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tv   Good Morning Washington 5am  ABC  January 12, 2018 5:00am-6:00am EST

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comment president trump using a vulgar term to describe immigrants. the new fallout from the remark and what the white house is saying this morning. a d-c man vanishes after arranging an online date. and now months later - devastating news, as his body is found. the new developments in a mysterious case. and bring on the he
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soaring to the sixties! but - enjoy it while you can.. that cold is coming back. good morning washington. toss to eileen - feeling like spring today (60s); back to winter tomorrow (30s) - have the umbrella today; gusty thunderstorm possible tonight with the front - temperatures crash overnight - cold & dry for the mlk jr. weekend today: unseasonably warm. rain likely. highs: 64-67 winds: s 5-15 mph tonight: rain likely. gusty thunderstorm possible. tumbling temperatures. lows: 30-37 winds: nw 10-15 g 30 mph saturday: decreasing clouds. drastically colder. blustery. highs: 34-37 winds: nw 10-15 g 30 mph
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breaking overnight - a woman's body found along a roadway in waldorf.
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flying over the scene on old washington road. right now police are calling her death suspicious, and they're asking for help to identify her. the victim is described as a black woman in her late 30s with two distinct tattoos. these are pictures of them - a cherub angel on her shoulder and a design on her right inner wrist. also breaking overnight.. a deadly crash on branch avenue for the second straight night. police say around eight o'clock a woman walking was hit and killed near iverson street in temple hills. the driver did stay on scene. this is just four blocks from where a man was killed last night when his car collided with another vehicle. 5:xx - and now to the president's comment sending shockwaves across the globe. president trump using foul language to des
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immigrants from haiti and african countries. this morning - outrage and dissapointment from lawmakers and other world leaders. suzanne kennedy is live at the white house with more. reaction online has been swift. coming up at 5:30:
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others are saying, as "norway" starts trending worldwide. 5:xx - and now to breaking news from the white house. overnight, president trump canceling a trip overseas. ryan hughes is at the live desk with the new tweet. president trump making that sudden announcement just before midnight on twitter saying he is cancelling a trip to london out of anger at the u-s. trump was scheduled to attend a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the new u-s embassy in britain next month. on twitter -- the president blaming the obama administration's decision to sell the co
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bad deal. in reality, the decision to move the embassy was made in 2008 -- during the bush administration. secretary of state rex tillerson will now reportedly take trump's place at the grand opening. just hours from now president trump will have his first physical while in office. he will be examined by a team of doctors at walter reed. the white house says trump will not have any type of mental evaluation. doctors will release a statement later today, . with full results expected next week. when he was asked about the exam.. trump says he expects it will go very well. a months long mystery comes to a close. police identifying remains found in prince george's county as those of a 22-year d-c man. marty william mcmillan was last seen in april. family members say he was supposed to be going a date with a women he met on "plenty of fish." according to a medical examiner, mcmillan was shot and killed inside a d-c apartment, before his body was dumped in suitland. a 25-thousand dol
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anyone who provides information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person or person responsible. a bridge over the monocacy river bridge is back open this morning, a month ahead of schedule. in december... a beam was seriously damaged after a garbage truck crashed into it. repairs were expected to take 60 days... but crews got them done in half that. george washington middle school, in alexadria will reopen today. students have been out of class since tuesday after a broken water pipe. the school says -- the fire marshal has inspected the building... and deemed it safe for students to return. coming up - searching for survivors. new images of the damage as the number of missing in california rises. and this morning - the same storm system that brought those mudslides.. marching east, eileen? eileen live tease but first here's your traffic watch on the go.
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but first here's your traffic watch on the go.
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(60s); back to winter tomorrow (30s) - have the umbrella today; gusty thunderstorm possible tonight with the front - temperatures crash overnight - cold & dry for the mlk jr. weekend today: unseasonably warm. rain likely. highs: 64-67 winds: s 5-15 mph tonight: rain likely. gusty thunderstorm possible. tumbling temperatures. lows: 30-37 winds: nw 10-15 g 30 mph saturday: decreasing clouds. drastically colder. blustery. highs: 34-37 winds: nw 10-15 g 30 mph it's and xx degrees. plus - a parenting alert.
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we're updating you on california plus - a parenting alert. the new online challenge for teens involving laundry pods
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but the living room's pretty blank. we did a lot of research online. we just need to have a designer put it all together. mmm hmm. so, it's really nice when clients come in and have... done some of their own research. what do you think about these chairs and that table? working with a bassett designer was really easy. us being young professionals, we're so busy... there's no way we could've designed it ourselves. no. we love it!
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victims of the california mudslides grows more desperate -- and time might be running out. 17 people are confirmed dead -- and at least forty others are missing. the youngest victim was just three years old. tuesday's mudslides destroyed or damaged about 500 homes and businesses. some survivors are questioning why authorities called for a voluntary evacuation -- instead of ordering people to leave. seven on your side now with a parenting alert about a dangerous new online challenge. teens are putting laundry detergent pods in their mouth! it all started as a joke on social media.. with people posting pictures of the pods as a pizza topping... or in a bowl as breakfast cereal. but now videos show teens biting into them for real... likely ingesting some in the process. doctors warn it could pose serious health risks.
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from soapy mouths.. to a soapy creek! take a look at this mysterious foam appearing around a creek in pennsylvania and worrying some residents. right now tests are being conducted...e-p-a officials believe it is soap orginating from a local plant. it is unclear if the foam is dangerous. an apology this morning from the baltimore hospital that left a patient out in the cold. a bystander shot this video -- showing the woman wearing only a hospital gown and socks. she was apparently left there by four security guards -- who can be seen... pushing an empty wheelchair back into the university of maryland medical center. the hospital said it's investigating how this happened. the hospital hasn't ruled out disciplinary action -- including firing the person responsible. we're expecting an update today on the flu outbreak. it's already been an
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a state of emergency now declared in alabama. but this morning, a california family says their daughter died -- after being misdiagnosed with the flu! the 12-year-old's mom says doctors told them their daughter had the flu and sent them home with ibuprofen. but she didn't get better -- and by the time she went back to the doctor, it was too late. it turns out -- she had a viral infection, not the flu. the family says they have no plans to sue... but want to see better testing for children to prevent similar tragedies. today show host megyn kelly drawing criticism this morning, after revealing how she stayed thin when she was younger. her secret? fat-shaming. during an interview on her show yesterday morning... kelly said that while she was in law school she was gaining weight.. so she asked her step-father to fat shame her whenever she wanted to eat. she was quickly criticized on twitter, with at least one person saying fat-shaming is the same as bullying. new this morning.. taylor swift
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releasing a new music video for her song "end game". filmed in miami, tokyo and london, the video features lavish yachts, firework displays and some pretty fancy rides. rapper future and ed sheeran.. who are featured in the song.. both make apperances. time now for weather - feeling like spring today
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tomorrow (30s) - have the umbrella today; gusty thunderstorm possible tonight with the front - temperatures crash overnight - cold & dry for the mlk jr. weekend today: unseasonably warm. rain likely. highs: 64-67 winds: s 5-15 mph tonight: rain likely. gusty thunderstorm possible. tumbling temperatures. lows: 30-37 winds: nw 10-15 g 30 mph saturday: decreasing clouds. drastically colder. blustery. highs: 34-37 winds: nw 10-15 g 30 mph coming up - a
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the sweeping
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overnight. the sweeping change coming to your feed. and a hero's homecoming. a six year old boy injured in the texas church shootng, released from the hospital and making a very special return. the arrival you've gotta see, still ahead.
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every truck guy has their own way of conveying powerful. yeeaaahhh boy. kind of looks like a monster coming to eat ya. holy smokes. that is awesome. strong. you got the basic, and you got the beefy. i just think it looks mean. incredible. no way. start your year off strong in a new chevy truck. get a total value of over $9,600 on this silverado all star when you finance with gm financial. find new roads at your local chevy dealer.
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the social media site. abc's kendis gibson and maggie rulli have the details in this morning's techbytes. right now at 5:30 - an expletive - about immigration? reaction pouring in
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your bbut as you get older,ing. it naturally begins to change, causing a lack of sharpness, or even trouble with recall. thankfully, the breakthrough in prevagen helps your brain and actually improves memory. the secret is an ingredient originally discovered... in jellyfish. in clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve short-term memory. prevagen. the name to remember.
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immigration? reaction pouring in - after the president's controversial comment. plus - the sound of plus - the sound of fire trucks... but this time, no emergency. the special guest in the front seat, just ahead. good morning washington. toss to eileen
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- feeling like spring today (60s); back to winter tomorrow (30s) - have the umbrella today; gusty thunderstorm possible tonight with the front - temperatures crash overnight - cold & dry for the mlk jr. weekend today: unseasonably warm. rain likely. highs: 64-67 winds: s 5-15 mph tonight: rain likely. gusty thunderstorm possible. tumbling temperatures. lows: 30-37 winds: nw 10-15 g 30 mph saturday: decreasing clouds. drastically colder. blustery. highs: 34-37 winds: nw 10-15 g 30 mph
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president trump's comments about
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shockwaves across the globe. the president using foul language to describe haiti and african countries, while seeming to praise norway. suzanne kennedy is live at the white house with more. and new overnight - reaction pouring in from across the country.
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following it all in the newsroom. as suzanne mentioned, the president's remarks came during an oval office meeting on immigration. a group of six bipartisan senators immigration. a group of six bipartisan senators presented an agreement on legislation to protect daca dreamers. the deal alsoo included inmprovements to border security. but this rn
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the white house will get behind it. a 6-year-old boy shot 5 times in last november's deadly church massacre returns home - in style. ryland ward was among 20 people who survived the shooting in sutherland springs texas. his step mother and two sisters did not make it. now after two months and countless surgeries - ryland returned home in a fire truck - sitting in the front seat -- with the firefighter who helped save him -- right by his side. dozens of people in the tiny town gathered to welcome ryland home. he still has a long road to recovery - but community members say they'll be with him every step of the way. coming up - first guest david letterman's new show launching overnigh
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saying about his dance moves. eilee live want some inspirational stories for a change? you gotta check out the american dream. saturdays, 1pm, newschannel8
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but the living room's pretty blank. we did a lot of research online. we just need to have a designer put it all together. mmm hmm. so, it's really nice when clients come in and have... done some of their own research. what do you think about these chairs and that table? working with a bassett designer was really easy. us being young professionals, we're so busy... there's no way we could've designed it ourselves. no. we love it!
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gusty thunderstorm possible tonight with the front - temperatures crash overnight - cold & dry for the mlk jr. weekend today: unseasonably warm. rain likely. highs: 64-67 winds: s 5-15 mph tonight: rain likely. gusty thunderstorm possible. tumbling temperatures. lows: 30-37 winds: nw 10-15 g 30 mph saturday: decreasing clouds. drastically colder. blustery. highs: 34-37 winds: nw 10-15 g 30 mph
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johnny live tease a months-long mystery - now solved. police have
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found wrapped in a blanket, near suitland parkway in october - as marty mcmillan.
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let's team up to get the lady of the house back on her feet. and help her feel more strength and energy in just two weeks yaaay! the complete balanced nutrition of (great tasting) ensure with 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. ensure. always be you.
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police have identifed remains... found wrapped in a blanket, near suitland parkway in october - as marty mcmillan. he disappeared last april -- after he left for a date. this morning - his family tells us marty's death, is a warning for others. john gonzalez is live in northwest with their message. " we learned about the app by going through his phone records... these were not the people he thought" trt 10 out ... thought they were breaking overnight - a woman's body found along a roadway in waldorf. right now police are calling the breaking overnight - a woman's body found along a roadway in waldorf.
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found along a roadway in waldorf. right now police are calling the death suspicious. but they need help identifying her. the victim is described as a black woman in her late 30s with two distinct tatt
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of them - a cherub angel on her shoulder and a design on her right inner wrist. also breaking overnight.. another deadly crash on branch avenue. police say a woman was hit and killed while walking near iverson street in temple hills. the driver did stay on scene. this is just four blocks from where a man died after his car collided with another vehicle on wednesday. charges this morning against a high school student accused of attacking two classmates. police say 19-year-old edwin aguilar martinez pulled a knife during a fight yesterday. it happened just after the morning bell - at central high school in capitol heights.. two students were hurt. martinez turned himself in... and is now facing attemped murder, assault, and weapons charges. happening today. a hearing in a lawsuit against massage envy. a d-c woman says a massage therapist there sexually assaulted her. tara woodley says it happened last september at the tenleytown location. the massage therapist -- 24-year-old habtamu gebreslassie pled guilty last month. three other women say he
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happening right now - a desperate search in california. crews racing against time to find more than 40 people still missing after those deadly mudslides. at least seventeen people have been killed.. but that number could increase over the next few days. john lorinc has more. a college park man is facing jail time
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stealing hundreds of items from the national archives. investigators say french historian antonin de-hays stole nearly 300-items from the archives in college park. the items range from dog tags to photos and personal letters. they were all taken during visits de-hays made to the public research room between 2012-and-2017. de hays pleaded guilty yesterday to theft of government property chrges. he now faces a maximum ten years prison sentence. now to a 7 on your side i-team investigation. a 6-year-old is given milk at his elementary school in northern virginia - that he says burned his throat. during lunch time at nativity catholic school in burke - parker tootill says he took a sip of his favorite "trumoo" fat free chocolate milk.. but he says it wasn't chocolate or
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instead it was green and made his throat feel like it was on fire. lehigh valley dairy farms - the company that manufactors the milk says someone made a mistake on a production line and somehow a chemical solution used to clean processing equipment - ended up in milk cartons delivered to the school. the boy's school pulled all the milk. the school is also no longer doing business with lehigh valley and is buying milk from a company that provides clear cartons. seven's on your side with a bizarre question. would you skip the doctor's visit... in favor of a do-it-yourself pap smear?? the f-d-a is weighing the possibility... as part of an effort to make sure every woman is getting the screening she needs. it's a kit, that would probably cost less
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but it still needs f-d-a approval. once you take the test at home, you send your culture to a lab for testing. the f-d-a held a workshop today to discuss the possibility of approving the tests.. but so far, no word if, or when, that could happen. new developments in the debate over confederate monuments. virginia's house minority leader wants to give cities the authority to remove or alter those memorials. current law bans governments from removing, or changing war memorials. this bill would give cities full rights over what to do with those statues. coming up new at six -schooling the flu. how to stay healthy as one of the worst flu seasons in years takes aim at your child's classroom. and its your last chance to snag free monster jam tickets! we've got four of em up for grabs.. watch to wi
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5:xx - and calling all chefs this morning. our news partners at d-c refined are looking to find dc's best chef on the block. today is the last day to nominate a great cook you know.. or yourself. the three finalists will compete in a cookoff live right here on good morning washington on monday. the winner will then go on to compete against other chef's live on abc's the chew next month. it's 5: and time for a check on weather.
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(60s); back to winter tomorrow (30s) - have the umbrella today; gusty thunderstorm possible tonight with the front - temperatures crash overnight - cold & dry for the mlk jr. weekend today: unseasonably warm. rain likely. highs: 64-67 winds: s 5-15 mph tonight: rain likely. gusty thunderstorm possible. tumbling temperatures. lows: 30-37 winds: nw 10-15 g 30 mph saturday: decreasing clouds. drastically colder. blustery. highs: 34-37 winds: nw 10-15 g 30 mph new details in hollywood pay disparity. we now know mark
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disparity. we now know mark wahlberg demanded 1-point-5-million dollars before he'd sign off on christopher plummer replacing kevin spacey in "all the money in the world." u-s-a today reports wahlberg's
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his co-stars. earlier this week we learned michelle williams was paid less than a thousand dollars for her participation in the reshoot. james franco is skipping the critics choice awards amid sexual misconduct allegations. franco was expected there to receive the best actor nod for "the disaster artist". he chose to skip the event after five women made accusations against him. francos says he has a different story to tell, but respects the women's rights to tell their truths david letterman is back on t-v today, with his new netflix series. it's called "my next guest needs no introduction". the debut kicks off with a pretty big get - former president obama... he says while he made bold moves in the oval office, he's not quite as confident on the dance floor. the six-episode
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spread over six months. coming up at six - controversial comments from the current president. suz live tease
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announcer: now, good morning washington on your side. autria: presidential profanity. >> it takes your breath away. it is in comprehensible these words came out of the mouth of the president of the united states of america. autria: the fallout from the comment that we cannot repeat and the outrage growing. out aftere running deadly mudslides. what happened overnight and why it is making the search for survivors in california harder. autria: rain today. winter tomorrow. eileen


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