurricane edouard. the track continues taking it out to sea. even ber mthis hurricane hit tha california peninsula. hurricane odile. it is weakening but it's a category 3 hurricane. we still have 2 1/2 months left of hurricane season but we're more than halfway through and into the end of november, november 30th. for tonight, though, cool with more clouds moving in overnight. 60 for the low in philadelphia. 53 areas north and west. still a cool night, just not as cool as last night. the early showers, gradualç clearing as we go through the afternoon hours. sunshine moving in, 73 to 76 for the high tomorrow afternoon. as we go into wednesday, thursday and friday, temperatures stay near the low 70s. look at that stretch of sunshine lasting all the way into the
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weekend. saturday, a little bit warmer. 77 degrees, sunday around 80, a few more clouds move in. looks pretty good for the eagles game. urban outfitters is at the center of a sweatshirt controver controversy. >> reporter: urban outfitters has done it again, put out a product that's offended a lot of people. we'll show it to you, you can decide if they made an honest mistake or was it something to generate publicity. the local cemetery that is hoping to find families to take home unclaimed remains. how do you know if your relatives may have been forgotten?
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guess what? the money we need to fund our schools lies right underneath your feet. that's right. down in the ground, pennsylvania has deep deposits of natural gas. but because of governor corbett, we're the only state in the country that doesn't make oil and gas companies pay an extraction tax. as governor, i'll make the gas companies pay up to help fund our schools for a change. tom wolf for governor. a fresh start for pennsylvania.
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vote for the game of the week. delsea/camden, george washington/northeast or archbishop wood/west catholic. the game with the most votes will be featured in the high school blitz right here on nbc 10. old emotions are being stirred up about a deadly campus shooting from the 1970s.
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>> four unarmed students were shot and killed by the national guard at kent state university.ç tim furlong is live in newark. >> reporter: fashion statement or publicity generator really depends on how you look at it. either way, a lot of people are offended by this sweatshirt. the shootings happened 44 years ago. but some are living with the injuries. they may not appreciate a sweatshirt that seems to make light of that situation. >> i don't think so. >> i don't. >> reporter: today we didn't find one college student who knew what happened at ken the state university back in 1970 not one student could tell us about the day ohio national guard soldiers fired on unarmed vietnam war campus protesters. did you shop there. >> yes. >> reporter: these students also
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understand why this urban oc)ij outfitters sweatshirt offended so many people. the kent state sweatshirt sure looks like it has blood stains but in an apology tweet the company says they were discoloring as in the shirt that was supposed to look vintage and faded. the shirt is no longer for sale. >> whatever there doing is working. >> reporter: this is a public relations professor at the university of delaware. urban outfitters does this every couple years. like a handgun holiday ornament. they get a few days of free publicity. >> they've done it enough times in the past that there's a pattern. they seem to realize it's not going to affect them that deeply. >> reporter: urban outfitters has a store here but the company is based in philly. they did not return my calls for an interview. the pattern seems to offend someone every couple years, get free publicity and their core
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customers don't stop shopping there. for some people this was their columbine, their sandy hook. they certainly don't need it on a sweatshirt to remind them. live in newark, tim furlong, nbc 10 news. >> tim, thank you. now an award for courage to a boy bullied while he sat in his wheelchair. he has cerebral palsy. last week, twoç kids got his wheelchair stuck in a storm gate, roughed him up and stole his keys. the head of the delaware county based teach anti-bullying group saw this story on nbc 10 news and was inspired by his courage. this morning, the group's founder visited kwan at his house in newark. >> he stood up. he didn't cry about it. he stood tall. he was courageous. you don't see that in many victims. it just makes me thierry-eyed that this young boy would have to go through that. the people are cowardly that would do that to somebody, especially somebody with cerebral palsy. i'm outraged by that. >> he was also given a signed
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ryan howard jersey. howard is his favorite player. police are still looking for the two buys who attacked kwan while in his wheelchair. next on nbc 10 news at 6:00, more allegations of bad judgment and poor taste. why rutgers is now apologizing for this photo posted on facebook. and tomorrow morning will look a lot different than this morning. rain moving in for part of your morning commute. we take a look at the timing of this coming up. plus, the discipline debate. the arrest of adrian peterson leads to new questions about when a parent's correction crosses the line into abuse. we're hearing from both sides, next on nbc 10 news at 6:00.
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nbc 10 news starts now. you're a coward. you committed this spineless act and you did it from a place of hiding and then ran. >> right now at 6:00, words to a killer. pennsylvania state police released new details. state police say the killer may have had firearms train. they're now looking into whether he had an ongoing issue with law enforcement or the government. investigators are focusing on
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whether the gunman targeted the blooming grove barracks specifically. bryon dixon was killed, another trooper, alex douglass. >> reporter: three months after transferring back to pike county. as time goes on, you have the chance to getç back to your ho if you have the desire to. he wanted to get back to his family. he had a couple young kids. >> he spent a year a