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tv   ABC2 News The Latest at 11  ABC  December 27, 2011 11:00pm-11:35pm EST

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a suspect in an absolute brutal double murder turns himself in here in maryland. the details coming up next. >> a trip to the urgent care center could save you some money, but there are a few things to consider before you opt out of the e.r. >> and the rain is out of here, but some of the coolest temperatures in weeks moving in. grab yourself a blanket. abc 2 starts right now. >> after police say he killed a woman and her two-year-old son, jerry lewis fled her to maryland where on christmas eve he turned himself in. police say he murders happened in pay shore, long island, and the end of the trail was here. >> lewis had his first day in court here in maryland. he did not waive his right to an extradition hearing, which only delays the charges of a horrendous crime he faces up on
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long island. they don't see main murders in pay shore long island, definitely not like this. a 21-year-old was stabbed inside her apartment, her two- year-old son beatton death and police say placed in a freezer. a crime scene so disturbing sufficient knock county police -- suffolk county detectives remained on the scene through the end of the week. >> they wanted this guy be, and they wanted to put a closure to this case. >> reporter: closure that came gift wrapped on christmas eve. laurel police say suspect jerry lewis, escorted by his mother who lived just a block away from the police station turned himself in and admitted to the double murder in bay shore. he remains here in maryland for how is, but still a relief for
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long island police who worked through the holiday on such a brutal thing. >> the baby was visually beaten, the baby was -- visual usually beaten, and then put in a plastic bag and put in the freezer. really affect yours moral fiber when something like this happens. >> he was an amazing child. that's all i need to say. and i love him. that's all i need to say. >> again lewis remains in prince george's county for now. he is scheduled to have his hearing at the end of january, at which point he will ultimately be transported back to long island to face murder charges. new tonight, the pentagon says reports of sexual assaults are up at the nation's three military academies, and that includes the naval academy. in the school year of 2010 to 2011, there were 65 reports of sexual assaults involving cadets and midshipmen.
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that's up from 41 reports the year before. officials may show that efforts have been effective at encouraging reporting sexual abuse. >> poe lock johnnies, the place that gave us those great polish eating contests is closing its door at the market after decades. we lost a little bit of our history here tonight. well, might be quicker to tell you which rave were didn't make the pro bowl. for the 13th time, ed lewis going to hawaii. ed reed, his third time.
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they'll join terrell suggs and others. not to be selfish, but we hope nobody goes, because that means the ravens will be getting ready for the super bowl. >> yeah, they've been to pro bowls other years, jamie. i think like that prediction. take a look across the area. clear skies over central eastern are maryland now, but still some showers and some of these wintery showers in the higher terrain to the west. temperatures interesting. relatively mild on the southeastern shore, 40s and 50s. we have 30s to the west, and that will continue to be the case overnight. dry, windier through the day tomorrow, as we struggle to get out of the low 40s. a chilly day on the way. much more on how things shape up into your new year's eve coming up. >> we always have a retune, check the closets, or under the bed. now we have to check the back seat of our cars because of a story like this. a glen burnie woman got the
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shock of her life when she got in her car and found someone in the back seat. this happened early last friday morning in the parking lot of the glen ridge apartments. the woman told officers a man she didn't know popped up right behind her back seat, demanded her purse. she handed it over, the man took off. that -- that has people living in this area worried. >> i'm just going to be cautious and keep an eye out for what is going on around me. hey, does the intersection of key highway and light street confuse you? it confused a lot of people. so the city is looking to spend about $7 million to make improvements. right now there are two left turn lanes, two lanes that go straight, plus a road that's bumpy from railroad tracks. the city is hoping about by creating a roundabout, they'll cut down traffic and improve the traffic flow.
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>> it actually reduces the number of stops, because it makes everything a yield condition, so all be drivers entering must yield to the vehicles that are already in the roundabout, but if no vehicle is in the roundabout, they can proceed if its safe to do so. at a stop control intersection, all vehicles would come to a stop, or stop at the red indication. >> officials say things are still in the planning phases, and neighborhood input would be a big factor to determine just how they're going to proceed about this. >> leigh, this town knows a puppeteer when it sees one. the late jim henson, who invented kermit the frog at college park, and look who is pulling the strings at the lion king this week. but it was like pulling teeth to get bruce to go see what he thought was a kids show. >> once the show opens, i was amazed. was not at all what i expected, and it was wonderful.
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>> look who he shares company with every night of the week. >> the beak, with the index finger, and then the other hand to control the wings. >> so our charles village man is in charge of the stars on stage. >> this is mu faa sa. he was the original king. this is nalah. the back is form-fitted, particularly to that performer's head. this is a thermoplast. it's used in the medical industry. >> there's no way he knew or anyone else knew that one day he would be the mechanical genius of one of our greatest musicals, but then again, maybe he did. >> i made my own hand puppets and used to put on puppet shows in the backyard. >> talk about the circle of life, now the hippodrome is his foot yard. >> i feel like i have a dream
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job. >> nice, huh? once upon a time bruce was scared to death, worried that puppet wouldn't work. now it's just part of show biz. here is a tip. good seats are still available for the new year's eve performance. go see it, it's a great performance. >> abc 2 is working tonight helping you keep your social media accounts safe. police they're in baltimore city are seeing an increase in facebook fraud. thieves are people by pretending to be one of their facebook friends and then sending a message asking for some money. >> and you'll see postings where an individual alleges to be a friend, they take a name off of your friend list, post something on your page and says, yeah, i've been arrested or mugged, and now i need money to either get bailed out of jail, or to return home from a flight overseas. >> remember these three tips. first, even in an e-mail address or a website looks familiar, most messages that ask for money are fake.
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a second, never share your personal information over the internet unless you know exactly who you are talking to. and, remember, messages that are overly urgent and contain expelling and grammatical errors, they're usually scams. scammers are not good spellers. log on to our website at there are only four full days left in 2011. that means you only have four days left to boost your tax return. they're are a couple of things you can do right now before december 31st that you can pay off for april 15th. puts a much money in your 401k as you possibly can. okay? that will keep you in the lower tax bracket, at least keep you there for a little bit. make your january mortgage payment in december to get the interest tax deduction on 2011 instead of 2012, and teachers who may want to stock up on class class room supplies. >> if you're a teacher and you're buying supplies for your classroom, many teachers don't know that you can deduct up to
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$250 that you spend on those supplies by the end of this year. >> she is so good, i could listen to her everyday. the deis, you have to get these things done by december 3 1s, or they won't count on this year's taxes. >> let's say you get sick. incident used to be a no brainer to go to the emergency room, but now many are opting for urgent care. so we're wondering why you are doing that. sit about the money? >> and then there's a debate over what side of the street women should walk on. >> and the story of hoffa is back. as is at 11:00 is back in -- abc 2 at 11:00 is back in 60 seconds.
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a little girl police say was taken from her home in north carolina has been found in virginia. an amber alert was issued for
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julieian reyes on monday morning. police say the father killed the girl's mother and then stole the baby in the car. hours later a girl was found playing outside add newport news grocery store. >> she didn't have any pants on, had a dirty diaper on and so i went over to family dollar and bought are the a little outfit because she was cold. she seemed to be in good spirits. >> the girl is in police custody right now. her father has family in newport news, and police still there trying to find him. a california man is charge go ahead with attempted murder for shooting a soldier just back from afghanistan. police say ruben girardo shot christopher sullivan at his homecoming party. apparently the two men were fighting over high school football teams. the defense attorneys say their client shot sullivan in self- defense. the bullet left sullivan paralyzed from the neck down.
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new rumors about ex-union labor boss jimmy hoffa. a man said his old boss is still in detroit, buried below general motors headquarters. it's part of a brand-new book. he claim his found out about the burial place during a teamster's conference back in the '80s. hoffa disappointed back in 1975 and hasn't been seen since. around the world tonight, israel prides itself in being a country that allows religious freedom, but now some orthodox jews are trying to enforce strict rules on women who live outside the community. it's causing an up roar. >> reporter: this eight-year- old is afraid to walk to school. >> you want to school a little bit?
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no. and then we'll cross? no. >> reporter: she's terrified that ultraorthodox. >> phil: s in her naked will assault her and her mother for not dressing modestly enough. i'm afraid when one of them passes by me, says the mother, i dewpoint know if she will spit on me. -- if he will spit on me. this is the latenist a series of high-profile examples of what officials say is an attempt by the orthodox community to impose it strict beliefs on the wider public and eliminate women from the public sphere. >> you see a separate street for men and women. we see the buses. we see supermarkets, where singing is not accepted. >> reporter: ultraorthodox
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leaders say the problems are overblown and part of a smaller extremist group. most of the ultraorthodox want to live their lives in the holly land with a spiritual connection, says this man. but for secular israelis, it was the word of one man that gave them pause. all of israel will be ultraorthodox, he warned, and nothing can help you. the country, at the end, will be an ultra orthodox country whether you want it or not. >> that was kevin flowers reporting. the israeli government as a whole whole is against efforts to segregate men and women. an egyptian court has ended so-called virginity test.
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then country's army has admitted to conducting the tests on women detained after a protest in cairo. an egyptian general said the practice was because they wanted to defend the military against allegations of -- a new painkiller is causing controversy, and it's not even on the market. that's because it is 10 times more powerful than the drug vicodin. it has some drug addiction experts worried it could lead to more drug abuse. one company passed the red tape test with the fda just last week. >> the hottest new trend when it comes to medical care right now is urge care clinics. -- urgent care clinics.
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>> reporter: have you noticed all the. >> reporter: care centers popping up lately? it seems everywhere major shopping center now has a health clinic. well, there's a good reason for this, and we may be able to save you a bundle of money next time you're sick. today's high deductible hilt plans mean a simple e.r. visit for a cut or cough can cost nearly a thousand dollars. >> $963.70 was the bill for the emergency room. >> reporter: but people like sue knox now have other options. urgent care clinics are popping up everywhere. >> an emergency room can cost a patient between $500 to a thousand dollars just for basic type illness or injury. >> reporter: this owner says urgent cares can treat you for a fraction of the cost. >> the average cost is going to be closer to $150 to $200. if your plan still uses co- pays, those are lower, too, $25 or $50, as opposed to $150 at a
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hospital. a physician is always present and can see you quickly. >> won't have to wait in the waiting room when ambulances come in, other things come in, people jump ahead of them in the queue, they have more life- threatening issues. >> reporter: the clinic has the ability to set broken bones and suture up cuts. but the doctor cautions if you have a seer cause injury or bleeding problems, you should rush straight to the hospital, but for basic things, you can save time and money. >> it only took me 10 minutes to get inside. >> reporter: a word of caution, make sure they accept your health plan. not all of these urgent care centers accept all insurance plans, which means you could end up having to foot the entire bill. so make sure to ask when you enter so you don't waste your money. >> things clearing out pretty
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nicely out there tonight. still damp in areas from all the rain we had earlier today. 45 degrees now after temperatures dropped earlier today. they're warm warming on little bit now. but believe me, they'll be headed down pretty quickly here over the next five, six hours towards daybreak tomorrow. maryland's most powerful radar right now showing very limited precipitation. just a few widely scattered light showers primarily west and northwest of the hagerstown area. nothing in the baltimore area or along the eastern shore or the chesapeake. in spots, we had one to two inches of rain today. take a look at some of that rain as it came down through the day today. in baltimore, soaking rains. man! i hope we water-proofed our cameras extra well here the
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last few days, because they got soaked out there, and so did you, especially if you got caught without an umbrella or a raincoat. right now temperatures cooling off more dramatically to the west. we have below freezing conditions in extreme western maryland. 39 in hagerstown. 40s to near 50 at the beach, so quite the contrast from the beaches to the mountains right now, and those winds continue to shift around. now they're coming in directly out of the west, is but more of a southwest breeze on the shore. going to get gusty. you already see to the west those gusts are up to 20 to 30. peak wind gusts at times this evening have been up to 40. windy conditions will continue to roll in behind this storm system as it continues to push out. higher pressure will start filling in behind that low, and, man, it's going to bring up the winds, and there still could be some wintery showers
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in parts of the area tonight, but it's going to be well west of baltimore. if you have the week off, maybe tomorrow you make a rub out for skiing -- a run out for skiing. tomorrow colder and windy. windchill chill factors in the 30s for a lot of the day. it will feel colder than it has in some time. it won't last that long. again, just some snowshowers overnight, those clear and we're left with a sunny day tomorrow, but a windy, chilly one and on the thursday time frame, just a few passing clouds as temperatures moderate and the winds will die down, too. tomorrow will be a blustery day with some sunshine. only up to about 43 or so. again, it will feel cooler than that with the wind. tomorrow night, down to 23. less windy, but temperatures get frigid. your 7-day forecast, again that
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cold punch we get tomorrow really doesn't hold that well. temperatures will moderate out. up to 50 friday. few more clouds saturday. looks like we'll bring in 2012 on a dry and mild note with low 50s into the first day of january. >> all right. have your noise maker ready. beautiful. coming up, we have a special treat for a bunch of kids who usually don't get to play in the snow. but first here is terry with a look at what you'll see right after abc 2 at 1:00 1:00. during the holiday season, airlines rake in millions in fees, but we'll also show you how they are cashing in by selling your lost luggage. that's coming up on nightline, right after abc 2 at 11:00.
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some athletes in napal showed off their brilliant skills on the field. teams of elephants took part in a soccer match here. a crowd of about 15,000 lined the side of the makeshift field for the match. it's the show piece of a three- day elephant festival. kids in california got a special delivery. folks thought kids space children's museum got their hands on 45 tons of snow. some built snowmen, and snow castles, and some went for the
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standard snowball fight. it's really about been a mild december. we get our coldest day in weeks tomorrow, and so i think a lot of people have this week off, you like skiing, tubing, that kind of think, check out wisp. take a look at this. radar clearing out nicely. those light showers you see north and west of hagerstown, some of those are mixed with snow, so it is cold out to the west. temperatures tomorrow will be chilly all around here, as well. low 40s, at best by mid-day, and then getting colder even tomorrow night. so just keep that extra layer handy. i want to see your sweater vest tomorrow. >> are you a snowboarder or a skier? >> more of a border.
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your holiday greeting there just warms my heart. >> sitting by the fireplace. here we go. >> hey, we'll see you tomorrow. have a great night.
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