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tv   BBC World News America  WHUT  January 17, 2012 6:30pm-7:00pm EST

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>> this is "bbc world news america." funding for this presentation is made possible by -- the freeman foundation of new york, stowe, vermont, and honolulu newman's own foundation and union bank. >> at union bank, our relationship managers work hard to know your business. offering specialized solutions and capital to help you meet your growth objectives, we offer expertise and tailored solutions for small businesses and major corporations. what can we do for you?
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>> and now, "bbc world news america." >> this is "bbc world news america" reporting from washington. charged with abandoning ship, as the death toll rises off the coast of italy, audiotapes reveal the ship's captain fighting with the coast guard. >> get back on board. send someone back on board. >> i am coordinating at the moment. >> i am giving you an order, captain. >> a rare glimpse inside of syria. residents speak candidly about the regime. he floated like a butterfly and stung like a bee, today mohammad ali celebrates his 70th birthday. we have a tribute to him.
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welcome to our viewers on pbs and america and also around the globe. chaos, that is how survivors describe the scene on board of the concordia after it hit rocks. now, a stunning audiotaped has emerged that confirm those accounts. on it, francesco schettino is ordered to return to the boat that he allegedly abandoned. his lawyers denied this in court today. meanwhile, five more bodies were found raising the total number dead to 11. >> in the darkness, scared and disorientated, they move in their hundreds. down the side of the ship, each one fourth by the costa
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concordia. this astonishing conversation was taking place between the ship's captain and a port official at the same time. >> here is the captain, francesco schettino, the focus of police inquiries. he was manhandled from court
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today, he is now under house arrest. many believe it was his actions alone that caused this disaster. his lawyer disagrees. >> the capt. defended his role after the collision which in the captain's opinion save hundreds of not thousands of lives. -- if not thousands of lives. >> they blew small holes in the side of the vessels to try to get better access. one priority, secure the fuel supply. inside of the ship, divers had to struggle through the debris, through the tables and chairs, all that remains of this suppose a trip of a lifetime. from above, it looks peaceful today, but inside, in the darkness, bodies still float in the corridors. we have just been told that they have discovered five more bodies inside of the ship. four men and a woman.
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although the rescuers hope to find survivors, that is now looking increasingly unlikely. more than 20 people are still believed to be missing. among them, a retired couple, parents of four from minnesota. and a 5-year-old, her father, her failed to make it ashore, had taken her on the cruise as a special treat. -- her father, who failed to make it a short, had taken her on the cruise as a special treat. rescue teams returned this evening, no sign of survivors. another anxious, sleepless night for the families of the missing. >> the real tragedy on the costa concordia. i spoke to our correspondent on the island just a short while ago.
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what is the reaction in italy to these video -- do these audiotapes? >> battalions are trance -- are transfixed by this. they're concerned about the image and things like that. the person at the center is the captain. there has been a degree of vilification for him in the italian media. someone described him as driving the cruise ship like a ferrari. then, the extraordinary tape's coming to light. whatever reputation this man had taken the most tremendous smattering today. you can hear the indignation, the fury of the officials as they demand that he goes back on board. at one point, there are the
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bodies. the capt. replies, how many. the port authority says, you should be telling us that. is should be said that the captain himself has spoken with italian television in the immediate aftermath of the disaster. he argued that he would save many many more lives by having the presence of mind to steer his ship into the shallow water and crashing onto the ledge. you see behind me in this coved. >> while that investigation took place, we still also have the rescue and recovery effort on going as well. >> through the day indeed and towards the end of the day, the discovery of four more bodies -- four men and woman, in the flooded part of the stern of the
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rec. it seemed that they were trying to get to a gathering point where they might have hoped to get a life point. -- get to a lifeboat. there was a series of loud explosions that were aimed at cutting through the hall and making it easier to get to those gathering points where they have found bodies today and a couple of days ago a body was found in a similar area. >> thank you very much for joining us. now to syria where today is the last day for arab league monitors to conduct up to their investigation of alleged abuses before writing up their report. we traveled with the team and found that they were mauled by protesters desperate to show the world what they believe is gearing proof of the violence --
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glaring proof of the violence unleashed by the regime. >> they are racing off for a last inspection. one of the monitoring teams checking syria's compliance. today, they are visiting near damascus, an opposition stronghold ringed by soldiers. they are barely out of their cars before they are accosted by a grieving mother. >> let me kiss your hand. they killed my other son right in front my eyes. >> already, emboldened by the arrival, demonstrators are gathering. their slogan, the people demanded the hanging of the president.
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the observers' presence in syria has not achieved much. more than 400 people have been killed since the mission started last month. everyone knows that the arab league, the international body, was the best chance of influence in the syrian government. that is why people are so desperate to have their voice heard today. government snipers have been fired on protesters. soldiers are positioned on the rooftop even today. hear, apparently, is the evidence of their work. >> they shot him from the roof of this building. military officers live there. my friend was about to finish school. he was walking in the street when they shot him. >> this woman says she has
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recorded another crime, a 13- year-old boy shot dead in front of her. >> he was honest man. the snipers shot him in the eye. bashar assad, made the same thing happened to your son. -- made the same thing happen to your son. >> suddenly, the monitors have become the heroes of the crowd. everyone would like to believe they can help. they will not say whether they will or not >> no, we're not allowed to speak to them. i cannot give you my impressions. >> some don't trust them. >> are you working with the regime? i am like your son, tell us the truth. >> this young man will show his face. >> they will come to hear to
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punish us and kill us. >> can the arab league help? >> we will do everything for tunis, egypt, but for syria, no. why? >> this is a tiny bubble of free speech that has been created a round of the monitors. everyone is afraid of what will happen after they have left. even the my tears themselves say they will have to disburse. -- even the monitors themselves say they will have to disburse. at the end of the street, soldiers wait. they have a different story to tell my tears about the protests. -- to tell the monitors about the protest. >> they don't know what they're doing. they are being incited by armed gangs.
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>> and these are holes from bullets of government snipers. >> the government never shot anyone in the street. it was armed gangs that did it. the army came this way to protect the civilians. >> then, the monitors were gone and so were the protesters. attention returns to the streets. now, syrians wait and what action if any the arab league will take against president assad's regime. what is certain, the people are again alone against the power of their state. >> a rare display of candor from a very frightened population in syria. from syria to egypt where today the trial of former president hosni mubarak continued. he arrived at court didn't
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ambulance and was wheeled in on his hospital bed. -- he arrived at court in an ambulance and was wheeled in on his hospital bed. he is accused of abusing power and of killing unarmed protesters. his lawyers argued that he was a man with clean hands and a pure heart. for more on what this means for the country's future, i spoke with a senior fellow from the u.s. is to give peace to just returned from egypt. how much are egyptians watching what happens to hosni mubarak? >> there's tremendous interest because he symbolizes the whole issue of the rebellion in achieving justice. the fact that the man who led egypt for 30 years being held to account in the same kind of cell that many who opposed him went through is really telling. there are questions as to whether there will be full
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justice, whether the trial is not rigged, or if there is some kind of agreement in advance. >> from your conversations with people, could you get a clear sense of whether the forces are playing deference to the former president or is this the comeuppance of a leader that was there for 40 years and is now being deposed? >> there were all kinds of symbols for the way the regime is being nice to be -- to the mubaraks. some security people were saluted by those actually taking them into the court room. this is as legitimate as it could be. >> you were there for 10 days. you were chatting to people in different groups in egyptian society. did you come away with the opinion that there is a real change taking place or did you
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come away thinking that the military is determined to hang on to power? >> the military is very determined to hang onto power. the first page was the hosni mubarak removal, the second was the street clashes. now, they're moving into the third stage. the military will have to try -- the government will have to try to pry power from the generals. this has really been a military state for 60 years. all of the generals since the revolution have been -- all the leaders since the revolution have been military men. there are enormous business assets that may constitute a third of the economy that they don't want to give up. they don't want to give up the rights to oversee who was
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holding civilian power. >> there was extraordinary turnout which suggests that the egyptian people are infested in the new government. what if the military turns around and defies public opinion? >> even among the brotherhood -- even the muslim brotherhood, an islamist group that bought 70% of the vote, are talking if they will have to go back to the streets. that is if the military does not hand over power. there will be follow. there is the sense that the islamists and the army might be doing some kind of deal because they need each other to survive. this is the first time the islamists had taken power. the military is looking at who they can work with and whether there is a pakistan-model emerging in egypt. >> welcome back to washington. >> thank you. >> the co-founder of yahoo! has resigned from the board of the company. he said that the 17 years since
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yahoo! began gave him some of the most exciting and rewarding experiences of his life but it is time to pursue other interests. he is described as a visionary and a pioneer who left a legacy of innovation. wikipedia is planning to shut down the english language version of their website for 24 hours on wednesday to protest against legal changes here in the united states. the foundation that runs wikipedia say that the changes create new rules for online censorship. there were challenges to changes in hungary's constitution. the european union says this violates laws for changes in the judiciary and the edges -- and legislature. we look back on the expedition
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of captain scott and the team and never made it home. the aircraft manufacturer airbus delivered a record number of planes last year, the ninth year in a row that they beat their rival boeing. while they might be doing well, many of their customers are struggling. >> airlines across the world may be facing higher fuel prices, higher taxes and lower profits but for the first time in a trace -- in the space of the year, airbus and boeing together have sold more than a thousand aircraft. airbus has announced they are taking on 4002 staff to bring down a backlog of orders. >> we're still well above production. so, that is not a catastrophe, it is just that 2011 was an
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extraordinary year. we cannot grow our backlog if we cannot reach the production numbers that we have to. >> by far the most orders have been for short-haul planes with more fuel-efficient engines. airlines are buying them despite forecasts of falling profits. >> if we don't replace our planes with fuel at something like $100 a barrel, they cannot operate the way they are. they have to get the economic advantage to bring down the fuel burn, made his performance, and the service for passengers. -- maintenance performance, and the service for passengers. >> airbus has 64% share of the global market by volume. boeing is likely to draw level again in 2012. airbus admits that chinese
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newcomers are likely to be serious newcomers in the future. -- serious competitors in the future. >> they called him scott of the antarctic and 100 years ago he and a group of explore stock that would be the first to the south pole only to discover that norwegians had beaten them to it. scott never made it home, he died a few miles from safety. >> terra nova set sail on a journey to the end of the earth. their attempt was to be the first expedition to the south pole. they were led by captain scott, a royal navy officer. >> he was an explorer, a
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pioneer. we don't call him in the venture because that has some -- we don't call him on an adventurer because that has some kind of a boyish and tone to it. >> eventually, the ship found a way through. then, they set off on the long march to the poll. a rival norwegian team was on its way. their route were shown in red. they got there first. scott's team made it more than a month later. they never made it back. among them, captain coats, crippled by frostbite, sacrificed themselves to be would not burden his team. he left the tent telling them, i may be some time. the expedition discovered hundreds of new species of animals and also collected rock
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samples, penguin eggs, and plant fossils, now on display at the natural history museum in london. although scott did not get their first or make it back home, he is regarded as an iconic figure for his her work efforts. only now historians are realizing his immense scientific contribution. there is the spirit of heroic scientific investigation that has not been matched sense. -- since. >> from one of the world's greatest explorers to the man who many believe was the greatest ever to grace the boxing ring, muhammed ali, who turned 70 today, not only fought in some of the most memorable fights, he also came up with some of the best lines. he never shied away from the
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public gaze and was always a great entertainer. it was not just his boxing that gained him fans are around the world. >> this is where it began, louisville, ky where catchiest clay was born. he became muhammed ali, the great sportsman of the 20th- century. louisville, kentucky, where cas sius clay was born. it is difficult to remember, but his quick feet and loose lips made him hated by most of the boxing world. >> i will beat any man in the world. i am the greatest. >> just as he was reaching his peak, he was banned from his
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board for three and a half years. >> he maintains that his religion will not allow him to kill people. >> the reason, his refusal to go to vietnam. >> when he resisted all to oppose the vietnam war, he could say, i put my life where my mouth was. this is the way i am prepared to live and i am prepared for whatever the consequences are, for standing up for i believe then. -- for what i believe then. that made him more fans. >> in the early 70's, he came back to boxing slower. there were giants to overcome, men like forman and frazier. after decades of pounding, he was diagnosed with parkinson's disease. it is now more than 30 years
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since he skipped rope but his presence still invokes awe. >> i want to say happy 70th birthday, thank you for everything that you did inside and outside of the ring. you are great. >> i am the king of the world, he announced at 22. now, at 70, we know he was right. >> a tribute there from all around the world to a very great boxer and a very great man. we at the bbc wish mr. ali a very happy 70th birthday. you can find updates to all of our story on our website. if you would like to find me on twitter, i am there. from all of us here, thank you so much for watching. do tune in tomorrow.
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>> make sense of international news. >> funding for this presentation is made possible by -- the freeman foundation of new york, stowe, vermont, and honolulu newman's own foundation and union bank. >> at union bank, our relationship managers work hard to know your business. offering specialized solutions and capital to help you meet your growth objectives, we offer expertise and tailored solutions for small businesses and major corporations. what can we do for you?
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>> "bbc world news" was presented by kcet, los angeles.
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