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tv   Eyewitness News at 5  CBS  November 5, 2013 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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cleveland house for 11 years. their abductor abused him until they were finally freed from the home in may. >> i've been missing for 10 years. i'm here. i'm free now. >> reporter: six months after being rescued, michelle knight talked with dr. phil. >> he took a pipe and he held it like this over my head, and said if you scream, i'll ram this down your throat and kill you. so i didn't scream. i didn't make a noise . i just laid there. he takes me to the basement and tied me to a pole with chains wrapped around it. they were so big and he wrapped it around my neck. he sits me down on the floor, and he says this is where you are going to stay. >> reporter: she says she was
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repeatedly raped becoming pregnant at least 5 times. >> he was like, i'm going to do something about it. that's when he punched me in my stomach. >> how did he do that? >> i was standing up and he punched me. >> was there a time where you thought you'd rather just die? >> yes, but that would be taking the easy way out. >> reporter: in august, castro was sentenced to life in prison. one month later he died behind bars. >> reporter: thank you. you can watch the second part of dr. phil's interview with michelle knight tomorrow at 3:00 right here. breaking news of a double
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shooting. >> reporter: most of this block has been cornered off as a crime scene. this is at south wolf street. it's coming out as a double shooting. we did see two victims. both of the medical units left for the hospital. baltimore city police remain on the scene to investigate. we don't have any information on the condition of the victims. >> reporter: we will bring you more information at 6:00. growing concerns. students in the baltimore area are worried after another robbery at the campus. >> reporter: the similarities are eerie. a second robbery occurred monday night on the same street as the first one. it was on east burke avenue.
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several men emerged from a car and threatened a man and stole the victim's cell phone and wallet. the victim from sunday is still in the hospital with serious injuries. >> reporter: neither victim was able to provide a detailed description. students are being warned to be on alert and not walk alone. a truck driver crashes into a car, sends it over the bay bridge and into the chesapeake bay. that man has pleaded guilty for his role in the crash. the driver never set foot in a courtroom. >> reporter: this was a life or death matter for the victim in this case. the infractions were all misdemeanors and only required paying a fine. this video shows the aftermath of a frightening crash. >> they're sending help. >> reporter: a young college
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student struggled to survive after a woman was sent over the edge. the driver has pleaded guilty to negligent driving and driving at a speed greater than reasonable. the guilty plea involves simply paying a fine to the court. the victim will never forget how this unfolded. >> my mouth filled up with water. i felt the drowning sensation. >> reporter: as her car was slowing, she was not paying attention he slammed into her. she was sent plungeing 25 feet into the chesapeake pay. he was a distracted driver. >> his attention was off to the
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side mirror. >> reporter: this is the second accident this year where a car went on top of the wall. no one died in either crash. >> i am so blessed that i have the strength and he gave me the strength to say it's not your time. you're going to be on this earth. >> reporter: the trucker was from hungry. this was his first trip by himself in the united states. >> reporter: thank you. inspections showed no mechanical problems. police make a big drug bust after serving a warrant on a pasadena home. more than 150 marijuana plants. police charge the home owner with possession and intent to distribute. the value of the drugs comes to
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about $127,000. bullying hits the nfl. startling accusations from the miami dolphins. >> reporter: the nfl is investigating whether rookies are being threatened. this comes after a player walked off the team saying hazing had taken an ugly turn. jonathan martin graduated before becoming a tackle on the dolphins. this is richy incognito from a team promo. that aggressiveness may have been both on and off the field. he has been suspended for allegedly threatening martin. he left the team after a lunch room prank that was the last straw. he has seen text
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messages that were sent to martin. >> that i'm going to kill you. i'm going to find your mother. that is above and beyond what is accepted anywhere. >> if the review shows that this is not a safe atmosphere, i will take whatever measures are necessary to make sure it is. >> reporter: incognito led the league in penalties for unnecessary roughness. they voted him the dirtiest player. hazing seems part of the right of passage for rookies. dolphins players said they didn't notice any locker room hostility. >> i feel like we're doing things football teams do. playing with your brothers. >> reporter: incognito tweeted on thursday that three things
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cannot be hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth. back to you. >> reporter: so far martin has not publicly commented on what happened to him. right now crews of the department of public works are trying to fix a downtown water main break. the pipe broke this morning. in order to make repairs a larger line is being shutdown. people will have lower water pressure or lose water. much milder around baltimore today. maybe gotten away without that big winter coat. it's warmer than yesterday. will the trend continue? chelsea ingram is at the mobile weather lab. let's start with bob turk. >> reporter: yesterday we only
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were in the 40s. right now we're up to 56. 58 in d.c. 57 in ocean city. remember the sun is already going down. 37 in oakland. now temperatures right now are running 14 degrees warmer than yesterday. this morning we did have some clear skies. that allowed temperatures in some spots to drop into the 30s. we have some warmer weather. chelsea is live with a look ahead to a milder wednesday. >> reporter: that's right. first let's talk about how it feels outside right now. it's a little cool. you'll need a jacket if you're headed out and about tonight. temperatures have actually been fluctuating
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and going up a bit. when i first got up here, temperatures were right around 56 degrees. we'll continue to see this trend as we head into tomorrow with milder temperatures in the forecast. we'll start to warm up even into the low 60s and maybe a little higher than that. for those details plus more, bob will have that coming up. back to you guys. it's official. you can help pick the name of a young panda come in the zoo in washington. voters have five mandarin chinese names to choose from. i guess ralph or cutie is
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out, right? boy or girl? >> that's a good question. i think it's a girl . >> we'll go a girl ralph. still ahead, chaos. the latest on the shoot ing inside of new jersey's largest mall. new information. ray lewis sues over lost millions. according to new study, more drivers are reckless driving. a warm-up is here. don't miss the update with bob coming up. ,,,,,,,,
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. it is mostly cloud and 56
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degrees in central maryland. new information in the lawsuit including ray lewis against bbnt. >> reporter: for the first time we're getting a look at some of the evidence that ray lewis and other athletes say proves that millions of their money was taken without their knowledge. look closely at these two sets of signatures. on the left, the real signatures. on the right is an obvious forgery. >> i was shocked at the scope and the magnitude of this case. >> reporter: he represents ray lewis and other athletes that say they lost millions in
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unauthorized bank transactions blaming bbnt bank. >> all they had to do is compare the signatures. it looks like someone just wrote ray lewis's name in cursive. >> reporter: this firm helps athletes manage their money. it allowed ruben and his employees to open accounts and transfer money out using these signatures. >> anybody could look at these signatures and tell they are forged. the problem is there was no checks and balances at the bank. >> reporter: the nfl players did not know their money was being used for certain investments. in all, the suit claims ray lewis lost nearly
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$3.8 million. the bank has declined to comment on the pending litigation only pointing out that the case centers around transactions from bank atlantic. the financial advisor at the center of the allegations has been banned for life after high risk investments lost millions for other athletes. if you're waiting for someone to get home from work, let's check on the roads with christy breslin. >> reporter: we're dealing with several new accidents out there. watch for an accident at columbia road. in baltimore city, frederick avenue at tyrone street. and delays just continue to slow down.
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on the beltway traveling, it's stop and go past liberty road. if you are traveling along 70 westbound, a minor slow down. and on the harrisburg expressway, it's bumper to bumper. let's take a live look. plenty of activity there. get your 2013 navy football tickets by calling or going to their website. back to you. drowsy driving is dangerous driving. more drivers are doing it according to reports. >> reporter: nicole knows just how dangerous drowsy driving can be. >> i had a fender bender with
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someone who fell asleep at the wheel. >> reporter: a quarter of drivers admit to getting behind the wheel fatigued. >> it's very similar to distracted and drunk driving. it reduces your reaction time and impairs your vision. >> reporter: experts say the dangerous trend is growing. >> you can see people wandering and drifting and things. >> reporter: a truck driver dozed off plowing directly into the back of a car killing her and injuring her two sons. >> he fell asleep and hit them at 55 miles per hour. >> reporter: 19 to 24 year olds drive fatigued the most. triple a recommends saying you find a safe place to full over and take
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a quick nap and schedule breaks during long trips. >> get yourself together. you can kill yourself and everybody else. >> reporter: if a drowsy driver causes a fatal accident, they could be caused with manslaughter. some milder air headed our way. if you like today, you'll probably love tomorrow. take a look at the temperatures. no wind to deal with. we're at 56 degrees. yesterday at this time we were around 41. we'll come back and take a look at the warm-up right after this.
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. i'm chelsea ingram live at the mobile weather lab here. temperatures are right around 56 degrees. let's go inside to bob with an updated forecast. >> reporter: the fact we have no wind makes it a lot more comfortable.
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if you have a breeze, even 56 will feel chilly. we have really no wind around here. it's 58 in washington. 54 in westminster. rock hall coming in at 54. very light to no wind . the only place with a breeze is oakland. temperatures in the 30s up in nebraska and into the southern portions of south dakota. parts of colorado saw some snow today. some snow approached minneapolis, about an inch or so.
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the cold air sitting just in that area. there's a batch of snow in minneapolis. some milder air is coming in. we have an area of high pressure in new england. that's what gave us the clouds today. there may be some sun and get into the mid-60s. we should generally be on the milder side in the next couple of days. the main low pressure will pass well to our north and west. we expect to see some shower activity maybe ending by 2:00 or 3:00 in the afternoon. the sun will be back by the weekend. we'll get back into the 50s for the weekend. a
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pretty good fall weekend in store. tonight let's say milder. it's 43. it's almost 10 degrees cool er than last night. some morning clouds tomorrow with maybe a little fog and then hopefully some sun. still ahead, scary break-in. two teens sneak into a school overnight. a man accused of killing his brother in 2011 is found dead in georgia. the story is next. and new information shows that the likelyhood of a planet just like earth has expanded tremendously. the story coming up next. here's,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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. >> reporter: it is 5:29. 56 degrees and mostly cloud in central maryland right now. good evening. here's some of the story people are talking about. a maryland man charged and later released in the murder of his twin brother is killed in georgia. police are calling the death of lee an accident. a far cry from what happened to his twin brother in howard county.
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more on the death. >> reporter: the story of the twins was a modern day cane and able story. lee denied killing his brother and is now dead himself. his brother's murder is still unsolved. the troubling story dates back to 2011. a man was found strangled to death. >> i have to deal with this. the second guessing me. did you do it or not? >> reporter: his twin was charged with murder, but the trial was considered a mistrial. >> i can imagine what my parents went through losing one son. i can't even believe what they were feeling with the possibility of losing another one. >> reporter: police say he was
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shot by a close friend inside of a restaurant. the suspect is charged with involuntary manslaughter. >> he wasn't paying attention and ended up pulling the trigger. the gun fired and shot mr. ali in the front neck area. the sheriff's office continue to investigate the murder of his brother. the case is still open. it will be reviewed because he is still the primary suspect. he denied any involvement. >> what happened to my brother is unsolved. i doubt we'll get any answers. >> reporter: they do not believe the gunman intended to
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kill him. >> reporter: the shooter is in jail on a $22,000 bond. the school stand-off in denver. two teens hold police at bay for hours. >> reporter: police arrest two armed 15-year-olds who broke into a middle school. cleaning employees saw the two wearing backpacks. neighbors were told to stay inside and the boys surrendered to police. no one was hurt and the weapons turned out to be bb guns. >> reporter: they are being charged as juveniles. hysteria in the garden state plaza mall. a man walks in and opens fire. >> reporter: the family of richard shoop says he was on a
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suicide mission and didn't hurt anyone else when he started shooting. >> this was something that none of us saw coming. we're not sure exactly what caused him to do this. we're all devastated. >> reporter: six gunshots were fired shortly before closing time. >> the guy walks past the front door and just shooting shots in the air. >> reporter: some employees and customers ran for their lives. others hid for hours. this video shows their people as they made their way to safety. >> police escorted us. guns were aimed at us and checked us. it was crazy. >> reporter: they found shoop's body and gun in the back part of the mall. >> he was definitely despondent in his life.
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it could have been in perhaps anticipated legal troubles. >> reporter: authorities say they are relieved shoop did not take any other lives. >> reporter: prosecutors say shoop left a letter at his home indicating that he wrote a while ago where he referenced depression and says he thought the end was coming. one of the tsa officers shot at the lax airport is speaking out. he was shot twice while helping an elderly man get to safety. >> i'm a regular person. i felt i had to do something at a particular time. a lot of people would have done the same thing. >> reporter: he says his first concern was to make sure people were safe. he says he will miss his friend who was killed in the
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incident. the jury is having a hard time figuring out what lawsuit damages are owed to a businessman who underwent a procedure. >> reporter: the leaves were still green when this lawsuit began. not anymore. a medical case that took five weeks of testimony before the jury ruled he improperly placed stints in a businessman. he withdrew as a partner costing him millions in profits. what exactly that loss was is what the jury is trying to determine. for the second day in those deliberations, all
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parties left court up in the air. they could not reach a unanimous verdict and the trial upstairs could all be repeated again. deliberations are set to begin again tomorrow morning. >> reporter: the first phase of this trial, the jury said they could not reach a verdict, but after three days did find he had performed an unnecessary heart procedure. visitors are allowed again to tour the white house. they were suspended back in march. they will be offered three days a week. time now for a quick look at the stories. reports on key
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low and national election results. and a new coach for loyola basketball. all these stories, read tomorrow's baltimore sun. live outside of earth -- life outside of earth? the idea gets a big boost today. >> reporter: the space craft is a marvel of human design. it's parked outside the gravitational pull of earth. it's looking for planets that can support life. the science team has added 800 planets that could support life. >> there are probably many more earth-like planets in our
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galaxy. >> reporter: an earth-like sweet spot maybe as close as 12 light years away. >> if one of those planets is from the 12 light years, you could be looking at one that has it orbiting it. >> reporter: 12 years. it's 72 trillion miles, so don't go booking a rocket ship just yet. >> it's going to take a very long time. 12 light years is a long way off. >> reporter: at the science center, life doesn't mean intelligent beings. >> life as we know it forming over millions of years of evolution is hard to make. that doesn't mean we can't find life in simpler forms. >> reporter: big things based on a simple idea. watch for the
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moon shadow cast upon a far away planet. >> reporter: the scientists say the next step is to develop atelascope that can look. still to come, violence surveillance video in hollywood. the attack on the workers and the search for a culprit. a happy ending for a military family. after watching his pregnant wife get stabbed, they welcome a new addition to their family. and bob and i will have a look at your 5-day,,,,,, presents...
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so delicious, they won't even know it's chicken. 50% less fat... 100% johnsonville taste. ♪
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♪ ♪ i ♪ know i can't deny... ♪ that i got a new feeling ♪ deep inside... ♪ [ female announcer ] with five perfectly sweetened whole grains...
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. a much milder night tonight and a milder day coming up tomorrow. a look at your wednesday forecast. >> reporter: that's right, bob.
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we'll have a healthy lay er of clouds across the region tomorrow with temperatures right around 50 degrees. we're looking at temperatures in the low 60s by lunch time. we'll have a little bit of sunshine in the forecast by mid-day. temperatures right around 57 with clear skies. >> reporter: tomorrow will be the warmest then we cool off again for friday. some showers on thursday as a front comes through. friday and the weekend looks like a nice, dry weekend. some breaking news right now. a shooting on east oliver street. captain jack is over it. >> reporter: this is east oliver street. about a block
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away from green mile cemetery. we can see the police putting down some evidence cards. possibly a shooting here. also an ambulance did leave with the lights on headed to the hospital. so obviously a victim. we don't have any information on a victim yet. >> reporter: thank you. we will bring you more information as we get it. a rare tornado is caught on camera in the netherlands. this is a town southeast of amsterdam. they saw the funnel cloud headed their way. the damage was limited. a fright nng robbery at -- frightening robbery at a jewelry store in hollywood. this is surveillance video.
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police say they took nearly a million dollars in jewelry. the store's owner was dragged into a back room and sprayed with mace. a texas couple is rejoicing in the birth of their baby girl. she's delivered after her mother is attacked. >> say hello. >> look at that baby. >> reporter: army private justin pool never thought he'd have a chance to hold his child. he was deployed in asia when his wife was stabbed. >> i have a strong daughter. know that the reason she's doing just fine. >> reporter: police arrested
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19-year-old corey bernard moth. rachel was on the phone with her husband at the time of the attack. they say he owed money to the pool family. back in the hot seat. the woman in charge of healthcare. gov is back under fire. >> consumers have to be certain that when they go on and fill out the application and give all the information that that is secure. >> reporter: a cbs news analysis was never performed. the area contained personal information did get tested. >> we have taken additional
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steps to make sure it's secure. >> reporter: a south carolina couple registered on the website but their letters containing private information were sent to a man in north carolina. they want nothing to do with the health care exchanges. >> we have reached out to him several times. we will follow up on his question. >> i'm happy to give you his phone numbers. >> i think we have them. >> he doesn't think so. >> reporter: she will face more questions tomorrow. also in washington, protesters have been demonstrating outside government corruption. >> when it becomes necessary
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for people to dissolve the political ban --. >> reporter: it is all part of the million mask march. it there are protests and fireworks. fireworks. a special xhafrd commander is looking to hollywood to protect his soldiers, and they've come up with a unique solution. >> reporter: ironman's protection helped him protect the world. that is exactly what he wants when his men have to kick down a door. >> they kick down the door not
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knowing what's on the other pseudo. >> reporter: -- side. >> reporter: he has ordered the suit better known as the ironman suit. lightweight protection with battery power flowing through it to give a soldier more ability in battle. the suit can make commandos even better. >> it will take a seal or a delta force guy and push him into a stratusferic level. they're adding some pretty cool things like liquid armor that becomes hardened. >> reporter: right into the helmet visual display.
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boots that generate electricity with every step. and flexible head-to-toe protection so troops can move closer to the enemy. check in at 6:00 for all new stories. >> reporter: disturbing details about one of the women trapped by arial castro. and cheated out of millions of dollars. what ray lewis and other athletes are revealing. still ahead,, caught in a mob. two boston college students get stuck in their car as the red sox fans celebrate. that,,,,,,,,
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we all have our little tricks.
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mom swaps one of my snacks for a yoplait. i don't mind, i mean it's orange crème. and when mom said bobby was too edgy... 'sup girl. i just swapped him out for tyler. 'sup girl. mom never questioned bobby again. two can play at this game. [ female announcer ] swap one snack a week for a yoplait. and everybody wins.
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riel castro it is. frightening moments caught on video. two college
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sophomores are stuck in a mob of fans leaving a boston red sox game, and things got violent fast. >> reporter: she says she was frightened for her life and captured the moments on her cell phone. last wednesday night she and her roommate were stuck in traffic. suddenly they were surprised by a mob climbing on her car. >> the whole car was shaking. >> what were you thinking? >> we were just screaming and terrified. i was trying to get out of there. >> reporter: the family says the car is brand new and you can see it's scratched and dented. and the front headlight was kicked out. >> what was your roommate's reaction?
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>> she was just screaming. we were freaking out the whole time. >> reporter: at one point some guy tried to flip over the car. >> did they start to rock it? >> yeah. they were shaking it. i wouldn't have been surprised if they flipped it. >> reporter: these pictures show the crowd moving down the street that night. police say the same mob is responsible for flipping over a car a few minutes later a few blocks down. >> what do you want police to do? >> well, i want them to see the videos and try to figure out who did it. >> reporter: police are looking at the video to see if they can identity the suspects. >> what would happen if they lost? >> i agree. crazy. still ahead, just a fine after a frightening crash. the
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guilty plea for the trucker whose car caused a,, whose car caused a,, you got to love the weekend. it's like everyone came to, "if it's good, let's save it for the weekend." so here's to the kfc ten buck weekend bucket. ten pieces, ten bucks. any recipe. just ten bucks every saturday and sunday. today tastes so good.
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i want you to know stuff i want you to be kind. i want you to be smart. super smart. i want one thing in a doctor. i want you to be handsome. i want you to be awesome.
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i don't want you to look at the chart before you say hi...david. i want you to return my emails. i want you to keep me doing this for another sixty years. at kaiser permanente, we want you to choose the doctor that's right for you. find your perfect match at and thrive. . >> reporter: coming up now, the driver of a big rig involved in a frightening bay bring crash. why he never set foot in court. and an exclusive victim with the kidnapping victim trapped inside
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a cleveland home for more than a decade. real or forgery, the signatures at the heart of a lawsuit. . >> reporter: a mild november evening outside. will the trend continue? eyewitness news at 6:00 starts now. . a different opponent. ray lewis and other nfl players sue over mising millions. the new evidence of fraud. hello. here's what people are talk ing


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