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tv   ABC2 News The Latest at 11  ABC  September 28, 2010 11:00pm-11:35pm EDT

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anne arundel county police officer performs cpr and gets a 4-year-old to breathe again. he calls it part of the his job. the her dad says the officer is a i've saver, brooks dane was at her dad's home when she stopped breathing. cheryl connor joins us after speaking exclusively with his father. >> he said he knew his daughter wasn't feeling so well, so the girl slept in his bead last night. he is exhausted from an emotional day but he took a few minutes to publicly thank the man who resuscitated his daughter. there is no question brook bane is daddy's little girl. she is allan bane's only child and early tuesday morning methot he lost her. panic set in when brook was struggling for air and quit breathing. >> people have back start goin' and chest compressions. soon as i started that a police
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officer came. >> reporter: corporal luke ring letter was just a minute away from the pasadena home. the call from dispatch was not good. >> it came in as a death. none responsive man not breathing. >> he says he was at the right place at the right time but john leopold said he did something extraordinary. as the father of two young kids the officer says it was tough to put his emotions aside while performing cpr. >> you just rely on your training and try to react appropriately and do what you would hope that anyone would do for their own child in that situation. shortly before the fire department arrived she started galling and gasping and she had that one big brett of air that she sucked in and we could see the color starting to come back to her. >> reporter: and when every second was crucial alan bane said there was another moment for corporal ring letter to shine. >> when the paramedics came, he
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know advertised the sound was going away from the house and he immediately called dispatch and told them they were goin' the wrong way. so i'm sure that saved some time. >> reporter: brook's mom and dad are now at her bedside at the maryland hospital for children. she was transferred out of icu into recovery. >> i'm glad he was there. i owe hima lot. >> life is fragile and you have to love 'em while you have 'em. >> reporter: and corporal ring ler was there. she was diagnosed with crop. >> the johns hopkins doctor who was shot by a patient's son is home tonight. he was released from the hospital yesterday. he was shot in the stomach by paul warren partis after he
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briefed him on his diagnosis. he then shot and killed his mother before killing himself. it is not clear when cohen might get back to work at the hospital. baltimore county says they suspect foul play in the death of a man in cockeysville. they are awaiting a cause of death in front of the home on stone gate court. there is no word on the victim's identity, they have no suspects or motive. police very investigating the death in west baltimore. her body was found in the 1900 block of mckean african. she was stabbed to death. the death, no word on a monthtive. weather was a big factor in the death of a veteran baltimore police officer, officer james fowler was kill when his truck crashed into a barrier ah long rout 22322 in pennsylvania tonight. he was on his way to penn state to participate in a program on accident investigation. the 33-year vet leaves behind a wife and two children. the gang leader convicted
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of ordering a teenager's murder because he was gay will spend the rest of his life behind bars. timothy rawlings was convicted of ordering the killing of the gay person. they sentenced him to two life sentences and a maximum of 20 years. his mother wanted the death penalty but was satisfied with today's section sentencing. >> it was justice for him. that's what was my concern, because he can't speak for himself. he is gone. and i had to make sure that they were held accountability. this is the first time baltimore county has convicted someone for a hate crime. on the weather front today, while we had some rain earlier on this morning and hen we saw improving weather through the afternoon, now temperatures cooling off out there and briefly drier through the
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overnight into the early tomorrow morning, but that's quickly going to changes by tomorrow night. 70 now at the inner harbor, 66 in cambridge and frederick, take a look off to the south. the lower part of your screen area, storms beginning to develop down into carolina and the georgia coast, that's coming our way and just beginning to develop. we're going to talk a lot more about that later. but just know tomorrow, into the low 70s, a cooler day, and a chance for showers and a lot of rain coming back as we go toward tomorrow night. a very wet thursday, the details still ahead christian? >> a lot of jobs are coming to the area now. harford community college is taking steps to lend a hand to military men and women. they will provide continued training to the apg workforce right on the military base. >> however, this is the first time we have actually been able
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to lease space on an army installation and be able to do the training right here so the people don't have to leave that institution to get that training or education. >> the center will specialize in information technology, project management, leadership, and health care. parents and safety advocates are calling on congress to establish federal standards for teen driver licenses. a perry hills father spoke during a conference at the capitol today, he lost his son in a crash. he is part of the uniform protection act otherwise known as stand up. they provide restrictions for daytime driving or driving without any passenger. >> i mean i wrestled with this for 11 years, what i can do. if i can take part in this and it is successful and it changes things just a little bit and helps other folks not go through what i went through it will be a wonderful thing. >> accord to go the national
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highway traffic safety demonstration young drivers claimed the lives of 2,000 people in just days. in days the hands-free law will hit maryland. that means driving on and talking to on the phone will be illegal. they are offering a $20 mono ear but to a wireless unit that turns your whole car in a speaker phone. that is about 120 bucks. >> as technology improves you get faster processor speeds, larger speakers in a smaller more compact design. >> talking on a happened-held device becomes illegal on october 1st which is of course this friday. landlords in baltimore county have just two weeks to make sure every unit in the county has a carbon monoxide detector installed. that means in every property
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new or old. failure to comply can result in up to $500 per unit. >> we will follow up this fall and we will spot check those apartment complexes with our inspectors. we'll have them go in and ran tom respect certain apartment units throughout the complex. >> they passed that law after carbon monoxide jumped from 900 back in 2005 to more than 1200 just four years later. bed and breakfasts are saying thank you to military members with free get away. more than 400 inns are letting them stay on november 10th, the night before veteran's day. you can click on the story in the national news section of wmar. as part of the continuing fight against childhood abuse, they are taking aim at happy meals, what they want and why restaurant officials say they are doing their part.
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and a new report says the glass ceiling is getting lower but not much. >> we hit 81 out at bwi, kind of a muggy day, a trace of rain. but we think a lot more headed our way, it is here by tomorrow night. those details and your weekend all coming up.
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two governors, two different approaches. even in good times bob ehrlich did not make education a priority. he increased college tuition by 40%, cut school construction by $200 million, and ehrlich voted to eliminate the department of education while serving in congress. but martin o'malley, even in the toughest of times, has made record investments in public schools, new school construction, and o'malley froze college tuition four years in a row. with martin o'malley, our children always come first.
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old gibbs canning company. today these factories are full of dot com businesses. and now my job is helping maryland create new economy jobs. training new math and science teachers investing in our institutions of excellence pioneering new cyber security jobs and giving an old gm plant a jump start building electric motors. i'm barbara mikulski. i approve this message so you'll know i'm fighting for you.
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former president jimmy carter said to be feeling much better tonight. the 85-year-old was on a night from atlanta to cleveland as part of a book tour when he became ill. will spent a night at a hospital in cleveland. that is just a precaution. he is fully alert and participating in the decisions about his care. people in austin say the university of texas is safe again after a gunman opened fire and killed himself. he has been identified as 19- year-old sophomore colton tooly. he was acting alone. he walked around firing an assault rival and then ran if a library and killed himself. not clear what his motive or whether he was targeting anybody in campus. female managers are still paid less than their male counter parts t pay gap
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narrowed by 2 cents from 2000 to 2007. they are now earning 2.01 cents, that's compared to 99 cents before 2000. >> there is a bright spot in that more women are gaining education, they are closing the education gap, but we're not closing the pay gap. >> the report also finds that women made slow progress moving into management and that women in senior management positions were more likely to lose their johns during a recession than men who held similar jobs. with the mid-term elections looming and control of congress up for grabs president obama is going back to what worked when he was still candidate obama. his rousing speeches got young voters to the polls in november. we have more. >> reporter: with the mid-term election 5 weeks ago, president obama roamed up his sleeves and dusted off a campaign slogan.
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>> president obama: i don't know about you but i'm fired up. >> reporter: he pleaded with young voters to bring back the enthusiasm from the 2008 campaign. >> president obama: the stakes are too high for our country and four your future and i'm going to get out there and fight as hard as i can and i know you are too. >> reporter: the goal is to ref up those young voters, 18 to 29, who were critical to the obama campaign success. 80% voted for obama, 32% voted more john mccain. >> reporter: the president and vice president are now supporting their own party. he said democrats need to wake up. mr. biden said it's time for democrats to remind the base to stop whining and buck up. this approach could keep voters at home on election day. >> he is telling voters on the democratic base they are irresponsible, the slackers, they don't care enough to show
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up. >> reporter: president obama was optimistic that won't happen. he said that in everyone who voted for change in 2008 shows up this november democrats will win. karen travers, abc news, madison, wisconsin. today a senate committee talked infrastructure, specific he millions of miles of aging underground gas pipelines and earlier this month one of those peoples ruptured causing a fiery explosion in california. they have called for tougher standard, increased penalties for violations, and automatic shut off valves wherever possible. there was no automatic valve in that gas line when it ruptured. it took nearly 2 hours for utility cruz to turn off the ruptured pipeline. >> i don't think we can wait. we know if there was an automatic shut off valve we wouldn't be here today. >> yesterday the san brown oh explosion claimed its 98th victim when a man died from
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extensive burns. toys "r" us is gearing up for the holsey son and thinking betterrer than it did last year. they'll look to hire about 45,000 temporary workers this season, 10,000 more than last year, much of that seasonal help before 600 toys "r" us express stores which are temporary locations usually found in shopping malls. they are hiring to be able to better compete with big box stores like target and wal- mart. speaking of toys, san francisco is deciding whether to ban them, or at least the ones that come in happy meals. toys that come with fast food, like mcdonald's happy meals, lure kids into what they consider unhealthy diets. so they want the toys banned unless the accompanying food meets certain nutritional requirements. >> meals must include fruits and vegetables and not exceed 600 calories and not have beverages that are high in fat or sugar. >> we can use toys to promote our nutrition.
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we advertise our all white meet nug etcetera, or apple dippers, our all white milk. >> the mayor of san francisco says if that measure passes he would veto it. now the forecast certified most accurate by weather rate and maryland's most powerful doppler radar. >> a little bit of everything today and it's going to get a lot more wet. >> yeah. it's interesting, we had so much rain last night into this morning, now the long dry start tomorrow morning and -- >> when i came in at 3:30 it was sunny and nice outside all of a sudden, a strange day. >> world war ii, changing weather, that this time of year, october, into early october, the weather is going the speed up and bring the rain. >> nice evening at the moment. check it outman. >> look at that. downtown, try, partly cloudy. what's not to like man, beautiful night in charm city. we like it like this. 66 degrees right now so we're cooling off, humidity falling,
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65%, wind northwest at 6:00. want to show you through the day today, just as an example, lowell, one of our weather net sites here, you can see clouds pretty thick early on, as christian talked about, breaking nicely into the afternoon. then in the evening partly cloudy, rainfall-wise depending where you are, but from this morning primarily 4568 an inch in pow wellsville, 8/10ths of an inch. more than that in parksville. highs today right around 80 degrees. this was a little warmer than average, no doubt about that, but not untolerable for this time of year. temperature-wise tonight, we're falling into the 60s, much chillier, look at deep creek lake, oakland at 48 degrees right now. humidity moderately high, delmarva, as we look off to the east right now offshore that's where most of the rain has been today. even though we did get a bit of
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showers in here, but as we look at the over all pattern, bottom line is there is more active weather. it's just now beginning to develop. this next storm system is just south of the carolinas here and we expect it to ride up this frontal boundary and really pick up some steam here in the next 24 hours. overnight the dry air keeps coming, that will begin to change in the day tomorrow. check out our forecast. still dry. then the heavy rain begins to come up overnight tomorrow night, right into the day on thursday, depending on exactly where the rain ends up sort of training or banding, we could see continued heavy rains right through the day on thursday. could be flooding in those low- lying areas and a lot of caribbean moisture actually working up into florida could get stumbling into that storm system and mean a lot of rain. still try, clear and 7, no problem with your morning commute, 73, we're probably dry even by 5, 6:00 for the evening rush, tomorrow night when the
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rain begins in earnest. we could see flooding as early as tomorrow night, certainly through the day, there's going to be flooding concerns around here, 75. temperature-wise we cool off big time this week, we dry out friday into saturday and temperatures dropping off as cool fall winds come in through the weekend, the komen race on sunday. kristin? >> thanks wyatt. it was tuesday night. another celebrity has been sent packing from "dancing with the stars." this time it was the singer michael bowl ton who got the lowest score of the week with a 12 from the grudges judges. mike, the situation, soren teen oh had to sweat it out. dirty dancing actress jennifer grey has scored a 24 in the first two weeks. peace, love and the volkswagen bus are at the section ore have a clash. the engine-less vehicle sits in a neighborhood home where some say it is art. the city officials are calling
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it an abandoned vehicle. the vw owners are now asking for people to come to a 1960 themed rally on sunday to save what they call the peace mobile. that should be quite the rally. abc 2 is taking part in any pink week. setting the stage. on sunday komen's race kicks off in the valley. we'll have live team coverage starting at 7:00 sunday morning after registering for the big race, you can head to our web site. we would love to see you there. click on lifestyle tab and think pink to register. sit still september but some are already feeling the christian spirit. we'll take it to a tree farm where the search is on for the perfect tree to decorate a very famous house. storm gear and promotional consideration by l.l.
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bean. map corporations, even a bank that took billions from a taxpayer funded bailout. ehrlich sides with corporate executives again and again and again tell bob ehrlich big banks and billionares don't need help. middle class marylanders do.
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abc 2 works for you. maryland's most powerful doppler radar. not the best night for the o's. a night after calling out fans, the pitcher s toes a gem shutting out the orioles for 8 innings. less than 20,000 people saw this game too. in the fifth he struck out julio lugo, he wasn't happy. tossed his gear toward home plate. could you be joe through them out of the game, they don't call him that for nothing.
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they clinch the second playoff berth in the history of that franchise. >> press box sports report, presented by mr. basement. >> this is the stan the fan charles from the "press box sports report." with the ravens d line down a game, for the steelers game. coach john har bow is your next man up mode. in his sunday press release he said paul krueger has been close practicing hike crazy and harbaugh added i know when paul getsac visit straighted he is gonna play reel well. the winner of the 2009 preakness race has been retired. the philly who won all eight '06 her races as 3-year-old including three against males was just 2 for 5 in 2010. also in horse racing the winner of the 2010 preakness is dead, that after the horse fell in his stall and suffered a
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broken neck. reel quiet took a lead in the belmont and was beaten by a nostril by victory gallop. check it out for press box online. for all of your sports. [ male announcer ] looking for a complete picture of your money?
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maryland's most powerful doppler radar, abc 2 works for you. there's only about 88 more days until christmas and white house officials aren't wasting any time when it comes to finding the perfect christmas tree. they were out at the crystal spring tree farm in pennsylvania inspecting and measuring trees. they finally settled on a 19- foot douglas fir. beautiful. going to decorate the white house blue room once the holsey son kicks into high gear. >> never too early to start. >> it is quite early. it is surprising. when we talk about as welling, we haven't seen much rain. >> been a dry stretch late august into september. now the worm has turned so to speak. >> coming. take a look reel quick. a lot of rain last night into this morning. now a break, look at all that moisture, through the carolinas, all north, hugging the east coast.
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it will hit maryland by evening. a cool day into the low 70s, again as we check the outlook here, thursday even into friday morning a lot of rain on the way. get ready for it. >> we'll be watching. thanks a lot wyatt. thanks for watching abc 2 news at 11:00. we'll see you back here tomorrow. >> good night. man: let me see the map. just drive, we'll get there! adventure runs on dunkin', with our lineup of oven-toasted breakfast sandwiches. grab your favorite, just the way you like it.
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♪ [ domenic ] grew up right here. ♪ really that's about all we ever did is just work and play here. pretty well. i think up here in this area, we're, we're kinda like a novelty almost now,
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because there's so few of us left. but farmers are farmers -- we enjoy what we do and we keep doing it. and i just keep trucking, just keep going. ♪ and i just keep trucking, just keep going. just drive, we'll get there! adventure runs on dunkin', with our lineup of oven-toasted breakfast sandwiches. grab your favorite, just the way you like it. tonight on "nightline," real


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