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tv   ABC2 News The Latest at 11  ABC  December 6, 2011 11:00pm-11:35pm EST

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. now, abc 2news at 11. >> there could be a new plan for plan b. with the looming deadline for the emergency drug. >> a senior community needs help. they don't need much, just the things to get by. we will explain. >> are you looking more that perfect gift in the news is working for you with this year's holiday toys. >> and a warm damp night out there. we are in for a dramatic change. maryland's most powerful radar and the news at 11. >> we start right now with a little bit a controversy. would you let your teen daughter buy an emergency birth control called the morning after pill? >> you mahaffey have a choice. it's available now and tomorrow the fda could allow it to be sold in drugstores without a prescription to anyone over the age of 12. we are in the newsroom with more on that
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>> reporter: women 17 and over don't need a prescription but drugstores keep it behind the counter because younger girls need a prescription. that could change as early as tomorrow. >> the change would make it as easy to bias cough drops even for girls as young as 12. it would be a victory for prochoice who point out that to be effective it needs to be taken in 72 hours of unprotected sex. they say most doctors offices closed on weekends making difficult from teens to get a prescription but opponents say. >> a weekend is 48 hour, it ha to be taken in 72. >> reporter: pamela runs three clinics. >> it is a hormone that they will take into their body and it does have complications, it can possibly have complications and side folks. republican a statement on the
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website of the prochoice website says it is safe and millions of women have used. there have been no reports of serious complications but pam says some of her adult patients take two or three doses of plan b at a time because they don't know if it's worked. >> if this is what adult women do we are concerned for young teens and children as young as 12 that may get it with nobody knowing. >> reporter: another issue is what it does. it's maker says it prevents a woman's egg from being fertilized but they indicate it can prevent a fertilized egg from attaching to the uterus and some and teens may consider that abortion. >> maybe they view that as abortion. they don't realize they are going against their moral fiber and we want women to know. >> reporter: it was the maker that is asked the fda to let it
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be sold over the counter. we reached out to planned parenthood and other groups tonight but they didn't respond and that'syou saw the quote. >> this is our hot topic. we want to know what you think about the change for plan b. leave us your thoughts on our facebook page. >> a man hit by a light-rail train in south baltimore has lost one of his leg. he was hit just north of the station shortly before four. we are told one of his legs was cut off. he was taken to the hospital. no word on why the man was on the tracks. >> and we are learning more about the officer involved shooting between baltimore county and city detectives. the detectives are part of a task force serving a warrant and tonight police say the baltimore detective who was shot returned fire, not realizing it was another
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detective who fired the first round. the only person hit was the city detective with that first accident at round. both departments doing internal investigations in to this situation . > a 14-year-old is charged in a rape. she said she was attacked by the 14-year-old in the bathroom. she knew the attacker who is now charged with rape. police say he was booked and released to the custody of a relative. >> fire investigators say the cause of that three alarm fire that nearly displaced 100 seniors over the weekend was a tea kettle left on the solve the fire happened friday night in northwest baltimore. the damages are thought to be about $280,000. the apartment had smoke alarms. >> there are now job openings for the new casino being built. it has posted 15 jobs to start with more coming. it's expected to employs ams 1500 people and even if there
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isn't a post that suits you can still put in your application on file. just look for the link inside this story on the website. >> high school students getting a taste of writing and editing videos on real life topics and tonight were rewarded. four were winners in the teen video challenge. the group was on mored eye the parents of allison fisher. she loved video production. she died of breast cancer at a young age. students had three topics to pick from. one was the importance of saving libraries, a senior from betsville won for his library video. >> i just wanted to be more creative, whatever came many into my mind. i just put it on there. >> a video on bullying came in first place for the sophomore group. emily pots of perry hall won this category with this video.
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she said the topic hits home. >> my friend -- i have been -- my siblings a couple times and it's really current i thought soy wanted to address that. >> this is the third year for the fisher family, that they partnered the public libraries for the video challenge. >> around the nation for the second time in a year and a half a tennessee fire department has stood by and watched the house burn without trying to stop it. the department serves the residents it enthe homeowner has paid a fee that. $75 a year. firefighters will act if someone's life is in danger but other than that they will stand down. >> is there is no way to go to every fire and be able to keep up the manpower, equipment and just the funding fort fire department. >> the couple whose house burned down say they knew about the fee but never thought something like this would happen to them. >> also making news, it was
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almost a year ago when thousands of dead black birds fell to the ground in arkansas, all round the same time. the thousands of the birds are now back in the town also known as the black bird capitol of the world. the people there are used to it. they all come to roost. for some their backyards get complete eye over run with them. >> if ten thousand of them wanted to go after me -- i probably wouldn't have a chance. >> so i'm glad that they are friendly. >> a game and fish spokesperson said their presence isn't strange but last year's massive kill was. they don't think a repeat is likely. >> weather wise, still rain out there tonight showing up on maryland a most powerful radar. a lot in northeast maryland. toward cecilton and drifting down toward kent, overall though what we are watching the
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potential flood threat tomorrow. dc back through baltimore extending up toward philadelphia. a flood watch through the day on wednesday. winter storm watches can be -- washington county, out toward garret, toward the land of wist. across the eastern united states the next wave getting its act together that. will be the potential flood situation through the day tomorrow. hour by hour temperatures start to fall in the afternoon and evening. heavy rain and yes the potential for some wet snow in here overnight tomorrow night we talk about that. >> all right. when was the last time you received a handwritten let snore i got this one just a few days ago. it caught my weigh eye. those who live at village oaks senior community, all they are asking is for a few things this christmas. every face in the room is old enough to believe in santa. mr. patrick does. so does miss mary and miss nancy. then we talked to miss barbara.
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what when was the last time somebody came to see you? >> i haven't -- had any visit since my mother died last year. i haven't had nobody come. >> reporter: they don't want big screen tvs or i-pads, they want company. >> we aren't asking for cards, for houses, we aren't asking for jewelry, we are asking for a day, a -- a day of enjoyment. >> reporter: every quarter they have goes to rent. every dime they have goes to medicine. so they want to have a carnival and need prizes, prizes that we can supply. >> paper plates,. >> pretty table covers. >> we need napkins. >> hot dogs and hamburgers. >> people to come and for the party to. >> reporter: what do you need? >> i need? >> reporter: yeah. >> not to much. i need -- i need -- i just need
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to get better. >> we may be getting oriole but we aren't dead and there is nothing wrong with our minds, nothing. >> reporter: alice apologized for having to send this handwritten note because she can't afford a computer. they want to hold this penny carnival on december the 21st so somebody can walk away with toilet paper for the next three months. let's send donations now to the village oaks tenant association right there at 815 winner's lane in catonsville. they need puzzle books, word search books, to keep them occupied. > all right. . >> which toys the best? we are working for you tonight with this year's top holiday toys. that's in one minute. . and a new way to pay online may soon be off limits to you.
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who won't be able to use google wallet. >> plus a new twist on a classic movie. how these students doing their interpretation of white christmas.
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. as the holidays approach everybody wants to know what the hot toys going to be. >> very them and we have a really important tip about what to do when you buy them. >> unwrapping the goods. >> reporter: in christmases past, ann has surprised her ten grandchildren with great presents, this holiday season she is having a harder time finding the perfect gifts. >> just so to keep my eyes open . >> reporter: what she knows is she wants them to be the gifts her grandkids like best. >> it has to be really
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special. >> reporter: laurye shop specializes in that. she is the toy insider mom and publishes a guide. she knows better than anyone what the top toy trends are for the year. all of her research shows the gratest gifts end up in one of four categories, first is social. >> games where you have face to face interaction with people, but it's also talking about the virtual worlds. >> reporter: this category includes the new harry potter version of scene it, the -- a wireless sensor and a new tetris game. >> it's one of the most popular video games, it's in over 50 countries, over 350 languages and now we have tetris links. we. >> reporter: lights brites are also hot, the next category mini collectibles, lots of kids love to collect -- they are popular because they are
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affordable. they are 3d cards and characters to play with in the video world. >> quakies, for this year they find hello princess and there is a set the boys will love. and hot wheels. that's also great. shoulder buddies, they are great friends. >> reporter: category three is action and activists especially for those who like to be up and moving. it includes the beast, light strikers that mimic the video and the always popular nnerf line,. >> laser stunt chaser that i love. it has huge speed, but it also does all kinds of great stunts. >> reporter: it rounds out category four including the power rangers action figures and justin bieber bust. you can be a rock star. >> they came out with a mic. it has a voice hitch on it.
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>> reporter: one good tip from the toy insider mom, stores stocking less inventory because of the economy. if you see a toy you want one of the hot ones, make sure you get it now because it may not be there later. >> did you get that? if you didn't we are working for you. just log onto the website abc we have the full story with the link to all the products mentioned including price. that's abc >> gift cards, they are quick, easy present to get and you better make sure you pick the right one. the bbb says a gift card scam is up so before you buy check for red flags, make sure the gift card hasn't been tampered up. bewarey of cards sold online, especially at auction sites. while some are honest others aren't. they could be trying to sell you a card that's been spent. for more information check out
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abc it's a resource guide with everybody from shopping to cooking to decorating. >> new tonight, the spirit of christmas is in the air in hartford. tomorrow the high school will dim the lights and take the stage for a major holiday production. there may not be any snow but this weekend it'll be a white christmas in belaire. >> the sounds of the season are going through the theater. the school is known for lieutenants great production. this one will really get you ready for the holidays. >> the production of a christmas show. >> classic, it's a hole clastic. it warms your heart ♪ [ music ] . >> reporter: the first 1954 film white christmas is a holiday classic to this day. bing crosby and danny k on the
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big scene, two army buddies, making it big after the war. on the little stage, they play the straight laced bob wallace. >> i love the music. i think it's an amazing songwriter, it's an honor to be singing it. >> reporter: the part of phil davis. he is the funny guy, you know the light hearted one. he tries to tell bob to go out and fall in love and stuff subpoena have more fun. >> subpoena -- and have more fun. >> on the thumb of the team work and make sure they -- lines are clear. >> reporter: kim, laura and larry are the creative minds mind lend the production. they have worked together 15 years. >> the three of us that do the shows care a lot and we try to
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give them the best possible performance experience they can get. we teach them every aspect. >> reporter: and the students loving every bit of it. >> so much fun the music is up beat and i love it. >> reporter: the play will be a team effort. and if this doesn't get nut holiday spirit it's likely nothing will. >> reporter: the mat knee starts tomorrow for the local school kids, it runs all weekend at the high school but you byte better get your tickets early. >> now maryland's most powerful radar and the forecast certified certified most accurate by weather rate. >> let's take a look at the radar, still some rain out
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there tonight. mainly over the eastern shore. still lighthouse. we have good rain through the day. rain totals around a third of an inch like edgewater. about a tenth of an inch and a -- those are from the weather bug. wet and just damp and dreary. 63 mild degrees though. very warm for an early december night, especially with the approaching storm and that is going to play a factor in the weather as we go forward in time here. i want to take a look at the townsend weather camera. you can see things wet and very mild out there. now this is what when we get a few flakes overnight it'll be hitting the warm paved service way above freezing and they will be wet and i don't see much accumulation, here is what we have in terms of current watches and warnings, mainly a flood watch and a flood concern
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for the i-95-quarter up through philadelphia. including baltimore and dc. you have extreme western maryland where you go about more than 3,000 feet in elevation, winter storm watch here, west of cumberland, winner storm warning for garret. >> temperatures in the low 60s to upper other's. a mild night. that's bringing up the mild air. we owe it to that and as we take a look at the visibilities, we get unrestricted northeast maryland. down toward dc and southern maryland. near 100% with the breeze -- i won't be surprised to see dense fog overnight into the early morning hours, rain wise, just a few showers now as we work into the morning it'll be a headache. you know how it is driving the heavy rain and that's what we will deal with i think for the morning and again for the evening. two different waivers of rain coming in. the first one almost through
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us, here is the next wave and another low behind this one that rides through the front at boundary. several rounds of precipitation, the last of which could pull in enough of the frigid air just north of us. you see 31 chicago, 34 cincinnati and that could change over to wet snow. again the ground way above freezing. take a look. rain in the morning, another wave in tomorrow evening, that brief winter mix. two, three, four in the morning on thursday, watch out for slick spots thursday morning, the storm will clear out. the skies nice and blue by midday. 58, tomorrow, rainy, ugly with temperatures falling through the day. 57 the warmest point early in the morning. tomorrow night 34 as the rain goes to snow and -- a slushy coating, mainly north and west of the city. then after that things clear out rapidly. sunny skies thursday afternoon. breezy, colder weather as we go in to the weekend.
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december finally showing itself a little bit. >> little bit of everything. >> i think the grassy surfaces, that's where you will see it. >> pretty as long as it's there. >> it's that time of year. the toy drive underway already. abc 2news working with -- give toys to children in our area and it's in honor of fallen police officers and firefighters. from now, until december the 22nd you can donate new and unused toys and even musical instruments. you can drop them off -- state police barracks. and -- for more information log onto the website for more information and drop off locations. >> coming up we have the game that alex baldwin got tipped off of playing for. >> first, here is bill weir with a look at what's coming up. >> jamie, on night line the
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fda pulls a hot fad diet off the shelf calling potentially dangerous. we break down the top successes and -- and inside the favorite forensic lab of patricia corn well. that's coming up on night line. this is droid razr by motorola.
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the droid that proves thin is no longer frail. diamond-cut spun aluminum, a face reinforced with gorilla glass, and a backplate made kevlar-strong. inside, it's covered with water-repellent nano-coating. it's the thinnest 4g lte smartphone. powered by verizon, this droid is too powerful to fall in the wrong hands. so to save some money, i trained mathis team of guinea pigs to brrow this tiny boat. guinea pig: row...row. they generate electricity, which lets me surf the web all day. guinea pig: row...row. took me 6 months to train each one, 8 months to get the
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guinea pig: row...row. little chubby one to yell row! guinea pig: row...row. that's kind of strange. guinea pig: row...row. such a simple word... row. anncr: there's an easier way to save. get online. go to get a quote. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance.
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. verizon flexing their tech muscle and blocking customers using google's wallet app on their smart phone. google wallet users can use their phones like a credit card while checking out stores. verizon and a couple of their competition are working on
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similar apps though they say they aren't allowing the google down loads. they say when it comes to the neuter zen marte phone they will ask not to include the wallet app. >> when they say to turn on the device on the plane they are talking to you alex baldwin. he was kicked off a flight at lax because he was playing the game word was friends -- atwitter to him and american says they are looking in to -- they deeted back he will never fly american again. >> wow. the co pilot. >> yeah. >> not anymore. . >> don't touch that. >> take a look. let's see what we will look at tomorrow to -- the answer is this. rain and a day of drop temperatures, it'll get raw out there tomorrow night. we take brief snow showers overnight tomorrow but right now wet, mild night out there.
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. still looking for your best holiday photographs, outdoor lights, send them and we will get them on air all week long. >> have a good night.
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