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tv   Eyewitness News Morning Edition  CBS  November 6, 2013 6:00am-7:00am EST

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it is 6 o'clock and that is that newly narrowed section of russell street by the casino construction. traffic moving pretty well right now. sharon is watching all the other areas for you. marty is over at first warning weather. it's a pretty mild morning. still 50 degrees on tv hill. that's going to be 10 warmer than this time yesterday. the sun is making an appearance today. 62 degrees at lunch. how runs the rush? here is sharon gibala at wjz traffic control. >> good morning. over all not bad out there. wee one issue that we want to report on. 50 westbound at the bay bridge, the westbound traffic signals are undergoing a little bit of work. we are told that all lanes are open though. meantime, watch for a water main break repair work going on on saint paul street between
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franklin and lexington. the west side of the beltway starting to slow just a bit. 52 is your average. 95 southbound still at full speed. that's a look at the west side. definitely more traffic. the average speed is 52 on the outer loop. topside still full speed at harford road. now wjz has the stories people are talking about this morning. here's don. two college campus red sox a es are on alert in baltimore county after two students were robbed in two days. mike schuh is live in towson. good morning, mike. >> reporter: good morning, don. good morning, everyone. one student went to goucher, the other towson. they were targeted within a block of each other. the bad guys were looking for their cell phones. >> police presence is heavy on burk avenue after a terrifying sunday night. >> we awoke to the flashing lights and screaming. >> a towson university student
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was robbed of his cell phone and stabbed. >> i think the same people are targeting these kids and it's frightening. >> police believe the same three suspects robbed a goucher college student monday night on the same street and threatened to stab him. >> these suspects seem to be targeting people who are alone and not paying attention to their surroundings. >> that student wasn't hurt. the two attacks happened less tr s apart and just one block away from each other. neighbors say many towson and goucher students live on burk avenue near the busy york road corridor. >> a lot of families and a lot of college kids. not a lot of trouble like that usually. >> now police are telling those living near by to be on guard, especially at night. >> after hearing about all that we were kind of scared to walk back here. we have our pepper spray. >> i'm definitely walking with another person. i won't be walking the street by myself. >> this campus alert said we urge all community members to
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remain aware and take appropriate safety precautions on and off campus. >> reporter: now, the condition of the injured student is such that police investigators have yet been able to question him. i'm mike schuh reporting live. back to you. >> thank you. because of that police do not ha specific description of the robbers. police are investigating three murders in this city. two people shot in the 200 block of wolf street. police are looking for who did it. >> we believe at least one suspect entered the block and shot both of the victims. that suspect then fled from the location on foot. >> the two people shot both died at the hospital. less than an hour before that another person was shot in the oliver section of east baltimore. the brother of the man who opened fire inside a new jersey mall before taking his own life is talking about the incident. the report for wjz. >> it took 6 hours for police
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to locate richard shoop. he was found dead in the basement from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. kevin shoop is his older brother. >> my brother intended to harm nobody else but himself. he sadly decided to take his own life public and it's a tragedy. >> the gunshots sent thousands of people scrambling for cover inside the new jersey mall. carmen rent nolds was getting ready to leave work. >> did you have a plan? >> no, but i always thought about it. where would we hide if we had to hide? the only place was the bathroom. >> the drama played out three days after the shooting at lax and 6 weeks after the attack at the mall in africa. employees
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created protocols created by the department of homeland security and retailers by closing gate to protect customers inside. as many as 400 people were in hiding. >> at one point we turned the lights off because we were afraid because we were hearing noises. we couldn't tell if they were in the store. you don't know what's going on. >> investigators say even with people's quick reactions richard shoop could have easily shot shoppers. the mall is expected to reopen wednesday. cbs news, new jersey. >> kevin shoop said he called police when he heard about what was happening in the mall and finding a note and noticing a gun and helmet were missing from his home. terry mccullough is celebrating after winning the governor's race. the numbers were back and forth all night long. he is a good friend of the clinton family. if hilary
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runs for president she could have a huge edge in the commonwealth of virginia. chris christie wins in a landslide in new jersey. he had 60% of the vote. he won support from men, women, independents, members of his party and lots of of democrat. >> if we can do this in trenton, new jersey people should look at washington. >> there continues to be talk that he might run for president in 2016. under armor is stirring up controversy with the uniforms it designeded for north western university. some say the flag theme uniforms look like they're splattered with blood. the
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university's football team will wear them once before they're auctioned off with proceeds going towards wounded warriors. the nfl is launching a league-wide investigation into hazing. this comes after a miami dolphins player walks off the team. as kai jackson explains, the case could have wide ramifications. >> 24-year-old jonathan martin graduated from stanford university before becoming a tackle on the miami dolphins. this is richie inkogcog -- incognito. >> players call me the most aggressive. >> he's been suspended for threatening martin and his family. martin left the team after a lunchroom prank that was apparently the last straw. cbs analyst said he's seen text messages. >> threats of i'm going to get your mother, find your mother,
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kill you. that is above and beyond the code, above and beyond what's accepted anywhere. >> the hbo hard knocks video shows hazing appears to be part of the right of passage for some nfl rookies. now the nfl will conduct a workplace review. >> if the review shows that this is not a safe atmosphere i will take whatever measures are necessary to ensure that it is. >> richie incognito joined the dolphins in 2009 after being let go by the rams where he had a verbal altercation with the head coach. i'm kai jackson reporting. >> according to a new report the dolphins coaching staff may have asked is incognito to toughen up martin. the team is not commenting. the ravens joe flacco stands strong. he was sacked five
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times up in cleveland this past sunday. he's been sacked 25 times so far this season, putting him on pace for the most time sacked in his career. he said he's feeling just fine. >> i don't know. i been pretty healthy this yeare had other seasons where i haven't felt as fresh as i do right now. yeah, i feel like i'm holding up pretty well. i'm pretty fresh to be honest with you. i don't know if i feel like taking anymore hits but i've been fortunate so far in how i've been feeling. >> flacco has never missed a game in his 6-year career. he will play in his 89th consecutive game moves him past johnny unitis. don't forget you can see the ravens play the bengals this sunday at 1:00 live right here on wjz 13. >> you ever wonder how tough flacco is. just take a look at every game this season.
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two words decline joe flacco's season, under assault. >> yeah. >> you walked up to the line of scrimmage and there's a whole bunch of guys who have been trained to do one thing, knock to the ground any human being holding that ball, what's joe flacco's first thing, holds the ball. ray rice is the best line of defense this year. i hate to say it. rice is not that much bigger than i am. as i said last hour, he's 400 times denser but you stand ray rice next to me we're about the same size. he's the best line of defense. don't question it, you have a good core quarterback. >> i would always use the long snapper if i was the quarterback. >> isn't that the truth. mild day, 63. 53 now, 10 warmer than this time yesterday.
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ron, let's talk about what we're doing and get into the break. when we get back we will talk about the ties. >> reporter: sounds good to me. excellent. it's been 2 years se big fire at the mount washington tavern. they reopened a year ago. they're having a big fundraiser tomorrow. we have mary and charles to talk about it for the benefit of firefighters. we'll tell you all about it when the eyewitness news ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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good morning. thanks for being with us. it's mild. 47 degrees, 89% humidity baromet .41. we still have this big dome of high pressure sitting on top of us. we were at 50 or 51, now down to 47. it's comfortable. we're going to have a frontal boundary move through the area tomorrow. gray skies today because of the warm air running over the cooler
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ground and water. tomorrow that front gives us gray skies and showers. 63 degrees is going to be the high this day. mostly cloudy, 53 over night. tomorrow looks to be a fairly interesting day. we're going to start cloudy with showers and probably a beautiful sunset. 4 61 will be your high. temperatures will go down through the afternoon. we clear skies out friday, saturday and, sunday and monday. 54, 54, 58 and 58. beautiful november fall weather coming our way. don, take it away. >> thank you. how is the commute going? hs sharon at wjz traffic control. >> good morning, everyone. we could almost call the morninl as well. just one issue, a minor one. is 50 westbound at the bay bridge. there's some traffic signal work going on in the westbound lanes. all lanes are open but it is there. on any of the major roadways we're doing pretty well. lots of 50s out there as far as speeds go.
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the average speed on the west side of the beltway at this point is 52 on the outer loop. 95 southbound still at full speed between white marsh and the tunnel. that's a look at the topside, getting busier but not yet delayed at harford road. that's a look at the west side at exit 17. this traffic report is brought to you by your maryland toyota dealer. do you dream of all the places you'd like to go? toyota is ready to take you there. find a great deal on a toyota at let's go places. all right. we're going to bring ron in on a discussion then we will have our segment. this year it happens well every year for the past 20 years now. >> yeah. it's been a long time. >> it's been a long time. johns hopkins is the beneficiarg effort by joseph bank, it's called the miracle collection ties. these are ties, ron is also wearing one, that are designed by kids who
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have been treated at the johns hopkins children's center. they're unique designs. the kids do a drawing and a piece of the drawing is taken and made into a tie. mine was gino. he's 18. it's called rubix cube enjoyed video gaming so he turned that into a tie. >> mine is by a 13-year-old emily yang and it's blue crabs on yellow. >> that's a beautiful tie in person. that's a really beautiful tie. >> you have to look closely but there are cartoon crabs on it. >> your tie is really cool too. ron, who are you wearing? >> rem wearing lila. he's 12 now. she's 12 now. i've known for her 4 years now. we're going to
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see her and do a story coming up on 5:00 news. >> that's really cool. if you go to the johns hopkins n center's website or joseph bank they're priced to go. the beneficiary of course are the kids and johns hopkins. we like to get behind this every year. >> reporter: absolutely. >> all right. ron, we're doing more fundraising here. let's talk about it. >> reporter: yes, we are a big fundraiser at the mount washington tavern. mary booker is here with the tavern. hi. >> how are you? >> reporter: g great. what's going to be happen sometm 5:00 to close we're having a big party. basically we want to show our appreciation to the great firefighters who helped salvage our building 2 years ago. we also want to celebrate being reopened for another year. all three bars, 20% of everything we bring in will go to the baltimore city fire foundation. come in for dinner or happy hour from 5:00
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to 7:00, we have oysters, $3.30 drafts and $4 glass house wines. >> reporter: some proceeds will benefit a yet to be determined baltimore county fire charity because they were part of the mutual aid pack that helped put out the fire. charles valek, city fire commissioner. how are you? >> i'm fine. >> reporter: tell us about the city fire foundation. >> it was founded in 2003. if a firefighter or paramedic ss injury or death we take immediate financial support to the family. >> reporter: let's talk about the fire. we were in fells point for manic monday. i don't know if you remember this, it was halloween night 2 years ago. the fire started early in the morning. i'll tell you how intense that fire was, we could smell the smoke all the way in fells point that morning. that's how bad this fire was. the city firefighters and the county firefighters did a great job. >> thank you very much.
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they did. we were happy to be there and take care of things. >> reporter: of course, this money tomorrow night -- >> will go to our fire department, baltimore city fire department foundation, which will assist families at time of need. >> reporter: that's awesome. so mary it starts when? >> 5:00 until close. >> reporter: very good. thank s for joining us. >> thank you very much. >> reporter: charles, thanks t. >> thank you, ron. >> reporter: our pleasure. mon tavern, the big fundraiser for firefighters in baltimore city and baltimore county. come on over. if you haven't been to the tavee it reopened it looks absolutely amazing. it's just beautiful. we're going to send it back to you on tv hill. >> all right. bud, thanks a lot. >> they did a great job rebuilding that. we've got more for you. >> al ahead, he was a top secret code breaker then the feds kicked in his door.
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was william binney a bisciotti ready? happy birthday! it's a painting easel! the tide's coming in! this is my favorite one. it's upside down. oh, sorry. (woman vo) it takes him places he's always wanted to go. that's why we bought a subaru.
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it's 23 and half past 6:00.
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germany is still putting him limitting limits -- limits on surveillance. intelligence officials are working out guidelines on how the allies can share intelligence, including whether or not they spy on each other. this morning a former nsa code breaker reveals more than a decade ago he tried to expose government spying on every day americans. he tells mary bubala he blue the whistle before anyone heard of edward snowden but no one was listening. wjz investigating his story and the price he paid. >> september 11th, 2001 the day that changed everything. after the attack the government vows to find a more sophisticated way to uncover terrorist plots. william binney was called onto help.
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he commuted from maryland to fort meade. >> we would snap the relationships with everybody in the world. . >> after 9/11 binney and a small team created a computer program scanning data from cell phones and e-mails aimed at finding terrorist activity. >> you developed a program to do what? >> look at data going by every minute and see what's important in that data that you need to pull out to look at to analyze and figure out intentions, capabilities of potential enemys not world. >> but binney soon became concerned that the government was spying on average americans. >> it was all about the united states citizens. >> you think this goes way, way beyond pursuing terrorists? >> absolutely. >> another maryland man, edward snowden leaked classified documents. wjz learned congress may have had a warning about
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this years ago. that's when binney first raised concerns his program had been turned against americans. >> the government can't admit a mistake. they have to cover up everything. >> he resigned in protest and that's when his problems started >> you had a knock on your door one day. what happened? >> that was 2007 when the fbi raided me. they came and pushed their way in with the guns drawn and pushed my son out of the way and pointed guns at my wife and me. they took our computers and all the electronic equipment we had. >> the government thinks you over stepped the boundaries and possibly put the country at risk by comes forward and exposing some of the things you think are wrong. what do you say to that? >> i say they're violating the foundation of this country, thing that makes the country strong. >> not everyone thinks the government has gone too far. both presidents bush and obama said the program is necessary and does not violate citizens
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rights. dutch ruppersberger agrees. >> there's not one incident that there was a person intentionally trying to listen or look at anyone's phone calls or e-mails. not one. >> be binney doesn't buy it. >> i would say he doesn't really know what nsa is doing because he doesn't understand the technology or what it takes to find terrorists. >> mary bubala, wjz eyewitness news. >> binney said he thinks snowden did a great public service by forcing nsa surveillance into the spotlight. next up this morning right here on wjz. >> health and human services secretary kathleen sebelius testifies for a second time on capitol hill about the botched roll out of the president's health care law. i'm susan mcginnis in washington. mind out why a congressional committee issued a subpoena for the agency running the government's website. >> reporter: college students in towson are robbed of their smart phones. i'm mike schuh live. the story coming up next.
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real or forgery? the signate heart of a massive lawsuit against a bank by ray lewis and other nfl athletes. i'm derek valcourt with details when eyewitness news continues. we've made it more than an hour of our morning commute without picking up our first accident. we'll see how long it can last. now over to marty. this is your captain speakis actor gavin mccloud's new title of his book. it's a great story. he will tell you it to you when we come back with more of the morning edition. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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it's the bottom of the hour, a much warmer morning and that's a clear shot of the key bridge. sharon is watching the other bridges and highways this morning. marty is over at first warning weather. it's 47 degrees, about 8 degrees warmer than this time
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yesterday. 62 at lunch going to a high of 63. warmer by grayer than yesterday. here is sharon gibala at wjz traffic control. >> good morning. if you are just about to head ot there is not too much to get in you way. just one issue on 50 westbound, some repair work going on to the signals there. it's not blocking any lanes. you could see repair crews out there at the bay bridge. other wise speeds over all pretty good on most of your major roadways. a little bit slow on the west side. 42 is your average on the outer loop. standard for this hour. 95 southbound 54 your slowest spot between the beltway and the tunnel. that's a look at that delay on the west side at exit 17. there is a look at the topside at harford road. now wjz has the stories people are talking about this morning. here's don. >> thank you. the president is heading toy to meet with volunteers helping to sign up people for healthcare insurance.
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top health officials will be on the hot seat again. here is susan mcginnis reporting for wjz. >> health and human secretary leader kathleen sebelius is on capitol hill again today. >> we are 30 days into one of the greatest website disasters in history. will have nearly $400 million is a failure. >> they said can now process nearly 17,000 people registering every hour with almost no errors. >> the government need more enrollees, especially young people to make insurance affordable for everyone. >> our goal is to stabilize the website this month. we have a targeted plan that includes not only young people but the large populations of the uninsured. >> we still don't know how many people have been able to sign up
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on the government will release those numbers next week. that's not good enough for some on capitol hill. the house ways and means committee issued a subpoena. >> president said the white house work with the companies. a big vote in the big apple as they choose their next major. bill devlasio will become the next mayor. the 52 will take over as the 109th mayor on january 1. twice in two days. a college student targeted by robbers in towson and police are now taking additional action. wjz and mike schuh are live on the story. good morning, mike. >> reporter: good morning don. good morning, everyone. these
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were armed robbers and they were looking for smart phones. one of the students was stabbed. >> police presence is heavy on burk avenue in towson after a terrifying sunday night. >> we awoke to the flashes lights and screaming. >> a towson student was robbed and stabbed multiple times. >> i think the same people are targeting these kids and it's frightening. >> police believe the same three suspects robbed a goucher college student monday night on the same street and then threatened to stab him. >> these suspects seem to be targeted people alone and not paying attention to their surroundings. >> that student wasn't hurt. the two attacks happened less tr s apart and just one block away from each other. neighbors say many towson and goucher students live on east burk avenue near the busy york road corridor. >> a lot of families and college kids so not a lot of
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trouble usually. >> police are telling people to be on guard, especially at night. >> after hearing that we were scared to walk back here. we have our pepper spray. >> i'm definitely walk being another person. >> this alert said we urge all of our community members to be vigilant and take appropriate safety precautions. >> reporter: the condition of the student stabbed is such that investigators have yet been able to interview him. >> police do not have a specific description of the robber so far. a truck driver has pleaded guilty to causing the bay bridge accident that sent a car into the water. morgan lake was clinging to a rock after her car was pushed over the edge by an 18 wheeler. he pleaded guilty to failure to control his speed and making an unsafe lane change among other charges. the traffic violations carry a total
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fine of $450. new information about the lawsuit filed by ray lewis and several other nfl players against bb&t bank. as derek valcourt explains, the players say they can prove that bank owes them millions of dollars. >> look closely at these two different sets of signatures. on the left the real signatures of real athletes like ray lewis and other athletes. on the left what their attorneys claims is a forgery. >> i was shocked. >> he represent ises ray lewis s ray lewis and 15 other current and former nfl athletes who say because of those signatures they lost millions in unauthorized bank transactions blaming bb&t bank. >> the allegations center and this man, jeff ruben whose firm pro sports helped them manager bills and money.
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it allowed ruben and his employees to open fake accounts in their players names and transfer money out using these phony signatures. >> anybody can look at these signatures and tell they were forged. the problem is that there was no checks and balances at the bank. >> the nfl players insist they didn't know their money was being used for certain investments, including this alabama entertainment complex call aed center stage which was raided for having illegal gambling machines. >> ray lewis lost $3.8 million, along with millions in losses for the other athletes as well. >> bb&t failed to comment on the lawsuit only pointing out that the case took place by bank atlantic, prior to its acquisition of bb&t. derek valcourt, wjz eyewitness news. >> ruben has been banned for life by security regulators. among the other athletes who lost money, terrell owens.
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a man is behind bars after they found a major marijuana growing operation. police seized 150 marijuana plants at a street value of $150,000. agustus stone was charged. a kidnapped woman chained up and tortured for 11 years. michelle knight is opening up. jessica kartalija has more on kr view with dr. phil. >> michelle knight, amanda berry and gina dejesus held captive in this cleveland house of horrors for 11 years. their abductor and abuser ariel castro physically and sexually abused the women until they were finally freed from the home in may. >> help me. i'm amanda berry. i've been kid ped and missing for 10 years. >> 6 months after being rescued. . >> this is where i was abducted from. >> 32-year-old michelle knight talks with dr. phil.
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>> he took a pipe and he held it like this over my head. he said if you scream i'll ram this down your throat and i'll kill you, so i didn't scream. i didn't make a noise. i just laid there. he takes me to the basement and ties me up to a pole with chains wrapped around it. the chains were so big. he wrapped it around my neck. e sits me down on the floor and he said this is where you're going to stay until i can trust you. >> knight said she was repeatedly raped. >> i was basically chained to the bed. >> becoming pregnant at least five times while in castro's home. >> he was like i'm going to do something about it. that's when he punched me in my stomach. >> how did he do that? >> i was standing up and he punched me with a barbell. >> was there a time that you thought you would rather just
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die? >> yes. that would be taking the easy wt . >> in august ariel castro was sentenced to life behind bars plus 1,000 years. in september he was discovered dead in a prison cell. jessica kartalija, wjz eyewitness news. >> part two of dr. phil's exclusive interview with michelle knight is today at 3:00 right here on wjz. k-mart plans to open its doors for black friday shoppers before they get a chance to pop a turkey in the oven. the retailer said it will be ready for everybody starts at 6:00 a.m. on thanksgiving. it will stay open for 41 straight hours until 11:00 p.m. the next day. sears said it will wait longer and open it doors at 8:00 p.m. thanksgiving day. in some baseball news, orioles slugger chris davis is among the finalists for one of the biggest honors. davis is a finalist for this year's most valuable player.
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to win he will have to beat out detroits miguel cabrera. fellow players voted cabrera the most outstanding player of the past season. the mvp will be announced on the 14th of this month, 8 days from today. >> it's probably still going to go to somebody who made it to the post season and had the big spotlight on them. baltimore fans know, his bosses knows. >> chris knows. >> unfortunately there could ba huge money incentive in a contract if you win that. >> probably. one of those clauses. >> ex tra million and a half if you get that. respect to chris davis. >> yeah. coming up on coffee with, wt gavin mccloud. this turned out to be a good kof coffee with. >> it did. >> from the mary tyler love show, he has a book about his voyage.
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we ask different questions than other tv stations do. he will have a couple of interesting answers you will be surprised about. about. he will explain it,,,, i'm a blacksmith and i love two things. making skillets and filling them with liquid gold. yes.
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i'm a blacksmith and i love two things. making skillets and filling them with liquid gold. yes.
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good morning. the upper 40s right now calm winds, barometer at 30.41. yesterday it was 30.60. big dome of high pressure still sitting on top of us and drawing mild air up the coast. this frontal boundary -- by the way, you see that snow and ice. that got over the upper plain states. that will be their third winter storm. this cold front is not going to bring winter weather towards us but cooler weather. it's going to be beautiful and sunny for four straight days starting on friday. today gray but mild. 63 degrees is going to be the high. ooefr night still -- over night still kind of
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gray. a high of 61 degrees early on. what a great fall weekend it's going to be. what awaits you on a warm way to work and/or school? here is sharon gibala at wjz traffic control. >> good morning, everyone. we're just getting word of two e ing into us. both of them involving deer. a good reminder that they are out there, especially this time of year. one of those accidents eastbound 175 approaching 95. the other one in westminster southbound 27, that's ridge road just south of 407. if you're headed out on the major roadways no major delays. the slowest spot on the west side of the beltway at 32. topside outer loop now at 46. that's a live look at that delay that's the outcome towards us. this traffic report is brought to you by toyota. now is a great time to find a great deal on a toyota at
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this morning's coffee with is with gavin mccloud and the satellite interview is furnished by princess cruises. how are you doing captain? >> hanging in there. >> we're going to be talking about a couple of things. first and forecast, this is your captain speaking. you have a book out now in time for the vacation season. my question to you is this, you play a couple of iconic characters. marty slaughter. did you like the names of your characters? when you first found out this is the name of your character did you think to yourself, what were they thinking or how does that go? >> i'm going to tell you something, i did. i said what kind of a name is this. finally about a year after we went on
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the guy that wrote the original pilot i was talking with him and said where did you ever get a name like meryl stooby. he said i'm a big baseball fan. he went into the history of a baseball player. >> no kidding? >> he loved him so he thought he would use his name. for me it was good for luggage. i had ms for that and the -- >> [laughter] >> and towels in the bathroom and all that. >> that is a great story. there's a whole bunch of good sn the book. how much did you just have to ed it out because other wise it would have been 900 pages? >> well, the thing is at maybe 2 years old you can imagine how many stories there. we thought if this goes we'll do a sequel called this is your captain
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still speaking. >> nice. >> then we can put the other stories in that one that we weren't able to put in this one. there's so many. i said i have a million more stories. they just happen to be there because of the life i've led. >> sure. >> i'm so glad you read it . >> do you have a favorite character of al the ones you've played? >> yeah. >> and that is? >> john -- jonathan spshgs sperry. it's an a inspirational movie made for less than $1 million. it's a smaller movie. it's getting all over the world now and getting people to come to jesus. that's what i'm all about. it is just -- there's a guy that canada. he's bought 100,000 of them. he said i'm not going to stop until he sends them all over canada
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it's in brazil, australia, the netherlands. i call it the movie that could. it's going all over the place. i'm more grateful, more happy, feel more creative in doing that little movie that's turned out to be the biggest movie i've ever done. can you see the ship in the back of me? >> i was just getting ready to take about the royal princess. >> okay. >> that is serious, man. >> huge. >> i love that, serious. that is a serious ship. it's the most beautiful ship i've ever been on in my life. you know, it holds like 3,500 passengers. it's got this new thing that no other ship has called the sky walk. it's 28 feet and extends off the top on both sides of the ship. i was on it last night. you're very safe but looking dor
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. it's a whole different kind of emotional feeling doing that. we have our own television studio here. we have so many new things. we have 285 ships. it's the best food i've ever had in my life. best italian food i've had on princess ships. it keeps going on and on and on, all the wonderful things about it. >> i just found don and i's retirement gig. >> we can do the show from the ship? >> the in-house tv station. >> come on al-qaeda you'll have and you'll have a good time. >> here's a look at one of hollywood's icons. available in your book downs or download. download legally. we appreciate that. see you later. safe seas. >> good bless. -- god bless.
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-- god bless. >>,,,,,,,,,,,,
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4 and a half until 7:00. here come your updates from sharon and marty. it's about 47 degrees right now. 63 is going to be the high. it's going to be mostly cloudy with peaks of sun. now here is sharon at wjz traffic control. >> good morning. seeing sun glare on some traffi. sees two accidents that involve deer at this point. one of them is going to be on eastbound 175
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approaching 95. the other one in westminster southbound 27, ridge road, south of 407. speeds on the beltway sloe on the top and west sides. 40s on the topside. there's a look another your speeds on the beltway. there's a look at the sun glare on the topside. there's a look at the west side at old court road. this traffic report is brought to you by jiffy lube. regular oil changes can help your car running longer. drive into your today jiffy lube today. two college students robbed in two days in the same section near towson. a goucher college student was robbed and threatened with a knife on among along east burk avenue. less than 24 hours earlier a towson university student was stabbed multiple times and robbed of his cell phone. both have issued campus-wide alerts. stay with wjz 13, maryland's
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♪ hey, that's the last crescent! oh, did you want it? yeah. we'll split it. [ female announcer ] made fresh, so light, buttery and flakey. that's half. that's not half! guys, i have more. thanks, mom. [ female announcer ] do you have enough pillsbury crescents? so i should probably get the last roll... yeah but i practiced my bassoon. [ mom ] and i listened. [ brother ] i can do this. [ imitates robot ] everyone deserves ooey, gooey, pillsbury cinnamon rolls. make the weekend pop.


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