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tv   NBC10 News at 4pm  NBC  January 19, 2017 4:00pm-5:01pm EST

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festivities getting underway at this hour. let's go there right now. >> reporter: we are just down a little ways from that on madison right now. let me show you, first thing that you may notice, this street is closed to all traffic but foot traffic at this point. people are walking in the direction of the celebration you just mentioned. the capital down that way, the mall is on the other side. and the lincoln memorial is down there ahead of us. let me point out one more thing to you, that is this, these fences that have gone up over, around the museum. they aren't usually here. they are part of the security we're seeing, along with those road closures. all part of preparations for tomorrow. over the next hour and a half we'll make our way from here all the way down there toward the lincoln memorial to get ready
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for the speech from donald trump. he's expected to address the crowd there. and for the celebration on the eve of the inauguration. so we're going to throw things back to you and get on our way as we head down toward the lincoln memorial. back to you. we're going to take it from here. security has been increasing in washington. something now doubt lauren can see. >> 28,000 officers are securing the national mall, the parade route and other sites as well. more than 7,000 national guard soldiers and airmen are in washington. to support security efforts for the presidential inauguration. today, officers from across the country were sworn in as d.c. metropolitan special police during a ceremony at fedex field. soldiers and airmen from the delaware national guard are among the troops in the nation's capital. task force delaware's mission is to secure the outside perimeter of the event with personnel and
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vehicles. despite calls for rain, we've heard hurricane schwartz talk about this, umbrellas are banned on the national mall for the inauguration, authorities are suggesting visitors win ponchos instead. here is glenn with the inauguration forecast. glenn? >> yeah, keith. we have cloudy skies in washington right now. and certainly going to be cloudy during the day tomorrow. the visibility not too bad. i don't really expect any kind of dense fog, which could be a problem. there's washington. and there's this area of rain that's pretty huge area. some of it moving in the general direction of washington, d.c. there it is in the bottom left of the screen. and we're starting tomorrow morning. by noontime, that rain has started. probably start like around
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11:00 a.m. on the lighter side, by 2:00, this future weather model just in, shows the rain picking up a little bit. getting a little bit heavier, but you still don't see the yellows or the reds indicating heavy rain. no threat of thunderstorms or anything like that. there's a little bit of the yellows, some of the moderate rain getting close to washington by about 3:00. and so that's one of the things we're going to be watching tomorrow to see if any of that little band of heavier rain starts to move in. and then after 3:00, we're going to be seeing the rain moving out. cloudy skies remain. the temperatures remain a little bit above average, despite all the clouds, despite the rain. 9:00 a.m., a little bit of light rain. possibly developing. noon. i would say probably an 80% chance there will be at least some rain in the area. between noon and 3:00, the chance of rain is pretty close
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to 100%. that at least there's going to be some rain during that period right in washington, d.c. i'll be back with our own forecast to see how we'll be affected by this system coming up. thank you. meantime donald trump announced his final cabinet choice today the president elect has nominated georgia governor sonny purdue to head the department of agriculture. the 70-year-old served on mr. trump's agriculture advisory committee during the campaign. trump's pick to lead the treasury department defended his handling of thousands of foreclosures during the height of the financial crisis. steve mnuchin testified before the senate finance committee today. the former goldman sachs executive faced questions. rick perry says he now regrets recommending the elimination of the department of energy when he ran for president in 2011. perry is now trump's pick to
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head the energy department he made the comment during a senate confirmation hearing today. the senate hopes to approve mr. trump's national security team after the swearing in tomorrow. >> we're going to turn to the latest on the health of former president george h.w. bush and his wife barbara. both remain in a texas hospital but appear to be improving. the former president remains in stable condition in the icu. he has an acute prrespiratory problem stemming from pneumonia. former first lady barbara bush feels 1,000% better. president obama spent his last full week as president at the white house. his schedule was mostly empty. mr. obama planned to grant one final round of clemency in what is likely his last act of president. the last batch will focus on non-violent drug offenders serving lengthy prison
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sentences. president obama sent one final note to the american people as president today. in that note he writes, quote, all that i've learned in my time in office, i've learned from you. you made me a better president and you made me a better man. he thanks the american people for the honor as serving as the 44th president. president obama will give one final fare well speech at joint andrews after inauguration tomorrow. >> he and his family will head off for a vacation in palm springs. nbc 10 is your home for around the clock inauguration coverage. stay with us on air and on the nbc 10 app as our team brings you every angle of the historic event. tonight, join nbc 10 for a one hour special the inauguration of president trump. we'll have a complete wrap up live from washington as 7:00 p.m. back here at home for some news. a local man screaming and jumping on top of his car this
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morning, got the attention of philly police. >> after a brief struggle with officers he wound up dead. no shots were fired. this all unfolded at 10th and poplar streets in north philadelphia. nbc's randy gyllenhaal has been following the story for us. >> walk us through what happened this morning. >> reporter: this all happened just before dawn today. you said there were no gun shots. people in this neighborhood were telling me they didn't wake up. they didn't hear it happen. the altercation between police and the suspect left that suspect dead and the neighborhood here as well as internal investigators asking why. >> this happened 5:00 this morning right here? what? >> reporter: neighbors near 10th and poplar find police tape and crime scene techs surrounding the red pickup truck. >> that's crazy. >> reporter: officers responding to radio calls about a frantic man parked in the middle of the street, screaming loudly climbing on top of his truck
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just before 5:00 a.m. >> jumping up and down on his car, like he just said. >> reporter: when police got here they say the man was jumping up and down, wildly on top of his red truck. he actually hops down and then walks over to where a female officer was parked. police say the suspect reaches his hand into her vehicle and grabs her by the neck. a struggle breaks out, the officer pulls out her baton and hits the suspect. police say another officer fires a taser but the metal prongs did not penetrate the suspect's skin. >> i could see if they was scaring seeing someone jumping on their car at 5:00 in the morning. >> reporter: police say the man collapsed. officers believe he was overdosing with drugs and administered a dose of a drug typically used to treat heroin. >> he might have been on drugs or something. or under the influence. >> i've seen guys doing crazy things. >> reporter: the suspect was
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pronounced dead at the hospital. info the female officer did suffer minor injuries. live in north philly. nbc 10 news. after a brazen and well-planned heist, many business owners say they won't tolerate crime. detectives return to remix consignment on main street today. last night a woman who works at the store and a customer were tied up during a hold up. three men walked into the store and made off with $60,000 worth of fur coats clothing and accessories. >> they should be worried. because we have them. we're going to have -- there's 50 something cameras looking at this street. we're going to have their car. >> police say the car is actually silver, was last seen driving north on main street. since january 5th police have responded to five crimes in a four square block area.
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a fire last night was set on purpose. someone intentionally start adfire inside a shed in newcastle. that fire then spread to two neighboring homes. everyone was able to get out safely, but now six people don't have place to stay. now, to a pair of developing stories overseas. three bodies have been recovered after an avalanche plowed into a mountain hotel in central italy. 30 were believed to be trapped inside. the avalanche followed a series of strong earthquakes. people inside the hotel sent text messages to authorities saying they were freezing. at least 30 firefighters were killed when a high rise building collapsed in iran. the collapse was broadcast live on television. firefighters had been battling the fire at the iconic plasco building for several hours before it came crashing down. many were in tears as they searched through debris in tehran. pennsylvania lawmakers have been given more time to come up with a fix to the state's i.d.
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problem. we told you last month the state is not in line with the federal real i.d. mandate. the law sets the standards for licenses in an effort to fight terrorism. governor wolf and state leaders have until june to fix the problem. if the state doesn't comply till 2018, pennsylvanians will need another form of id to board a plane. this man was caught earlier this month in lima after six years on the run. he flew to south america after he was charged with a deadly crash back in 2010. federal investigators are ruling out any man made devices as the cause of a trash can explosion last october. a blast expert with the bureau of alcohol tobacco firearms and explosion called the explosion
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organic. a report would not rule out decomposed mulch or other debris. no one was injured in the blast. there is a mystery buyer who now owns the iconic wannamaker building for $114 million. the 1.5 million square foot property houses a macy's department store and office space. federal regional and local partners came together in delaware county to celebrate the passage of the conservation act. it was signed by president obama last month. the legislation will help preserve the basin which is a source of clean drinking water. the basin supports 600,000 jobs in our region. some good news for local foodies. >> delaware county food favorite is now available in chester county. peeka's restaurant is opening a new store in westchester.
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comedian and upper darby native tina fey is a fan. she brought some on a visit to the tonight show. it's open for takeout today. the restaurant is expected to open next week. upgrades this year, south whitehall townships approved two new attractions, one will bring bumper cars back to the park, another is a circular ride that sends you on a trip of weightlessness and acceleration. and welcome back to our live coverage from the nation's capital. i'm jim rosenfield. we want to bring you the sights, sounds the excitement about president elect donald trump's inauguration which is happening tomorrow. i had a chance today to go over to the capitol to talk to members of our local delegations from all three states. pennsylvania senator bob casey who acknowledged to me that
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there is so much uncertainty on both sides of the aisle about what happens after tomorrow. take a listen. >> it's contentious, but also uncertain. and it's not just democratic members of congress being uncertain about where the administration might go, a lot of republicans who aren't sure h. as you recall, donald trump ran against both parties. so there's some uncertain about where he'll take the country. >> we know politicians can be divided. in some cases there are divisions within one household. let's send it back to nbc 10's lauren mayk who is with us with more on that. >> yeah, jim, we are making our way towards the lincoln memorial here. as we were preparing for this trip and talking to local folks who are going to be coming here to washington, d.c. to see this, i spoke with a temple student who said, hey, my roommates are also going. but for a different reason.
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take a listen. >> we will begin the urgent task of rebuilding our nation. >> reporter: justin miller is looking forward to being there. >> he's a bold individual. i think bold is what america is. >> miller knows a couple other people making the two hour trip to d.c. too. >> i'm going to inauguration. >> his roommates did not vote for president elect trump. and they're going for a different reason. >> i'm going down there to partake in a protest that's happening. >> theirs was a house divided this campaign season. did you talk about politics during the campaign? >> yes. >> unfortunately. >> yeah. and there was kind of a lot of like, fun competitiveness. >> when it comes to the new administration, cara and george have some concerns. >> i'm really nervous and scared for our country. >> he hasn't come out with a plan to replace the affordable
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care act. once it inevitably does get removed. >> but they are willing to give the new president a chance. >> i do approach this with a bit of cautious optimism. >> you may notice they're all still friends. >> it keeps me -- like centered and balanced in my thoughts. >> i think that should be a model for what d.c. should do right now. work across the aisle. continue to bring america together and realize that it's all about the american people. >> on inauguration day they'll take their different views to washington. what happens when you come back? i mean, what's it going to be like? >> we'll get a drink and call it a day. >> yeah, they had a really good attitude about everything. but they are passionate about their individual views. i can bet that after that inaugural address tomorrow there will be even more conversations in that household. live in washington, d.c. i'm lauren mayk nbc 10 news. lauren, i love it they're all still friends and they'll
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remain so, despite their differences. okay, lauren mayk thank you. we're less than 20 hours away from donald trump taking the oath of office as our 45th president. nbc 10 is your place to keep it for all inauguration coverage. coming up at 4:30, our coverage will continue with the welcome home plans for vice president joe biden. delaware's native son returning to the first state tomorrow. he just may be surprised by what is going to greet him. that story is ahead at 4:30. tonight, join nbc 10 for a one hour special, the inauguration of donald trump. we'll have complete wrap up live from washington, d.c. that's coming up at 7:00 p.m. lots more coverage still ahead. in the meantime, let's send it back to glenn "hurricane" schwartz. we're loving the mild weather, the sun is out here today. but we do know there are showers, there's rain in the forecast for tomorrow. we're ready for it. >> yeah, we've been talking about this for quite a while. and yes, it's going to rain in d.c. but it's not going to be a
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real cold rain. it's not going to be snow, it's not going to be ice, thunderstorms. it could be a whole lot worse. many inaugurations did have really bad weather. 47 in philadelphia now. cloudy skies above normal despite the clouds. some places have a little bit of sunshine. those places are a little bit warmer. a little northwest wind at the shore. it's 50 in woodbine, upper township, 50 in avalon and else where at the coast line. the shore will get pounded early next week. more on that in a second. we've got one part of the rain coming in friday afternoon. then we get a bit of a break. over the weekend, saturday is the day for your outdoor activities. if you want dry weather. because round two is going to be a big round. this is going to be heavy rain,
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gusty winds, sunday afternoon. all the way through monday night. that's why we've issued a first alert for the entire area for sunday afternoon through monday night. we're talking about rain heavy at times. strong wind gusts, well over 40 miles per hour. and coastal flooding threats. it's a nor'easter that's going to be developing. if it was a little bit colder, it would be a monster snowstorm. it's not colder. it's going to be a monster rainstorm. here we go, radar and satellites showing clouds. there's the area of rain towards southwest that's moving in our direction. that's the friday rain. not the rain for sunday. here we are for washington, d.c. once again, it looks like rain moves in before noon. lasting through 3:00 or so. how is it going to affect our area? it's going to be moving up during the day. most of it comes in the
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afternoon. that's fairly steady rain for at least a couple of hours. but it's not going to be raining all night. this is going to be moving out, setting us up for basically a dry saturday. but we're still going to be pretty cloudy. here's the forecast. inauguration. d.c. raining at noon. temperatures a little bit above average for this time of the year. around here tomorrow, temperatures are down because of the clouds and because of the rain moving in. fair amount up to 48. chestnut hill, 45. reading, 43. allentown, 43. so it's a little chillier, but this is rain everywhere once again. 48. egg harbor township 43. and over the weekend, we're going to be seeing that rain, mostly in the afternoon friday. and then a good bit of the day sunday.
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saturday's your day. >> look how warm that is regardless. thank you so much. we'll have much more from washington, d.c. ahead as we continue to count down to the inauguration of donald trump. plus, sticky situation. countless skittles scattered all over a road. what's surprising about the story is where the candy was headed. also ahead. school bus scare. a look inside the ride some students won't soon forget. bashing the birds. chris christie with an earful for the eagles' faithful. that's ahead on nbc 10 news at 4:00. it's a down day across the board as we say gets set for inauguration day. we'll be right back.
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a scary school bus ride for some florida students when their bus collided with a tractor trailer. video inside the bus shows the intensity of the collision. the driver's assistant was thrown from her seat. the five students on the bus and the driver were all okay. check out this sticky situation on a wisconsin ohio. the road completely covered in red skittles. that's right. the candy skittles. sheriff's deputies were confused that is until a farmer came forward to explain. the skittles were rejects from the factory. they're given out to farmers because, apparently, they are good nutrients for cattle. >> who knew? >> yeah. one farmer's box was desce disintegrated in the rain. this time tomorrow donald trump will be the president of the united states. >> we have you covered with the count down with our great team
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in washington, d.c. including these two, jim and jackie. you know, the president elect is already here in washington. >> we are less than 20 hours away from donald trump being sworn in as the 45th president of the united states. it is a changing of the guard, so to speak. delaware's native son, joe biden will make his way home to the first state following the inauguration. but what he's probably not expecting to find? what will be there waiting for him. that and more straight ahead. well, rather mild today. but we're tracking rain that's going to be moving in. i'll tell you what to expect in your neighborhood and when next in my exclusive first alert forecast next on nbc 10 news at 4:00.
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countdown to history. president elect donald trump is in washington this afternoon, kicking off his inauguration festivities. this time tomorrow he will be the 45th president of the united states. today, he took part in a preinauguration tradition. laying a wreath at the tomb of the unknown at arlington national ceremony. >> the president elect made a stop to thank supporters at a lunch and at his hotel the room was filled with members of congress and mr. trump's cabinet nominees. the president elect called many of them out by name and gave a shoutout for their support. good afternoon i'm jacqueline london. >> i'm jim rosenfield. president elect donald trump will become our 45th president by this time tomorrow. noontime tomorrow in fact. >> the festivities are getting underway at the lincoln memorial. let's go to lauren mayk in the center of it. >> reporter: we are making our way down to the lincoln memorial now. you know, i can tell you it is a pretty relaxed atmosphere here
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today. this is the day before the big crush of people, when everybody comes with their tickets. today you don't need tickets. you can wander around and enjoy being here on the verge of history. we're seeing signs that this is happening. this street is shut down and if you look right next to the street. you see folks selling some merchandise there. this is the kind of thing you would see at a donald trump rally. we're seeing it here again. donald trump himself, the president elect, is expected to speak to the crowd down by the lincoln memorial in just a little bit. i was down there a few hours ago and people were getting their spots ready, just like, again, as we have seen at some of those rallies during the campaign. we'll keep making our way down there. we'll check back with you in just a little while. all right. lauren mayk, you know, after tomorrow's inauguration, the obamas, they're going to take a break and they're heading west, we know, to california. palm springs, california.
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>> vice president joe biden will take the train home to delaware where he'll fight the crowds welcoming him there. tim furlong is live with more on that story. >> tell us about the celebration that's going to await him. >> reporter: yeah, that's right. tomorrow the bidens will leave washington the way they got there eight years ago on an amtrak train. they'll leave there and come here by the joe biden train station. they're not going right back to their house. once he leaves here, a smaller motorcade will take them over to the chase center. crews are getting ready for what they would be a few friends welcoming a few friends home. the vice president will speak and shake a ton of hands. the event is free but if you want to be apart of it i advise you to get there early. i just spoke with somebody who has organized the event. >> the marching band has volunteered to come.
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i don't think we're surprised how big it's gotten. his delaware's joe. >> reporter: you can see the train station isn't too far from the chase center. they hug the christina river. i tell you this, don't come to the train station to try to meet the bidens, you won't be ail to get close. try to get to the chase center early. don't bring coolers, backpics, you won't be allowed in. if you don't agree with the vice president politically, that's okay. it should be a cool event in delaware. there will be a lot of people there to see it. nbc 10 news. >> all right. an emotional for him i'm sure after all he's been through. and another emotional moment, i'm sure today, the president and vice president had their last weekly lunch at the white house. >> and as for donald trump, he will be at union station tonight for dinner and he'll spend the night at the presidential guest house, which is across from the white house. nbc 10 is your home for around the clock coverage of the inauguration. throughout the day today and all
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day tomorrow morning, stay with us on air and the nbc 10 app as our team brings you every angle. tonight join nbc 10 for a one hour special, the inauguration of donald trump. we'll have a complete wrap up live from washington at 7:00 p.m. let's send it back to the studios with keith and erin. philadelphia police trying to figure out what caused the death of a man they say attacked one of their officers. when police found him the man was screaming and jumping on top of his car at 10th and poplar streets. police say he grabbed an officer by the neck. another officer deployed a taser. minutes later the man was dead. a fire that damaged several townhouses in delaware has been ruled arson. it happened around 11:30 last night in newcastle. authorities say the fire started in a shed and then spread to several homes. no one was hurt, but six people have to find a new place to live. nbc 10 delaware bureau reporter
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tim furlong spoke to one of the homeowners. you'll hear from that homeowner ahead at 5:00. changes could be coming to driver's licenses in pennsylvania. the department of homeland security has granted the state more time to get in line with the real i.d. law. you'll not be able to show your pennsylvania driver's license to get on a plane starting in 2018. lawmakers have until june to come up with a solution. girl scout cookies are back but with a little something new. delicate operation. the unusual surgery that took place in our area today. it's the patient that makes this procedure so peculiar.
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thin mints, caramel delights and short breads. the girl scouts kicks off their cookie drive, marking the 100th anniversary of cookie sales. a new sweet treat is up for
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grabs, a new smores cookie. the drive runs through march 12th. >> we've heard about a private parties, how about a primate party at the philadelphia zoo? the gorilla celebrated his 32nd birthday. the western lowland silver back lives with his mate, hira, daughter amani. they were born in 1985 at the columbus zoo. a bob cat is getting a new lease on life, a cataract was performed on the bob cat today. they say it will help restore his eye sight. that 23-year-old cat lives at the preserve in columbia, new jersey. new jersey's governor is a dallas cowboys fan. >> but now he's taking a shot at
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eaglesfa eagles' fans. reaction to the governor's words. he don't want to hear from me y te me. temperatures are well above normal despite clouds. i'll tell you how long it will stay this way. heavy rain in the forecast.
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take a live look at lincoln financial field. all q quiet, but the birds finding ways to remain relevant. we have reaction to what chris christie had to say. >> this has a lot of people talk. >> a lot of eagles fans are fired up. we've got a big debate that has split the electorate. chris christie said, quote, the eagles do suck and have sucked for a long time.
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and their fans are generally angry, awful people. end quote. christie may be a little sad with his cowboys being eliminated from the playoffs. in fairness equal time rules. we reached out to democrats who are big eagles fans, philly guys, former mayor and former governor ed rendell. here we go. >> the governor has got it all wrong. eagles have a much better record than the cowboys. he's wrong about that. he insulted his own constituents and wrong because he mistakes real passion for anger. >> in retrospect the governor has had a rough couple of years, i understand why he may be bitter or angry. i think he's in a bad space in his life. so let him stew on his own. >> wow, the gloves are off, aren't they? the eagles had as many wins in the playoffs as the cowboys, as in none. i say this presidential election
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created such a divide in our country, it goes really deep when it comes to football. somebody out there invite chris christie to an eagles game someone and see what happens. >> oh, my word. >> great idea right there. john clark. >> we'll have more at 6:00. let's change the subject. the phils, the catchers and pitchers don't report for another three and a half weeks. plenty of activity is going on down in clearwater, florida. the phillies kicked off their annual fantasy camp today. a chance for sports enthusiasts to play ball and learn along the all time greats. >> not too bad down there and not too bad for us today. al warm, mild but change is coming? >> oh, yeah we'll have a good deal of rain over the next several days. not as much tomorrow as what we'll see sunday and monday and monday night. it's really going to be wet and windy. 47 degrees with not much wind right now. the average high temperatures, only 40.
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even with the clouds we're above average. 49 so far today. we're in the 40s across much of the rest of the area. in philadelphia itself, 47 at the airport. society hill. and port richmond, it's 44 park side, 43 in andorra. it's a little bit cooler in parts of the city than others. that's what we have with neighborhood weather. we can get into a tiny neighborhood and get you the weather conditions and forecasts there. but now, the whole area is going to be affected by this. this is a first alert for the entire area. not for the rain tomorrow. this is for sunday afternoon through monday night. for rain and strong winds. we could see wind gusts over 40 miles per hour. maybe well over 50 miles per hour. right off the ocean and that means a threat of coastal flooding as well. it's a nor'easter. if it was colder, we'd be
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getting buried with snow. but it's not cold enough for snow. as you can see we have a few clouds in the area. the rain is still pretty far away back to the west. that is moving in our direction. and it is also moving in a direction of washington, d.c. so there it is during the inauguration. that area is moving right toward philadelphia. tomorrow afternoon, we're going to be getting the rain. that's not a big widespread area. it's not especially heavy. it's not drizzle. but it's not nearly what we'll get sunday and monday. the clouds linger friday night and even linger into saturday. but saturday should stay dry. in washington, d.c., it's not going to be dry. the chance of rain during this period of time, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. is close to 100%. it's not going to be raining 100% of the time. but it's definitely going to be raining at some point. reading tomorrow, it's going to
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be raining, too, not all day. 43 for the high. 43 in bethlehem and east and westchester 44. phoenixville at 46 degrees. all of these places with above average temperatures. fairmount at 48 degrees. 48 in haddenfield. as we go further to the south, we start to see 50 degree temperatures. galloway up to 50 degrees and dover at 46. getting the rain a little bit earlier than other parts of the area. this weekend, friday, the rain is in the afternoon. saturday's pretty cloudy. but it is dry and it's on the milder side. sunday, the rain comes in. it doesn't get heavy at first. but this is what happened. sunday, we've got an east wind. there's the rain coming up from the south. sunday afternoon, the wind is getting stronger. the center of the storm is still down south. monday. there it is.
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and we're still getting that northeast wind. when you get it, hour after hour after hour, that builds up the seas. and gets things pretty nasty. more on that coming up at 5:00. thanks. it was an online shopping experience that didn't go the way one woman expected. when her stuff showed up, some of it was missing. when her calls for help went unanswered she reached out to nbc 10 responds. the results they got next on nbc 10 news at 4:00.
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now to nbc 10 responds. a woman went shopping online. when the delivery date came, some of her items were missing. >> after making several calls to the company she called harry
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hairston and the nbc 10 response team. what happened here? >> this woman was absolutely frustrated. i have to tell you, she said she was frustrated by the dozens of hours she sat on hold trying to get help. >> there we go. >> karen fox says she injured her leg last november and couldn't go shopping on black friday. she needed items from target to complete her holiday gift list. >> small items, you know, do dads. >> confined to the house under doctor's orders she said she took her ipad and ordered hundreds of dollars in items from target. she tells us the store promised to deliver everything the first week of december. when the packages arrived, she notice adproblem. >> missing a large amount of gifts. >> she said 15 items were missing, including a phone, a cd boom box and a rug. she tells us, she called target right away to find out what happened. she said she was placed on hold for hours. and then transferred from one customer rep to another.
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after all that the company did send a $50 gift card. she decided that was not enough. after all, she had spent nearly $200 and she wanted a refund. >> i finally had to hand it to you. >> after contacting nbc 10 responds, we reached out to target for answers. the company told us it prefers to resolve matters directly with their customers. target did tell us it apologized to noonan for any convenience. she said target told her she should have received better customer service and her complaint should have been handled more quickly and professionally. the company ended refunding her $197 for the items and gave her another $50 gift card. >> thank you, harry. i couldn't have done it without you. >> all right. target tells us its guest relations team was in contact with noonan prior to and after we contacted them. ta target declined to tell us why
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it took so long to refund. in these cases ask to speak to a supervisor as soon as possible. that will help speed up the process in resolving the issue. 15 hours on the phone? >> can you imagine that? >> no. >> that's crazy. >> don't do that. >> get ahold of nbc 10 responds. >> how much money? >> let's go to the recovery counter. take a look. $2,676. $2,676.53. >> in december nbc 10 responds helped a viewer with an issue she was having with her empire today carpeting. after we got involved, empire today agreed to provide a refund. we originally reported she was refunded $886. the total refund was actually $4,000. we regret the air aapplaud empie for making things right for this customer. continuing coverage live from washington. next on nbc 10 news at 5:00.
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coming up, a closer look at security as we are now less than 24 hours away from the inauguration. and coming up, we'll tell you who is helping out with security from our area. and while conditions are dry, i'm tracking showers moving in by tomorrow. will it be a washout? details coming up in your weather. plus, arson investigation in newcastle. here the message homeowners have for the two people suspected of starting the fire.
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he has arrived. president elect trump is in washington where in less than 24 hours he'll become president of the united states. >> i'm mad, i'm angry. >> and tonight, he is out of a home, why fire investigators in delaware think two people started a fire, leaving three homes burning this morning. a frightening crime in the heart of mantiac. what city leaders plan to do about it. ready for history. tomorrow, there's a new president. the festivities have already begun. nbc 10 sent a team to
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washingtoning to bring you the parties, the politics, and the protests. it is the inauguration of donald trump. good evening i'm jim rosenfield. >> i'm jacqueline london, we're live in washington, d.c. where less than 24 hours from now, donald trump will be sworn in as the are 45th president of the united states. and in fact, president elect donald trump and his wife, melania, just arrived here in washington, d.c. at the site of the celebration that is taking place this evening. a concert where people are gathered to support donald trump and hear the music that will come out tonight. >> all day long, our nbc 10 inauguration team has been spread out across the district to bring you the latest on these events leading up to tomorrow's inauguration. >> we want to go to lauren mayk who is at the lincoln memorial with more on the celebration. >> reporter: we've been making our way across the mal


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