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tv   NBC 10 News at 9am  NBC  October 25, 2014 8:30am-9:31am EDT

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i'm rosemary connors. it's just about 8:30 on saturday morning. michelle grossman is tracking the pleasant weather on this last full weekend in october. can't believe it. perfect conditions today, michelle, to pick out a pumpkin or rake some leaves, right? >> perfect. we're going to be warm this afternoon. sunshine the entire way through. a little breezy as we head throughout the afternoon. but really nice for the last weekend in october. let's look outdoors. we're looking at sunshine. live look at the ben franklin bridge. looking at temperatures cooler than this time yesterday. so 16 degrees cooler in pottstown. 15 degrees cooler this time yesterday in reading as well as mi millville. that puts us mainly in the 40s and 30s. we are off to a chilly start if you do have a 5k race, out and about early, you want to dress for the 30s and the 40s. 41 right now in allentown. 43 in lancaster. 48 in philadelphia. trying to get to that 50-degree mark. 39, chilly, in millville. as we go throughout the day, we're look at a nice one. enjoy it. by 11:00, 61.
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sunshine at 1:00. 66. up to 68 by 3:00 p.m. probably top out around swept degrees. warmer to your workweek. we'll talk more about that in just a few minutes. one man is dead, another is wounded after a shooting in philadelphia. nbc10 was on the scene in kensington where police tell us gunfire erupted t fourth street and indian in avenue just after midnight. a 25-year-old man was rushed to the hospital where he died. a second man who showed up at the hospital with a leg wound is being held by police as a person of interest. philadelphia police are also investigating another shooting. this one in the queen village neighborho neighborhood. the man was shot at second and carpenter streets just before 3:00 this morning. the victim was taken to the hospital but police have not released his condition. so far no arrests in this case. in northern liberty, police are searching for a gunman who shot a 16-year-old boy. detectives tell nbc10 that an argument sparked the gunfire at
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7th street and fairmount avenue around 9:00 last night. according to police the teenager was shot in the lower back. right now he is in the hospital in critical condition. the world health organization is now reporting the number of cases of ebola in west africa has past 10,000. this comes just a day after the governors of new york and new jersey ordered a mandatory quarantine for anybody who travels through the major airports in their states after coming into contact with infected patients overseas. this morning we're also following new developments about a health care worker who is being tested for ebola in newark. nbc10's matt delucia is live in the digital operation center with new information. matt, fill news on this. >> rosemary, just got new info from the new jersey department of health. a woman who was being treated or rather quarantined after flying to newark, liberty international airport where she was just clear tested negative.
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preliminarily nor ebola. the first person placed in a mandatory quarantine set up by the governors of new york and new jersey. we will show you some aerial video of the hospital in newark that she was taken to. the health care worker was immediately put into isolation after arriving from west africa. this worker had no symptoms of the virus upon landing but later developed a fever. preliminary test, as i mentioned, came back negative but she remains under observation and 21-day quarantine. let's talk about that for a moment. in regards to what's going on in new york and new jersey. yesterday governors andrew cuomo and chris christie said the carnitine is about responsibility for protecting the public and they explain how it will work. >> depending on the risk level a person could require mandatory 21-day quarantine or at ago ft-regulated facility. low risk would be medically monitored for temperature and symptoms. others will have a protocol developed to fit their
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particular sixes. >> the health care worker being monitored this morning in newark had been working with doctors without borders. here's what they say about this mandate. doctors without borders has enacted strict protocols governing the return of its health workers to their home countries. we act in full compliance with official public health regulations. right now the organization says it is going over the new regulations put out by new york and new jersey, and they intend to comply with those guidelines. there are also efforts going on here in our area, in philadelphia, centered on communities with ties to west africa and putting those details together. we'll see you again in about 30 minutes. live in the digital prague center this morning, matt delucia, nbc10 news. >> thanks for the update, matt. yesterday the texas nurse who has now recovered from ebola, she met with president obama. the meeting which included this hug followed nina pham's release from the hospital. doctors say she's free of the virus and can now return home. pham also got a hug from one of
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her doctors as she left the national institutes of health. she is one of two dallas nurses who became infected while treating thomas duncan. he's the liberian man who is the first and only person to die from ebola in the u.s. the second nurse is still being treated at emory university hospital in atlanta. doctors say tests no longer detect the virus in her blood but a discharge date has not been set. you can count on nbc10 to help address your concerns about the ebola virus. on monday morning we will have two medical professionals here at the nbc10 studios answering your questions. if you have a question, send it in right now. just go to the nbc10 facebook page and look for the ebola q and a section. we will answer your questions live monday morning from 4:00 to 7:00 right here on "nbc10 news today." what should have been a festive friday night in bucks county was anything but. the stands were empty last night now that homecoming and the rest
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of the season have been canceled because of a hazing scanned. silence replaced the cheering in doylestown where the annual football rivalry with cb west has been snuffed out by school administrators. all was quiet on the field after the superintendent issued a statement this week saying in part that swift and firm action had to be taken after officials verified improper conduct by members of the cb west football team. according to police, younger players were hazed by seniors in a water boarding type of incident. there are also allegations that a freshman player was forced to touch another player in a sexual manner. >> kind of a big letdown but the decision was completely correct. >> i think that what the school district decided to do was definitely the correct choice. >> kids need to learn a lesson. unfortunately it affected everybody. for that i'm sad. effort kids who weren't involved. >> the cb west coaches have been suspended from football activities but not from their teaching jobs at the school.
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today a once in a lifetime opportunity. the mainline mansion that belongs to the former owner of the 76ers will go to auction. pat croce's estate will be auctioned off to the highest bidder. nbc10 got a tour inside of the home yesterday. the auction company tells us that croce and his wife are empty nestors now and no longer have a need for such a big mansion. the auction will give the croce's what they're looking for, a final sell. if you're planning to bid, the home the 10,000 square feet. it sits on more than 3 1/2 acres and it was most recently listed for more than $6 million. inside the mansion there are six bedroom, it bathrooms, a ten-car gaer ranlg, and five fireplaces. the home also features a cherry wood accented kitchen and a private library. must be nice. you may remember under pat croce's leadership the sixers went from last place to the nba
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finals in 2001. croce is also a well-known author and entrepreneur. the auction company stays sell of croce's home is a unique chance to own a piece of local history. >> it is truly the opportunity of a lifetime. absolute auctions for prime real estate, especially on the mainline, happen very, very rarely. >> the mansion also features a swimming pool, tennis court, high-tech fitness room, and a media screening room. all bidders must bring with them a refundable entry fee deposit of $150,000. you can take a virtual tour of the mansion on our website we've got a slide show of the interior and the exterior of the property. this morning we are learning more about the homecoming prince who opened fire. still ahead, the details of a possible motive. a man is under arrest in california after investigators
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say he shot three sheriff's deputies. we'll tell you what happened just before the crime spree.
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this morning police in washington state are wrapping up their on-site investigation of a high school shooting that left two students dead including the gunman. police say a freshman opened fire yesterday inside the cafeteria of marysville high school north of seattle. friends and loved ones held a memorial vigil in marysville last night. the emotional service took place at a church that's nearby the high school. hundreds of people prayed and sang songs in tribute to the victims and their families. we learned last night that the gunman has been identified as jaylen fryberg. he was recently crowned the school's homecoming prince. investigators say he shot and killed one student and wounded five others. and then turned the gun on himself. three of the victims are in critical condition. another is stable. we are working to find out the condition of the fifth student. according to witnesses, frey
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berg recently argued with a classmate about a bring-up with a girl. late last night the police gave us an update on their investigation. >> there's still a lot of work to do. we want to make sure that we do this right. we want to make sure that we have all of the right answers. that's what we're going to do by taking our time, doing it thoroughly and providing information only after it is complete. >> police say two of the wounded victims are cousins of the shooter. some disturbing news out of california where a man is under arrest after shooting three sheriff's deputies killing two of them. this is video of police taking marquez out of the home on a stretcher. he was examined at the hospital for unknown injuries. authorities say about six hours before that marquez shot and killed a sacramento county deputy. he later allegedly shot two more deputies and a bystander while trying to get away from police. still ahead, we'll get a check of business news and one popular online marketplace is offering sellers a new way to
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accept payment. we'll tell you how it works, coming up. looking at beautiful day today. it is a little chilly to start out with though. temperatures in the 30s. also the 40s. lots of sunshine. here's a live look outside. we're going to warm it up nicely, near 70 degrees. we'll talk more about today's forecast. that's all straight ahead.
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if week's wednesday's child is a fun teen who really enjoys spending time outdoors. in his heart he is hoping to find a forever family. nbc10 introduces us to him.
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>> reporter: he is a smart 15-year-old who loves spending time out in nature. so we headed out to try our hand at fishing at the john heinz national wildlife refuge. he wasn't afraid to get his hands dirty and tried to reel in a big one. he has an upbeat personality and loves to make everyone around him smile. >> he is very out going. he easily converses with adults. he definitely knows what he wants. he has some goals in life and would like to work towards those goals. >> reporter: he is currently in the 11th grade and enjoys classes that are in his hands to express himself. he likes to swim and fish and has a strong taste for adventure. >> how many of those can you count out there? >> reporter: the ideal family would be loving and know how to support him uncondition ali. >> he really needs a family, first of all, a family that will not give up him no matter what, that will be with him through the thick and thin and continue to be able to support him in
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reaching the goals that he has for his life. >> i guess everyone should have a mom and dad. >> reporter: he is prepared to share his love with a forever family. >> he could offer a family a lot of laughter. i think he's going to teach a family some patience along the way. >> one, two, three, say worms! >> worms. >> reporter: he is this week's wednesday's child. >> you can make the dream of a forever family come true for him or any wednesday's cyv$u sponsored beity dave thomas found dag by going to our website and searching wednesday's child or you can call the national adoption center at 1-866-do-adopt. all right. checking in on some business news now. let's talk about etsy. this is the online marketplace for hand-made goods. they are now making it easier for sellers to accept payments in person. here's the deal. the company launched a card reader that can be used with a smartphone to process credit and
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debit card trans abc news debit ca debit card transactions. you can use the device at craft fairs. it is getting to be that time of year. ups is expecting a double digit surge in shipments as the holiday shopping season gets under way. ups plans to hire up to 95,000 seasonal workers. you may remember last year ups was caught off guard by the number of people who bought gifts online and shipped them last minute. some deliveries didn't even make it until after the holidays. >> now, your nbc10 first alert weather. and a good saturday morning. i'll meteorologist michelle grossman. what a nice start to the day. chilly. 30s and 40s in some spots. by this afternoon, up to 70 degrees. feeling very, very nice for late october. weather headline on this saturday, a super saturday. get out there and enjoy it. whatever you have planned make
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sure you get outdoors because we're looking at lots of sunshine. breezy this afternoon. the wind will wait until tomorrow. windy sunday. we'll see sunshine again on sunday night. nice temperatures. wind in place. 70 nasdaq your seven day. mid to upper 70s as we head towards the workweek. looking outdoors we're looking good. lots of sunshine. if you're going to get out and jog, do your exercise. whatever you plan this morning we're looking nice. you will need the sunglasses. you will need the jacket. 48 degrees in philadelphia. winds out of the west at six miles per hour. off to a chilly start. warm nicely this afternoon. right now looking at temperatures mainly in the 40s across the area. 41? reading. 43 in atlantic city. 30 nasdaq some spots as we look across the region. temperatures this morning, you see lot of blue. that's indicating chilly air. 41 in allentown. 48 in philadelphia. 43 in wilmington. 39 degrees. that's always a chilly spot in millville. 43 in atlantic city. a nice look outside. a view from our adventure
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aquarium camera from the new jersey side. blue skies. again, you going to need the sunglasses. pretty start to the day. a super saturday. radar is all clear. we do have changes but they're not going to impact us too us. cold front is back to the west that will move through and scoot through later on this evening during the overnight hours. it won't bring any rain with it. really not many clouds. we will hardly even notice it. we will see wind tomorrow. good day to see some peak foliage up in the poconos. high color in ree wilehigh vall low color south. good day to see leaves. today we're looking at 67 to 70. a nice, ney day. sunny and mild. lots of sunshine. a little breezy this afternoon. again, the winds will wait until tomorrow. sunday, mixture of sun and clouds. a little more cloud cover but still really pretty. lots of sunshine on monday. 66. nice by tuesday, warm, 74. warmer you on wednesday. a little more cloud cover. could see a night shower.
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61. for the kiddies on halloween. a former philly mob boss is going back to prison. coming up, hear what joery merlino had to say to reporters after sentencing. and next in the high cool blitz, a heartwarming home at one game last night. a team makes one special boy's dream come true. we'll have his story along with all the other big match-ups along the region right after the break.
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just few minutes before 9:00. taking a live look at the ben franklin bridge. the sun is up. it is going to be a fantastic day. right now temperatures still a little bit cool. we're in the upper 40s but they are going to warm to the upper 60s. we may even hit 70 degrees. and this warm weather is going to stick with us through the beginning of the workweek.
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good morning to you. i'm danny pommel from comcast sportsnet. are you ready? i sure am. one of the top ranked teams in pennsylvania kicks off this week's edition of the "high school blitz." yes, swinging along with the crimson, st. joe's prep continues to dominate. kid jackson gets in for the easy touchdown. prep rolls over roman catholic, 43-0. michael alberto. hatfield, 50-12 win. shawn 19 quarterback mile welsh, he gets it to the end zone. shawnee knocks off cherokee, 20-17. cherry hill west, joey argentina. going to keep it. don't cry for him or argentina for that matter.
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46-20. high school game of the week is brought to you by quality plus ford store, home of america's favorite brand. >> you want it, you got it. you voted to see pal vi and triton and running back moore wants to thank you for your vote because he was in the spotlight with this one. catch him if you can like the gingerbread man. he leads, 28-0 victory and division crown. >> the high school blitz play of the week is brought to you by toyota. let's go places. >> two heart tugger. 11-year-old kevin smith is fighting an epilepsy related seizure disorder. they let him tote the rock last night to escort him to the end zone. lansdale, 20-14. they were so much joy on the lansdale sideline, listen to kevin's mom. >> it's so unbelievable. we keep saying that compassion is contagious and it just means so much. >> courtney, proud moment to be sure. time for skylights.
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huge crowd. my goodness. east with the pass to the end zone, near side touchdown. east wins it, 34-14. westchester east had its hands full with coatsville. look at the tom fullery. fake punt works but the trick play wasn't enough. they win it, 34-1. westchester/henderson. trey green. trey is good for six. out running the defense. henderson wins it, 31-1. northeast running on omni here. 15 yards away. they win it by 30. frankfurt's defense held strong against brooks. uh-uh to this run. frankfurt gets the 18-8 victory. penn charter celebrating 325th birthday but melvern prep couldn't care less. they spoil the party as morris takes the pass to the barn. melvern prep win, 44-16. roxborough trying to get the
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ball downfield to get lincoln. sanchez, his pass is knocked around. picked off by isiah thomas. nice name. roxborough gets the win, 20-6. cue the music. join us tonight for a half hour of highlights and feature stories. don't miss the "high school blitz quet here on nbc10. i'm donny pommells from come past sportsnet. still ahead on "nbc10 news today," we are tracking new developments about ebola in the u.s. matt delucia is live. matt? >> rosemary, as a mandatory quarantine is enforced in new york and new jersey, some in our area are making the ebola issue a top priority later today. i'll fill you in, coming up. off to a chilly start. temperatures in the 30s, in the 40s. a little chilly to start out with but warm by this afternoon. we'll talk more about that and then mid 70s possibly during workweek. here is a beautiful picture outside. clear skies. lots of sunshine. full forecast is straight ahead.
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we have an update this morning on the condition of the woman quarantined under new ebola rules in new jersey. a live report is straight ahead. as the manhunt continues for accused cop killer eric frein, another pocono resident is now
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facing charges in connection to the case. a weekend is getting off to a sunny start. here is a live look over center city where the temperatures won't have any trouble climbing out of the 40s and 50s today. good morning and welcome back to "nbc10 news today." i'm rosemary connors. it's 9:00 on this saturday morning. let's get a check of our weekend weather with meteorologist michelle grossman and overall a decent weekend but today may be the better of the two days, right? >> yes. tomorrow is going to be windy. winds gusting near 25 miles per hour. today is a pick of the two days for the weekend but overall for late october both looking good. here's a live look outside. we are looking at sunny skies. out and about. jacket. looking at temperatures cool right now. looking at 40s and finally 50s. they really jumped in the last half hour. 48 in allentown. 48 in lancaster. 51 in millville. 51 in atlantic city. this will be the trend. starting to jump. no problem getting to you near 70 later on this afternoon. a live look at the city right
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now so whatever you plan you're going to walk the city of the kids' games, you're going to have a beautiful day for it. by 11:00, 61. mostly sunny skies. by 1:00, 66. and by 3:00, looking great, 68 degrees. near 70 today and closer to 80 during the workweek. we'll talk more about that in just a few minutes. >> thank you, michelle. new this morning, philadelphia police are investigating the stabbing of a 16-year-old boy in the omni section of the city. nbc10 was on north woodstock street where the stabbing happened inside the house around 6:30 this morning. we're told the teenager was taken to the hospital with wounds to his chest. there's no word yet on his condition. this morning the number of cases of ebola in west africa gra has past 10,000. this as it marks the first full day of a new quarantine order issued by the governors of new york and new jersey. the mandatory 21-day quarantine is for anything returning to those states who may have treated ebola patients in west
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africa. we also have an update this morning on the health care worker who is quarantined in newark, new jersey. nbc10's matt delucia is live. matt, you've been following the new developments this morning. explain to us the latest. >> in the past couple of hours we learned a health care worker who is placed in quarantine after arriving from west africa, she has tested negative for the ebola virus. she was quarantined in newark and developed a fever shortly thereafter. this worker, according to the new jersey department of health, had no symptoms of the virus upon arrival but after developing that fever she is being evaluated at university hospital in newark. she continues to be monitored and will remain under a 21-day quarantine. yesterday governor ins andrew cuomo and chris christie said the mandatory quarantine nor health care workers who have treated ebola patients is all about protecting the public. but for now some residents still have serious concerns. >> we put people who have
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certain professions to higher standards so i think that's why people are upset and i think they have a right to be. >> later this morning in southwest philadelphia communities with ties to west africa are planning to hold a walk to raise awareness and stop the spread of ebola. that's at 70th and woodlanded a 10:00. later this evening a group of liberians in our area made an informational movie about ebola. the screen og of that film will be at 6:00 at the african cultural alliance on 56th and chester. live in the digital operations center, i'm matt delucia, nbc10 news. >> thank you, matt. here in our area some first responders from suit jersey received potentially life saving training on how to handle a patient with ebola. nbc10 was in clayton county yesterday where a doctor and the county's director of nursing spoke about the virus and its threat to public health. the training focused on personal protective equipment and guidelines for first responders when they suit up on scene. >> scary but as long as you're
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well equipped and you're ready, take the task at hand, you know, the knowledge having hearing from the seminar can apply it in real life. >> the training is available through next wednesday and it's open to all county police, fire, ems, and first responder agencies. remember, you can count on nbc10 to help address your concerns about the ebola virus on monday morning we will have two medical professionals right here at the nbc10 studios. they will be answering any questions you may have. if you would like the submit a question, just go to the nbc10 facebook i imagine a. once you get there look for the ebola q and a section. we will answer your questions live monday morning from 4:00 to 7:00 right here on "nbc10 news today." today marks day 43 in the police manhunt for alleged cop killer eric frein. he is still on the run as another pocono resident is now facing charges in connection to the case. michael was charged yesterday with making false reports.
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police say he told them that frein asked him for a fake i drks so he could get into canada. abuiso later admitted that wasn't true. frein has evaded police and fbi agents since mid september. that's when police say he ambushed two pennsylvania state troopers in pike county killing one and wounding the other. searchers believe that frein may have been spotted on monday sneer pocono east high school. this morning we have some new information about a sex tape alaska ledged lid made by philadelphia school children. two 13-year-old boys have been arrested. sources say the tape was made inside a home on linmore avenue in southwest philadelphia. the children are students at william tilden middle school. the boy had sex with an 11-year-old girl and posted the video on instagram. now investigators are looking for anybody else who may have been involved. in chester county a priest is being held on charges related to sending and receiving child
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pornography on the internet. according to prosecutors, investigators found pictures of naked underaged girls on an instagram account linked to father mark haynes. since last year he has been a priest at st. simon and jude parish in kes town township. investigators say haynes admitted to sending and receiving about 150 images which were all traced back to the rectory at st. simon and jude. according to police, haynes told them he posed as a 16-year-old girl on a dating site several years ago and received lewd videos from someone he believed to be a 14-year-old girl. the archdiocese to philadelphia is calling these charges serious and disturbing. they say they are cooperating with this investigation. now to some political news. pennsylvania state senator will plead guilty toing accusations she used her elected office for political and financial gain. >> she's going to pleat guilty to the charges in. >> as of now, that's correct, yes. >> that's the attorney for leanna washington.
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state senator. he confirmed to nbc10 that his client will plead guilty at a hearing next week. although he would not reveal the exact terms of the plea deal. the 69-year-old democrat is facing felony charges for allegedly using her taxpayer funded staff to plan and to host political fund-raisers. washington, by the way, represents parts of philadelphia and montgomery county. >> i could use a good four months to get back in shape. >> that's what former philly mob boss joey merlino told reporters after learning he will spend four more months behind bars. he was sentenced yesterday for violating the terms of his probation. prosecutors say he met with a former mob at a south florida cigar bar and never reported the meeting to his parole officer. merlino now has 35 30 days to report to prison. still ahead, what drove a homecoming prince to allegedly open fire on his classmates? we're learning more about the accused shooter and his
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connection to the victims. a hatchet attack in new york city is now being called an act of terror. we'll have an update on the investigation of the crime that was caught on camera.
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challenging tom corbett for the governor's seat. it was just yet that vice president joe biden was in town for a democratic event all gearing up to that november 4th election. meanwhile, the corbett administration claims internal polling shows the. incumbent is actually closing in on tom wolf. you may remember though earlier this month quinnipiac university poll shows corbett is down by as many as 17 points to the challenger. today we are getting a look inside the home of a well-known rest debt in our area, pat croce's mansion goes on the auction later on. see inside thele was of the estate coming up. 40s and 50s right now. lots of sunshine. more rain this afternoon. full forecast is coming up.
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the clock is ticking on a possible septa strike vote. septa's largest union will decide tomorrow whether to authorize a walkout. the yup i don't know says at this point there are not preparing for a work stoppage but they say that in the even that it happens they will release a plan for service interruptions before there is a strike. 4700 bus drivers, subway and trolley operators have been working under an expired contract since march. negotiations continue with pensions and health care benefits. the main sticking points. police in washington state are wrapping up their on-site investigation of yesterday's high school shoot that left two students dead including the gunman. police say a freshman opened fire yesterday inside the
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cafeteria of marysville-pilchuck high school north of seattle bep learned last night that the gunman has been identified as jaylen fryberg. he was recently crowned the school's homecoming prince. according to investigators, fryberg shot and killed one student, wounded five others, and then turned the gun on himself. three of the victims are in critical condition. another is in stable. it's unclear what the condition is of the fifth student. according to witnesses, fryberg recently argued with the classmate about a break-up with a girl. late last night police gave us an update on their investigation. >> there's still a lot of work to do. we want to make sure that we do this right. we want to make sure that we have all of the right answers. and that's what we're going to do, by taking our time, doing it thoroughly, and providing information only after it is complete. >> police say two of the wounded victims are cousins of the shooter. the football team at marysville did not play last night. be they won anyway. their scheduled opponent
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forfeited the home game out of respect. they traveled to marysville to share in the players' grief and to take unified team photos. >> the class that they have to come here, pick that drive, i mean, means a lot. >> it's hard. you know, seeing another team like, you never know, like it could have been us. just expressing our love and our care for another team is really what we came down here to do. >> players from both teams knew the student gunman who played on marysville's freshman football te team. the new york city police commissioner says the suspect thompson was a muslim convert who rapted against america online but there are no clear ties to international terrorism. thompson was killed by police after the attack. two officers were injured. one is still in the hospital with a head wound. a federal judge is saying to
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no to legalized sports betting in new jersey. just yesterday the judge ordered a temporary freeze on the law. governor chris christie signed that repeals the state's ban on sports wagering. the four major professional sports leagues and ncaa are suing to make the ban on sports betting permanent. now to news from our jersey shore bureau. atlantic city international airport could soon live up to its name if airport has nod had international service since canada-based west jet ended in 2010 but the mayor's office tells us that service to canada may resume by the end of this year. according to the mayor's office, several airlines are showing interest in the atlantic city market. the city of philadelphia is encouragiing smokers to quit wih the first tobacco free pharmacy network in the pharmacy. it's called the preferred network andern courages employees not covered by union benefits to use pharmacies that do not sell tobacco products. city workers who use other
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pharmacys will be charged an additional $15 more per prescription. >> it would positively impact the health of a much broader community and allow the city to manage health care costs and forego larger, more wide spread benefit changes. >> city officials tell us hundreds of independent pharmacies and three retail chains have registered. the changes begin on january 1st. helping hands to rebuild from hurricane sandy will be holding hands today in atlantic city. a human chain of volunteers will stand together a little bit later this morning t the venice park united methodist church. the chain of hope will emphasize and will also showcase cooperation among the storm recovery organizations just four days before the second anniversary of sandy hitting the jersey shore. today a once in a lifetime opportunity of course if you have the money to do it. the mainline mansion that's been owned be i the former owner of
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the 76ers will go to auction. pat croce's estate inville know va will be auction ud off to the highest bidder. nbc10 got a tour inside of the home yesterday. the auction company tells us that croce and his wife are empty nestors and no longer have a need for such a big mansion. if you would like to bid, here's what you need to know. the home is 10,000 square feet. sits on more than 3 1/2 acres. it was most recently listed for more than $6 million. you can take a virtual tour of the mansion right now on our website,, in case you are not going to be there for the actual auction. we also have a slide show of the interior and exterior of the property. if you are sick and tired of the christmas creep you are not alone. christmas creep, of course, refers to yuletide items showing up in stores before halloween. a new survey says that 71% of americans say they are annoyed or very annoyed at the practice.
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millennials don't seem to mind it as much. only 59% of them don't like the christmas creep. the reason could be is that they grew up with early holiday markets. now your nbc10 first alert weather. >> good saturday morning. we are looking fantastic today. get out and enjoy it. in case you haven't stepped outdoors yet, chilly. you may need a jacket as you head out early this morning. you can lose it later on. warm as we head towards the afternoon. weather headline on your saturday morning. super saturday. fantastic today. really nice for the last weekend in october. nice again tomorrow but we're going to add in the wind. breezy this afternoon. windy tomorrow. still tomorrows not bad tomorrow. so we'll have some sunshine. then we are looking at 70s in the seven-day. mid 70s, maybe even upper 70s as we head towards the middle of the workweek. right now looking beautiful outside. looking at clear skies. live view from our city skyline. yeah, we're looking at temperatures finally starting to rise. we are starting in the 30s and
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40s. now popping into the 50s, 53 right now in philadelphia. lots of sunshine. winds out of the west northwest at five miles per hour. those winds will pick up with breezy conditions later on this afternoon. roller coaster this week. last tuesday we were at 70. we dipped down wednesday and thursday with the rain, the cloud cover in place. 70 yesterday. then today we may touch 70. we're going for a forecast of 69 degrees, well above the average of 64. temperatures finally starting to rise. responding to all that sunshine we're seeing out there and right now we're seeing temperatures mainly in the 50s. we started out in the 30s in a lot of spots. 50 right now in reading. 51 in millville. 46 in mt. pocono. that's the cold spot on the map. radar is clear. nothing in terms of rainfall today. cold front is back to the west, in the midwest. it will move to the east as we move throughout the midtown areas. it's going to move through dry. high pressure remains in
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control. fall foliage outlook today. looking great. peak color in the poconos. lehigh valley, montgomery county. looking at high color. very pretty sites out there today. fantastic day. sunny and mild. breezy by this afternoon. wednesdayy by sunday. keeping the sunshine in place. maybe adding in clouds on sunday. monday looking at mostly sunny skies. very nice. 66 to get back to school and work. tuesday, warm. lots of sunshine. warmer on wednesday. mostly cloudy with a nighttime shower, 77. cooler on thursday. mostly sunny. halloween, yeah, you want to wear the costumes. a little chilly, 59 degrees. we'll be right back.
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this just in. we have an update in the police manhunt for eric frein.
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authorities say that a porsche stolen from monroe county in the poconos is not related to theal lemmed cop killer. that car was found in new york. police are still searching the woods of monroe county for frein who is wanted for shooting two pennsylvania state troopers and killing one of them. if there are any other updates we will keep you posted. news from delaware bureau. we remember last winter's brutal snowstorm. deldot are prepare for whatever is going to come our way this season. transportation agency inspected equipment lewis yesterday. also thinking about salt. last year delaware did not run out of salt when others states did but situation was a little touch and go. >> there was a period of time there we knew we weren't getting a ship for four weeks. at that point, what we had was going to have to make it until the ship, you know, your proverbial shape came? >> right now delaware already has the 43,000 tons of salt stored up and this year del dot
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will be testing a new system to keep track of it. they're mounting of gopro cameras in the barnes of ts of salt. i can't believe we're getting close to that time of year. >> don't say it. >> not there yet, right? >> feels like yesterday really. last winter was brutal. today, it's so, so nice. get out and enjoy it. it's late object. it could be so much worse than this. we're looking really pretty outside. lots of sunshine. temperatures in the 40s and 50s right now. we started out in the 30s and 40s. we're starting to see those temperatures respond to the sunshine. 53 right now in philadelphia. 46 in mt. pocono. 48 in lancaster. 50s to the south and east. 57 already in wildwood. so as we go throughout the day. lots of sunshine. 69. a lot of spots could touch 70. sunshine adding in a little more cloud cover, too, though. u.n. is, sun and clouds, 66. windy. wunds gusting near 25 miles per hour. monday night, sunshine. tuesday, 74.
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that's about ten degrees above what is typical for this time of year. even warmer on wednesday, 77 with a nighttime shower. cloud cover. mostly cloudy. lots of sunshine thursday. halloween, yeah, everyone is looking a t the forecast. chilly, 59. it could be worse. remember trick or treating in the 30s. >> or rain. >> or rain, exactly. >> we're in good shape. that's going to do it for thus morning. i'm rosemary connors. for michelle, have a good one.
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with tom corbett, things keep getting worse. september 16th. budget deficits force pennsylvania to borrow $1.5 billion dollars just to keep the lights on. three days later, pennsylvania's unemployment rate goes up for the second straight month. under tom corbett, we've fallen from 9th to 47th in job creation. and on september 25th, pennsylvania's credit is downgraded for the fifth time in two years. why would we give tom corbett four more years?
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scott: hi, i'm scott. ann: hi, i'm ann ulrich, and we're in little falls, new jersey. scott and i met, actually, in the seventh grade. we know who each other were. we watched each other going through high school. and it was january of 1985, our senior year, that we happened to be at the same party together. and his version is i put my hand on his leg, and my version, which is what really happened, he put his hand on my leg. but it all started from there. we started dating and eventually got married about 10 years later, in october of 1995.