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tv   NBC 10 News Today at 11a  NBC  September 19, 2014 11:00am-12:01pm EDT

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right now at 11:00, a huge fire at a vacant commercial building and closes a nearby elementary school. good morning. i'm vai sikahema. this was a breaking news story we followed for you this morning. the fire started around 2:30 this morning in west kensington. monique braxton is live at the scene. what's happening there right now? >> reporter: we learned a second school has closed for the school next are closed because of the billowing smoke that continues over west condition sing tkensi
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after the fire began. three people were injured in the early morning place that lit up the sky over west kensington. two firefighters suffered minor injuries and are in stable condition. a third victim was seen fleeing the building on fire. 80% of that person's body is burned. >> the cause is undetermined. we have the fire marshal out. we have l and i. >> reporter: investigate erdz s say it started in a vacant warehouse. it took close to two hours to bring the inferno under control. the salvation army arrived to keep firefighters hydrated and give them a place to rest. throughout the morning, firefighters continued to pour water on the hot spots. septa buss were detoured. parents had to walk several blocks around hoses and ladder
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trucks. usually this is how many blocks? >> about six, seven blocks. >> reporter: it's it's how many? >> it's a lot of blocks now. probably ten. >> reporter: some parents rushed to john welsh elementary school to pick up their children and head back home. >> safe for the kids, they should go back home. the smoke is going to get them. they will get sick. kids will be in the hospital. >> reporter: we saw several students over at welsh covering their faces. one parent told us her daughter had either a seizure or asthma attack. we saw her being rushed to the hospital. we will update you later today on the conditions of the three injured here as well as that student. live for now in west kensington, monique braxton, nbc 10 news. >> count on nbc 10 for continuing coverage of the warehouse fire and you can always get updates on skyforce 10 over a house fire just before 8:30 this morning. the fire started on the 1900 block of west dauphin.
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no one has hurt. the search is on for a gunman following a shooting. police respo sponded to a shoot shortly after 1:00 this morning. they did not find a victim. a half hour later, a victim showed up at the hospital with a gun shot wound to the leg. police are investigating discovery of a device in north philadelphia. they found a propane tank with a box attached on the street. the bomb squad checked it out. once everything was under control, they reopened the streets. school districts across the poconos have canceled classes today while the manhunt goes on for the alleged killer of a pennsylvania state trooper. the search continues for eric matthew frein. authorities call him a self-taught survivalist who hate police. the manhunt covered more ground
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yesterday. one fire company in monroe county opened a shelter for people who could not get to their homes because of the intense police activity. funeral sfls services were hol yesterday in scranton for corporal bryon dickson. mourners remembered him as an impeccable officer who put his family first. he was shot and killed last friday. this happened during an ambush outside a state police barracks. a second trooper was wounded in the attack. state with nbc 10 for coverage of the manhunt. find updates on and on twitter. police are still trying to figure out what exactly led up to the beating of a gay couple in philadelphia. last night two more people in the video spoke to detectives about the beating in center city. the attack left one of the victims with his mouth wired shut. the couple says they were
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attacked because they are gay. lawyers for people involved say that's not the case. police tell us it's too early to tell what kind of charges there would be, if any. the beating investigation has led to questions about pennsylvania's hate crime law. a local lawmaker wants to expand the law to protect gay people. we're taking a closer look on it's starting to feel like fall out there today. we take a live look out at the skyline of center city philadelphia. we haven't seen the last of summer just yet. brittney shipp is here with what's in store for today and the weekend. >> lots of changes over the next 48 hours. today, it will feel like fall all over again. temperatures in the low 70s for us, well below our average. as we push into your weekend, we have a late summer warm-up. that's the last weekend of summer. temperatures are going to feel like summertime. we're tracking a chance of weekend showers as we head
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closer to your sunday. here is a live look outside at the lincoln financial field. that's the place to be on sunday. we have changes on the way. i will have that forecast for you. for philadelphia, 64, mostly cloudy skies. humidity is at 65%. we're seeing breezy conditions at 13 miles per hour. throughout the rest of our region, our temperatures are mainly in the 60s. we're only going to stay in the low 70s for today. we're not going to warm up too much more than what we are seeing. 67 in millville, 66 in atlantic city. 65 in dover. 60 in allentown. 52 in the poconos. i will plan the rest of your day for you. sun and clouds and temperatures at 71 by 4:00. 67, a cool evening ahead for us. i will let you know about the e details on a chance of showers. this morning, police are trying to track down the two armed robbers in this video. they say the men held up george
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pizza. this happened monday night. one man forced an employee on the floor while the other took an unknown amount of cash out of the register. both men then ran from the restaurant. this is video from a robbery at another philadelphia pizza place. police say a man entered the little caesar's in winfield tuesday evening. appeared to have a weapon under his shirt. he demanded money from the cashier. the worker gave him cash. police hope the video will help catch him. the owner of a temp agency is in critical condition. she was stabbed by a man looking for a job. he is still open the loose. we brought you this breaking news yesterday morning. philadelphia police say the suspect came into trinity staffing services. caroline franklin was working alone when she told him there was no work, police say he got angry and stabbed her three times. he stole her purse and then took off.
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two men are if jail accused of raining, robbing and beating a woman in camden. police tell us two men live in camden and know the victim. >> residents of the city of camden who showed courage to come forward and show that, yes, this is camden and they're not going to tolerate savage attacks such as this one. >> the attack left the victim in critical condition. police say she was able to talk to officers yesterday. unless negotiations resume, more than 500 hospitals plan to walk off their jobs at 7:00 sunday morning. union leaders have prepared the members for the two-day walk out. nurses say they are under staffed and they are working in unsafe conditions. they also say patients aren't getting proper care. >> waiting way too long to get
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things they need. their families need attention. we need to educate them. we need to send them home knowing how to take care of whatever it is that brought them in. it's not happening. it affects every nurse, countrywide. >> if the strike happen, the hospital will bring in licensed, experienced nurses to staff the hospital. the nurses' old contract expired in june. changing septa bus routes to help improve service. that's an issue up for discussion at a pair of public hearings today, one of which is happening right now. one hearing began just a few minutes ago. another is taking place at 5:00 this afternoon at septa headquarters in center city. they are a part of the annual service plan to give riders and citizens the chance to ask questions and to submit their comments. a fresh flow of federal money to bolster new jersey's public transit system. that's what robert menendez and cory booker will discuss today in north jersey. the state was recently awarded $1.5 billion to shore up its
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transportation infrastructure in the wake of hurricane sandy. much of the system is being rebuilt nearly two years after the storm. voters could get to decide who runs philadelphia schools. city council approved putting a referendum to voters on whether the city he's public schools shd be locally controlled. it will go to the november ballot. the school reform commission has been in charge of the -- for the past 13 years. teachers and parents held an informational picketing session outside a school last night. the community used the occasion to voice concerns about a second year of drastic budget cuts. >> our teaching conditions are our student learning conditions. we have custodial staff cut. security staff has been cut. we're not getting new textbooks. many other things. >> the teachers across the city
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say their students are the ones paying for the budget cuts. the french join the fight. we're learning new information about the air strikes this morning that have killed dozens of isis fighters as president obama prepares to sign a new plan to fight the terror group into law. plus, united they stand. scotts turn out in record numbers to vote on a referendum. they decide breaking up is hard to do. it's a last-minute summer warm-up as we head into the weekend. the latest on the showers that are moving into your weekend forecast as well. that's coming up right after the break.
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a key u.s. partner has joined the fight against isis. congress is backing the plan to train and arm syrian opposition groups fighting the militants. tracy potts has an update. >> reporter: france announced its jets destroyed a depot in iraq. they are promising more. that's from the air. on the ground in syria, congress has approved training syrian rebels and arming them to fight against isis. >> the joint resolution is passed. >> reporter: most democrats and republicans agreed, it's the best plan. >> there are moderates. if we train and equip them, they can be effective.
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>> there's no guarantee of success. there is none. but there is a guarantee of failure if we do not even try. >> this is not iraq. it's different. >> reporter: lawmakers fear arming the rebels could backfire. >> sending arms to so-called moderate islamic rebels is a fool'ser rand a errand. >> americans are united. >> reporter: john kerry heads to the u.n. after telling law makers what would have happened if the u.s. not tried to build a coalition first. >> if we engaged in just jumping in and leaping in and doing air strikes one place or another, every one of you would look at us and ask us why we shot before we aimed. >> reporter: the administration says 40 nations have pledged toward. kerry is chairing the meeting in new york today, getting the world to support iraq's new government in its fight against
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isis. tray scy potts, washington. the criticism of the nfl. we have learned goodell will take questions on domestic violence issues and the nfl's personal conduct policy. he hasn't been seen in public since the ray rice scandal broke. the first in a series of high profile players being charged with domestic abuse. we're learning about what led to the arrest of jonathan dwyer. police say he assaulted his wife on two occasions in july. he broke her nose. he was released on a $25,000 cash bond yesterday morning. the june ordered electronic monitoring, a curfew and banned him from leaving the state of arizona. the cardinals placed him on the reserved non-football reserved list meaning e ining he can't p the team again this season.
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if he is exonerated, the team would welcome him back. more protests as an nfl game as they did over stadiums on sunday. a banner over the georgia dome last night before the falcons hosted the buccaneers. it raid, goodell must go. the group is demanding the resignation of the nfl commissioner for his handling of the domestic abuse case involving ray rice. a new poll from nbc news is asking how people view the nfl following the recent incidents involving the players. the poll finds that 53% of persons didn't approve of how the nfl has handled the issues involving the players such as rice, and peterson. 29% say goodell should resign. 60% of americans say it's wrong to discipline children with a switch, a belt or a paddle.
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in the end, 85% of americans and 86% of football fans say the news out of the nfl will not change how much football they will watch this weekend. vice president joe biden is holding a discussion on domestic violence this afternoon. it's part of the 20th anniversary of the violence against women act. biden was instrumental in getting that legislation passed in 1994. he was a senator at the time. in florida, police are trying to figure out why a man killed his daughter, six of his grandchildren and then himself. police say he called 911 from his home yesterday afternoon and then killed himself after a deputy arrived on the scene. when the deputy went inside he found the daughter and six grandchildren shot to death. the kids were 3 months to 11 years. the sheriff says they responded to the home numerous times in the past for domestic issues.
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the man served time in prison for killing his 8-year-old son in a hunting accident. good morning. as we head into the rest of your afternoon, temperatures are going to stay in the 70s. low 70s for us, below average conditions today. close to after and then above average this weekend. weekend showers as we push into your sunday. right in our, philadelphia, 64, a few clouds. humidity is 65%. wind out of the east at 13 miles per hour. it's a breezy and mild afternoon as we head into the end of your workweek on this friday. temperatures in the 50s for the poconos. 60 in allentown. mid 60s for wilmington. a closer look at our shore communities. 65 in atlantic city. we are dealing with a moderate
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rip current risk. be careful if you plan on heading into the water. it's a bit on the chilly side for today. our 24-hour temperature change map shows we are down 11 degrees in the poconos, five degrees down in allentown, 10 in northeast philly and minus five in atlantic city. radar showing us quiet conditions. cooler air coming in from the east today. we are under the influence of an easterly flow. as we head into saturday, we stay quiet. nothing happening really. we are going to see our temperatures warming up. by sunday, 1:00 p.m. a chance much showers. the main part of the system won't get here until closer to 8:00 for allentown, reading and lancaster. we could see a few stray showers as you are leaving the eagles game, especially if some of the rainfall moves up with the timing. stick with nbc 10. we will help you plan around it. fall starts on monday at 10:29 p.m. the sun will directly be on
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the equator. equal hours of daylight and nighttime. a closer look at our eagles forecast. by 1:00, 80 and warm. a stray showers in the forecast for 4:00 temperatures with be warm. comfortable. your seven-day forecast shows if you are heading to the temple game, 77. 84 on sunday with a chance of evening hour. fall starts officially on monday. swollen feet and ankles, back pain. common complaints from a lot of women who are pregnant. some are adding hand pain to the list. a look at what causes it and some of the treatments many are turning to. could changes be coming to your favorite toothpaste? why this manufacturer is taking out one ingredient in some of its toothpastes.
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i wouldn't exactly know. but when you think of pregnancy pain, backaches and swollen feet might come to mind. a third of woem experience hand pain as well. we spoke with a doctor who says there's a non-surgical treatment that's safe for mom and baby. . >> reporter: when expecting a baby there's so many worries. but there was one this mom was not prepared for. >> it was just really hot, searing pain in both hands. >> reporter: while pregnant, she suffered from carpal tunnel syndrome. >> it starts with numbness in
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the hands. and then as i was sleeping, it would get worse. >> the swelling related to pregnancy which happens in the third trimester or about three months post partum. >> reporter: 30% of pregnant women suffer from carpal tunnel, painful inflammation of the tendons. >> it's common in women that breast feed because of the unusual nature that we're holding our hands. >> reporter: for mild cases, a splint can help. but for moderate to severe, cortisone plus lidocaine is given. >> it was gone within two hours. >> reporter: anti inflam tore storitor ryes are give -- they are not recommended when you are pregnant. >> there's very good non-operative treatment options. they don't affect the baby. little affect on the mom.
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>> the doctor recommends talking to your physician about your hand pain and see a hand surgeon if necessary. lack tags consultants can help teach you how to properly hold your baby while nursing to avoid putting stress on the tendons. breaking news in to nbc 10 at this hour. this is a police car that has run into a doughnut shop. that's a dunkin' donuts on the 200 block of white horse pike. we don't make this up. this is a police car that has run into a dunkin' donut shop. no word on injuries. new information on a huge warehouse fire. three people including two firefighters were injured this morning in the inferno. a live report from the scene straight ahead. the iphone 6 is for sale as thousands of apple core customers line up to get their hands on the first phone.
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see what one guy did as soon as he got his phone on life tv.
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it's friday morning, september 19th. 11:30, and investigators trying to figure out what started this fire early this morning. check out the intensity of the flames. at within point it was up to four alarms. monique braxton is live at the scene. not surprisingly, this fire affected a couple of schools in the area. >> reporter: two elementary schools are closed. the firefighters continue here nine hours after the fact. some firefighters are rolling up hoses but roeothers are still dousing the hot spots. we were outside john welsh school when we learned another
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building was closing. william mckinley students were sent home. firefighters are still on the scene after the blaze began about 2:30 this morning in a vacant warehouse before spreading to a paper distributor. investigators say the wind and paper products fuelled the four alarm inferno. firefighters worked close to to hours to bring it under control. we spoke with parents rushing back to the school to pick them up today. you are taking your kids back home? >> yeah. >> reporter: why? >> the fire. the smoke is going in the school. take the kids. >> reporter: fire investigators say three people were injured when flames lit up the morning sky. two of them are firefighters suffering minor injuries. a third victim was seen fleeing the victim on fire. the commissioner told us he is burned over 80% of his body. one parent leaving school told
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us that her daughter suffered either an asthma attack or a seizure. this afternoon we will check on her condition as well as bringing you up to date on the conditions of the firefighters and the person found running from the vacant warehouse. live in west kensington, monique braxton, nbc 10 news. >> we want to show you the evolution of an emergency. a closer look at the time line of the fire and a behind the scenes look at how we covered it. after we heard reports of the fire over the emergency scanner, a couple of camera crews were dispatched. we turned our camera toward west kensington this morning. we can clearly see that this was a major fire. that was 3:15 this morning. our first screw was on the scene on the ground, a photo journalist recorded video of the intense flames and saw the building partially collapse there. skyforce 10 was flying over the scene at 4:08 this morning. there were many fire trucks
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there putting the water on the blaze. more than a dozen trucks at one point. the fire was placed under control officially at 4:11 a.m. count on nbc 10 for continuing coverage of the warehouse fire. you can always get updates on it's a sunny september day. a cool down at the shore. a live look outside. our camera is in cape may, new jersey. brittney shipp is here now with the forecast. >> it should stay in the high 60s closer to the shore. in the city, warming to the low 70s. temperatures in the poconos, 63. a mild start to your late morning. 63 in northeast philly. 62 in wrightstown and close
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toe r to the shore, 69. a mix of sunshine and clouds. cooler than what we have seen throughout most of the week. winds out of the east at 10 miles an hour. our average is 77 degrees. instead today we will stay in the low 70s. look at what happens as we start the weekend. back to average. sunday, above average. i'm tracking a chance of showers as we head into sunday night. the details in my first alert full forecast. early this morning, the u.s. military flu 40 american tourists from mexico to los angeles. evacuations continue after tropical storm odile. large areas of the mexican resort region are still without electricity and without water days after the storm. one american recalled her storm experience as she waited to head home.
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>> in one of the hotels where the windows were blown out. a little traumatized. we're trying to keep our spirits up. >> reporter: 18,000 out of 30,000 tourists have been so far evacuated. the mexican government said it would use military and commercial planes to airlift stranded tourists. emergency cruise have resumed their search for a deputy whose car was swept away by floodwaters. she radioed for help yesterday minutes before her empty patrol car was found submerged. rain from hurricane odile have drenched texas and other portions of the southwest. flooding in the philippines killed at least three people there and forces people oust their homes. parts of manila were hit by a tropical storm and seasonal monsoon rains. the water was neck high and engulfed the first floor of hopes. domestic and international flights were delayed or canceled at the airport because of the
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rain and an unrelated radar malfunction. police in indonesia say an american man confessed to killing his girlfriend's mother. they were arrested august 13th. that was the day after the body of the mother was found in a suitcase inside the trunk of a taxi at a resort. authorities say heather admitted to helping schafer stuff her mother's body into the suitcase. the votes are in. scotland rejected becoming an independent country. it will remain part of the united kingdom. >> reporter: they were up all night, both sides believing they would win. >> too close to call. >> reporter: by the early morning, it was over. a surprise 10-point victory for those who didn't want independence. >> in response to the question
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should scotland be an independent country, we're in favor of no. [ applause ] >> reporter: united kingdom would remain united. >> the people of scotland have spoken. and it is a clear result. they have kept our country of four nations together. like millions of other people, i am delighted. >> reporter: for two years it was a nation divided. people with different ideas of what they wanted. an independent scotland with more control over government or the status quo. the queen urged them to think carefully. politicians offered more autonomy in an effort to keep them together. now they will have to deliver. >> parties made vows late in the campaign to give more power to scotland. scotland will expect these to be honored in rapid force.
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>> reporter: at this pub in chicago, there's disappointment. >> it wasn't the result i was looking for. it's wonderful democracy. >> reporter: many voters say the country would not be the same after the vote. not just scotland, all four countries in the united kingdom have been promised more autonomy. president obama welcomes scotland's decision to stay a part of the united kingdom. he also congratulated the people of scotland for what he calls their full and energetic exercise of democracy. the president says their debate and discussion on independence is a reminder of scotland's enormous contributions to the united kingdom and the world. a teen prank caused an suv crash in idaho. a passenger used a lighter to set the driver's armpit hair on fire. three teenagers in the suv at the time. none were waearing a seat belt.
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the driver was driving erratically before the crash. the passenger with the lighter was ticketed for interfering with the driver's safe operation of a car. a 5-year-old colorado boy is recovering after a school bus ran over his toes. he was running to the bus stop yesterday morning. the bus rolled over the child's feet. his sister ran home for help. when the mother arrived, she says the boy was writhing in pain. >> took his shoes off because he said it was his feet. they were swelling. >> they hit my leg. my leg was gone. >> the child has three broken toes on one foot and one broken toe on the other. his mother says she will be walking with her children to and from the bus stop every day. changing in philadelphia's marijuana laws will be on the books by halloween. they voted to ease penalties for possessing a small amount of marijuana.
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the mayor said he will sign the measure which would go into affect october 20th. violators will face a $25 fine but no arrest or criminal record. a new survey finds one in ten americans go to work high on marijuana. a report finds it's a bigger problem for smaller companies that can't afford drug testing. home depot admits to the extent of their data breech reporting that 56 million debit and credit cards were breached in the data theft at its stores this year. the theft is second largest on record. home depot says no pin numbers were compromised. it completed a security overhaul that protects payment information. happening now, the new iphone 6 is on sale. fur lu if you are lucky enough to get your hands on one. people lined up top get the new
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iphone. nbc 10 in ardmore where people camped out. this was the scene this morning in new york city. hundreds of people lined city blocks waiting for the apple store to open. many said they had been standing in line since early yesterday. a good day for apple. it comes on the heels of record preorders. more than 4 million the first day. the new iphones have gotten largely positive reviews. they point to faster speed, a souped up camera and better and longer battery life. apple fans don't like the larger size. that's not expected to diminish the new appeal among core fans. analysts expect sales approaching 100 million units by year's end. that's not what you want to do with your new iphone. he was the first person to buy the smart phone in australia. waited in line all night.
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as you saw there, dropped the phone as he was opening the b boxing an interview. he said, all good. it seems it worked out. are you a loyal home foods customer? you could be rewarded for it. temperatures will warm up as we head into the weekend. what to expect on sunday with showers. that's coming up in my full forecast. take a lunch break with these interesting stories now trending on
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crest will remove tiny plastic microbeads from its toothpaste. they found them imbedded this patients' gums. the maker of crest say the microbeads are safe and approved by the food and drug administration. but it is voluntarily taking the beads out of products over the next six months. gm will begin building a new top-end cadillac sedan. the car will make its debut in the first half of 2015. it plans to reveal the name of the new model soon.
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whole foods will start testing its first rewar rewards program this month. last week the chain was among the first retailers to say it will accept apple pay, the new mobile pay feature on the iphone 6. the rewards program will be tested in its princeton store and then in other philadelphia area locations later this year. this weekend, thousands of people are taking part in an inspiring event. it's a celebration of recovery from addiction and a show of support for those still struggling with substance abuse issues. beverly is here now. she's a part of pennsylvania recovery organization, achieving community together. she's here to talk about the event. we were talking about. the first year was 100 people. now it's over 20,000 people. tell us -- all the money being raised, tell us where it goes. >> to help provide advocacy,
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community education and recovery support services for people who have either accessed recovery or who are looking to access recovery. it's helping them sustain long-term recovery, which should be the goal of all of us. >> with over 20,000 people expected, how much money do you expect to raise? >> it costs a lot of money, too. if we raise $50,000 that would be great. >> of course, addiction affects people from all walks of life. it doesn't matter where you come from. who you are, what you do. talk about the work that you folks do with people who are dependant on alcohol and drugs. >> i would love to. any time i have an opportunity to really share the hope of recovery, it's a joy to me. one of the things that we do is really help people look at how addiction a little differently. at one point we thought we could send somebody away to get fixed. now we know that just like many other chronic illnesses, we need
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to really plan for the long haul. we need to learn how to manage the illness. we help people access recovery. but then we also help people sustain it. we help provide all of the things and wrap around them the kinds of skill building and education and support that they need to access and sustain long-term recovery. >> good stuff. the 2014 philadelphia recovery walk is taking place tomorrow. it starts at the great plaza at penn's landing. registration is 7:00. thank you for coming in. >> thank you. we head into the rest of the friday, temperatures will drop into the low 70s. that's below average for us. cooler than what we have seen throughout the week. a warmer weekend on tap. we head into the mid to high 70s tomorrow and the mid 80s by sunday. we are tracking the chance of
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weekend showers. that is going to happen on sunday. it could possibly affect the tail end of the eagles game. 64 in philadelphia, mostly cloudy skies. humidity is at 65%. wind out of the east and 13 miles per hour. mainly in the 60s in the region. breezy. we are checking out our humidity levels are fairly low. they should stay that way as we head into the rest of today. 53 in the poconos. 70 in dover. we have warmed into the 70s in millville. throughout the rest of our region, if you take a look, the coolest air in the northeast. we are seeing mild conditions back to chicago. parts of minneapolis and des moines. high pressure in control. quiet conditions. not a lot happening on the radar. a few clouds moving in, under the influence of a easterly flow. we fast forward to sunday at 1:00 p.m. we could see a few
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scattered showers. but the main part of the system, a cold front moving through will not get here until we head into your 8:00 hour on sunday. allentown, reading, expected to see rainfall and then it looks like we will see most of those light showers moving off to the northeast as we head into your overnight hours on sunday. if you plan to head to the temple football game, by 1:00 p.m., 72 and nice. by 4:00, picture perfect, 77 degrees. a mix of sunshine and cloudy skies. seven-day forecast shows temperatures today at 71 and cool. we will see conditions warming up on saturday. 77 degrees. we get warmer on sunday with a chance of showers mainly confined to our evening hours. warm conditions, a mim x of sun and clouds. our temperatures will drop to 74 on monday. fall officially starts at 10:29 p.m. on monday. a first full day of fall will be on tuesday with temperatures at
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73, staying in the 70s all next week. stay with us. you are watching nbc 10 news. as a small business owner you don't deliver anything less than 100% to your customers. so don't settle for less than 100% of the internet. with verizon fios get uploads speeds as fast as download speeds. so you can deliver 100% to your customers. switch now to get fios internet and phone for just $99.99 a month a 2-year agreement and get $200 back. as a [an extra] bonus, get a free lg tablet or up to $200 toward any tablet from verizon wireless when you switch to fios. just call 1.888.774.4418 now. 100% internet that makes you small business ready. that's powerful.
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the white house has enlisted hollywood stars to fight sexual assault on college campuses. a live look from washington, d.c. right now. president obama and vice
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president biden are about to unveil the it's on us campaign. the website went live this morning. it's find a lunch ink on our website going to that's scary. america's largest haunted house opens today. terror behind the walls at eastern state penitentiary. the most interactive attraction in the event's history. proceeds will fund eastern state penitentiary, a national historic landmark. 3:00, "ellen" is new with
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kaley cuoco from "big bang theory." then nbc news at 4:00, atlantic city's tallest building and biggest casino failure may have a future no one imagined. one of the ideas that could redefine the revel on nbc 10 news at 4:00. new at 5:00, breaking his silence. roger goodell will talk to reporters this afternoon. this is a firestorm of controversy about domestic violence. new on nbc new at 6:00, a year since this building collapsed. six people died in center city. now a new report is recommending action to prevent it from happening again. details on the idea that's so expensive it could mean changes to the city charter. brittney shipp here with a check of your weather. >> temperatures will stay cool
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today as we end your workweek. by the time we enter the weekend, it's going to feel like summer. 77 degrees on saturday. look at sunday. lots of folks heading out for tailgating. nice conditions, mostly cloudy skies, warm. temperatures pushing into the mid 80s. we are tracking a chance of rain as you are leaving the eagles game. the main part of the system won't get here until later on, closer to 8:00, 9:00. stick with us. we have a chance of a few spotty showers. monday night, 10:29 p.m., fall officially starts. temperatures drop back down into the low 70s. >> it's going to be in the 70s it looks like next week. on sunday, billing day fg day f tailgating, warmer out there. people will stay hydrated and make sure they dress cool. >> it's a nice way to end summer with temperatures a little bit on the warm side. it should be a nice treat. >> very nice. hopefully, the eagles will come up with a big win and stay undefeated. thanks for watching nbc 10 news
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at 11:00. i'm vai sikahema. for all of us here, have a great day and a terrific weekend.
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>> abigail: actually, i'm here with jordan. or i was. she got up all of a sudden and said she would be right back. i don't even know why. >> jordan:hat the hell is jeremiah doing in salem? >> rafe: did jordan see me coming? is that why she left? >> abigail: stop. she just saw someone she knew. >> clyde: i don't appreciate your tone, young lady. >> jordan: i don't care. is jeremiah in town because you are setting up shop here? >> clyde: i have no idea what-- >> jordan: stop it, clyde. i wasn't that young or that blind. i know exactly what jeremiah did for you, and you better not even think of doing that here. >> will: she has an assignment for me. >> sonny: already? that's great. what's it about? >> will: chad.