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tv   Eyewitness News at 6  CBS  August 21, 2009 6:00pm-6:59pm EDT

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here's what people are talking act. >> football players and the coaches collapse on the football fields. we were first on the scene. we have the latest on what happened. >> reporter: good evening, it very well could be heat exhaustion that cause the coaches and players to collapse, but it's odd they all collapsed at the same time. an empty practice field, players are recovering. >> i saw about 12 guys line up against the shed. >> reporter: this was 24 hours after a dozen players became sick. >> my chest became tight and i was trying to catch my breath. >> three coaches and a dozen
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students taken to the hospital and treated for heat exhaustion. >> i saw a couple throw up and all of the ambulances came. >> school officials say a higher than normal heat index and exercise may be to blame. they're not ruling anything out. >> they're looking into other factors, it was unusual there were 14 kids taken to the hospital. we're looking at other factors that may have cost the kids and several coaches. >> the deputies look at what they ate and drank. concerns have been rule out. >> they do a wonderful job and never put anything on there when we're having practice as well as the lines they paint were done with a water-base paint and we call just to confirm it. >> reporter: all players and coaches have been released from
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the hospital and are said to be in good condition. we're live in queen anns county. thank you. it was another hot and humid day today with rain and storms typical of the season. complete coverage with bob tracking live doppler radar. >> we've had some storms and it's sunny and more activity popping up. look at that over west virginia and moving in our direction. we'll show you what is going on. up to washington, frederick and montgomery. a batch of showers north across the portions of virginia, around charles county. off to the north and the west, heading through, one report of hail in some areas, these storms develop and continue to grow. we'll watch it tonight. the stuff earlier way to the north and the east and
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diminished into new jersey. looking at the west and that's where the next batch of storms will be coming from, probably developing around 7:30 8:00 8:00 heading off to the region. look for showers and storms, heavy rain possible. >> thank you. wjz is always on for instant updates on the forecast and live radar, log onto a key ruling regarding the immediate future of two teenagers charged with shocking crime. kye. >> two of the suspects charged in the racially motivated attack of an elderly african- american man appear in court. they're being held without bail. the teenagers and a 28-year-old accuse of beating a 76-year-old fisherman at the park early tuesday morning. he was charged with attempted murder, carjacking and assault while the two are charged with
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attempted first degree murder. police say this case is one of the worst hate crime attacks baltimore has seen in recent years. >> an inmate wanted ended. >> it began here outside of the detention center when an inmate convict was coming back to court and assaulted a deputy and escaped. the man hunt is over. helicopters searched the area for champagne near his family home after his daring escape. the 20-year-old tried to choke a deputy by slipping the handcuffs off and was captured in a virginia house by marshalls. >> they looked out and they felt the wall, they peel back
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the wall and the gentleman was in there. >> there were women and children in the home and his brother tried to act like the wanted man. marshalls were not fooled. >> there was a black male identified as brian champagne which is his brother. they look similar. >> they believe he cut the chains on his leg ryans and cuffs and escape but had the bracelets on his arms and legs longer. now there's an investigation into what went wrong, it's believed the deputy didn't violate rules. the car in question did not have one. now the sheriff will review this and many concerns to decide if there should be changes. >> we transport thousands every year, it's rare we have had an altercation like this. >> deputy, has been released from the hospital and his boss the sheriff believes he will return to work. back to you on tv hill.
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>> thank you. it's not clear if champagne's brother will be charged with harboring a fugitive. an armed robbery suspect, investigators say this person robbed a store last thursday. the man fled the scene towards 450. if you recognize him, call crime stoppers. another post, another apology. delegate sounding more contrite about using police to stage a wedding proposal. >> reporter: unethical proposal. that's what they asked about john's helicopter and harbor officers staging a ray on a friend's boat. >> what does this reveal about
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him? >> reporter: i regret and apology, i love my hometown baltimore and would never jeopardize its reputation or hurt its resources but as the police commissioner waits for results of the information, how could he not know he was using the resources. >> t first he minimizes, he says it was a 5- minute safety check. he is 39, he's not a kid. this is not something you can write off to be immature. >> reporter: he goes further saying he hopes it serves as his apology to the people and hopes the mistake will not define his career. >> i think in a democratic state it may not hurt him.
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>> he says he's embarrassed and not providing details of the event. >> when people act they're coming clean, they have to come totally clean. they can't say i don't know, but i will not give you the information you seek. >> there's been no rest of judgment. the ethics commission is waiting on the police department report and a spokesperson says it's not ready yet. thank you. as he has all week, he refused to respond for our request for an interview. city school ceo could get a $29,000 bonus. improvements for the school system as seen under the leadership including rising enrollment. the teacher's union say he should forfeit his bonus. >> hurricane bill is so
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powerful, it will have an impact along the beaches. it's already generating deadly rip tides in ocean city. >> hundreds of miles offshore, hurricane bill is felt here in ocean city. >> for some, running away from the water seems like a good idea because out here, conditions are turns. >> really tight. they're too big and heavy. >> it's very rough. the roughest i've been in. >> reporter: as hurricane bill begins churning up this weekend, waves will continue to bill. >> elevated waves causing more troughs and more holes in the san bars. >> larger wake means more water and what comes in must flow out. that volume has increased and
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looks for the easiest way back will breakthrough weaker sand bars. >> ocean city open for business and want people to come down and enjoy the beaches and use common sense. >> it's negatons estimate. >> it threw me into the ground and i hit my shoulder. >> reporter: life guards will make the call to clear the water although maximum fallout is expected midnight saturday. >> the most important thing to remember, don't go swimming until the life guards are on duty, we want everyone to have a safe time. we'll use the whistles and the flags to direct people. >> most of their rescues happen after a storm moves on when the weather looks calm but rough. back to you on tv hill. >> complete coverage of the storm, meteorologist tim williams tracking the storm from the weather center.
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>> this storm is going to have some impact on the east coast. you're starting to see a weakening in the eye. this is yesterday, it was a strong category 3 but making its way towards the united states and making a wide right turn. it could strengthen a little  bit, wind sustained at 104 miles per hour, the gusts near 127 with a move to the northwest, the front that is bringing up the thunderstorms through tomorrow, it's going to be the buffer between bill and the east coast of the u.s., this storm continues to move northeast, what it means for us, the rip currents, the swells going to be high between 7-15 feet, the waves along the shore are high, potentially a 1- 2-foot higher than normal tide along the mouth of the bay.
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it's going to be saturday sat before the waves start to die down. if you're going out, stay out of the water. thank you very much. stay with us all weekend for instant updates on hurricane bilks log to if you're planning to trade in your clunker for cash, you better act fast, this weekend is your last chance. the government is putting the brakes on the program despite the success. >> douglas smith took a look at ford and sat down to fill out the paper work. >> he got here in time to save $4500 turning in his minivan. the "cash for clunkers" program is running out of money and will end on monday evening.
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on this final weekend. fred is expecting a flood of business. sales up 20 0% since the start of the program. over the next two day, he has 75 customer appointments. the problem now, he's out of stock. >> we hit gold and don't have the inventory. >> these old gas guzzlers are off of the road for good. >> on the downside, it's had its bumps for the dealers. he's waiting for nearly $700,000 from the government to reimburse the discounts he gives to clients. he's glad he squeezed in before the dead line because as a regular trade in, his clunker wouldn't be worth much. >> i wouldn't get $4500 for it. >> reporter: the white house has no plans to renew the
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program. wjz eyewitness news. chrysler and general motors will make cash advances to help dealers with the cash flow. still to come tonight on wjz, miracle in new jersey, a small plane crashes and the two on board walks away. >> outrageous and disgusting, the home coming in libya for the lockerbie bomber. tracking showers in maryland. stick around for the forecast.
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a pile of wreckage is all that is left from a small plane from the airport. some how the pilot and co-pilot got out. police found them at a bus stop. >> i saw the wreckage, and i say they were in a plane. >> the men are severely burn. both are conscience and talking. i tried to get a story from them but they were in shock.
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>> the twin-engine aircraft was carrying medical specimens and attempting to land in the middle of night when something went wrong. >> some place down the runway, it attempted to do a go around and during that time, it climbed a little bit and struck a tree and came to rest in the parking lot. >> this is the same airport where a plane took off and crashed with a helicopter over the hudson killing nine people. federal investigators are on the scene of the latest crash trying to piece together what happened. the maryland man. >> they start charging a fee.
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about 19,000 users close their accounts in july. the new 1.50 per month fee went into effect on the first. the new school year around the corner but the future is here, that's the message for educators gathered in a classroom. >> reporter: these students are traveling to washington state without leaving maryland. >> if we can get the students engaged in using this stimulation, it will facilitate understanding better than a
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more traditional kind of learning. >> it's a classroom and lab. the secretary kick off the school year by calling on educators. >> talking about technology that's been classify for a long time in the military and now come full circle. if we're committed to preparing children for the future, we might as well educate them. >> it's been works for two years, he partnered with the applied physics lab to get it right. you can see the relationship, preparing for the workplace as well as higher education. it's all about working together and solving problems. high school senior is a believer. >> i'm thrilled about the technology, it brings worlds in that we're not exposed to. allows us to kind of explore a
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different environment and learn about it as we go through a virtual world. >> later in in school year, the virtual classroom launches them to the moon. >> we've come a long way since the slide rule. >> you think? >> this is the real deal. looking at the conditions, more showers heading our way, humidity up to 84%. looking at the week enafter this. ñ
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now, weather, complete forecast, the complete warning of severe weather. >> okay, we've had a rough week, time for nice weather. >> we need a break. >> about 18 hours left of some thunderstorm activity and things getting better for next week. much more comfortable. we have storm activity, south around winchester, around the valley, that's moving northeast, the showers across southern portions of the region, it will slide to the east. you're just on the edge of that. this stuff moving northeast at 25 miles per hour. here's what we're watching i --
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tonight. the batch is heading northeast and d.c., leesburg, probably see it after 8:00, 8:30. some sunshine out there. looking nice. as you saw, out to the west, this batch that is developing right now, south of washington county, the whole line is heading east, reports of nickel size hail, it's probably going to die down as we lose the sun, but some good rain and gusty winds and after 8:00 tonight, baltimore down to d.c., watch out for that if you're heading out. temperature-wise, 77 where it's rained, otherwise in the mid- 80s. ocean city at 87, probably see some rain later on. 85 hagerstown. where we seen rain, temperatures back into the 70s
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. winds out of the east, most areas of southerly wind, the cold front we're talking act is back in illinois. all this activity is well ahead of the front, we have to deal with showers tonight, tomorrow and the front moves through, it's going to be in a warm humid air mass and have to look out for showers and storms until it clears the area. it won't take place until sun afternoon. luckily for us, most of the east coast won't see anything except the wave action. bermuda getting a brush of tropical storms and rain. a quick turn to the east and northeast and gets into colder waters. small craft advisory, south winds, the bay temperature around 82. showers and thunderstorms heavier rain around 72 and
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tomorrow, could be some flooding tomorrow, dryer and turning cooler late in the day. >> thank you. wjz's great prostate challenge continues, there's another free screening this weekend, it's sun sunday from 9- 3 at 4501 old frederick road. >> still to come. playing politic, surprising allegations. casey anthony back in court, find out why defense attorneys are calling for depositions about the day her daughter's remains were found. she looks like a baby, how this simulator replicates real- life medical emergencies. that story ahead. this is mark with the ravens winding down the
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training camp. when we continue.
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this is wjz tv, wjz d t and, baltimore. from the city, to the county, to your neighborhood, now complete coverage on wjz
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13, maryland's news station. it's after 6:30. 77 degrees and partly sunny. good evening, thank you for joining us. he's some of the stories people are talking about. the home land security team speaks out about why he left bush administration he left after he saw he was getting pressure to boost the terror alert level. >> reporter: former home land security secretary makes his claim against two other cabinet members in a forthcoming book, ridge reports that the pressure came before the 2004 election. ridge says they pressed him to increase the terror threat yellow to orange meaning high just four days before the election. osama bin laden threatened new
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attacks on the united states. despite that, this was no support for boosting the threat level and he refused. he writes i wondered is that about security or politics and he says this incident re- enforced the decision to resign from the administration. ridge says he was never invited to a white house security meeting and blind sided in meetings with the president. >> down playing a homecoming from the lockerbie bomber. they set the terrorist free. the libya national released yesterday and hailed by supporters when he arrived in his home country. he's the only person brought to trial in a flight that killed 270 people, mostly americans. he was set free because he's
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dying from terminal cancer. the authority selected a law firm to defend itself from a deadly train collision. it was the scene in june when one plowed into the back of another in the red line. 7 lawsuits have been filed relate to the crash that killed nine people. the investigation continues. new information on the express jet standed for hours. an investigation says pilots immediated for permission to let the passengers off of the plane. deplorable conditions incluing little food and broken bath rooms has fueled the need for the passenger's bill of rights. >> investigators have suspended their ground search. christie's family and friends are still desperate to bring her home. >> she was last seen along the
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winding roads in georgia. the 38-year-old was on the phone with her boyfriend at the time. he heard a struggle and the words don't take me. police located her cell phone three miles from where they believe she was taken. >> until we find evidence, we need to suspend that and try to bring the people back when it develops. >> reporter: they followed up on a thousand leads but still have no suspects. the boyfriend has been ruled out. >> it's the worst nightmare of our lives, not knowing where your child is. >> the mother of a 15-year-old son and worked as a probation officer. >> volunteers have renewed the search for stacy peterson.
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searchers acting on a tip that drew was seen at the scene they were searches. accused child murder suspect back in the court today. they hope to establish that the child's body was placed in the woods after she was put in prison. >> some more stories you'll find in the baltimore sun. the hotel, a new survey says employers will reimburse benefits. for all these stories and more, read tomorrow's baltimore sun and look at the forecast on the first-warning weather team. in tonight's health watch,
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a medical center welcomed a baby to the hospital staff. the new baby is helping doctors and nurses save others her age. >> if the baby stops breathing, they figure out what to do. >> she needs more oxygen. >> the baby simulator named sam can do many things a real baby does and is used to help the staff. >> it's a way to make mistakes a medical training and learn from our mistakes. >> you can hear the heart beat, take a blood pressure or her pulse. >> 7-pound baby can cry, react
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to overdoses of medication and it's all caught on video. >> we can show the participating afterwards what they did. >> it's a way of making the hospital one of the safest hospitals around by having this kind of training. >> they hope anyone can learn from her. word spread after her arrival and many rush down to see her. workers threw a baby shower to welcome the edition. >> it comes with a $35,000 price tag. >> that's a bargain. >> still to come, something odd in the friendly sky. >> you won't believe what led
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to this police chase. >> severe thunderstorm warnings for frederick. five-day forecast coming up. wjz always on, here's the top stories on this hour for instant updates and the updated forecast, log onto
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a stolen boat, that's what connecticut officers are faced with on a state of a highway. they pursued the person that took it for several miles. it fell off of the truck and went down the highway. the boat was damaged. >> sick over it. it was a sold boat to a customer, electronics was installed. to see it happen is sickening. >> the suspect along-time customer took the boat who was sold to someone else. >> a huge explosion at a bombing plant closes down a highway. crews responsed to the scene after a 300-gallon propane tank
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exploded. it took 45 minutes to get the fire under control. crews remain on the scene for hours pouring water on hot spots. a st. louis-bound plane makes a landing when a passenger strips down naked an attacks a woman. he exposed a woman and then punched her in the face. the fan fought and forced the plane to return to oakland where the man was arrested. it was easy to laugh afterwards, but during you're captive at 29,000 feet and a small airplane with a big guy. >> officials don't know what sparked the incident. no wore on what charges he'll face. >> not something you want to see. >> a preview of what is coming up. more and more americans want to see luxuries. find out what this cabdrivers doing to relieve the recession
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one fare at a time. that's coming up. here a look at the closing numbers at the wall street. the nasdaq all at all-time highs, we'll be right back.
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it's another muggy evening, had some showers and are more coming soon? tim williams is live in the outback with a closer look at the forecast. bob has an update look at radar first. severe thunderstorm warning. that is how it moves through west virginia and moving through leesburg around 25 miles per hour. but they had some gusty winds and small hail. and another batch of storms south of the washington area across maryland. eastern shores clear. some light stuff developing, out to the west, that's where we are watching the activity.
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probably after 8:00 tonight. on tap, tim has a look at the forecast. as you talk about the ocean-city forecast. not a bad weekend temperature- wise. there will be a chance of thunderstorms each day. water temperature at 78 degrees, strong surf advisories for ocean city through the weekend. the coast is going to be rough because of bill moving by. temperatures get up to about 72 tonight. the temperatures are not going to be as high, the dew points are still muggy. that's all of the energy the storms work with tomorrow. strong thunderstorms improving tomorrow and into the evening. >> could be some lingering showers as cool air comes in, monday-wednesday looks great. lower humidity by next week. thank you. a secret from cindy crawford.
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we report from hollywood. >> coming up on entertainment tonight, new drug revelations from the surprise michael jackson witness, she tells diane what she uncovered the last time she saw the king of pop. >> you found some drug boxes in his bath room in a hotel and kept them. >> i did. >> what kind of drugss were in them? >> one drug, it's known if the u.s. as zoloft. and then there was another drug which i think it was paxil. >> reporter: the doctor says the bath room looked like a pharmacy pharmacy. syringes? >> yeah. >> tour turn gloves? >> and masks as well.
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>> praying the pounds off and dinner from a dumpster. plus super model cindy crawford spills a secret, she has
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we saw they're having an event down there, but the real stuff is in westminister. >> football is a phenomenon. one more open practice before they pack up camp. in a second season as head coach, he's better able to appreciate the training camp experience more so than last year. he noticed the record crowds to see the ravens up close as they finish up in westminister. the workouts have been open to the fans. >> the fans are positive and get behind the team and cheer. they get tick off. they're knowledgeability and
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into it. there's no heckling, it's a real good environment to build a team. >> the coaching staff has some importance roster evaluations to make. the jets come to town. the practice is tomorrow. the guy with the towel on his head is ben roethlisberger. he injured his lower right leg in practice yesterday when he was step on. the injury is to ben roethlisberger, they have not specifieded the nature of the injury. not expected to take in the preseason game tomorrow night. aaron showed off the haircut. the rookie line backer left baltimore this morning to sign the deal in buffalo this afternoon. he's delighted to get started.
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est static. overjoy. that's me. i have been smiling for the entire day, ever since i got off of the plane, it's great to get back up here. >> it includes $15 million guaranty. had some catching up to do to get the rooky year started. >> the second leg of the road trip takes them to chicago. they open the series with the sox. guthrie has the opening tonight. orioles hitters face chicago right hitter floyd. having a strong year with the sox, first pitch at 8:00 on masn hd. masn tomorrow night, see the o's and the white sox, coverage comes your way at 7:00. looking guard to it. >> we'll be right back ♪
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♪ i always feel like (announcer) it's right here, it's easy... ♪ somebody's watching me.'s the money you could be saving wh h geico. ♪ who's watching? ♪ tell me who's watching. ufuffled music (announcer) 's's right here, it's easy... ♪ i always feel lik somebody's watchg g me. ♪ it's the money you could be saving with geico.
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don't miss the prime time lineup at 10:00. animal control capture an unlikely visiter to the city. an alligator the more commonly found in florida. it was found in the north branch of the chicago river. they believe it was a pet released into the wild. tonight a minnesota fisherman reels in a 48" fish. he took a lot of pictures and says it's his biggest catch so far. he let the fish go. that's it for tonight. >> thank you for joining us.
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>> don't go away, much more ahead on the evening news with katie couric. going to new york. we invite you to join us back here for eyewitness news at 11:00. >> mitchell: tonight, danger off the coast. as hurricane bill moves in, warnings go out to summer swimmers along the eastern united states about potentially deadly currents. i'm russ mitchell. also tonight, new signs of a turnaround in the housing market. a big jump in sales helps send stock prices sharply higher. this is what the marines of echo company call home. a look at life in some of the hardest and most dangerous conditions on earth. and how the succeed in business without really charging your customers a dime. steve hartman's "assignment america." captioning sponsored by cbs


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