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tv   Early Today  NBC  October 17, 2014 4:00am-4:31am EDT

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when did she get sick? there are new concerns that the second ebola nurse may have exposed more people to the virus. a truck driver leads police in a chase and work tog learn more as the area remains shut down. the clouds are clearing and sunshine will return today. first alert weather team tracking a weekend cool down. good morning, this is nbc 10 news today, i'm tracy davidson. let's get your first alert forecast with meteorologist bill henley. bill? >> eight to ten degrees cooler than yesterday at this time. we still have a few clouds overhead but they won't last. clearing out and we'll see plenty of sunshine in this view
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from the adventure awaquarium. right now 60 degrees at nbc 10 and look at the 50s. millville and falling right now. the sun will be bright so the temperatures will be climbing through the 60s this morning at 67 degrees by lunchtime today. we'll go through it hour-by-hour when i come back but first jillian mele has traffic. >> one accident very minor just past valley forge. use caution if you're heading out on the turn pike this morning. you can see we have a little bit of construction set up and it's not causing any delays but something for you to be aware of. the ben franklin bridge looking pretty good. we have some of the traffic on the westbound side, but as you can see for the most part, it is clear. tracy? ebola concerns. the first person to be infected with the virus is in maryland
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for treatment. nina pham, arrived at the national institution of health. a suburb of washington, about two hours from here. nih has a high-level insulation level there. treating a liberian man with the virus at a dallas hospital. that patient later died. this is what pham had to say just before leaving for maryland. pham's doctor in texas recorded that video. the other purse who tested positive is in stable condition. amber joy vinson is being treated in atlanta. here's the very latest on the outbreak. president obama is under increasing pressure. president obama said he's not fiphilosophically opposed to flights from south africa.
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at the epicenter of the growing concerns in dallas. we begin with chris cato in dallas. a new report out this morning that amber vinson may have been sick earlier than first thought. tell us about that. >> we are trying to track down the passengers onboard the flight she was on from dallas to cleveland one week ago because they're saying now she may have been having symptoms earlier than they previously thought. its investigators did with people close to vinson who said she wasn't feeling well just before her flight out of dallas. this doesn't mean that she was trying to hide anything, but her case, now, remember, up until now the cdc was only concerned with the passengers who were on the return flight from cleveland to dallas because that's when she reported the low-grade fever when she was still in ohio. nbc news spoke last night with
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one of those passengers who is now under self-quarantine at home. >> told me to take my temperature twice a day and monitor it at least six hours apart and i would have never risked my life. if i knew she was in contact with patient zero, i would have never gotten on that flight in the first place. >> 130 people on the cleveland to dallas flight. we're not sure how many were on the flight from dallas to cleveland, but health officials are reaching out to them now and a ripple effect to those passengers. several schools in and around the dallas area are being thoroughly sanitized and a couple schools east of here are shut down because of amber vinson and students at those schools. live, i'm chris cato, nbc 10 news. >> how likely is it people on the plane were exposed to ebola. that is the bottom line.
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>> the cdc said yesterday evening during a briefing that the people onboard the cleveland to dallas flight and the cdc spokesperson, the cdc representative said, it's okay, go ahead and fly. those people the risk to them is extremely low. so the risk of the people on the originating flight is lower than that. obviously, in a situation like this, they could take no chances leaving those passengers notified that they were onboard this flight with amber vinson. more on that coming up in half an hour. tracy? >> chris cato. our live coverage continues in philadelphia. the mayor will give us a briefing on how we are prepared to deal with ebola. tell us about that. >> staffers for mayor nutter say he's going to share details on how philadelphia should respond should someone in the city should be diagnosed with ebola.
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children's hospital of philadelphia or c.h.o.p. is one of three or four of pediatric hospitals they will be treated. the number one pediatric hospital in the country by "u.s. news and world report." pediatric cases of ebola follows the hearing by counscil public safety committee. what would happen if the virus that killed more than 4,000 in west africa surfaces in philadelphia. our camera was rolling when council public safety commissioner to council chambers to answer questions. >> if you had to give the public a letter grade, where would you be confident we are? >> i'd say somewhere between an a and an a plus. >> the city's health czar also says there are 1,800 medical professionals on standby should
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ebola surface. curtis jones had hoped to replace fear with facts. now, in the next hour, we're working to bring you the protocol of what should happen should someone be diagnosed within the city limits. live for now outside city hall, monique braxton. now, social media will be critical as we spread the word about ebola. that's why we encourage you to come to or use the #ebola on twitter as we post articles, alerts and new information about ebola. from our delaware bureau our first flu case of the season. a 2-year-old is the first confirmed case of influenza a but the child did not need to be hospitalized. a police chase ended in a crash and shots were fired. the crash happened at the intersection of markley and north main streets. walk us through what happened.
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>> this was a police involved shooting. look at the intersection behind me. what we have is a tractor trailer being towed right now. several bullet holes near the driver side of where north town police are talking to them right now. we also have several police cruisers on the scene. one of them is being towed. another one of them we saw bullet casings near the driver's side door. also information we're getting from witnesses here on the scene, this tractor trailer ending up at this intersection had driven through several norris town street signals, intersections, hazard to traffic and police had been chasing it when it went down a one-way street and went through a median and ended up at this intersection. i'm trying to get more information that i'll have for you in the next hour. i have reached out to the police chief who was here, excuse me,
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who was here on the scene and all that information coming up shortly. katy zachary, nbc 10 news. the latest rally in philadelphia school budget crisis was large and loud. sky force 10 was over spring garden last night as hundreds of teachers protested outside the reform commission. the first public meeting since the commission canceled its contract with the teachers union. >> shame on you. >> shame on you. >> nbc 10 was also inside the meeting where a raucous crowd expresses anger. the panels vote to end their contract and have the teachers chip in to their health benefits amounts to a wage cut. it had no choice since the teachers did not make significant concessions. >> this is an absolute lie to
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say that we are unwilling to negotiate around health care. >> children are going longer and longer without the things they need in schools and i could not take them through another year like that. >> the school reform commission has asked a state judge to approve its action. the teachers union said it will fight in court. we have a little bit of fog around this morning. light fog in the allentown area as skies clear and the temperatures come down. not bad in the pocono mountains. little light fog in mount holly and down to 5 in wildwood. fog won't last and neither will the clouds. satellite imagery showing the clouds moving through the area and those clouds will be out of here and plenty of sunshine today and that's going to start a streak of days that will be nice and sunny. future clouds, 5:00 this morning, you can see the clouds
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overhead, but look how quickly they move out. 11:00 this morning. bright sunshine and the temperatures will be warming into the upper 60s at 11:00 and then into the low 70s this afternoon. clouds are out of here for today, but with clearer skies today, that will lead to a chill down tonight. the extent of future weather when i come back. 11 minutes past 4:00 if you're heading out early on this friday morning. jillian mele is watching that for us. >> out in norris town, this is 76 at spring garden street. i'll get to that accident that katy was talking about in just a second. 7 6 is quiet right now. an accident we're dealing with on the pennsylvania turnpike. just as you pass the exit for valley forge now for norris town. this is where katy zachary was live and that is where you are blocked off. me with the traffic camera and
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p penndot keeps moving this camera around. the scene is quite extensive in this area, but that intersection is still blocked off. tracy? busted for a textbook scam. new this morning, thousands of dollars from schools. an officer attacked by officials in salem county, now we may know what have sparked that brawl. an assault on a school bus filled with kids. the reason say two women took baseball bats to the windows.
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council woman genet jackson for aggravated assault on a police officer and other offenses. this surveillance video shows the allege attack. he was called to penn grove middle school to investigate underage drinking after a basketball game. they obstructed the investigation and assaulted the officer. philadelphia police are searching for two women who use a baseball bat and mace to attack a bus crowded with high schoolers. you can see the shattered glass. police say the road rage incident begin around 3:00 yesterday afternoon. the students started shouting at another car and when they got to a red light, two women hopped out of that car and one used a baseball bat to bust out the window and a second pulled out mace and sprayed it all over the hood. >> for someone to get out of a vehicle and use a baseball bat and break a window of a yellow
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school bus knowing it is filled with students, that is pretty bizarre behavior. >> one student from ben salem high school suffered minor cuts. new this morning, a gloucester county man faces charges in an alleged school book scam. robert armstrong was charged. he sent fake invoices for textbooks to more than 70,000 schools and several schools sent him money. more than $280,000 with fees from his bank account. he denies any fraudulent intent. new information this morning on a lottery that cut enrollment, philadelphia walter palmer charter school. 535 students now have to find a new school. more than 1,200 children attended the north philadelphia school. a little more than half were allowed to stay and the school district is in the process of revoking the school's charter and it claims the school overspent and overenrolled violating its charter.
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we spoke to one mom whose child was cut from the school. >> parents wouldn't have to go through this. now we have to find new schools at the last minute. >> reporter: the process to revoke could take months and ultimately shut the school down. for the first time we're hearing the 911 calls from the fire that killed cooper health systems and his wife. flames erupted in the bedroom of their north jersey home. >> yeah, somebody is trying to get out. just hanging on the door. >> are you able to get the door open. >> not the door, they're upstairs. >> you can hear a neighbor describing what he saw at the somerset county home last month. epolice are investigating the fire as arson, but have not said how it started. a supreme court justice caught in a pornographic e-mail scandal is appaologizing for a lapse in judgment. a review of e-mail traffic from
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the attorney general's office showed justice mccaffrey sent overseas 234 e-mails with sexually explicit material or pornography. he issued a statement saying "i served my country proudly in the united states marine corps. i served my city proudly as an officer of the philadelphia police department. course language and crude jokes permated both ranks." several current and former employees are under reviews after a slew of explicit e-mails were investigated. happening today in bucks county, former arizona congresswoman gabby giffords will talk about protecting women from gun violence. part of a round table discussion to focus on the need for laws that protect women and families from gun-related crimes. giffords was shot in the head back in 2011 as she met with
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constituents. since then, campaigning for responsible gun ownership. also. also today delaware county's d.a. will announce a police training program to help identify and serve high-risk victims of domestic violence. this follows several domestic-related deaths in that county. temperatures are coming down as clouds pull away from the area. little bit of low cloudiness on the horizon. 60 degrees right now and humidity is up there and watching for some light fog this morning and that's all we're seeing this morning. visibility is good at the airport and the temperature 6 degrees cooler than yesterday at this time. cape may, the view from the market to lafayette hotel and see plenty of sunshine. still some clouds around right now, but clouds already showing signs of clearing to our southwest and that will lead the way to sunshine today. temperatures that will climb
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into the low 70s this afternoon. that's 3:00 this afternoon. southwesterly winds to help boost our temperatures above normal, again, for this time of year. tomorrow it gets cooler in the morning. by late this evening, we'll start to feel the chill. 50s in parts of south jersey and areas north and west, low 60s in philadelphia. by tomorrow morning at 7:00, the skies will be clear and the wind starts to pick up and we'll see readings in the 50s to start with. shredder event, the wells fargo center starts at 9:00. 61 degrees by noontime, the temperatures climb a little bit as the wind kicks in, though, may not feel a whole lot warmer. 64 degrees, that's saturday at noontime. some cool weather ahead, but overall, pretty nice. mild afternoon and high temperature in the low 70s today. the southwesterly winds at 15 miles per hour. the winds will be increasing this weekend and that's going to bring things down temperaturewise. the seven-day torcast com forec
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coming up in the next half hour. a rainy ride to work yesterday and today smooth sailing with regards to the weather, but what other problems shall we anticipate? ji jillian? >> dealing with this investigation in norristown because this camera is at the intersection of markley and main street. markley is 202 and just beyond this banner, we have a tractor trailer and police still out there at the scene. this is blocked off. your best bet to get around this is to stick this morning. we have an accident on the pennsylvania turnpike westbound just past valley forge. it was blocking one lane but moved over to the shoulder and not blocking anything right now. for drivers in the lehigh valley. 22 at airport road looking good and no accidents on the northeast extension. tracy? defending the jersey shore. the new steps taken to protect in case of another hurricane. what is being done to prepare our area in case
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something like the canadian train derailment happens here.
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it is 4:24. day two of a training exercise at joint base mcgwire. once again, if you live near the base, you can expect increased activity there. also happening today, first responders will conduct a safety drill in philadelphia. what to do after a derailment of a train carrying crude oil, which is what happened in january in center city. this morning will educate first responders about possible hazards and best practices. again, the aim of the exercise is to be prepared to respond to something like this. this was an oil train derailment in tibet, canada, where 42
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people died and dozens of buildings were destroyed. now from our jersey shore bureau, as the second anniversary of super storm sandy approaches, new jersey says it has 80% of the easement it needs to rebuild dunes and replenish beaches, but still needs about 400 of the legal commissioners from private property owners. do whatever it takes to get the easements, including seizing them through eminent domain. the state has invested nearly $1.3 billion to preserve more than half a million acres of farmland. that is the most successful preservation effort in the country. the governor and agriculture secretary marked the milestone yesterday at a farm in york county. it has been in the hands of the same family for 60 years. the place where philadelphia is most vulnerable go for help and this morning a new building for them. the ribbon was cut yesterday.
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helps abused women and orphan teenagers. they used to have to go to a makeshift courthouse. this has been in the works since 2008. philadelphia has the most family law and juvenile cases in the state. and a philadelphia business leader is being honored for his service to the community. paul tafano was given the 23rd annual greater philadelphia leadership award last night. . roman catholic high school chose him because they say he's transforming lives in the philadelphia area. few clouds overhead but no signs of any showers this morning. things are getting cooler, mostly areas in the 50s. time 4:26. jillian mele has traffic. >> the way the camera is positioned here, you can't see too much, but what you can see if you look to the far right side of your screen.
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markley street and main street. still blocked off at this hour. also a live look at the vine street expressway. good morning from dallas where the ebola outbreak is now affecting schools. several schools being sanitized and in some cases closed. this morning we hear from the superintendent from one of the school districts on why they made this extreme decision.
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hundreds more at risk. a new revelation about an ebola infected nurse causing more concern this morning. a police chase and crash at a busy montgomery county
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intersection could mean trouble for many commuters this morning. clearing out. better weather ahead for your friday and tracking a weekend cool down. good morning, this is nbc 10 news today. i'm tracy davidson. >> i'm rosemary connors. let's check in with meteorologist bill henley. good morning, bill. >> running six to ten degrees cooler this morning. lots of sunshine and the numbers will be climbing today. turn into a really nice day today. there are still clouds over center city, but no sign of any rainfall. right now, the number has dropped to 60 in philadelphia. but look at the 50s. trenton, millville and 57 degrees and 55 right now in allentown. skies will be clearing, nice an bright. drop into the 50s to begin with and walk through the 60s in the morning hours and hit the 70s this afternoon. your hour-by-hour forecast when i come back. jillian mele has friday morning. >>