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tv   NBC 10 News at 5pm  NBC  October 22, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT

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>> reporter: the attack at canada's parliament began with the killing of the canadian soldier at the nearby war memorial by a gunman who witnesses said had long hair and his face covered. >> there was a guy with a rifle just around on the back corner. and just, pow, pow. >> reporter: then seen and heard in this phone video. the gunman ran into the parliament building where lawmakers and canadian prime minister stephen harper were at work and there was furious firing. the gunman was shot dead report thely by parliament's sergeant at arms, kevin vickers. and police fanned out to figure out how many more gunmen might be part of the terrorist attack. >> straight down along the side of the building, hug the building, police. >> reporter: two days ago, two soldiers in montreal, one ç killed, by a suspect who is said to have ties to isis.
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the u.s. experts today, attack looks like retaliation. >> these are iconic government targets. that are exactly what isis propaganda has been pushing people towards attacking. >> reporter: isis fighters with canadian passports have returned home and hundreds more in canada and the u.s. may sympathize with isis, a possible factor in the parliament attack. >> the circumstances around today's tragic events in canada are still unknown. that is a concern that the united states has been focused on for quite some time. >> reporter: back in ottawa, police ordered people off the streets to lock doors and stay away from windows. >> we're still in the process of an active prague right now. we're treating this -- >> reporter: police are fearful that one or more terrorists were loose in canada's capital. security is not visibly tighter but u.s. homeland is security anxious to know if islamic
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terror had anything to do with today's attacks. at the white house, i'm steve handelsman, nbc 10 news. >> stay with nbc 10 for continuing coverage of this breaking story and be sure to join brian williams on "nbc nightly news," that begins tonight at 6:30. now your nbc 10 first alert weather. >> we've seen on and off rain today. now the ride home from work and school is a wet one. this is a live look at traffic along i-95 near the girard point bridge. the rain will be with us for a while. the nbc 10 first alert weather team is tracking that rain. let's again with meteorologist sheena parveen. >> the rain, the wind, the cooler temperatures has all been in the area today. but as we go into tomorrow, we will continue with this, even some areas of heavy rain as we go through the rest of tonight. here's a live look at the radar now. mostly through parts of new castle and kent counties in delaware off the coast of cape may is where we find moderate, more steady rainfall. just south of smyrna, rainfall
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rates here in parts of delaware are close to about half an inch an hour. this is moving at a pretty good pace although we have continued to see more consistent rainfall in much of delaware. if you look offshore, a lot of thunderstorms there off the coast of delaware and maryland and even some more moving into parts of new jersey. so the two areas i have circled, these are the two we're going to watch. moisture building off the coast of cape may county, more moisture moving onshore into ocean county. we'll be watching as more rain moves in. it's all part of this big area of low pressure. it is spinning offshore, going to be slow to move away. as we go into tomorrow we'll have much of what we've had all day today. i'll give you more detail on the timing of that coming up. standing by is chief meteorologist glenn "hurricane" schwartz with a look at how chilly and windy it's been. >> during the day the temperature goes up. today it's been going down. we start off in the upper 50s. now we're in the mid-50s across much of the area. 48 degrees in the poconos, even
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mid-50s in south jersey and southern delaware. this is 10 to 15 degrees colder than it was at this time yesterday. and we add the wind on top of it. these are the current wind gusts, the wind direction coming straight out of the north, 32 mile-an-hour gusts in mt. pocono. we've seen gusts over 30 in philadelphia. more of that to come as well. sheena will be back with the timing on when all of this stuff movesá$u)u$ the seven-day in jft a few minutes. right now on nbc 10 news at 5:00, new developments over ebola concerns, everyone, including americans who travel from west africa to the u.s. will be monitored according to the cdc. that monitoring includes pennsylvania and new jersey. travelers will be observed for 21 days for ebola symptoms. local health officials may call or even visit travelers at home once they're on u.s. soil. earlier today, members of congress from our area attend a meeting on ebola at the hospital at the university of
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pennsylvania. >> politicians say they came to ask questions and make sure medical professionals are prepared. nbc 10's lu ann cahn has been tracking the new developments live from our digital operations center. lu ann, the question is how did politicians feel when they came out of that meeting? >> reporter: they came out of this morning's meeting saying they believe that area hospitals are prepared as they can be. congressman pat meehan, charlie dent all said they want to allay fears. they talked about wanting more guidance from the federal government as well. >> we want to do our work to make sure the federal government can respond appropriately if the need arises in our region and that we don't have any of the misstep that took place, not intentionally but took place in texas. >> it should be made clear there are no suspected cases of ebola in our area and health officials believe it is highly unlikely for there to be an outbreak here. everything that is being done now is as a precaution to make
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sure that doesn't happen. live from the digital operations center, lu ann cahn, nbc 10 news. lu ann, thank you. it was a case that brought down a prominent montgomery county political official. >> county d.a. prosecuted but then dropped rape and sexual assault charges against robert kerns after finding out a lab report was misread. now, a six-month long independent review just wrapped up. the results were released in the last 90 minutes. deanna durante is live in norristown. does this mean change is coming to the d.a.'s office. >> reporter: yes, the dae says she's going to be adding two new staff positions as well as making changes inside the montgomery county detective bureau. all of this comes in the six months after she had to drop those charges against robert kerns. we do want to mention the attorney general's office is prosecuting kerns on assault charges. here's what she announced today. that these changes are coming after a review done by an arm of the university of pennsylvania law school. this independent review worked
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with the dae's office the last six months looking at policies and procedures. and it was discovered that a lab report had been misread in the case of kerns. now, the district attorney says that she can't talk publicly about the specific case but at the time that mistake was discovered she said she would begin a review and publicly announce those findings. >> if we were to get a report with a lab perhaps that we were unfamiliar with, that should trigger a check, a double check, another kind of verification. there has to be a searching inquiry for anything at all that is unfamiliar. we have to look at where we're getting information. and if we're getting information from perhaps outside of our typical chain of gathering information or evidence, we need to look at that. you need to look at where the person agiving you information receives it from and could they have potentially misunderstood something? >> reporter: here's what specifically she says is going to be happening right now. in theç county detective's uni a new violent crime and tech
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knowledge unit will be developed and two new staff will be directly responsible for independent reviews, looking at evidence, looking at cases in the trials division and also an ombudsman so if there are concerns from the public or within the office, there is an independent person to go to to look at those cases. deanna durante, nbc 10 news. from our jersey shore bureau, police are investigating a horrific case of animal cruelty outside an elementary school. a cat and three kittens were found dead in a staff parking lot we're told they were set on fire. police believe the animals were burned outside washington avenue school in pleasantville. nbc 10 has blurred photos of that scene because they're too disturbing to show clearly on television. authorities launched an investigation yesterday after a teacher made that grisly discovery on monday. >> it's very troubling to people, you know, to do such a thing to any creature. >> the school is reviewing surveillance video right now to see if the incident was
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recorded. nbc 10 has also learned a burned dead dog was found in the same area last year. that case remains unsolved. police are trying to determine if there's a connection. philadelphia police need help identifying a woman wanted for committing fraud. take a look at this picture. the woman is wanted in connection with a number of frauds against td bank and susquehanna bank. police she got she away with more than 20en grad. if you recognize her, call police. police are looking for a man they say robbed a 7-eleven in philadelphia's torresdale neighborhood. he made two trips inside. the first time he bought a drink and left. 30 minutes later, the same car pulls up, the man, wearing different clothes points a gun at the cashier and demands money. call it fraud 101. we have new details about the college academic scandal. we'll tell you about the
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detailed system of fraud. tortured soul. jacqueline kennedy suffered tragedy and loss in the national spotlight. new research shows just how seriously the trauma affected her and why she coped with it all alone. and school cafeteria emergency. a student is saved after quick thinking by the man in charge. how his life-saving action also became a teachable moment for others.
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happening right now, rain is falling across parts of our area. >> the first alert weather team has been telling you all about it all afternoon. tim furlong is live in storm force 10. how are the roads? >> you know what, here in delaware they're a lot better than they were before. this is market street in downtown wilmington. about an hour ago it was pouring rain. we're getting what appears to be a break, hopefully it's more than a little break. hopefully it will last a while. as you look out the front of storm force 10, out of the back, you can see the rain is pretty much stopped at this point. it's not too bad. an otherwise nice night. it's not too cold either, which is a good thing. we've been checking the highways as we've been driving up and down in new castle county. kent county, rain was heavier there. i've been checking deldot's site
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as well. we'll check in some of the lower spots, stanton, new castle county out to newark, christiana, those areas, some of the low-lying areas. if we find any flooding we'll be sure to bring it to you. we're live from storm force 10, rolling through the streets of wilmington. >> be safe roll, tim. blistering details have been revealed in a long-running investigation into academic fraud at the university of north carolina. according to investigators, a so-called shadow curriculum existed at the school for nearly two decades and involved more than 3,100 students. half of them were reported to be athletes. it required only a research paper. investigators say students were often given an "a" or "b" regardless of the quality of p c work.
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>> these classes were managed from soup to nuts from the registration of the student through the giving of the paper class -- paper topic to the student to the receipt of the paper to the grading of the paper all that was managed not by a faculty member but by the office of administrator. >> the report also found athletic staffers steered athletes to take certain classes. it's the latest in a series of investigations into the scandal which came to light three years ago. new information tonight from general motors on a massive recall involving defective air bags. gm now is widening the recall that they say could spew dangerous metal fragments when the air bags discharge. cnbc's phil lebeau has the latest. >> reporter: the federal government is expanding its warning about faulty air bags now calling for 7.8 million vehicles to be inspectioned. they're telling the owners of those vehicles who have faulty air bags to take them into the
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dealership immediately to see if they can get them fixed as quickly as possible. it was a few days ago that nhtsa says that 4.7 million vehicles with takata air bags needed to be inspected immediately. now that has been expanded to include 7.8 million vehicles from 10 automakers. one of those automakers, general motors, is taking a further step and it is notifying owners of select models, the two models that have been recalled, that's the 2003 to 2005 pontiac vibe as well as the saab 9-2x model. the federal governmenten xpading its warning about faulty air bags going from 4.7 up to 7.8 million vehicles, those are vehicles that the federal government wants owners to take into their dealership as soon as possible to see if they can get fixed for faulty air bags. in chicago, phil lebeau, nbc
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news. virginia police continue to investigate hannah graham's disappearance today. investigators were in an area of charlottesville where human remains were found last weeks weekend. the university of virginia sophomore was last seen on september 13th. jesse matthew jr. is being held in connection with the case. the remains discovered last weekend have not been identified. in tennessee, one of three defendants in the holly baba rape and murder case were in court. bond was set at $25,000. his brother zachary and jason autry are each charged with aggravated kidnapping and murder. we want you to take a look at this. a raging fire burned through a farm in northern california. it started when pallets and bails of hay caught fire in gilroy. the flames quickly spread to the
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barn and burned at least 10,000 square feet. there are no reports of any injuries here. the cause of the fire still under investigation. a push to end youth homelessness headed to washington today. backed by a little star power. ending youth homelessness, a call to action event brought togetherç cyndi lauper and formerly homeless individuals. the young people surveyed became homeless for the first time at age 15 and spent nearly two years living on the streets. more than 60% say they were raped, beaten up, robbed or otherwise assaulted. >> you can't have kids on the street. you can't throw kids away for who they are. the lgbt kids are sometimes even turned away from the shelters. we're trying to change that. >> i came from a life where i thought that the world was good and everything was perfect but upon coming to the streets, i
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realized there was not enough services. >> the intent is that data from the project will be used to help programs to better meet the needs of the homeless. when it comes to the tri-state region, here are some numbers from the national center for homeless education. in the 2012-2013 school year more than 19,000 poemless kids were enrolled in public schools in pennsylvania. there were more than 8,500 in new jersey and 4,000 in delaware. all of those numbers were up since the school year starting in 2010. switching gears now. behind the jackie kennedy smiles with a haunted soul, according to a new book that claims for decades, the former first lady suffered the effects of post traumatic stress disorder. some suggest ptsd forced her to live the events of her husband's assassination over and over again. a book was written by the
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kennedy biographer. the book says jackie was frozen in the moment, retelling every graphic detail of her husband's death to friends and family. she even mentioned thoughts of suicide. >> if you have ptsd you are constantly waiting for the next attack. when is it coming? you're in a state of arousal at all times waiting for the next gunshot. it's a hideous way to live. >> at the time, post traumatic stress disorder wasn't recognized. jackie received no professional counseling until after the death of her second husband. the book hits stores october 28th. an elementary school principal in wisconsin being credited now with saving the life of a student. >> the boy started choking in the school cafeteria. 11-year-old trent wire was eating lunch when the fifth grader started choking on a corn dog. that student says he put his hands around his throat and started ramming himself against
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the wall and hitting his stomach. his actions caught at tension of the school principal who then ran over to help. >> just tried to find his belly button, go up a little bit from his belly button. i gave him one thrust and that's when the corn dog came out. >> reporter: the principal says he hopes that experience will encourage others to brush up on cpr and heimlich training. now first alert weather with meteorologist sheena parveen. >> we've seen a lot of rain through the area, periods of rain, some of us seeing more than others. a rainy, windy day today. tomorrow's forecast, pretty easy, the same as today. so the same temperatures tomorrow, the same wind speeds tomorrow. still periods of rain tomorrow. friday, though, will be different. the weekend will be different on a good side, actually, seeing more sunshine and nice temperatures. locally, though, wegrl still seeing the overcast skies, the rain around, live view of center city with those clouds and even
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the light rain being reported at the airport. temperatures 56 degrees, winds gusting closer to 25 miles an hour and this is all in part due to that area of low pressure offshore. it's swinging in the wind. it's swinging in the rain and it's keeping our temperatures down, too. locally on the radar we have the lighter rain through parts of south jersey and delaware. but heavier pockets near dover and parts of ken the county. moving up still through parts of cape may county, that's the moisture offshore we're seeing approaching the coastline near sussex county in delaware. we're dealing with waves of rain, periods of rain, the i-95 corridor up to trenton, through parts of the lehigh valley which maybe haven't seen as heavy as rainfall as other parts of the area today. we are watching more trying to move in now. now we're looking farther to the north and offshore, you see more moisture getting to move into parts of ocean county in new jersey. that's one section we'll be watching to continue giving us the chance for increase the rainfall.
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big area of low pressure offshore, this will linger over the next few days. you see the heaviest rain is closest to the center of that. winds gust near 25 miles an hour. the winds will be staying up for tonight and the temperatures, those will be cool, too. right now we're in the mid-50s for the lehigh valley, mid-50s for south jersey and delaware. uniform temperatures with the rain and cloud cover and that wind. overnight tonight, you see the rain still hanging around and for some of us for the morning commute tomorrow, this is thursday 9:00, we'll have showers around. even through the afternoon we still have that rain in the forecast. we still have the wind in the forecast. not really clearing up until about friday. for tonight, wet, windy, chill before, 48 for the low. 44 areas north and west. tomorrow, we'll see the wind gusting near about 30 to 35 miles an hour. it will still be on the chilly side, mid to upper 50s. the showers they stay in the forecast, too, basically through the day tomorrow. there you see the clearing as we go into friday.
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the winds stay up. temperatures mid-60s. into the weekend, more sunshine. about the mid-60s for the most part. but next week, the 70s come back into the forecast with a lot more sunshine. more details on the rain coming up. i love that. coming soon to a faucet near you, better drinking water for people across pennsylvania. what happened in harrisburg that will mean millions of dollars in upgrades for people in philadelphia and beyond? and fallout after the breach. what target is offering holiday shoppers in hopes of luring them back to stores and the website.
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a year after a massive data breach, target is getting ready
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for a retail season. the companies profits are down 41% this year. among the company's holiday promotion, free shipping on all online orders through december 20th. a longer period for price matching and the expansion of its ship-to-store pilot program. the insentative allows items to be shipped faster and uses its stores as distribution centers. it's a question that has a lot of different answers. >> just what can a convicted criminal do when behind bars. mumia abu-jamal gave a college graduation address. also ahead -- >> as the eric frein search zone continues to expand, law enforcement put up more communications towers, this as the state decides to restore
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some limited hunting back to the search zone. i'm doug shimell. the story coming up.
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what's the truth on taxes? says it's tom corbett who's being dishonest. they say tom wolf has a plan to reduce income taxes for the middle class and cut local property taxes. and tom corbett? it's corbett who slashed education by a billion dollars... ...and now almost 80% of school districts plan to raise property taxes. and it's corbett who's increasing gas taxes by 28 cents a gallon. tom corbett. desperate and dishonest. we continue to track new developments concerning ebola. the cdc announced they'll be keeping a close eye on everyone, including americans who travel from west africa to the u.s. and that increased monitoring will start in six states. in our area, pennsylvania and new jersey are included.
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starting monday, travelers will be observed for 21 days for symptoms. we learned that local health officials may call, e-mail or visit travelers at home once they've arrived here on u.s. soil. >> new jersey governor chris christie is also announcing an ebola response team to coordinate ebola preparedness in the state. the governor held a readiness briefing today in hackensack. the governor says new jersey is working closely with its neighboring states. >> we've been working very hard not only with our partners in the federal government but also with our neighboring states. the government of the state of new york, city of new york, pennsylvania, connecticut, delaware, to make sure that we're sharing information on a regular basis. >> no patience have been diagnosed with ebola in new jersey. several developments today in the fight against ebola in the united states. the government is rolling out tough new rules for airline passengers arriving from west africa and there's good news for three americans who have been battling ebola. all of it comes as the
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government's new ebola czar begins work in the nation's capital. brian moore has the story from washington. >> reporter: starting today, travelers from the ebola-plagued countries of liberia, guinea and see sierra leone. this tightened security comes on the same day american free lance cameraman ashoka mukpo was released from the nebraska medical center after being declared disease-free. >> in medicine there's no greater reward than to take a patient with a critically ill, seriously illness and make them better. we've done that. >> reporter: diagnosed with the virus while working for nbc news in liberia, mukpo offer ed praie
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for the two nurses still affected with the disease. amber vinson is said to be responding well to her treatment. it's encouraging news for ron klain, the nation's new ebola czar on the first day of his job. klain's first order of business was a white house meeting this afternoon with president obama. and other key players in the fight against ebola. brian moore, nbc 10 news. more than one in four americans say recent news about ebola has made them afraid to fly. that's according to a new poll. older people were least fearful. 23% of people 65 and older said recent headlines made them afraid to fly. tonight at 6:30, a free lance cameraman who worked for nbc news talks about his battle with the ebola virus and is recovering. see it here on "nightly news"
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with brian williams, only on nbc 10. now your nbc 10 first alert weather. >> rain is falling across the tri-state area, making for a wet rush hour commute. >> let's turn to nbc 10 first alert meteorologist sheena parveen. it looks like we'll have to get used to the rain w. it will continue tonight and tomorrow and the chilly temperatures will be stay around too. 70 degree temperatures do come back in the forecast. i'll show you that, coming up. most of the rainfall still in parts of delaware where we've been seeing it over the past couple hours. new castle, kent county, seeing pretty steady rainfall and where you see the yellow, this is more embedded moderate rainfall around smyrna, dover, delaware beaches. heavy rain offshore and more rain moving into parts of ocean county. this is an area of moisture we'll keep our eye on. more rain offshore with thunderstorms. coming up, i'll show you the timing of of the rain and when it will finally clear out.
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that's just ahead. right now, nbc 10's tim furlong is live in storm force 10. we checked in with you earlier in new castle county. it wasn't that bad. you were getting a break in the action. >> yes, the break continues. that's good. i hear sheena talking about the waves of rain and embedded rain. as you look forward on i-95 heading south towards newark, just past the newark travel plaza, we're experiencing sprinkles. ray keeps turning on the windshield wipers intermitten y intermittently. there was a little accident north of the 273 exit heading southbound by the deldot yard. we heard on friday they're going to have a snowplow inspection. talk about the need for storm form 10, we'll be taking this rig out a lot as the snowç stas to fall. we're not wishing for it anytime soon but we are certainly, as we come back inside the cabin, we are glad we have it so we can
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bring these images to you. not too bad on i-95 in newark, delaware, we'll get off the 896 exit, going into town and check it out there, too. day 40 of the manhunt for suspected cop killer eric frein. hunting and trapping in some sparts of the poconos have resumed. as nbc 10's doug shimell reports, the ban remans in effect in several townships in monroe county because of of the widening search for frein. >> reporter: originally the state did not want hunters in these woods along with police and eric frein but they are amending that now. the ban on bow hunting and trapping near the pike and monroe county border is being partially lifted. the pennsylvania game commission this weekended the ban in most of pike county after the eric frein manhunt forced it three weeks ago. camping, fishing and hiking are also being restored in most of pike county as well but a
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hunting ban remains in monroe county along with the economic agony. >> everybody from the guys that are taxidermies and the meat processors to the hotels that would have been bringing in these hunters, it's a real shame. >> reporter: as the search zones keep widening, state police now putting additional communications towers on the top of the alpine ski resort. and search teams continue to be called to sightings, whether it's eric frein or not. in fact, one local man who says he walks these rural roads every day has been stopped so many times by law enforcers and questioned he's lost couldn't the. in price township, doug shimell, nbc 10 news. four men charged in a deadly carjacking outside a new jersey mall last year pleaded not guilty to felony murder and other charges. thompson, ford, henry were
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accused in the incident. free w freeland is said to be killed while he was returning to his car with his wife. there was a six-count indictment handed up by the essex county jury. the men are due back in court in december. prisoners' rights behind bars. what can convicted criminals do while in jail? a new pennsylvania law signed just yesterday limits what convicts like mumia abu-jamal can do. he recently gave a college address but is it fair? and new information about a popular and historic old city restaurant. when to expect the city tavern to re-open after last week's fire. first, here's what's coming up tonight on nbc 10 news at 6:00. >> still happening right now, a canadian soldier shot while standing guard and the gunfire didn't stop there. >> the witness police want to
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talk to. plus, as rain intensifies, we're checking on where potential flooding is popping up. count on nbc 10 news at 6:00.
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new information about the re-opening of city tavern.
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they will be back in business on friday for lunch. the city restaurant has been closed since the fire last friday. there was no damage to the building which was part of independence national historical park. a grandmother pleads guilty to dealing hundreds of pounds of drugs in pennsylvania. 65-year-old candace kelly was charged after authority say they found 64 pounds of marijuana and nearly $400,000 in cash at her home in butler county. kelly said she sold the drugs because she needed money to raise several grand children after her daughter died. she faces up to ten years in prison when she's sentenced next month. upgrades are coming to drinking water in parts of pennsylvania. governor tom corbett announced the investment of $65.6 million for drinking water and waste water projects across 16 counties. it's through the pennsylvania
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infrastructure investment authority. the lehigh valley authority received a $1 million loan to replace a pump station and waste water collection lines. it is more than just a joyride. state police in new jersey looking for the two guys seen peeling off on this atv. what they got away with besides the vehicle. more rain, more wind, chilly temperatures. this will hang around for tomorrow, too. don't leave the umbrella at home. coming up, i'll show you when all this will end, when the sun will come back and 70 degrees temperatures in the forecast. that's straight ahead.
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in cases of rape,pposes aborin cases of incest,ions. and in cases where the mother's health is in danger. no woman should be forced to carry a pregnancy from a rape. mario scavello sponsored a bill to force women to have unnecessary and invasive ultrasounds.
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it's horrifying. women need to know that mario scavello wants to stand between them and their doctors in making decisions that aren't his to make.
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i'm nbc 10 delaware reporter tim furlong. rolling on south college avenue in storm force 10 in newark, delaware. we want to show you what's going on this afternoon with all the rain we've had coming through. you can see right now we're in a lull right here as we pass the bob carpenter center and head into downtown newark, delaware, by the university of delaware. things looking okay at this point. we'll keep you posted. i'll be listening in my ear for sheena parveen's forecast. i hope you do the same. state police are asking for help identifying two suspects wanted for stealing more than
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$14,000 worth of property. take a look. on october 14th, a man and woman are seen breaking into a home on route 130 in oldman township, salem county. police say the couple stole a number of atvs, cash, bows and a dirt bike. one of the pictures shows the male suspect driving a stolen atv ]ff of the property. if you know anything about this crime, call police. is it just for crime victims or a violation of inmates' constitutional rights? >> the bill signed into law yesterday allows victims to go to civil court if a criminal engages in activity that perpetrates the crime. the court can provide an injunction to stop the criminal. nbc 10's renee chenault-fattah is here with details. >> pennsylvania's governor says mumia abdul jamal has orchestrated a, quote, on scene celebrity at the expense of his victims. the inmates' supporters say this new law goes too far.
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>> we understand this is going to be an assault ultimately on not only political prisoners but prisoners in general. >> reporter: supporters of mumia abu-jamal say they're mobilizing against the brand new law. >> when i returned, many years later i was a man on death row with a date to die. >> reporter: earlier this month, abu-jamal gave a recorded address to graduates of goddard college in vermont. he received his degree while behind bars for the 1981 murder of philadelphia police officer danny faulkner. >> if mumia said something that was talking about his particular case that's going on within the system, i would say, okay, perhaps he is trying to rub salt into the wound. but that was not the case. he was empowering young people to think critically. >> he took my husband's voice many years ago when he put a bullet between his eyes.
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>> yesterday, faulkner's widow was there as governor corbett signed the bill into law. as she spoke, protesters chanted in support of adu jamal. >> the murderer needs to be silenced. >> over the years, we've heard much about the constitutional rights of prison inmates. the focus should be on victims. >> mumia supporters say they are challenging this law in court. renee chenault-fattah, nbc 10 news. from our delaware bureau, the state has ordered a controversial composting facility to close. it is a win for many fed up, northern delaware residents. some say it is a loss for the environment. when the wind blew, just right, the organic composting plant in wilmington sent a unique smell toward heavily populated directions. after years of meetings with upset residents and businesses, state environmental officials ordered it to close up shop.
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the plant took tons of food waste from all over the region and turned it into compost. >> unfortunately now you have about 140,000 tons of year of organic material that was coming here that will now be going to the landfall. >> you can use that in gardens. it's like black gold we call it. >> the closing of the facility means 24 people will be out of a job. now your nbc 10 first alert weather with meteorologist sheena parveen. >> well, we've certainly seen our share of rain across the area today. here's a live look up in the poconos where we still have cloudy, windy, chilly conditions and light rain for parts of the poconos today. more of us have seen more consistent rainfall the further south we go, rainy and windy. that will be the case as we go through this evening and tonight. tomorrow, same thing, rain, wind, clouds, the cooler temperatures, this all stays in the forecast. as we go into friday, we will see more sunshine. finally we'll see clearing
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before the weekend. the timing is good. right now we have a big area of low pressure offshore. it is what we consider a nor'easter since our winds will start to come from the northeast a bit. it is continuing to bring heavy rain mostly offshore in the atlantic but for us, it's continuing with the clouds, the rain, the wind and those cooler temperatures. everything we saw today and we will see it again tomorrow, too. here's a live look out at the art museum along the schuylkill river in center city. the winds are gusting at 25 miles an hour. we'll see that again as we go through tonight. here's a closer look at the rad radar. the heaviest rain remains offshore with lightning, too. locally we're not seeing the lightning in the area. through parts of kent county, dover, rising sun, seeing more moderate rainfall but still we've seen steady rainfall in much of delaware today. heavier bands just offshore, right off our sussex county beaches. we also have more rain farther north, moving into parts of ocean county. there you see the rain coming in
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from the atlantic. this will be moving through the area as we go through the evening. more bands of rain expected to come through, so we're still looking at those rainy, windy conditions for tonight and even overnight tonight. winds are gusting in from the north around 25 miles an hour for most of the area. we'll stay with the wind even as we go through tomorrow. the temperatures will stay cool, too. 55 right now in the philadelphia areas north and west. 54 millville and dover. even lancaster coming in in the mid-50s. future weather continues to show the clouds and scattered showers by 9:00 tonight still, overnight, another wave of rain coming through into the morning hours tomorrow. 9:00 a.m. tomorrow morning, you still see the rain around. we will still have the lingering showers through the afternoon tomorrow, same thing, we'll keep the clouds, the rain and the wind all in the forecast. tonight we're wet and windy. we stay chilly, too. 48 for the low, mid-40s areas north and west. another cool day, 55 to 58 degrees.
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the showers linger, the winds are gusting 30 to 35 miles an hour. another windy day. friday will be windy. take a look at what happens friday. we clear out. mid-60s, into the weekend. more sunshine we stay in the 60s. next week we go back into the 70s. today's the last day to vote for the high school blitz game of the week. and how about this, so far, there's been more than 51,000 votes so far. the triton and paul vi rivalry has a slight lead. to vote go to oregon facebook page. call or text your vote to 610-624-4111. voting ends at 10:00 tonight. the game with the most votes will be featured on the high school blitz saturday night at 7:00 right here on nbc 10. they were just passing through pennsylvania. >> in an instant their plans changed. a violent accident puts sharon
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budd in the hospital for months. after intense care she's finally going home. why the keystone state will always be close to her heart. then coming up on nbc 10 news at 6:00, it was the scandal that brought down the head of the montgomery county republican party on sex charges. charges that were later dropped because of an error.ç how that case has now led to changes at the d.a.'s office.
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ryan costello went into politics. in 2001, doctor manan trivedi joined the marines. trivedi served as a battlefield surgeon in iraq. costello served himself by voting to raise his own pay. and while trivedi cared for patients in pennsylvania, costello gave millions in government contracts to his campaign contributors -even as he cut funding for child abuse prevention. in congress, only trivedi will do what's right for you. i'm manan trivedi, and i approve this message.
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after 71 days of intense care at a pennsylvania hospital, sharon budd is back at home tonight. >> flanked by family and friends she rang the victory bell at guysinger medical center. she lost part of her brain and an eye amidst the tragedy, sharon and her husband randy gained friends and a commune in the pennsylvania they wilcherish for the rest of their lives. >> kind of caught me off guard. it seems like every place i go somebody knows me. >> there's no question. we're not going to be able to stay away from pennsylvania. this will be a frequent stop for us. >> four teenagers were g)ged in connection with throwing that rock off the overpass and on to budd's car. coming up next on nbc 10 news at 6:00, an arrest in a
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bizarre crime. how police say one man targeted a woman's toes. rain is still falling in parts of the area and more is on the way. when's it finally going to clear out? the nbc 10 weather team is tracking the first alert forecast, next. plus, pennsylvania and new jersey will have to monitor every traveler returning from the ebola outbreak zone. how officials in our area say they will take on this task. it's all next on nbc 10 news at 6:00.
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nbc 10 breaking news. this breaking news coming from atlantic city's casino crisis. the owners of the trump taj mahal say the casino will stay open at least through november. trump entertainment resort had threatened to close the casino on november 13th. today the company says it wants to assure customers that a culture club concert that's scheduled for the 28th of next month will go on as planned. officials say there's still no guarantee that the taj mahal won't close by the end of the year. also tonight, tracking rain and wind, the nbc 10 first alert radar showing rain falling in our area and it could be a wet night for many of us. taking a live look now on the roads in newark, delaware. it's been a very wet wednesday. and the rain is not done yet. nbc 10's first alert weather team tracking the latest conditions. we'll begin with meteorologist sheena parveen. where is this rain right now?
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>> most of it is in delaware. but now we are seeing new rain moving onshore in ocean county, heading towards burlington county. this will be the case for tonight. waves of rain trying to make their way onshore and through the area. riverview, moderate rain falling there. fhat's where you see the yellows and the oranges, showing you heavy embedded showers. sussex county, cape may county, we have more rain. this should remain offshore but skimming the beaches in sussex county. here's the rain moving onshore into ocean county, heading towards burlington county, toms river seeing steady rainfall. this will continue moving through as we go through the evening and the overnight hours tonight. the heaviest rain remains offshore with lightning. big area of low pressure spinning there. this will keep the rain, the wind, the cooler temperatures all in the forecast as we go into the overnight hours and also for part of tomorrow. as far as that rain and cooler temperatures is concerned with the