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tv   ABC2 News The Latest at 11  ABC  February 3, 2013 11:00pm-11:35pm EST

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now, abc2 news at 11:00 the ravens are the world champions. the 49ers made it close but there was no denying baltimore. they win 24-3 -- 34-31. joce sterman is in belair and brian kooub letter is out too. >> it has been an exciting and stressful night for ravens fans. first, it's snowing outside, it hash for a while. we want to help you get red sdi for monday molecular orbital -- ready for monday morning. mike whatshould we expect tomorrow. >> let's get everybody home from the parties right now. wedo have flurry action south of town right now. it's slight but enough to coat
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the ground a little bit. it's up into cecil county along 95 dealing with moderate bands of snow showers so a light coating during the course of the overnight t. clouds will be where with us through the course of tonight. 35 in baltimore city right now, 32 at the airport. we'll allfall back into the 20s during overnight and 29 by lunchtime and more snow in the forecast. . >> thanks mike. we have ravens fans all over the wear and we're going to get to everyone but first to federal hill where fans have been on pins and needles. cheryl conner is there. . >> yeah, kelley i can barely hear you. check out all of my friends in
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federal hill this is unbelievable. we're at capacity since the start of the game. all of the people from the bars are now out here on charles street. you were crying. >> yes, i was. this is the best experience i've ever had. >> we love you ray. i'm soglad you get this one more time. . >> we knew we had it. i loveyou ray. you given us too many years and we love you so much. . >> with the underdogs and we came up. . >> but who started to sweat it a little bit. >> were sweating this game in the third quarter. >> yeah, totally.
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>> it became a game when the 49ers got on the board. >> the 49ers were fighting i knew the ravens had it. it'sall about heart and ray lewis. . >> mieshgs kelly let me tell you this looks like it could go ugly fast but i've been told there have been no incidents throughout the night. they aregoing to keep charms street to hamburg shut down for about an hour so people can be out here celebrating. so far no dints the thanks sherlt conner. we'regoing to check back with her just a little later but you can find her at twitter. she'llkeep us poesed on what's db posted on what's going on.
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jamjamie costello is also on twitter. >> now we go to harford county with joce sterman where more happy fans are celebrating tonight. . >> it was unbelievable. thesefans went nuts when they saw ray lewis. audio difficulties . >> i didn't have a chance to share it with my dad and now it's amazing to be here to do it with him and the ravens these guys have been hard core all night watching the screams. e they've been going nuts in
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here watching the you ups and downs of this game and while we watched, the belair police were here on rotating patrols all night. they had six different officers out here monitoring the crowds. from what we've seen, these guys are keeping it positive. >> we're nuts. we've beenengaged for two years ux we're getting married if we win what if we don't what? . >> i'm going to die? . >> guys, they were awesome. they were watching from the stage when this game was won, those last few seconds, they were on each other's shoulders celebrating. kelly we will send it back to you. >> all right joes time to pick
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out the wedding dress. first pone of the longest kick returns in superbowl history, a power outage that's lasted 45 mrins and the ravens had to stop the 49ers o' on the fourth down. log on and let us know how you fill third degree time when the lights went o' out! . we areall over the a-area with ravens fans, brian kuebler is out with the fans as well kel ri, i can barely hear you but i can tell you that these are the biggest fans you're going to see just act anywhere in baltimore. you can hear a pin drop in this place the whole second half but as soon as they secured the game, this is the re reaction
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that you saw. . >> i can imagine this is the way it is throughout all of baltimore. i cannot hear you, you can probably not hear me. i'm just going to send it back to you kelly. >> all right, brieen, we'll catch in with you in just a few minutes. it was pins and needles everywhere tonight. weare back in juls 60 seconds -- just 60 seconds we're going to look outside gsh gengs 32 overcast with snou snow showers. our next system is over minut nap minneapolis. . >>
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. >> we're going back to harford
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county where they've been partying all night. that'swhere joce sterman has spent evening. i thought i was going to have a heart attack thing the game i can't imagine what it was like with the fans. >> it was so funny because people were just on pins and needles all night. >> champions of the world. >> yeah, yes. they want to spread the joy of the ravens right now but during the game they were losing it, they would scream and throw things. therewas one guy that at one point got on his knees and praying like hoping that something would work and in the end, the ravens pulled it out. we watched the last 11 seconds of the game and these people were going nuts. they started with the oh, they did that thing the whole time. these people went crazy and
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were dancing. belair police totally on top of things rotating patrol and these guys had a great time showing their ravens pride and for the most part, keeping it classy so hopefully they'll do that for the rest of the night. but for now, we're live and we'll send it back to you. >> i want to see you with that hat on. we saw the fans last time and cheryl conner is among them so we're going to send it back to cheryl. cheryl, take it away. >> we're here in federal hill and it is unbelievable. all thebars just within two blocks, everyone coming out here celebrating. guys, come on admit it, you
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know you were sweating it in the third quarter. >> it was a crazy game. insane i love baltimore. >> i knew they would pull it out though. >> in the third quarter were you sweating it as a fan it was crazy that they would come back but i knew ray lewis would come back. >> how great is it that ray lewis finishes his career as a superbowl champion. >> it's a-awesome. . >> this goes for two blocks. police have shut down between hamburg and west street. that'sthe cross street mark. this whole area is shut down and police feel comfortable keeping it shut down and letting people be out here celebrating until about
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midnight. it'sunbelievable. we'll e send it back. >> let's go back to brian kuebler. it was silent there earlier tonight but definitely not now. >> i'm going to try to do a quick interview. i saw you crying when they brought the trophy out. why cry. >> i'm just so proud to be from baltimore. it's like ray lewis has been here for so long he's our only original raven left and to know he has that ring it's amazing and that he ended his career on this day it's just, i can't even imagine what he's feeling right now. ifi were him, i would feel so blessed to know that baltimore as a city and maryland as a
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state is behind him. >> so how long does this last, a couple of months all night, into tomorrow, into the next day, forever. >> you could hear a pin drop in this place the second half. >> absolutely, we're sitting here biting your nails and then they pull out these amazing plays and it's just like yes and obviously she speaks for all of these ravens fans here. now,everyone wants to tell me on camera now. you're going to see this everywhere you go. thecity is on fire right now. . >> thanks brian. brian's beenout there tweeting throughout the night, you can follow him on twitter and you can follow abc2 news on twitter. jamie costellois on the ground
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in new orleans. >> maryland's most accurate forecast.. >> has anyone heard from jamie? . >> mixed up the in the crowd in new orleans. >> let's look at sochl of the cameras across town. that isfrom the clip over the weekend and there's more snow falling toward the west. belair, watchthshgs dry afternoon but watch how the roads slicken up some. you notice a nice looking sunset but we have been watching the snow showers come down from time to time. right now, 32 degrees downtown. the wind is at 13 northwesterly direction. lesget you over to the stats, we got to 34 today which is
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certainly below average. here's the most powerful doppler radar, notice the bands have been stretching in from west to east. we've been wavping these set up just south of 780, laurel dealing with this light snow shower so if you're heading to the dc area tonight, know there's slick roadways. thenout ward the bridge you're dealing with snow bands. if youclip into belair road out here, you are seeing snow bands come down at the present moment. this quick burst of snow coming through will dry up tomorrow afternoon and then look from minneapolis to chicago, this is snow that is setting up and will move in by tomorrow night.
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theclouds are with us tonight. it's chilly, temperatures down into the 20s. still at 35 in baltimore city. 32 at the airport and. and as those clouds filter out we'll watch the temperatures fall into the 20s. it feels like it's in the 20s, it feels like 15 in york. 20 #s to wake up and by lunch it's a struggle to get to 30 degrees but then snow will develop. cloudy kind of monday that's the deal with the snow issues developing by monday night. a little earlier to the west of the belt way other than that, it should come around 7:00. here's this other dliper clipper system -- clipper
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system. that is going to be another burst of snow, make a little more than we saw from the last system. 12 degrees now in minneapolis so there is no indication of a warming trend. 60 in dallas is the warm with est temperature i can find. most ofthe day will feature the clouds and then watch how the snow filters in from twoes east and this will linger go into tuesday morning's commute. this is one computer model showing just a healthy dusting to an inch. to forecast, 24 degrees, we'll get up to 32 with the two degree guarantee with inkreeszing clouds and then here is the snow tomorrow
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night, 27 degrees and it is going to be cold enough to accumulate a light dusting. 38i did tuesday and then wednesday, blend of sunshine and clouds back into the 40s. maybeanother system by friday that looks wet. can you believe it, kelly, i was so proud of you. . >> let me just tell you, i was so proud of you running up and down the whole night. you areso much fun to watch a football game with. i can't believe they won. it's amazing this is the proto type of the a fall t. money will benefit make a wish foundation. a percentage of the money goes to the make a wish foundation. this is the coolest shirt i've ever seen. >> this is already here, look
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at this, superbowl champions. >> are thee open now. >> i'm sure they'll have plenty of them in case you haven't heard, ravens won. >> we'll be right back. . >> take a look at the scene from bourbon street.
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chris chris is live at the super superchristian schaefer is live at the superdome on the
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field. . >> the blood pressure was definitely rising at times here tonight at the superdome. letme tell you, there are still thousands of ravens fans still here in the stands. nobody hasleft except of course the 49er fans. as the post game celebration happened t fans obviously stayed for that and fans still stayed. all the fans are here and they want to celebrate. you hear the chant over and over again from these fans. it's an exciting time and just the way that game ended, it certainly could've ended either way. >> what was it like during that 35 mundy dlai. that had to been minute delay. that had to be tense for the players for me, the news dna
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kicked in. i was starting to think what's going on here. you don't know, we're in a stadium of 735,000 ,000 -- 75,000 people and security as tight as could be and it's just a situation where you know it's a target for someone who might want to do some harm when there's this many people together at a symbolic event so you start to think what's going on here and nobody in the superdome was really saying what was going on. it was is just like there were updates on tv and from some of the announcers. it was tense underneath a stam yum where people were unsure of what was going on. once wefound out it was just an transformer explosion and that does happen, once you found that out, it was like okay let's get the game going and
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get back to the game because the ravens at that point were winning easily and then when it came back, the 49ers also came back. i talkedto some players of the game and did some interviewers -- interviews, matt burk said it gave them time to gather but he said it's good in theory that it effects teams equally. whenyou're watching that game, it seemed to give the 49ers a boost and it was just something where they needed a break and they got it but it will ravens have overcome a lot this season and they overcame that too. >> what a win for ray lewis. since the time he said he was going the retire t team has stepped it up to the point where we actually won superbowl 47. >> it's such an interesting
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phenomenon with ray lewis. different people are going to talk about their views o' of religion and what they believe and everybody's entitled to their own views. ray, certain certainly is a deeply religious person and has made no bones about talking about that and when he talks like that and then when the ravens win the way they did in denver was is nothing short of miraculous, i don't know about the players, specifically, i feel like some of the fans started to believe ray. youknow, when you see him talk like that and then you see miraculous things happen, you just get the sense that the team rallied around that and boy, did they believe what he was breeching and they led him right down to the superbowl. >> we're looking at the video from the confetti and the
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trophy, were the fans well represented? . >> i'm sorry i missed that? . >> were there a lot of ravens fans there? . >> oh my gosh, it's been unbelievable this whole week. everyone when we got here monday, there was already a lot of ravens fans in town and it has not gone down. last night,packed on boar bonn street. you -- bourbon street. you could see some 49er fans but it was just like everywhere you looked there were ravens fans. in front of the superdome today and at the bars and restaurants and in the entry way with the people streaming in, it was just purple jerseys everywhere. sonot only did people from baltimore travel down here, but the popularity and the
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interesting personalities on this team, i feel like there's a bit of a ravens nation going on. there's fans that have nothing to do with baltimore here. it'sbeen an amazing week. >> thank you christian. greatwork. we'll be right back after a quick break. i got it when we could download an hd movie in like two minutes.
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. >> we're tracking ou our ravens fans from baltimore to harford county to federal hill. allover. and we have the latest on the weather. we'll be right back after a short break. don'ttouch that dial. there is no mass-produced human.
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