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tv   NBC 10 News at 6pm  NBC  October 3, 2014 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT

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throughout the country. not all of the kids at c.h.o.p. with muscle weakness have entroy virus. lu ann cahn is with us. >> reporter: doctors want to know if this specific enterovirus d68 is connected to children all of a sudden experiencing severe acute muscle weakness. children's hospital is waiting for testing right now from the cdc for three patients they are treating right now. but here is what you need to know. >> parents need to hear if they have a child that has new weakness of the arms or legs or weakness of the muscles of the face, for example, they need to seek medical attention immediately. we've asked our pediatrics colleagues to have those children sent to us so we can carefully examine them. >> reporter: not just in philadelphia, across the country, healthy children are suddenly experiencing acute muscle weakness. doctors can see a whitish area
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in a particular part of the spinal cord that is abnormal. >> when we see a patient with this presentation, we look for whether or not they have an acute eninfection and one of the infects of interest is the enterovirus d68 infection which more commonly presents with respiratory problems and breathing issues. >> reporter: some young patients across the country are experiencing complications, exposure to this particular enterovirus strain and then sudden muscle weakness. doctors at c.h.o.p. don't know if the three patients they're treating had enterovirus d68 first, only the cdc will be able to test and tell us for sure. this is all children's hospital will tell us about them. >> one of the patients has had a cough and a cold. that might be a milder version of the respiratory symptoms. the other two had a little fever and felt unwill but didn't have severe respiratory symptoms at all. >> reporter: children's hospital
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gave the three patients an initial nose swap test and one of the patients they say did come out positive for being exposed to an enterovirus. but there are many, many kinds of enteroviruss and they don't know if it is the d68 strain. children with muscle weakness are being treated with steroids. the other thing doctors don't know, what is the prognosis? this is new, so they don't know yet. they're looking for quick answers from the cdc, live at children's hospital, lu ann cahn, nbc 10 news. we met paul parker at the advanced urgent care clinic on city avenue. while it is more common in churn than adults, parker's doctor told us he caught the virus from his grandchildren while visiting them in virginia last month. >> he had been baby sitting his grand children who were diagnosed with the virus in
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virginia. >> when you were first watching their grand kids did you think they had a cold, the flu. >> yes, i didn't think anything about it. >> reporter: dr. thompson told nbc news that he sent samples from parker to the cdc and they did confirm that he had enterovirus d68. turning now to the other medical scare, the ebola crisis. a photographer for nbc news developed ebola while covering the outbreak in liberia. he'll be air lifted out of africa and to the u.s. for treatment. 33-year-old ashoka mukpo is quarantined with what's being described as mild symptoms. he'll be treated in omaha. he worked with dr. nancy snyderman. dr. snyderman along with the rest of her news crew will go into voluntary quarantine for 21 days after they get back on u.s. soil. dr. nancy snyderman has a
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connection to our area. not only as chief medical editor with nbc news, she's also on staff at penn medicine. she specializes in head and neck surgery and consults with penn's doctors. nancy snyderman does not see any patients at penn. all this is happening, down in texas, health officials say they narrowed the group they're monitoring for ebola to 50 people. they believe this group may have been exposed to the ebola patient in texas. today crews were to decontaminated before the patient stayed before he was hospitalized on sunday. here at home many are wondering if emergency workers and hospitals are ready should the ebola outbreak spread? matt delucia is with us live. emts are the first to encounter sick patients. how are they preparing. >> reporter: good fellowship ambulance serves a good part of chester county. they're not doing anything different except for asking one big question.
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>> we treat this no differently than we would a patient with tuberculosis possibly or hepatitis c. >> reporter: bill wells has seen many different diseases but not ebola. >> it's a virus, polio is a virus, you treat them the same way. with the goal being that we're there trying to protect ourselves and treat the patient. >> reporter: this week, three emts in dallas were quarantined after ebola surfaced there. just this morning, bill had a conversation with the pennsylvania health department about more guidance and possibly more training in the coming days. new jersey issued strict guidance at the beginning of august telling them what to look for and how to report what they find. in the meantime, emts and hospital workers around the country are taking a stronger medical history. >> you want to know where that patient has been, where that individual has been. if anyone has travelled to west
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africa over the past 21 days or past month -- >> reporter: agencies are taking cues from the cdc and the department of health and human services, including this checklist of more than three dozen precautions. >> if you remember a couple years ago, we had the h1n1 virus. you could follow the same precautions for that for this. we're prepared. that's our job to be prepared and we are. >> reporter: and he is not worried about this virus coming to our area. but today, two new jersey senators sent a letter to their state health commissioner. wondering how well prepared hospitals there are for ebola virus. we'll stay on top of this. for now, live in westchester, matt delucia, nbc 10 news. for an inside look at the ebola outbreak and its impact of the nbc news crew, stay tuned for "nbc nightly news" with brian williams beginning at 6:30.
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tracking rain, nbc 10 first alert weather radar shows showers headed our way. take a live look now at the philadelphia skyline. cloudy, of course. we have another weather change coming our way as well. let's get right to nbc 10 first alert meteorologist sheena parveen. i'm guessing we should probably grab our jackets? >> keith, after the rain moves through, grab your jacket. sunday will be much colder. the rain will be here overnight tonight and into early saturday. it's all still back off to our west now. this is the cold front bringing the rain and also bringing the colder temperatures we have for the second part of your weekend. here's a closer look at the area. we're dry but we have more clouds back it our west that will move in. even rain moving into central p.a. this rain moves in late tonight and overnight, we could see areas of heavy rain at times, possibly thunderstorms by the morning. here's a live look outside. again, this is near the art museum along the schuylkill river. still the overcast skies but no rain just yet. temperatures in the upper 60s in philadelphia. we're cooling down. remember the cold front that i
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showed you. here's the air behind it. temperatures in about the 40s and that will be here as we go into sunday. for tonight, though, from now until 7:00 p.m., rain stays west of us, even until 10:00 p.m. closer to midnight, that rain starts to move in. coming up, i'll show you a closer look at your rain and how cold it will be on sunday. that's straight ahead. fire burns through three buildings at the flight 93 memorial site in shanksville, pennsylvania. a national park spokesman tells nbc 10 no one was hurt and it does not know how it started. the flames did not burn the memorial itself. the memorial marks the spot where united airlines flight 93 crashed during the september 11th attacks. it was three weeks ago today that investigators say eric frein murdered a pennsylvania state trooper. and the manhunt still under way. investigators said today they're confident frein is still in the area and you're looking at one
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reason now. police released this new photo of a campsite they found. it has everything from a rifle to ammunition, clothing and even tuna fish and instant noodles. in the past 24 hours, police have drained the pond where frein's jeep was found shortly after the shootings. back here closer to philadelphia, new at 6:00, a deadly shooting in the olney section of philadelphia. skyforce 10 was over that scene at 66 and north fairhill streets. a 28-year-old man was shot twice just after 1:00. they're now searching for the shooter. philadelphia police also on the hunt for this man in connection to an armed bank robbery in center city. you can see his face fairly clear. investigators say he held up a pnc bank at gunpoint at 18th and mark net afternoon. he got away with cash but police say they were able to recover some of that money the suspect dropped along the way. now to decision 2014. pennsylvania democratic candidate for governor tom wolf is about to receive high-powered
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help from hillary clinton. the two will host a women for wolf rally at the national constitution center thursday. today, wolf spent the day walking in the shoes of home health care workers in northwest philadelphia. they're outside the home on rugby street where wolf answered questions about the experience after his day on the job. tom corbett announced today united states steel corporation will keep its headquarters in pennsylvania. the company will invest $187 million to expand its operations. coming up next -- >> shame on them. they could have another commencement speaker that would give these students wisdom. >> we're talking about a commencement controversy. a widow is fighting to stop the convicted killer of her husband from speaking at a college graduation. but not everyone agrees. plus, the day of atonement. we'll show you how members of the jewish faith are marking the
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start of their holiest day. and get ready for a rainy start to your weekend. but that's not the only change coming our way. a look at what to expect. my nbc 10 first alert seven-day forecast.
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over the past four years pennsylvania has gone from 9th to 47th in job creation. and now, news about our economy is getting even worse. "pennsylvania's jobless rate is up for the second straight month as employment fell and unemployment rose." "bond rating agency has cut pennsylvania's rating to double a minus because of recurring budget deficits."
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"the state government is out of cash and is scrambling to make sure school districts and state employees can even be paid." this is nbc 10 news.
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this man has been in prison for 33 years. in many ways he is our nelson mandela. >> coming to the defense of a convicted philadelphia cop killer. mumia abu-jamal was chosen to deliver a prerecorded graduation speech at goddard college in vermont this weekend. he's now serving a life sentence for the 1981 murder of philadelphia police officer daniel faulkner. nbc 10's deanna durante spoke to both sides of this commencement controversy. she joins us live in our digital operations center. you've learned that local police are set to protest abu-jamal's speech? >> reporter: yes. the president of thethe fratern order of police tells me they will protest at the same time the recording is being played. >> the only thing i would want to hear from mumia abu-jamal is him confessing to my husband's murder.
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>> reporter: she has no plans to hear the commencement speech by mumia abu-jamal. he recorded it for 20 students at vermont's goddard college. she asks why the college is allowing the speech at all. >> right now up in the pocono mountains there is a man that murdered a trooper up there in cold blood with premeditation. he's a survivalist. he is still loose. when they capture him and put him in prison are they going to allow him to have his freedom of speech and his civil rights after what he did? >> reporter: faulkner's husband died here on the center city street. abu-jamal has been convicted of killing him and is serving a life sentence for the crime. supporters maintain his innocence. >> mumia facing a situation of great injustice and the students have displayed great wisdom in inviting him to give their commencement address. >> reporter: the philadelphia police will hold a silent and orderly protest at the faulkner
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plaque at the same time that prerecorded speech is played. the college spokeswoman tweeted that people have the right to decide what they want to hear. >> 32 years later, the faulkner family, my family and i have to endure the pain of him being able to speak in the public and having rights. >> reporter: i did ask supporters and those who have copies of the speech if we could get an advanced copy of it? we are told no. it will be made available after the students in vermont hear it. reporting live in the digital operations center, deanna durante, nbc 10 news. >> deanna, thanks. happening now, the jewish faithful around the world are celebrating the day of atonement known as yom kippur. there was a mad rush at this deli for traditional holiday food. yom kippur begins at sun down.
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it's a time of intense prayer and fasting. jews confess their sins to god and ask for forgiveness. now your nbc 10 first alert weather with meteorologist sheena parveen. >> well, it was a perfect day for a fall harvest. nbc 10 in lower marion and these first graders spent the day picking vegetables they planted over the spring and summer. that is just in time because there is rain on the way, really nice day to do that. as you see in the video, we had sunshine today. we had a mix of clouds and sun but now we're just seeing those overcast conditions, at least for most of the area. the clouds cover is all ahead of rain. that will be here later on tonight and early tomorrow morning. your saturday is going to start off with some rain and the possibility of some thunderstorms. we could see a few of those. then once the rain leaves it will be much colder as we go into sunday. you'll feel it cool tomorrow afternoon. the coolest air will set in the
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enof the weekend. here's a live look at the ben franklin bridge. we have overcast conditions. temperatures in the upper 60s in philadelphia. 68 degrees here. winds are in from the southeast around 15 miles an hour. it is a little breezy right now. it will be breezy tomorrow, too, once the rain leaves the area. through the lehigh valley, upper 60s. 67 in pottstown, mid-60s in westchester now. 66 in trenton. 65 mt. holly. closer to the shore and even much of south jersey and delaware, temperatures are here in the mid-60s. we are starting to cool down. off to our west, moving into central p.a., that's where we find the rain. it's mainly light at this hour. overnight, some of the rain starts to get heavier. the cold front off to our west. the colder air well off to our west. once the rain moves through, that colder air will start to set in, especially as we go into sunday morning. here's future weather. the rain's back off to our west for a majority of your friday evening. then late tonight, closer to 11:00 p.m., we'll start to see rain moving in west of philadelphia. then overnight tonight, the rain
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continues moving through and we could see some embedded heavier rain and early tomorrow morning, 7:00 p.m., we'll be waking up with scattered rain around the area. we could see a couple thunderstorms, too. the cold front quickly moves through, taking the rain with it. by noon tomorrow, we should start to see developing sunshine. then into saturday night we start to see the cooler temperatures set in, waking up. sunday, this is what with will feel like because of the cold front moving through. we could be in the 30s north and west, around the 40s in philadelphia and the surrounding suburbs. right now we are pretty comfortable outside. that colder air starts to manufacture in tomorrow and especially tomorrow night and to end out your weekend. so as far as your sunday afternoon is concern, we'll be cooler than saturday. highs will top out in the low 60s. for your eagles forecast, 1:00 p.m., upper 50s, sunny, this is football weather at low 60s by 4:00 p.m. we do stay dry. for tonight, clouds increasing. rain mainly after 10:00 p.m. temperatures right around 60 degrees. as we go into tomorrow, we start
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with the rain, chance of a thunderstorm. we start to see that clearing pretty quickly around 70 degrees for the high temperature. again, we could have clearing as quickly as noon, maybe earlier from west to east. by sunday it's going to be a chilly start to the day by the afternoon, only the low 60s. it doesn't last long. next week we get back into the 70s. get important weather updates delivered directly to your smartphone or tablet with your nbc 10 first alert weather app. it's a free download. go to coming up, lesean mccoy is sick of talking about the eagles struggles running the football. sports is next.
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womaand the way it made me chronic feel,ipation, the discomfort, the bloating, the straining. i'd just felt this way for too long. so i finally talked to my doctor about my symptoms. i'd tried laxatives before. he prescribed amitiza (lubiprostone) for my chronic constipation. it works differently than laxatives. man: amitiza is clinically shown to help relieve common symptoms like bloating, abdominal discomfort, hard stools, and straining and help people with chronic constipation go more often. don't take amitiza, if you have a bowel blockage or severe diarrhea. tell your doctor, if your nausea or diarrhea, becomes severe, or if you experience chest tightness or shortness of breath. the most common side effects are nausea, diarrhea, and headache. woman: amitiza helped me find relief from my chronic constipation.
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ask your doctor if amitiza is right for you.
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this is the xfinity sportsdesk, brought to you by xfinity, your home for the most live sports. >> good evening, live in and your living room, i'm danny pommells. mychal kendricks will miss his third straight game with a calf injury while boykin is questionable with a strained ham spring. the birds hope to hit the ground running. lesean mccoy averaging a paltry 2.7 yards per carry, a career worst. the rams have the league's 20th ranked rush defense. this has been talked about and analyzed. shady for one has had enough. >> i'm not going to keep answering the same questions. he asked me about watching tape. i just told you. i don't want to keep talking about it. >> apparently you don't want to mess with shady. the flyers wrapped up the preseason in washington last
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night. team hit the ice for practice before team bonding commences up in cape cod. the home opener is thursday against the devils on comcast sports net. defenseman samuel moran has been sent down. the flyers open the season wednesday in boston with be that game can be seen on nbc sportsnet, work with pre and proft-game coverage. josh harris said of the team's rebuilding project honesty is the best policy. >> as long as you're honest with the fans and doing things -- we've explained our strategy clearly to philly. i feel like it's 90% positive. >> camden yards rocking like grandma's favorite chair. orioles and tigers, game two, former philly delmon young
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coming through when it matters the most. bases clearing double. they win game two, 7-6, taking a two games to none series lead. afternoon high school football, going through the air against frankford. devonete lee steps in front. much more football at 11:00. cue the music. tomorrow at 7:00, john us for the high school blitz. it's a half hour packed with highlights, only here on nbc 10. jayson werth nomes were placed around the city. fans who find them can turn them in for playoff tickets. that's sports. i'm danny pommells. i'll be right back.
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as you wake up tomorrow morning you'll wake up with rain. that will move in overnight tonight. then into sunday morning, 40s, areas north and west, 30s.
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got to be cold at the end of weekend. >> oh, my gosh. 30s? i'm keith jones. the news continues with "nbc nightly news" with brian williams. have a great night. on our broadcast tonight, a fifth american has contracted ebola, and he happens to be a member of our team. a cameraman for nbc news now in isolation in liberia while the leader of our team there, dr. nancy snyderman, reports tonight on his condition and their condition as they await for a flight out of there. also, stopping the spread of ebola on american soil. hazmat crews finally on the scene in dallas amid questions of hospital mistakes and critics who say we're not ready. not again, another awful beheading by isis. a british aid worker this time. and new threats now against another american. and making a difference, a promise kept. 26 playgrounds to honor 26 innocent lives. tonight, we are there for the