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tv   Eyewitness News Morning Edition  CBS  December 28, 2011 6:00am-7:00am EST

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until you reach your goal. nicoderm cq. quit one day at a time. this is wjz tv, wjz hd, and, baltimore. >> good morning, maryland. now don scott, marty bass, and the latest breaking news from wjz's news team, your first warning weather, and wjz traffic control with sharon gibala. it is wjz. >> good morning, everyone, it is 6:00, i am jessica kartalija in for don, we have weather and traffic, let's go to marty.
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>> good morning, everyone. man, i hate it when we get it right, a forecast like that anyway. those are your temperatures. figure dinnertime but 37, 38 degrees, all right, jess, take it away. >> all right, marty, thanks, now over to sharon in traffic control, good morning. >> hi, jess, good morning, everyone, it has been a busy morning, the good news is we have cleared up that problem. we still have this one, we still have a truck fire blocking a lane there. traffic seems to be getting by though without a delay. also watch for an accident in the city, shannon drive at ramona. the intersection is blocked there, another accident in fallston. fire activity also in the city blocking robert street. pressman is your best bet. there is a look at your speeds on the beltway. still at other close to average. there is a look at the top
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side, still empty at york road, remember wjz 13 is always on so for traffic information anytime you can always log onto back over to you. >> here is what people are talking about. monique griego explains what could be behind it. >> reporter: good morning. the pentagon says it can't pinpoint an exact reason but believes victims may be feeling more comfortable in coming forward. a new 121 page pentagon report shows a rise in the number of reported sex assaults at the top three military academies, the naval academy, the west point one and the one in colorado springs. they rose to 65 this year, an
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increase over time. >> over time we have allowed more and more participation by women and they should be free from sexual harassment of any kind. >> what is behind the rise? they point to this case. he was kicked out of the academy for conduct unbecoming of an officer. they say that have made it a more open environment to report crimes. they say they take it seriously. we have zero tolerance for this behavior. within the last year they had 22 inspects compared incidents compared to the year before. >> they include training over all 4 years of the program. police are searching for a man who hid in the back seat of
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a woman's car and robbed her when she got in. after that robbery he took off be helped the apartment building. laid off without notice, that is reportedly what happened to them. according to our partner the owner did not give the required notice to workers. they are expected to be out of a job until march. imagine striking it rich with just a few clicks of your computer mouse, as mike hellgren explains on-line lottery could be coming here to maryland. >> reporter: you could soon be able to play the maryland lottery on-line. the justice department cleared the way, changing an interpretation of law dating back 50 years. now web ticket sales are considered legal. >> if they want to sell them on line i don't think that is a -- encroaching on anything or making the problem worse, i think they are already sort of
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pretty widely available. >> they are helping with the short fall. on-line revenues could top 250 million dollars. >> we are the 4th highest source of revenue for the state. >> last year it brought in 500 million dollars, that went to everything from public safety to roads to education. overseas the united kingdom sales tickets on line and has not seep a reduction in visits to store. >> we don't believe that looking at this option would hurt our traditional lottery retailers, in fact it would probably help them over the long-term by introducing new players to the lottery. >> this would all need to be approved by the general assembly, state lottery officials are collecting public comments and hope to make a decision on whether to move forward in the next few weeks. >> the lottery says it would consider limits open spending to encourage responsible gaming. baltimore county police are asking for the public's help in tracking down a thief who stole
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a culturally significant quilt from the museum, it was taken from the benjamin bannicker museum. authorities have not said how much it is worth. it is a christmas to forget for one family, who saw their gifts disappear from right out from under the tree. meghan mccorkell explains what happened and how a community is rallying to help. >> reporter: smiling faces, something they have not seen on their three children in days. christmas eve night their house was broken into, the gifts under the tree all gone. >> i was upset. i was -- i was mad. >> it just felt terrible. >> then i could not see my kids face on christmas morning. >> the burglars broke in through this tiny window in the basement then came in the back door. they stole gifts, electronics
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even her wedding ring. >> i have been just angry you know at how someone could be so heartless as to come in on a day like christmas eve and completely tear your family apart. >> police lifted fingerprints but still no arrests. the family says someone in this neighborhood must have seen people walking out of their home with televisions and christmas presents. they just want someone to come forward. since word got out of the burglary the community has come together. >> we got a lot of phone calls from different people that wanted to help us. >> now donated toys fill their living room. >> they helped us get our christmas back. >> the family tells me while they are very grateful for the donations, the big gift they want, those burglaries behind bars. >> they say they plan to move out of their home because they no longer feel safe there.
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turning to sports an impressive performance by the wide receiver. take a look at this. the quarterback fires a throw down the field. he is there to make a catch with one hand. purdue got the win in the end but white broke the record for career receiving yards. and high recognition for some baltimore ravens. seven members of the team have been selected to play in the pro bowl, ray lewis will be there for the 13 time. already headed there terrell suggs, ed reed, ray rice, vontae leech, halote noda and a guard who will be a back up. we will bring you the game live at 4:00 right here on wjz 13. >> let me tell you how pumped up our friends in pittsburgh are about that game. i literally just walked back in the studio, just did about five
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minutes of -- of -- of radio -- on kdka pittsburgh, our sister cbs radio station. >> uh-huh. >> in the steel city -- >> what did they say -- >> -- talking about ravens- bengals and they confirmed, there is anecdotal evidence -- we just talked about this, that a lot of steelers fans are going to make the drive and go to that game to root against the ravens. last home game in bengal -- the last home game in cincinnati according to their morning radio show host, who i was just done with, there were no shows there, that would never happen here, would never happen in pittsburgh, so we know for a fact anecdotally there is going
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to be a lot of those fans there to root against them and i think there is going to be a lot of ravens fans there. wouldn't it be hysterical if it would by purple and black and gold -- >> i just can't believe they would miss their own game -- >> -- take a 4 hour trip get about half loaded because it is new year's day and go root against the ravens put your -- put your -- i know you are going to have to mentally diminish yourself but put yourself inside the brain of a steeler fan. let's take a look at the day part. hey what are you doing new year's huh? let's go root against the ravens, come on -- >> -- that -- >> -- lived -- >> that -- >> -- that -- >> -- daytime high, call it the
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upper 30s by dinnertime. 32 degrees, this evening. huge round of applause for the ravens front office, mike schuh, let's be honest about the deal, you put seven guys in the pro bowl that tells you the front office is doing their job and they are getting the good players, hey -- >> -- exactly -- >> -- hand, those those stamps -- >> -- coming to -- >> -- no, that -- >> -- think -- >> -- cool -- >> -- stamps -- >> -- wow -- >> -- had this incredible graphic to look at this morning on morning edition. the stamps that are here, 600 million of them, well, they are in through the miracle of revealed, that building right there, the walters art museum, gary was nice enough to give me a tour, we talked about henry walters favorite painting and walters favorite painting and ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,y an unbelievably
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on my journey across america, walters favorite painting and ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,y an unbelievably i've learned that when you ask someone in texas
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hi, from kandahar, i want to say hello to all my family and friends. merry christmas. >> all right. happy holidays, at the 70 corridor, good morning, mount airy, 42 degrees with 67% humidity, we are dealing with a breeze/wind all day long, now it is up to 14 miles an hour, barometer rising, high pressure building in behind that deep low has risen to 29.62, two degrees warmer than yesterday. 31 though oakland, 37 cumberland, low 40s those places, 44 the district, 39 pax river, 38 westminster, 40 belaire rock hall and columbia, those are your temperatures there. so that low got north of the reg and just exploded. there is foul weather north of the area, there is a big
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pressure gradient, nature abhors a vacuum. those are your projected temperatures. tomorrow a sunny day start followed by cloudy skies with a high of 44. mostly cloudy friday, 57. the afternoon and new year's eve, sunny and 51, new year's eve clear, that is your temperature, that us your temperature on new year's day and the next day. over to you. >> over to sharon with traffic. >> there it is. watch for it. east joppa there. we still have that accident in the city blocking all lanes of shannon drive.
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the intersection is blocked, another accident still working in fallston, water vail road at veil road. a truck fire there. the left lane gets by at this point. i think the two left lanes gets by, we will check -- take a look at our traffic camera again in just a second. also fire activity in the city, robert street closed between madison avenue and mccullough street, pressman is your best bet. no delays out there on the beltway just yet. there is a live look at that truck fire area, 50 eastbound again just in the area of route 2. it looks like that is blocked. and also that. this is brought to you by your toyota dealer. jessica and marty back over to you guys. >> all right and let's go over to mike schuh. mike, i think this is a really large story -- >> -- yeah -- >> -- pal -- >> -- for the city and i think what is interesting, is jay
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cart, you, me, we are all transplants here so we have some perspective that maybe some baltimoreans don't have, which is we have big things like that but yet we are small enough when cool things happen collectively we can appreciate it. he gave me a tour and we saw an unbelievable painting. let me show it to you now. inside here true treasures, his collection, a gift to baltimore and tucked away here is the one he valued the most. >> dear to all of our hearts and henry walters favorite painting. >> his favorite. >> it was his favorite. >> painted in 1513, once owned by napoleon's brother, he bought it and in its day it made headlines. >> it was the first to come into the united states and created a stir. >> a dozen year across go the
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cardinal used this image for his christmas cards. >> in 1999 as i recall it at least the cardinal said he had an in with the post office and every year they do a stamp and he loved this one and so i thought you know this could be possible then years went by and i would get the stamp and it was chicago or the national gallery or it was somebody in the gety or who knows what. >> then out of the blue. >> somebody e-mailed me and you know i think the christmas stamp is at the walters. i said no it can't be, so they sent me a picture and there it was, so finally -- >> -- surprise -- >> -- total surprise -- >> -- that -- >> -- available -- >> -- 600 million of these. >> -- make the cut? >> radiate. >> world renown available
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downtown to look at for free. >> every work of art belongs to the public so i think they feel a sense of pride and excitement that their rafael, baltimore's rafael is all over the country. >> isn't that like a bureaucracy, you give them permission and they print up 600 million and don't even tell you they did it. really. you did it. i did that. if you send out cars go for your post office and buy them out, use them years and years and years from now and put them on and if the post office is still in business by then your letter will get there. so there are plenty of them available.
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600 million, they are available at a couple of post offices i checked and buy them up and stick them on a stamp to someone you love, so hats off to the walters and the others and they along with a lot of others are free and if it is free it is for me and they are off and a lot of families say hey let's go down and take -- >> -- that -- >> -- exactly -- >> -- amazing -- >> -- you know -- >> -- buddy -- >> -- say -- >> -- kids because a bam and the b m a, there is always something completely visual, you don't have to understand it, just go and look and the kids will go, wow, what is that all about and just start some discussions and i think what is what great memories are made of
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when you go see places like this -- >> -- cool -- >> -- sure -- >> -- bright guy -- >> uh-huh -- >> -- sticky -- >> -- come on, how long -- >> -- saying -- >> -- bright -- >> -- what is this -- >> -- guy -- >> -- sick -- >> -- before you -- >> -- watched him i was like what are you doing -- >> -- let him do -- >> -- no, i finally -- >> -- how long -- >> -- minutes -- >>,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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marty thank you. a zoo is welcoming its latest edition, check it out. it is going on permanent display with mom. zoo officials say it isn't just a cute picture it is important because it is endangered, 80% of that population has disappeared. oh, now next up this morning
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right here on wjz. >> reporter: a christmas day tragedy leaves a couple and their three grandchildren dead. i am mare mary bubala with what fire officials say caused that. >> good morning, everyone, a rise in sexual assaults, i am monique griego and we will tell you what branch. >> reporter: as their leader is laid to rest we will have the story. >> sharon gibala with wjz traffic control, if you are just about to head out we have a few problems already. we will show you about that, let's send it over to marty. >> she is trying ,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,
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this is wjz tv, wjz hd, and, baltimore. >> good morning, maryland. now don scott, marty bass, and the latest breaking news from wjz's news team, your first warning weather and wjz traffic control with sharon gibala, it is wjz, maryland's news station. >> oh, what a beautiful start to our morning here in baltimore, a live look at the skyline, it is wednesday morning, wjz has weather and traffic together, gosh, what a change from yesterday, marty. >> yesterday kind of got a
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little bit sloppy, like i said earlier i hate -- i hate it when we get it right when the forecast is like that. let's go ahead and take a look at the day part, beautiful, breezy at times, windy for a few moments, upper 30s now, 43 at lunch pretty much going to be the daytime high, that is normal for this date for the 28th of december, by bedtime back to 32, jess take it away. >> marty thank you, now over to sharon at traffic control, good morning, again. >> hi jess, it has been a busy morning, we have two accidents there, the latest one just coming in reported to be there. also a second accident near by on east joppa. we still have that accident in fallston. new information on that, that it is blocking all lanes, take that alternate. headed out on 50 eastbound richie highway, we still have that truck fire blocking the right lane and fire activity in the city, robert streets
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closed, take pressman instead. there is your speeds on the beltway, still above the limit. there is 97 at 100, no problems there. top side still looking empty at york road. this traffic report is brought to you by your toyota dealer. back over to you. >> sharon thank you, at the top of the news this hour the first call from connecticut where a home burns inside on christmas. >> 9 -- >> -- fire -- >> -- address -- >> -- next door. >> 5 members of that family died. mary bubala explains what investigators are saying caused it. >> good morning. smoldering ashes from a fireplace sparked the blaze. it was a tragic set of circumstances that caused the
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christmas morning inferno, the blaze killed them and their grandparents, who looked like and played santa. the five victims were sleeping upstairs heel the girl's mother and her friend stayed up late into the night. he took the fireplace ashes outside. but apparently left them too close to the house and that sparked the fire. fire officials say he tried to lead the girls to safety as smoke and flames spread. >> the male occupant told them that he had again delivered the girls down to the second floor, was leading them out but they panicked. >> more than 100 firefighters were there holding her back from going inside. she tried to direct them. firefighters braved flames to search for her children and
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parents. >> we are yowfs used to pulling them out. they tried but they could not. >> it is not clear if they had working smoke detectors, back to you. >> 4 firefighters were injured. a plane was forced to abort take off when its tires blow. the pilot kept the plane on the ground and called in crews. all passengers were put on other flights. still no word on a cause. this morning the pentagon is taking note of a new report concerning reported sexual assaults at the navel academy. monique griego has this report. >> reporter: the report shows the number of cases is not just rising here but also at others. a new 121 page pentagon report shows the rise in the number of reported sex assaults at the
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top three military academies, the navel academy, one in west point and the airforce academy in colorado springs. the number of reports rose from 25 in 2009 to 41 in 2010 and to 65 this year, an increase of 160% in that time. >> over time we have allowed more participation by women and they should absolutely be free from sexual harassment of any kind. >> so what is behind the rise? the pentagon points to the case of their all star quarterback, who was accused but acquitted in 2006. he was kicked out of the academy for conduct unbecoming of an officer. they say publicity surrounding that case have made it a more op environment for victims to report crimes. they say they take it seriously. we have zero tolerance for this behavior. the pentagon also has a new
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policy that requires victims to be transferred from their unit within three days if requested. jess, back to you. >> monique, thank you. in the last academic year the navel academy had 22 reported incidents compared to leave the year before. we are learning more about a lawsuit brought by the parents of a teenager who committed suicide after bullying. the parents received $225,000 from the school system in massachusetts. she hanged herself after classmates taunted her after she dated a popular boy. five students later accepted plea deals. we now know what caused the death of heavy d. a report excuse me revealed he died of a blood clot. heavy d, whose real name is dwight arrington meyers died after having difficulty breathing in his home.
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he was 44. overnight in north korea a funeral for kim jung il got underway. some are questioning whether the scenes of people crying were actually staged. >> reporter: 10s of thousands of north koreans line the streets to say a final good by. sobbing uncontrollably they waited in the snow for a glimpse of the casket. state tv showed them falling to their knees and soldiers pushing them back to keep the path clear. kim died earlier this month of a heart attack. his youngest son led the funeral procession. as a giant military officer kicked in the younger kim saluted his father. it has only been days since his death and his son is already hailed as the next ruler with titles like supreme ruler and great successor, washington is taking note. some believe it could mark a turning point for the country
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and its relationship with the rest of the world. >> it may very well be a moment of opportunity for north korea. on the other hand they are a nuclear power and have tested this nuclear power -- >> reporter: for now north korea's focus on grieving the loss. today's funeral comes after a week of mourning and like much of his life it had been shrouded in secrecy. >> a service will take place tomorrow. on capitol hill democrats are plotting their next move after a senator announces his retirement. ben nelson says he will not seek another term. the news is notable because analysts expect that voters will alect elect a republican to fill that opening. in the lead up to next tuesday's caucuses the republican presidential hopefuls are becoming more testy. mitt romney accuses gingrich of
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running a disorganized campaign. >> -- speaker gingrich not getting enough people on the ballot -- >> you know, i -- i think you compare that to -- what is it pearl harbor? i think it is more like lucille ball at the chocolate factory. so i mean you got to get it organized. >> in iowa they are in a head- to-head race. 5 years from now don't expect to see rick pitino on the sideline. at a news conference yesterday he announced he won't be coaching after his contract expires in 2017. he is the only coach to lead three different schools to the final 4. so far the cardinals are undefeated this season. several nfl teams including the ravens will have a good showing at the proball. eight players were chosen from the patriots and the 49ers. green bay and the ravens each have 7 players headed to
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hawaii. pro bowl takes place january 29th. the steelers will be looking for the ravens to lose against cincinnati, a game we will bring you sunday afternoon at 4:00 live right here on wjz 13. >> really all i can think of what a great compliment, what a great spotlight to shine on the ravens front office. give all those folks a huge round of applause starting with general manager ozzie newsom and working your way down, through those that literally scour the college ranks -- >> uh-huh. >> i mean the guys themselves play to a pro bowl level, but somebody has to say draft ray lewis, make a trade for leech. resign nada. this kid yonda out in the midwest, think he has got
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propotential? let's check him out. that is huge, that shows you level the ravens play owned on and off the field. big. >> big. >> huge. and they are. coming up on coffee with. jessica alba is now a mom and she wants to talk about protecting kids from toxic chemicals. i don't know if that mr. yuck sticker still works. maybe we need to be a little more proactive. sharon gibala has wjz tv traffic control coming up. we have got first warning weather. i have got the easy job today. just sunny skies. we are taking a break. we are ,,,,,,,,
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hello, how you doing? i would like to say happy holidays to my family back at home in baltimore, maryland. hope you all have a nice holiday season. >> thank you so much for joining us. 42 degrees right now with 60 -- i am loving those greetings. we -- we -- we been doing the
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greetings from afghanistan, we are now getting them in from kuwait. that is awesome, i could do that all year long. those are your current conditions. this would be a really fleet thing to watch over the course of the next 24 hours, watch it rise behind that deep low that passed by yesterday. when we started the show barometer was at 29.59, now two degrees warmer than yesterday. still chilly out there. those are your temperatures in those areas. 40 belaire, 38 degrees in westminster, so that low passed by the area yesterday, got north of the region and just exploded. now high pressure is trying to rush in to fill in the gap made by the low, nature abhors a vacuum, didn't we all learn that injure high school? it is cool. the winds diminish by tonight. a god run of weather to take us
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out of one year and start a new. normal daytime highs 43, there we are, partly sunny, the wind will temper that. normal overlight low 46, 22 tomorrow. tomorrow a high of 44, mostly cloudy on friday, 57, saturday 51. clear skies 31 overnight, new years day 52. monday sunshine and 44 degrees. all right, jess, take it away. >> thanks, now over to sharon. >> we have accidents to talk about. there they are. an accident in fallston still blocking the lanes there. take that alternate. that is blocking the lane there. fire activity blocking that street there. take your alternate.
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no delays this morning at least yet on the beltway. a live look outside at 795 south of franklin boulevard, looking good still there. 97 also problem free for the moment. this is brought to you by your toyota dealer. back over to you. >> well, thank you. this morning's coffee with is with jessica alba. the satellite interview furnished by safer chemicals, healthy families. >> please welcome jessica alba -- [ applause ] >> -- morning -- >> -- set a little bit. oddly enough jessica, we are not talking to you bought hollywood at all here but we are talking about safer chemicals and healthy families. >> yeah. >> tell me how you got involved and what is this organization. >> i got involved as a concerned parent. i am a mother of two and when i
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was pregnant with my first child i did a lot of research just on how to create you know the best environment for the kid and i realized that they -- and -- and actually i was shocked to find that there are toxic chemicals in so many products, in pretty much every product in and around my household and even in baby diapers and wipes and shampoos and laundry detergent, i mean everything has toxic chemicals in it so i am like there has got a be a better way and there has been to be a way to limit or at least ensure these chemicals are proven safe. because right now there is no safety. there -- there -- there is no method of testing and so i joined safer chemicals healthy families and -- and they are forth -- pushing forth this
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legislation to make sure that -- that we have a healthy environment for our families. >> and that is where andy gets involved. we have your website up the moment, again safe for families -- >> -- great -- >>, what is the organization trying to do osama obviously. >> sure, it is them as well as a number of businesses and trying to set up a system that most people think we have now whereby the government really would be reviewing the health and safety of these chemicals before they get into the products that you bring into your home and would restrib restrict the ones that cause health problems, a number of chemicals have been linked to that yet they get to be used in a way that really -- no one is minding the store and we need to change that. so it is the legislation and in the environment committee in the senate right now. >> now, this is a mom driven
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organization. how do moms get involved? >> sure. the website is a great place, safer there is a place to sign up as an individual. we also have a facebook page that has been active, a number of moms have used that in the last couple of months to organize stroller events outside the offices of their elected officials so that is another place to get involved on facebook, safer chemicals. >> is there such thing as the most shocking example of what we are talking about right now? >> i think all examples are most shocking. i mean, this -- even trace amounts of a chemical that could cause cancer to your child or any sort of health problem for your child is just unacceptable and it -- it should just be a right of ours as americans to have safe environments for our children. >> and i know a lot of fingers get pointed at china but it always floors us when we are doing news stories about things imported from china in
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particular that have all these terrible chemicals in them and apparently are legal over there so they can just come into our country. >> well, it is also because they are legal here because there are no limitations on these chemicals, and they don't have to be proven yet. so that is why we need to stand up and make sure that we get this legislation pushed through so that we do have limitations and things can't just come into this country that are manufactured somewhere else that are not safe. >> good point. >> a good example, the china issue was the katrina trailers. people might remember they put folks who survived it in these trailers that were leeching formaldehyde, the product was made in china but they made a sever product safer product for european because they have strengther rules and a dirtier product for us so we are acting
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like a third world country with these chemicals. >> i never heard about that one, jessica, our audience won't let us off the hook if you have a project we can talk about very briefly. >> actually i am launching a product line for children. it is called the honest company, coming out in january. i have been working on it for two and a half years, a completely non-toxic line of products, because i was frustrated. >> yeah, very -- >> -- created something, yeah. >> -- everything certainly tied -- >> -- yeah -- >> -- spending time with us and opening our eyes quite a bit. good luck in your campaign. >> thank you so much. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> bye-bye. >> we are going to take a break and come right back. again the website is chemical -- sever chemicals health, we will go to the traffic center and also tim's first warning weather right after th,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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now updated weather and traffic together. marty. >> good morning, jess and everyone. what a great sunrise. wait until you check this one out, forecast today calls for really clear skies but every once in a while a bit of a breeze if not a wind with a high of 43, exactly where it should be this time of year, 43 is your normal daytime high. let's send it over to sharon gibala right now, by the way it is almost 40 on tv hill. sharon gibala right now on wjz tv traffic control, good morning. >> hey marty, good morning,
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everyone. a few issues could affect you. two accidents there. an accident there also. truck fire still there. been there all morning, 50 eastbound. fire activity in the city, robert street remains closed. there is a look at your speeds. no delays this morning. looks like everybody is taking an extended vacation this week. we have not seen very many delays all week. there is 97 looking good in that shot. looking good also if you are headed out on 795. this traffic report is brought to you by your toyota dealer, back over to you. >> they are reporting a steep rise in the number of reported sexual assaults. according to a new report 22 incidents were reported at the navel academy last academic year compared to leave the year
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before. they attribute the increase to better reporting. hundreds of workers at the sparrows point steel mill say they were laid off without notice. according to our partner the sun the plant owner didn't give the requires 60 days notice to workers. they are expected to be out of a job until march. some local sears and k-mart stores could shut down after the store's parent company decides to close at least 100 around the country. sales for sears were down about 5% this holiday season. seven baltimore ravens will be going to hawaii for the pro bowl game. ray lewis and terrell suggs, ed reed, ray rice, vontae leech, nada and marshal yonda. stay with wjz 13, maryland's news station, complete news, weather and traffic still ahead. what a beautiful shot we will leave you with. we will have ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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