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tv   NBC 10 News at 4pm  NBC  October 27, 2014 4:00pm-5:01pm EDT

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the baby is doing well according to relatives. surig under police guard. >> debby knew her 24-year-old daughter patricia had been suffering from postpartum depression. >> she has been very sad. >> but never imagined patricia would throw her 1-month-old girl into the atlantic city inlet before jumping in herself. >> i don't know why she would not reach out to family. >> i'm having witnesses report toç me that the woman was prayg and then threw the infant into the water. >> i said i'm going to go in for you. >> two nearby fisherman rescued the atlantic city woman and her infant, a retired firefighter performed cpr to revive the tiny girl who relatives say is now fine. >> thank god they were there. i mean, i'm so happy they were
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there because neither one of them would be here today if they weren't. >> in her mind, that's what she thought, she thought she was doing was best for her and her baby. >> reporter: patricia is charged with aggravated assault. we're told additional charges could be file as well. her sister and mother say their primary concern now is for the baby and also want to make sure patricia gets the help she needs. >> i don't want people to think poorly of her because of her mental illness. i just want them to, you know, want them to be understanding of the situation. >> reporter: relatives tell me she has a 3-year-old boy and 5-year-old girl. they say those children are now staying with their paternal grandmother. live in atlantic city, i'm ted greenberg, nbc 10 news. septa union leaders about to hold a news conference in northern liberty amid their
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threat to walk off the job as you look at live pictures from the news conference coming up. those union workers already intend to strike. >> rosemary connors, you've been talking to both sides as well as commuters about the impact the potential strike could have. >> the president willie brown is expected to come out here and address us. as soon as we get an update and more information we'll pass that along to you. in the meantime, here's what we know. even though the union has voted to authorize the strike, it's not happening yet. riders, commuters will get a heads up if it does come to pass. we're talking about 4,700 bus drivers, trolley operators, subway operators who would stop working. septa are not commenting publicly about the possibility of a strike but riders are certainly voicing their opinions about workers walking off the job. >> i think they need toç thank the lord for a job. first of all. and if the job don't suit them, somebody else will gladly work
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at septa. >> reporter: the bus is the only way lola kendall robinson gets around town. she's retired and relies on septa to go to her appointments. >> i hate for my children to miss work to take me to a doctor. it's ridiculous. >> reporter: it would be a burden on them? >> yes. they shouldn't strike because i'm a senior an depend on public transportation. >> reporter: that was the common concern we heard from commuters in center city. the only alternative to septa's bus, trolley and subway services are regional rail. the trains are already crowded as ridership is on the rise. >> i'd have to walk or take a cab. >> which can be expensive. >> which can be very expensive. >> a lot more than riding the subway. >> yes, yes indeed. >> reporter: commuters warrant the transport workers union to keep in mind the more than 900,000 daily riders who would be affected by a transit strike. some can sympathize with the situation. >> they have responsibility for the city. >> reporter: you understand where they're coming from?
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>> absolutely, absolutely. >> reporter: even if it's going to frustrate your plans? >> yes, they have to do what they have to do. they have a right to strike and they should use every means necessary. >> as you can see, live here at this news conference, union president willie brown has just come out to address the media here. at this point he's just told us what happened yesterday, recapping that the union did authorize that vote to strike if and when he says it becomes necessary. we'll listen in here as soon as we get more information, we will keep you updated throughout this news cast. reporting live in northern liberties, rosemary connors, nbc 10 news. >> count on nbc 10 news and for new developments on the septa strike threat as soon as there's any new information from either side, we'll bring it to you on air, online and on your mobile device with the nbc 10 news app. traffic is moving again after this crash in philadelphia's lawn crest section. this happened about an hour again.
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skyforce 10 over perkness street and whitaker avenue. one person was trapped in the suv. that person was taken to the hospital. we're still trying to find out how seriously they were hurt or what led to this crash.ç now to a developing story today, a pennsylvania supreme court justice caught in a porn e-mail scandal. he's retired after nearly eight years on the high court. seamus mccaffrey is accused of sending or receiving e-mails with sexually explicit content over several years. four justices voted last week to suspend him. mccaffrey was elected in 2007. he faced election again in 2017. a real school shock he for students and parents at one philadelphia charter school. >> today they reported to class only to find out the entire high school is closed. nbc 10's lu ann cahn is following this story live in
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frankford this afternoon. >> this development really caught people off guard. >> oh, yeah, despite issues, parents of students who go to the walter palmer high school charter school say they were told that this school would be open for the rest of the year. and then they got an automated phone call last night that said the doors would be shut today. tonight, just a couple of hours, parents and students will gather here to be told what happened and what happens next. >> my child has been going here since fifth grade. my frustration is i got a phone call at 11:00 last night not to send my daughter to school this morning. >> has no other options but to immediately begin the process of transitioning our high school students to other schools. >> reporter: just last week to comply with the state supreme court order, walter palmer k through 8 held a lottery to eliminate 275 students from its rolls. but parents were told the high school of 275 students would survive.
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the court ruled the charter school violated its charter by doubling the enrollment it was allowed. the ruling also meant the charter school lost about $300,000 in state funding a month. >> a couple of parents said this is a death sentence to send us back there. i know, i understand. but my hands are tied. i've exhausted almost every court. >> reporter: today the charter school founder testified at a hearing trying to save his elementary school. the school district intends to close it at the end of the year. >> we believe that the schoolç financially is hurting and also that these kids are not being successful at this school. >> reporter: the philadelphia school district says it would not have objected if dr. palmer found a way to keep the doors of the high school open for the rest of the year. school administrators say they were just as surprised as parents to learn the doors were shutting today. >> i just think he should have did things better. i don't think you should communicate with parents by a voicemail. >> reporter: there is some effort to see if they can
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transfer all the high school students here to west philadelphia high school promise academy. at 6:00, a charter school, administrators, school district personnel, people from other charter schools, the archdiocese will be here to counsel parents and students, tell them about all of their options, what happens next. we don't know what's happening with the teachers. we will be finding out when the meeting begins at 6:00. live in the frankford section of philadelphia, lu ann cahn, nbc 10 news. new information now about hazing allegations involving a local high school football team. the school board will meet tomorrow night to discuss the investigation happening at central bucs west in doylestown. district officials say they verified allegations that rookie players were subjected to a waterboarding type in additioniation by seniors. all remaining varsity and junior varsity football games were canceled last week and all coaches were suspend.
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a methodist pastor who was displained after he officiated at the marriage of his gay son will be able to continue. the council ruled on technical grounds and didn't express support for gay marriage in general. from our delaware bureau today, an attack at a grocery store turns deadly. now police are searching for the people responsible. the beating happened in a parking lot at pencader plaza. a man opened the door and began punching him in the head and upper body. he died the next day. police say they believe stanley was targeted. they're look for two men who got away in an suv.ç the family of a murdered gloucester county girl is suing local law enforcement agencies claiming they failed their child, 12-year-old autoall
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pasquale disappeared in 2012. her body was found two days later, stuffed into a recycling bin. the suit claims law enforcement did not follow appropriate procedures, including a canvass of the immediate area where the girl went missing two years ago. other agencies are also implicated. justin robinson pleaded guilty to aggravated manslaughter and serving a 17-year sentence now. his brother donti was released. authorities say pasquale was lured to their home with the promise of trading bike parts. the gloucester county legal office says they have not received a copy of the lawsuit but a spokesman released a statement, saying any civil action seeking money damages by pointing blame at police is misplaced. police are using a different tactic on day 45 of their mountain manhunt for accused cop killer eric frein. >> unmanned balloons took to the skies over the poconos, hoping
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to spot the outdoor survivalist who's eluded police for more than six weeks now. nbc 10's doug shimell live this afternoon once again in the poconos. >> tell us how these balloons work. >> well, it's basically like a very tall adjustable lookout post. and state police say that one of the biggest advantages is, it is infinitely less comprehensive to operate than those state police helicopters. >> i wasn't sure what it was. >> reporter: it just appeared over the weekend. >> i seen it yesterday but i didn't know what it was. it looks like a balloon to me where are anchored above the alpine ski resort in price township is the latest search weapon, a balloon donated by ohio's transportation department to help find fugitive sniper eric frein. >> i seen it, what i thought was a hot air balloon at first. you know, i couldn't imagine what they were doing with a hot air balloon. >> reporter: it inflates with helium and outfitted with
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special cameras and can go as high as 500 feet. ohio used them to monitor prisons. for residents tired of around the clockç searches like al strunk, a respite. >> hopefully it will work and be less noise than helicopters flying over, i know that. >> reporter: james drew said he would like to mow his lawn without constantly looking over his shoulder. >> how optimistic are you that a been might do the trick. >> it may be something that could spot him rather than noidz coming. >> reporter: when marty rosenburg says he looks at the balloon all he sees is a balloon. >> if they couldn't find him with the dogs and athey couldn't find him with the helicopter, i don't know what good the balloon is going to do. >> reporter: in addition to this balloon donated by ohio's department of transportation, state police have also periodically been using remote controlled drones. as one resident said after
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almost seven fruitless weeks of searching for eric frein, what do they have to lose? live in price township, doug shimell, nbc 10 news. now to decision 2014 with just eight days until the election. the men vying to be pennsylvania governor have high-profile guests on the came pain trail. president clinton campaigning for tom wolf in pittsburgh today. the former president says when he first read about wolf, he thought he was too good to be true. today, he says wolf is a man that can bring the people together for the economic and political good. >> we have to put people first again and make decisions that are good for the present and the future for everybody. that's why i am so thrilled that you are about to elect this man as the next governor of pennsylvania. >> mr. clinton is the third political celebrity in as many
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weeks to show up in pennsylvania for tom wolf. on sunday, president barack obama will come to philadelphia to campaign for wolf. the president fanning out to campaign in six states this week to help mobilize core democratic voters. on the republican side, former florida governor jeb bush will attend an event in philadelphia alongside governor tom corbett, both in town for the unveiling much the george h.w. bush gallery. governor corbett seeking re-election, of course. if he loses heç will be the fourth pennsylvania governor to do so. the gap between the candidates is closing. the election is next tuesday, november 4th. a washington state community is in mourning today over another death from friday's shooting in a high school cafeteria. officials say 14-year-old gia soriano died last night. her family issued a statement saying they are devastated by this senseless tragedy. three other students are still in the hospital, two in critical condition. the other is listed as serious.
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the medical examiner has identified the 14-year-old girl who died at the school on friday. her name is zoe galossi. jaylen fryberg shot himself to death as he struggled with a teacher. they aren't sure if the gun went off accidently. a nurse who says she was held in a new jersey hospital against her will will be monitored for ebola has been released. she left a north jersey hospital less than three hours ago headed for maine. tracey hickox case got a lot of attention. in the next few minutes we'll be taking a closer look at other headlines over ebola concerns. today, dozens of army soldiers and their general are being isolated at a base in italy after serving in west africa to help with the ebola fight. and a new york child is being monitored for ebola now. the number of ebola cases reaching a grim milestone.
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let's begin with nbc 10's cydney long live in newark where that nurse was released from the hospital just a short time ago. sydney, this case sparked debate about how to treat those who have been in the ebola hot zone in west africa. >> reporter: well, jim, it certainly has. that debate is not just happening here in the garden state but across the nation as well. just last night, that patient who returned from sierra leone, the nurse, hickox, planned with her attorney to sue the state of new jersey, saying her constitutional rights had been violated. hickox, you remember, did present a slight fever on friday night coming into newark liberty airport. on saturday morning she tested negative for ebola. despite her release, governor christie says he isn't backing off thoseç mandatory quarantin measures for any in the medical professional community who are helping those victims in west africa. quietly and under the radar,
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tracey hickox left at 1:20 monday afternoon reportedly in a black suv. telling her attorney through a plastic window in isolation, she wanted to go home. >> the fact of the matter is, we're going to protect the people of our state. >> governor christie says he didn't reverse his position on the issue. instead it was the cdc, together with state health officials that carefully evaluated hickox and advised she would be discharged to her home in maine but remained under quarantine even during transport out of new jersey. >> that's where she'll be most comfortable. but i was not going to back off. >> the government's response to ebola should be driven by science and facts and not fear. >> reporter: this man from the american civil liberties union says the quarantine will deter medical workers from those infected in west africa. >> tracey hickox is now free
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after being detained for three years. unfortunately the mandatory quarantine policy remains in place. >> reporter: we weren't able to ask christie questions. >> i know she didn't want to be there. no one ever wants to be in the hospital, i suspect. i understand that. the fact is i have a greater, bigger responsibility to the people, the public. i think when she has time to reflect, she'll understand that as well. >> reporter: and officials here in new jersey are working with health officials in maine to determine if any self-quarantine is necessary for hickox, for her or her family in her home state of maine. live in newark, cydney long, nbc 10 news. as we mentioned earlier, a 5-year-old boy in the bronx is being tested for ebola after developing a fever. these photos showing hazmat crews arriving at the boy's apartment building last night and carrying him out on a stretcher. officials say the boy returned from guinea in west africa this past weekend.
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more bad news on the international ebola front. the number of cases has now mortality rate. with a 50% now, your nbc 10 first alert weather with chief meteorologist glenn "hurricane" schwartz. >> a lot of folks would say we had a beautiful weekend weatherwise and today was the same. tomorrow is going to be even warmer. it's going to be in the 70s. not just 70, 71. several degrees above that. we are tracking some showers and then a weekend cold blast. you may not believe how cold we have some of the forecast days in the seven-day. we have lots of sunshine, once again, beautiful sunny weekend. 67 degrees. the winds southwest at 10 miles an hour. it's exactly the same as it was this time yesterday. mid to upper 60s across just about the entire area. and we're going to be seeing temperatures much warmer than this tomorrow. now, it started off pretty cold
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today. 34 in quakertown, 37 in pottstown. and allentown and 38 in wilmington. so, yes, it was pretty cold at 35 in millville, 37 atlantic city airport. it's not going to be nearly as cold tomorrow morning. look how warm it was back in the middle of the country. in the 80s, but up in canada, it's in the 30s. even 20s in the middle of the afternoon. some of that real cold air is going to be coming this way. we have a dry start to the week. showers building up in the middle of the country. things are really going to change. there's the warm air back to our west. will be right on top of us tomorrow. then it starts to move away on wednesday, farther away on thursday. the cold air, remember up in canada, watch it come down friday and then especially over the weekend. this is unseasonably cold. we're going from unseasonably warm to unseasonably cold in
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just a matter of days. there's next tuesday and it's still chilly out there. for the rest of the night, expect mostly clear skies. not as cold as last night. 50 for the low in philadelphia. 42 in the northern and western suburbs. tomorrow, a lot of sunshine, unseasonably warm. no rain. highs in the mid-70s. theç average high is 63. wednesday is warm, too, but about some showers. nothing too severe. thursday we're cold or only in the 50s. halloween night it's going to be pretty chilly. it will probably be around 50 when you're trick or treating. then it gets way colder, highs only in the 40s with wind on saturday. maybe even some snow flurries in the poconos. beware of boo. the big cat on the loose in some local neighborhoods. what's being done to get the exotic feline off the streets?
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plus this -- >> okay, [ bleep ] keep talking. >> a confrontation with a cursing cop. nbc 10 is asking police brass about this incident between a local officer and some kid that's now circulating on social media. and the halloween grinch. cameras capture someone stealing the holiday scare right off of someone's front steps in one local neighborhood.
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just like an interception, i bet you didn't see this one coming. up your game with a new fritos chili pizza. a large for $12 dollars. add a mega chocolate chip cookie for just $5 dollars more. better ingredients. better pizza. better football. papa john's.
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today marks the seven-year anniversary of the death of a rowan university student. the question still remains, who called ferrell? >> was a 19-year-old sophomore when he was attacked october 27th, 2007. witnesses say four or five men approached him, asked for directions to a party. carl was punched and kicked in the head and neck. investigators believe it was a ra%dom attack.
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he died the next day. >> investigators say one of the suspects was caught on surveillance video. he was last seen wearing a hoodie. it's also believed the man used a nickname, smoke. >> there's a $100,000 reward being offered still for the capture of farrell's attacker. to new information in the case of the baby tossed in the cold waters down the jersey shore. >> that's our top story on nbc 10 news at 4:00. family members tell nbc news a 24-year-old woman was suffering from postpartum depression when she allegedly threw her baby into an inlet in atlantic city and then jumped in herself. both were rescued. they're being treated. also today -- >> okay. [ bleep ] walking. >> the officer and the obscenities. nbc 10 is asking what sparked this local cop to curse out some kids and what comes next.
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glenn "hurricane" schwartz? >> some real roller coaster conditions for this week. warm then cold, and some rain in between. get all the timing for it all, including my halloween outlook in my exclusive nbc 10 first alert seven-day forecast. at 5:00, new information on the latest white house fence jumper. what happened in court that led the judge to declare him incompetent?
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nbc 10 breaking news. >> it's back to that breaking news we told you about at the top of the news cast. philadelphia city council saying no to selling philadelphia gas works to a private owner. the proposed deal would have allowed a connecticut-based utility company to buy pgw from the city for $1.86 billion. >> george spencer live in center
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city where he just spoke to city council president about the decision not to endorse this deal. george? >> yes, jim and renee, this is a significant loss for mayor nutter's administration after a big push to sell the city-owned utility to a private company up in connecticut. that is a sale that was stopped in its tracks by the city council late this afternoon. as you all mentioned, that sale would have been worth $1.8 billion, a sale to uil holdings. the current utility serves 500,000 customers around our area and selling it was a major goal of the mayor. advocates decided the sale would infuse $400 million to $600 million of critical investment into the city's underfunded pension system but the critics came out quickly. the city council said it was not involved enough in this up or down deal. and the pgw workers union had concerns of its own, about
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future job impacts, now after a tax-payer funded study, the council president said today the negatives outweigh the positives and the council would not hold a hearing on the sea. >> the city council through its process, met with and talked to members, and we came to the conclusion that we could not endorse the deal as proposed. >> reporter: one of uil's biggest selling points in this sale talk was its promise to do a lot of repairs on pgw's underground network of gas pipes, which are seriously aging but this afternoon the council said there was simply not enough guarantees in the sale deal as written for the council to endorse it. we're hoping to run inside right after this live shot and speak to the mayor about today's developments. that is the very latest. live at cityç hall, i'm george spencer, nbc 10 news. [ bleep ]. keep walking. >> also at 4:30 today, a cop
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caught cursing out some local kids and it's all on camera, making its rounds now on social media. nbc 10 first brought you this video last night on nbc 10 news at 6:00. >> since then nbc 10 has been asking questions of police about that officer. nbc 10's deanna durante is joining us live this afternoon in west philadelphia. >> deanna, what have you learned about the officer and what sparked the incident caught on video? >> reporter: well, we've learned that until this video came out, he was assigned to the school detail here in west philadelphia. police spokesperson tells me they were alerted to this incident almost immediately by the officer himself and tonight they say that they believe there was some sort of altercation that began before that camera started rolling. >> big man, you have a problem? i notice you keep trying to make eye contact. >> the video is sa seconds long and police say the officer in it has been re-assigned while they investigate the circumstances that led him up to yelling at a group of teenagers.
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>> something we can't allow to happen. >> reporter: philadelphia police spokesperson lieutenant jan stanford says police have seen the video and knew about the issue before it sprung up on social media .officer what they're not identifying, reported the altercation to his supervisor police say there was an incident between the group and police. when the officer started yelling, someone in the group pulled out a cell phone and began recording. >> i'm told he's a pretty good officer. he has a good relationship with the kids that are in the schools and that area. again, this is something where it appears maybe he lost his cool. >> reporter: did i speak with the president of the fraternal order of police, the police union here in philadelphia. the officer has a good record, is continuing to work here in west philadelphia. the 19th district section of the city police department. he says he does not consider this to be that big of a deal because he says you do not see the entire incident caught on tape, only those last few moments. reporting live in west philadelphia, deanna durante, nbc 10 news. nasty trick right before
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halloween, to show you somebody swiping halloween decorations on display outside a south philadelphia home. police are hopingç you can hel them track down this thief. it happened back on october 23rd. you can see a woman walking up to the home on fitzgerald street and taking down part of the display. a man is under arrest in delaware of charges of impersonating a police officer. 46-year-old edward lyndenhoffen climbed to be a police officer investigating a domestic dispute. he took off after he was con front by a homeowner. also in delaware, an organization trying to promote a good living and work environment is asking a state pan for several hundred thousand dollars. downtown vigs is asking for a state strategic fund grant of up to $368,000 to expand safety and patrol services in a targeted section of the city. the state council on development finance will consider that request. >> a fraud alert today at the
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jersey shore. investigators in ocean city say local businesses are being targeted, someone calls and says they're from the electric company and they're trying to collect on overdue bills. the business is given one hour to make payment after calling back. police say if you get a call like this, hang up and then contact police. it's a school project that's out of this world. >> the experiment that's going from a local classroom into outer space. but first, here's what we're working on for nbc 10 news at 5:00. >> okay. [ bleep ] keep walking. >> video of a philadelphia police officer caught losing his cool on a teenager. at 5:00 we're looking into the investigation, plus, why the union says this isn't a big deal. septa transit workers vote to strike, impacting more than 900,000 riders. we're asking how soon they could uponly walk off the job. and ten different brands of baby wipes made in pennsylvania recalled. which ones are carrying
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dangerous bacteria? couldn't the on nbc 10 news today at 5:00.
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guess we should all be glad we didn't park next to this guy. aç clumsy driver hitting a neighboring car over and over while backing out of a parking spot. the surveillance camera was there to catch it all. the driver didn't stop after the first bump. he hit the car more than ten times in ten minutes. authorities say he's been punished by the traffic
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department. some sweet medical news to tell you about, an ingredient in chocolate could help reverse aging related memory loss. scientists created a cocoa drink high in flavinols. researchers warn this does not mean it's okay to eat large amounts of chocolate because -- sorry -- because the amount of flavinals in candy is extremely low. >> you had to include that. my mouth was watering. ready for blastoff. >> the local science project about to head off into outer space. also ahead, some big cat concerns. the exotic creature lurking around local neighborhoods and the warning coming from police. glenn "hurricane" schwartz. well, i'm tracking some real ups and downs in your first alert forecast. we'll go from warm to downright cold, plus some rain.
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got that for you in the trick or treat outlook in my exclusive nbc 10 first alert seven-day forecast. all new tonight on nbc 10 news at 5:00, as the search for eric frein continues, how police say one man trayed to give false information to them on where to find their suspect.
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the number of bicycle traffic deaths are soaring. the governor's highway safety association issued this report and said california and florida have the most deaths. here at home, the number of deaths in pennsylvania is down by 5 but they are up by one in new jersey and two in delaware. it looks like bike riding is booming in center city. >> a number of people pedaling into town is growing. in fact, officials say the number of bike riders in the city is up more than 33% since 2012.
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the increase due in part to gas prices that spiked over $3 a gallon. it's also due to more places to store bikes and also more younger people in center city. 70 more hybrid buses will be put in service by the end of the year. gas prices are down again. >> now at their lowest level in nearly four years. the average in the five-county philadelphia area is $3.13. that's down 7 cents in just from last week. prices also dropped 7 cents in south jersey. the average there is $2.81. and in delaware, drivers can expect to say $2.89. that's a drop of 6 cents in the last week. the national average for gas is now at 3.08. thank the steep drop in oil prices to thr decline. the tumble increases the likelihood that the national price could test the $3 per
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gallon mark for the first time since 2010. now your nbc 10 first alert weather with chief meteorologist glenn "hurricane" schwartz. >> it sure doesn't feel like we're about to go into november but by this weekend, it won't just be feeling like november. it will be feeling like december. we have 70 plus degree temperatures coming tomorrow. we are tracking some showers during this weather change anda weekend cold blast that you're all going to feel. right now we have a lot of sunshine out there, 67 degrees. the wind overly 10 miles an hour. we're right about where we were at this time yesterday. we've seen mild weather, friday, saturday, 70 degrees, 67. yesterday and today and then 75 degrees for tomorrow. but then it's going to start going back down. wednesday will still be on the warm side. by the end of the week, a definitely different story.
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we're in the mid to upper 60s right now, fairly uniform across the area with lots of sunshine. back to the west it is really warm. 82 in st. louis and nashville and little rock and our air is coming from there. there may be a few places that get up to 80 degrees. look up in central canada. this is the middle of the afternoon there. 20s? that's really cold air, even for central canada. we've got a lot of sunshine now. this is the band of showers that will be moving through, nothing too strong. by the time we get to halloween it will be chilly. a whole lot colder than last year's halloween. 55 at 5:00, 51 at 7:00. you think that's chilly? wait till you see the rest of the weekend.
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the warm air comes in tomorrow, then it gradually moves out for a couple of days. then the cold air really plunges in here, especially on saturday and sunday. and it's really not out of the question to see snow flurries or showers in the poconos, maybe even some of the northern/western suburbs by saturday. definitely big difference from this past weekend. clear, not as cold. tonight 50 degrees for the low in philadelphia. 42 north and west. a lot of places were in the 30s this morning. sunny, unseasonably warm tomorrow. highs in the mid-70s. and then, well, things start changing. showers on wednesday, not a whole lot of rain. still on the relatively warm side. we cool down on thursday, back below average. friday is cool. clouds increase. we could get showers on saturday morning. maybe, again, some snow showers in the poconos. then it really gets cold.
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not just those temperatures. it will get windy, too. sunday looks like it will be a windy day. we could be seeing wind chills in the 20s. >> no way. >> what? >> by saturday night. >> you caught our attention. >> okay. or sunday morning. >> okay. >> thanks, glenn. >> well, a rocket will carry an experiment designed by ocean city students to the international space station. the six are right now in virginia to watch tonight's launch. the experiment involves microgravity, e. coli bacteria and lettuce leaves. they are saying e. coli attaches at a lesser rate in space. when their test tube returns, they'll get the answer. >> one family pet in our area has gotten loose. >> normally that wouldn't make headlines but wait until you see the pet. fears over this feline, the cat that looks like something in the wild now lurking around the area and whether this creature really is a threat. then all new tonight on nbc 10 news at 5:00, we're following up with philadelphia police as
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they try to make the streets safer. an update on their atv and dirt bike crackdown.
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so take a look at this picture right here. this is not your typical house cat obviously. this is an african cat. it's roaming some delaware neighborhoods after getting away from its home. we're told the cat is domesticated. >> can you imagine finding something like that in your neighborhood? that's something like out of animal kingdom. >> it would be scary. >> police telling people in north wilmington with reason they need to stay away from this animal. nbc 10 delaware bureau reporter tim furlong spoke to the cat's owner today. >> brandon burns usually sees this cat when he backs out of
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his driveway. this morning he saw or real or scarier one. he rolled down the window, snapped this pick. >> there it was, standing in the yard. reminded me of a bobcat. >> reporter: this is not a bobcat. >> he would respond to boo. this is richard todd's cat boo. he's been missing since october 1 th. >> he saw a bunny rabbit and it distracted him and off he went. >> reporter: richard understands why everyone in four or five neighborhoods in this area are on edge. boo has a little bit of an image problem. he is an african savannah cat. some would say he looks more exotic, some would say scarier than a typical house cat. >> he's not a ferocious cat in any way. he's a standard domesticated cat pep looks a lot different. >> reporter: i called the delaware spca and they came over to brandon's house, trying to track boo down. >> there would be a perfect spot. >> reporter: together we searched areas we think a cat like boo would hide, even in a
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neighborhood packed with young families that bumps right up against an elementary school. the spca teams think boo wouldn't hurt anyone. >> i have a 2-year-old daughter at home. she's staying inside until they catch this thing. >> he promises boo is a good cat with a family that misses him. don't try to catch boo but call new castle county police if you see him. >> it's been difficult on the family for the last almost two weeks for him to be çgone. >> reporter: in north wilmington, tim furlong, nbc 10 news. >> you don't have to tell me twice not to try to catch him. >> hopefully someone will see him. >> make the call. >> absolutely. nbc 10 news at 5:00 is next. >> here are jacqueline london and denise thnakano. >> how new jersey and other states are responding to the criticism. a look at our weather with glenn. trick or treaters are in for a chilly surprise.
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a look ahead to your halloween forecast, next. disbelief from the family of a mother accused of throwing her infant into an atlantic city waterway before jumping in herself. >> i don't want people to pthin poorly of her because of her mental ill nis.
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with tom corbett, things keep getting worse. september 16th. budget deficits force pennsylvania to borrow $1.5 billion dollars just to keep the lights on.
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three days later, pennsylvania's unemployment rate goes up for the second straight month. under tom corbett, we've fallen from 9th to 47th in job creation. and on september 25th, pennsylvania's credit is downgraded for the fifth time in two years. why would we give tom corbett four more years? in macarthur's world, he opposes new laws to ensure women receive equal pay for equal work. and macarthur opposes a woman's right to choose backed by a group that would outlaw abortion even for rape and incest. for us in the real world, aimee belgard. aimee will fight for equal pay and protect a woman's right to choose. aimee belgard's on our side. i'm aimee belgard and i approve this message. nbc 10 breaking news. >> we're keeping you updated on
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breaking news concerning the proposed sale of philadelphia gas works to a private owner. city council announced this afternoon it will not be endorsing the sale. the deal, presented by michael nutter, would allow a company to buy pgw for $1.86 billion. michael nutter will talk about council's decision any minute now. we'll bring you what he has to say as soon as we get that information. under normal circumstances i can't imagine her doing anything like this. >> an atlantic county family is in disbelief, saying their relative threw her baby off a jedi into the water. >> now her family is trying to understand why this happened. nbc 10 jersey shore bureau reporter ted greenberg spoke with him today. he joins us live in atlantic city. ted? >> denise andç jackie, family
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members tell me that baby is fine, here at atlantic care regional medical center, along with her mother who is in fair condition and under police guard. along with their pain, relatives have words of praise for those who came to the rescue. >> words can't describe the feeling we have, the thankfulness. >> from a badly shaken family, gratitude for the good samaritans who saved 24-year-old patricia shurig and her infant daughter from the atlantic city inlet. >> in her mind that's what she thought, she was doing what was best. >> her mother and sister tell me she's been suffering from postpartum depression but never imagined the atlantic city woman would throw the 1-month-old girl into the waterway at the end of pacific avenue before jumping in herself. >> under normal circumstances, i can't imagine her doing anything like this.