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tv   NBC 10 News at 7am  NBC  October 26, 2014 7:00am-8:01am EDT

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nbc 10 news starts now. right now on nbc 10 news today, some septa workers will vote on whether to authorize a strike. a live report is just ahead with what this could mean for commuters. this morning, the u.s. ambassador to the u.n. is on her way to west africa to visit areas hit hardest by the ebola virus. coming up, we'll have more on her mission. and let's take a live look at boat house row, where thousands of athletes will hit the river in just about an hour from now for the head of the schuylkill regatta. the weather, though, could present some challenges for them today. good morning. this is nbc 10 news today. i'm rosemary conners. it's 7:00 on this sunday.
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michelle grossman is tracking sunny but windy conditions to close out the week. >> that's right. we're going to see winds gusting near 30 miles per hour, even higher than that at times. we're going to see lots of sunshine as we head throughout the day. we started out the weekend perfect, near 70 degrees. today not quite as warm. 60 in philadelphia. 53 in allentown. 52 right now in lancaster. 61 in wild wood. winds are already starting. we're seeing breezy conditions right now, up to 13 miles per hour in philadelphia. up to 14 in lancaster. by this afternoon, anywhere from ten to 20 miles per hour, out of the west-northwest, and gusting even closer to 30, 31 miles per hour. so for today, by 8:00, 60. by 10:00, 61. noon, looking at 63 degrees. sunshine on monday, but showers do return during your seven-day. we'll talk about that coming up. almost 5,000 union workers have been on the job at septa
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without a contract for months, and today those workers will vote on whether they may strike. nbc 10's matt delucia is live and you've been talking to riders this morning. are they concerned? >> reporter: certainly for what may happen down the road, but this strike authorization vote is scheduled for 3:00 today, but if approved, it does not necessarily mean that the service will stop right away. but this does affect a large number of services. it affects subway, trolley, buses, and also the maintenance workers. the transport workers union, they've been without a contract since march. if a strike is approved by the 4,700 members of twu local 234, then the leadership says it will decide on a date and time for that to happen and that is if the contract negotiations fall through. the union president says he is still making efforts at the bargaining table and septa says that they've been trying to reach an agreement as well. i've been talking with riders this morning and asking them what impact the service
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corruption would have. >> if the workers were to go on strike, what would that do to you? >> it would put me in harm's way. i'd be stranded. you know, no transportation with what i do. >> reporter: big sticking points have been pensions and health care, but if a strike does happen in the future, septa says it will issue a service interruption plan. as of now, septa says it has not been notified of any imminent work stoppage. we'll stay on top of this. for now, matt delucia, nbc 10 news. new from overnight, a man is in critical condition following this crash in philadelphia. nbc 10 was on the scene as east crown avenue in morell park. that's where two pickup trucks collided around 12:30 this morning. police are now investigating the cause of this crash. today the u.s. ambassador to the united nations is on her way to west africa to visit the countries hit hardest by ebola.
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samantha powers expected to arrive in guinea later today. she'll also visit liberia and sierra leone. power will tour ebola coordination centers and she'll meet with u.s. and u.n. personnel in the region. she's calling attention to the need for increased international response to the outbreak. meanwhile, new jersey, new york, and now illinois have mandatory quarantines for some travelers coming from west africa. it's in response to the case of dr. craig spencer. he arrived in new york from liberia and then became ill with the deadly virus this week. ebola survivors like dr. rick sacra warn that the 21-day quarantine will discourage travelers from traveling overseas to help with the deadly disease. >> you're beginning to have to take another three weeks totally out of commission. >> so it's a real practical concern. >> yeah. >> and most of these doctors are volunteers. >> absolutely. all of them, i think. >> now, in terms of dr.
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spencer's condition, it has gotten worse, but that was expected. health officials say he remains awake and communicative, though, at bellevue hospital. nancy writebol, a survivor of ebola, has been donating plasma to dr. spencer. writebol was one of the first americans diagnosed with the deadly virus. she contracted it while working as a missionary in liberia. a nurse under the mandatory quarantine at a hospital in newark, new jersey, is criticizing the way she says she's being treated. as we told you yesterday morning, preliminary tests for ebola have come back negative for nurse kaci hickox who returned this week after helping patients in west africa. she is still being held at newark university hospital and it's unclear if she'll remain there for the rest of the 21-day quarantine period or if she'll be released. yesterday in "the dallas morning news," hickox called the measure a "frenzy of disorganization and fear that makes her feel like a criminal." this weekend in our area, the coalition of west african
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countries affected by ebola held a rally to raise awareness and money in southwest philadelphia. the coalition is made up of people and organizations with ties to guinea, liberia, and sierra leone. you can count on nbc 10 to help address your concerns about the ebola virus. tomorrow morning, we're going to have two medical professionals right here at the nbc 10 studios answering your questions. if you have something you'd like to ask them, send your question in right now. all you have to do is log on to the nbc 10 facebook page and look for the ebola q&a section. we will answer your questions live tomorrow morning from 4:00 to sev7:00 right here on nbc 10 news today. was it a random attack or was a philadelphia man targeted? that's what police are investigating after a couple beat the victim with a bat and then shot him. we first told you about this yesterday. this happened at second and carpenter streets in the queen village neighborhood of philadelphia. the 36-year-old victim told police that the couple walked up to him and said you know what
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you did. then the woman hit him with the bat. when the victim tried to run away, the man shot him in the leg. he is in critical condition right now and so far there are no arrests. now to decision 2014. with elections across the country a little more than a week away, a visit to iowa by chris christie is feeding the ongoing speculation that he may run for president in 2016. in a speech during a birthday bash for iowa's governor last night, christie said, "america used to control events both here at home and around the world, and now it seems that our fate is being dictated by others." he went on to say "it is back of the lack of leadership that we've had in the white house. it has been six long years, but i bring you the good news, there are only two more years left." his visit comes as a recent bloomberg politics des moines register poll found that just 6% of likely republican caucus goers in iowa say that christie would be their first choice for
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president. you may remember, it was just two years ago this week when president obama and governor christie were side by side, touring the sandy-ravaged jersey shore together. mr. obama returned months later and met christie for another tour. at the time, republicans criticized the governor for his relationship with the president. speaking of president obama, one week from today, he is scheduled to be in philadelphia to campaign with democrat tom wolf. wolf is running for pennsylvania governor. he's trying to unseat the current governor, republican incumbent tom corbett. corbett's administration claims that their internal polling shows that he is closing the gap on tom wolf's lead. again, election day, november 4th. in other political news, six more states are now recognizing same-sex marriages. alaska, arizona, idaho, north carolina, west virginia, and wyoming join 26 other states and washington, d.c. couples married in these states
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will qualify for federal benefits including social security and veterans benefits. the justice department has also determined that same-sex marriages performed in indiana and wisconsin will be legally recognized after federal courts declared state marriage bans unconstitutional. today, the head of the schuylkill regatta wraps up in philadelphia. here's a live look at boat house row. the races will begin here in just about an hour at 8:00. they will continue through 4:00 this afternoon. you can tell it's a little bit windy out there. nbc 10 was there for the first day of the races yesterday. thousands of competitors were out on the schuylkill river. the event features rowers from middle school age to masters in their 80s. they hail from 23 states and six countries. next, the heroic actions of a teacher, how she stepped in harm's way after a student opened fire on his classmates. and dozens of people hit the streets in the city, armed with
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guns. ahead, we'll look at the reasons for the march.
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this is nbc 10 news. >> here's a live look over center city, and the delaware river. you can see that flag on top of the aramark building blowing in the breeze. it's going to be windier and just a little bit cooler today than it was yesterday. we will not hit 70 degrees.
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meteorologist michelle grossman will have the details in the seven-day forecast. this morning, we are learning more about that deadly shooting at a washington state high school on friday. some of the victims are related to the gunman. we've also learned that a newly-hired teacher confronted the gunman identified as jaylen fryberg. a witness says that the teacher intercepted fryberg as he was trying to reload. the attack left one girl dead and four others seriously hurt. fryberg also took his own life at the scene. family members say that he targeted friends and relatives. two of the victims are his cousins. >> he had a look on his face like he was just realizing what he did. i think he had a change of heart. if he wanted to, he could have gone on. >> a motive for the attack is still unknown. friends say that fryberg recently got into an argument with another student over a racial slur that was made. law enforcement sources claim that he may have been in a recent dispute over a girl.
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people in canada are also in mourning this weekend after the loss of a soldier who was shot and killed in ottawa on wednesday. hundreds gathered at the national war memorial last night. they held a candlelight individual in honor of corporal nathan cirillo. he was standing guard when he was gunned down. a military funeral is planned for corporal cirillo this tuesday and will be held at christ church cathedral in hamilton, which is his hometown. the soldier was killed by michael zehaf-bibeau. he ran into parliament hill, he died there in a shootout with police. his motive remains unknown, but canada's prime minister is calling this shooting a terror attack. in the fight against isis, this is the latest video of u.s.-led coalition air strikes on isis targets in syria. u.s. officials say coalition war planes destroyed an isis artillery position here. kurdish forces had been battling the islamic state militants in this area for more than a month now.
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happening right now in ukraine, voters are going to the polls to elect a new parliament. the voting is being held in areas outside the influence of pro-russian rebels. president petro poroshenko's party is expected to get the most support, but it's unclear if the party will be able to form a government without help from rival groups. it was an apparent bomb threat that grounded a jet in western canada. the plane landed yesterday at an airport in british columbia after officials received threatening calls. 98 passengers were held onboard until they could be transferred by bus. authorities have arrested one person, calling him a person of interest. now to some news in missouri, where citizens are parading through the streets with their guns as part of their new rights under state law. dozens of people marched with their firearms yesterday. the event recognized a recent amendment to missouri's constitution which calls the right to bear arms an
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unalienable right. legislation opposes the open carry of weapons. st. louis's mayor a critic of the law, describes the march as a scene out of a bad western. in phoenix, there's no word on when 800 hotel guests will be allowed to return to their rooms after a fire broke out. this happened in an electrical room of the downtown sheridan yesterday morning. firefighters arrived quickly to snuff out the flames. fortunately, nobody was hurt. the hotel is now working to row locate many of the guests. the sheridan, by the way, opened in 2008, and it's billed as arizona's largest hotel. next, firefighters get a bizarre rescue call after a horse ends up in a swimming pool. we'll have the details after the break. good sunday morning. we're seeing sunshine in spots this morning. we're also seeing a little shower activity. teeny tiny showers well to the north of our area. we are looking at partly cloudy skies in philadelphia. 60 degrees, mild start.
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temperatures not rising very far from that number and the winds really picking up today. we'll talk about that straight ahead. i'm robert de niro and new york is my home. it's the best place to visit in the world and now it's the easiest, because now there are new tourism guides on the road, and on your phone that make it easier to find the places you love. find great dining, amazing history, and world-class entertainment, no matter where you are. take the ultimate road trip and see why i love new york. for more information, go to
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check out this rain. triggered by the same system that drenched our area earlier this week. now to the story of a diving horse, so to speak, rescued from a pool in arizona. a homeowner called firefighters telling them his horse fell onto his swimming pool. a veterinarian was also called to the scene to tranquilize the
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animal. rescuers used straps to slowly pull the horse out of the water. as you can see, the horse is doing all right. it's still unclear exactly how the animal got into that pool in the first place. now your nbc 10 first alert weather. >> i'm meteorologist michelle grossman. started out the weekend nearly picture-perfect yesterday. we had temperatures right near 70 degrees. today, different story, cooler temperatures, closer to normal and some winds in place. weather headlines on your sunday morning. a sunny sunday. so enjoy that. we'll see sunny conditions monday and tuesday before rain returns on wednesday. not as warm today, though. temperatures right around 56 degrees. that's about normal this time of year. whipping winds. winds gusting near 30 miles per hour at times. taking a look outdoors, looking good. this is a live view from the poconos. we're looking at temperatures in
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the 40s there. in philadelphia, 60 degrees. winds out of the west-northwest at 13 miles per hour. we're looking at 11 degrees warmer than this time yesterday. we're starting out mild. this number, though, isn't going very far from here as we head throughout the afternoon. friday, saturday, tops out around 70 degrees. today, closer to 66. not bad for late october. could be much, much worse than it is, but still not what we saw yesterday. temperatures right now mainly in the 50s and 60s as opposed to the 30s and 40s this time yesterday. 55 right now in reading. 56 in mount pocono. 55 degrees if atlantic city. so that's your big weather headlines today. if you're beginning to be out and about, just plan on some wind. right now breezy, 14 miles per hour in lancaster. 13 in philadelphia. notice this direction from the west-northwest. it's a cooling wind that's going to keep the temperatures down. future wind gusts, gusting anywhere from 20, 25, up to 30 miles per hour. even a little above that. so by this evening, dinnertime,
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7:00, 8:00, we're looking at 29-mile-per-hour wind gusts. they should be calm as they head towards monday morning. we had a few showers earlier to the north. this is the setup for today. we have a cold front move through. windy conditions. so again, plan on that as you head throughout today. sunny and windy. we're going to keep the sunshine in place on monday. so looking really good to start out your work and school week. 65 by tuesday. much warmer, 74, sunshine still in place. wednesday, count on a few showers. bring the umbrella that day. mostly cloudy skies. 70 degrees. dropping the temperature pretty drastically by thursday. still sunshine. 58 on halloween. 52 by saturday. mo'ne davis takes the mound at game four of the world series. but it wasn't this moment that she called the topper of the day. find out what gave the young athlete the biggest thrill.
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watch this. mo'ne davis bringing it. >> i'm not getting in the box against her. >> a perfect strike. that's what mo'ne davis did before game four of the world series. she got a roaring ovation from the crowd in san francisco yesterday. she also took photos of the stands, munched on a sundae, and met baseball legends hank aaron and frank robinson. but what tops it all, she says, getting a phone call from her favorite player, chase utley. as for game four of the world series, the san francisco giants evened things up after trailing to the royals early, the giants scored nine unanswered runs on their home field. they get the win 11-4 and game five, by the way, is tonight. now to the gridiron. in a thriller that ended just after midnight in happy valley,
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penn state lost to 13th ranked ohio state in double overtime. the nittany lions came back from a 17-0 deficit, but the buckeyes scored touchdowns in each of the extra periods. ohio state won it 31-24. today in philadelphia, there will be an eagles watch party for a good cause. don't forget the eagles are playing today. the center for grieving children will host a fundraiser. a $10 donation gets you in. it will be held at paddy whacks pub at 4:00, which is game time. the time right now is 7:27. we'll continue in just a moment with another half-hour of news. matt delucia is live in philadelphia this morning to tell us about a crucial septa vote that's happening today. matt? >> reporter: yeah, rosemary. a strike vote is scheduled for later today, but does that mean service could stop today? i'm looking into that. i'll have the details and what riders are saying about all this. that's coming up. and we are starting out mild today.
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a lot warmer than this time yesterday. a live look outside from our cape may camera. looking good down there. temperatures not rising very far today and the winds are going to really pick up. we'll talk more about that. also tracking showers in your seven-day. details straight ahead. - ( helicopter whirring ) - ( roars ) ( siren wails ) ( pop music playing ) ♪ when you're ready ♪ ready, ready, ready ♪ come and get it ♪ get it, get it ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na ♪ na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na... female announcer: it's a great big world and it can all be yours. here and only here. ♪ come and get it.
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this is nbc 10 news. >> today some of septa's union workers will meet for a vote that could authorize a strike. a live report is just ahead. also today, the fiancee of the new york city doctor with ebola is beginning three weeks under quarantine. this as the doctor's condition worsens. let's take a live look outside right now at lincoln financial field in south philly on this windy sunday. nonetheless, should be a nice fall day. too bad the eagles will be playing in arizona later on this afternoon. both teams are 5-1 on the season. should be an exciting match-up.
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good morning and welcome back to nbc 10 news today. i'm rosemary conners. it's 7:30 on this sunday. meteorologist michelle grossman is tracking the breezy conditions outside, and a warm-up, a big warm-up that's headed later this week. >> we're going to see 70s back into our forecast, but not today. we hit 70 yesterday. today a little closer to normal. but winds will be the big weather headline on this sunday. looking pretty outside. we're looking at our aquarium counter. really nice start to the day. it is mild. if you haven't stepped out yet, 60 in philadelphia. 53 in allentown. 54 right now in millville. 59 degrees in wild wood. big difference in this time yesterday. yesterday we were sitting in the 30s and 40s. today we're in the 50s and 60s. but the winds, yeah, that's your big story. you want to plan on some pretty gusty winds by this afternoon. we'll call it breezy right now. 14 miles per hour in lancaster. we will gust up to 30 miles per hour at times later on this afternoon. so for today, not a bad late
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october day. by 8:00, 60 degrees. 10:00, looking at 61 and temperatures rising oh so slowly by noon. we'll talk more about today's forecast, and return to your seven-day in just faw minutes. today, septa union workers will vote on whether to tloiz a strike. as of now, the 4,700 workers we're talking about are on the job without a new contract. matt delucia is live in philadelphia. >> the strike authorization vote is scheduled for 3:00 this afternoon. if it does go through, it does not necessarily mean that the services will stop right then and there, but it does affect a large number of services. it affects the subways. affects the volleuntee trolleys maintenance workers. if a strike is approved, then the leadership says it will decide on a date and time for
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that to happen. and that is if the contract negotiations fail. twu local 234 has been without a contract since march, and both the union and septa say they have been meeting and trying to reach an agreement. riders i've been talking with this morning say they are tired of this back and forth that is putting their ride in jeopardy. >> they go to work every day, i need to be to work at a certain time. if it goes on strike, it's going to be hard for a lot of people. >> it's crazy. they got to know what they're going to do. they got a lot of workers. they need their money just like we need our money, too. i don't know. that's just a bunch of wish wash, i think. >> reporter: a lot of opinions out here. the big sticking points have been pensions and health care. and if a strike does happen in the future, septa says it will issue a service interruption plan. but riders out here say they hope it does not come to that. matt delucia, nbc 10 news. new from overnight, a man is
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in critical condition following this crash in philadelphia. nbc 10 was on the scene at east crown avenue in morell park. that's where two pickup trucks collided around 12:30 this morning. police are now investigating the cause of this crash. we have just learned this morning that the governor of florida has signed an order for mandatory monitoring of anybody returning to the state from ebola-affected areas. they join new york, new jersey, and illinois, which have similar policies in place. the u.s. ambassador to theñ%qui arrive in guinea. samantha power will focus her attention on the need for increased international response in the countries hit hardest by the ebola virus. meanwhile, the fiancee of the new york city doctor with ebola is beginning her three weeks of quarantine at the couple's apartment. morgan dixon was released from bellevue hospital last night. the new york health department says while she has no symptoms, it's a necessary precaution because her fiance, dr. craig
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spencer, has tested positive. this weekend, a cleaning crew disinfected the apartment complex where they live. neighbors say they're not worried, though. >> she didn't catch it. that means other people this the building probably won't catch it, you know? >> i feel for him, too, because everyone's freaking out. >> his condition has gotten worse, but health officials say they expected that. he remains awake and communicative. he is getting state of the art anti-viral and plasma treatments. he's been at the hospital since thursday when he first reported having a fever. also under mandatory quarantine is the nurse in newark, new jersey, who returned to the u.s. this week after taking care of ebola patients in west africa. this morning, she's criticizing the way she says she's being treated. as we told you yesterday morning, preliminary tests for ebola have come back negative for nurse kaci hickox. newark university hospital is not saying if she'll remain there the rest of the mandatory
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quarantine period or if she'll be released. the isolation policy is part of the new mandate by the governors of new jersey and new york, and again, as we've reported, now florida and illinois. they are requiring a mandatory quarantine for anybody arriving at newark or jfk airports. anyone who has had direct contact with people infected with the deadly virus. yesterday in "the dallas morning news," hickox called the measure "a frenzy of disorganization and fear that makes her feel like a criminal." some passengers at newark's airport say they understand her frustration. >> i think that's a long time, but if that's what they need to do, that's necessity, yeah, okay, we have to do that. we have to make sure that it doesn't spread around here. >> new jersey governor chris christie says he simple authorizes with hickox, but has to do what he can to ensure public health safety. you can count on nbc 10 to help address your concerns about the ebola virus. tomorrow morning, we will have
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two medical professionals here in studio at nbc 10 answering your questions. if you have something you'd like to ask them, submit your question now by logging on to the nbc 10 facebook page and looking for the ebola q&a section. we will answer your questions live tomorrow morning from 4:00 to 7:00 right here on nbc 10 news today. in other news this morning, philadelphia police are searching for a couple whom they say beat a man with a bat and then shot him. we told you about this yesterday morning, this shooting happened at second and carpenter streets in queen village. here's what we know. the 37-year-old victim told police that the couple walked up to him and said you know what you did. then the woman hit him with a bat. when the victim tried to run away, the man shot him in a leg. a neighbor describes what happened next. >> immediately heard people yelling at each other and some obscenities. immediately after that, the guy was saying help me, somebody call the ambulance or the cops. >> the victim is now in critical condition. police are trying to determine
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if this was a random attack or if he was targeted for a reason. in the nicetown neighborhood of philadelphia, investigators are looking into what caused the fire that forced a family of 20 out of their home. this happened around 3:30 yesterday afternoon on the 3800 block of north 15th street. crews had the blaze under control within half an hour and fortunately nobody was hurt in this. the family is now staying at the red cross house. let's head now to atlantic city where friends and loved ones are hoping for the safe return of a missing mother. nbc 10 was at a vigil last night for sapphire wiggins. the 23-year-old has not been heard from since october 15th. concerns came to light and have been heightened after her boyfriend was found dead of an apparent suicide in camden county. in the philadelphia school budget crisis, a state judge is expected to rule this week on the legal flap between the
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teachers union and the school district. an injunction issued last week stopped the school district from forcing teachers to contribute to their health care benefits. officials are now appealing that decision. the judge will determine if the case can stay in state commonwealth court or be moved to philadelphia common pleas court. thousands of competitive rowers will face an extra challenge on the schuylkill river today, and that is because of the weather. a little windy, right? >> it's going to be very windy. breezy to start your day. we're seeing winds a little breezy, about 12 miles per hour, but gusting close to 30 later on this afternoon. here's a live look outside along boat house row. not a bad start to the day in terms of temperatures. 60 degrees. but we're going to be not much further than that number. we'll have your details straight ahead.
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hi, are we still on for tomorrow? tomorrow. quick look at the weather. nice day, beautiful tomorrow. tomorrow is full of promise. we can come back tomorrrow. and we promise to keep it that way. driven to preserve the environment, csx moves a ton of freight nearly 450 miles on one gallon of fuel. what a day. can't wait til tomorrow. let me get tyes?straight... lactaid® is 100% real milk? right. real milk. but it won't cause me discomfort. exactly, no discomfort, because it's milk without the lactose. and it tastes? it's real milk! come on, would i lie about this?
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lactaid®. 100% real milk. no discomfort. and try lactaid® supplements with your first bite to dig in to all your dairy favorites. today is the second and last day of the head of the schuylkill regatta. here is a live look at boathouse row where the races are going to begin in just about 20 minutes. they will continue through 4:00 this afternoon. now your nbc 10 first alert weather. >> and winds are going to be the biggest factor for that race. we're going to see winds gusting near 30 miles per hour at times later on this afternoon. breezy right now. temperatures not bad.
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sunshine is out. we're going to see the sun shining as we head throughout the afternoon. we are looking at the poconos here. not a bad start to the day in terms of sky cover, in terms of temperatures, but the big story today will be the winds. right now, 60 degrees in philadelphia. big difference from this time yesterday. we were in the 30s and the 40s in a lot of spots. winds out of the west-northwest right now at 13 miles per hour. temperatures not too bad today. not the 70s we saw friday and saturday. but still above normal today, right around 66 degrees. temperatures right now across the region, mainly in the 50s, right around 60 in philadelphia. to the north and west, 53 in allentown, 52 in lancaster. just the 40s in mount pocono. 55 in atlantic city and 57 in dover. so winds, we're tracking them as we go throughout the day. right now we'll call it breezy as you head out for your morning exercises. you'll have to contend with some of these breezy conditions. 14 miles per hour in lancaster.
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14 in wilmington. they're gusting higher than that. this will be the story throughout the day. we'll keep those gusts around 25 throughout the day. they could gust even higher than that, up to 30. radar looking good right now. we had a cold front that moved through. moving off the coast today. and what's going to happen behind this front is these winds really will pick up out of the west-northwest. a cooling wind out of canada and that's going to keep the temperatures down in the mid 60s. great day to see the fall foliage. lehigh valley, chest you are county looking county looking good. nice day for fall activities. today sunny and windy, looking at temperatures right around normal, typical this time of year. we'll call it 64 to 67. again, the big story will be the winds out of the west-northwest at 10 to 20 miles per hour,
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gusting higher than that. skies clear, as the winds come down, chilly conditions. 44 in philadelphia. just 38 north and west. a big difference in what we're seeing right now. seven-day forecast, nice start to your workweek. 65. lots of sunshine. we're going to bump those temperatures up to 74. by wednesday, some showers. mostly cloudy skies. 70. much cooler on thursday. for halloween, unfortunately we're going to be a little bit chilly, 58, and saturday starting next weekend. windy, partly cloudy skies, 52. >> this week is the final push ahead of the midterm elections. next, we'll talk live to chuck todd, moderator of "meet the press" about his road trip to the battleground states.
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on my journey across america, i've learned that when you ask someone in texas if they want "big" savings on car insurance, it's a bit like asking if they want a big hat...
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this is nbc 10 news. >> lots of people get lottery tickets as a birthday gift, but how many of them are winners? and we mean big winners. one chicago teen is now a millionaire after her dad gave her two scratch-up lottery tickets as a gift for her 19th birthday. they were worth $4 million. awesome. just a few minutes before
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the start of the "today" show at 8:00. lester holt and erica hill join us live from new york with more on what they're working on. makes you think twice about buying those lottery tickets, right? >> oh, my goodness, it does. every now and then, santa would slip a scratch-off into my stocking. never paid off. i appreciated it, santa, so if you're listening, go ahead, just a thought. we are following this breaking story this morning. u.s. marines packing up along with british troops leaving afghanistan for good now. but why now, and what could this mean for the u.s. military? we'll have the latest for you in a live report. >> also ahead. another story developing overnight. u.s. ambassador to the united nations samantha power on the ground in guinea, a west africa nation hit hard by ebola. she's the first u.s. official to go there since the outbreak. we'll speak to her exclusively about her trip. also the growing controversy over a mandatory 21-day quarantine for some health care workers returning home to the u.s. plus, the inspiring story this morning of a blind musician who is the star of a new
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documentary along with music legend quincy jones. the two of them joining us live this morning to talk about a shared mentor. plus dylan goes undercover at a haunted house and tries to scare the you know what out of some people when we get started on a sunday morning here on "today." >> looking forward to it. thank you, guys. now we're going to check in with the folks in washington. we are entering the final full week of campaigning before the midterm elections on november 4th. it's the focus of discussion on "meet the press" this morning. joining us now for a preview is moderator of "meet the press," chuck todd. good morning, chuck. >> good morning, rosemary. you got it. it's been busy. >> chuck, you've been busy. you've been on the road this week to meet voters in key battleground states. what's your takeaway from the trip? >> the biggest takeaway is there is a group of voters out there that don't have amnesia. they know they voted for change in '06 and '08, firing republicans and replacing them with democrats. they voted for change again in 2010, firing a bunch of democrats, replacing them with republicans. and they look at what they've
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got in washington and they don't like it. they're really upset. now they're in this anti-incumbent mood. the voters i kept running into, didn't matter, whether it was in kansas, students i ran into in iowa, or frankly, the political polarized state of wisconsin, they all had the same sort of mantra here, which is they're tired of the gridlock. they'd like to see politicians get things done. they think they all are acting too much in their own party's interest. and they don't know what to do. they want to punish incumbents, but they don't want to reward the party that's challenging those incumbents. it's why all these races are still tied. it's why it hasn't broken in one party's favor or the other. so it's been -- these are some cranky voters out there. >> and chuck, you've alluded to this. so we're about nine days away from election day. will anything change in washington depending on what the results are? >> i can tell you this. the voters don't believe much will change. they don't see the difference -- they'd like to see some big change, but they don't think a
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lot is going to change. you can look at it on the margins. what does 51 democrats in the senate versus 51 republicans mean? it could mean president obama has to veto more bills. it certainly could have an impact on how many judges get appointed and confirmed. but on the big ticket items, it's unclear that much will get done, whether it's on immigration, whether it's on taxes. even, of course, some people who would like to see more done on the health care law. that seems to be what's frustrating voters. they don't have a clear sense of what, for instance, republicans want to do if they get the majority and that bothers them, too, as i've been talking with them. >> chuck todd, moderator of "meet the press." thanks for your insight. >> okay. >> today on "meet the press," chuck will also unveil the latest polls and discuss the political impact of isis and ebola. that's all coming up on "meet the press" at 10:30 this morning right here on nbc 10. we'll be right back.
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this is nbc 10 news. >> it's that time of year again. happening today, high school students in our area can get information about applying to colleges. yep, the philadelphia national college fair is being held in center city. students and their parents can meet one-on-one with admission representatives from a wide range of colleges and universities. they'll also learn more about financial aid, admission requirements, and course offerings at the schools. the fair is happening at the pennsylvania convention center from 11:00 this morning until
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3:00 this afternoon. it's free and open to everyone. with halloween right around the corner, there is a spooky run that will take you through a local historic cemetery and it's all for a good cause. manna is hosting a 3k run 4 ur life scary fun run this week. manna, by the way, is a non-profit that cooks and delivers free nutritious meals to people throughout the delaware valley who are battling life threatening illnesses. here's the information. the run 4 ur life event happens this thursday. it begins at 7:00 in the evening, so it will be dark and extra spooky. the cost is $30 and the proceeds benefit manna. christmas came early to one utah town. it was a celebration for a 4-year-old boy with leukemia who has just days or weeks to live. >> ethan! how are you doing?
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ho ho ho ho ho! >> santa gave ethan a ride through town. earlier this week, his family sell britted halloween and his birthday. so the next step, of course, was christmas. there was candy, presents, decorations, and christmas carols. >> sometimes bad things happen. but they happen for a reason. and just looking at the community's support, being here is evidence that there is a god who loves his children. >> ethan's father says the family appreciates everything their community is doing for the 4-year-old this week. before we leave you, we want to get one last check of the wemplt -- weather. a little bit windy today. >> yes. temperatures not that bad right now. 60. but we'll top out around 66 degrees. monday looking nice. 65. warmer on tuesday before showers return on thursday. >> i'm looking at that tuesday. 74 degrees. >> beginning to be nice.
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>> michelle and i will see you back here at 9:00. have a good one.
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good morning. breaking news. out of afghanistan, the last u.s. marines and british troops handing over two bases to afghan military. why now? we're live with the latest. outrage. a nurse whos in' a mandatory quarantine after testing negative for ebola blasting officials for the way she was treated upon her return from west africa. this as the ambassador u.n. arrives after the outbreak began. the exclusive interview. danger zone. the active flow from the volume day know