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tv   Eyewitness News Morning Edition  CBS  November 5, 2013 6:00am-7:00am EST

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6:00. a live look at spaghetti junction downtown with a fair amount of traffic on it. sharon is watching the other highways and byways. and marty with weather. >> 40 degrees. as you take a look at the map, it's going to translate to a bit warmer by six degrees than this time yesterday and almost exactly normal for this time of day on this day. 56 at lunch on its way to a high of 57. we'll be getting into the low 50s as it's getting darker earlier, as we move toward the dinnertime hours. don? cold enough you may be reaching for the car heater. here's sharon. >> going -- good morning. i spoke too soon about no problems on the roads. we have two. one an accident in rosedale. just getting word of the one on golden rink. another at 29 at johns hopkins road if you're headed out on any of the major roadways speeds still looking good though overall. 55 as your average on the top and west side. 56 and 55 on 95 southbound.
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that is a look at the top side at harford road. there was a look at the west side at exit 17. now wjz has the stories people are talking about. here's don. we continue to follow the big breaking news from overnight. the search for a man who opened fire inside a huge mall in new jersey has come to an end. he's been found and has taken his own life. here's jericka duncan with the latest for wjz. >> reporter: swat team members stormed the garden state plaza mall in paramus, new jersey. a gunman opened fire just before closing time. police have identified the suspect as richard shoop of teaneck, new jersey. >> there was no one that was injured in this incident. there was no individual that was struck by anything. other than mr. shoppe taking his own life. >> reporter: these women came face to face with the shooter. >> out of nowhere he walked past the front door and is like shooting shots in the air. >> he paused for a second and just looked inside the store. i just froze. >> reporter: security immediately put the mall into
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lockdown. many customers and employees hid inside stores until police could escort them to safety. this cell phone video shows people being led out of the mall. >> it's the scariest thing when you see the swat team waiting at the door for you to come out. >> reporter: police work through the night clearing the mall making sure everyone inside was safe. >> we go store by store, room by room and that takes quite a while and 2.2 million square feet. >> reporter: cbs this morning senior correspondent john miller says police in new jersey have run through active shooter drills at this very facility. >> they are literally familiar with the territory inside and this dynamic because they've already done this search in the training mode. >> reporter: jericka duncan, wjz eyewitness news. >> police say shoppe had a history of drug abuse but say his motive last night is unclear. investigators say it appeared he was not aiming at shoppers when he was firing into the air. more details coming out this morning about the deadly shooting spree at los angeles
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international airport last friday. police say 23-year-old paul ciancia arrived at the terminal pulling a suitcase with a backpack on top. they claim he hid the lengths of his assault rifle by cutting holes in both bags. he's accused of shooting and killing a tsa agent and they say he shot two other employees and passenger. he remains hospitalized after being shot by officers this morning. thousands of marylanders learning pretty soon their policies will be gone because they don't meet the minimum requirements of the affordable care act. mike schuh live to explain. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. there are over 73,000 such policies in maryland, high deductibles, many exexclusions, basically only good for catastrophic medical events. they don't meet the standards and are being cancelled but now some of those receiving such notices are having trouble signing up for the new health care act.
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for two years brenda nelson has been glad to pay for an additional plan in case of emergencies. >> you never know what can happen. >> reporter: then this letter arrived, her plan is no longer available. >> it's very frustrating but more scary because i'm thinking i'm not covered so something should happen? i don't know what i would do. >> reporter: she's not alone. nine insurance carriers in maryland announced they will drop 73,000 members. >> in many cases the inability of an individual to not keep their coverage is because their insurance company has decided to faze out their plan. >> reporter: the maryland insurance administration says those plans are being replaced with stronger coverage that provides more consumer protection such as guaranteed coverage, mental health parity and prescription drug coverage. but when nelson tried to sign up - >> as soon as you sign on it's let's get stated, then wait, wait, wait. >> reporter: officials say they've dedicated more resources to fixing the.
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brenda nelson discontinued other old policy after pricing a new one. >> i found the quotes, printed them out, talked it over with my husband, went back to sign up and it was stuck on the thinking screen forever. >> reporter: because she dropped her coverage herself she's now uninsured and hopes the web site soon works. cross country, three million policies are being cancelled. mike schuh reporting live downtown. back to you. >> thank you very much. the president told a rally yesterday although some policies are being cancelled virtually every insurer is offering newer better plans. the baltimore county woman who hired a hit man to kill her husband is sentenced to life behind bars. karla porter given life in prison plus 40 years without the possibility of parole. her husband was killed at the family's gas station in east towson, she claimed she paid a man to kill her because he had abused her for years. she's the last of six people to be sentenced in that case. one of ariel castro's victims opens up.
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michelle knight is talking to dr. phil about the abuse she endured while held hostage in castro's cleveland home. knight is sharing some details including how she was often tied up. >> one of those large extension cords, he was tied -- i was tied up like a fish. i was hanging like this. my feet -- and i was tied by my neck and arms. >> dr. phil's exclusive one-on-one interview with michelle knight continues this afternoon at 3:00 on wjz. the baltimore city council is considering a ban on panhandling. some people say it's an uncomfortable nuisance but others say it's about people in need. here's kaj jackson with more on the proposal. >> reporter: emotions run high at monday's baltimore city council meeting at city lawmakers debate the issue of panhandling. one man interrupts the meeting yelling at leaders accusing them of trying to sweep the
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homeless out of view. >> you're out of order. you're out of order. >> reporter: the council president jack young ordered police to remove the man from the chamber. a bill before the council would strengthen an existing panhandling law. it would prohibit aggressive panhandling 10 feet from restaurants and shops and five feet from parking meters. >> there ought to be a safe distance before they can approach. >> reporter: opponents of the bill are furious and protested in front of city hall. >> this is just another way nor the city to tell the homeless that we're not welcome near the inner harbor, sports arenas, any hotels. >> reporter: the panhandling issue may force city leaders to try and strike a balance between those on the street trying to survive and area businesses trying to make a living. >> we do see a bit of a problem. a lot of guests comment. >> reporter: mta is the acting general manager of a trendy restaurant on charles street. he would like to see a panhandling solution that is fair to everyone involved. >> i understand there's tough
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times for people. just find a way to cut down on it in downtown baltimore. >> what we should really be focused on is ending the need for solicitation by ending poverty. >> reporter: the city council will have a second reader on this bill november 18th. i'm kaj jackson reporting. back to you. >> the downtown partnership supports the bill saying it will help businesses. carroll county may face a $10,000 a day fine for failing to implement the state's rain tax. the county was told to impose the tacts by last week or risk a fine. maryland's nine largest county and baltimore county are all supposed to collect fees for storm water management. in ravens news -- head coach john harbaugh speaks about the three-game losing streak. the ravens' latest loss in cleveland brings the record to 3-5, with the season half-hour the pressure is on for the team to recover and make the
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playoffs. harbaugh says it's time for the players to work on their individual weakness thes. >> stop that. make that part of it as best as it can be. if we do that and get better all the way across the board then we have a chance to get over the hmp. >> we can't worry about what is going on around us. who can help us, whatever. my experience is you have to win a game, take care of your own business and we have not been doing that as of late. so we got to find a way to get it back on track. >> of course the ravens will get another chance this weekend with the cincinnati bengals coming to town. see that game sunday afternoon at 1:00 live here on wjz 13. >> weather is going to be super for that game. big time sun. temperature 57 to 60 degrees. there shouldn't be a huge breeze around. today a high of 57. that is going to be a pretty good amount of clouds. big difference this time of year when you have shade and/or
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sun. we don't have a ton of sun on sunday. you can see these morning clouds behind ron as the sun is coming up on the eastern horizon. good morning, ron, how are you? >> reporter: we're doing great. how are you this morning? >> doing well. >> reporter: we're doing great. we're live, beau brooks, canton, pride of baltimore 2, 25th birthday. rick is the executive director. how are you? >> good, hi. >> reporter: pride of baltimore 2, 25 years. we'll tell you about the big party when the eyewitness news morning edition rolls on. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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my name is manny and i'm from baltimore, maryland. first warning weather. you can see everybody's hopped up a degree.
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42 in dc from 41. elkton still 36. 34 cumberland. 37 easton. now 38 in westminster. 39 bel air. 41 columbia. 40 rock hall and annapolis and kent island in the mid-40s. high pressure is in that position that it's dragging warm air up the 95 corridor. frontal boundary to the west will come through thursday, will not get hung up along the coast. it will be a cooler weekend, but bright and sunny and beautiful fall weather. 57 today, clouds breaking for some sun. maybe a little more than some. we'll see. mostly cloudy and 41 overnight. generous amount of clouds tomorrow. high of 62 degrees. call it low 60s on thursday with afternoon showers. frontal boundary moves through the area. here's the weekend, breezy friday though, 53. saturday the breeze calms, 54. sunday calm and sunny and beautiful for the ravens game, 59 degrees. here to catalog the complications on the commute, sharon gibala.
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>> good morning. we have two complications out there. none appear to be too serious. one of them is an accident in rosedale, on golden ring road at delegy road. an accident on forest -- in forest hill on route 23 at commerce road. on the beltway speeds are beginning to slow just a bit. 54 now on the outer loop of the west side of the beltway. 54 between -- on the beltway, or on 95 between the beltway and the tunnel. that's a look at 795, still plenty of space in between the cars there. no problems on 70 at 29. this traffic report brought to you by your maryland toyota dealer. did you ever sit back and dream of where you would like to go? toyota is ready to take you there. now is the time to find a great deal at let's go places. i guess it was 27 years ago, pride of baltimore sank donned - >> covered the story in puerto rico, yes. >> you were there for wjz. ron, hang on a second.
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take us back for a second. >> it was a rogue wind i guess that made the old pride capsize. it was authentic in such a way that the balance last could move -- ballast could move. several people did not make it. the reason for the memorial. >> isn't that the original mast? of the pride of baltimore? >> i think it's a replicale. the ship was never recovered. >> ok. point made though that when you go to the field there's a memorial to -- >> it's very moving. >> it is. we fast forward the tape. a group of school kids take a jar of pennies to the then mayor william donald schaefer to help rebuild the pride of baltimore which was not going to be rebuilt. with the jar of pennies he said we're going to do it. take it away. >> reporter: you're right,
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after the original pride went down, i think they called it a microburst, in puerto rico. there was no plan to build a replica. then these youngsters started saving pennies and people started to make donations. and it happened. the pride of baltimore ii getting ready to celebrate the 25 aanniversary. we're live at white house point, boston street. where the celebration will be. rick scott is the executive director with us. how are you? >> good. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. tell us with the pride ii, she's something else. >> she is. beautiful in every port she comes to. she's a replica of an 1812 privateer schooner and she evokes a sense of pride in baltimore, entrepreneurship in every port she visits. she has education programs that she's launched this year. teaching about history, about the uniqueness of baltimore students. >> reporter: some of the numbers, the pride ii, since it
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was commissioned in 1988 has sailed nearly 200,000 miles, visited over 200 ports in 40 countries. that is a real goodwill ambassador. >> absolutely. in fact this past year we had over 100,000 people cross her deck. >> reporter: amazing. let's talk about friday night, the 25th celebration of the pride ii going to be at beau brooks. >> from 6:00 to 9:30 friday night we're celebrating our 25th birthday when she was commissioned 25 years ago. we have a live band, open bar, hor d'oeuvres. should be a lot of fun. >> reporter: you can meet the crew by the way. and the captain. >> that's right. >> reporter: the pride ii is in chestertown now? >> on her way back to baltimore. >> reporter: thank you for joining us. pride of baltimore ii, and the original pride. what great history from the city of baltimore and state of maryland. we will celebrate it and observe it here on friday night. we're live in canton. back to you on tv hill.
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>> thank you very much. >> it's a maritime tradition, you're not supposed to rename a boat -- name a boat after one that has sunk. i told don on the commercial break, far be it for especially if tune himself to stand in the -- far be it for neptune himself to stand in the way of william donald schaefer. >> i was in nova scotia when the pride was there. separate but, i was there and boy, does it draw a crowd. still to come on "eyewitness news morning edition" - >> from penn station to new york in 45 minutes. from here to dc in 15 minutes. could that be reality? or does it just cost too much? ♪ hey, that's the last crescent! oh, did you want it? yeah. we'll split it. [ female announcer ] made fresh, so light, buttery and flakey. that's half. that's not half! guys, i have more. thanks, mom. [ female announcer ] do you have enough
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pillsbury crescents? so i should probably get the last roll... yeah but i practiced my bassoon. [ mom ] and i listened. [ brother ] i can do this. [ imitates robot ] everyone deserves ooey, gooey, pillsbury cinnamon rolls. make the weekend pop. everyone deserves ooey, gooey, pillsbury cinnamon rolls. mnever sleeping.g. ever saving. for him, her, and you. every day. but quality affordable health care seems forever out of reach -- until now. i'm doctor peter beilenson. with local doctors we've founded a new approach to health insurance -- evergreen health. neighborhood care, same day appointments, a team approach with doctors and nurses who get to know you. that's evergreen health. learn more at
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high pressure is just northeast of the area in just such a slot. and pulling up the 95 corridor. 10 warmer than yesterday with a high of 57. a new super train could change east coast travel forever. racing from here to new york city in just 45 minutes. transportation officials are once again pushing to bring 300 mile-per-hour technology to charm city and beyond as investigator mike hellgren explains not everyone is on
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board. >> reporter: it's a train like no other. engineered in japan and if some powerful backers get their way it's coming to baltimore. it blows the acela away running as fast as 311 miles per hour. leaving washington, dc you would get to baltimore in just 15 minutes. and on to new york city in just 45 minutes more. the abel foundation's robert emery is a big supporter. >> there are few if any capital projects that would have the impact on baltimore this would have. >> reporter: here's the catch -- it's expensive, perhaps $10 billion between dc and baltimore. so too high text prices, high construction cost and long building process, outaway the process. >> there's a whole bunch of pollution and shortage of fuel and we need to do this. >> i guess the key word we need is the need. i think maryland has a good transportation system. >> reporter: these trains would be unlike anything
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america has ever seen. they would move through the air without the friction of traditional steel rails and the route from baltimore to washington would largely be underground. >> let me make a general point about high speed rail. >> reporter: the president backs rail investment with the former transportation secretary are a lahood -- ray lahood touting it in maryland. >> we need to be sure high speed rail comes to america. >> reporter: japan promised to share technology and part of the cost but congress would have to pay the rest making it far from a done deal. in baltimore, mike hellgren, wjz eyewitness news. >> they use magnets to produce a powerful electric current and the cushion it rides on. the company that is pushing it here says it could create thousands of jobs. next up -- right here on wjz -- >> a white house memo shows the administration gave the go-ahead for the health care web site launch despite a high security risk. i'm susan mcginnis in
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washington, coming up, what a new hearing on capitol hill could uncover. >> 73,000 people in maryland are having their substandard insurance cancelled. now they are having challenges signing up for the new insurance. >> who is guarding the security? i'm derek valcourt at bwi with new calls for armed officers at airport security checkpoints. that story coming up. >> if you're just about to head out for the morning commute so far just two minor issues to get in the way. more details coming up. >> dorothy hamill issues a challenge to adults. on "coffee with" as the get moving campaign kicks off encouraging you to be more active. sounds simple, so many though don't. the lady who lives in the baltimore area. you didn't know that? joins us on "coffee with."
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it's exactly 6:30 as you look live at i-95 in the southwest corner of the city. sharon is checking out the traffic volume. marty with weather. >> let's look at the numbers. we popped up another degree. 41 tv hill now. that is going to be eight warmer than this time yesterday. pretty good amount of clouds around right now. we'll have clouds mixing with sun through the day. not unlike the sunrise that is going to appear. 56 at lunch, high of 57. 51 by dinnertime. >> how's the traffic? here's sharon gibala. >> good morning. no major delays yet but we're starting to pick up a couple of accidents. a new one on mountain road at joppa road. also watch for that accident that we were telling but in rosedale, golden ring at delegy. one more in forest hill on 23 at commerce roaded.
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on the beltway, minor delays, standard for this hour. >> that's a look at 70 at 29, no issues there. and a look at 795 if you are headed in from owings mills traffic moving there just fine. wjz has the stories people are talking about. here's don. i'm concentrating once again on the government's health care web site, that goes down for maintenance overnight. as time grows short for millions to shop for coverage. wjz has complete coverage for you this morning. mike schuh with more on marylanders now struggling to get or keep their insurance but first susan mcginnis reporting for wjz. >> reporter: remains under repair. a warning on the web site says between 1:00 and 5:00 a.m. everyday they will be offline as the tech team makes fixes. another hearing will be today.
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marilyn t taverner is in the hot seat again. a senate committee could ask about a white house memo showing that four days before october 1st the government granted itself a waiver to launch the web site with a level of uncertainty deemed a high security risk. >> let's face it, a lot of people didn't realize that passing the law was the easy part. >> reporter: the president tried humor monday to reassure americans the web site and his health care law will work. republicans say this is a serious issue. >> because this is much more than a failed web site. real people who are facing real health care problems are being hurt. >> reporter: the president continues to tell americans they have options. >> they can still apply for coverage by phone, by mail, in person, there was a time when the internet didn't exist. >> reporter: but the president didn't mention what notes from a congressional committee show that all applications including those made by phone and on paper eventually go through that web
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site. in washington, susan mcginnis, wjz exit eyewitness news. >> the affordable care act is also prompting insurance companies to drop the coverage of 70,000 marylanders. mike schuh live in explain. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. those 73,000 policies are being dropped because they are not good enough but now those people who had them are having trouble signing up for the new policy. for two years brenda medicalson has been glad to pay for an additional plan in case of emergencies. >> medical costs are crazy, you never know what can happen. >> reporter: then this letter arrived. her plan is no longer available. >> it's very frustrating but more scary because i'm thinking i'm not covered. should something happen i don't know what i would do. >> reporter: she's not alone. nine insurance carriers in maryland announced they will drop 73,000 members. >> in many cases the inability of an individual to
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not keep their coverage is because their insurance company decided to faze out their plan. >> reporter: the maryland insurance administration says those plans are being replaced with stronger coverage that provides more consumer protection such as guaranteed coverage, mental health parity and prescription drug coverage. but when nelson tried to sign up? >> as soon as you sign on it's let's get started, then wait, wait, wait. >> reporter: the officials in maryland say they dedicated more resources to fixing the issues. nelson discontinued her old policy after pricing a new one. >> i found the quotes, printed them out. talked them over with my husband. went back to sign up and it was stuck on the thinking screen forever. >> reporter: but because she dropped her coverage herself she's now uninsured and hopes the web site soon works. >> it's stimed there are three -- it's estimated there are three million policies nationwide that don't meet the new standard and are being cancelled. >> the president told a rally yesterday though some policies are being cancelled virtually
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every insurer is offering newer better plans. in new jersey, breaking news from overnight. a huge mall remains closed after a man opens fire in it last night. swat teams surrounded the garden state plaza mall in paramus beginning just after 9:00 last night. shoppers and workers ran for cover when a man was walking around inside firing shots into the air. police say officers entered the building and after hours of searching located a man dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. no injuries are reported. police say it doesn't appear the 20-year-old was aiming at shoppers when he opened fire. the attack at los angeles international airport last friday is having many calling for increased security in airport terminals nationwide. as derek valcourt explains this morning some say it's time to start arming tsa agents. >> reporter: in the wake of friday's shooting rampage at l.a.x. federal authorities are promising a full review at security and airports around the country. >> the responsibility for
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protecting airport security is not a tsa function but something i think we need to examine given what happened in los angeles. >> our officers and tsa in general are vilified constantly. >> reporter: he's with the union that represents 45,000 tsa workers, now calling for some of those tsa agents to carry firearms on the job. >> we're not advocating at this time that all 45,000 officers be armed. we believe that creating a layer of security within tsa where there are law enforcement officers at tsa that are -- would provide like a nationwide law enforcement force to back up our officers and secure those checkpoints. it's something that needs to be examined. >> reporter: global aviation security expert rafi rahn says arming tsa officers would be a mistake but agrees in an armed officer at tsa checkpoints. >> if there was a dedicated person carrying a firearm in this location who is familiar
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and well trained among others with behavior detection techniques we would have been in a much better position. >> reporter: travelers now have mixed feelings. >> i don't think we should get into a situation where we're arming people in public places. >> i was against it at first but i think they should be armed. i think it's a great idea. >> reporter: federal authorities are promising a full review of security at airports around the country in light of friday's shooting. derek valcourt, wjz eyewitness news. >> tsa agents across the country are wearing black bands on badges in honor of the first of their number to be killed in the line of duty. in oklahoma a group of men say a hunt for big foot ended in an accidental shooting. the roger county sheriff's office say a man with a gunshot wound claimed he and his friends were looking for sas sasquatch when they heard someone shooting at them and fired back. the officer said they later changed their story saying something startled them and they shot at each other.
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they face several charges. a hagerstown woman is out on bail charged in the death of her 2-month-old. police say 22-year-old yadina march ralless was intoxicated and passed out while breast feeding her daughter. they say when she woke up the child was under her, wasn't breathing. the baby later pronounced dead at the hospital. she's charged with manslaughter and second degree child abuse. new concerns this morning in the wake of a fatal dog attack in this city. the incident is renewing calls for the state to ban all pit bulls. >> reporter: 56-year-old terry douglas is the latest victim in baltimore city to be killed by a pit bull. a dog she raised since it was a puppy. >> raised it from it's youth you never expect that to happen. >> reporter: a murder tony says never should have happened. >> i have said, i'm on the record saying it will happen and it will happen with these dogs. >> reporter: in 2007 his
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son was attacked by a pit bull and barely survived. >> its claw hit me in the chest. then pretty much tackled me and bit me on the face. >> reporter: this year maryland's highest court labeled pit bulls inherently dangerous. reports show doug you last and family member had been bit by the dog in the past. why the dog was returned to towing last after it attacked her remains a huge question that is unanswered. we tried to speak with health officials here at the city health department, they would not go on camera but released a statement saying they kept the dog for 10 case, checked it for -- 10 days, checked it for rabies and didn't find it a threat to public safety. >> this is really a problem of policy and a problem they are aware of. and the only time it gets addressed is when we have horrific incidences. >> advocates for pit bulls say the breed is not to blame. >> i don't think pit bulls are more likely hand any other breed of dog to do any other damage. >> reporter: douglas was in
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a wheelchair and reportedly suffered from cerebral palsy. she may have fallen on to the dog when it attacked her. >> more than 4.5 million people are bitten by dogs every year in this country. an nfl player is suspended indefinitely as new details emerge about harassment in the miami dolphins locker room. the league is investigating allegations against veteran offensive lineman richie i incognito. they say he repeatedly harasseddity . jonathan martin and it went way beyond rookie hazing. including racial slurs and physical threats. martin left the team last week and filed an official complaint with the nfl. a rivalry played out on "monday night football" and it was a very physical game as the packers took on the bears. green bay packer quarterback aaron rodgers took the worst of it. that tackle there hurt his
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shoulder. he didn't return for the rest of the game. without him the packers had trouble keeping pace with the bears. chicago wins it 27-20. >> a couple of things. last night, "monday night football" countdown. everybody but one guy picked green bay packers. the legend of ditka continues. ditka said i don't care what you guys think. i see it different, the bears. you can imagine chicago. you can only imagine. all right? secondly, i was just on twitter reading adam schecter's tweets. he's on espn. he and chris mortonsen, basically the insiders if you will. he's been putting up the tweets and comments from incognito to martin. >> i've seen some of them, yes. >> oh, now incognito is
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challenging schecter. he says you know where i am, bring it. this is a big story. it's getting bigger and slightly out of hand at this time. it's going to cross sports, just into a discussion of the workplace environment. >> it will. >> take our word on it. the one guy that picked the bears last night. got to love it. coming up on "coffee with," olympic gold medalist and honest to goodness american olympic icon, dorothy hamill joins us. she's great. she lives around here. you see her every once in a while. a fine person. she's pushing a new campaign to encourage adults to get moving. sounds simple but so many of us don't. dorothy is going to change that. sharon with traffic, we've got first warning weather. we'll look at the week's end and week when we come back. ,,,,,, good morning nelly! woah.
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hey! have you ever tried honey nut cheerios? love 'em. neat! now you on the other hand... you need some help. why? look atchya. what is that? you mean my honey wand? [ shouting ] [ splat ] come on. matter of fact. [ rustling ] shirt. shoes. shades. ah! wow! now that voice...
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my voice? [ auto-tuned ] what's wrong with my voice? yeah man, bee got swag! be happy! be healthy! that's gotta go too. ♪ hey! must be the honey! [ sparkle ] sweet.
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hi, my name is phoebe, i'm from baltimore city. good morning, wjz. >> it's 41 degrees now. calm winds, 67% humidity. barometer high at 30.60. this time yesterday it was at 30.57. clear scan first warning doppler style, once the sun comes up you're going to see a fairly decent amount of clouds in the area.
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41 degrees on tv hill. is itself going to be eight degrees warmer than this time yesterday. this afternoon 57. we will have a temperature 10 degrees warmer than yesterday's 47. 56 on its way to a high of 57. it gets dark early so the evening temperature really starts to drop. tomorrow and thursday we'll be in the low 60s. thursday afternoon some showers, cold front moves through the area. friday, saturday and sunday, sunny with temperatures in the mid-50s. breezy on friday, still a little breezy saturday. sunday perfect for the game day. the rush now from sharon gibala. >> good morning. in addition to a handful of accidents we are starting to look at some delays. first we'll talk about those accidents. one of them just in on route 7 at campbell boulevard. that involving a motorcycle. another accident on mountain road just south of belair road. watch for a crash in rosedale, golden ring at
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delegy. another in forest hill route 23 at commerce road. now a caution i should say, fire activity on 40 near normandy woods drive. if you're headed to the beltway, speeds still slow on the west side. 95 southbound still running pretty well but that is a look at 795, you can see now backing down, plenty of brake lights there. there is a look at 70, not so bad at 29. this traffic report is brought to you by your maryland toyota dealer. did you ever dream of the places you would like to go? toyota is ready to take you there. now is the time for a great deal. go to buyatoyota dom co. the our "coffee with" is with dorothy hamill. dorothy hamill, welcome back to the morning edition. what's up, doc? how's it going? >> i missed guys. >> you need to come by and say hello. >> i know, we have not been in baltimore in a little while
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but we'll be there in couple of weeks. >> where have you been? >> let's see, i've been skating a little bit. i had a camp in arizona. right now i'm working on this get moving america campaign. for adults with osseo arthritis. that is -- osteoor taillighties. that's what i'm in the process of doing now. we teamed up with astroint zen -- astra zeneca. for people with osteo arthritis. we have a facebook page, page it's gentle exercises. we'll donate a dollar to the
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arthritis foundation every time you log on. you get tips and video clips. it's important to keep moving if you have osteoarthritis the natural thing is to not want to move because it works. i have it in my neck. so i have to really keep on top of it. so we want a resource and community for people to learn how to manage theirs if they have it. >> great idea. >> yeah, how are you doing? >> doing great. i'm reminded, satchel page always said you have to keep moving. this is sage advice for the longest time. why do people -- why do you think people throw in the towel? have a couple of aleves and go take a walk. >> i know, i know. i don't know. i think -- i'm sure all of my falling, crashing into the boards, at 90 miles per hour didn't help. but that -- when you're in
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pain you just don't want it to hurt so you just think if you are being still but keeping the joints lubricated and if you log on to our -- the web site and the facebook page we'll show you, there will be demonstrations of exercises and gentle stretching, of things that one can do for their osteoarthritis. our fitness trainer terry walsh will be demonstrating so you can customize it to whatever part of the body you need the help. so. i mean, modern medicine is great. but i think getting -- keeping moving doesn't mean marathon or anything. it is just gentle exercises and stretches. it's really what will help. >> do you stretch before you get out of bed? while still in bed do you start your stretching? seriously? >> do i start dressing? before i get out of bed? >> no, stretching while you're in bed. >> oh, stretching.
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sorry. i wondered. >> believe it or not the other question was a lot cooler and probably would get a better answer. >> i was looking forward to the answer actually. >> i know we're friends - >> having said that, do you start even before you stand up? >> you know, i don't. i don't. but for all the skating and everything that i've done i've always stretched. that kind of stretching that i did and do for skating is different than what i do for the arthritis in my neck. it's just sitting down, doing this and it's -- half of it is just remembering to do it. >> sure. >> not only do i have to remember to do it, i have to do it. >> wait a minute. dorothy, let's go back to the cooler question. do you start dressing while you're in bed? there you go. >> i don't know. >> listen, we've only got about a minute left. we were talking before we rolled the tape, we were
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getting ready in 20 minutes to interview a young man who is apparently the heir apparent of apollo ono. >> short track. >> yes. the olympics have just come upon us. i mean, this is quick. they start real soon. are you excited? >> i'm very excited. i am really excited. i know. the london olympics just two years ago were incredible but it does seem as though the winter olympics were, i can't even remember when they were but they are going to have a tough act to follow because vancouver was special. i can't wait to see the new young athletes. every year i get older and they just don't get older. >> again, what is the facebook page and/or web site? >> ok. it's ameri ca. >> will you come back and we'll continue this conversation? >> ok. i will.
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take care you guys. >> you too. >> check out that facebook page. not a bad idea. we'll be right back. ,,,,,,,,
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i'm a blacksmith and i love two things. making skillets and filling them with liquid gold. yes. happy birthday! it's a painting easel! the tide's coming in! this is my favorite one. it's upside down. oh, sorry. (woman vo) it takes him places he's always wanted to go. that's why we bought a subaru.
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i'm a blacksmith and i love two things. making skillets and filling them with liquid gold. yes. here are your updates from sharon and marty. >> 41 on tv hill. by lunch 56 going to a high of 57. here's sharon with traffic control. >> good morning. traffic definitely slowing on the major roadways.
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we also have a couple of accidents still. one involving a motorcycle on route 7 at campbell boulevard. another in mountain just south of bel air. in rosedale golden ring and delegy, forest hill route 23 and commerce. 40 at normandy wood drive. 95 still running full speed but look at the traffic camera on the top side of the beltway it looks like it's slowing down there at harford road. there is a look at 795, definitely slow from owings mills boulevard to the beltway. this traffic report brought to you by jiffy lube. would you drink coffee that is a year old? that is what you're asking your car to do when you don't change your oil regularly. 70,000 marylanders are being dropped by their health insurance companies. nine insurance carriers in the state are facing new plans. many people are still having trouble on the web site which was closed down again
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