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tv   Eyewitness News Morning Edition  CBS  December 27, 2011 6:00am-7:00am EST

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this is wjz tv, wjz hd, and, baltimore. >> good morning, maryland, now don scott, marty bass, and the latest breaking news from wjz's news team, your first warning weather and wjz traffic control with sharon gibala. it is wjz, maryland's news station. >> good morning, again, everyone, it is 6:00. i am jessica kartalija, in for don scott.
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we can only guess that they are practicing their show, testing out a few ideas for new year's eve and boy, it is spectacular, we will continue to show you -- >> -- morning long -- >> -- unreal -- >> -- golly -- >> -- mix one in -- >> -that -- >> -- just -- it is just phenomenal. >> all we need is david gilmore standing on top where it says barnes and noble singing comfortably numb. all right, let's move it along, shall -- >> -- sec -- >> -- moving our way. it -- it is just going to be a real wet day. we are just going to see rain but believe me when i tell you somebody is going to get a heavy-duty dose of winter. here mild, 49 at lunch on its way to a high of 51, 38 to 40. mid-40s still raining at
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dinnertime. jay cart take it away. >> marty, thanks, over to sharon in traffic control. good morning. >> good morning. we do have one accident in carroll county so it should not be causing too many people very many issues. we do have police activity in the city blocking east 25th street, closed between north charles street and st. pawls street. there is a look at your speeds on the beltway. not much change there. there is a live look outside at the east side of the beltway. the key bridge empty in that shot. the west side busier but still at full speed and beyond. remember wjz 13 is always on so for traffic information you can always log on. back over to you. >> here is what people will be talking about today, a turn around for charm city as the homicide rate nears the lowest it has been in decades. it is a marked improvement. wjz is live downtown, monique griego has an inside look at
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the numbers. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, jess, and good morning, everyone. as of this morning we have had less than 200 murders this year and while, yes, that is still a pretty high number it is actually the lowest it has been since the 1980s. the latest homicide was on christmas eve in cherry hill. a man was found dead in a home's front yard. with days to go before the calendar turns 195 people have been listed as murdered. last year the number was 219. going back to 1993, 353 people had been murdered. >> the goal is beyond the numbers because what -- here is what we know, is while the numbers have come down over the last four years, it hasn't changed people's perception. >> it has fallen, part of a trend. >> the are using technology, data, crime pattern, maps to figure out what the hot spots, what the trends are -- >> -- repeat violent offenders
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like john wag wagner, he is serving a life sentence. -- also at a 30 year low, jess. >> monique, thank you. looking in terms of percentages, homicides are down 10% from last year. a man suspected of killing a woman and her son in new york turns himself in to prince george's county police. officers say jerry lewis walked into the police station and confessed to killing his exgirlfriend and her son. police say the crime scene was particularly grew some. >> the female was stabbed a number of times. the baby was viciously beaten, the baby was ultimately put in a plastic bag and then put in a freezer. >> lewis will soon be extradited to new york to face charges. it was that gpy goopy
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mess. now the company says it may not be able to pay the 1000 claims it received. turns out they only had a $1 million insurance policy and the payouts will exceed that amount. with a deadline looming racing fans are still wondering if the grand prix will make a return to baltimore. adam may tries to find an answer. >> reporter: baltimore's grand prix may get a second chance. the new indy car schedule for 2012 lists the streets of baltimore as the site for a race on september second but the mayor has threatened to pull the plug over a mountain of unpaid bills to vendors and the government. >> i was very clear. restructure, recapitollize, sell, but they need to pay their debts so we can move forward. >> reporter: last month the state placed a tax lean on baltimore racing development. >> i know they owed money to baltimore and vendors but when they owe money to the tax man
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then they are in trouble. >> they owe 3/4s of a million dollars in city services, nearly half a million for admissions and amusement tax, 250,000 for that and more. despite some are optimistic. >> i want to make sure the taxes are paid and if there is a 2012 race there has to be a plain that allows it to be sustainable moving forward. we don't want to have to do this every year. >> he stepped down. >> we don't have the money sitting there otherwise we would have paid it. >> now they are trying to clean up the mess as they warn the schedule is subject to change. the mayor is threatening to end the contract with baltimore if these financial problems are not solved by december the 31st. adam may, wjz eyewitness news.
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>> this year's grand prix brought about $47 million into baltimore, less than the $60 million organizers have expected. all al qaeda militant group in iraq is claiming responsibility for bomb attacks in baghdad that killed 69 people. the group says the assault on mostly shiite neighborhoods were meant to support the sunni population. it is the final push for the republicans vying to become president. we have this report there is now just one week until the iowa caucuses. >> i am going to do something to government. i am going to make it simpler and smaller and smarter. >> reporter: mitt romney released a tv ad as he tries to sway voters. the polls show a three way race. rick perry is trying to improve his position. he will launch a bus tour today and also release a fresh ad in
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iowa. >> if washington is the problem, why trust a congressman to fix it? >> reporter: paul at the top of many polls won't be campaigning there today. his next event is scheduleed for tomorrow. gingrich and bachmann will make stops on their bus tours today. historically a victory in iowa does not guarantee lasting success in the race for the nomination but often forces some candidates who finish in the back of the pack to drop out. in washington, wjz eyewitness news. >> rick santorum has spent the most time of any there but polls show him behind. they showed their despite for that league. the games drew high ratings. the bulls-lakers match up drew
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the third highest rating ever. a history setting performance from drew brees, last night he set the record moving past dan marino. there is one game left. by the way they clinched the title. after the game even reporters congratulated him. >> even from you guys, huh? >> for the ravens, see how the last game shakes out. watch them take on the bengals right here. >> that was a great moment. the press has to stay very abstract. it is one of the reasons i sit up in section 540, i don't like the pressbox because it is a working environment where you wear work clothes you abstractly watch and you never
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cheer. >> you are not allowed to cheer. >> well and it -- and i -- and i don't disagree with that, but the working press to give a player like that a round of applause, basically tells you how gigantic the accomplishment is. >> i like him. i liked him when the played for san diego. >> okay, here is a trivia question, where did drew brees go to college. we are -- >> -- know this -- >> -- draft, and by the way, as a matter of fact, during the commercial break i am going to go get something and we will take a -- the ravens are getting ready -- are teaming up with the maryland college scholarship fund -- >> -- sc -- >> -- no purdue -- >> -- that is right -- >> -- more astronauts -- >> -- staters -- >> -- astronaut factory, now it is going to be known as a
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quarterback factory, drew brees. >> we used to call it poor do, because we did not like them at penn state, so we go poor do. >> now they -- >> -- sorry -- >> -- area and the mid-atlantic but the entire eastern quarter of the united states. let's take a look at our watch warning advisory graphic. i mean there is enough rain coming that we are putting out a coastal flood advisory. i mean we are looking for you know maybe one to two inches of rain. i am leaning more toward an inch and a half for two. up the 95 corridor before this slug of moisture gets out of here by bedtime tonight. 51, cloudy, coming right rainy. i am going to throw it to mike schuh. i am going to get that -- it is
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really -- as a matter of fact you -- >> -- that -- >> -- shirts -- >> -- yes -- >> -- break -- >> -- trust for my kid and there is this poster sitting there while i am waiting around and it was amazing in that it is a picture of the ravens team but not in their jerseys, instead in the jerseys from the college that they graduated or t-shirts and i thought wow, that is spectacular because you always see the team as a team but you never see them as an inspiration. i just thought it was neat so i brought one for my kid and the other kid i know at the station, martin j bass, so he is going to show you this and i am going to show you this, which is we are down pat the power plant. it is rocking. we are going to have a new new ,
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hi, happy holidays, wjz. >> we are going to be talking a lot about that background, megan, good morning, thanks for being with us, 40 degrees, 72% humidity, southerly breeze at 5, barometer 30.10, one degree cooler than yesterday. we started the show it was four degrees cooler. when you walk outside you will feel the breeze, you will file the rain in the air although it is not raining right now, take an umbrella to work with you, low 30s cumberland, oakland, ocean city 35, 37 elkton, 39 haggerstown and easton, low 40s dc, pax river, solomon's island annapolis and kent island, 39 rock hall, 40 columbia 35 westminster, 36 degrees in belaire. clouds are here. it is only a matter of time before that rain moves into the area but will quickly leave the region, a simple day long pest san, cooler temperatures tomorrow. this day's 51 will drop to about 43, which will be normal. it is not going to be a bad day tomorrow. a typical late december day in
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maryland. today's high of 51 eight above normal. 37 tonight, clearing, highly the normal is 26, tomorrow there is that 43, partly sunny, windy and cooler, 44 thursday, friday 57, the day of new year eve sunny and clear. jess take it away. >> now over to sharon. >> we still have those two problems we have been talking about for a little while. also police activity in the city. a street is closed there. there is a look at your speeds on the beltway. still looking good there. no issues there. this traffic report is brought to you by your toyota dealer. back over to you. >> all right.
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sharon, thank you. let's check back with mike schuh. >> who joins us now from in front of one of the great light shows of all time. how is it going, bud? >> reporter: it is the coolest. if you have not come down to see this you need to because new year's eve night is the last night and there is some special stuff on now. do tell us about it. thank you for coming down. >> yes on saturday we have a great night planned. they perform at 9:00 and continue throughout the night. of course, we that have the official countdown with the fireworks show at midnight. >> that is cool. one of the things i wanted to talk about of course is this light show we have going up behind us. megan is here with chordish, one of the dozen or so big corporate sponsors nice enough to write the check to make this happen. what has been the reception so far? >> it has been amazing.
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kids, families, everyone has just flocked down to the inner harbor this holiday season and are blown away by it. with -- with reason. >> so what is going to happen on new year's eve night. >> so new year's eve we have shows every hour on the hour from 6:00 to 11. >> uh-huh. >> each show incorporates fireworks so -- >> -- each show -- >> -- yeah -- >> -- each show -- >> -- midnight -- >> -- up till 11:00. again if you have already seen the show it brings and already amazing show to the next level. >> that is then, then you got to wait until the next show. >> yeah, you can stick around until midnight. >> what is amazing to me is how it came about. it was a public-private partnership.
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is that right? >> yes. >> then it was a case where the folks who have all this technology came tocordish initially -- >> -- uh-huh -- >> -- how -- take it -- take it from there. >> we had proposed it to the committee who was just sold and we have gotten a lot of sponsorships from downtown companies and others so it is truly a team effort from the downtownth baltimore community. >> hats off to them because this is hideously expensive to produce. it looks cool and you go wow there is a lot of high tech there and it is the large effort brightest projector in the world right now is helping to make this and of course, the different lasers and then i am going to embarrass him and there is joe standing over there who runs the company, baltimore based, they do nfl -- they do nfl dealios all the team and look you got to be proud when you see that. >> we are proud to be able to
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do this. >> get this, which is also cool. is there is two sheds in there, what is cool about there? >> they are pumping that in there to keep them cool, they got to be kept cool or they will have trouble. >> so they have to air- condition the sheds to keep this stuff working. it is really cool. it goes during the dark hours up until new year's eve. new year's eve night is the special show and then of course there is new years and we do this every year because people love it and all baltimore watches if you look at the numbers, we are having a special presentation for the fireworks show down here. once it starts happening we will have sky chopper 13 up and we are going to show you the fireworks show live, so tune in for that, come down and see this, good time.
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back to you guys on tv hill. >> wow, you know, what that -- that is so cool. >> -- stopwatching it -- >> -- that -- >> -- t-shirts -- >> -- uh-huh -- >> -- desk -- >> uh-huh -- >> -- morning edition. ,,,,,,
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if you use those new light bulbs listen up. mary bubala has more information on how you need to dispose of them safely. >> good morning. today's energy saver is answering a view viewer's question about what to do with those bulbs? they should be recycle. drop them off at waste sites or they accept them for recycling. i am mary bubala trying to help you be an energy saver. >> for more information go to and click on the special section on the right- hand-side of the home page. next up this morning right
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here on wjz -- >> waiting for a winner. i am derek valcourt in elkton, where some lucky soul struck it rich. wait until you hear how much. i will tell you coming up on eyewitness news. >> good morning, everyone, baltimore's homicide rate marks a milestone. i will tell you more. >> i will let you know what you need to know before you head to the mall. >> sharon gibala here with traffic control, if you are about to head out only a few problems and delays aren't one of them. now over to marty. >> she joins us talking about her latest book. don did the interview. we continue to watch with amaze. the light show going on down at
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the harbor, just another brick ,
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this is wjz tv, wjz hd, and, baltimore. >> good morning, maryland. now don scott, marty bass, and the latest breaking news from wjz's news team, your first
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warning weather and wjz traffic control with sharon gibala. it is wjz, maryland's news station. >> good morning, again, everyone, it is 6:30 on this tuesday morning. wjz has weather and traffic together sharon we will get to you in just a sec but let's go to marty. >> let's go right to first warning weather doppler weather radar. wow have we got a slowing of moisture headed our way, as a matter of fact it is already starting to press into the immediate region, before not too long we are all going to need an umbrella, take a look at the day part, around 40, 49 at lunch going to a high of 51, still with showers in the area but diminishing rain, 46 at dinnertime. watch, warning and advisory graphic shows all counties essentially adjacent to the chesapeake bay with a coastal flood advisory in effect, a lot of rain over the next 24 hours, jess, take it away. >> now over to sharon in traffic control. good morning, again. >> hi jessica, good morning,
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everyone, if you are about to head now all lanes blocked on deep run road at east -- east -- deep run road east there. a medevac has come and gone there. meanwhile fire activity there, east 25th is closed there. there is a look at your speeds on the beltway, slowing down there but the average speed is still above the posted limit. there is a live look outside. looking good there. no issues on the east side of the beltway at the key bridge. this traffic report is bought to you by your toyota dealer. back over to you. >> sharon, thanks, at the top of the news this half-hour the news that has a town buzzing, who won the biggest power ball jackpot in state history? derek valcourt heads back to the county where the only
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winning ticket was sold. >> reporter: at the store folks are scratching their heads. >> we don't know who it is. >> reporter: some lucky person bought the winning power ball jack pot here. it will make someone rich but even the owners don't know who. >> lottery was in today. they secured the machine. they checked some stuff in the machine. they told us what time the ticket was sold, sold at 3:13 p.m. we checked our cameras to that time date. i sold the ticket to a gentleman and i am not -- i don't know who he is or his name. >> reporter: the guy holding the $125 million winning ticket has already called in to confirm his numbers, he says he is going to wait a few days before coming forward to claim his prize. and what a prize. take the cash option just shy of 79 million, after taxes nearly 52 million in cash. >> most of the time power ball megamillions they could be hitting a high in washington state so to even have it in
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maryland or at your store is almost like hitting the lottery yourself. >> the store itself gets a prize, but it is the winner who has folks here green with envy. >> whoever won i hope it was somebody that really needed it and will do good stuff with it. >> reporter: offices open back up on end, the earliest he could claim his prize. >> if you are feeling lucky tonight's jackpot is bigger, 206 million dollars. investigators are still looking into what caused a fire at a motel. the two alarm blaze broke out last night pat the motel there. they were called in to battle the flames, occupants were evacuated and no one was injured. critics have called this
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the city that bleeds but it is improving. monique explains it is all part of a trend. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. baltimore's homicide rate has been falling but now that number has reached a new low. the latest homicide was on christmas eve in cherry hill. a man was found dead especially a home's front yard. 195 people have been listed as murdered. last year the number was 219. going back to 1993, 353 people had been murdered. >> the goal is beyond the numbers because what -- here is what we know, is while the numbers have come down over the last four years, it hasn't changed people's perceptions -- >> the homicide rate has fallen every year since 2007. part of a nationwide trend. >> they are using technology, data, crime patterns, maps to figure out where the hot spots, what the trend is terms of crime --
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>> -- craig bernstein has been cracking down on repeat offenders like john wagner. the number of none fatal shootings has been cut in back. back to you. >> the fbi says the numbers have all fallen across the country. some new details coming to light about that christmas day shooting in dallas, texas, police say the gunman was dressed up as santa. it is believed there may have been a divorce going on but police are still investigating that. the man who died with his wife and three grandchildren in a house fire on christmas spent years trying to keep people safe. he was the former safety chief at a company. his daughter who owned the house escaped from the fire along with a male friend. a moving melee inside one of the largest malls in
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america. take a look at the video showing the police trying to control juveniles. it all began with a fight in the food court then continued to spread. after an hour that situation was contained. the post christmas crush to get back to the malls is expected to continue today. mike hellgren explains what you should know if you are trying to return a gift. >> reporter: many hit the malls in maryland to exchange or leave behind presents that weren't so welcome. >> there is a lot of long lines so it is kind of irritating. >> we are just about to return one of my brother's airplanes that he got because it was broken. >> reporter: nationwide 46.3 billion dollars in gifts will go back, a number up 4% from last year. that is about 10% of the total sales throughout the holiday period. changing policies are causing some frustrations. at target the electronics return period has been shortened to 45 days from 90 but the restocking fee was
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dropped. at best buy the return deadline was shortened too by one week. toys-r-us and sears have both shortened the return time for electronics and on-line has 30 different policies, returns are tied specifically to the product you buy. >> even if you have been shopping with the same -- at the same place or with the same retailer, they may have changed the rules this year so you got to pay attention. >> many are trying to wring sales out of an especially good holiday season before they ring in the new year. >> everyone has sales going on so any gifts you missed for christmas is a great day to pick them up today. >> many stores have policies so check them before you go. >> if santa left you a gift card there is a pretty good chance you will forget to use it. a survey finds 41 billion dollars in gift cards have not been redeemed since 2005. not surprisingly when people do use them experts say they often spend more than just the value
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on the card. all a north are car boy wanted for christmas was the new video game but what he got was a blank disk. his mama says the game had been swapped out. he was upset but wal-mart gave him a brand new copy for no extra charge. turning to sports, first to minnesota where adrian peterson will miss the rest of the season. he tore his acl and mcl during saturday's game. he will have surgery sometime within the next week or so to repair it. now to right here in baltimore, where david reid is done for the rest of the year. he injured himself in saturday's game and will need surgery to repair his torn acl. shane graham could be cult from the team because billy cundiff is expected to be back. with a win the ravens will secure a first round bye and a
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home game in the playoffs. we will bring you the game here live. >> that is going to be a brawl, that is going to be a total brawl. i am starting to get antsy about it. i am not lying to you. i think i am a product of it. talking to people, the first thing they say is ravens on the road, not what we see at a home game. let me tell you cincinnati is going to play their hearts out. if they can beat us they are in the playoffs. it is a ginormous game. let's take a look at radar, it is quiet wet, take a look at the graphic, we will go ahead and move along. rain is going to fall over a 24 hour period. countiesed counties adjacent to the bay, we have a coastal flood
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advisory in effect. doesn't mean a whole lot is going to happen but just kind of peaks your interest a bit. we will have the first warning look at the week's end and the holiday weekend coming up shortly. coming up on coffee with it is erin brockavich, the activist turns author now joins us with her latest book, the second in a series. we have sharon gibala doing traffic control, first warning weather ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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hi, happy holidays, wjz. >> all right, good morning, ladies, thanks for being with us, 40 tv hill, 72% humidity, southerly breeze av 5, 3 bar rot 30.10, still a degreeer cooler than at this time yesterday. those are your currents in those areas. moisture sits down to the south. get ready for a day of rain. looks like you may have frozen precip out in western maryland. i don't think it is common
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through the day. my point is be real nice to get some snow there. i just really don't think -- i just don't think it is going to happen. big push of mild air follows that low with that rain all the way up the eastern seaboard, colder tomorrow, which actually takes us to normal. 51 is the high, right now for instance 32 in oakland. then 44, then 57, and back to around 50 saturday, new year's eve and sunday, new year's day. take it away. >> over to sharon. >> we still have an accident in manchester on deep run road east.
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all lanes blocked there. the medevac has come and gone from the scene there continuing to investigate and clean that up. otherwise we also have fire activity in in the city on east 25th street. there is a live look at your areas there. this traffic report is brought to you by your toyota dealer. back over to you. >> all right. >> uh-huh. >> this morning's coffee with is erin brockavich. >> please welcome her back. good morning. >> good morning. >> i don't think we have to explain you are the real person
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behind the movie of your name starring julia roberts and you have done many things since then and one of them is you are an author and you are a cause novel. can you explain what that is? >> yeah, it is a novel with a cause. we have created that and a lot of times people read it and say it doesn't happen but this is a real cause, and scenarios playing so we call them that. >> this one is hot water. >> correct. i love the title of this one, hot water, it is kind of my middle name. >> i imagine you feel that way. >> i do. >> tell us the plot and what took place and what the cause is. >> a.j. is a character really like all of us. listen everybody has problems in their life and work and
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challenges and she certainly has her fair share and she is a great character but this time it is a nuclear facility and a company is asking a.j. to come in because the community doesn't want the nuclear facility there. but what a.j. is intrigued by is that it is a shortage and they are doing medical isotopes, so she is doing that and it is uncovering the deceptions or secrets if you will that becomes the story and that is what she does. >> and this is in west virginia, very close to us. >> yeah, she is down in the south. of course she runs into a lot
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of different you know scenarios and obstacles, whether it be sabotage or an impending hurricane which they experienced down there to you know in count tiers with s with an alligator -- -- oh, my goodness -- >> -- that -- >> -- in her husband's death. >> yeah, it is very intricate -- but you know what? it plays itself out beautifully, and this happens in all of our lives and certainly in mine as well, and what starts out one thing turns out to be completely different and i see that playing out. it is a small world, but that is correct. >> do we look for a.j. in book number 3? >> we hope so, we are looking
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at a.j. possibly in a tv series, we have an option, one of the two. we will either get her into some more drama, stories, real life -- real life scenarios in a fiction, either in a book or in a television series so -- >> -- point out -- >> -- yeah -- >> -- website punched up, it is >> yes. >> -- occupy wall street. i am interested in what an advocate thinks of that? >> well, you know, i am always about a person using their voice but you got to kind of be focused on your cause and your message and i -- i appreciate occupy wall street. i am not certain specifically, what the message is, so i mean that is a lot of working that we have to do when we get involved with communities is getting focused on what the issue is and how you convey that message so in fact you can be heard, so while i am in
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favor of using your voice i am not certain what the overall message is. >> and we keep hearing that the movement is going to hibernation anyway for the winter and come out as something different in the spring, we will watch for -- >> -- thank you -- >> -- once again. >> hey i look forward to seeing you. thanks so much for having me. >> erin brockavich of course and thank you. and don't forget the eyewitness news morning edition will continue with more traffic and first warning weather right after this. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,d on to the
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now updated weather and traffic together, marty. >> looking at first warning weather doppler weather radar and what we are seeing here is a genuinely wet scenario. this is the best sun you will see all day long. going for a high of 51. we could see an inch plus of rain. now, here is sharon gibala with wjz traffic control, good morning. >> hi marty. form that rain is missing the morning rush hour. we have one accident there, all lanes blocked there. we have fire activity in the city blocking east 25th street. that is closed there. there is a look at your speeds on the beltway, no delays.
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i think a lot of people are talking an extended holiday. a live look outside, 95 south still running problem free. we can say the same for the east side of the beltway at the francis key bridge. this traffic report is brought to you by your toyota dealer. jessica, back over to you. >> sharon, thank you. a turn around for charm city as the homicide rate nears the lowest it has been in decades, as of this morning we have had 195 murders this year, that is actually the lowest it has been in about 20 years, the latest homicide was on christmas eve in cherry hill, a man found dead in a home's front yard. a distracted driver is blamed for causing this crash on west cold spring lane yesterday. the two cars collided head on. firefighters were forced to one of the drivers out of her car, no word on her condition or whether tickets were issued. a man suspected of killing a woman and her son in new york
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turns himself in to police. officers say he walked into the police station and confessed to killing his exgirlfriend and their two-year-old son last week. he will soon be extradited to new york to face charges. investigators are still looking into what caused a fire at a motel. the blaze broke out last night in elkridge. firefighters from baltimore and anne arundel counties were called to help battle the flames, occupants were evacuated and no one was injured. the trucking company whose tanker leaked a sticky substance on to the turnpike says it may not be able to pay the roughly 1000 claims. it only had a 1 million insurance policy and the payouts are shaping up to exceed that. injury news for the ravens, david reid is done for the rest of the year, he injured himself in saturday's game and will need surgery to repair his torn acl. with a win sunday the
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ravens will secure a first round bye and a home game in the playoffs, we will bring you the game live sunday afternoon at 4:00 right here on wjz 13. the day before watch the wjz new year's eve special with complete coverage of the fireworks live from the inner harbor, see the festivities right here starting at 11:00. stay with us, complete news weather and traffic still ahead. we will track how americans are spending their money. shoppers continue to set records with another one just reached yesterday. we will get a full report. plus an update on the race for the republican presidential nomination. there is now just one week left before the iowa caucuses. you are taking a live look over baltimore city. the sun is approaching the horizon, sunrise will horizon, sunrise will official,,
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li s horizon, sunrise will official,, id li s m ba llral,was horizon, sunrise will official,, id unl m ba
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