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tv   NBC 10 News at 6pm  NBC  October 2, 2014 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT

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philadelphia police officer and he was wearing his firefighter's uniform which may have helped him pull off the impersonate. he threatened a woman with arrest if she did not perform a sex act. he says he -- i'm told that the police say he put her in the back of his truck, forced her to perform the sex act but a few blocks later she was able to break free and then ran until she was able to come to some safety. now, we have crews going down to the philadelphia mpolice department now to get comment from police officials and will be working on the story throughout tonight. we'll bring you much more coming up tonight at 11:00. reporting live in the digital operations center, harry hairston, nbc 10 news. bang black to you. a delaware county native is preparing for his next job, protecting the president. >> can't expect him to say anything but mr. president i'm happy to serve. >> joe clancy has been hired to klein up the controversy at the secret service and preserve the integrity of the agency. clancy is no stranger to the first family. he served alongside president obama in the first 2 1/2 years
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of his administration. long before his first stint at the white house, clancy was a student at villanova university. he later taught at father judge high school in philadelphia. and most recently was the head of security for comcast cable. nbc 10's tim furlong live in center city tonight with more on this local man who now has admittedly one of the toughest jobs in the world. tim? >> reporter: jim, i talked to a bunch of people at comcast. they say this guy, joe clancy, is exactly what you'd expect from a secret service agent. focused. they used the word serious. you also hear the word philly guy. this philly guy now has a very important job down i-95 in washington. joe clancy protected for the president for years and now at least on an interim basis he'll run the entire organization that protects him. before he got the call to come back to the secret service, he spent three years at comcast protecting the company's center city skyscraper and every other one of its facilities y ies aroe country. >> he's focused and exudes a sense of confidence. >> reporter: she is the head of
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communications for comcast. she worked with joe clancy quite a bit and knows how serious he is about his work and knows how comcast employees respected him. she knows he is the one to get the secret service through this tough time. >> i think people have the ultimate respect and confidence in him. i suspect there's a real reason why they called him, you know, and they called him now. and needed him. >> we call him clanc. that's what he was. cla clanc. >> reporter: some teachers at father judge high school remember when he thought there. they have the yearbook pictures to prove it. they were sad to see him leave the school to take a government job all those years ago but they're proud of their former co-worker. >> well, you're proud. you really are because, hey, he was one of us at one time. >> reporter: yeah, talk about a quick turnaround. joe clancy got the call yesterday. yesterday he worked for comcast. he made all the calls last night, told everybody he's got to go to washington now. his brother, kevin clancy, you might know the name, is the longtime football coach at
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strathaven high school. i called him today. he's got a game tonight. i said, can you talk about this new job? he said joe has told the family, shh, we're not going to talk about the new job. tough time to transition. he wants it keep it on the down low for now. live in center city, tim furlong, nbc 10 news. skyforce 10 over a house fire in gloucester county this evening. one person had to be rescued from this home on crozier avenue in national park. person rescued had burns. we're trying to figure out how serious the burns are. investigators haven't said yet how this fire started. pennsylvania's top environmental protection official is resigning in the wake of a pornographic e-mail scandal. christopher abruso once worked for the state attorney general's office. last week he was identified as one of eight former employees at the a.g.'s office who sent or received interoffice e-mails containing pornography. the e-mails were discovered during an internal review of the handling of the jerry sandusky case. in accepting abruzzo's
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resignation governor corbett thanked him for his service and in a statement today corbett says "our environment and natural resources are better protected today due to his leadership as well as the hard work of the men and women of dep." the archdiocese of philadelphia selling three properties across the area for more than $56 million to help shore up its finances. sold are more than 450 acres in northampton county that once housed a spiritual retreat. 50 acres of excess land at the st. john center in downingtown. and 200 acres that make up the don gunella village and residential cardinal center in broomall. home to dozens of men with disabilities. those residents will now be relocated to make way for commercial and residential development. last year, you'll recall the archdiocese of philadelphia revealed it had an operating deficit of $39 million plus significant pension and insurance liabilities. to the weather now. nbc 10 tracking some clouds
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covering center city this evening, but don't be fooled, we should stay dry through tonight and tomorrow as well. and then some changes coming.2bñ nbc 10 chief meteorologist glenn "hurricane" schwartz is tracking conditions on this cloudy thursday night. glenn? >> yeah, that's right, jim. we've seen a lot of clouds in much of the area during the day today. generally coming down from the northeast. some patches of sunshine at times, but more clouds than sun overall. and nothing on the radar. so we don't expect any kind of rain during the evening. temperatures in the mid to upper 60s across the area right now, and not dropping very quickly because of those clouds. and that will continue as we go through the evening. temperatures dropping into the mid 60s by 10:00. no rain. there will be some rain over the weekend. i'll have the latest timing on that with the seven-day in a few minutes. it's been 20 days of a massive manhunt for a suspected trooper killer. tonight the impact is reaching far beyond the five-mile radius where police are looking for
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eric frein. we told you yesterday seven townships were banning hunters this weekend. today, hiking, fishing and camping at state forests near the site were added to the ban. that's affecting popular tourist resorts and campgrounds. if you're heading to any of those spots in the poconos this weekend, you can expect a large police presence. nbc 10's doug shimell found out what the biggest fear is tonight for local resorts. >> reporter: the visitors bureau wants tourists to know that the manhunt, the ban on hunting and the closing of state forests only affects a small portion of the poconos. the temporary closing of state forests near the manhunt for eric frein did not go over well with joe. >> go up to the ranger station, check with them if they think there's any danger here, then we'll leave. >> reporter: extending the restrictions to fishing, camping, and hiking is another blow to pocono tourism. >> i believe they just need to do whatever is safe for the public in the area.
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especially now that they're finding trap bombs and everything else. >> reporter: the search for fugitive sniper eric frein scared away the regular fall tourists. >> life's greater in the pocono mountains. >> reporter: but the pocono mountains visitors bureau says the entire region is being affected. >> pocono mountains are 2,400 square miles. roughly the same size of the state of delaware. and as we've been come to learn, this is very localized into about a five square mile area. >> reporter: carl says all fall events are on as scheduled. >> we're encouraging people to call the care that they're planning on visiting and getting response from the people on the ground. >> reporter: the big fear is if the search for eric frein drifts into the very lucrative ski season. >> our strong advertising doesn't begin until winter season starts. none of the areas that's being affected is where any of our ski areas, outdoor winter sports recreation really takes place. >> reporter: and carl adds that many of those businesses hardest hit are also the ones donating food and supplies in support of the search for eric frein.
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in barrett township monroe county, i'm doug shimell, nbc 10 news. team managers of the just sold revel casino are getting bonus checks. a judge handling revel's bankruptcy approved the plan that could pay out close to $2 million to certain managerses for selling the resort. the court records are sealed so we don't know who will be getting the bonuses. meantime, new jersey casino regular laters fined the golden nugget $30,000 and also suspended the casino's general manager near days for wrongly firing the casino's surveillance director. the state says the casino's general manager wrongly fired the director in april and essentially directed the department himself. neither the casino nor the state would say why the former surveillance director was fired. new information this evening about sunoco's plans to build a natural gas pumping station and pipeline in chester county and it's a victory for sunoco. the commission voted today to
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order more hearings on the plan to have a cross-state pipeline run through west goshen township. in doing so the commission reversed an earlier ruling that said sunoco is not a public utility. sunoco wants the commission to grant it to allow them to bypass zoning and build that pipeline. it could be months before a final decision is made. smokers looking to light up in wilmington, delaware, may soon have fewer options. city council expected to vote tonight on whether to expand an existing smoking ban. it would make it illegal for smokers to light up at most parks and inside playgrounds and bus shelters. right now smoking is banned in places like city government offices, classrooms, libraries and museums. state police asking you to help identify a group of women wanted for stealing $18,000 in cash and other items from an atlantic county restaurant. surveillance pictures here showing the six women inside the
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crystal chinese restaurant last saturday afternoon. if you recognize the women, you're asked to call state police. putting a stop to a deadly disease. next on "nbc 10 news at 6," the local effort to keep ebola from spreading. and the people putting their lives on the line in liberia. glenn? well, clouds might be covering our area but the real changes are coming this weekend. i'm tracking the heavy rain headed our way and the cooler temperatures along with it in my exclusive nbc 10 first alert forecast. plus, more than a decade behind bars, but tonight a confessed hit man paid to help kill a local rabbi's wife is out of prison. the nbc 10 investigators look at what's next for paul daniels as a free man. that's next on "nbc 10 news at 6." coming up tonight, the ebola scare has widened further still including this widening search for contacts. third death in one week's time on a high school football field
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in this country. what parents should know. and a truly charitable making a difference report times 100,000. >> and in pennsylvania, new jersey, and delaware, count on complete coverage of breaking news, major news, and weather. jim rosenfield and jacqueline london tonight at 11:00. nbc 10 news. count on it.
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the second of three men convicted of murdering a rabbi's wife two decades ago is free from prison this evening. nbc 10 has been following this high-profile case since the beginning. nbc 10's harry hairston joining us live from our digital operations center. harry, i know you caught up with the attorney for paul daniels. what did he have to say, and is his client talking?
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>> paul daniels, the convicted hit man is keeping a low profile since walking out of prison yesterday morning. but his attorney is talking about his client's future. this is paul daniels. the self-confessed murderer who bludgeoned carol newlander to death in her cherry hill home. he served his full 14 year sentence. how is he with the reality no matter what he does he'll always be considered a cold-blooded killer? >> i think he wants to live as quiet and as peaceful of a life as he can now. >> reporter: attorney craig mitnik rent represents daniels was one of the first people to talk to hoem him after he walked out of prison. when he was released yesterday, what was the first thing you said to him? >> i said to him, go outside and take big breaths of fresh air on this nice day. and his response to me was, thank god i can, and i still know that mrs. neulander can't. >> reporter: rabbi fred neulander is convicted of ordering the hit on his wife,
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carol. prosecutors say he wanted to continue an affair with retired radio personality elaine sonsini. sonsini, daniels' and his accomplice testified against the rabbi. neulander is serving life. during two jailhouse interviews he told me he's innocent. daniels' attorney says his client is remorseful and maintains daniels was a victim of child abuse and drug abuse for years. >> paul daniels i don't believe was in a drug induced stupor at the time of the -- >> absolutely not. >> reporter: so would it not be fair for some to say paul daniels did have evil in him? that night. when he made that leap to kill in cold blood. >> some may say that. many may say that. i knowing paul the way i know him disagree. paul daniels did not have evil in him. >> now, daniels' attorney says h
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e plans to meet with his client next week to site down to work on a plan for his future. reporting live from the digital operation center, harry hairston for the nbc 10 investigators. here's the is a tostatus fo defendants in the carol neulander case. the victim's husband, fred, serving life in prison. jerks an accomplice to the crime was released in january. this week, paul daniels, confessconfess ed hilt man set free after 14 years behind bars. first patient to be diagnosed with ebola in the united states is facing possible prosecution. officials in liberia says thomas eric duncan lied on an airport questionnaire about his contact with the virus. now 80 people in the dallas area who may have had direct or indirect contact with him have been told to watch out for symptoms and today health officials ordered four members of duncan's family to stay in their texas home so they can be closely monitored. military personnel from our region are helping in the fight against ebola. the largest outbreak in history.
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with cargo missions to include medics and medical aid dlif deliveries to liberia. today at mcguire-dix-lakehurst today, part of the initiative includes the delivery and set wrsetup of medical staging stations to treat and stop further transmission of the virus. >> i specifically on my mission brought the members of the contingency response group to west africa to help set up a staging base in liberia. >> we're not at this point thinking we will probably be doing any quarantine, but in the same respect, we're going to do everything that we need to in order to ensure the safety of our personnel. >> the 87th aerospace medical squad says there's also a careful screening process and questionnaire that has to be filled out when troops visiting return to u.s. soil. tonight nbc's chief medical correspondent dr. nancy
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snyderman will trace eric duncan's steps as she reports from liberia. how he got on three flights and carried the decide into the u.s. on "nbc nightly news" right here at 6:30. now your nbc 10 first alert weather with chief meteorologist glenn "hurricane" schwartz. >> well, a lot of clouds during the day and still a lot of clouds around here as we look west across the philadelphia skyline. more clouds than sun overall. and a similar story tomorrow. weekend showers, yeah, still in the forecast. the weekend chill still in the forecast. right now, we have the temperature of 69 degrees. winds out of the east. that's one of the reasons we see the cooler weather and cloudier weather. and we're in the 60s across just about the entire area. including the poconos right now. and to our west, it's warm. 84 in cincinnati. look how cool it is back here. just north of the canadian border in the '30s. in the middle of the afternoon. that's some cold air.
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some of that headed in this direction. we've had some clouds and sun during the day today. nothing more than a sprinkle or two. most of that not even reaching the ground. you could see some heavy activity back across the midwest. we've had some wind damage in dallas just in the last hour associated with the front that's coming this way. not much in the way of clouds or rain on the future cast here. and as we go through friday evening, still nothing going on, but later on after midnight, here come the showers. now, some of them could be on the heavy side. it's not just going to be a couple of showers. this is a cold front coming through. could even be a line of thunderstorms. this is late in the morning. or toward the midday hours. then we dry out fast. west to northwest winds come in. and it gets cool. very cool for this time of the year. so it will be cool for the eagles game. 59 at the start. 64 at 4:00. actually pretty good for football weather. and it will be real cool at
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night. for tonight, not all that cool. mostly cloudy. that keeps the temperature up a bit. 58 for the low in philadelphia. 52 nor and west. during the day tomorrow, mix of clouds and sun. again, more clouds than sun. the rain holds off until after midnight. high temperatures in the low to mid 70s. and then on saturday, that 70 degree temperature could be in the morning and temperatures fall in the afternoon. so the rain in the morning, falling temperatures in the afternoon. breezy but the sun's going to come back out. and it's going to be back out all day sunday. but sunday morning, that's pretty chilly. 47 in philadelphia. maybe some upper 30s in some of the suburbs. and then temperatures go back to normal next week with some much needed rain possible tuesday and wednesday. good evening, i'm danny pommells from comcast sportsnet. coming up next, the latest injury news on the eagles. and the flyers won't have wane simmons tonight.
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this is the xfinity sports desk brought to you by xfinity, your home for the most live sports. >> we're talking football and encouraging news on the injury front for the eagles as they prepare for st. louis. linebacker michael kendricks who missed the last two games with a calf injury is improving. while he's not likely to play sunday, he hasn't been ruled out yet. chip kelly gives us an update on his status today. >> he's moving a little bit better. we'll see how he is. he hasn't gotten to a point where -- >> so he's getting better, though? >> he's showing improvement. he's moving, running a little bit more. he was running on treadmills in the weight room. he's now on the field doing some things. >> staying on the defensive
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side. cornerback boykin was a full practice participant. he missed the last two games. boykin should be good to go sunday against the rams. >> i think i definitely needed a day mentally and physically for a me to feel like i can do it full speed. a i've got two more days to feel better. over to the ice. it won't be wane's world. wane simmons won't fly for the flyers preseason finale against the capitals. the wingers missed the morning skate with a lower body injury. the head coach was asked about simmons' condition but wasn't very forthcoming. >> was he hurt in the game? >> i guess so. yeah. i mean -- >> he looked fine afterwards. >> you say at this point whether opening night is a possibility for him or unlikely? >> well, it's going to be --
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we're going to see here in the next few day, you know, where he's at. also the jets are taking a breather the 19-year-old has played five games this season. see the flyers game at 7:00 on comcast sportsnet. sixers training camp in new jersey. second round pick jeremy grant missed today's session suffering from dehydration. despite the team's efforts to prevent that from happening. he's expected to be back on saturday. that's your look at sports. i'm danny pommells from comcast sportsnet. we'll be right back.
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another day, a whole lot like today. on friday, perhaps a touch more sunshine. but saturday, that's when we see the changes. the morning rain, 70 degrees. then falling temperatures in the afternoon as we clear out. very cool saturday night into sunday morning. and a cool sunny day on sunday for football. >> football kind of weather, glenn. >> going to feel like november weather on sunday. >> not ready for that. well, for glenn and all of us here at nbc 10, i'm jim
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rosenfield. the news continues with "nbc nightly news with brian williams." on our broadcast tonight, ebola emergency. new concerns over just how many people may have come in contact with that first patient diagnosed in this country. it's far higher than we were initially told. bracing for impact, 40 million americans in the path of severe weather this evening already causing trouble on the ground and for air travelers. death on the field, questions about football safety have come roaring back after three high school players die in a single week. and our making a difference report tonight a great story about an act of charity 100,000 times over. "nightly news" begins now. from nbc news world headquarters in new york, this is