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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  October 30, 2014 7:00am-9:01am EDT

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. good morning, america. new overnight -- >> a world series win for the san francisco giants. >> world series thriller. san francisco, giants of the baseball beating the royals in a game that came down to the last pitch. one of the greatest performances in world series history. fans going wild in the streets. the celebrations turning violent. developing now, the coldest halloween in 18 years as cold and snow moves in, and a major coastal storm targets the northeast. ginger is tracking it all. >> sit down and shut you have. chris christie, take on this protester on his home turf. his blunt style on display as his future rival goes warm and
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fuzzy. the number one superstar in the country. now taylor swift is out of the woods and shaking it off. swifties lined up all night to snag a selfie. and you have the front row seat to our biggest concert ever in times square. this morning on "gma." >> good morning, america. and what a great morning here in times square this thursday morning. saw the countdown clock there. taylor swift is coming up in just a little bit. look at the fans. >> over 2,000 people just outside our little old studio waiting for taylor swift. >> all night, lined up around the block. >> and get this, already, the new album, a million by the end of this week. it would be the first album in 2014 to do that.
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let's just face it, people cannot get enough of this young lady. >> it's happening. >> couldn't happen to a nicer person, by the way. >> that's true. didn't i see your little one running around in her school uniform? >> yes. she's going to be a little late to school. sorry. >> an excused absence. and the world series thriller, a dramatic ending for the san francisco giants, beating the kansas city royals. that's the third out. winning the third title in five years. ryan smith is outside the stadium in kansas city this morning. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. it was a game seven for the ages. this stadium was packed with fans witnessing an epic baseball battle. but the sanrancisco giants prevailed against the upstart kansas city royals in a game we won't forget. down by one run, facing the last out, the little royals that could refused to give up.
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but standing in the way of their first world series title in 29 years, this plan. >> giants win. >> reporter: the giants madison bumgarner who pitched five flawless innings on just two days rest. striking out 14 royals in a row. earning the longest save in world series history. along with key hits from the player they call kung fu panda, pablo sandoval, the giants became the only team to win a ga seven on the road in 35 years. >> what now? >> relax. or go to disney land. >> reporter: the kansas city royals were a long shot. youngest player 28. winning a winner done wild card game and sweeping the next two series to get to the big game. they became america's sweet hearts with paul rudd and
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"modern family"'s cam and mitch rooting them on. >> get up on your feet and make some noise. >> reporter: but this franchise, less than a decade ago, the laughing stock of baseball, with good reason to hold their heads high. now during the celebrations in san francisco, unfortunately sad news. two people were shot. non-life threatening injuries, thank goodness. but in kansas city, the san francisco giants players i talked to, feeling good and excited, and when i asked are you feeling about a dynasty, all they were thinking about was getting rest until the big parade in san francisco. >> i think you were cheering there. great stuff. the chilly halloween forecast, plummeting temperatures hitting so much of the country. >> some people outdoors. we took the spooky,icy, ghoulish forecast. illinois, freeze watches and
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warnings. started at 7:00 p.m. trick or treat temperatures. this is the actual temperature. add the wind, like chicago, could be the coldest in 18 years. it is going to be that way. also, though, this clipper system comes through. rain and snow mix. some of the snow in parts of tennessee, the mountains of north carolina, kentucky, west virginia, could start to add up. we're talking inches at times. and this nor'easter, this storm developing along the coast, windy, wind-driven rain, ugly into saturday and snow for parts of new england. that cold air doesn't stop. it's pushing. not just the east coast, but snow on the west coast. stay tuned. now to the showdown over ebola. maine nurse kaci hickox stepping out to talk to reporters, saying she's negotiating with the state to end her quarantine. linzie janis is in fort kent, maine, with the latest. good morning.
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>> reporter: good morning, robin. we're standing outside of kaci hickox's house. a state trooper is standing guard. she is locked in a battle with her home state that could affect all health care workers returning from the fight with ebola. overnight, nurse kaci hickox stepping outside the home where she agreed to voluntarily quarantine herself for a few days since returning to maine on monday. the 33-year-old telling maine tv station wlbz she's trying to reach a solution with state officials who want her to stay in isolation for another 12 days. >> we have been in negotiations all day with the state of maine and tried to resolve this am mic bleu. >> reporter: the state is determined, sending officers to watch her movements, and enforcing the quarantine. even saying she could face jail
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time if she doesn't come fly. >> if this does occur, i will challenge it. >> reporter: but the people in this tiny town are scared and angry. some of the people are mad at kaci hickox. >> they are. they are. >> reporter: the police chief telling us he's been indated with call. >> she was arrogant in saying she was not going to abide by a voluntary quarantine. people are concerned about her attitude. >> reporter: the debate illustrating the lack of consensus across america with health care workers returning home after fighting ebola in west africa. the secretary of defense defending the military's plans to quarantine wednesday. >> the military will have more americans in liberia than any other department. >> reporter: despite telling abc news she would go to the court today to have the quarantine lifted, she is now telling us
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she may wait for maine to make the first move. >> a bit of a stand off. and turn to politics now. and new jersey governor chris christie lashing out on the stump. at an event marking two years since hurricane sandy. this is signature christie. some love it, some don't. >> reporter: it's been awhile since we saw an eruption like this one, but it was classic chris christie. it's why some people love him. >> i read it. >> reporter: and why some hate him. >> turn around. >> reporter: chris christie got tough with a protester wednesday during what was supposed to be a victory lap heralding the rebuilding of the jersey shore on the second anniversary of superstorm sandy. >> someone like you who doesn't know a damn thing except to show up when the cameras are here. i've been here with the cameras weren't here and did the work.
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so listen, you want to have a conversation later, i'm happy to have it, buddy. but until that time, sit down and shut up. >> reporter: but that protester said he hasn't done enough to help storm victims. the governor has been known for his outbursts. >> did i stay on topic? are you stupid? you conduct yours like that in the courtroom, your rear end will get thrown in jail. i don't care about election day, i don't give a lick. >> reporter: but he's a presidential candidate. his blunt style was in contrast to new grandmother and likely candidate hillary clinton showed campaigning in wednesday. >> all of a sudden, she reaches this little finger up to my mouth, she goes, no sing, mommy, no sing. >> reporter: he likes a good back and forth, christie said, and there's plenty of jersey in him. there's no doubt about that. less clear is how that style
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would play in a presidential campaign. >> stay tuned. all right, jonathan, thank you. now to the rocket launch that ended in a massive fire ball. the $200 million mission up in flames and raising questions about the future of space travel for both the government and private citizens. abc david kerley is on wahl lops island with more. >> reporter: good morning. no answers so far on what caused the huge rocket explosion. but emphasizes questions about the commercial cargo into space. questions raised by a nasa advisory panel earlier this year. >> and we have liftoff. >> reporter: it was just 11 seconds after liftoff that the rocket started breaking apart, falling back and earth and exploding in a large fire ball. a $200 million loss, and millions more in damage to one of the few launch pads in the u.s. raising questions about the country's move from government-funded space travel
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to commercial companies taking us into space. are you guys up to the task? >> this isn't a comment on commercialization. it's a comment on rocketing. and launching rockets is a high-energy endeavor. >> reporter: a risky business, but hasn't stopped ceos from reaching to the stars. richard branson wants to carry people to space. >> i can't wait for our first day of commercial operations here. >> reporter: he signed up some of the biggest names in hollywood to be space fliers, ashton kutcher, leonardo d dicaprio, and even brad and angelina are signed up. but are they reconsidering that? >> any time you have high power, it's high risk. >> reporter: insufficient funding for nasa oversight of commercial cargo being carried into space actually risks
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failure. >> we move on to amy with the other top developing stories. good morning. >> good morning. new tensions brewing this morning between the west and vladimir putin's russia. nato intercepted an unusual number of russian fighter jets flying over europe. 19 in one day. including some over the atlantic ocean. from britain, germany, and norway crscrambled in response. the secret maneuvers are putting commercial flights at risk, they say. and a military plane crash northwest of los angeles. crashing in a field killing the pilot who is described as a seasoned, retired military fighter. and now to the so-called river of fire creeping even closer to the town on hawaii's big island. threatening 50 homes now. one structure, a shed, already up in flames. this morning, the molten lava from the kilauea volcano is
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close to the road. rob marciano got a bird's eye view. >> reporter: you can see how fast it's come. by hawaiian stands, it's fast. flowing 15 miles in the last four months. we hope it stops before getting to the town and going to the ocean. that's a history of that, but no guarantee. >> and the lava is less than 100 feet from one home. many residents have evacuated. the fbi is under fire for what call an illegal search during a sports gambling bust in las vegas. faking their way into three luxury villas in ceasars palace. there is a 54-page motion to dismiss what they say is illegal evidence. and in north carolina, a man rescued after being trapped under his car for 17 hours. he veerd off a mountain road, plunging 80 feet down the hill.
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he was thrown from the car and it flipped and pinned his leg until someone heard his calls for help. he broke his leg, but he is okay. and the couple in this video is also okay. they're both laughing now. but for the rome owes trying to be romantic, let this serve as a warning. when you try to sweep your bride off her feet like chad of arizona did, please don't do that. >> that's got to hurt. >> oh, no. >> they are okay. and look at that, point out, she did not drop the bouquet. and it's victory right there. she said it proves no matter how hard you try to plan, it's impossible to plan every moment of your wedding day. and you know what? they're laughing now. it's a memory. >> that's right. >> she's an amazing bride. she cushioned his fall. >> indeed, she did. >> right over that threshold. beautiful. >> well, i wonder how it was for him later on that day.
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i'm just saying. i'm just saying. now to the shocking video that makes you wonder about your delivery. a u.p.s. driver caught on camera manhandling a package. rolling it end over end. tom llamas has the story. >> reporter: this morning u.p.s. investigating what you see in this video. one of their drivers rolling and kicking a package containing thousands of dollars worth of sensitive merchandise out of a manhattan office to his delivery truck. >> i look at the video, i'm shocked. pushing the box across the floor and basically bowling it across the lawn on to the street. >> reporter: cameras catching more and more gone wild. this fed ex-driver lost her job busting packages, and laughing about it. watch as this u.p.s. driver gives a home surveillance
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package the thinger and launches the package. and this driver, disciplined for tossing a flat screen like a basketball. in kentucky, a post office worker throwing packages, including a $400 tablet straight from the driver's seat. and this driver resigned when he was on youtube throwing packages into a ravine. >> when you don't have insurance, it's far easier for them to blame you. >> reporter: how do you not lose big bucks? get insurance if it's important. if you're there when it arrives damaged, send it back. snap photos to prove it came damaged. as for the latest case, u.p.s. are investigating the issue and have apologized to the customer. for "good morning america," tom llamas, new york. >> man, oh, man. >> don't be lazy. get out and do your job. >> you said it. >> yeah. i want good news. we have a quick update on a
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story we brought you yesterday. remember the man who invenlted operation? he sold the rights for $500. now today he needs a real life operation and he is getting that. hasbro is buying the prototype, giving him enough money for the procedure. now into the hasbro museum. the thing he got an a on as a student is going into the museum. >> great they step up and do that. >> that's the good news. ginger, nothing but bad news. bad news in the west too? >> coast to coast. another storm we're talking about. that will bring mostly rain, but above 6500 feet in southern california, some snow possible. you're looking at the heavy accumulations. and, of course, comes with winds. some gusts up or 50 miles per hour. you wouldn't know it's coming.
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94, phoenix, warm for yuma, paul springs in the 90s. drop big time. 15 to 20 degrees by sunday. enjoy the mild weather. temperatures 15 degrees above average for places like dallas. all right, your local weather forecast 30 seconds away, but first the rainy cities brought to you by macy's. good morning washington, 51 degrees and a beautiful sunrise. while that doesn't sound too bad, downtown look at the temperatures in the suburbs, 41
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at dulles, 48 degrees at andrews airport. the hour-by-hour forecast, temperatures will be slowly warming, still at the lunch hour in the 50's, the high temperature will be 60 degrees at 3:00. temperatures continue to plumm i'll go ahead and take that back. it's not a bad forecast coast to coast, but it's spooky for some. >> on the eve of halloween. spooky. coming up, the bizarre murder trial about to get under way. the member of the religious group linked to murder, why he's linking it to exorcism. and the tanning beds on college campuses, the dangers. and online dating alert, why the profiles that seem too good to be true may be faking how out. and victoria's secret, sparking outrage over what thing
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is the perfect body. and it's taylor swift mania outside. the biggest concert in times square ever. >> we have been here since 10:00 a.m. on wednesday. >> we love you, taylor. >> i love you more than my mom. >> taylor! >> i'm a mom swifty. 1972. >> hello, taylor. >> we love you, taylor! ♪
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this is what we're giving out? yup. i love kit kat & reese's candy. have fun trick-or-treating! trick-or-treat! have a monstrously big halloween with your favorite hershey's candies. walmart. let's see who can sign up more quickly. sandy, what site are you using? credit karma dot com maria? some other credit site. good luck! ♪ game show music it won't give me my score until i put in a credit card. ♪ buzzer yes... credit karma is free, and you don't need a credit card. way to go sandy! at credit karma dot com you can check your credit score with no credit card needed. log on to credit karma dot com right now for your free credit score. credit karma dot com, where free is really free. make a wish buddy. ok now mom's going to cut the cake. arrrrrrrghh!!!! laughing
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we all have a disney side. who wants ice cream? and the best place to show it is disney parks. so come to the place where the entire family can laugh, let loose and play together. disney parks. come on. it's time to show your disney side. not a halloween bag. box, rrrrr...a natural beauty. you're making me melt. shall we? mini babybel is 100% natural cheese and a whole lot of fun. mini babybel. snack a little bigger.
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after filling out their hogan iquestionaire, aight. hogan was awarded an a- from the nra. but now he refuses to release his responses. the nra oppos comprehensive background checks. theyant to weaken maryland's gun safety laws. even support letting suspects on the fbi terror watch list buy guns. on gun safety and terror, the nra is wrong. hogan gets an a- from the nra. on protecting maryland, we just can't trust him. a tea party supporter endorsed by sarah palin. the mess in washington - made worse with dan bongino. bongino will take away social security's guaranteed benefit and fight against equal pay for equal work legislation. the post calls bongino "polarizing"
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and "highly partisan." no wonder the post endorses john delaney "one of the most impressive new lawmakers." family man, entrepreneur, and independent problem solver - for jobs, to protect veterans and equal pay for women. i'm john delaney and i approve this message. start shopping a new way. start maximizing. at the place where you always get more than you pay for. t.j.maxx. brands you love, prices that work for you. maxx style. xx savings. keep you standards high and your spending low. fashion, family, home. maxx what matters most to you. maxx life at t.j.maxx. >> live from the abc seven broadcast center. >> is 7:26 on thursday morning.
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let's get a check on the commute. >> if you're writing eastbound on route seven heading to the intersection of the georgetown , a long-standing issue in the left lane. a long-standing issue inbound on the bridge. countyund on the fairfax parkway, sounds like the accident has cleared. don't forget delays on the red line in the metro and the single -- signal problems outside shady grove. it is breezy and i don't know if it will warm up a lot. >> it is a jacket all day kind of day. we will keep an eye on visibility across the region. now, butreal good here
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you have dropped down to two it half miles. as the sun comes up and the wind kicks in it shakes up the atmosphere. highs today only in the upper 50's to lower 50's. it is a little cool. lower 40's.o tomorrow, cooler still. >> bundle up before you head out to trick-or-treat.
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shake, shake ♪ that is times square right now. everyone getting ready for taylor swift. about to take over. biggest concert ever in times square. thousands of fans packed in waiting for the big show. under an hour to go. >> so much anticipation. and you remember earlier this week on monday, taylor surprised a group of the dancers. they were the video selected as the winner of the "gma" shake it off. they arrived a little while ago. and we have another big surprise for them coming up. and, michael, i know there's so many -- so many outside too. >> yep. you know what? i'm out here with these thousands of fans. it's so loud i can barely hear what you are say.
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are you excited for taylor swift, everybody? i'm excite to do. this is incredible. biggest concert ever out here in the middle of times square. back to you. >> can't wait to join you out there. and also this morning, switch gears into an online dating alert. those profiles that seem so good to be true, they could be faking you out in a big way. and take a look at this family. notice something other than there are 12 kids there, you'll see that they're all boys. well, another baby is on the way. can you guess it? they're hoping for a girl. will they break their streak. >> they say the more boys you have the, the less the chance of having a girl. >> sniffle cience tiffically? >> i'll get back to you. >> she learned that online, george. we will have that.
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but begin with the missouri murder trial. a man in a religious group confessed to killing the leader's wife, but say it was a fols confession after anner and schism. mara schiavocampo has the story. >> reporter: it was first ruled a suicide. 27-year-old bethany deatton in the back of her mini van, a suicide note inside. but then this man, michael moore, confessing to her murder. what do you have to say? now as moore stands trial next month, he's taking it all back. and in the most bizarre twist of all, he only confessed that he was under the influence of what some called an exorcism. >> they were the statements of a distraught young man. >> reporter: it was 2012, they were members of the international house of prayer. deaton had just married a dynamic leader in the group,
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tyler. and all three shared a communal home with other male members. tyler was reportedly obsessed with magic and harry potter. court documents alleging he had a cult-like following in the group, controlling every aspect of some member's lives. he told police that he was ordered to kill bethany, allegedly to stop her from telling anyone about sexual assaults against her in the house. >> she lost her life in a very violent way. today we know what happened to her. >> reporter: the medical examiner now changed the manner of death to undetermined. moore has pleaded not guilty. >> we are aware of no evidence that a crime occurred. >> reporter: in a statement, the international house of prayer denies any affiliation with tyler's group. and now her family is asking for answers to a death with so many questions.
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for "good morning america," shomara schiavocampo, abc news, new york. >> thanks. and now to a new warning about tanning beds and college students. a new study revealing that half of schools have indoor tanning facilities on or near campus. paula faris has the story. >> reporter: it's a college perk along with fitness centers and spa treatments. but this morning, news that tanning beds are easier than ever to access for college students. and in some cases even paid for with campus cash cards. tanning beds and young people, it's known to be a potentially cancerous and potentially deadly combination. yet when researchers looked at the 125 top u.s. colleges from u.s. news and world report, found almost 50% had indoor tanning beds on campus or in off campus houses. gathered by the researchers at
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massachusetts medical school, more than half a million students have access to tanning beds on campus. even more shocking -- >> in 14% of colleges, the campus cash cards that students can use to make purchases for food and books were able to be used to pay for tanning at local salons. >> reporter: indiana university's website said they can use their campus card at the tanning salon on campus. the university declined to comment. the researchers also finding that 96% of off campus housing with tanning beds did so at no charge. like near the university of arizona. decked out with a rooftop pool and tanning bed in the building. >> one of the myths is that it's a safe tan. any dermatologist will tell you there's no such thing as a safe tan. >> reporter:n fact a study in the international journal of cancer showed 76% of melanoma
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cases in 18 to 29-year-olds were attributable to tanning bed use. >> they are dangerous, they are expensive. the risks far outweigh any possible benefits. >> reporter: and the u.s. surgeon general recently warned about the perks of tanning beds on college campuses. saying they should be eliminated. again, robin and george, it's the early exposure to sun that's so detrimental. >> yes. and proven over and over again. thank you very much. michael went outside, and now it's ginger's turn with the masses. >> it is the masses. we're about a block and a half away from taylor right here. having a good time. your favorite taylor song? >> "shake it off." >> i love it. see the forecast too. by friday, big time freeze. already showing frost in kansas city as of yesterday. look at the freeze watches and warnings yesterday. friday into early saturday morning, temperatures well below
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freezing. upper 20s outside of kansas city. and the southeast, you don't escape it. no, no. 36 for birmingham that early saturday morning. across the nation, enjoying a little bit more mild air. at least for one day. and >> >> this is what the crowd is like. this far from the stage. i can't imagine. we'll imagine and see very soon. let's get inside. >> we can't wait. that's all coming up. also, an online dating alert. faked out by profiles luring you to pay up? and the countdown to taylor swift is on. the biggest times square concert ever, the crowd is going crazy.
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♪ baby ? t the 1gig plan, you don't have to do that for me. oh, that's ok... (interrupting) seriously, i wouldn't want you to get in trouble... it's the same plan for everyone. families...businesses...whoever. riiiiight. (yelling) no celebrity treatment here! (yelling) there really isn't any celebrity treatment. just a normal guy, getting a great deal. we're just saying it loudly for some reason. now get 30 gigs of data to share with family or your business. for a limited time, starting at $160 dollars a month. how to shed pounds this winter. there. no more drafts. finally. [ male announcer ] this troy-bilt 24 inch electric start gas snow blower, now just $499. [ male announcer ] this troy-bilt 24 inch that's why there's a listerine® product for every mouth. one to clean your whole mouth. one for those hard to reach places. one to protect kids mouths from cavities.
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even one to freshen breath on-the-go. with over 100 years of innovation in oral care... there's a listerine® product for every mouth in your house. for cleaner, healthier mouths go beyond brushing alone. listerine®. power to your mouth ™. then boom... what happened? stress, fun, bad habits kids, now what? let's build a new, smarter bed using the dualair chambers to sense your movement, heartbeat, breathing. introducing the sleep number bed with sleepiqtm technology. it tracks your sleep and tells you how to adjust for a good, better and an awesome night. the difference? try adjusting up or down. you'll know cuz sleep iq™ tells you. only at a sleep number store where you'll find the best buy rated mattress with sleepiq technology. know better sleep with sleep number.
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. back now at 7:41 with new questions about online dating. proving what you see online, well, it's not always what you get. a company is being hit with a major federal fine for allegedly using fake profiles to lure paying customers. gio benitez is in the social square with the details. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. this is the first of its kind
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federal fine. and the parent company calling itself one of the leading online dating companies. but the ftc said that website charged $10 to $30 a month so users could chat with computer-generated fakes. online dating, a $2 billion industry. but this morning the federal trade commission taking bold new action against some of those sites how they make the money. more than a dozen dating sites, more than 12 million users, now facing more than half a million in fines after the ftc said the sites, run by parent company jdidating created fake profiles to entice users to upgrade. they do not disclose the subscriptions will be automatically renewed. >> they baited and switched. but they were fake profiles.
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>> reporter: sending messages is perfectly legal. everyone one of the biggest out there, -- >> more dates and more marriages. >> reporter: requires you to subscribe before you can send a message. but used computer-generated profiles to designed to trick users. this is one of the profiles it found to be a fake computer-generated virtual cupid. notice that name, heidihi. >> make sure it's not a picture too good to be true. >> reporter: relationship experts mike telling us key things to look for. >> if a site is trying to upsell you, that may be another red flag. >> reporter: this case of fake love interests, the first time the ftc is taking legal action for dating deception. the wrong-doing will hopefully serve to place other companies on notice. and abc news reached out to jdidating and we have not heard
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back. but the settlement order with the ftc prohibits the company from misrepresenting that service. really interesting. this is the first of its kind case here. >> also interesting. your little growth right there. >> we'll see why tomorrow on "gma." >> halloween. >> i like it. >> all right. >> growing his costume. >> oh, my. hey, everybody, coming up, just in time for halloween, could you create six seconds of horror just using their phone? while it could land you a big screen deal if you can pull it off. and taylor swift is about to take the stage. thousands packed into see her live in our biggest concert ever in times square. look at all those. ♪ om tracfone, i can... order safety goggles. play music for seedlings. post science fair projects. schedule guinea pig feedings. video chemical reactions. take pics of mr. bones. time the next launch. calm down principal jones.
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i can do all that with my android from tracfone. 90-day plans start as low as $20. unbeatable nationwide coverage. no contract. the samsung galaxy centura android smartphone. tracfone. do everything for less. right! now you're gonna ask for my credit card - - so you can charge me on the down low two weeks later look, credit karma - are you talking to websites again? this website says 'free credit scores'. oh. credit karma! yeah, it's really free. look, you don't even have to put in your credit card information. what?! credit karma. really free credit scores. really. free. i could talk to you all day.
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♪ now to one of hollywood's top directors issuing a halloween challenge. create the scariest six second video for a chance to win your big screen break. t.j. holmes is in the social square with the story. good morning. >> reporter: six second, and the time it takes to introduce the story is the time to introduce the video. scare your big break in hollywood. >> what's your favorite scary mauve? >> reporter: they're the bone chillers and horror thrillers that make our blood run cold in seconds. from slashers like freddy kruger
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to demons and the exorcist. the greatest horror directors know how to terrify movie goers. now one of the masters of mayhem is asking anyone with a smartphone to prove they can get big screens. >> you nee your phone. doesn't matter if you don't have money, you can shoot it in your house, big special effects. created on the same curve. >> reporter: this challenge, create the scariest vine video he's season, tagging it six second scare. quentin tarantino and rob lowe will pick the winner. they will get to work with eli roth. >> just to have the opportunity for him to see our work, it's amazing. it's been fun. and i'm glad people are enjoying it. six seconds is tough.
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>> reporter: the shining in just six seconds. and hitchcock's psycho would survive the cut. proving you can pack a lot of dread in a little time. all right. six seconds. that's tough. we have a "gma" submission. let's roll it now. >> ah! >> hey. i think that's a winner. i don't know why anybody else is going to send in a video. >> yeah. i think that's the one that's going to do it w, strahan. >> yes. >> can't wait to see "magic mike" now. >> that performance is a lot more revealing than that. >> oh! >> coming up, taylor swift live. her big entrance just minutes away. let's take a look at that. more than 2,000 people. take a look at this. all those kids, moms, grandfathers, grandmother out there. everybody's enjoying it. getting ready for taylor swift right here in times square. coming up on "gma." dear mojo,
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thanks for inspiring me to be as good as you think i am. (male announcer) this holiday season, give thanks to the pets who inspire you! at petsmart, save $20 on all large bags of nutro® natural choice dog food, with mail-in rebate. petsmart® finally, the purple pill,hr the #1 prescribed acid blocking brand,
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comes without a prescription for frequent heartburn. get complete protection. nexium level protection™ not a halloween bag. box, rrrrr...a natural beauty. you're making me melt. shall we? mini babybel is 100% natural cheese and a whole lot of fun. mini babybel. snack a little bigger.
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start maximizing at the place where you always get more than you pay for.
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t.j.maxx. brands you love, prices that work for you. you deserve it. maxx life at t.j.maxx. >> good thursday morning, it is
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7:56. what's get you started with the morning commute. it is still very heavy at georgetown pike but the accident has cleared. on the 14th street ridge that
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roe can down truck did not clear. it continues to block the right lane and you will find three lanes getting by to the left. east of 193 we had up ready serious crash and that has jammed some traffic in the area. another crash has been pushed out of the roadway and your travel lanes are open. the sun is coming up and i don't know what to make of it. bad, our going to be average high is 64 degrees. just in the cool side today. a beautiful spectacular sunrise. 51 degrees is the temperature in the city the very cool temperatures in the suburbs. 41 now and 41 at 37 degrees. a high today and will bring it up to near 60 degrees and it will stay in the 50's all morning long. nature you have your jackets.
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>> thank you for watching. after filling out their hogan iquestionaire, aight. hogan was awarded an a- from the nra. but now he refuses to release his responses. the nra opposes comprehensive background checks. they want to weaken maryland's gun safety laws.
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terror watch list buy guns. on gun safety and terror, even support tting suspects on the fbi the nra is wrong. hogan gets an a- from the nra. on protecting maryland, we just can't trust him.
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it's 8:00 a.m. >> hey, good morning, america. i'm taking over times square. >> and are you ready to shake it off live with taylor swift? it's "gma's" biggest concert in times square ever. and you've got a front row seat. you don't want to miss it. and perfect body backlash. why victoria secret's under fire, sparking outrage with three words. thousands of women taking them on right now. and the high-tech way to ditch an awkward date. >> i'd love to meet you . >> or get us out of a boring meeting. the new wearable technology that could have you clicking your heels gljts and this picture, the couple with 12 sons expecting baby number 13. will it be a boy or a girl?
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that's all ahead as we say -- >> good morning, america. we're not calling it times square anymore. it is swif swtaylor swift this , thursday morning. biggest ever live concert in times square. boy, everybody is ready to go. >> including michael strahan. he was out there and shaking it off on stage all by himself with that big crowd. what's going on, michael? >> all right. h hey, you guys. i'm out here, i'm grooving with the thousands of taylor swift fans. everybody is out here, excited. why don't we bring out taylor swift, everybody? [ cheers and applause ] there she is. >> all right.
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>> come on up, my lady. i got you. well, you know what? >> hi, guys. >> take it. how great is that? she's getting everybody. she can see you all the way in the back. but we're so excited that you're here. obviously everybody here to watch you perform. not right now, that's later. but right now, back to everybody in the studio. we are so excited. you have no idea, taylor. >> so excited. >> all right. back to the studio. >> all right. look at that crowd right outside here. >> wow. >> and further proof that there's been an ali wentworth sighting in the studio. we know we have truly made it. >> i have no makeup on. >> there she is. >> oh. >> yeah.
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a lot of -- weird. a lot of kids sick from school this morning. >> like one more hour. also coming up, michael is doing double duty, swif we've swif and deals and steals. >> we have to get the news from amy. we begin with the quarantined nurse in maine squaring off with state officials and vowing to fight for freedom. kaci hickox ventured outside, saying she will not allow her civil rights to be violated. she has no symptoms and refuses to remain confined. but while negotiation with the state, a police car is outside her home. and ebola is finally on the decline. but the world health organization says it's too early to celebrate. one of the world's most public c east coast came out of the close etd.
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tim cook came out as gay. writing today in business week magazine, he's been privately open. being gay has given him a deeper understanding of the struggles of minorities, rising above adversity. and he's proud to be be gay, and considers being gay among the greatest gifts god has given him. and in san francisco, fans celebrating the giants' win ran into the streets and fireworks and bonfires. at least two people were shot, suffering non-life threatening injuries, several were stabbed. the police had bottles thrown at them. and ericholder says there needs to be whole sale change in the ferguson, missouri, police department following the shooting of michael brown. there were racial discrimination among the police.
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the grand jury's decision whether or not to indict the officer will be expected in november. it's hard to believe it's that time of year, not so much with the snow cast, but the capital christmas tree has been cut down in minnesota. the white spruce is now heading to washington for the big lighting ceremony december 2nd. and talk about breaking a streak. a couple from michigan is expecting their 13th child. but katari and jay are wondering whether this time it will be a girl. you see, they have 12 boys ranging in age from 1 to 22 years old. dad says he wants a girl. mom says another boy, because she already knows what to do. makes some sense. here's what i can guarantee. one of those two will be happy. get what they want, correct? and did we get some followup on whether or not it's scientifically more likely for them to have another boy?
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>> i'm not bringing it up, go ahead. >> after extensive research we discovered it was a wive's tale. >> there's a 50/50 chance. >> yes. thank you. >> our statistician. >> glad we cleared that up. and now to a major backlash for victoria's secret. saying the perfect body campaign sends an unhealthy and damaging message to women. >> this morning an ad is under fire. sure, showing the same famous angels we see on tv all the time. but the problem many say with this ad posted on their website, what's written across the bodies of the ten tall, thin models, the perfect body. those three small but powerful words igniting outrage. >> when someone looks at that, the tendency is to measure themselves against that ad. >> reporter: victoria's secret says it refers to the body by
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victoria line of lingerie. but this college student says it's hard not to catch a double meaning. >> they have run good and positive campaigns in the past. i'm vised to see this coming from them. >> reporter: they have created this petition on calling on hem to change the wording for the bra range body to something that doesn't promote unhealthy and unrealistic standards of beauty. thousands of supporters signing it in one week. now launching the now viral hashtag, i am perfect. prompting hundreds of tweets. >> the future campaigns, maybe not promote such unrealistic ones in the future. >> reporter: victoria's secret is not commenting. but that perfect body ad is online and in stores. reena ninan, abc news, new york. "pop news" and weather coming up. now to lara. >> thank you so much. and here's a look at the "gma morning menu." extreme eye surgery.
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like changing the color of your eyes. and then this beautiful gal. tory johnson is here with big deals and steals. almost 80% off. on bags and bling. and then the winners of "gma's" shake itit off contest. the concert of a lifetime. wait until you see what happens when taylor surprises them. are you guy s psyched? taylor swift coming up on "gma." ♪ but i can't make them stay ♪ only special people say ♪ that's what people say ♪ but i keep cruising ♪ can't stop -- product for every® one to clean your whole mouth. one for those hard to reach places. one to protect kids mouths from cavities. even one to freshen breath on-the-go. with over 100 years of innovation in oral care...
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there's a listerine® product for every mouth in your house. for cleaner, healthier mouths go beyond brushing alone. listerine®. power to your mouth ™. i'm saving a ton of time by posting them to my wall. oh, i like that one. it's so quick! it's just like my car insurance. i saved 15% in just 15 minutes. i saved more than that in half the time. i unfriend you. that's not how it works. that's not how any of this works. [ male announcer ] 15 minutes for a quote isn't how it works anymore. with esurance, 7 1/2 minutes could save you on car insurance. welcome to the modern world. esurance. backed by allstate. click or call. to taylor swift's new listening album 1989? how 'bout meeting her? get to subway and grab an exclusive diet coke cup with your favorite sandwich for a chance to meet taylor! a new winner daily, one place only. subway. where winners eat and drink, too.
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it used to take me forever to get a smoky eye look just right. until i discovered this... almay's intense i color collection for my hazel eyes. almay intense i-color in four color collections you have to try it for yourself. so simple. so me. almay. i have the worst cold with this runni better take something. dayquill cold and flu doesn't treat your runny nose. seriously? alka-seltzer plus cold and cough fights your worst cold symptoms plus your runny nose. oh, what a relief it is.
8:11 am
whi, how's it going?. whatever you're looking for, start by test-driving nearly every make and model all in one place. carmax. start here. why do i cook for the to share with family to carry on traditions to come together, even when we're apart in stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, and more, swanson® makes holiday dishes delicious! transferred money from his before larry instantly bank of america savings account to his merrill edge retirement account. before he opened his first hot chocolate stand calling winter an "underserved season". and before he quit his friend's leaf-raking business for "not offering a 401k." larry knew the importance of preparing for retirement. that's why when the time came he counted on merrill edge to streamline his investing and help him plan for the road ahead. that's the power of streamlined connections. that's merrill edge and bank of america.
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♪ and i got that good girl thing and a tight little skirt ♪irt ♪ ♪ and when we go crashing down we come back every time ♪ ♪ cause we never go out of style ♪ ♪ we never go out of style ♪ take me home there's only one place to get more taylor. ♪ i'm just fwon that shake, shake, shake ♪ hey, girls. [ screaming ] >> those are the young women who won the shake it off contest down in florida. remember on monday? that was reminiscent -- >> all the cheers -- >> they met taylor just a moment ago. and this is them outside right now, performing. how cool is this? >> they are so good.
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>> a big crowd. what a moment for them. >> cute crayons. >> they are super. >> congratulations to them. >> look at that. come on. >> that's an amazing opportunity and experience for them. >> yeah. >> move over, spice girls. so, taylor's coming up, but "pop news," shall we? if you are looking far discount on a designer handbag perhaps, forget the sample ales and check out the indianapolis airport, my friends. i'm not suggesting thievery of any kind. they're auctioning off up to 2,000 lost and found items starting today. we're talking louis vitton, sunglass sunglasses, perfect contion ipads, 16 pound bowling ball is being offered. lots of jewelry and a native american head dress left in the airport. all these items left behind by forgetful travelers at the
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airport. officials try to find the owners. if not claimed in 30 days, their loss could be your gain. what won't they sell? denture. thank you, indianapolis airport. >> i feel better about that. >> the last auction was $240,000. it's this morning on key auks >> is it sad to say i'd like the bowling ball of all the things you mentioned? i love to bowl. >> me too. if you have dreamed of being a real estate mogul, now could be your chance. an entire town in connecticut has been put on the market. it's about less than a two bedroom apartment in midtown manhattan. the starting bid is $800,000. it comes with 62 acres of land, several 19th century homes, a general store and a chapel. there are no living residents there.
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the town has been vacant for 20 years. >> looks like it's in good condition. >> great condition, and as they say in the real estate business, it's a ren vay ors dlagt. >> what's the catch? what are the taxes? maybe that's the catch? >> a haunted town? >> there may be some residents of the spooky variety. nothing has been proven. they just say it's a town that's in need so far tlc. it's not that have from mystic. >> we do love mystic. >> look at you. big shot. and finally in "pop news," congratulations to this guy. strahan. being celebrated in a big way. >> yes. >> in a moment, but first talk about the celebration that's happening. the jersey, the number, 92, being retired this monday night at the game at metlife stadium, where michael will receive his hall of fame ring. and here is the surprise early gift. this is a custom made, it's not
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a snuggie, it's a cud her. it's 92 in honor of you, my friend. >> look at that. >> oh, yeah. >> and we would like you to relive one of your plays now. and, hey, they're also giving all fans rally towels during the game between the giants and the colts. and ginger is outside celebrating number 92. as well. >> right. >> i actually look better in this than i do in my real uniform. this is us sm. >> we want to say -- >> one, two, three -- >> congratulations. >> >> that was congratulations, michael, in case you missed it. get to the weather. can't wait to see it monday, it's going to be a good night. the forecast, shall we? get an idea for the west coast. pacific northwest. and seehe rain coming in. that's today through tonight. the rain, the wind, some of the gusts could reach up to 50 miles per hour. we were just showing you the future cast there. but how about a future look at
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halloween. halloween forecast from coast to coast, the best is in the >> a pretty great day around here, more on the cool side and a lot colder than yesterday. 51 degrees and a bit of a breeze from the northwest drawing in cooler temperatures. the highs are generally in the 60's today, right around 60 degrees at reagan international airport. to clouds to start rolling in but right now it appears the showers will hold off until after midnight for the metro area 92, 92. do you hear that? they're all behind you. and swtaylor swift. which is coming up. we can't wait. >> thanks, ginger. time for the "morning stir." caused this morning by tiny
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harris who changed her eye color by going overseas for controversial surgery. deborah roberts has the story. >> reporter: tamika tiny harris, a reality star with a big rspeonality. >> take your mama on a date. >> reporter: mother of six and wife of rapper t.i. and you don't feel anything in your eye? and today she's looking at the world through a new set of eyes. your eyes were brown before. >> they were brown. >> reporter: now they're quite light. >> they are ice gray. that's the color i purchased. >> reporter: telling abc she changed the eye color with a medical-grade silicone. >> they make a slit in the eye. that take an implant and fold it up, they open it and spread it over your eye. >> reporter: with the operation illegal here in the states, she went to africa to have it done. >> they told me that the procedure was -- it would be
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quick. it's like five to ten minutes an eye. they woke me up and it's very blurry. then it just kind of fades in. >> reporter: you looked in the mirror, what did you think? >> ill looked in the mirror, they're amazing. i love them. some doctors warn beauty doesn't come without a price. >> they can be sight-threatening, include glaucoma, cataract and corneal problems. >> reporter: raising eyebrows online. a sick act, very low self-esteem. to i think she looked better before, but ultimately it's her business, not ours. what will you say to people who say it's sending the wrong message to young women? >> i wanted to do something different. i have the right to do that. it's my body. >> reporter: your husband initially said this is crazy. >> right. he was saying what are you doing? >> reporter: what does he say
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now? >> he loves them. he's okay with them. as long as they're healthy and i'm not having any problems. and that's the question. she feels fine, her vision is nearly perfect. it's unclear when or if complications should arise. she's just two weeks out. having the pressure checked, so far, so good. >> but getting all kinds of hate on social media. >> she instagramed this picture, pulled it down. she got criticism, your you sending this kind of a message? changing your body? her response is people do all kinds of things from nose jobs to everything else. still a little bit of a risky thing. we'll see what happens. >> she's happy so far. >> so far, so good. >> good to see you, deb. and now the "gma" heat index. there's no place like home when you're stuck on a bad date. so some new technology is making it easier to get out of it fast. and it's as easy as clicking
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your heels together. sarah haines has the story. >> reporter: we have been there. you, your date, and then things get weird. >> i asked for more bread, but they haven't brought it yet. >> reporter: like charlotte's blind date in "sex and the city." >> you have to help me. call me and tell me something bad happened. >> reporter: but imagine with the click of your heels like in the wiz ard of oz -- >> there's no place like home. >> the ruby in your shoe, first date. >> reporter: they are now in app form. and i went to brooklyn to meet the oz behind it. >> you have a ruby, right? clip it on to your shoes. it syncs with your smartphone, generate a fake phone call to get out of the bad date. >> reporter: back when i was single i could have used that. >> you remind me so much of my mom, i love it. i love you.
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so i have 12 cats at home. i'd love for you to meet them. >> reporter: you have 12 cats. i love animals. and with just three clicks, ruby triggers that fake phone call from any contact you choose. oh, my god, it's george. hello. hey, george. no, i can talk. i'm sorry. i'm sorry. no, no, no, i'm not busy. no, no, no. there you have it. i'm sold. and i'm not the only one. would you do it? >> oh, yeah. of course. >> reporter: can you think of any situations you would use this? >> absolutely. >> reporter: with a click of my heels, for "good morning america," sara haines, abc news, somewhere over the rainbow. >> george stephanopoulos could get you out of any date. >> that's the truth. >> hey, michael. thanks. it's the bling and the bags on this morning's deals and steals. tory johnson has the massive
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discounts on viewer favorites. go right to "good morning america" on i canyahoo for the details. you get the big bargains. just an incredible job, tory. what do we have? >> ready? >> i'm ready. >> first box. so from indicate kate 48. they are lower case initials, 17 inch chain, gold or silver-painted stainless steel. >> r for robin. >> there you go. and personalized stuff for the holidays, or for yourself. >> what's the original price? >> $110, reduced to $34. >> great deal. >> great deal. next up. another personalized item. whoa. lisa stewart, wrap bracelet. this is leather. i'm not sure it's your style. >> for me? >> we can wrap it around on you. it almost fits, right? again, two different choices in
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terms of gold plate or rhodium plate. three bands to choose from. normally $85, slashed by 71%, 24 bucks. >> can't beat that. >> this is from rustic cup, one of "gma's" favorites. lara has it all the time. we have her name. you choose silver-plated or gold polished brass. has to be at least three letters. love, robin, look how fun that is. ginger, amy, we have everybody covered. >> i have christmas gifts for everybody. shouldn't have told it was their names. >> these are slashed by 67%, $38. >> 38 bucks. >> beautiful personalized gifts. >> i don't know how you do it. >> we have another wrap here. this is is a watch. incredibly popular. should we try it? >> try it. >> ten different styles.
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almost. big assortment of colors. normally $94, slashed by 72%, $26. >> you have round watches, square. >> and last but not least, i could smell this already. smell the leather. these are stunning bags from one of our favorites, ordelfine. it's pockets, buckles, gorgeous colors. ten colors. normally $365. these babies are slashed by 78%. $79. all these deals plus bonuses at on yahoo. >> you can't beat it, you do it every time. it's amazing. back to you guys. we are just moments away from the start of "gma's" epic taylor swift 1989 concert. brittany, how long have you been out here? >> we have been out here since
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3:30 this morning. >> i go to jmu, so i came from virginia. >> all your friends here? >> you're in. >> we're all friends now. >> look that way. the concert is going to start in just moments. good to have you here. welcome to the concert. ♪ ♪ shake it off ♪ shake it off morning, it isy
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8:27 we want to get the jack taylor to get us started in the traffic center. >> with had our trouble this morning, on the inbound 14th street bridge. a hydraulic truck blocking the right lane, the delay begins back in springfield. to get there it is a 15 minute ride, it is getting better. at one point it was 40 minutes.
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get from rosalynn to sycamore, about 24 minutes. on the outer loop of the beltway, getting past 66 or route 50. an accident on the right shoulder as a lone vehicle remains in the center of the roadway. it is pretty good today, definitely cooler than yesterday, yesterday we got up to 70 and today may be 60. the temperatures to start our day are chilly but we're making progress. 39 at larae, 40 at dulles airport. high today will be in the mid 50's to lower 60's with plenty of sunshine. tonight is probably cloudy skies expected and we will see upper 30's to lower 40's in the metro. halloween looks good overall and rain showers should hold off until after midnight.
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♪ ♪ you could dance to this feeling ♪ as far as the eye can see here in times square. the swifties out. hello, swifties. here to see taylor swift perform. and you will in just moments. >> it is our biggest concert ever here in times square. thousands of you came out. thank you. >> thank you all. >> somewhere out there is my little girl, kate. >> now the moment we have been waiting for. everybody get ready to welcome taylor swift. five, four, three, two, one! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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>> good morning, america. and welcome to new york. ♪ walkin' through a crowd ♪ the village is a glow ♪ kaleidoscope of loud heartbeats under coats everybody here wanted somethin' more ♪ ♪ searchin' for a sound we hadn't heard before and it said ♪ ♪ welcome to new york it's been waitin' for you ♪ ♪ welcome to new york ♪ welcome to new york ♪ welcome to new york it's been waitin' for you ♪ ♪ welcome to new york ♪ welcome to new york ♪ it's a new soundtrack i could dance to this beat ♪ ♪ beat forevermore ♪ the lights are so bright but
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they never blind me, me ♪ ♪ welcome to new york it's been waitin' for you ♪ ♪ welcome to new york ♪ welcome to new york ♪ when we first dropped our bags on apartment floors ♪ ♪ took our broken hearts and put them in a drawer ♪ ♪ everybody here was someone else before ♪ ♪ and you can want who you want ♪ ♪ boys and boys and girls and girls ♪ ♪ welcome to new york it's been waitin' for you ♪ ♪ welcome to new york ♪ welcome to new york ♪ welcome to new york it's been waitin' for you ♪ ♪ welcome to new york ♪ welcome to new york ♪ it's a new soundtrack i could dance to this beat ♪ ♪ beat forevermore ♪ the lights are so bright but
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they never blind me, me ♪ ♪ welcome to new yorknew york it's been waitin' for you ♪ ♪ welcome to new york ♪ welcome to new york ♪ like any great love it keeps you guessing ♪ ♪ like any real love it's ever-changing ♪ ♪ like any true love it drives you crazy ♪ ♪ but you know you wouldn't change anything, anything, anything ♪ let me see you put your hands up in the air. ♪ welcome to new york it's been waitin' for you ♪ ♪ welcome to new york ♪ welcome to new york ♪ welcome to new york it's been waitin' for you ♪ ♪ welcome to new york ♪ welcome to new york ♪ it's a new soundtrack i could dance to this beat ♪ ♪ the lights are so bright but they never blind me ♪
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♪ it's a new sound track ♪ so bright ♪ new york ♪ welcome to new york ♪ welcome to new york [ cheers and applause ] >> oh, wow, taylor swift. welcome to new york, indeed. all right. she rocked it. and it's not over, everybody. we have more taylor swift coming up. look at these folks. we have to get some weather, though. just a little bit. it is a beautiful morning here in new york city. but going to get cold into the weekend. the start of your halloween. tricker -- i'll call it trick or freeze for some people, kansas city, des moines, st. louis. look at chicago. 38, feels like the low 30s. that moves -- places like nashvil nashville, cold. d.c., the numbers for boston and
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even raleigh drop to freezing bit end of the >> cooler air has pushed into our region. , the highsn national will make it generally into the upper 50's to around 60 degrees downtown. >> oh, my goodness, the weather report brought to you by target. the crowd is so ready for more taylor swift. we're going to do it coming up on "gma." go nowhere.
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♪ ♪ we are back here with taylor swift, rocking times square. excited to have the seven-time grammy winner, number one song, number one album on itunes here
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with us this morning. taylor swift and all her swif swifties are out here in times square. you just played "welcome to new york." that is on "1989." and you said all the proceeds from that song will go to benefit new york city public schools. >> yes. >> that's tremendous. >> i mean, it's just so amazing to be here and having the fans here and having them sing the words to this new album of music. it's unbelievable. you guys are so fast at learning lyrics. i want to thank everybody who camped out last night. a lot of people slept over on the street in times square. thank you to american express every day card for paying for the stage. >> it's a nice stage. >> it's a really nice stage. i'm appreciative. >> this is the biggest "gma" concert ever here in times
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square. thanks to you, the biggest ever. and "1989" hasn't even been out a week yet, and already closing in on 1 million sold. everyone wants to know -- i know, crazy, right? everyone wants to know, going out on tour any time soon again? >> i am going to be going out on tour. very soon. >> okay. >> we're in the early stages of planning the actual show. but i'm really excited about announcing things when i can announce them. but just know, it's going to be happening soon. >> yes. and you'll hear it right here on "gma." don't worry about that. and it is tremendous what you're doing for new york city, the ambassador you are for that. what is it about the big apple here? >> well, you know, i'm new to town. i'm just so excited about them including me in the tourism board. everywhere i go, i'm like, you need to go to new york. it's my favorite place in the world, it's the greatest city in the world. and i'm so happy to get to play in times square.
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what is my life right now? >> and back here for new year's eve, right over there for the ball drop. glad we don't have to wait for that. when i look out and see your fans and see how they are excited about "1989," and you have said this, when something touches someone's heart, it's about the art. and people appreciate that, don't they? >> i think so. it's astounding to me how many people have decided to invest in this album and welcome it into their lives. and i just -- everybody who i'm seeing with album covers and everybody on instagram and twitter and tumblr posting pictures with their albums. it makes me so happy. i worked for this for two years. and for them to want to listen to my stories from the last two years of my life is the most insane honor. i'm having the best week of my life thanks to you. >> you're having the best week of your life. just think about what they're having right now.
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so, from "1989" we're going to hear -- do you want me to take your coat? >> would you? >> i'll do that. >> i have to take it off. >> take it off, baby. >> out of the coat is taylor swift. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ it all seems so simple ♪ we were lying on the couch ♪ i remember ♪ walk around ♪ and discover ♪ and discover
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♪ the rest of the world is black and white ♪ ♪ we were a streaming color ♪ and i remember thinking ♪ with you right now ♪ and play it all in ♪ you're only out of the woods ♪ only out of the woods ♪ on the edge ♪ remember now ♪ last december ♪ last december ♪ we were built to fall apart and all that together ♪ ♪ fall back together ♪ oh nor neck is hanging from
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any neck the night we couldn't quite forget when we decided ♪ ♪ we decided ♪ to move the furniture so we could dance baby like we stood a chance to make our airplanes flying, flying, flying ♪ ♪ and i remember thinking ♪ we're out of the woods ♪ i remember thinking ♪ out of the woods ♪ only out of the woods ♪ hey ♪ remember when we were too soon 20 happening in the room ♪ ♪ baby i get you ♪ don't give up i was looking at you ♪ ♪ know when you couldn't take my heat i walked out and set you
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free ♪ ♪ must have turned back to be just tree ♪ ♪ you having the day ♪ you were having the way ♪ you remember the way ♪ you're nearly out of the woods ♪ ♪ you're in the clear ♪ i must remember ♪ you're nearly out of the woods ♪ ♪ only out of the woods ♪ oh ♪ you're only out of the woods ♪ only out of the woods ♪ yeah ♪ yeah ♪ you're only out of the woods ♪ only out of the woods ♪ you're on the edge of the trees ♪ ♪ do you remember
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♪ you're only out of the woods ♪ you're only out of the woods ♪ on the edge of the trees [ cheers and applause ]
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the mess in washington - made worse with dan bongino. a tea party supporter endorsed by sarah palin. bongino will take away social security's guaranteed benefit and fight against equal pay for equal work legislation. the post calls bongino "polarizing" and "highly partisan." no wonder the post endorses john delaney "one of the most imprsive new lawmakers." family man, entrepreneur, and independent problem solver - for jobs, to protect veterans and equal pay for women. i'm john delaney and i approve this message.
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♪ ♪ i'm just gonna shake, shake, shake ♪ all right, everybody. are you ready to shake it off? are you ready? feeling it?
8:49 am
we are all feeling it. here she is right now, taylor swift with the number one smash single, "shake it off." ♪ ♪ i stay up too late ♪ got nothing in my brain ♪ that's what people say ♪ mmm ♪ that's what people say ♪ mm ♪ i go on too many dates but i can't make 'em stay ♪ ♪ at least that's what people say ♪ ♪ mmm ♪ that's what people say ♪ mmm ♪ but i keep cruising can't stop ♪ ♪ won't stop moving ♪ it's like i got this music in my body and it's gonna be all right ♪ ♪ 'cause the players gonna play, play, play, play, play ♪ ♪ and the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate ♪ ♪ baby, i'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake ♪ ♪ i shake it off i shake it off ♪
8:50 am
♪ heartbreakers gonna break, break, break, break, break ♪ ♪ and the fakers gonna fake, fake, fake, fake, fake ♪ ♪ baby, i'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake ♪ ♪ i shake it off i shake it off ♪ ♪ i'll never miss a beat ♪ i'm lightning on my feet and that's what they don't see ♪ ♪ mmm ♪ that's what they don't see ♪ mmm ♪ i'm dancing on my own ♪ dancing on my own ♪ i'll make the moves up as i go ♪ ♪ moves up as i go ♪ and that's what they don't know ♪ ♪ mmm ♪ that's what they don't know ♪ mmm ♪ but i keep cruising ♪ can't stop ♪ won't stop grooving ♪ it's like i got this music in my body saying it's gonna be all right ♪ ♪ 'cause the players gonna play, play, play, play, play ♪ ♪ and the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate ♪ ♪ baby, i'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake ♪ ♪ i shake it off i shake it off ♪
8:51 am
♪ heartbreakers gonna break, break, break, break, break ♪ ♪ and the fakers gonna fake, fake, fake, fake, fake ♪ ♪ baby, i'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake ♪ ♪ i shake it off i shake it off ♪ ♪ i, i shake it off, i shake it off ♪ ♪ i, i shake it off, i shake it off ♪ ♪ i, i shake it off, i shake it off ♪ ♪ i, i shake it off, i shake it off ♪ ♪ hey, hey, hey, just think while you've been getting down and out about the liars and dirty, dirty cheats in the world you could have been getting down to this sick beat ♪ ♪ my ex-man brought his new girlfriend she's like "oh my god" ♪ ♪ but i'm just gonna shake it ♪ and to the fella over there with the hella good hair won't you come on over, baby, we can shake, shake, shake ♪ ♪ 'cause the players gonna play, play, play, play, play ♪ ♪ and the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate ♪ ♪ baby, i'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake ♪
8:52 am
♪ i shake it off i shake it off ♪ ♪ heartbreakers gonna break, break, break, break, break ♪ ♪ and the fakers gonna fake, fake, fake, fake, fake ♪ ♪ baby, i'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake ♪ ♪ i shake it off i shake it off ♪ ♪ i, i shake it off, i shake it off ♪ ♪ i, i shake it off, i shake it off ♪ ♪ i, i shake it off, i shake it off ♪ ♪ i, i shake it off, i shake it off ♪ ♪ i shake it off, i shake it off ♪ ♪ i, i shake it off, i shake it off ♪ ♪ you want to ♪ i, i shake it off, i shake it off ♪ ♪ i, i shake it off, i shake it off ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
8:53 am
after filling out their hogan iquestionaire, aight. hogan was awarded an a- from the nra. but now he refuses to release his responses. the nra opposes comprehensive background checks. they want to weaken maryland's gun safety laws. en support letting suspects on the fbi terror watch list buy guns. on gun safety and terror, the nra is wrong. hogan gets an a- from the nra. on protecting maryland, we just can't trust him.
8:54 am
8:55 am
♪ i'm just gonna shake, shake, shake ♪ up here taking selfies just
8:56 am
like you. thank you, again, to taylor swift for such a wonderful morning. "1989" is out right now. she'll be back here in times square foryear's. and watch out for the concert tours coming up. >> thank you so much, guys. >> good morning, your time is
8:57 am
eight: 57 on yours they morning. we want to get right to the traffic center. he has been watching the thursday morning to mu. -- commute. the truck is still there blocking the right lane in springfield. onlyrash on the beltway, two left lanes getting by. this is an unusual delay. we still have our closure and police are redirecting the accident. on the washington baltimore parkway, a new accident blocks the left lane. a crash on the inner loop in maryland, thankfully they pulled off in the safety lock zone. how is the halloween forecast?
8:58 am
>> not too spooky, a little cloudy but the rain should hold off. i will have the details in just a second, 51 in d c, a chilly morning. it want a jacket and keep all day long because we will stay below the average, mostly sunny skies. highs in the upper 50's to lower 60's. as we head toward trick-or-treating tomorrow, dry all day and i don't think the showers will move in until after midnight. >> not too spooky, i like what you did.
8:59 am
♪ ♪ only one place helps you maximize everything in your life, everyday. the place where you always get more than you pay for... t.j.maxx. brands you love, prices that work for you. this fall, shop smarter. maxx first! doesn't everyone deserve a maxx life? t.j.maxx.
9:00 am
announcer: it's "live with kelly and michael"! today, from the new film "nightcrawler," rene russo. and a performance from country star sam hunt. and tennis champion caroline wozniacki! plus our countdown to halloween continues with a sneak peek into tomorrow's big annual halloween show. ll next on "live!" [captioning made possible by isney-abc domestic television] announcer: now here are kelly ripa and michael strahan! [cheers and applause]


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