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tv   NBC 10 News Today at 11a  NBC  October 22, 2014 11:00am-12:01pm EDT

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right now at 11:00, rain and plenty of it. we're in for a stretch of wet and windy weather. we take a live look at center city philadelphia. you will need your umbrella and rain gear today if you are headed outside. we take a live look at center city philadelphia. we found people putting the umbrellas to good use. nbc 10 was along ridge avenue. these folks trying to do their best to stay dry while they way for the bus. we continue to track the system that's bringing rain and wind to our area. not just today, by the way. nbc 10 first alert chief meteorologist glenn "hurricane" schwartz is here with the
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forecast. >> there's a couple of days here with some wet, windy and chilly weather. the live radar shows the main band of rain east to west across the area. some of the heaviest rain now in parts of the philadelphia area, generally in the northern suburbs along the pennsylvania turnpike and just north of it as some very heavy rains in upper montgomery and bucks county near hatboro. there is the pennsylvania turnpike with heavy rain along much of the extent of it. and as you can see, it's coming in from the ocean. it's moving east to west, which is not typical for this area. that's what happens when you get a nor'easter. this whole area of rain is going to continue to spread through chester county and lancaster county and into northern delaware. and it looks like it's going to be hour after hour of rain. now, the heaviest rain fell
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ocean county. it's not as heavy as it was a couple of hours ago or else we would talk about flooding there. you can see much of the area loaded up with rain. perhaps dry out a little bit to the north and west, a little bit less rain up there. but that is hour after hour of rain with a gusty northeast wind and these low temperatures. only 57 in philadelphia. 53 in pottstown and trenton. 54 in mount holly. add the wind on top of that plus the wetness, and it is a pretty nasty day. temperatures not really going anywhere. wet and windy all day. we will let you know when this is going to get out of here with the rest of the seven-day in a few minutes. >> you can count on nbc to bring you the latest updates on air and online. you can download our weather app
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to get the forecast any time you wish or check the interactive radar. breaking news in canada where police say a man believed to be a member of the canadian forces has been shot. you are looking at video from ottawa. he was shot at the national war memorial. there are reports of gunfire inside the halls of parliament. they are about 100 feet apart. officials say parliament is on lockdown. this comes two days after two canadian sold ares were run out and one killed by a man with jihadist sympathies. stay with nbc 10 as we follow these breaking developments out of canada. we are tracking new developments in the ebola crisis. the new ebola czar had his first meeting at the white house this morning. ron klain met with the white house chief of staff earlier. later this afternoon he has a meeting with the president
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himself. meanwhile, new jersey-based johnson and johnson will start testing an ebola vaccine early in january. the top red cross official is confident the ebola epidemic can be contained within four to six months in africa. new travel rules in effect due to ebola. people entering the country from liber liberia, sieree sierra leone aa must enter through five specific airports. there is good news about an nbc photographer who came down with ebola while covering the epidemic in liberia. he is expected to be released from a nebraska hospital this morning. doctors say test show his blood is free of the virus. a meeting about ebola is being held at the hospital of the university of pennsylvania. members of congress are in
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attendance. nbc 10's monique braxton is also there. >> reporter: members of congress have been here inside since about 9:30 this morning meeting with hospital executives. they did speak to us as they were going inside. they told us that they have come here seeking answers. today's meeting follows the diagnosis and continuing treatment of two nurses who contracted ebola while working at texas presbyterian in dallas. both cared for thomas eric duncan. the first person to be diagnosed with ebola in the united states. he died a few weeks ago. his nurse, 26-year-old nina pham is at nih in good condition. another nurse, 29-year-old amber joy vinson is at emory university hospital in atlanta. nurses in dallas and the national nurse's union have expressed outrage, also complains about the lack of equipment and training in handling ebola patients. we asked a congressman what he hopes to hear this morning. >> first, i'd like to allay
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regional anxieties and to assure that there is the appropriate sense of preparation here. second, i'd like to make sure that we are communicating appropriately with the federal authorities and the local stake holders and lastly to listen for advice and guidance from those who are experts in this area. >> reporter: the meeting is scheduled to wrap up any minute now. then the congressional delegation is supposed to come out and speak to us. we will have their comments for you at 11:30. live in university city, monique braxton, nbc 10 news. >> stay informed by visiting every day. we are keeping tabs on local preparations there. in the event there's an outbreak here. plus we separate fact from fiction with how it is spread and not spread. to an update on a story we have been following throughout the morning. this fire in philadelphia, more than a dozen people are homeless
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after this blaze. the fire broke out around 11:45 last night on park avenue in city hunti ing park section. jesse gary has more from the scene. >> reporter: investigators were out here on the scene this morning. they have put up the notices outside saying these properties are going to be boarded up. residents will not be allowed back inside until repairs have been done. nbc 10 had a camera out first on the screen late last night. the fire started in the end unit on park avenue near butler street and spread down the block. the flames destroyed or damaged five of the row homes. eight people are being cared for by the red cross. the fire march hshal is investigating the cause. two people suffered minor injuries. they are being cared for by the red cross. in hunting park, jesse gary, nbc 10 news. we are learning about a hom invasion and robbery. two armed men forced their way
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into a home on west summerville avenue. this happened around 3:00 this morning. one man was inside, was attacked. the men ran off with a tv and a gaming system. they are still searching for those suspects. a man is dead after this crash in philadelphia. police say the driver lost control on city avenue between 54th and 59th streets around 4:30 this morning. the car hit four trees and flipped over. the 44-year-old man was thrown from the car. the road was closed for several hours as crews worked to clear the trees and the car. two people were injured in a crash on martin luther king junior drive in philadelphia. sky force 10 over the scene around 9:30 this morning. we are working to find out the condition of the two victims. new this morning in the government e-mail important scandal, a spokesman for the pennsylvania courts say a supreme court justice and his
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workers were asked to hand over their computer equipment. he was suspended this week. he cannot perform any judicial or administrative duties while the matter is being reviewed by the judicial conduct board. there are security officers on patrol at students return to lass in the pocono mountain school district. classes were canceled yesterday after a man believed to be eric frein was spotted twice near pocono mountain east high school. police and the fbi went through three district buildings. they also searched dumpsters in the area. frein has been on the run since september 12 when he is accused of killing a state trooper and injuring a second. happening today in tennessee, a church appeals panel will decide if a pastor can remain a minister. in 2013 he was stripped of his
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credentials for presiding over his son's same-sex wedding. he appealed and was reinstated. the united methodist conference is challenging that appeal. now to decision 2014. former president bill clinton will be in pennsylvania next week to support candidate tom wolf. on monday, clinton will headline a rally at the electrical workers union in pittsburgh. wolf is incumbent for the governor's office. election day is less than two weeks away. head to the polls november 4 to cast your vote for pennsylvania's next governor. rocky the bobcat has been a d day after he got loose. the animal was discovered this morning in a trap set out for him. the bobcat is now at the zoo. his owner is set to be in court december 5. last month, a judge said that
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she would lose rocky for good if he ever escaped again. from our delaware bureau, wilmington mayor dennis williams will hold his first open office hours. it's a chance to share issues with the mayor. future sessions will be held every other wednesday. they are not exactly your typical teenagers. details on the trio that skipped school, skotole money from thei patients and fled the country in an effort to join isis. in the usa after being detained in north korea, the reunion many feared would never happen. we are stuck with nasty weather, rain, heavy at times, gusty winds, a chill. are we going to see it break in time for the weekend? that's just ahead.
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here is a look at the radar. you can see we have bands of rain coming in off the ocean spinning around this nor'easter located near the bottom right of the screen. it's going to take a while to get this out of here. i will show you the areas that will get hit the hardest and when it's going to end with the forecast coming up in a couple minutes. we continue to update breaking news now in canada. in just the last five minutes, police in ottawa sent out a tweet. they are advising people in the downtown area to stay away from windows and off of rooftops
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because of ongoing police activity. we are taking a live look now into ottawa. this is all going on because a soldier has been shot while standing guard at the national war memorial. there were shots fired inside the halls of parliament. the two shooting scenes are about 100 feet apart. officials are saying that parliament is on lockdown right now. they say the soldier who was shot was taken to a hospital. we're trying to find out but we don't have any word on that soldier's condition. this incident comes two days after two canadian soldiers were run over and one killedoutside montreal. to more breaking news. afire in northern california. they say hay began burning at a ranch and then quickly spread to a barn. the fire is now burning at 10,000 square feet.
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the cause of the fire is still under investigation. canada raised i i ed its te threat. they said there is no specific terror threat. three teenage girls are back home in denver after they tried to join isis fighters in syria. the girls were stopped by fbi agents in germany before they could board a flight that was headed to turkey. authorities say the teens' parents tipped off airport security. john kerry is speaking out about the incident. >> an example of good cooperation between us and the increased vigilance of law enforcement on this issue. >> officials say it's doubtful they will be charged since they are all underaged. kurds in iraq are ready to send fighters to syria. members of the kurdish militia have been fighting isis milit t militants for weeks now.
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they have been holding its ground in kobani despite being surrounded on three sides at one point. now the iraqi kurdish militia known as the peshmerga is sending more fighters to the area to fight. an american is back home after being detained in north korea for six months. jeffrey foul landed in ohio earlier this morning. the 56-year-old had been waiting in north korea for leaving a bible at his hotel. officials say he is in good health and declined to give any more information about his release. he had entered north korea in april and was arrested as he was leaving in early june. he was charged with crimes against the state. north korea considers missionary activity a crime. north korea's state run media released several photos of their leader. they show him visiting a resort area for scientists. the state media says that this
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was his fifth appearance after a long absence from the public. in the photos he is seen using a cane. quite a difference between yesterday and today. tomorrow is going to be a lot like today. wet and windy today and tomorrow. a chilly couple of days. temperatures well below average. we do expect a dry weekend. right now we are seeing the wet roads across much of the philadelphia area. occasionally we get some gusts. look at the that, 57 degrees. a sustained wind of 21 miles an hour out of the north, northeast. the humidity, 81%. it's only 53 in pottstown and trenton. 49 at mount pocono. with the wind on top of this -- we don't have anything to 60
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degrees even in delaware and south jersey and places where it might not even be raining at the moment. we are gusting to 33 miles an hour in philadelphia right now. you can see the wind direction out of the northeast. there's a nor'easter out there. it's not a real strong one. but you can certainly see the effects. everything coming in off the ocean. and there's a band here. sometimes they can line up and stay in the same spot for many hours. and that could potentially lead to flooding. we will have to keep an eye on this throughout the day today and into tonight. you can see this darker area, heavier rain moving into the philadelphia area just over the last 15 minutes or so. again, a solid area of rain. that means it rains steady for potentially hours while in southern new jersey, extreme southern new jersey and southern delaware, not getting much of anything.
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you are going to get you are in share eventually but not so much today. the radar estimated rainfall, the area that's gotten hit the hardest over the last 24 hours is toward the shore. the radar estimates in a part of ocean county over five inches of rain, 3 1/2 inches of rain north of toms river. they had flooding in brick township. that's one of the areas that we will watch today. the futurecast continues to show more rain in new jersey than in pennsylvania, especially the northern and western areas. perhaps an inch or more of rain according to some of the computer models. you can see here we go through tonight. there's still rain all over the area, because this area of low pressure is not moving very fast. it's offshore. it's spinning the moisture right back at us. there we go, thursday morning.
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it's still spinning the moisture. thursday afternoon, still spinning the moisture. and it's not that much farther away than it was in the morning. it is really going to take a while to get this thing out of here. at least it's not a real strong one. high temperatures in the upper 50s. wet and windy, temperatures steady, winds gusting to 30 miles an hour. windy tomorrow with more showers. some places will be getting more rain tomorrow than today, like extreme south jersey and parts of delaware. it's a windy day on friday, even as the rain moving out. we have nice weather on saturday. the wind kicks up again on sunday. the temperatures drop a little bit. but it goes right back up next monday and tuesday. important news this morning for the millions of americans who receive social security. you will get a raise. the new figures released this morning and how much more money you can expect in your check.
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the dark cloud for icloud users. apple's newest security warning about the scotorage service.
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just about 11:25. this week's wednesday's child enjoys spending time outdoors. he is hoping to find a forever family to help him achieve all of his goals.
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twaikwon loves nature. we headed out to try our hand at fishing. he wasn't afraid to get his hands dirty and tried to reel in a big one. he has an upbeat personal and loves to make everyone smile. >> he easily converses with adults. he knows what he wants. he has goals in life and would like to work towards those goals. >> he is currently in 11th grade and enjoys classes where he can use his hands to express himself. he likes to swim and fish. he has a strong taste for adventure. >> how many can you count out? >> the ideal family would be loving and know how to support himm him unconditionally. >> he needs a family that will not give up on him no matter what, who will be with him through the thick and thin and continue to be able to support him in reaching the goals that he has for his life.
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>> i guess everyone should have a mom and dad. >> he is prepared to share his love with a forever family. >> he could offer a family a lot of laughter. i think he is going to teach a family some patience along the way. >> say worm. >> worm. >> he is this week's wednesday's child. we had a great time. that john heinz reserve is cool. we didn't catch any fish. make the dream of a forever family come true for any wednesday's child sponsored by the dave thomas foundation. go to our website at and search wednesday's child or call the national adoption center. we are stuck with wet and windy weather today. expect slick roads out there as we continue to track the rain falling through our area as well as gusty winds. glenn will let us know how long it will stick around straight ahead. we are following breaking
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news in canada where a gunman has shot a soldier standing guard at the national war memorial. people are being told to avoid windows and roofs because of police activity. we are following the latest developments on this breaking news straight ahead. sunny disposition, winter warrior or somewhere in between? the new research that shows the link to the time of year you were born and your personality. this is ceo tom macarthur's world.
tv-commercial tv-commercial
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in macarthur's world, he opposes new laws to ensure women receive equal pay for equal work. and macarthur opposes a woman's right to choose backed by a group that would outlaw abortion even for rape and incest. for us in the real world, aimee belgard. aimee will fight for equal pay and protect a woman's right to choose. aimee belgard's on our side. i'm aimee belgard and i approve this message.
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at 11:30, rain and wind is affecting our region today. a live look outside at philadelphia's boat house row. kind of muggy out there it looks like. staying dry, that's the goal of a lot of people this morning. nbc 10 found this man using his umbrella as he walked along city
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avenue. some areas near the coast could see flooding out of all of this rain. we look at the live conditions at cape may. we continue to track the system bringing rain and wind to our area. a live look at the first alert radar. it's not going anywhere any time soon. glenn "hurricane" schwartz is here tracking all of it. >> and any threat at the shore looks like it will be more of ocean county than cape may. we continue to see moisture on the camera lens. there's a band of rain and it's right across philadelphia right now. the northern suburbs are getting it. the city is getting it. new jersey and burlington county, camden county, gloucester counter, dl dell couns county, chester, bucks, right over south philly at the moment.
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generally moving east to west. darby in delaware county getting heavy rain as well. watch this. we don't have this happen a lot. but when you have a nor'easter, sometimes the winds are strong enough off the ocean to actually move the rain ain that directio. the heavier rain moving into delaware and chester counties. this is the area that got lit the hardest yesterday and last night. fortunately, over the last hour or so, that rain has diminished and we really need that, because they have had several inches of rain in some spots there. as we go through the afternoon, you can see some of the areas that are not getting rained on now do get into the rain. just because you have been dry, it's not -- you're not going to stay that way. it's going to rain tonight and into tomorrow. there's going to be more rain in new jersey than there will be in pennsylvania out of this thing. but there's still going to be
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wet conditions over much of the area. it's also cold. temperatures in the low to mid 50s. we don't have any place to 60 degrees yet. we will see when this will move out of here and if it's going to improve over the weekend with the seven-day in a few minutes. >> we are expecting a lot of rain out of this system. count on nbc 10 to bring you the latest updates on air and online. you can download our first alert weather app to get the forecast any time you wish or to check the interactive radar. breaking news in canada. as we have been reporting, police there say a soldier has been shot while guarding the national war memorial. a live look at the scene in ottawa. this is parliament hill. we have new information just in to us. officials are saying that the gunman is believed to have entered parliament while it was in session. he was shot and possibly killed
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by security forces. they say 30 shots were heard inside the building. witnesses are saying people fled parliament by scrambling down scaffolding used for ren o renovations. ottawa police are saying they are dealing with multiple suspects right now in this morning's shooting. police are advising people in the downtown area to stay away from windows, stay away from rooftops because of police activity. this is an ongoing scene here and an active investigation is going on. a lawmaker in parliament this morning did speak out about what happened. >> i was taking off my jacket to go into congress. i hear this pop, pop, pop. possibly ten shots. thought it was construction. >> the soldier who was shot and taken -- was shot was taken to the hospital. no word yet on his condition.
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emergency responders are still on the scene. this incident comes two days after two canadian sold aiers we run over, one killed. stay with nbc 10 as we continue to follow these breaking developments coming to us out of canada. we are tracking several new developments in the ebola crisis. a top red cross official says that he is confident the ebola outbreak in west africa can be contained within four to six months. that statement was made at a meeting in china. new jersey-based johnson and johnson says that it can start safely testing an ebola vaccine in early january. right now nchris christie is holding a briefing in hackensack. >> working very hard with our partners in the federal government but also with our neighboring states. the government of the state of new york, city of new york, pennsylvania, connecticut, delaware to make sure that we
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are sharing information on a regular basis. >> tracy potts has more. >> reporter: this morning, a hospital is evaluating a passenger from west africa who the cdc says has symptoms and was possibly exposed to ebola. nearly 600 people have been screened. only four transported and none had the virus. this man did but doctors say he is virus free. this morning, the nbc freelance photographer is scheduled to walk out of a nebraska hospital. he tweeted, it's a profound relief. he says he is lucky and thinking about the two nurses infected. nina pham has been upgraded and relatives say amber vinson is responding to treatment. flights must land at one of five u.s. airports with enhanced screening. no travel ban. >> if you prevent people from traveling, you will drive them
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under ground. >> reporter: ron klain starts work today. he will meet with the president. >> he has a responsibility to make sure all government agencies responsible for responding to this effort are coordinated. >> reporter: part of his job is to fight fear. a new survey finds most persons are not concerned they will be infected. four in ten are and that number is rising. back here on capitol hill, there's a hearing on ebola scheduled for friday. ron klain was invited to testify. the white house says he is the guy behind the scenes as of this morning. his name wasn't on the witness list. >> in the past 30 minutes, members of congress wrapped up a meeting talking about what needs to be done to prepare for ebola. monique joins us live. what did you find out? >> reporter: the members of congress met here with hospital
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executives for about two hours inside this center. it follows the diagnosis and treatment of two nurses who contracted ebola while working at texas presbyterian in dallas. both cared for thomas eric duncan, the first person to be diagnosed with ebola in the united states. he died a few weeks ago. nurses in dallas and the national nurse's union have expressed an outrage, also complaints about the lack of equipment and training in handling ebola patients. moments ago, we spoke with some of the congressional delegation as they emerged from the meeting here. >> we were comforted based on this conversation. and we want to do our work to make sure that the federal government can respond appropriately. >> there needs to be greater clarity from washington in the event a person were to present here at the penn or jeff or temple, what is expected of the institution in terms of holding them and then ultimately at some point maybe transferring that
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individual? >> reporter: we want to stress that there are no patients with ebola here. we will follow developments out of washington. anything happens, you will be the first to know. live in university city, monique braxton braxton, nbc 10 news. >> stay informed by visiting every day. we are keeping close tabs on local preparations in the event there's an outbreak here. plus we separate fact from fiction with information on how the virus is spread and how it's not spread. we are just learning about the alleged sexual abuse of high school football players in new jersey. the board of education voted unanimously to suspend five coaches of the team. seven high school football players have been charged with crimes ranging from hazing to sexual assault in what witnesses described as a locker room bonding process. the head coach and four of his assistances were suspended with
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pay. the board released this statement saying -- a u.s. marine accused of killing a transgender filipino is now in authority. he will continue to get guarded by fellow marines at a prison compound. he had been detained on a u.s. ship after he was implicated in the death of the 26-year-old victim. filipino activists have been outraged over the murder. the editor who guided "the washington post" through the watergate scandal has died. ben bradlee passed away at the age of 93. he had suffered alzheimer's disease several years.
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he was honored for bringing an intensity and dedication to journali journalism. if you are one of the 70 million americans who rely on social security, you can expect to see more in your paycheck starting next week. the government announced this morning that social security benefits will go up by 1.7% next year. it's the third year in a row the increase will be less than 2%. the annual cost of living adjustment amounts to about $20 a month for the typical recipient. analysts say because of low inflation in the last several years, the cost of living adjustment has also been low. it's the cry heard from so many children this time of year. not everyone can indulge. we have rain across much of the area right now. wind and cold, it's going to last for a while longer. i will let you know when it will
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move out of here with the seven-day forecast coming up nchl.
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. federal highway safety officials expanded a recall for defective airbags in cars. they say 7.8 million vehicles are impacted by the recall. airbag canisters can explode during a crash that would send shrapnel toward the drivers. it has been implicated in four
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deaths and dozens of injuries. we have a link to the complete recall list on our website at apple issued a new security warning for users of icloud. it's aware of organized attacks in which hackers are trying to steal user information. this comes amid reports that users in china are being diverted to an unauthorized website when they try to sign in to their accounts. apple says the servers haven't been compromised but they are taking the matter seriously. new research suggests the season in which you were born can impact your personality. people who tended to be positive were more likely to be born in the spring and summer. summer babies had more rapid and frequent mood swings. those with winter birthdays tended to be less irritable but had a higher tendency to be more depressed than people born in the fall.
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a person's birth may affect levels of dopamine and other things which can affect the mood. a new push to keep trick or treaters safe for kids with food allergies. erica edwards explains how it works. >> reporter: let's face it, halloween means one thing for most kids. >> candy. >> candy. >> reporter: but the candy must not contain peanuts for these twins, both have food allergies. last year halloween was scary for their family. >> we were dumping out the canny on the table and sorting through it. ben saw a fun-size snickers and snuck one bite. >> reporter: that led to an allergic reaction. he had to spend halloween night in the hospital. now an idea to keep trick or treating safer for kids with food allergies is getting
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momentum. the food allergy research started the project. paint it teal and put it at your door. that alerts kids that you are giving out cool stuff like vampire teeth and spider rings instead of candy. smaller versions of normally safe candy are sometimes manufactured difficultly making them dangerous for kids with food allergies. >> they are not singled out because they can't have something. helps them to be included. >> reporter: the teal punch p k kin is a sign that kids won't be haunted by the treats inside. >> trick or treat. >> reporter: erica edwards, nbc 10 news. we told you about this nor'easter for about a week. especially the wednesday it was going to be wet and windy and cold. and here it is. it's wet and windy already.
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it is chilly. the temperature is not going up today. but at least we are going to dry out in time for the weekend. it's kind of gloomy out there at the moment. 56 degrees in philadelphia. that is pretty cold, plus 17 mile an hour wind sustained. we're eight degrees colder than this time yesterday. we do have wind gusts to 30 miles an hour in philadelphia, 29 in mount holly. you can see the wind direction, too, out of the northeast. that's your classic nor'easter. and it is in the 50s just about everywhere except for the 49 in mount pocono. we also have wet leaves. be careful on the roads with this. you can see the band of moisture extending east to west. this is the direction that it's moving in. so some areas like this ocean county, northern burlington into philadelphia, delaware county,
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chester county getting hour after hour of rain. it's not necessarily downpours but if this band stays in the same spot, that means some places are getting a lot more raun th ra rain than others. there's a batch moving into philadelphia now getting into delaware county and chester county. the heaviest of the rain is offshore. we will see if this comes in. remember ocean county near the beaches have had multiple inches of rain out of this thing. the general trend, according to this computer model at least, is for new jersey to get the greatest amount of rain. the farther norther and western suburbs of pennsylvania getting the least amount. it's a wet pattern for just about everybody. if you are not in the rain now, you will be getting into it. tomorrow will likely be wet as well.
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there's the low pressure center. the nor'easter, you can see how the effect on the radar, it just keeps everything spinning around. it moves very slowly. it's spinning right back down from new england. so even on thursday night, we have threats of rain around here. it's going to take a while. we are getting it friday morning and it's still on the map. takes quite an amount of time to get some these nor'easters out of here. wet and windy today with the temperatures holding pretty steady. most of us not getting to 60 degrees. wind 10 to 20, gusting to 30 miles an hour, making it feel colder. into the upper 40s tonight with some wind and moisture. tomorrow morning's rush is going to be wet.
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more rain during the day on thursday. struggling to get out of the 50s. we finally dry out on friday. the wind is still up there around that nor'easter. saturday we get far enough away so the wind can diminish and we get a nice day. another system comes in, drops the temperature a few degrees. it kicks up the wind on sunday. expect sunday to be a windier day than saturday. and then the temperature goes up monday and tuesday. we will be right back.
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a few minutes before noon. an update on the breaking news we have been following out of ottawa, canada, where police say a soldier has been shot while guarding the national war memorial. a live look at the scene on parliament hill. officials say the gunman is believed to have entered parliament while it was in session. he was shot and possibly killed by security forces. the gunman was shot -- 30 shots were heard in the building. police are telling nbc news that they are dealing with multiple suspects in this morning's shootings. police in ottawa are advising people to stay away from windows, stay off of rooftops
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because of the police activity you see here. stay with nbc 10 as we continue to follow these breaking developments coming to us from canada. now to an story we told about you earlier. a hospital has been evaluating a passenger from west africa. we have just learned the passenger being evaluated is not showing any symptoms of ebola. chris christie says he expected the man will be released soon. the cdc announced there will be a 21 day mron toonitoring for a returning from the ebola stricken nations. stay informed about the ebola situation any time by going to our website at this afternoon at 3:00, "ellen" is all new with bill murray. then it's nbc 10 news at 4:00. armed and dangerous, nbc 10 with new video of a suspect with a
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machete in hand. we will show you what he did once he burst inside a local business. on nbc 10 news at 5:00, more than just joyride. new jersey state police want to track down the guy riding this atv. it's not just because the vehicle isn't theirs. at 6, chris christie announced a new ebola joint response team. glenn "hurricane" schwartz here now with a check on the afternoon weather. it's rain out there. >> a lot of places are seeing rain right now. if you are not seeing it now, you will eventually. you see it spinning in off the occasion. the heaviest of the rain is offshore, at least for now. we have one little heavier band that moved through philadelphia going into delaware county and chester county, by the way. tomorrow is going to be another wet and windy and chilly day. we finally start to dry out as
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we go through friday, even though the wind will keep up. >> we will check in at 4:00 and 6:00. i'm vai sikahema. for glenn "hurricane" schwartz and all of us here at nbc 10, have a great day.
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[door opens] >> theresa: kristen dimera was here? >> eve: yes, she was hurling around all sorts of accusations against you, seeing what would stick, theresa. >> theresa: like what? >> eve: you enabled brady's addiction. you tricked him into eloping with you, which caused a big fight between you and his father, and... >> theresa: and? >> eve: [sighs] you'd better face it, little sister. she is onto you. >> theresa: oh, my god. do you think she really knows? >> kristen: come on, just say it, would you? just say it. [knock on door] come in. just put the, uh, tray right over there. thanks. >> john: [exhales deeply] >> marlena: oh, amy, let me help you, there. >> john: whoa. what a surprise i