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tv   The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon  NBC  March 7, 2018 11:34pm-12:38am EST

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well, it's done. >> yeah. >> at least the snow is, but the icy temperatures will be down below freezing tonight. so watch out for everything to refreeze. it will be a bit of a messy commute tomorrow morning. we'll make it above freezing tomorrow. it will start to thaw out. on friday we could see a flurry passing. the weekend looks decent. don't forget we have the time change saturday night into sunday. >> five days. here we go. >> good night. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his guests -- john cena, katherine langford,
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musical guest, jd & the straight shot, and featuring the legendary roots crew. >> questlove: 828! >> steve: and now, here he is, jimmy fallon! ♪ ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that is a hot crowd tonight! that is a hot crowd! welcome! welcome, everybody! welcome to "the tonight show." this is it. you're here. [ cheers and applause ] you made it. that's what i'm talking about. happy you're here. well, here's what everyone's
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talking about. you guys, there was a huge blizzard on the east coast today. on the bright side, it was nice to see something in a state of emergency other than the white house. [ laughter and applause ] >> steve: hey-oh! >> jimmy: that's right. last night, trump's top economic adviser, gary cohn, announced he's resigning. at this point, so many staffers have quit, that when you call the white house, trump answers the phone himself. [ laughter ] he's like, "hello? please hold, i'll connect you. the president speaking." [ light laughter ] get this. gary cohn's resignation brought the total number of officials who have quit or have been fired from the trump administration to 19. 19 in just over a year. >> tariq: hey, uh, jimmy -- you want to play ten seconds? [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: what's ten seconds? >> tariq: well, it's where you have ten seconds to try and name every departed white house official. and it's really hard to do because there's been so many. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: no, i actually haven't heard of that. but it sounds fun. can i see you do it? >> tariq: absolutely.
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>> jimmy: all right. ready, go! >> tariq: gary cohn, hope hicks, rob porter, omarosa -- [ unintelligible ] steve bannon, scaramucci -- sean spicer, mike dubke, james comey, mike flynn, sally yates -- [ unintelligible ] [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: oh, my god. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ that is nothing less than impressive, my friend. all right, let me get in on this. >> tariq: okay. you ready? >> jimmy: uh-huh. >> tariq: go! >> jimmy: gary cohn, hope hicks, rob porter, omarosa, tom price, sebastian gorka, steve bannon, anthony scaramucci, reince priebus, sean spicer, mike dubke, james comey, mike flynn, sally yates -- [ unintelligible ] [ buzzer ] [ cheers and applause ] >> preet bharara. >> tariq: pretty fun though, right? >> jimmy: yeah, it is pretty fun. yeah, yeah, yeah. [ light laughter ] >> very fun. very fun. if you guys watching at home want to play along, go ahead and take a video of yourself trying to say all 19 names in
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ten seconds and tag it with the hashtag #tenseconds! don't forget the exclamation point. ha-ha. [ laughter ] and whoever does it the fastest will have their video featured on "the tonight show" featuring jimmy fallon. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: wait, wait, come on, this is my show. you can't just make up a a contest. [ laughter ] >> please? [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: all right. give it up for tariq and jamal, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] and #tenseconds! >> steve: wow. don't forget the exclamation point. >> jimmy: you guys see this? yesterday trump told reporters his idea for how to keep other countries from interfering with our elections. i'm not sure it's the most advanced idea. but watch this. >> but it's always good to have a paper backup system of voting. it's called paper. not highly complex computers. paper. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: "paper. [ laughter ] p-a-y-p-i-r-e.
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paper. [ cheers and applause ] google it!" then he said, "you know paper, the stuff that can be shredded. that type of stuff, yeah. paper." [ light laughter ] here's another story out of washington that just came out. that in his agreement with adult film star stormy daniels, trump actually used a fake name for himself. david dennison. [ laughter ] trump is denying this. and referred all questions to his spokesman, dennis dennison. [ laughter ] [ applause ] that's right. in his agreement with stormy daniels -- [ laughter ] >> steve: come on! >> jimmy: what, man? dennis dennison. >> steve: this is real. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: in his agreement with stormy daniels, trump used a a fake name. and stormy said, "well, he wasn't the only one faking something." >> steve: hey, whoa! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. but today, stormy daniels' lawyer said that she is free to talk about her sexual relationship with trump. americans are like, "great, just not while we're eating." [ laughter and applause ]
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and on cnn last night, they were talking about the whole situation, and things got a a little awkward. check this out. >> and it's part of almost the routine of today's news cycle, which is the interesting part of it. >> kevin, are you saying that a a porn star would actually try to call attention to herself? shocking, right? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: "right? i'm familiar with porn stars. [ laughter ] why so quiet, guys?" [ laughter ] right now they're still sitting there in silence. yeah. [ laughter and applause ] "right, guys?" get this. "sex in the city" star cynthia nixon said that she may run for governor of new york. [ audience oohs ] and new yorkers are like, "oh, thanks, but we're more of a a samantha." [ laughter and applause ] are you a fan of the show? >> you bet! >> jimmy: manolo blahnik's.
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>> mr. big! [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: "i make money moves!" [ laughter ] everybody -- everybody is still talking about this week's big "bachelor" finale. you watch it, higgins? [ audience ohs ] yeah, it was bizarre, right? i don't know, man. i called it from the start, this arie dude. i don't know, man. but one "bachelor" fan said that watching the show has made her a smarter dater. [ light laughter ] yeah. she said that since she started watching, she no longer dates 25 people at once. >> steve: oh! [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: no more! not again. >> steve: uh-uh. >> jimmy: one last time, that's it. then i'm done. [ light laughter ] well this is nice. after arie dumped her on national tv, bachelor contestant becca received over $6,000 in venmo donations out of sympathy. [ light laughter ] [ audience ohs ] becca said that she was touched by the support, while puerto rico said, "what the hell? [ laughter and applause ] you're kidding me, right? [ cheers and applause ] you're joking me?"
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in other tv news, nickelodeon just announced that they're bringing back the show "blues clues." [ cheers and applause ] they figure at this point it's the only way to explain the russia investigation to trump. >> jimmy: finally -- this isn't good. this week in england, a worker at a factory that makes coca-cola cans was caught urinating into the cans. [ audience ohs ] but coke quickly dealt with the situation by putting a mountain dew label on it. [ cheers and applause ] we have a great show tonight! everybody give it up for the roots! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome! thank you for watching the show! happy to be here. i'm happy you're here. before we get started, i want to say a quick congratulations to questlove and tariq from the roots. they were just named founding members of the kennedy center
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for the performing arts national hip-hop council! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ yeah. sorry, i made you do this thing for yourself. hate to embarrass you. what an honor. this is -- what is this? this is a brand new thing, right? >> questlove: it's -- you know, it's hip-hop really being official in the history books. >> jimmy: that's unbelievable. >> questlove: yeah, man. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's fantastic. well-deserved, guys. congratulations. questlove and tariq, everybody. there you go. [ cheers and applause ] we have got a huge show tonight. from the new movie "blockers," john cena is here! >> steve: yeah! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: john cena! >> steve: he's the best. >> jimmy: you don't mess with that dude. i don't mess with that dude, man. he's the best. i love him -- besides that, he's a good actor, he's funny. he can do everything. >> steve: nice dude. >> jimmy: love the dude. john and i are doing something fun on the show tonight that you definitely don't want to miss. plus, she stars in the new movie "love, simon," katherine langford is dropping by. [ cheers and applause ] "love, simon."
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and we got great music from jd & the straight shot, ladies and gentlemen! [ cheers and applause ] guys, i was watching tv the other day. i was just flipping through the channels, and i came across this show on teen nick. it's called "ew!" [ light laughter ] and -- a pretty good show. a lot of people even say that i look like the main character. [ light laughter ] i don't know if i see it, though. but here, take a look for yourselves. here's the latest episode of "ew!" [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: hi, everyone, welcome to "ew!" [ light laughter ] i'm sara, and if you're wondering, that's s-a-r-a with no h, because hs are ew! [ light laughter ] joining us tonight is one of my bff's. she moved away like, three years ago but now she's transferring back to our school district. look at this cute picture of us. [ laughter ] my best friend! i haven't seen her forever. please welcome addison wyatt!
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[ cheers and applause ] i've got to say -- i have to say, you look really different. [ laughter ] >> yeah, i had a little bit of a growth spurt. [ laughter ] my mom says i'm going through some changes. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i feel like you're on the advanced course. [ light laughter ] >> ew, i know. cheerleading squad moved me to the bottom of the pyramid. >> jimmy: you're on the bottom row? >> i am the bottom row. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: ew. >> i know. the football team's like all trying to recruit me and stuff. and then they were like -- at first they were like, "why don't you throw things?" and i was like, "ew, throwing things." but like, now i totally love it. i mean, watch this. [ laughter ]
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>> jimmy: ew! [ laughter ] >> oops. [ light laughter ] i guess i'm stronger than i thought. >> jimmy: addison, now that you're back at school, have you been talking to any boys lately? >> yes! check out this text convo with my crush in homeroom, braiden. >> okay. like, you be braiden and i'll be me. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: hey. >> hey. i guess. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: how do you think you did on the math test? >> good. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: no way. you're the smartest. and super cool. smiley face. >> ew! [ laughter ] >> jimmy: ew, he totally likes you! >> really? >> jimmy: yeah, you're crushing this crush. [ light laughter ] >> omg, i totally am! >> jimmy: i don't want -- dance team auditions are coming up. do you want to practice our routine? >> ew! hit it! [ laughter ] ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> hey, girls! [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: ew! that's my stepdad, gary! >> oh, please! stepdad gary sounds so boring. call me stepdaddy g! word to your mother! [ laughter ] actually, don't talk back to your mother. it's not a good idea. >> jimmy: ew! >> anywhoo, i heard you two listened to the brian mars. you know, i loved his first single -- ♪ a little bit of monica in my life a little bit of erica all the time ♪ >> jimmy: ew, stop it. stop it, gary! >> don't worry, girls. the only mambo in my life is your mother. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: ew! >> ew! >> jimmy: that's gross! >> all right, i just came downstairs to say that your mother and i are upstairs and we're making our own sushi and we're on a roll.
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you better scootch your toosh if you want some of that soosh. ♪ you take the rice and the seaweed and you roll it up tight you add some fish ♪ ♪ from the sea and you take a big bite top it with some fish eggs if ♪ ♪ you're really bold but either way you eat it raw and cold ahi tuna mackerel ♪ ♪ and fluke better eat it quick or you just might puke ♪ >> jimmy: gary get out! get out! >> all right. >> jimmy: get out! >> all right. i'll catch you two on the flippity-flop! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: okay, now it's time for the ew! speed round. here we go. kites. >> ew! >> jimmy: snapchat. >> ew! [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: bassoons. >> ew. >> jimmy: john cena! >> ew! [ light laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i think he's cute. >> too many muscles. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: steve martin? >> cute. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: really? >> he's like, a really talented actor. [ light laughter ]
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you ever see "planes, trains and automobiles"? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: "planes, trains and automobiles"? [ laughter ] i've never heard of that one. anyways, the last one, finally. olive garden. >> ew! >> jimmy: really? but their slogan is, "when you're here, you're family." and addison, when you're here, you're family. >> ew! you're like my sister too. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: ew! >> ew, ew, ew! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's all the time we have for "ew!" i want to thank addison for joining me today. tune in next week! >> ew! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: i guess i can kind of see the resemblance there. my thanks to john cena, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] stick around. we'll be back with more john cena! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our first guest stars in the hilarious new movie, "blockers" which is in theaters
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everywhere april 6th. ladies and gentlemen, please welcome john cena! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> did you get them all hyped up on mountain dew before they come in here? >> jimmy: yeah, yeah, come on. >> well, thank you. thank you. you had a few too many mountain dews. >> jimmy: welcome. [ light laughter ] >> all right. >> jimmy: thank you for coming back to the show. >> thanks for having me. that was fun. >> jimmy: we kind of looked like those little girls, didn't we? >> fallon -- >> jimmy: you thought that we would never. >> what next? >> jimmy: i don't know, man, but thank you for doing that. >> i was one of your first guests, and since then, i've played sticky balls, i've read your lips, we've interrogated people at the detective table,
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we have done mad libs, and "ew." >> jimmy: yeah, exactly. [ light laughter ] >> what the hell are we going to do next? >> jimmy: that's the whole thing. no one knows. it's you. [ cheers and applause ] you can do anything with you. you can do -- you can absolutely do anything, by the way -- >> no, but i mean is this it? have i exhausted -- like is this our last dance? [ audience aws ] >> jimmy: no, we'll do "ew" again next week. [ laughter ] >> all right, fair enough. i'm in. >> jimmy: last time -- since last time you were here, i just want to say congratulations. you're oscar-nominated, buddy. >> aww! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: "ferdinand." you -- come on. you're so humble. you're oscar nom -- how cool is that? that's amazing. >> it's really cool. i like the movie. i hope everybody else did too. >> jimmy: yeah, we did. we loved it. [ cheers ] >> and i thank you too. >> jimmy: i got to see you a a couple times since you were on the show. >> yeah. yeah. >> jimmy: i saw you over in madison square garden. >> yes, and that was christmas season. i took a picture with the real james fallon. >> jimmy: my dad. >> oh yeah. >> jimmy: now, there was my dad. [ light laughter ] >> he was awesome. >> jimmy: he also has my name. >> i would say chip off the old block, but he is awesome. >> jimmy: yeah, you treated my dad nicer than you treated me. >> 'cause he's a great dude.
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>> jimmy: we had so much fun. >> it was a blast. >> jimmy: it was amazing, and then i saw you at raw. >> you did. >> jimmy: dude, that was -- that was pretty interesting for me. >> yeah. way to help me out. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: i'm sorry. i didn't know he was going to hit you with a guitar. i didn't know what was -- >> you could have said something. >> jimmy: well, i was screaming -- the whole stadium was screaming -- >> i don't believe -- you know, we film the audience. i watched it back. you said nothing. [ laughter ] not a, "hey, look out!" you just had this devilish grin on your face, like -- >> jimmy: i was not doing that at all. [ laughter ] >> no, yeah. i was doing so good until then. >> jimmy: elias is a -- by the way, he called me out a little bit. he came out, i was enjoying -- i'm a fan of his. i like his -- i like his guitar-playing. >> he can play music. >> jimmy: ish. >> ish? do i sense a challenge? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i'm just saying, i don't know. he came out, and then he said something about me, and called me out, and then -- 'cause i know, you know, you're my boy. so maybe -- >> wait a -- wait a second. you, jimmy fallon, went to a a wwe event, and didn't expect any of the superstars to start
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something with you? >> jimmy: i didn't know. >> i tell you, man. i don't know what to say. [ laughter ] i don't know. >> jimmy: i don't know, but i was rooting for you, man. and i was like -- >> no, you weren't! [ laughter ] he's just trying to be nice. he was not. >> jimmy: no, i was -- i was totally rooting for you, but i can't hop into the ring. i can't do anything -- >> why not, man? >> jimmy: because, look at the size of you. [ laughter ] i can't mess -- >> well, this didn't work. i needed your help! >> jimmy: i -- well -- >> thanks, man. i appreciate it. >> jimmy: next time, i'll be there. i'll be there for you. >> okay, great. just know that you just said that. next time you'll be there for me. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: we'll edit all of this out. we'll edit all this out. >> okay, great. >> jimmy: when is the next big -- when is "wrestle mania?" that's the next big deal. >> goodness. we have it coming up -- >> jimmy: april 8th. >> april 8th. sunday, april 8th. >> jimmy: april 8th. >> yes, it's a big, big weekend for me, because april 6th, "blockers" comes out, and then april 8th is "wrestle mania," so i'm like, going every which way but loose. >> jimmy: you just don't stop. >> 24th of march is the kids choice awards. so i'm like on a crazy lightning roller coaster, but all roads lead to new orleans
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and "wrestle mania." i'm very excited about it. >> jimmy: "wrestle mania," last time i saw you at "wrestle mania," i was in orlando, and you proposed. and she said yes, and yeah -- [ cheers and applause ] but, that was a moment. >> but jimmy fallon, we are now in the same place. last year at "wrestle mania," i got engaged. what do we do next! what the hell do i do to top that? >> jimmy: you've got to do something. >> any ideas? i could wrestle a centaur. >> jimmy: you could -- you could get married. [ cheers and applause ] >> i could get married. >> jimmy: are you -- >> nothing ever goes wrong at a a wwe wedding. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah. you don't want to do that, right? >> what a quaint place to do that. >> jimmy: a wwe wedding, yeah. >> you buffoon. >> jimmy: new orleans is a a great place -- i know i won't do that. but are you planning the wedding? >> yes, i am. >> jimmy: i mean, i didn't get the invite. that is just hilarious. [ light laughter ] >> it's in -- just wait a little bit longer. >> jimmy: my dad -- my dad got one. i didn't get one. >> yeah, he did! [ laughter ] >> jimmy: no, are you doing the planning? what are you -- are you getting involved?
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>> i was able to let nicole plan the bachelorette party, and she just finished that. >> jimmy: oh, there you go. >> and now i'm just kind of on stand-by. to know when it is, or where it is, and i'll be there. >> jimmy: so it's going to be at medieval times in new jersey. >> yes, it is. [ light laughter ] i will be the red knight. she will be the blue knight. >> jimmy: yeah. >> yeah. >> jimmy: but are you getting excited? i mean do you have -- >> you know what? i am super excited, and i'm going to have to learn a dance. i promised nicole that i would spend the last half of april learning a dance. >> jimmy: you've got to learn a a dance? >> well i am -- you know, it's not going to be any good, but i'll do the best i can. i mean, i learned to dance with you out there -- yikes. anyway, so i'm going to put the time in because i want that moment to be special for her. the thing that is like making me most nervous is the rest of the night. so normally i'm not like the guy who gets out there, and moves around. i just kind of play the back. >> jimmy: right, right, right. >> yeah, and look at everybody having fun. >> jimmy: well you've got to dance. it's your wedding. >> i think so, but i don't know anything. so -- >> jimmy: you need a move? >> if only i had a coach, a a friend who could show me something.
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somebody -- [ cheers and applause ] to make the most wonderful night of my life even more wonderful. >> jimmy: i can show you a a dance move. this is true. madonna was on the show, and she gave me go-to dance move. i said, if i go to a club -- >> you're going to give me a a madonna dance move? >> jimmy: oh yeah. [ light laughter ] yeah, 'cause she said, we go into the club -- >> this totally like mends our friendship back together. >> jimmy: this is it, yeah. this is it. so you do thing, madonna taught me this. this is the go-to move as you go into the club. it's great. roots, can you give me a beat. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: okay, one arm, back of your head, then the other arm -- then -- like that. then you go like this. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] that's fantastic! do that all night! that's the best wedding. what a great wedding, dude! more with john cena when we come back! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪
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that's the new rockstar. ♪ hurry in to old navy for thousands of styles on sale from five, ten, and fifteen dollars, at old navy. cut! yeah, that was the one, right? hey jon, did you eat half of my bagel? speaking of half, if you switch to h&r block this year, you'll pay half what you paid the other guy last year. so, you did. switch to h&r block and pay half of what you paid your other guy. h&r block.
12:03 am
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12:04 am
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back, everybody. we are hanging out with john cena! [ cheers and applause ] >> and i'm hanging out with you! >> jimmy: his new movie, "blockers," hits theaters april 6th. but first, you're hosting the kids choice awards march 24th. >> like i said, it's a big stretch, kids choice march 24th, "blockers," april 6th, "wrestlemania" april 8th. it's a big stretch. >> jimmy: how do you do all of this stuff, man? i used -- >> this is all -- we're all sitting here talking, there's tons of energy out there, it's all fun, right, guys? >> jimmy: yeah, absolutely. >> how do you guys do it? >> jimmy: right? [ cheers and applause ] this is your second time hosting the kids choice. >> yeah, because it's awesome. it's got the energy of this room and tons of slime. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: exactly. talk about "blockers." now, this comes out april 6th. >> yes. >> jimmy: as you said. >> two days before "wrestlemania." >> jimmy: and this is leslie mann and ike -- >> ike barinholtz. >> jimmy: barinholtz. >> directed by kay cannon. >> jimmy: oh, i love kay cannon.
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>> and it is hilarious. it is a coming of age story of three young women and they go to their prom and hilarity ensues and as parents we find out kind of what they're up to and we feel that they're not making right decisions. and as parents we feel that we're in their control of their lives and they're not -- and we're not. so they go their one way and you follow their story for the night and we go our one way and you follow our story for the night. and there's a lot of crazy stuff going on in there. it's kind of like the first time we were to work together you would come up to me with these ridiculous ideas and like, maybe be like -- i don't know if he's going to do this. and now you're at the point where, you're just like, yeah, do you want to dress up like a a teenage girl? [ laughter ] and i'm like, of course! >> jimmy: now, yeah, why not. >> kay -- kay cannon was so conservative with me at first. like, "hey, do you want to, maybe do --" and by the end, it was like, "yeah, so you're just gonna have to walk around naked." "i'll do it!" "okay." >> woo! >> jimmy: yeah, but basically, these kids are going to the prom, and they make kind of a a pact that they're all going to lose their virginity. >> yes. >> jimmy: and the parents say, "well, we're going to block that." >> yes. >> jimmy: we're gonna try -- >> i try my hand as a blocker. >> jimmy: did you go to your prom?
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>> i did not. >> jimmy: you did not? really? [ audience aws ] >> oh, thank you for the sympathy. i appreciate that. so heartbroken. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: why did you not go to your prom? >> i chose to work instead. >> jimmy: wow. [ audience aws ] unbelievable. this is -- this all makes sense. >> did you go to your prom? >> jimmy: yes, i did go to my prom. >> what was that like? >> jimmy: i loved it. >> because i didn't go. give me an experience. >> jimmy: well -- [ laughter ] my experience isn't what everyone else's experience -- >> but, i didn't go. i have no point of reference. >> jimmy: you get dressed up and you go out and it's kind of -- and you're nervous. >> that sounds awesome. what was it -- do you have a photo? >> jimmy: i did. i thought you were going to bring a photo. i thought you went to your prom. but, i brought one of mine. i don't know, now this doesn't quite make sense. but this is me and libby -- [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] look at how white i am! i've never been more white. i'm whiter than that flower. she went -- libby went tanning before and didn't tell me, i guess. >> yeah. [ laughter ] you look sharp, kid. >> jimmy: i had the best time. thank you, bud. i appreciate that. yeah, she was taller than me,
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too. she didn't have to wear heels. but anyway, she did. yeah. but it was fun. >> okay, what was the craziest thing you did at your prom? ah, the sweet tables are turned, fallon. >> jimmy: yeah, i was like, wait what? >> the day is mine! [ laughter ] what was the craziest thing you did at your prom? >> jimmy: i didn't really do anything that crazy. i was never that kid that ever did anything that -- crazy. >> liar! [ laughter ] >> jimmy: no -- we rented a a u-haul. >> a u -- like, a box truck? >> jimmy: yeah. [ laughter ] and we turned the back of the truck into a little apartment. and we had a designated driver and we had a keg in the back. [ light laughter ] >> you spent the night in a tux hanging out in the back of a a box truck? >> jimmy: this is upstate new york. this is what you do there, yeah. it was that or, you know, ride quads. >> not regretting missing my prom. okay, yeah, fine. >> jimmy: anyways. it was fun, it was good. >> i'm sure it was a blast. >> jimmy: you never went to any of your dances or anything? >> no, man. but, you know what? i'm making up for it now. with my bride to be, i have dances all the time, so -- [ audience aws ] >> jimmy: and you have your new
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move. i wouldn't ask -- >> and i have -- >> jimmy: i wouldn't ask you to do it again -- >> no, i could never -- >> jimmy: i could never. >> i could never do it -- >> jimmy: i want to show everyone a clip. here's john cena in "blockers!" take a look at this clip! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> julie left her laptop open. >> you guys are snooping on our kids? >> no. >> we don't understand what they're saying, so it's not snooping. >> ooh, i love puzzles. i just saw, "inferno." >> yeah, great. what are they saying? >> okay, so there's something about an eggplant handshake. >> eggplant agreement. >> yeah, they've got an agreement to make eggplant parmesan. >> no, eggplants are [ bleep ] in teenage emoji language. >> what? >> you know what? that's true. julie told me that, that the emojis have -- they all have secret meanings. >> mm-hmm. >> so, like, trees are weed and snowflakes are cocaine, and that thing is yas queen. >> yas queen! >> what the hell's that? >> you've never heard of yas queen? >> no. >> alright, grandpa. >> this is sex if i've ever seen it illustrated in emojis. >> oh, no, no, no maybe not. they're best friends. they're just saying like, "you're okay with me. you're okay to me!" [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: john cena, everybody! "blockers" is in theaters april 6th!
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[ cheers and applause ] katherine langford joins us after the break. stick around, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ does this map show the peninsula trail? you won't find that on a map. i'll take you there. take this left. if you listen real hard you can hear the whales. oop. you hear that? (vo) our subaru outback lets us see the world. sometimes in ways we never imagined. (avo) get 0% apr financing on all-new 2018 subaru outback models. now through april 2nd. t-mobile keeps your family connected with new iphones. which is great... ...unless your parents thought you were studying. somebody's busted. join t-mobile, buy an iphone 8, get an iphone 8 on us. and now, bring your family to t-mobile and get a 4th line free. hais not always easy. severe plaque psoriasis
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all included in the price of your plan. (avo) switch to sprint and get four lines of the ultimate unlimited for $25 per month with the fifth line free. for people with hearing loss, it's the best price for unlimited. visit ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our next guest was golden globe-nominated for her fantastic work in the netflix series "13 reasons why." she now stars in the new movie, "love, simon," which opens friday march 16th. please welcome katherine langford! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: so nice to see you again. thank you for coming back. >> yeah, thank you so much for having me back on the show.
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>> jimmy: oh come on, are you kidding me? since i saw you, you got a a golden globe nomination. i saw you at the golden globes. how was that? >> oh, my god. it was a surreal experience. you know, i -- last time i was here on the show talking about "13 reasons why," and then less than a year later i was nominated for a golden globe. it was such a full circle moment for me because i remember after season one -- like i was at home in australia with my mom watching the golden globes, huge fans of "the crown," and we were watching claire foy win. and then this year i was nominated alongside her, and sitting next to her at the table. >> jimmy: i mean how fun is that? >> yeah, also, oh sorry. i was just going to say, also, you know, it was such a a poignant night as well with the "time's up movement." it's something i think that's so inspiring, and i was so grateful to be a part of. you know, and i just remember like as soon as the nominations came out, you know reese reached out to me, and let me know what they were doing with the movement. >> jimmy: reese witherspoon, yeah. >> yeah, reese witherspoon, and the night before there was sort of like a meeting of people who were, you know, taking part in the movement, just to go over talking points, and stuff like
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that. and up until that point, i had been pretty cool and chill, and then i walked into a room with probably 20 of hollywood's most decorated, talented actresses. there was meryl, emma stone, laura dern, tracey ellis ross, tessa thompson, michelle williams is smiling at me. reese is like, "hey," and i just sitting there, and i remember i stood up afterwards, and i was talking to brie larson and reese, and i just started crying, and sobbing like an idiot. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oh, my goodness. you're so likeable. i feel like crying now. because, yeah -- [ laughter ] i love this. i love that you're enjoying all of this stuff. "13 reasons why" coming back for a second season. spoiler alert, if you guys don't know the first season, just maybe cover your ears. you died in the first season. >> yes. [ laughter ] yeah. >> jimmy: so -- so -- so what's season two going to be like? [ light laughter ] >> um -- you'll have to wait and see. >> jimmy: yeah, exactly, yeah.
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>> we just finished -- we just finished season two last year, and, you know, it was a very different season to season one for a lot of reasons, but i'm super grateful that i was asked back, because i think that there was -- there's so much left to tell, and i'm really glad we got to focus on some important storylines for other characters but, yeah. i mean, hannah -- you know the hannah in season one, she's gone, but, you know, she's still there this season, but i would prepare audiences to see a different hannah this season. >> jimmy: let's talk about your movie. "love, simon." congratulations on doing this movie. >> yeah, thank you. >> jimmy: it's giant! it's big. >> thank you. >> jimmy: the co star -- i know that guy that plays simon. >> nick robinson? >> jimmy: yeah, how do i know him do you think? >> oh, i mean he's just an all-around good-looking and pleasant guy. >> jimmy: that's how i know him, that's -- [ laughter ] i was wondering -- that's what it is. yeah. yeah. he must have been in some film i just saw or something like that, but i don't know, i just -- i recognize him. he's fantastic. >> yeah. no, he was great to work with, and i feel like he does such a a great job as simon, you know. simon is based off the novel by
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becky albertalli, which i loved. it's about a 17-year-old boy in high school who lives a a seemingly perfect life except for the fact that he's secretly gay, and struggling to come out to his friends and family. and he falls in love with a a classmate, online which is when things come to a head, where a classmate threatens to out him, and i play his best friend, lea, and it's directed by greg berlanti who is such a a legend, and i think just the perfect person to tell this story, you know? not only does he understand it, but just how generous he is, and talented, and how much experience he has in the industry. >> jimmy: and it's got a great sound track, too. i know jack antonoff produced it. >> brilliant. yes. >> jimmy: we love -- he's going to be on the show tomorrow, i believe. >> oh brilliant. >> jimmy: yeah, it'll be fun. would you like to set this clip up? do you know what it is? >> oh yeah, i think this clip is -- this clip is me taking simon home after he gets drunk at a party for the first time. >> jimmy: there you go. here is katherine langford in "love, simon." take a look. [ creaking ]
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>> i know -- i remember in -- >> hey, guys! hey! hey! come talk to us. >> hey. >> how was the party? >> it was really fun. >> was it? >> yeah. >> aces. >> uh, well -- thanks for letting me stay over. >> yeah, yeah, yeah. >> yeah. you've been staying over ten years -- it's -- you don't have to take this. >> oh, yeah. thanks. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: katherine langford, everybody! "love, simon" hits theaters march 16th. we'll be right back with music from jd & the straight shot. stick around everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ at&t gives you more for your thing. your getting serious thing.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hey, guys. check us out tomorrow night. he stars in the hit nbc show "this is us" and he's hosting "saturday night live" this weekend. sterling k. brown will be stopping by. [ cheers and applause ] plus we're catching up with jack antonoff and then bleachers is going to perform for us. i cannot wait, tomorrow night. be sure to check it out. [ cheers and applause ] guys, performing "shambala" off their album "good luck and good night," please welcome jd & the
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straight shot! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ ♪ wash away my troubles wash away my pain with the rain in shambala ♪ ♪ wash away my sorrow wash away shame with the rain in shambala ♪ ♪ oh yeah yeah yeah yeah oh yeah yeah yeah yeah ♪ ♪ everyone is helpful everyone is kind on the road to shambala ♪
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♪ everyone is lucky everyone is so kind on the road to shambala ♪ ♪ oh yeah yeah yeah yeah oh yeah yeah yeah yeah ♪ ♪ how does your light shine in the halls of shambala how does your light shine in the halls of shambala ♪ ♪ ♪ i can tell my sister by the flowers in her eyes on the road to shambala ♪ ♪ i can tell my brother by the flowers in his eyes
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on the road to shambala ♪ ♪ oh yeah yeah yeah yeah oh yeah yeah yeah yeah ♪ ♪ how does your light shine in the halls of shambala how does your light shine in the halls of shambala ♪ ♪ how does your light shine in the halls of shambala how does your light shine in the halls of shambala ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ oh yeah yeah yeah yeah oh yeah yeah yeah yeah on the road to shambala ♪ ♪ how does your light shine in the halls of shambala how does your light shine in the halls of shambala ♪ ♪ how does your light shine in the halls of shambala how does your light shine in the halls of shambala ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hey! that's what i'm -- come on! >> thank you, everybody. >> jimmy: jd & the straight
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shot! [ cheers and applause ] catch them on tour starting next week. "good luck and good night" is out now. we'll be right back, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ sometimes a cough gets in the way of a good night's sleep. that's when he needs vicks vaporub. proven cough medicine. with 8 hours of vapors.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: my thanks to john cena! katherine langford! [ cheers and applause ] jd & the straight shot once again, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] and the roots right there from philadelphia, pennsylvania. stay tuned for "late night with seth meyers." thank you for watching. have a great night. i hope to see you tomorrow. bye-bye, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> announcer: from 30 rockefeller plaza in new york, it's "late night with seth meyers." tonight -- hoda kotb, from "love, simon," actor nick robinson, music from old dominion. featuring the 8g band with zach danziger. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ladies and gentlemen, seth meyers. >> seth: good evening, everybody. i'm seth meyers. this is "late night." how's everybody doing tonight? [ cheers and applause ] that is wonderful to hear. thank you all so much for fighting your way through the terrible new york weather tonight to be here. i was very worried i would walk out to an empty audience. so i really appreciate it. [ light laughter ] let's get to the news, everybody. president trump's chief economic advisor gary cohn announced his resignation yesterday, which


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