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tv   NBC 10 News at 5pm  NBC  September 23, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT

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pennsylvania. >> they're rallying today to expand hate crimes to include members of the lgbt community. rosemary connors spoke to lawmakers and learned that lgbt rights were once protectioned under the law and we'll have more on that part of the story ahead. >> the man hunt is under way for this man, darien person. he is wanted for the shooting death this afternoon of a 15-year-old girl. >> police! we have a warrant! >> reporter: this is brand new video of u.s. marshals moving in on the home of the teenage suspect. nbc 10 was there r as they burst down the door along rowan street. nbc 10's deanna duranty was on the story minutes after it it broke and she's live now at pill fill police headquarters with more for us. deanna. >> reporter: we have spoken with homicide investigators and they did tell us they were in the home of the 19-year-old suspect,
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the man they say was responsible for shooting a 15-year-old girl to death and injuring a 19-year-old man. the man hunt is still very much active and they hope to bring him in soon. >> sweet girl. >> reporter: aisha abdur-rhaman dated her son. a teen she picked up from school because she wasn't sure the kids were safe. >> you should turn yourself in. >> reporter: frustrated she wants to know why he had a gun and why he was so close to a crowd of kids. >> he was brought there as the muscle. >> reporter: he is no stranger for law enforcement. they say he's a high school dropout with no connection to delaware valley charter school. instead, he was in a packed crowd of kids who planned a fight and he fired shots that killed this girl and injured another man. a student was shot inside delaware valley charter school and they're asking about security and requests made early this morning haven't been
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returned and they're dedicating the school's homecoming football game in her memory. >> i think about it and it's, like, why her? >> reporter: have y did this whole thing happen? the fight was apparently talked about on facebook, twitter and instagram and the kids met and the fight spilled south near the high school and that's when the shots were fired. if you know about darien person, police want to hear from you. there is a $20,000 reward for his arrest and conviction. deanna duranty, nbc 10 news. now to the latest on america's campaign to stop isis terrorists. >> hundreds of air strikes have been carried out against key isis targets and christine maddela has been talking to experts monitoring developments from the digital operations center. what's the latest? >> president obama said the united states was joined by five arab countries in the air strikes against isis. the director of operations for
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the joint chiefs of staff said the five arab allies helped in the air strikes and the united states acted primarily in conducting the vast majority of them. who are these five countries, bahrain, qatar, saudi arabia, jordan and the united arab emira emirates. the president called them our friends and partners. this afternoon i talked to middle east expert daniel pikes and he said these countries are not as much friends of the united states as they are enemies of isis. he told me the united states does not share common values with those countries, but thdo share a common foe. other countries around the world will join the united states against isis. >> over 40 nations have offered to help in this comprehensive effort to confront this terrorist threat to take out terrorist targets, to train and equip iraqi and syrian opposition fighters who are going up against isil on the ground, to cut off isil's
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financing, to counter its hateful ideology and to stop the flow of fighters into and out of the region. >> today we also heard from the region from the president of iran. he spoke out against the air strikes and hes he condemns isis, but the u.s. policy is simultaneously opposing the militants while undermining syria's government and the fight against isis is not over in 30 minutes when the president and the pentagon says is next in the fight against terrorism. christine maddela, nbc 10 news. sky force 10 is live over breaking news right now. a shooting near a popeye's restaurant at the honey park section of philadelphia. >> it happened in the 4200 block of north broad street. a male victim was shot in the chest and taken to temple hospital where he is in critical condition. no arrests at this time. the allied air strikes against isis targets have native syrians living in our area concerned.
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>> back to our team coverage now with nbc 10's cydney long. she spent the day in bucks county. is it true that some syrian families didn't want to speak with you out of fear? >> reporter: keith and jacqueline, it is true. a family in south philadelphia as well as a business owner who we originally sought comment from last summer during the chemical weapons attack, they did not feel comfortable speaking with us today because they say they got backlash after those media accounts surfaced and they were not will willing to share photographs of their loved ones living in syria saying this regime will be watching the media very closely and could retaliate. >> where i was born and where i lived 23 years and thekxf/ ima never really leave my mind. the images of the people brutalized by isis, beheaded by isis as well as the children gassed by the regime. >> cardiologist and mother, dr.
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reema only affelfelt comfortabl because her closest family members no longer live inside the syrian border. part of the syrian medical society, she spent ten days training syrian doctors, sometimes performing surgery by flashlight on syria's border in june. >> electricity cut in syria and they have no fuel and they get bombarded by the regime every so often so a lot of times we operate by flashlights. >> she applauds the air strikes against isis and says it can't stop there. >> i am very concerned about the civilians who are trapped now in isis-controlled area, and i am also concerned that we really need to look at the root causes of isis, and there are -- it has to be a comprehensive strategy and not just air strike where they exist now. >> reporter: she says the air
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strikes are an important first step, but that it must be part of a much larger strategy. she told me when she was on the northern border of syria, she saw first hand ambulances that were targeted and heard from doctors where those hospitals were bombed and she wants the u.s. and other arab nations trained in these local communities to step up what she called the the root of the isis problem, the assad regime. live in bucks county, i'm cydney long. >> we continue our coverage of the war on isis. in the next half hour, we'll have a look at what to expect next from our mideast expert. i'll talk to nbc 10's military analyst about the air strikes on syria. >> back here at home. an unintended casualty in the hunt for killer eric frein. local businesses and more than 300 officers continue to search the dense woods near where frein lived in monroe county. many in this part of the poconos say it's scared away tourists during the big fall color
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season. restaurants and shops say the business is off by more than half. >> no one wants to come out. not even tourists or local people. my regulars. i've had my business closed for several days now. >> it's hard. i don't know how long we'll be able to hold out, but i hope they catch this anyway really soon. >> search teams put out night vision cameras and so far, no sightings of frein. >> more trouble could be coming for workers in atlantic city. this time city jobs. on october 1st, atlantic city plans to ask the state for permission to layoff some city workers and it wants to reopen most of the union contracts for city workers to achieve salary and benefit reduction and officials did not indicate how many workers might be targeted and this comes in the wake of the closures and four casinos that have left thousands without jobs. ted greenberg is talking to the mayor right now and will have new information tonight at 6:00.
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>> now your nbc 10 first alert weather. >> it definitely feels like the first full day of fall today, but will it be as coal as last night? sheena parveen with the answer tonight. sheena? >> well, it will still be a cool, fall night tonight and it will not be as chilly as last night and it will still feel like fall especially when you wake up in the morning and it feels like that right now. 72 degrees in philadelphia and below normal for this time of the year and through the lehigh valley and temperatures are warming now and 73 allentown and pottstown, 70 degrees and this is where we have more sunshine and for south jersey and delaware, we're at the mid-60s and more in the way of cloud cover moving in from the south and that will be ahead of some rain as we go into the end of the week and i'll so you that coming up. by 8:00 tonight, 67 degrees and by 10:00, low 60s. we'll show you the timing of the rain and that's straight ahead. we continue to follow several breaking stories.
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police have named darien person as the suspect of the deadly shooting of a 15-year-old girl. police and federal officers descended on his philadelphia home, but did not find him inside. also breaking, arrest warrants have been issued for three suspects wanted for the beating of a same-sex couple in center city. each will be charged with a list of assault crimes. we've just learned one of the suspects is the daughter of the police chief. the attack happened two weeks ago. we're checking with lawyers to find out when the suspects will turn themselves in. stay with nbc 10 for the latest on these breaking stories. also ahead, we're talking new fear that's growing right now out west. what mother nature is doing to compromise efforts to stop an all-out -- an out-of-control wildfire.
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sky force 10 is live over breaking news right now. this time in the ken sington section. a person has been shot on frankfurt avenue. they were standing in front of an appliance store where you see the three, four police cruisers. no word yet on that person's condition and no arrests have been made in that case. >> now to the latest on america's campaign to stop isis. here's what we know. u.s. forces launched hundreds of air strikes last night on
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terrorist targets in syria taking out key training camps and facilities. it was not just isis that was targeted and other jihad groups like khorasan which had been planning major attacks on western targets like the u.s. >> there san update now on the more than 200 girls kidnapped by islamic ilmilitants in nigeria. they have not forgotten about them. they spoke about efforts to free them at the clinton global initiative. >> the group of them have been seen trying to get them out, and it is a very delicate matter because you want to get them out alive. so the security forces are looking at what is the best means to do this without harping them. >> the girls were taken in april setting off international outrage. some escaped and most are still held captive. police say a ups employee
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opened fire inside one of the company's warehouses in alabama killing two people before taking his own life. the police chief in birmingham said the gunman was wearing his uniform either in or near offices inside the warehouse. the gunman had apparently shot himself by the time officers arrived. the gunman's name and motive for the shooting have not been released. >> a memorial set up to honor michael brown burned down this morning. brown was shot and killed by fergus ferguson, missouri, police officer last month. they destroyed momentos gathering. candles were a part of the memorial. police are awaiting lab results from clothing recovered from the home of the man believed to be the last person seen with a missing university of virginia student. for a second time investigators searched jesse matthew jr.'s apartment. police are still trying to locate the campus employee and matthew hasn't been charged in the disappearance and police
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want to talk to him. he was last seen on surveillance video with 18-year-old hannah graham. she has been missing since september 13th. turning to this now. do you remember that teen that climbed up the world trade center's centerpiece tower? he was arrested again for the same crime. this time justin was trying to climb an historic water tower in wehawk inand bless caught him after they jumped the fence, broke into that tower and he served 23 days of community service for his world trade center climb. happening now, a red flag warning was just put into place for northern california's king fire. winds are expected to gust up to 30 miles per hour this afternoon. those are the same conditions that caused this fire to double in size last week. 7,000 people are working to extinguish the glaiz blablaze.
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ten homes and 22 other buildings have been destroyed. >> now your nbc 10 first alert weather with meteorologist sheena parveen opinion. >> a cool first day of fall. that is leaving the area and still a cool night tonight and just not as cool and this is leaving ahead of had some rain before the week is over and it looks like it will be here for your morning commute on thursday depending on how early you leave. a warm-up leaves the area so perfect timing for that. here's a live look from the adventure aquarium and still sunshine this afternoon and the temperatures staying in the low 70s and it's 72 degrees and humidity is down and the air is still dry and humidity is only at 37%. allentown has warmed up to 73 degrees and much of the lehigh valley is in the low 70s and you look at south jersey and delaware and this is an area
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where we have little more in the way of cloud cover. for tonight, i mentioned it will still be cool and just not as cool as last night. low temperatures, 47 in allentown and allentown hit 40 degrees this morning and not as cool and certainly still cool. 49 in quakertown and 48 in redding and 52 degrees and 50 for the morning low in doylestown and closer to the shore, 52 possibly for vineland and 55 dover and philadelphia and the surrounding suburbs and we were at 50 degrees. it tomorrow morning we should be in the mid-50s and the surrounding suburbs, as well. we have mostly cloudy skies to our south along with the rain and this will move up as we go into the end of the week. future weather here does keep the rain to our south are for tonight, and as we go into wednesday the rain stays to our south, but you see it is slowly moving north and through the the day thursday you'll see clouds increasing and there is a chance we could have a few showers moving and there's light rain
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moving and then overnight into early thursday. we expect more rain and some of this could be heavy for the morning commute thursday and keep that in mind and we start to clear out as we go into the the week everyoned. for tonight, we do stay mostly clear and cool temperatures for the low in philadelphia. 45 degrees in the area north and west overnight tonight and tomorrow, we'll see increasing clouds and mainly late in the day with a chance of a late shower and mostly late afternoon, and tonight, and going into thursday, that's when we expect the rain around and it will be overnight wednesday into thursday morning and some of it could linger through the day thursday and temperatures staying through it with the the rain. as we go into friday weigh do start to clear up quite a bit and 78 degrees and more sunshine and take a look at the forecast. take a look at the low 80s and that is the warm-up i was telling you about and the sunshine stays with those milder temperatures all of the way into next week. >> i like the look of that weekend. we have more breaking news
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on an already busy day and the senate just passed the cigarette tax that would send much-needed money to the district and one step closer to passing and the vote was passed 39 to 11 by the full senate and the governor's office still tells us that governor corbett was likely to sign that law. building up business in the first state. delaware officials are planning for the future. what they are doing today to lure new businesses to the state.
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this is nbc 10 news. new york-based fitch ratings is knocking down pennsylvania's debt rating part second time in 14 months citing the state's recurring budget deficits. the downgrade takes pennsylvania from aa to aa-minus and puts it in the bottom five of 42 states rated by fitch. today's announcement by the credit rating agency is the first time in two years that pennsylvania's debt has been downgraded by a major agency. in april, standard & poor's warned it could downgrade the state if it didn't see significant strides to address deficits and pension liabilities. kent county, kell wear, isn't just a cut through busy delaware county.
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dover campus today for the kent county economic summit. business and community leaders got together to discuss the coun county's economic strengths and weak knowes to talk strategies of the future. dover has a lot to offer companies looking for new homes. >> yes. we want more manufacturing and more tourism, we want more small businesses. because of our diversity we are ready to take all of this. >> kent county has been talking for years about building a massive sports complex that would bring in families from around the region for youth tournaments and the chamber also wants to do more with the air terminal at thea air force base. they want to attract a large cargo facility to the city. the national transportation safety board were back at the site of a deadly bus crash. they shut down the off ramp from route 1 to route 13 to
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reconstruct the accident that killed two women and injured dozens others. the bus was headed to new york when it veered off the ramp and rolled on to its roof sunday. more than a dozen victims are still being treated in a hospital in newark, but one patient was released today. we continue to follow breaking news. police have named darien person as the suspect in yesterday's deadly shooting of a 15-year-old girl. police and federal officers descended on his philadelphia home, but did not find him inside. also ahead, stopping isis. next, nbc 10's military expert weighs in on allied strikes against isis targets, plus the president and pentagon leaders what is next in the ongoing fight against terrorism. plus, all new on nbc 10 news at 6:00, controversial comments from the man who wants to buy revel and turn it into a university. why he says he would want students who were free, white
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and over one. the usual?
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not tonight. introducing longhorn's steaks that sizzle for $12.99. the smoky double bacon sirloin. the new spicy sriracha sirloin. and the parmesan crusted sirloin. steaks that sizzle. only at longhorn steakhouse. you can't fake steak.
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nbc 10 breaking news. 19-year-old darien person considered armed and dangerous. police believe the person shot and killed a 15-year-old girl and injured another man. police say two groups of kid froms delaware valley charter school planned a fight after school. police say person was brought as
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muscle. the philadelphia district attorney has issued arrest warrants in connection with the attack of a combae couple in center city nearly wo weeks ago. charges are being filed against two men and one woman from bucks county. once charges are filed the three will be arrested. u.s. forces launched hundreds of air strikes overnight on terrorist targets in syria. the attacks are aimed at not just isis, but other extremist groups including one that may pose more of a danger to the u.s. now than isis. >> nbc national correspondent steve handles han has more developments from washington. >> reporter: out of the syrian sky came precision-guided warheads. 120 terrorists reported killed in all. here an isis command would abouting and two dozen targets reportedly struck in an air campaign that's just starting. >> president obama said it sends his message. >> to anyone who would plot against america and try to do americans harm that we will not tolerate safe havens for
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terrorists who threaten our people. >> u.s. pilots flew from the persian gulf. four dozen hom hawk cruise missiles fired. three u.s. navy war ships hitting four isis target areas in syria. five arab nations took part in the attack, bahrain, qatar, saudi arabia, jordan and the uae, the obama coalition coming together. >> the strength of this coalition makes it clear to the world that this is not america's fight alone. >> this video unconfirmed by nbc news, is said to show damage not to isis, but to rival al qaeda offshoots that were struck like khorasan that pentagon commanders say was nearly ready to strike in the u.s. or europe. >> these terrorists have established a safe haven in syria to plan external attacks to test, construct explosive devices and recruit westerners to conduct operations. >> reporter: president obama planned to thank the leaders of arab nations who helped strike isis in khorasan last night.
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isis and company will survive. >> unless and until we can find an arab force that's going to get on the ground and eliminate isis and maybe a turkish force. >> turkey offered support and not yet boots on the ground. now that the war is wider and the fighting coalition is bigger. over the next few days at the united nations and a major general assembly speech and numerous private meetings, president obama hopes to grow the fighting coalition for a war the pentagon warned today could last years. at the white house, i'm steve handelsman, nbc 10 news. let's turn now to nbc 10's christine maddela live in our digital operations center. >> it has been said. we just heard steve handelsman say it could be years, it could be an ongoing operation, christine. >> last night we saw the first of u.s. airstrikes on isis targets in syria and not the
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last. >> this is video from the u.s. navy. the view from inside one of of three war ships firing on isis targets like raqqa. the defacto isis capital in syria. the director of operations for the joint chiefs of staff said i would think in terms of years. the pentagon spokesman said last night's strikes were only the beginning. president obama also alluded to a long fight, but wouldn't put a timeframe on it. >> the overall effort will take time. there will be challenges ahead, but we'll do what's necessary to take the fight to this terrorist group for the security of the country and the region and for the entire world. president obama went on to say over the mnext several days he will meet with iraq's prime minister and members of the united nations to continue to build support for the coalition confronting isis. within the past hour we heard reaction from isis.
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an isis fighter told a journalist these attacks will be answered. christine maddela, nbc 10 news. >> and we have much more on the fight to stop isis. in just a few minutes i'll talk to nbc 10 military analyst colonel rick kiernan about the president's mission in syria. an lanta county man was arrested for possessioning child pornograp pornography. thomas ballard was arrested at his egg harbor township home. ballard had sent more than 3,000 files containing child porn graphic images via email between october of last year and march of this year. several show young girls being bound and tortured with knives pointed at them. he's being held on $100,000 bail. delaware state police need help identifying a man they say ran up charges on stolen credit cards. the credit cards were taken from a safe in the hidden acres rest home in marydel, new castle
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county. all of the credit cards belonged to residents. police say two of the cards were used by this man to buy $400 worth of belongings at a number of sortores. if you recognize him, call police. the commute should be much smoother this afternoon compared to this morning. around 3:30 this morning a tractor railer carrying trash overturned near the bridge street exit. as a result, there were major delays. state troopers say the driver may have fallen asleep at the wheel or suffered from a medical condition. he sustained minor injuries. now your nbc 10 first alert weather. >> it's nice outside. dry, first dale of fall. >> sheena parveen is watching changes. can we expect a fall chill like last night? >> keith and jacqueline, we will have a fall chill and it won't be as cool as some areas and the perfect first day of fall and dry conditions and it's 73
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degrees in northeast philly and 69 in wilmington and the cooler temperatures were to our south now and 65, millville and 65 in dover and atlantic city and that's more cloud cover and lehigh valley and north and west of philadelphia staying at about the low 70s. we'll continue to see nice conditions through the rest of the evening and a fall-like night and by 8:00 p.m. tonight, cooler by 67 degrees and by 10:00, temperatures dropping into the low 60s and a cool night tonight and just not as cool as last night and i'm tracking rain in the forecast before the week is over all ahead of the warm-up and i'll show you the details coming up. >> an early celebration of the jewish new year in camden county today. [ cheers and applause ] >> nbc 10 at the katz jewish community center, members and students heard the sound of the shofar. it was used to announce a sort of holiday and processions and to mark the start of war.
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the jewish new year, rosh hosh ana starts tonight. >> our team coverage of isis continues here on nbc 10 news. in minutes, our militaryec pert rick kiernan joins us to discuss the air strikes and what other forms of attacks could be coming against isis militants. and changes are coming to some of the most popular soft drinks on the market. the healthy change being discussed and when it may be coming to a can near you, but first, here's what's coming up tonight on nbc 10 news at 6:00.
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now to decision 2014. election day past approaching and that meanses the candidates for pennsylvania governor are in campaign mode. democratic gubernatorial candidate tom wolf stops by philly this morning. he attended a latinos for wolf event and took up for redding where another latinos for wolf
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event was held. the latino vote is key to wr winning the governorship. tom corbett was not on the the campaign trail today. we are told he had meetings in harrisburg all day and last night, of course, he faced off against wolf in the first debate which candidates battled it out over taxes, state financial health and public school spending. >> in what is sure to be a busy and controversial week at the unite nations, president obama was one of the key speakers this afternoon. >> he called the issue of climate change the most important long-term crisis the body will face. jay gray has that sore from washington. >> reporter: as the united nations general assembly opens, item number one is climate change. >> terrorism, instability, equality, disease, there's one issue that will define the contours of this century more
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dramatically than any other. and that is the urgent and growing threat of a changing climate. >> addressing the u.n. climate summit this afternoon, president obama urged world leaders to work together on a global strategy to cut emissions. >> the alarm bells keep ringing. our citizens keep marching. we cannot pretend we do not hear them. we have to answer the call. >> sunday protesters filled the street from melbourne, through berlin and london. 300,000 or more packed new york's west side, families walking together on a hot, muggy afternoon during the warmest summer in the history of our planet. >> it is the most important thing when i think of the future of my children, it's kind of bleak. >> there is no plan b because we do not have plan b. >> u.n. secretary-general ban ki-moon recently appointed actor
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leonardo dicaprio as the u.n. minister of peace on the issue of climate change. today he addressed leaders at the summit. >> solving this crisis is not a question of politics. it is a question of our own survival. >> reporter: a survival that many believe depends on swift action and change. jay gray, nbc 10 news. we continue to monitor the the u.s. airstrikes against isis terror targets in syria. next, we'll have a closer look at the bombings and hear what nbc 10 military analyst thinks about the plan of attack and where air strikes could lead and sheena. >> keying, it is a really cool start to the first official day of fall and now i'm tracking some rain in the forecast before the week is over. i'll show you the timing of that along with the warm-up coming up. >> coming up on nbc 10 news at 6:00. the new miss america accused of hazing. the behavior that got her kicked out of her sorority.
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we are continuing to polo the latest on the battle to stop isis. president obama hopes to strengthen the coalition that's fighting the terrorist group in syria. so far hundreds of air strikes have been launched against isis and other jihadist groups taking out key training camps and facilities. five middle eastern countries are part of that coalition. it appears this battle may take some time. >> that's right. the pentagon is suggesting the air strikes against isis is only the beginning of a fight that could take years. colonel mckiernan joins us now from the digital operation center. he served in army for 26 years in germany, vietnam and saudi arabia. he was awarded two bronze stars during the gulf war.
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colonel kiernan, always good talking with you. the first air strikes hit six targets in syria last night. based on the president's plan moving forward on this mission, what is the timeframe for these targeted strikes some. >> i think this is good initial first vibistrike. showing unanimity. you go for the command and control centers and you go for supply centers and known looks where they may have equipments and they may have weapons and probably it's an initial first step and they'll do an assessment on what damage was done and after that assessment they'll increase the number of strikes or not and they've added, for example, 12 a-10 aircraft from the indiana national guarda along with 300 air force personnel. phase one is going to be the air strikes before we go on to the next phase as we try and deter, defend and then defeat.
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>> colonel keern knowa, we know president obama will address the u.n. general assembly tomorrow and we saw him getting on a plane to go to new york and he's under intense pressure to build a broader international backing for the war against militants. what do you expect to come of that meeting tomorrow some. >> i think if that meeting is going to build and we're going to coalesce, i think the initial members of that coalition are good. the saudis have come onboard offering to have a stationing area where train and equipping may take place and by having those regional coalitions come together that is going to spread, and i think the folks are going to stay within the region that this is a very prudent and a very necessary step to take. >> colonel, once targets are exhausted, could this lead to an allied-led ground attack? we know already that at least indications it might be that this will last for years. >> yes. i think the way we talk about boots on the ground which is
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bandered around quite a bit, it could very well be in the train and equip program and this will be using the 1700 advisers, the special ops that we already have on the ground and using them as advisers and not only for human intelligence and also to go ahead and train those allied forces particularly the syrian rebels of which we are trying to bolster them along with the kurds and also the sunnis. >> all right. the beginning of a long road ahead. colonel kiernan, thank you for joining us. we appreciate your time. >> my pleasure, thank you. our coverage of the war on isis continues at 6:30. first alert weather with meteorologist sheena parveen. >> it's been a nice first day of fall and we started off with chilly temperatures and now we're seeing plenty of sunshine this afternoon. the cooler air that was around
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this morning, kind of cold in some spots is leaving. tonight it will still be cool outside and not as cool as last night. we do have rain coming also as we go mainly into wednesday night and thursday morning. so that will be in the forecast before the weekend gets here and once the rain leaves we're talking about a weekend warm up and just in time for the weekend and employ temperatures will once again be back into the 80s and we'll get a little above normal after we've been below normal for a little while now. here is a look outside. this is in the poconos. completely clear skies and cool temperatures, too, all afternoon long and some areas are in the low 70s. allentown coming in at 73 degrees now and 73, northeast philly and still in the 70s. we're cooler through south jersey and delaware with more cloud cover. 65, millville, and 65 dover and atlantic city. 69 in mount pocono where i just showed you that image and we're continuing to see dry conditions. the clouds are in south jersey
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and delaware and they're starting to move out and they're mainly moving from west to east and we'll continue to see mostly clear skies tonight and the cloud cover is from this big area of rain to the south and it will slowly be moving out to the north into tomorrow and we're not going to see a rainy day tomorrow and we'll see increasing clouds and most of the rain should be here as we go overnight wednesday into thursday morning. future weather picks up on this area of low pressure to the south. a lot of moisture coming up in this, so first as it moves to the north we'll see the clouds increasing through the day tomorrow and we'll see a chance of a late shower. as we go late into the day, here's 9:00 p.m. and we could have light showers moving in from the south and most of the heavy stuff should still be staying to our south and overnight into thursday morning, that's when we expect more rain to be moving up as this whole system gets closer and here's 7:00 a.m. thursday and we could see pockets of heavy rain across the area and keep this in mind for your early xhorning commute
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and warm up for the weekend. after that, we still see mostly cool temperatures and 47 in the areas north and west and tomorrow, increase in clouds and a chance of a late-day shower and 74 to 75 and still a pretty nice day and we go into thursday and we'll be rainy and on the cool side, too, with the rain around, and we could be in the upper 60s. we jump to the upper 70s and that is the beginning of the warm-up and the good news is for the weekend we stay dry. the warm-up continues around the low 80s and it continues even as we go into next week. >> gorgeous weekend. all right, sheena. a reminder, you can vote for the high school blitz game of the week. here are the choices. haddonfield and collingswood and henderson and unionville. to vote go to nbc or our facebook page or text your one-time vote to 610-624-4111
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and the game with the most votes is featured every saturday night at 7:00 on nbc ten. from uninvited guest to wanted by the law. >> wedding crashers and i'm not talking about the big screen comedy. the violence they're accused of committing at someone's wedding. then coming up on nbc 10 news at 6:00, a new look at the suspect behind the policeman hunt. we're hearing from some documentary filmmakers who interviewed eric frein and why he didn't get along with his fellow war re-enactors.
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♪ ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit hungry ♪ ♪ and there's nothing really good around ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit tired ♪ ♪ of living off the taste of the air ♪ ♪ turn around, barry ♪ finally, i have a manly chocolatey snack ♪ ♪ and fiber so my wife won't give me any more flack ♪ ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ ♪
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this is nbc 10 news. a company says they'll work to reduce the number of calories that americans get from the the sugary beverages, but they're not changing the ingredients. instead, the makers will coke, pepsi any dr pepper will make smaller, and it comes as soda makers face public pressure for the role of sugary drinks in pouling obesity. tonight, a warning to anyone who has been inspired by the movie "wedding crashers." three teenagers accused of crashing a wedding in new jersey are wanted by police. they ate and drank and took pictures inside a photo booth.
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their faces have been blurred because they're believed to be underaged. the reception was held at a banquet hall. when the manager confronted them, the officials say the teens knocked her down and ran off. police are calling this a strong-armed robbery sdwloo the secret service has created a temporary buffer zone. an additional fence surrounds the white house after the security breach. megan mcgrath is on pennsylvania avenue with the story. >> as the secret service continues to review their security protocols, we're starting to see some changes here at the white house. this low fence here that you see in front of the higher wrought iron fence, yesterday it was just in the area around the low stonewall which could be used to actually boost someone up that fence. today this lower second fence now runs the entire length in front of the white house. we have also seen extra patrol
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in the area and not just here in front of the white house, but on surrounding streets and last night people who were standing on the sidewalk at 11:00, they were asked to step down on to the road, thus increasing the perimeter around the white house in those overnight hours.#:cñ the discussion continues about whether or not to start doing pedestrian checkpoints for people entering the area and there is also ongoing discussion about the use of attack dogs and specifically why such a dog didn't stop omar gonzalez from getting inside the white house. coming up next on nbc 10 news at 6:00, breaking news. >> less than an hour ago, the pennsylvania state senate passed the cigarette tax and now governor corbett is reviewing whether he'll sign it into law. and a nice, cool, first full day of fall and now i'm tracking some rain before the week is over and also a nice warm up coming and that's straight ahead. and all new at 6:00, an nbc
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10 exclusive. a local family files a lawsuit after videotaping police inside and outside their own home. details next on nbc 10 news at 6:00.
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after months of delay, a bill to provide crucial cash for philadelphia schools has passed. the state senate joined the
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house in supporting this measure just within the past hour. nbc 10's keith jones live in our digital operations center to break down the vote for us. keith some it passed legislation 39 to 11 and it was a fairly quick move after the bill came out of committee earlier this afternoon. the $2 per-pack tax is expected to bring in $83 million a year for city schools. the bill had been stalled since june. lawmakers on both sides fought over details in the legislation, but the version that passed only on included the philadelphia provision. the bill goes to tom corbett's desk and his office tells nbc 10 he will sign the legislation into law. the governor released this statement, quote, i am pleased that both chambers have taken action so that the philadelphia school district and more importantly, the students of philadelphia can benefit from it. pennsylvania imposes a $1.60 excise tax on cigarettes, count on nbc 10 news for updates on exactly when this will take
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effect. again, that's pending, governor com corbett's approval and he will sign it it on his desk, reporting live from the digital operations bureau, keith jones, nbc 10 news. >> the d.a.'s office is issuing arrest warrants for three people accused of attacking a same-sex couple in center city philadelphia. >> denise nakano is live. a lot of movement on this case today. >> reporter: that's right, renee and jim. detectives have made contact with the attorneys representing the trio and all three are expected to turn themselves in to central detectives by 7:30, 8:00 tomorrow morning and the district attorney's office has identified the two men and one woman as 24-year-old philip williams, 26-year-old kevin harrigan and 24-year-old katherine knott. sources have confirmed that knott is the daughter of the police chief of shellfont bureau.