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tv   Eyewitness 11PM News  CBS  February 4, 2013 11:00pm-11:35pm EST

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>> michael york: the remarkable napali cliffs of hawaii's island of kauai. the mountain masif of torres del paine on patagonia, chile. ♪ the delicate beauty of the purple-throated caribe hummingbird, the turquoise glacial lakes of the canadian rockies. nature, in all her glorious
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splendor, beckons us to admire her magnificent beauty and explore her graceful solitude. planet earth's colorful and energetic beauty imbues the senses with awe and intertwines with our imaginations to become a personal invitation for health and healing. in accepting this invitation, we journey further on our own path of wholeness and by doing so, we strive not only for balance, but we also celebrate both our oneness with nature and the heart-felt happiness brought about by this reunion.
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[ seagull sounds ] [ splash ] to see a humpback whale gracefully breach the ocean's surface and as it submerges wave good-bye with its tail. to smell the sweet fragrance of the plumeria blossom on the gentle hawaiian trade winds, [ water splashing ] to watch in delight as you see dolphins play in the warm ocean waters. to see a hummingbird suspending in mid air flashing its mating colors or to watch a falling star in the clear evening sky this is to know and realize your connection to the natural world.
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given the chance, nature transcends all stress. through such enchanted alchemy as earth's snowcapped mountain peaks, glacial waterfalls, primeval emerald forests and precious wildlife, nature holds the power to take one's breath away yet at the same time she magically breathes life into us, stirring the soul at the most profound level. effortlessly, planet earth both inspires and invigorates the human spirit to the core of our very soul and in that moment of
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stillness, she offers a renewal to the sense of wonder and purpose in our lives. for this reason, nature, over the eons of time, has held a special place in the hearts of humanity as one of the greatest healing forces, providing a sanctuary to evaluate the deep-seated issues which often trouble mind, body and spirit. for many people, the healing power of nature is a return to simplicity. embracing a sustainable way of life, honoring the balance of nature and our place in it. in these difficult times of personal strife and planetary concerns, this earthly wisdom often bears repeating -- balance, simplicity and patience. [ scratching ] from the dynamic shear walls of
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the matterhorn in the swiss alps to the stunning peak of mt. cook on new zealand's south island, and the magnificent teton range of wyoming. for generations, mountains have captivated the imaginations of mankind the world over in poetry and song. tributes to beauty, refuge and the divine. sages remind us that this is humanity's attempt to honor and
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reconnect with the dynamic places we long to call home. reaching toward the azure heavens, these snow-capped peaks are said to reflect a mirror image of the human mind. a metaphor common to nearly every culture on the planet even those whose geography offers little in the way of what might be considered a dynamic landscape. moreover, the views from both valley floor and mountain summit offer remarkable perspectives, that together, combine to nurture a fuller understanding of our place and purpose in the natural world.
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mountains, we are reminded by sages and mystics, offer a profound metaphor of the human journey. what renowned mythologist joseph campbell referred to as the call to adventure. an undeniable lure to embark on a journey of spiritual exaltations, personal challenges, and victories of the heart. in doing so, we know full well that the ultimate physical as well as symbolic goal is to stand at the summit to behold an unparalleled perspective, thus claiming a personal mastery of each arduous ascent. these mighty fortresses of quartz and granite are uniquely an inherent, spiritual archetype of vigor and fortitude. for millennia, people the world
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over have regarded mountains as symbols of strength, stability, courage, sublime beauty and even curiosity. mountain cathedrals, it is often said, have the remarkable ability to forge dreams, inspire our greatest human potential and to invite profound self-reflection.
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moreover, they humble us with their grand stature. for this reason, many believe that mountains hold a unique purity, both in their visual beauty and in a less tangible but very real sacred energy that emanates from base to summit. and when a nexus of mountains and waters occurs, this beauty and energy is indescribable. mountains, whatever their size, have the ability to place any of life's difficulties in correct proportion to the bigger picture of life. perhaps this is the greatest healing quality of mountains. these thoughts are conveyed most poignantly in the words of poet
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nancy wood -- my help is in the mountain, where i take myself to heal the earthly wounds that people give to me. i find a rock with sun on it, and a stream where the water runs gentle and the trees which, one by one, give me company. so i must stay for a long time, until i have grown from the rock, and the stream is running through me and i cannot tell myself from one tall tree. then i know that nothing touches me nor makes me run away. my help is in the mountain, that
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i take away with me. mountains are indeed a dynamic visual force of nature, yet they offer only a piece of the earth's healing mandala. water and ice that, over time, carve the chiseled mountain faces eventually pool at their feet offering the balance of this healing dynamic. of all the earth's features, it is her bodies of water from healing mineral baths and thermal pools to tropical equatorial oceans that many people find serene and relaxing. like mountains, water in all its many forms, serves as a powerful metaphor for tranquility.
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peaceful rivers that allow the mind to wander, calm lakes that reflect the deep-seated wisdom of the unconscious mind [ ocean sounds ] and mighty oceans that stir the imagination with adventure and curiosity. a grandeur that reminds us of both our frailty and our highest potential. perhaps because we spend the first nine months of our lives in water, we have an inherent calling to periodically return to this element as a source of nurturing, cleansing and inspiration. water, it is said, is the essential element of life. more than just a means of quenching our physical thirst, water holds the power, both as a symbol and metaphor, of
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quenching a spiritual longing to reunite with the divine, however we choose to perceive this. it's no secret that one appeal of water, earth's unique transformative element, is its capacity to both hold and mirror many earthly colors -- from the aqua blue hues of the caribbean sea to the crimson reflections of sunlight at dawn to the cerulean blue glacial lakes to the reflected colors of fall foliage and all the hues in between. colors that mirror the rainbow of human thoughts and feelings. in all its many forms from moist clouds that parade over verdant hilltops to the polar ice that holds so many of earth's secrets over the
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millennia of her history, water is a beauty to behold. no less beautiful are the cascades of water over emerald lands that, unfettered by gravity, fall forcibly to the ground giving off unending showers of gentle mist. snowflakes. raindrops. streams and creeks that meander over the earth's plains and supply volumes of water to the mighty rivers. rivers that, in turn, feed the world's massive oceans that ultimately surrender to the earth's atmosphere her moisture thus giving back to the skies the dew and rain that once again fall to earth.
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it's a timeless process of giving and receiving. one of the many cycles of nature that replenishes human life. [ whale sounds ] [ seagulls ] >> michael york: indeed, water serves as a powerful metaphor for life, best described this way by lao tzu, the father of the taoist philosophy. the highest good is like water. water gives life to 10000 things with little effort. it flows in low planes not
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preferred by most and so is like the tao. in dwelling, be close to the land, in meditation go deep into the heart [ ducks honking ] in conflict, be fair and gentle. in speech, be honest with thoughts and feelings. in governing, honor justice and freedom. [ splash ] in business, be competent and do what you enjoy. in family affairs, always be present. when you are content to be simply yourself and don't compare yourself to others you will gain respect. be gentle, like water. all nature is sacred, yet in our minds and hearts some locations,
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above all others, extol the epitome of sacredness, some with features of human adornment like the grand mountain cathedrals that stand guard at the edges of the planet's tectonic plates, certain places on the earth, often noted at the confluence of waters, are believed to hold an unparalleled energy of holiness and like mountains, the vitality of water, in all its many forms continually serves as an inspiration for minds to wander freely, to give thanks and renew the spirit, as expressed in the
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words of this poetic passage -- the voices of healing waters are many. the streams echo to the rising cliffs she once trespassed, her waves sing a constant refrain to the beaches, her moist clouds whisper incessantly to the trees and mountains, soon cascading white ribbons resound with misty rainbows there is music in all of these songs and this music dampens my dry heart like a spring rain. yet the song i like best is the silent melody of gentle falling snow. sometimes her voice is a thunderous roar that begs for my
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attention, but mostly water's song is a celebration of life and i celebrate with it. i long to hear the voices of water as i dangle my feet in a cool lake, or wade in the shallow ocean surf, or drink from a cold mountain stream. the voices of healing waters are many and i sing with them. as a keen observer of his environment, philosopher lao tzu saw how divergent aspects of nature, like mountainand water come together to form a harmony of wholeness. one of the most notable sayings attributed to him reads -- stand like mountain, flow like
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water. to stand like mountain means to be strong, secure and stable in your personal environment through dramatic changes. to flow like water reminds us to move with, rather than against, the flow of those things we cannot change nor have the power to control. [ bird sounds ] the advice, stand like mountain flow like water is a gentle yet very powerful reminder to seek and maintain a sense of harmony within ourselves and the environment. a harmony that unites mind, body and spirit. if you were to ask any person what they like best about
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nature, you might hear one word repeated often in these conversations -- solitude. a respite for the soul. retreating to a deserted beach, walking silently through a cathedral forest, or standing alone at a cascading waterfall are moments we long to experience, even cherish during hectic times of strife and personal difficulty. time spent alone in nature allows us precious moments to pause and reflect on our lives, ♪ especially the resolution of issues and the direction we must next take on our own human journey. mystics and sages speak of these moments [ guitar solo ]
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of solitude as a time to center. ♪ a time to enter the heart. they remind us that in the quest to achieve the balance of life, inner reflection is as important as the external quest for happiness. to be alone in ture, embraced in seclusion among trees, breathing to the rhythm of the ocean waves, sitting quietly in the presence of abundant wildlife, one begins to realize that through nature's healing wisdom, we are never truly alone, as reflected in these words of lord byron -- to sit on rocks, to muse o'er flood and fell, to slowly trace the forest's shady scene, where things that own not man's dominion dwell, and mortal foot
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hath ne'er or rarely been. to climb the trackless mountain all unseen, with the wild flock that never needs a fold. alone o'er steeps and foaming falls to lean. this is not solitude, 'tis but to hold converse with nature's charms, and view her stores unrolled. there are those, of course, who enter nature's domain purposely to leave behind, if only momentarily, the world of man and all of its concerns and issues. these thoughts are conveyed so eloquently in this timeless poem by the revered chinese poet li
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po. you ask why i perch on a jade green mountain? i laugh but say nothing. my heart free like a peach blossom, in the flowering stream, going by, in the depths, in another world, not among men. [ birds chirping ] nature, in all her seasons, elements and breathtaking landscapes, reminds us that there is something greater than ourselves out there, yet
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something we are very much a part of and connected to. perhaps this is this reason why in times of stress when we feel disconnected, we find ourselves returning to nature -- her beaches, her forests, her mountains and streams. ♪ for millennia, nature has served as both a respite from daily cares and worries as well as a constant reminder to seek a balance in our lives and restore wholeness. in this time of perilous social and ecological imbalance, it is a lesson we must remind ourselves of daily. the indigenous cultures have held this wisdom deep in their hearts for millennia, just as they have known that the embrace of nature lifts the spirits.
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their voices share this wisdom in words such as these -- when the wind blows, this is my medicine. when the sky rains, this is my medicine. when the heavens are filled with snow, this is my medicine. when the skies become clear after a storm, this is my medicine. nature's ability to heal is both simple and dynamic. her means are both obvious and subtle. some describe the healing power of nature as an energy or vibration.
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a song that not only seduces the senses, but sings to every cell in our body. indeed, planet earth has a vibration, a resonance, now quantified through the field of physics, as the schumann resonance, but known long ago as the music of the spheres. science has now begun to understand that all parts of nature participate in this chorus of music. the leaves of trees, the cascading motion of waterfalls, even the chorus of whale songs are part of this earthly symphony. the songs of planet earth are many and can be heard each and every day when we take the time to listen. her repertoire is a harmony of melodic themes and gentle
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rhythms that give rapture to the heart and unite mind, body and spirit. these are the melodies sung by the voice of mother nature. these are the simple melodies known the world over as earth songs. to sit or stand in the presence of nature's splendor, one cannot help but acknowledge and appreciate the creative forces that coalesced to produce such pristine beauty. [ hummingbird's sounds ] to watch the rapid beat of the hummingbird's wings as it hovers over a flower to drink its nectar. to turn around and find yourself standing in the presence of a bobcat. to see a bear stand up on its
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hind legs gazing at a field of dandelions. these are moments where nature, in an instant of spiritual connection, takes our breath away. for many people these encounters become a mystical experience. elders from the indigenous tribes have an expression for this. they say, we have walked together in the shadow of the rainbow. indeed, these are spiritual moments and nature is filled with them. throughout the many cultures and geographic climates around the globe, the words wind, breath and spirit are synonymous. these currents of gentle winds


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