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tv   Eyewitness News at 5  CBS  October 31, 2013 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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stay plugged in during takeoff. the faa just changed rules on the use of portable, electronic devices on airplanes. wjz is live. christie ileto explains why the change is being made now. hi, kristy. >> hey there, mary. flyers can now listen to music and watch music videos on their cell phones, mobile devices, without interruption. that's many of us who are technically-dependent. but some of us are wondering, why is this all of a sudden "safe" to do now. >> we ask that you please power them off. >> reporter: you may not hear the announcement the next time you fly. thursday, the faa says staying connected during takeoff and landing is about to get safer. >> airline passengers can safely use portable electronic twices during all phases of flight. >> reporter: passengers can read, listen to music or watch videos.
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but they still can't call or text. >> i -- why have it so serious for so long and loosen up now? >> reporter: the faa said it posed a safety threat and interfered with air traffic communication. why the change of heart now? >> the committee determined that most commercial airplanes can tolerate radio interference from portable electronic devices. >> reporter: with one exception to the rule, cases of low visibility, you'll be asked to turn off your device. many passengers welcome the relaxed rule. >> i always said it was silly to say we couldn't use our phone. because it's a localize the circuit. it shouldn't interrupt the pilot. i'm happy to see someone agrees with me now. >> i travel a lot. and being able to travel and catch up on all of my shows will be wonderful. >> reporter: but before airlines ease the once stiff rules, they will have to expand the interference. >> reporter: and flight attendants tonight be policing
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the files. it's up to passengers to do their part. reporting live at bwi marshall airport. >> kristy, thank you. it's unclear how many airlines will start following the new faa rule in time for the holiday travel season. >> baltimore firefighters are investigating a deadly afternoon fire. vic is in the newsroom now with more on what happened. vic? >> well, kai. firefighters confirmed two elderly people died after being pulled from an elderly home. sky eye chopper 13 over the scene. more than 50 firefighters were called to the blaze just after 1:00 this afternoon. the fire appears to have started in a room on the first floor of the two-story duplex. but the exact cause of the fire remains under investigation. the man and woman were pronounced dead after they were taken to the hospital in grave condition. fire officials say the fire remains under control. >> the identities of the man and woman have not been released. right now, police are investigating a double shooting
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in baltimore city. the gunfire erupted just after 1:00 this afternoon, at 22nd and kennedy avenue. two people were shot. city police say one of the men had died. the second is in the hospital in serious condition. no word on any arrest or motive at this time for the shooting. a federal judge denies request by u.s. naval academy midshipman, accused of sexual assault to recuse midshipmen from the case. josh tate and another are accused of assaulting a female in an off-calf us party. they hope to prove undue influence prompted the case to move forward to a court-martial because of a heightened focus on sexual assault in the military. a story we have covered extensively. 11 students now face punishment. wjz is live with more on the fallout from the latest
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incident. investigator mike hellgren tells us what happened at annapolis high. mike? >> we're talking about bullying a student, using phones and computers. it spread fast and happened, despite tough new regulations and awareness of the problem. >> the picture snapped in secret of a student at annapolis high, passed around through texts, with classmates adding nasty messages. it ended up online. while the school declined to provide details, a spokesperson says 11 are being disciplined. >> said she got a lot of hateful comments a lot of negative things said toward her. i know she has friends helping her out, making her feel. pat o'holoran praises a mother's quick action. >> i think that was a good
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example by punishing them and notifying the parents. you just can't pick on somebody because they're different. >> here in anne arundel county, there are new social media regulations for students. dr. gabriel newman is a clinical psychologist. >> when you can do something at the click of a mouse, it provides to you a sense of anonymity. it provides a sense of detachment. >> everybody who gets that picture, who sees it, can download it into their computer. they can put it into their smart phone. we no longer have control of that material. and it's out there forever. we have to indicate a very tolerance for bullying. we really have to get to that point. >> now, it's unclear whether any students for annapolis high will face and penalties. the anti-bullying law was named for a 15-year-old named grace.
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she committed suicide last year, after being bullied. reporting live, mike hellgren, wjz eyewitness news. >> students at all anne arundel county high schools must take anti-bullying tutorials. a deadly rampage at the washington navy yard. now, the u.s. senate is investigating how the gunman got security clearance. federal officials say they are retooling the security system. including the process of reevaluating the behavior of employees and contractors who have access to sensitive information. in september, 34-year-old aaron alexis killed 12 people inside the navy yard building before he was shot by police. he had secret clearance, despite a series of outbursts and concerns about his mental health. intense criticism and calls for action continue in washington over problems with the government's healthcare website. derek valcourt has reaction from two of maryland's congressman on the problems and how they think it should be addressed. >> reporter: this is exactly
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what we thought would happen. >> republican congressman andy harris isn't surprised by problems with the rollouts of the affordable care act. he finds false with what he calls high costs of healthcare plans. and several are dropping 2 million people because they don't meet the recommendations of the law. >> second thing he should do is suspend the affordable care act until the exchange, until the website is up and running. i mean, really up and running. you can go from beginning to end and get a reasonable, accurate price quote on a policy. >> this whole idea of they, really means delay it long enough so we can kill it. >> reporter: elijudge cummings believe wills the problems with the website need to be fixed. but he believes it already saving lives and saving some people a lot of money. >> be patient. there are a lot of people saying a lot of negative things
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about the affordable care act. but they've got to remember what the motives are. the people who have stood on the sidelines, traying to fund it, destroy it, delay it. if they just spent a little bit of their time trying to help to make it the best that it can be, so that they might serve all of our constituents, we'd be far better off. >> that was derek valcourt reporting. now, those who don't enroll will face a tax penalty of $95. halloween celebrations are under way, including at the national aquarium in baltimore. and what better way to celebrate than carving pumpkins, under water, with 20 black tip reeve shark circling. the daring dave's name is emily anderson. and she is carving a shark design into that pumpkin. of course, the sharks insisted upon it. oh, my goodness. i think she just petted that shark as well. baltimore county, certainly
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a spooky sight. this house is decked out for halloween. including plenty of ghouls, goblins. and i think we saw it there before. a huge spider. taking a live look outside. we have nice and mild conditions outside. you do not have to wear your coat over your costume, which is always fantastic. wjz is live with first warning weather coverage. and bob turk is updating our temperatures. we'll start with bob. >> you bet. it is a warm afternoon. and a warm night on top if you're heading out with the kids really not bad at all. so far, we're staying dry. take a look at radar. there's been a little activity, well north and northeast of us. there's just a little more developing across west virginia. but it looks like most of that is going to pass to our west. unless you live maybe in frederick and hagerstown. cumberland is light shower activity. 70 in elkton. they just had a shower a little
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while ago. 64 in ocean city. 64 in oakland. seven degrees warmer than it was yesterday at this hour. and 13 degrees warmer up in elkton. just about everybody having a much, much milder day today than we've seen recently. it's a very, very warm halloween. let's take it out to tim live in perry hall, with a look at what we can expect throughout the evening and for tomorrow. tim? >> i feel like this is now my new theme song or something. you know? i was looking at a very nice mild afternoon and evening shaping up. as bob mentioned. here at perry hall, with the wjz mobile weather lab. 66.2 degrees with a light breeze. there is cloud cover. and your forecast tonight f. you plan on going out and about, trick-or-treating. 65 degrees or so. and maybe a touch of drizzle. the longer you stay out tonight, better chance it will be of showers. if you're going to be out tomorrow, the showers move on through. we expect that the rain will move on by us. they will get a little breezy. but it also gets a little cooler and clearer. skies will clear up. good bit of sunshine heading
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into the weekend. but temperatures will take a little bit of a hit. we'll get out of this range around 70. and back down into the 60s. and eventually into the 50s by the end of the weekend. here in perry hall, the house is owned by jamie and patrick and leanne. and airall out there, having kind of like a grave yard cocktail party out there if you will. they're going to give us a tour, if you will, of all of the things going on. takes about 30 days to set this up. they're still kind of putting finish finishing touches on it. >> all right, tim. thank you. still ahead at 5:00. new evidence released. a teen found dead inside a gym mat. who is reviewing the case to determine if it was a tragic accident or possibly murder? a halloween visit to the governor. i'm pat warren coming up on eyewitness news. breast cancer survivors tell the governor that early detection is the trick to treating the disease.
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i'm mike schuh. these high school students help to corral a runaway school bus, after their driver had a medical emergency. their stories next. a mild night to be out trick-or-treating. don't miss the updated first warning weather forecast with bob and tim. ,,,,
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it is 69 degrees and cloudy in central maryland. the complete first warning weather forecast is coming up. one of the safest forms to travel in the travel in the united states is school bus. that's comforting news to parents. but mike schuh reports, some students in rising sun found out they needed to take their safety into their own hands. >> high school hallway. so much energy confined in one
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space. but it's a different story on the way to school. >> and i usually lay my head on the window and listen to music. >> reporter: but what happened to these students changed that forever. >> we hit the dirt. and a branch hit my. >> they noticed the driver. >> he didn't slow down to open the dor for someone. and that's when he went into the middle of the road. and people -- a few people started noticing it was wrong. >> as we reached the intersection, he was going really, really fast. >> reporter: in fact, the driver, mr. rick, was having a medical emergency am. >> i'm trying to get up there as fast as i can. everyone is yelling, mr. rick, mr. rick, trying to find out what the going on. >> i tried to pull his foot off the gas and he was resisting me. after that, i grabbed the steering wheel, which he also fought me on. we ended up in the trees. >> reporter: no one was hurt. they got off the bus can take
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role. >> it was almost like a dream. >> it had all hits you -- it all hits you what happens. >> i think they are incredibly courageous. >> what this is a sheriff's salute, citizens award. >> today, the sheriff's office gave them a citation. >> it was quick action. and the leadership of the seniors on the bus was impressive upon. >> since that time, do you sleep upon the bus anymore? >> no. no. >> reporter: in rogers, week mike schuh, wjz eyewitness news. >> the bus driver is recovering. it is not known at this time if he'll be able to return as a driver. let's check in on our roads now. here's kristy breslin live at traffic control. happy halloween, kristy. i know you love this holiday. >> mary text is my absolute favorite. and yesterday was national candy corn day. of course i sent it over because i had to show my support. >> nice. like that. we have a lot of activity out there. it's a very busy afternoon. watch for a couple of accidents
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in anne arundel county. dorsey run. also in baltimore city, lom pard street -- lombard street at hanover. as far as delay goes, pretty hefty, 95 past liberty road. top side inner loop, just bumper to bumper there. if you're looking at anaerg speed of about 35 miles per hour. watch for delays as well, on the harrisburg expressway. and along northbound 95 from 32 past 100. then a slowdown from the 895 split over to whitemarsh boulevard. let's now go and take a live look. as you can see, pretty heavy on the beltway there at old court road. this traffic report is brought to you by papa john's. call or click online. papa john', to find out about the monday toppings for touchdown specials. pack to you. >> thank you, kristy. it's open enrollment for medicare and managed care
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plans. and there are a lot of things marylanders need to know. let's ask the experts. jessica kartalija has more. >> reporter: hello and thank you for taking care of that long intro. we can get right into it. what do marylanders need to know about the healthcare reform and the changes? >> the main thing for maryland seniors to know is that they are on medicare, they stay on medicare. that doesn't change. they don't need to go to maryland health connection or go to the exchange. they do get some extra benefits. they get preventive services covered at no cost now. those really important flu shots and cancer screenings and all of those kind of preventive services now are at no cost. and they also -- you know, that do nut hole of that gap in prescription drug coverage, the affordable care act is closing that doughnut hole. so millions of dollars seniors have already saved on prescription drugs and will
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save even more. for seniors who have children and grandchildren who maybe don't have insurance, they can go to maryland health connections and for the first time, will get federal subsidies and tax credits to afford insurance in very positive ways. >> okay. so you're taking a lot of phone calls here tonight. anything else you'd like to add before you go some. >> well, if you have any other questions, just call this phone bank. that's terrific. >> carolyn, thank you. looks like people are listening. they are doing just that. please call with the number. kai, i'm going to send it back to you guys am they'll be here. back to you. >> thank you. and once again, the phone lines are open. please give us a call. 410-466-1313. and you can talk to one of the experts. not a bad day outside. >> we've gotten a very warm halloween this year. still much warmer today. at 69 now. north windas the 7. the barometer falling. we'll come back and take a look
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at chance of rain overnight. halloween celebrations are under way. and we asked to see your favorite halloween pictures. harry potter. here's some that you sent in. to check out the complete slide show, log onto ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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we're in perry hall with the wjz mobile weather lab. and we're at the home of jamie patrick and leann. there is a host of goblins and ghouls lined you. they come in. it takes them about 30 days to set this up. and we're dealing with fog machines and goblins and bob turks. sending it to bob now for your halloween trick or treat forecast. >> let's take a look at what we expect tonight. it's a parm night. take a look at tems now. we're at 79. 68 in washington and easton. and even in oakland, a mild
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night at 61 degrees. locally, temperatures mid- to upper 60s, right now this time of year. it's pretty amazing. 64, rock hall. and as i mentioned, close to 70, across much of our region. light shower activity. around the central area now. nothing showing up on radar now. except you get up to the mountains. hagerstown, around hancock, very light stuff. another batch developing in west virginia. this looks like it's going to pass to our west later tonight. yes, if you live to the west, a better chance of drizzle. eastern shore. should stay dry for the balance of the evening. if you're heading out with the kids. as soon as it gets dark a little after 6:00, probably a good time to go out. it will still be on the dry side around much of the region. winds pretty much out of the south we via light wind most areas. but a lot more rain to the west of us we see here. the bulk of the activity is
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crossing over the ohio valley, with low pressure over the great lakes. that's going to stay for the most part to our north and northwest. we'll see some of this rain. but looks like the bulk of it. into tomorrow morning's trive yowl run into rain. until noon friday. as the bulk of that activity will pass through the region. but there's a frontal system. heavy rain out there. particularly in arkansas, missouri, southern illinois. 1 to 2 inches and even more in texas, louisiana, as much as 6, 7 inches of rain, believe it or not in those arealess. stay in the mild air. the front goes through the area. temperatures really don't change a whole lot, until friday night. cool down. saturday, another shot of cooling air. looks like the rain could develop south and east of us. we say in the mild air. southwest winds, 20 to 25. gusting to 30. definitely a small craft
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advisory through friday. and wind advisory for areas west of our region from frederick county west. bay temp, around 60. so tonight, later on some rain activity moving if. but very mild low of 62 tomorrow. 74 before things clear out. and beginning to cool down tomorrow night. showers and rain tomorrow morning. and tomorrow night begins begins to quiet down a little bit. it will still be windy most of the day and cooler for the weekend. >> okay, bob. thank you. still ahead on wjz eyewitness news at 5:00. the push to keep them behind bars. what maryland officials are doing to block convicted sniper lee boyd malvo's appeal. beefing up patrols on halloween in anne arundel county. what police are being looking for. >> i'm gigi barnett. in anne arundel county. details are next. all of a sudden, we see that they were turning north to alaska. like okay, something is wrong. emergency landing. how passengers on the flight
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literally took over a town they landed in. here's today's report from wall street. we'll be right back. ,,,,,,,,,,,
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it is 5:30. 69 degrees and cloudy. good evening. thank you for staying with wjz eyewitness news. here are some of the stories people are talking about tonight as ghosts and gob lins take over neighborhood streets tonight. police in anne arundel county are boosting controls, keeping
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an eye on something much more dangerous. wjz is live. officers are closely watching convicted sex offenders. >> reporter: they are treme teaming up with parole officers to make sure children stay away from homes where parents may find their worst nightmare. >> reporter: before the trick or treaters hit the cul-de- sacs, anne arundel county police issued a list of dos and don'ts, to convicted sex offenders. a strict curfew is in place. porch lights must stay off. and a no candy sign must be in plain view on the front door. police are also beefing up patrols tonight, keeping an eye on certain type of sex offenders. >> there are certain types of sex offenders who are prohibited with having contact with children on halloween night. that's because they're crime victims. >> reporter: officers have a list of about 70 homes that they'll visit, just to make
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sure. it's call operation lights out. >> my hope is that they're all in compliance. we certainly aren't doing this to embarrass anybody or to out anybody. but public safety trumps coming else on a night like this. >> they know not to talk to strangers and if the house looks like it's not giving out candy, don't go to it. >> reporter: but on a night like tonight, parents like karen cody are concerned. >> it's scary. i don't know of any in my neighborhood. but yeah. we worry about stuff like that. >> reporter: indeed, a parent would. well, chief davis says he will be out tonight as well, on foot patrol with his officers and those parole officers as well. again, sex offenders are not allowed to pass out candy to children. they are not allowed to come into contact with children at all in any way. mary, back to you. >> gigi, thank you. missay sex offender -- police say sex offenders caught violation will be in violation
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of their parole. lee malvo challenging his life sentence. >> reporter: maryland attorney general filed a document saying malvo's petition should be dismissed. he was 17 years old at the time of the sniper killing spree in 2002. he was convicted for killing 10 people and wounding three others. malvo is arguing that his life without parole sentence should be dismissed because of a recent supreme court decision, outlawing mandatory life sentences without parole for juveniles. >> malvo's accomplice, john allen muhammad, was sentenced to death. circumstances surrounding the death of a teenager whose body was found inside a rolled up wrestling mat in a high school gym. vinita nair has the latest.
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>> new surveillance video shows kendrick johnson, just hours before his body was found there. u.s. attorney michael moore says his body is reviewing the facts, surrounding the georgia teenager's mysterious death. >> there are several questions that must be answered or confirmed. first, what was the cause of mr. johnson's death? second, was mr. johnson's death the result of a crime? >> reporter: the body of the 17- year-old high school athlete was found last january in an upright wrestling mat in a school gym. the official autopsy concluded that johnson suffocated but his family had his body exhumed in june for a second autopsy. that report said johnson died from a nonaccidental blow to the neck. on wednesday, a judge ordered the relos of hour -- release of hours of school video. his family hopes it provides clues about his death. >> it's one step closer to finding out what happened to my son. >> reporter: the u.s. attorney said if he uncovers enough evidence, he will ask the fbi
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to conduct an investigation. vinita nair, cbs news. >> federal prosecutors say that even if they determine johnson's death was a crime, they may not have jurisdiction to pursue the case. >> reporter: the man who faces espionage charges in the united states for leaking private information about the nsa has a new job in russia, starting tomorrow. former nsa contractor, edward snowden, will be, -- will be working at one of the largest internet companies. snowden is considered a u.s. fugitive. some cancer survivors get in the spirit of halloween by trick-or-treating at the state house in annapolis. as pat warren reports, the treat they're looking for is funding. >> reporter: arriving in a pink limo, and clutching power purses. cancer survivors, masquerading as trick or treaters, arrive at the state's door step. >> i became a cancer patient in
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1997. >> i am ray two-time breast cancer survivor. >> i'm a two-time prest cancer survivor. and my two paternal aunts and paternal grandmother all had breast cancer. >> reporter: they had a list with 500 signatures, asking for additional funding for the state cancer research program. >> the breast and cervical cancer program is a program that picked me up when i lost my job, my family moved out. i had nothing. >> i'm going to be administering your chemo. >> reporter: 800 women will have died. the state screening program for women who are uninsured is a critical element in early detection. >> this is vital to me. through these programs, as you can tell, i said i'm a two-time survivor. it head save my life a couple of times. >> reporter: but the cancer society action net work says at that rate, many eligible women are being left out. >> we have learned so much. but we've still got a way to
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go. we're still losing way too many, too young. >> reporter: it raises the survival rate to 98%. later stage detection, 27%. i'm pat warren, reporting from afapolis, back to you on television hill. >> and the program also provides screens for cervical cancer. >> time for a quick look at some of the stories you'll find in tomorrow morning's edition of the baltimore sun. a report on embattled head fsa general on the council on foreign relations. a guide to the charm city fest income week at the single caret theater. for these stories and more, read tomorrow's baltimore sun. and remember to look for the updated forecast from we'll's -- -- we'll's first warning -- wjz's first warning weather team. boeing 767 makes an emergency landing in a community of only about 60 people.
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jarica duncan reports for wjz. on the excitement in cold bay, alaska. jazz when this delta airlines boeing 767 made its emergency landing in cold bay, alaska, the community of about 60 poem -- people got nearly 180 visitors. >> ever been to alaska before? >> no. and it's never even been on my bucket list. now i can add it to my bucket list and cross it off. >> reporter: the plane had departed from tokyo and was en route to san francisco. but wednesday morning, an emergency warning in the cockpit forced pilots to make the unexpected stop. >> all of a sudden, we could see they were turning north towards alaska. okay. something is wrong. but we were safe. >> reporter: as they waited for a replacement plane to arrive, the passengers took him to town. this picture shows some checking out the only local bar. luckily, cold bay was prepared for the plane. it is home to alaska's third largest runway. and during world war ii, it was a staging area that had a
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military population of about 30,000 people. about 20 hours after their journey started, relieved passengers finally arrived in san francisco, wednesday night. >> reporter: jarica duncan, wjz eyewitness news. >> and cold bay is about 625 miles southwest of anchorage. >> wow. what a story. we have breaking news to report. there's a house fire on harford road. >> reporter: looks like they have this fire under control. it's the second row house from the left. and baltimore city 5 fighters got -- firefighters got on this really quickly. this is harford road right at lake montebello. it's the best work jarpd. traffic -- workaround. traffic is really blocked. best workaround is going to be hillen road or erdmann avenue. reporting live from sky eye chopper 13, i'm captain jeff long, back to you. >> all right, captain jeff. thankstay with wjz for updates on this breaking news.
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and still to come. severe weather slams the nation's midsections. dramatic flash flooding that forces people from their homes. a new national report on concussions in youth sports. i'm monique griego. coming up, why parents say they're justified for being worried. trick or treaters are out in full force. and it doesn't get much scarier than that. we're putting the finishing touches on your complete first warning forecast. >> happy halloween! halloween celebrations are under way. we asked to see your favorite halloween pictures. here are some that you sent. to check out the complete slide show, log onto ,,,,
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all righty. tim is live in perry hall, with very, very interesting -- [ laughter ]
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he's with bob turk as well. tim has a look at your friday forecast. where did you steal that from, tim? >> perhaps overnight into tomorrow morning. tim, bob. take it away. >> i've had some scary faces. they don't get much scarier than that one. before tomorrow, it looks like we we start off possibly with a bit of rain. temperatures around 65 degrees to start the day. and 66 by midday. up to a daytime high around 71. we'll start to see clearing by the middle to afternoon. then it looks like things start to get a little breezy and clears out. for the next five days, we're sending it back in to bob. >> as you can tell, i've had better days. we've had rain on tap into tomorrow. about nantime. and windy. 74/50. a little cooler saturday, and much cooler for sunday and monday. 56, 50. and back up to 60.
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sunny to partly sunny skies on tuesday. a couple of chilly days. all in all, not a bad start to september. >> it may be mild here. but in colorado, folks aren't so lucky. take a look. they're getting taste of snow here. this is vail pass, colorado. this is the scene yesterday on interstate 70. west of denver. transportation officials shut down the highway. probably very slick there. it is a soggy halloween for the middle part of our country. jarica duncan has the latest for wjz. >> helicopters lifted people. emergency crews in northeast travis county used boats to rescue people stranded in their homes. heavy downpours trigger the the flash floods that quickly took over this neighborhood. >> it rains and flooded. >> reporter: carolyn duel and
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her daughter were among those rescued. she said flood wars rescued before sheriff's deputies knocked on her door. >> reporter: the overnight storm forced people to abandon their cars in the street. and tree limbs toppled onto power lines, knocking out electricity to hundreds. >> the threat of severe rain forced indiana's governor to postpone trick-or-treating at the governor's mansion until friday night. as a civil war rages on in syria. the government there appears to have made a significant step in the destruction of its chemical weapons. an international chemical weapons watch dog group says syria has destroyed its equipment, used to make chemical weapons. the announcement comes just one day ahead of the november 1st deadline. the inspections are part of the russian american deal to broker the 2 1/2 year long conflict in syria. police clash with students,
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following the red sox, world series victory. and that was it. an estimated 3,000 people crowded a residential campus area. the group behaves calmly until the end of the game as you saw. 15 were amherst student am no injuries were reported. a panel of experts is calling for action, after taking a closer look at concussions in athletes. monique griego has more on the findings. they stress the need for more attention to concussions. >> reporter: 15-year-old tracy struggled after suffering concussions playing football and basketball. >> i'd get nauseous, headaches. >> reporter: a new report says there is a the lowe don't know about the impact of concussions on children.
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the group is recommending a national system to better track them. dr. andrew tucker from union sports medicine agrees. >> youth sports is where the vast numbers of participants are. >> reporter: tucker, who was also the ravens' team doctor, says while the pros get most of the attention. >> the concern is just the number of either head traumas or concussions over the life span. it could be a predictor or a risk factor for problems down the road. >> football eyeglass hockey, lacrosse and soccer have the highest concussion rates in boys. for girls, it's soccer, lacrosse and basketball. and the panel finds helmets do little. >> it can block the force. but it doesn't top the concussion. >> we're asking athletes to talk about their symptoms or tell us, which goes against every fiber of their being. >> reporter: he said he is already seeing a small change in the culture, with more parents coming in, checking
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their kids for concussion. >> and doctors recommend children still wear helmets because they protect against other injuries including skull fract fractures. well, check in for eyewitness news at 6:00. vic is in the newsroom with a preview for us. >> hi, mary. taking legal action. city police files a multimillion dollar lawsuit. what they are claiming and who they are targeting. and relaxing its rules. faa makes a take -- change in. a young boy steals the show in st. peter's square during a weekend mass. [ applause ] the boy climbs on stage, as pope francis begins his speech the the pontiff looked amused, as the young boy refused to leave center stage, despite several attempts by aides and security personnel. at one point while the pope had
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a microphone, the young boy each took a seat in the pope's chair. >> that is so adorable. >> one of the people on stage tried to give him a piece of candy to get off stage. and he took the candy and stayed right there. i love it. stito come. the focus is on ravens running backs as they get ready for a trip to cleveland. >> mark has more coming up. ,,,,
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ranks are headed to ohio to face the cleveland browns this sunday. sports director mark viviano has more. >> reporter: the ravens getting ready to play the browns, with the benefit of extra rest from the bye week. and one raven who truly needed the time off, running back ray rice, who tells us this week, that he continues to feel stronger as he recovers from a hip injury. the ravens' running game has not been at his usual strength, ranking near the bottom of the nfl. ray rice is also expected to be
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an effective running. rice did run better in the game against the steelers. he knows he hasn't been at his best. rice tells me, he hasn't put any extra pressure on himself to carry the team. >> obviously i'm used to contributing. i just need to be race rice sunday. exuntd opportunity comes. i gotta make the play. linebacker jameel mcclain continues his comeback for a spinal cord injury that kept him out for 10 months. ravens try to make it an even dozen. you can see the game here on wjz. coverage comes your way sunday at 4:15. more on the ranks next hour. plus, navy gets ready for its
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annual clash with notre dame. and the red sox rule the baseball world. highlights and reaction ahead in sportsa the 6:00 am back to you for now. still ahead on eyewitness news. the family of a baltimore man who died in police custody say officer the brupale beat him. him. and then when you get up -- can i play?
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killed in police custody. family members of a police officer killed during a controversial arrest take action. if you're flying, this is a story you won't want to miss. the faa now allowing most device use throughout flight. i'm christy christie ileto. several students have been punished because of super bullying. i'll tell you the i'm pact of this case and why it's so serious. it's halloween night. how is the weather shaping for trick-or-treating? that answer is coming up. wjz eyewitness news at 6:00 starts now.
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wrongful death. >> the family of a man who died in baltimore police custody, files a multimillion dollar suit in the case. who is it targets. >> i'm vic carter. >> reporter: the family of a man who died in police custody, files a multimillion-dollar lawsuit. wjz linh bui explains. it's been over a year since anthony anderson has died. now his family has filed a wrongful death lawsuit. >> according to this lawsuit,ang thony anker onson died from police bruseattle. >> obviously more than anything else, they want justice for their son, their father, anthony an


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