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tv   Today  NBC  January 14, 2017 7:00am-8:31am EST

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good morning. wicked winter storm. a powerful ice storm stretching 1,500 miles from washington to d.c. paralyzing the midwest today. 44 million people in the path. leading to power outages. it is set to go bad to worse. we are live with the latest. russian reversal. president-elect donald trump telling the wall street journal he may lift sanctions if they help with isis as questions swirl about the nsa over contacts with russia. th and democrats fuming with a behind closed doors meeting with
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james comey. and lost and found. the teenager reunites with her biological family with a video call as the mother who appears to be her mother appears in court. what happens now? and long live princess leia. long after the death of carrie fisher, "star wars" addressing rumors about keeping the princess alive. the answer fans have been waiting for. "today" saturday, january 14th, 2017. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> good morning. welcome to "today" on saturday morning. i'm sheinelle jones. >> i'm craig melvin. dylan dreyer is continuing maternity leave, but we will talk to her today. >> we will get to see baby
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calvin. let's get to the wicked winter storm making its way across the middle of the country. this one could cause chaos on the roads and cause major power outages as well. nbc's blake mccoy is in st. louis for us. blake, good morning. >> reporter: craig, good morning. you see the light rain continuing to fall in st. louis which could add to the ice they already seen. check out the bush here. a coating of ice all over it. the concern with all of this ice in addition to the road concerns are that ice builds up and becomes heavy. it can begin to take down large trees and power lines. this morning, a fresh coating of ice across parts of the midwest in the midst of the three-day ice storm. in kansas, emergency crews responded to the pileup outside wichita. followed a day of slick roads in missouri as well where cars were sent sliding off the road. in springfield, the start of the
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ice storm left kendra williams and her family without power. >> water everywhere. and ice. no heat. we were all having to bundle up and try to keep all the heat we can in the house. >> reporter: the potentially crippling ice storm is affecting the playoff game in kansas city. steelers and chiefs with the kickoff pushed back to 7:20 p.m. to give the storm time to pass. >> if you look at the weather, you look at the patterns and information we have been provided by the experts, this is the best window to not only play the game, but to commute to and from the game. >> reporter: out west where the storm began, more than 3 feet of of fresh snow piled up in lake tahoe. the truckee river is swelling. in utah, officials are sharing this video of the snow plow cut off and siding 300 feet down the
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hill. in portland, oregon, a train slid off the track friday. blowtorches used to melt the ice. with freezing rain coating the midwest, concern about how much ice these communities will get. a state of emergency had been declared for missouri yesterday which kept people home. schools and businesses and government offeices were shutdon yesterday. many businesses are set to reopen this morning as the threat of ice, the main threat, i should say, moves west into oklahoma and kansas. craig. >> blake mccoy, thank you. that snow plow. watching that video. >> unbelievable. >> hard to watch. >> let's bring in indra peterson. she is a look at the ice storm and where it is headed next. >> look at the swath of this. from texas to mid-atlantic. let's talk about numbers here. how many of you are being affected. ice storm affecting 11 million
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of you. freezing rain, 9 million people out there. here is what we are talking about. freezing rain in st. louis where you see the darker pink. in through oklahoma out to dodge city. keep in mind, this is going to be effecting us as we go through not just today, but the weekend. there will be points in time with the temperatures right close to the freezing line. you feel the ice storm is over. not the case. another wave to move through. it takes a couple degrees to drop before you see ice. we have the stationary front staying in place bringing all the warm air from the gulf. they intersect. it is a shallow layer he of cof air at the surface. it falls as rain. that is the reason you are talking about a huge swath of ice which will impact millions of you. here is what we are looking at. really looking at the bull's-eye
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in kansas. as much of 1 inch of ice in the area. you still see the system sunday through monday. sheinelle, craig, this will be with us a long time. >> thank you. we will get to the national forecast in a moment. to politics now. six days left until the nation welcomes a new president, donald trump is focusing his attention on his first 100 days in office and considering dumping sanctions against russia. meanwhile, democrats on capitol hill are furious after meeting with director james comey. one prominent civil rights figure has concerns about the president-elect's legitimacy. let's go to kelly o'donnell in new york. >> reporter: thank you, craig. emotions are raw and donald trump will head to washington on monday. just a one-day visit. not the big move as he prepares to become president. he will find democrats there, including one of the most be he loved members are still frustrating and fuming over
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factors in the election including that russian interference by hacking that targeted the democratic party. just days before getting the keys, trump's white house chief of staff stopped into the briefing room friday. while at trump tower, top aides say the president-elect will work through the weekend. >> working on the inauguration speech. very much focused on the 100-day plan. >> reporter: on capitol hill, anxious members from 2016 is not over. debbie wasserman schultz say she and other democrats vented frustration for his public airing of the e-mail probe and how the bureau handled the russian hacking of officials. exposure of the hacked e-mails led to her resignation as party chair. she writes, the fbi director
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must clarify for the american people the agencies. meanwhile, trump's team to explain the contacts with michael flynn and russian officials. officials confirm flynn spoke with the russian ambassador to the u.s. on the day the obama administration imposed sanctions over the hacking. >> that call took place on the 29th of december. general flynn was asked to help set up a call after the inauguration with president putin and trump. >> reporter: in a brief stop before cameras, trump who met with tv host steve harvey made a passing mention about a policy goal. >> repeal and replace is going great. >> reporter: while republicans in congress who do not have a replacement health care plan passed the first in a series of steps toward repeal.
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>> this provides congress with the legislative tools to repeal and replace obamacare. >> reporter: democrats are outrag outraged and some plan to boycott the inauguration. including civil rights icon john lewis. >> it will be difficult. i don't see president-elect as a legitimate president. >> reporter: and that is a remarkable statement from the georgia congress member who also told chuck todd that he will try to work with the new president, but it will be difficult. trump talks about his relationship with russia and referred to the sanctions leaving the door open to not keeping the punishment imposed by the obama administration. trump says if russia is helping us, why would anybody have sanctions. in that quote, he is referring to the desire to assist with fighting isis. so donald trump still keeping
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the door open. craig. >> kelly o for us. thank you. katelyn burns is here with us. >> good morning. >> we heard the questioning of the legitimacy of trump. let's talk about the meeting with the fbi director. democrats are fuming after the meeti meeting. can you talk about what was said? and do you think the calls for resignation, including the wall street journal editorial board. >> democrats are angry at fbi director comey because they think he is not pursuing this russian hacking as it relates to donald trump with the same vigor and publicity as e-mails from hillary clinton. he has not said if the fbi is investigating ties with russia and possible interactions with the trump campaign. they want him to talk about that
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sort of thing. whether or not these frustrations will lead to the regulsignation remains to be se. james comey has a ten-year term. not set to retire until 2023. it depends on whether he thinks that the integrity of the fbi is at stake if more calls from republicans come remains to be seen. >> let's talk about obamacare. the house and senate have taken early steps to repealing obamacare. what is the likelihood they repeal this thing without having a plan in place and how long do you think this will take? >> that is the concern. even among republicans who want to repeal the law since inception are concerned about pulling the rug underneath from those 20 million americans who have insurance. the obama administration said enrollment is up from when he it w was last year. they are concerned about repealing without a replacement
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plan. republicans have not coalesced around a single replacement plan. they are likely to try to come up with something by the end of the month. that is unlikely. we are seeing hearings in the health and human services nominee tom price. he is the one promoting the repeal effort. he has presented a plan. elements where lots of lawmakers like. we will see what the grilling is like. you will hear from a lot of democrats. while republicans can repeal the law by themselves, they need democrats to implement new policy. >> and quickly, marco rubio. he went after tillerson over putin and human rights. likelihood that this senator from florida will block the nominee? >> i think it is likely at this point. he said he has not made a decisi decision. let's see if democrats come to
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his aid. >> a lot of content. thank you. to a story that could have been ripped from the pages of a crime novel. an infant snatched from the florida hospital 18 years ago found alive in south carolina. on friday, the woman accused of taking her and raising her as her own appeared in court. now the teenager had a chance to speak with her biological family. nbc's sarah dallof has the latest. >> reporter: this morning, the end to an 18 year mystery. the kidnapping of a baby from the hospital room in jacksonville, florida. dna confirms kamiyah mobley, now a teenager, has been found in south carolina living under a different name. >> i wake up and i believe she is waking up. >> reporter: kamiyah was hours old when police say she was taken by gloria williams who raised her. williams was in court friday charged with kidnapping. a crime punishable by life in
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prison. in jail, an emotional moment when a girl who identified herself as alexis came to see her. >> she was abducted as a newborn. she will need time and assistance to process all of this. >> reporter: officials say williams concocted a daring scheme in 1998. posing as a nurse and conferencing the mom to hand over her baby. hospital staff believes williams was a relative. a reward was offered and kamiyah's mother made an emotional plea. >> bring my child back. >> reporter: over the years, investigators received more than 2,500 tips, but the case went cold until now. >> we had a caller to the 24 hour hotline to share information about the abductor and where we could find kamiyah. >> reporter: authorities believe kamiyah was a kidnapping victim. she and williams appeared to be the typical mother and daughter to the outside world. >> as a family, they were always
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doing something. >> reporter: kamiyah met her biological family for the first time on video chat on friday as she comes to grips with her past. for "today" sarah dallof, nbc news. let's get to the top headlines now. $1 billion settlement and three executives under indictment in the takata air bag case. the japanese company admits it faked test data for ten years although it knew the air bags could explode with deadly consequences. at least 11 people have been killed and more than 180 others have been injured in the u.s. by exploding air bags. in addition to agreeing to the settleme settlement, three takata executives are under indictment. check this out. the woman on the right of the white car there, if you look closely, you see her attending to the baby and 3-year-old in
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the backseat while a man is working on the car. suddenly another man chased by police jumps in the running vehicle and takes off knocking down the adults. he pulls off. you see the police officer giving chase with the weapon drawn. this all went down in utah friday. the suspected carjacker safely dropped the kids off a few blocks away. angry protesters shutdown a speech last night at the under of california davis campus. the demonstrators surrounded martin shkreli famous for a massive price hike. he was scheduled to speak to college republicans with the alt-right editor. the college republicans decided to call off the event. actress carrie fisher will not be digitally recreated. that is the response to the rumrul rumors that the princess leia character could be computer generated in future filmfilms.
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she died of cardiac arrest last month. to a major development in the story important for millions of people across the country, including parents of children who rely on an epi-pen to save their lives in the event of an allergic reaction. the company that makes epi-pens setoff a firestorm with a massive price hike. thanks to cvs, parents have a new alternative at a lower price. here is nbc's tom costello. >> reporter: this morning, a pharmacy giant in a price war with a drug giant. cvs e-mailing paying too much for epi-pen? it was outrage that the price hikes hit a crescendo. the medication skyrocketing. >> they raised the prices. the reason being, i believe, to get filthy rich at the expense
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of our constituents. >> reporter: mylan pharmaceutical ceo called before congress. >> we worked to make it more available. >> reporter: under prisessure, they announced the generic. now cvs is trying to change the game. their version will sell for $110. >> my first really bad reaction was about five years ago. >> reporter: in orlando, ann ryan depends on epi-pen when she suffers from a life threatening reaction. she is switching to cvs. >> it is the same life-saving medication. i don't see the point of lining the pockets of corporate greed for buying the name-brand. >> reporter: the question this morning, will schools, hospitals and every day people who depend on the epi-pen choose the cheaper generic? >> we hope there are more deals
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like this where the price is so low they are sold directly to consumers who may not necessarily use the insurance. >> reporter: analysts say the cvs gentlemeric works like the epi-pen. for patients to get the generic, doctors need to prescribe it. tom costello, nbc news, washington. >> my twins are allergic to peanuts. i got the epi-pens and put them in the bag and they expired. with twins, you need to get them all over the place. >> are you going for the generic? >> yes. >> let's get back to indra. this storm is massive. >> it is the 11 million people with the ice warning alone. the stretch from texas all the way in through the mid-atlantic today. the ice storm itself, really focusing on texas, oklahoma and
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through kansas today. we could see large amounts of icing and into the ohio valley. notice a dusting. nothing like last weekend. flurries out to new york city and philadelphia as well as d.c. today. so nice in the southeast. that's where we see good morning. i'm first alert meteorologist krystal klei. take a look at your hour by hour forecast. 11:00 a.m. starting to see the snow line build in our region. temperatures near freezing. we won't see snow until the afternoon, about 2:00, 3:00 when this starts move to in. temperatures in some spots, philly and the south are above freezing. we may see rain/snow mix and that rain/snow mix potential continues into your evening at 6:30. more rain along the shore snow farther north. so some flurries are are go to be out there today. nothing like last weekend. you will get the rest of the country with no complaints. thank you. it has been a tough week for german automaker volkswagen.
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wednesday, the company pled guilty to the emissions cheating scandal. and indictments announced against top executives. the company has started a court-ordered multibillion buy back of diesels in the country. as kerry sanders tells us, some vw owners are trying to get the company to pay in a way they never expected. >> reporter: joe mayer says his car is not much to look at. he stripped it down, but it is operable. that he says is a key word. operable. in a court approved settlement, vw is buying back more than 500,000 cars. each owner gets a payout. the documents say to get a payment, cars must be operable. and he says tooling around
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cincinnati is proof. the 2010 diesel gulf is operable. the day he was scheduled to bring in the car for the check, an article revealing what his car looked like ran on the web site. vw called mayer telling him the operable car is not within the spirit of the court agreement. >> this is already been gone over in court. it's clearly stated that operable is the only thing that the vehicle needs to be. according to your description of operable, my vehicle more than meets that. >> reporter: mayer said when he stripped the car. >> i got a front fascia with the emblem on it. >> reporter: he cataloged it. each part. >> engine cover. >> reporter: just in case he had to put it back together again. for the moment, mayer says he plans to sell the parts on e-bay for up to $5,000 and fight for
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the recall money from vw. >> i mean, it was shady what they did. a lot of people see this as me trying to like get back at volkswagen and get revenge. >> reporter: the federal judge is warning owners not to strip the cars. during a court hearing, vw told the judge, we think of deliberately stripping vehicles intentionally goes too far. joe says the consent decree says operable. he will fight. for "today," kerry sanders, nbc news, miami. still ahead, now boarding. flight 666 to hell. we'll explain when we go to the orange room. but first this is "today" on nbc.
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my cold medicines' wearing off. that stuff only lasts a few hours. or, take mucinex. one pill fights congestion
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for 12 hours. guess i won't be seeing you for a while. why take medicines that only last 4 hours, when just one mucinex lasts 12 hours? let's end this. it's perfect. it's beautiful. there's nothing we would change about it.
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still to come on "today," jeff rossen on what to do if you or a loved one good morning. i'm rosemary connors. it's just a few minutes before 7:307b this saturday and we're tracking a bit of snow and wet weather for later on today. meteorologist krystal klei has the details in this flirt neighborhood forecast. >> temperatures will be very important here because when which see temperatures below freezing those are the zones that will have a better chance later today of seeing snow versus rain/snow mix. take a look. 31 in philadelphia. vineland, wilmington. areas like dover at 33 degrees. we see right now 28 atlantic city but that number will be boosting as we get into the afternoon. areas of philadelphia and south have a better chance of rain and snow mixture falling by this afternoon. radar and satellite wide view shows the bulk of the activity is it issing to the south us.
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we'll see this which is now starting to move into pennsylvania shift over us the afternoon and early evening. right now cloudy conditions but later today snow potential philadelphia and north. this is light snow. one inch max. areas south of philadelphia, more likely to see a mix of rain and snow, especially rain along parts of the delaware beaches and the jersey shore, again, overall this is a light snow and a coating. not a major concern. >> at the shoir the coast guard has suspended its search for a missing boater. chris hugg called a relative when his boat ran aground and said he did not need help. search crews found the boat but no sign of him. that will do it for now. i'm rosemary connors. we'll have another update in 25 minutes. now back to the "today" show.
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♪ i'm thinking about how people fall in love in ♪ ♪ mysterious ways and maybe it's all part of a plan ♪ >> that is ed sheeran who has been out of the spotlight for a year. he says there is a good reason why. we will explain that in popstart. we have a solid crowd on saturday morning. 14th day of january, 2017. we have been enjoying some reasonably warm weather, but it is starting to get chilly. >> it's doable. >> we will get outside. let's get to headlines. a huge ice storm rolling through the midwest this morning causing mayhem for the 44 million people in its path. pileups on the roads and power outages at home.
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several cities under ice storm warnings. an 18-year-old woman reunited with her biological family through video call after discovering she was abducted from a florida hospital at birth. the woman who raised her as her own is charged with kidnapping and could face up to life in prison. a tribute honoring steven mcdonald. t mcdonald died on tuesday after a heart attack at age 59. he was shot while on patrol years earlier. let's start the half hour with the download. the week that was. a swirl wind week in washington and a big one for us in the "today" family. >> president-elect trump held his first news conference in months. it was a rowdy affair. >> slamming the leak of the
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controversial memo with salacious allegations against him. >> it is fake news. it is phony stuff. >> and battling with the press. >> can you give us a chance? >> your organization's terrible. on capitol hill, confirmation hearings for trump's cabinet hopefuls. rex tillerson faced intention questioning on his ties with russia. >> is vladimir putin a war criminal? >> i would not use that term. >> attorney general nominee jeff sessions in the hot seat as well. >> senator cory booker became the first ever to testify against a colleague's nomination. >> out west, a relentless deluge of rain and snow. >> epic storm system dumping nearly 20 inches of rain in areas. with water washing out streets, ice coated roads across the west. while snow buried others. gridlock on i-70 in colorado after multiple avalanches.
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>> we're stuck and the conditions are god awful. >> heartbreak for san diego fans as their chargers move to los angeles. >> we're coming to los angeles. this is our new home. >> and emotional farewell from president obama in chicago. >> you made me a better president and you made me a better man. yes, we can. yes, we did. yes, we can. thank you. god bless you. >> the president bringing vice president biden to tear ws with big surprise. >> the final time as president, i'm pleased to award the highest civil honor. the presidential medal of freedom. the best america has ever had. mr. joe biden. >> this also gives the media a chance to talk about our broman bromance. >> i can say i was part of the journey of a remarkable man who
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did remarkable things for the country. >> but it was michelle obama who brought the laughs during her final appearance on "the tonight show with jimmy fallon." >> thank you, barack, for proving you're not a lame duck, but my very own silver fox. >> good morning. >> good morning. >> finally a major milestone for "today." on air for 65 years. >> to 65 more years of it. cheers to the show. >> 65 years. my goodness. >> cheers. >> very vifew institutions leftn television. it is honored to be part of it. >> you feel that when you start working here. >> even when michelle obama leaves, it is nice to see if she will continue late night
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television. >> people will want to follow them and the girls. it is interesting to see what they do with the next chapters. >> whatever your politics, it is hard not to argue that is the class classiest of families in the white house. speaking of classy. >> i like that transition. >> while dylan enjoys time off with baby calvin. we have talked about ice. i want to switch it up. one reason we have seen the ice is a blocking high. this guy is sitting here. the southeast has actually been quite happy. they have been seeing temperatures well above normal. it is only going to get better. 24 degrees above average in atlanta today. as we get into tomorrow, this guy will spread out farther. cincinnati, you see 40s. that is above average. no complaints. as we go in through monday, again, look at the picture. a lot better for most of us. 70. 74 degrees in jackson. we have the ice storm. i'll bring it back for five seconds. we need to pay attention to the
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panhandle of oklahoma and kansas today. that's where we talk about good amounts of ice. up to 1 inch of ice. it takes a .25 inch of ice for a power line to weigh 500 pounds. this is a crippling ice storm through sday as weun good morning. i'm first alert meteorologist krystal klei. take a look at your hour by hour forecast. 11:00 a.m. starting to see the snow line build in our region. temperatures near freezing. we won't see snow until the afternoon, about 2:00, 3:00 when this starts move to in. temperatures in some spots, philly and the south are above freezing. we may see rain/snow mix and that rain/snow mix potential continues into your evening at 6:30. more rain along the shore snow farther north. how are you loving the above normal temperatures? >> which day>> which day was th? it was 60 degrees? >> i felt like i was sweating.
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i don't know what happened to this california girl. >> it was fantastic. thank you. still ahead, 300,000 pennies. the guy who got the ultimate revenge at the dmv. and jeff rossen with the investigative update. staying safe on the ice this winter. information that could save your life or the life of someone you love right after this. we live in a pick and choose world. choose. choose. choose. but at bedtime... ...why settle for this? enter sleep number and the lowest prices of the season. sleepiq technology tells you how you slept and what adjustments you can make. she likes the bed soft. he's more hardcore. so your sleep goes from good to great to wow! only at a sleep number store, right now save $600 on our best selling i8 mattress, plus 36 month special financing. learn more at know better sleep with sleep number. it's realizing beauty doesn't stop at my chin. roc®'s formula adapts to delicate skin areas.
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and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. raise your expectations. ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, control is possible. ♪ this morning, we are proud to launch a new series. rossen reports update. >> every week, jeff rossen joins us with new information about the most important stories he has been covering. jeff, good morning. >> good morning, guys. i'm super excited to launch this series because it is one of the most common questions i get. whatever happened to this story or that story. can you follow-up? we will do that. we will update you with reports with new videos and cases and
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what is being done now and the latest information to protect you and your families. staying on top of it all. every saturday morning at this at that ti time, we will give you the rossen report updates. the timely one. the winter danger that claims lives every year. falling through the ice. two teenagers playing near seattle on the frontal systzen the pond collapsed. they got out okay. it shows you how fast it can happen to anyone. this morning, how to get out alive if it happens to you. frantic moments on a frozen lake in utah. this woman clinging to the ice after falling in. trying to save her two dogs. rescuers pulling her to safety just in time. >> no way you should have survived that. >> this teenager falling through the ice in new jersey.
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rescuers finally pulling her to safety. already this winter, new cases coast to coast. this video of a golfer going viral. falling right through. luckily he is rescued just in time. the golden retriever fell through the pond in illinois. it often ends in tragedy. a 6-year-old boy went missing. found dead near his home in a frozen pond in colorado. how dangerous is it? we teamed up with rescuers to show you how to save a life. maybe even your own. with an ambulance on stand by, i walk out on the frozen pond and in an instant, i'm under. >> that is cold. >> survival tip? put your hand over your mouth and nose the moment you hit the water. >> if you take a breath of cold
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water, it shuts down your air way and you stop breathing. >> if i wasn't wearing the suit? >> if you had regular clothing, it would become heavy quickly and suck you under the ice. >> and once you are trapped, your chance of survival plummets. all this as your arms and legs go numb. >> i'm a good swimmer. this is harder than i thought. >> i can't get a grip on the ice. survival tip two, carry ice picks if you are walking on a frozen lake or pond. the metal spikes dig in so you can pull yourself out. they cost a few dollars at outdoor stores. >> short and choppy strokes. once you are out, you need to roll away from the hole. we are distributing our weight across the ice. >> what if your friend or relative falls in? tip number three, stay on shore and try a rescue from there. >> take a rope and i can throw
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it to the victim. >> a rope or branch or anything. right? >> jumper cables, anything. tell the victim to wrap it around his wrist. we can pull them out. >> that way you are save and we are safe. >> that's right. >> staying alive when the ice breaks under you. >> here is the problem. lakes and ponds freeze in patches. on the same pond or lake, one section may have thick ice. a few feet away, dangerous thin ice. the best way is to stay off the ice. hope it helps. happy to be here. >> happy to have you here, sir. >> good advice. >> jeff rossen, he is a brave guy. up next, are you a nervous flyer? if you are, you are going to be very, very happy you are not on flight number 666 to hell. we'll ex so if you have a flat tire,
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ththen out of nowhere...crying. and exquisitely delicious in an everyday sort of way. third time that day. i wasn't even sad. first the stroke, now this. so we asked my doctor. he told us about pseudobulbar affect, or pba. it's frequent, uncontrollable crying or laughing that doesn't match how you feel. it can happen with certain neurologic conditions like stroke, dementia, or ms. he prescribed nuedexta, the only fda-approved treatment for pba. tell your doctor about medicines you take. some can't be taken with nuedexta. nuedexta is not for people with certain heart conditions. serious side effects may occur. life-threatening allergic reactions to quinidine can happen. tell your doctor right away if you have bleeding or bruising. stop nuedexta if muscle twitching, confusion, fever, or shivering occurs with antidepressants. side effects may include diarrhea, dizziness, cough, vomiting, weakness, or ankle swelling. nuedexta made a difference by reducing my pba episodes. ask about nuedexta and go to
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♪ yesterday was friday the 13th. a day that can spook the superstitious. >> this story takes you to sky high levels. indra is in the orange room. >> this makes people so terrified. imagine this. would you actually go ahead and take a flight, i'm swiping, on finnair 666 on, i don't know, friday the 13th, bound for hel? yes. on top of that, the actual plane, itself, is 13 years old. what are the chances? it took off from copenhagen and
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bound for hel. helsinki. we know the biblical associations. the number 13 is so unlucky. it is known for a phobia. triskaidekaphobia. surprisingly, most people are twitter saying they don't want to test fate on the plane. you could not pay me enough to go on that flight. another one having fun. black cats and broken mirrors in the cargo hold? the question is for you. would you go ahead and take this flight on 666 pound bound to heo you have triskaidekaphobia? >> you said that so quickly. >> triskaidekaphobia. i've been practicing. >> you are superstitious? >> why would they do that? why not rename the flight number? >> i would get on. >> would you? >> i would. just to tempt fate. >> that was good. still to come, we will tell
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you about a vending machine selling you something you least expect. and the world's cutest bottle flipper is back. cuter as ever. this time on "ellen." can she do it again? but first this is "today" on nbc. ♪living well rise above joint discomfort with move free ultra's triple action joint support for improved mobility and flexibility, and 20% better comfort from one tiny, mighty pill... get move free ultra, and enjoy living well.
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♪ still ahead, the latest on the ice storm heading across the country. and democrats taking aim at james comey after the intense meeting on friday and the meeting on friday and the intelligence community so, how much longer do you think this will take? i'll over-explain the process, then give you an unrealistic timeline. i'll nod in agreement so my wife thinks i understand what you're saying. i look forward to questioning your every move. okay, well i'll leave your house in shambles and disappear for six months. wouldn't it be great if everyone said what they meant? the citi® double cash card does. it lets you earn double cash back: 1% when you buy, and 1% as you pay.
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the citi double cash card. double means double. stevia leaf was discovered before the sugar cane? and everything had fewer calories. truvia. life with less sugar is just as sweet.
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befi was active.gia, i was energetic. then the chronic, widespread pain drained my energy. my doctor said moving more helps ease fibromyalgia pain. he also prescribed lyrica. fibromyalgia is thought to be the result of overactive nerves. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. for some, lyrica can significantly relieve fibromyalgia pain
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and improve function, so i feel better. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. with less pain, i can be more active. ask your doctor about lyrica.
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good morning. i'm rosemary connors. it's just a few minutes before 8:00 on this saturday. we're tracking a little bit of snow for us. not going to be a huge deal, right? tell us more. >> we're tracking potential for snow. what we're seeing on radar and satellite most of the hanging bare try to the south us. starting to clip into parts of delaware. no reports of it making to the ground yet. this is where we'll see activity as we hit late morning early afternoon. the rest of us we'll start to see that snow threat across the board. better likelihood for snow north west of philadelphia. more of a mix, rain and snow, possibly some sleet as well south of philadelphia. amounts not going to be huge. we're talking up to one inch of
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snow, especially in the suburbs and nearing parts of the lehigh valley. the main problems are going to be the timing of this. first it will be fine. sarch when start at 2:00, 3:00 across the board. as we go into your evening commute or if you have plans you may see slick spots along roadways though overall ground is warm. that's the good news. this morning the hit nbc show "america's got talent" is making its stop in philadelphia. looking for potential stars from our area. peopled lining up outside of the pennsylvania convention center early this morning. on year's show philadelphia's eagle earned a third spot finish with his magic act. faceoff this evening with the pittsburgh penguins is at 7:00. we'll be in 30 minutes with a full hour of ingenuous. see you then.
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good morning. wicked winter storm. 44 million people in the path of a powerful ice storm this morning. stretches 1,500 miles from texas to washington, d.c. with pileups and power outages, the storm is paralyzing much of the midwest today and unfortunately it will only get worse. we're live with the latest. russian reversal. president-elect donald trump telling the wall street journal he is considering dumping sanctions against russia if they help in the fight against isis. this comes as senate intelligence community members will investigate the russian involvement in the election. the second government probe announced this week. and beat it.
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outrage from the family of michael jackson forces a british tv drama about the singer to get yanked after the trailer is released. why the family and fans were seeing red. "today" saturday, january 14th, 2017. ♪ i can makes make your hands clap ♪ >> we're twins and celebrating our 60th birthday. >> best friends since third grade. >> it's my 16th birthday. is. >> i'm 50. >> it's our first time in nyc. >> it's my 65th birthday. ♪ >> good morning. welcome back to "today" on saturday morning. our crowd is braving the cold weather in new york. temperatures dropped slightly here. not as bad as we are seeing in the midwest. >> we should start offering a
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birthday package for the plaza. >> what does that mean? >> you offer a cake. >> a mug. >> yeah. we get so many birthdays. we get to more of the fun in a moment. let's start with the winter storm making its way across the country causing chaos on the roads and major power outages. nbc's blake mccoy is live in st. louis. blake, good morning to you. >> reporter: craig, good morning. millions of people waking up to a fresh coating of ice this morning. including here in st. louis where it is now day two of the dangerous ice storm. the main impact we have seen so far has been on the roads. very slick in places like oklahoma, missouri and kansas. we have seen a lot of slide offs. good news is the weekend is here and that should help limit unnecessary travel. the other major concern with the storm as all of the ice builds up, it can cause damage because the weight of the ice can start to topple and snap trees and
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power lines. the power companies brought in extra crews from neighboring states to respond to outages more quickly. we have seen thousands of outages from missouri into oklahoma. back out here live in st. louis this morning, you can see the ice continuing to build up. it is beautiful, but caution is being urged. the main threat as the day goes on with this ice will shift back into oklahoma and kansas. sheinelle. >> thank you, blake. we'll get indra's forecast coming up. let's get the latest on the incoming trump administration with the president-elect taking the oath of office in six days. donald trump is not getting a honeymoon period. nbc's kelly o'donnell is at trump tower. kelly, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, craig. lingering emotions strong and frustrations from democrats about the fallout of the russian hacking. we know now the senate intelligence committee is going to launch a probe.
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a bipartisan effort to examine what happened with the russian hacking and what the russians were attempting to do and influence it may have had in the election season. they will use subpoena power to speak with outgoing members of the administration and those in the new administration. also, a new development concerning one of the icons of the civil rights era. that is georgia congressman john lewis. in an interview with chuck todd asked about the relationship and the impact on the voters during the election season. lewis said he would find it hard to work with the new president and went so far as to call him not a legitimate president. that is a very strong charge from the prominent democratic icon. and this morning, just a few minutes ago, donald trump used twitter to respond. congress member john lewis should spend more time on helping his district which is in
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horrible shape and falling apart. then not too dot, dot, dot. so donald trump taking on the prominent member of the democratic party. and he said the circumstances and atmosphere of 2016 raises doubts in lewis' mind about how donald trump came to power and he calls him not a legitimate president. craig. >> kelly o'donnell, thank you. in chicago, police department accused of violating civil rights. the federal justice department releasing the results of the year long investigation friday. the police department used excessive force and shot at people who did not pose threats and used stun guns on people because they refused to follow commands. chicago mayor agreed to revamp the police department.
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two police officers involved in the cleveland police department in involved in the tamir rice will have hearings. penalties range from 30 day suspensions to termination. six new suspects face charges in the kim ckardashian robbery in paris. she was tied up and $10 million of jewelry stolen in october last year. four others are charged in the case. several members of the gang are in their 50s and 60s. the french police are calling them the grandpa robbers. let's get a check of the weather from indra out on the plaza. >> do you remember what you did the day after your 21st birthday? i slept. that's not what katie did. it is another definition of rock star. >> pretty good. >> i want you to know.
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temperatures are in the 20s. at least with the windchill. this is nothing compared to what the country is dealing with today. a huge ice storm. possibly over an inch of ice crippling the panhandle of texas, oklahoma and as we go through kansas. by the time we go through tomorrow, notice you are seeing down to the south with a severe weather threat in through portions of texas. by the way, to the east of that, look at the temperatures in the southeast. that will spread to the northeast, but icing conditions kick in right through iowa as well as wisconsin. overall, i think we're talking about huge effects there with the panhandle of oklahoma with ice storms and through kansas. look at this outside. we are enjoying it. a lot of birthdays here. how are you feeling today? that's a look at the big good morning. i'm first alert meteorologist krystal klei. take a look at your hour by hour forecast. 11:00 a.m. starting to see the snow line build in our region. temperatures near freezing. we won't see snow until the afternoon, about 2:00, 3:00 when
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this starts move to in. temperatures in some spots, philly and the south are above freezing. we may see rain/snow mix and that rain/snow mix potential continues into your evening at 6:30. more rain along the shore snow farther north. i i have to give everyone props here with us today. we will talk about snow flurries here in new york city. craig and sheinelle. thank you. up next, how would you like to buy your next car from a vending machine? why it is now a reality. and beat it. an up coming michael jackson tv drama yanked. drama yanked. we will tell you why impressive linda. it seems age isn't slowing you down. but your immune system weakens as you get older increasing the risk for me, the shingles virus. i've been lurking inside you since you had chickenpox. i could surface anytime as a painful, blistering rash. one in three people get me in their lifetime, linda.
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will it be you? and that's why linda got me zostavax, a single shot vaccine. i'm working to boost linda's immune system to help protect her against you, shingles. zostavax is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults fifty years of age and older. zostavax does not protect everyone and cannot be used to treat shingles or the nerve pain that may follow it. you should not get zostavax if you are allergic to gelatin or neomycin, have a weakened immune system or take high doses of steroids are pregnant or plan to become pregnant. the most common side effects include redness, pain, itching, swelling, hard lump warmth or bruising at the injection site and headache. it's important to talk to your doctor about what situations you may need to avoid since zostavax contains a weakened chickenpox virus. remember one in three people get shingles in their lifetime, will it be you? talk you to your doctor or pharmacist about me, single shot zostavax. you've got a shot against shingles. single shot zostavax.
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creamy, crunchy, chocolatey, hershey's. packed with cookies or almond pieces. hershey's has the taste you love in every bite. it's so delicious. i can't believe it has 40% fewer calories than butter. i can't believe it's made with real, simple ingredients. i can't believe we're on a whale. i can't believe my role isn't bigger. oh, it's real. real ingredients. unbelievable taste. go ahead, enjoy. real ingredients. unbelievable taste. that trop50 could taste so good and still have 50% fewer calories. can i stop, jane? no. trop50. tastes so good you won't believe it has 50% fewer calories. comes complete with six benefits in one bottle.
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so you and your family are completely ready to rise to the occasion. perhaps that's why listerine® users are more likely to lend a helping hand. six bold benefits. one take-charge family. bring out the bold™. achoo! snap achoo! snap achoo! achoo! snap snap achoo! achoo! feel a cold coming on? zicam cold remedy nasal swabs shorten colds with a snap, and reduce symptom severity by 45%. shorten your cold with a snap, with zicam. that's the trending music. >> we are back on saturday morning. it's time to trend. joelle is here with us. are you ready?
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>> let's trend. >> you didn't do your dance. the trend dance. >> here you go. >> i didn't notice i did that. first up, candy, soda and chips you can get in a vending machine. how would you like to buy your next car from one? now you can do it. carvana. an online vehicle retailer. the vending machine is eight stories tall and holds up to 30 cars at a time. after picking out your car on the web site. you have it delivered to you or pick it up in houston or nashville. you get a special coin. you put that in the slot and it starts the whole process. it's like something "the jetsons." >> what happens when your car gets stuck? >> maybe you get two or three? >> what did the wheeling and
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dealing? >> this is the way of the future. >> people don't like to haggle. we all had our stressful moments at the dmv. one man took out his from frustrations in a different way. he wanted to license two cars after he got the run around. when it came time to pay the sales tax of $3,000 on the two cars he purchased. he paid in pennies. all pennies. all of them. five wheelbarrows worth. it took more than a dozen employees 12 hours. the money had to be counted by hand. took the staff more than 12 hours to count. look at the wheelbarrows there. >> i feel guilty when i pay for my coffee with quarters. everybody at the dmv.
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pretend you are behind him in line. >> i'm surprised they let him do it. look. >> she's back. we talked about adorable little girl sammy a few weeks ago who donated the water bottle challenge. she appeared on "ellen" to try to recreate the magic. it took a few tries, but she charmed her way through. >> this is it. >> i can feel it. >> yay! >> i love that. the clapping is the best part. you tell the kids. clap. >> she also did some dabbing after that. she is just as good as dabbing. >> she's adorable. >> pop sdstart. >> should we clap for ourselves? >> we told you about a british series urban myths planning to
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air an episode about michael jackson and elizabeth taylor. immediately after the trailer was released and people saw joseph fiennes, backlash on social media. we have got an update for you. in response to the jackson family criticism, the broadcaster said it will pull the episode. meanwhile, we found out a different m.j. project is in the works. lifetime will begin production on a made for tv movie on the final years of the pop star's life. the number one michael jackson tribute artist will step into the role. that is great casting. moving on to ed sheeran. he took a year-long break to travel and live his life. lucky for us, he is back and making headlines. these are headlines of a different sort. in an interview with the breakfast club radio show. as soon as he stopped touring,
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he ballooned and doubled in size. he lost 50 pounds by eliminating one thing from his diet. are you ready for it? beer. beer. >> how much beer was he drinking? >> craig lost 11 pounds. >> that wasn't just beer. wow. >> this is really good. he paid a visit to another radio show and revealed some serious fresh prince of bel air skills. ♪ on the playground is where i spend most of my days ♪ ♪ chilling out and playing b-ball when a couple of guys ♪ ♪ started making trouble in my neighborhood ♪ >> he is good. >> auntie and uncle to bel air. >> his third studio album drops march 3rd. last, but not least, what is a star to do if his movie did not win a golden globes?
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if you are ryan reynolds, you take to twitter with your rendition of for your consideration of how much it went into deadpool. >> 117 script pages. three good walls and a fourth that is broken. did i leave the stove on? 42 rejection letters from fox. and 783 million fans for your consideration. >> think laugh. hiding real pain. >> "deadpool." >> and harvard just names reynolds the 2017 hasty pudding man of the year. and the skies are sunny around here. dylan joins us live with her baby calvin. but first this is "today" on
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here's the time we have been waiting for. our first weekend check-in with dylan dreyer since she gave birth to calvin last month. >> how is motherhood treating her? dylan and calvin are joining us via facetime. how are you? >> i'm good. i'm so happy to have adult interaction. >> i'm trying hard to come up with questions and not stare at little calvin. he was awake during the day. >> he does like to stay awake during the day. i can get a good two or three hours before 2:00 a.m. then he is up every hour. it sis a different kind of tire. not tired -- i can't describe it. it is -- >> you look rested. >> i haven't talked to humans in a month. >> you look great. look at him. that's okay, calvin.
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we're almost done. >> what is the best thing so far, dylan? >> the best thing i would have to say so far is the ultimate joy that i feel. i don't care how tired i am. i don't care if he is crying in the middle of the night. i don't want to get up at all, but then i see his face and fall in love every time i look at him. to see my husband fall in love with him. that picture there makes me want to tear up and cry. the ultimate joy and love for my family. >> he looks playful already. >> playful or getting hungry? all the time. i'm a human cow at this point. >> you sound like my wife. >> what is everybody asking you? we wait for instagram pictures. what are people asking you? what is the most common? >> the most common question h? >> yeah. >> the most common advice is sleep when the baby sleeps. >> i said that. >> i would like to know how that
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happens when he doesn't sleep or sleeps for five seconds. i doze off. >> he is four weeks now? >> four weeks today. i can't believe it. everybody said time is flying by. i'm enjoying every single second and i'm just loving being home with him every day. >> what is the most surprising thing so far? what is the one thing you didn't really expect? >> you know, matt lauer said it when everybody gave me advice. pee flies everywhere. >> especially with little boys. >> all across the room. >> you look good, my friends. >> you hear people say that. >> at least it's warm. >> motherhood looks great on you. >> you look rested. i know you haven't had more than two hours of sleep. >> thi'm wearing makeup. it helps.
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>> oh, there's brian. >> that was invigorating! you're probably wondering why i've just carved a giant wooden tiger. well, the answer is that a real one would maul me. i've crafted dr. whiskers here as a visual aid to show you that should you visit the lot, carmax associates will not pounce like tigers because people don't like that. come here to buy a car. dr. whiskers won't pounce. nobody will. ♪ whonly new alka-seltzer plus t want powerful relief. free of artificial dyes and preservatives liquid gels delivers the powerful cold symptom relief you need without the unnecessary additives you don't. loudspeaker: clean up, aisle 4. alka-seltzer plus liquid gels. hurry in to lowe's today across the entire store. like paint plus primer at the new lower price of only $17.98. plus get 10% off wood look floor tile. don't miss out on the season's best savings happening right now at lowe's.
8:24 am
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8:25 am
when you're close to the people you love, does psoriasis ever get in the way of a touching moment? if you have moderate to severe psoriasis, you can embrace the chance of completely clear skin with taltz. taltz is proven to give you a chance at completely clear skin. with taltz, up to 90% of patients had a significant improvement of their psoriasis plaques. in fact, 4 out of 10 even achieved completely clear skin. do not use if you are allergic to taltz. before starting you should be checked for tuberculosis. taltz may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you are being treated for an infection or have symptoms. or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. inflammatory bowel disease can happen with taltz. including worsening of symptoms. serious allergic reactions can occur. now's your chance at completely clear skin. just ask your doctor about taltz.
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[ female announcer ] the magic begins when jif fresh roasts peanuts to make peanut butter so deliciously creamy. it can even bring a kid out of her shell. that's why choosy moms choose jif. good morning. i'm con. we're tracking wintry mix with snow and rain for our saturday. first alert meteorologist krystal klei says it depends where you live. >> that's exactly right. creeping closer and closer. i'll time out when you'll see this move over our region and
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we'll talk about who sees what coming up. escaped there the flames. fire forced this south new jersey family out in the cold. investigators want to know how it started. stardom. think you got talent? we got the details on tryouts for the hit tv show. those stories and more coming up on nbc 10 today at 8:30. and 20% better comfort from one tiny, mighty pill... get move free ultra, and enjoy living well.
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. right now on "nbc 10 news today" we're tracking light snow and rain for our saturday. we'll show you what you can expect in your neighborhood. searching for the shooters. police are looking for the gunmen that opened fire on two people sitting in this tow truck. the details on the investigation are coming up. philadelphia's got talent. this morning plenty of people are lining up for a shot at stardom. we're live at the tryouts in center city. good morning. this is "nbc 10 news today". thanks for being with us. i'm rosemary connors.
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it's 8:30 on this saturday. let's with our weather and take a live look over center city. a light breeze there right now. looks pretty good. dry at the moment. you can see some clouds starting to form. we're expecting snow later on today. meteorologist krystal klei has the details for us. >> here's a few things you need to do, come out as early as you can. we're tracking that snow getting closer to our area. you're seeing a nice wide view. the bulk of the activity is to our south. that's good news. no worry about freezing rain and like i mentioned second half of the day that things get more messi out there. closer look at our area right now we got clouds hanging over us. some you see starting to move into berks county not making it to the ground yet. this will start moving in our direction. as it does so that's when we'll see that potential pick up. north areas better chance of snow. south of philadelphia better chance of rain/snow mix.


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