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tv   Right This Minute  ABC  February 15, 2013 2:00pm-2:30pm EST

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hi, everybody. i'm beth troutman. it's time to watch some great videos, "right this minute." . it's a high octane race for some hydroplane boats. >> powered by jet engines. >> what happens when two drivers are caught in a 200-mile-an-hour wipeout. cops make a traffic stop that -- >> takes a very unexpected turn. >> why that was just the start of something very bad. a crazy sight as a man spots a wallaby swimming in the middle of the lake and struggling. the rescue that comes with a hoppy ending. >> we've got the friday buzzword
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for your shot at an ipad mini. plus why this is one smart fox and this is one not so smart fox. >> i'm getting out there, i'm showing them round two, even if it's actually already over. racing of all sorts has its risks whether you're racing motorcycles or in this case boats. high powered hydroplane boats from the h 1 unlimited series. these guys are racing in the persian gulf off the coast of qatar, and they are going extremely fast. these boats are powered by jet engines. thousands of horsepower, can go over 200 miles per hour. you can see how close the racing is. they're just skipping across the water. >> all the boats in this series are required to have two onboard cameras, that's how we're getting all this video from h we're riding along with american tom thompson and it's about to get pretty crazy.
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keep an eye on that green boat just to the right. >> oh. >> oh, boy. >> oh. >> he skripipped right over the green boat. the boat barrel rolled. you hear the water. the boat righted itself. the driver tom thompson basically uninjured. bruises to his forearm. he spent the night in the hospital and was released. the slo mo shows what happened. parts of the green boat from brian perkins' boat breaking off. here's a different angle from the boat that crashed into. >> oh. >> what about this guy in the green boat? was he hurt at all? >> no report of any injuries to brian perkins. you can see some of the damage to left front of his boat. race officials and people who follow say this is one of the most violent crashes they've ever seen. . this dash cam video shows the third of a series of arson
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fires police have been investigating in michigan which led them to try to pull over this man believed to be connected to the fires. you see the driver of the truck, 18-year-old gabriel stevenson, peek his head out of the window. >> i was helping my grandmother move furniture around. >> at 2:00 in the morning? >> eventually the officer asks the driver to get out of the car and that's when this video takes a very unexpected turn. >> with your left arm open the door and kick the door open with your foot. do it now. >> we see gabriel take a little too long to open the door and then this. hand up. he took out a gun and shot at the officers that were trying to pull him over. they shot back at him. but he drives away and they begin a high-speed car chase. >> the kid is 18 years old, allegedly setting fires and shooting at police. >> yep. >> [ bleep ]. >> they reach speeds of more than 65 miles an hour. eventually he ends up crashing
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the truck into a home. he gets out of the truck and starts running around and then tries to break into the home by breaking a window. >> get on him. >> get on the ground. >> if you look at the back of the house eventually someone from inside the house comes out trying to figure out what's going on. >> get back in the house! get in the house now. >> get in the house! >> the person runs back into the house. you see gabriel still standing. >> right now. >> got it. >> at this point, the video epds but what we know is the officers fired four shots at him. they did strike him. but he then, they claim, started running at them with a knife in his hand and that's when the state trooper took one shot and ended up killing him on the spot. >> almost sounds like a suicide by cop kind of thing. >> cops say after a warrant was executed in his place they found items associated with marijuana
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distribution. they believe the feud was because of drugs. the state troopers that shot and called gabriel is on administrative leave pending an investigation. the last thing you expect to see when you're out boating in the middle of a lake. you're looking at the rescue of a wallaby from a lake in the australian alps. this little guy was swimming in the middle of the lake and struggling, so the nice man behind the camera said all right, i'm going to try to rescue this guy. tried to lift this wallaby into the boat but it was too heavy. so this was the second option and as you can see, pretty difficult. >> what are they doing here? >> he's holding the wallaby tail with the arm. >> come on buddy. >> the wallaby is struggling to keep his head above water. >> he's trying to swim away from the boat. >> you can tell the wallaby does keep its nose above water and able to breathe. >> even if you could get that on the boat i have a feeling it would jump off anyway. >> they are known to be aggressive animals.
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>> i applaud them for trying to help. it's not like an easy rescue. >> watch this. we see the moment where the wallaby gets to shallow water and the wallaby is clearly stunned. probably exhausted and confused. >> this thi hasno ideawhat justvideo, he said this lake water was freezing so this wallaby certainly would not have survived. >> now the guy behind the boat is concerned the wallaby is so confused he's going to head out into the lake. he gets his little net and he tries to nudge him to shore. the wallaby gets his bearings, starts to hop, gets to the shore, stops for a second, and off he goes. listen to what he says. >> there he goes. thanks, mate. >> he thanks the wallaby. >> thanks for giving me a good viral video. >> all right. everybody, it's friday and almost time for the great "rtm" ipad mini giveaway. >> you need friday's buzzword and have to be 18 or older to enter. >> friday's buzzword is coming up in just a bit. >> good luck, everybody. >> trying to get back to work for a first time.
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>> guy just trying to make it back to work following the big snowstorm in the northeast. this was bridgeport, connecticut. as you can see he's not making it very far because we have cops and firefighters on the scene here and you can see this building in front of this guy on fire. but also notice, cops have their guns drawn as well. that's because just before 10:00 a.m., cops in bridgeport, connecticut, got a disturbance call and reports of shots fired. they go to the scene and they see this. and then at one point, watch what pulls up. >> the truck is here now. >> whoa. >> fire truck. >> actually blocks his view for a while. pretty legit reason for being late to work. >> yeah. you got the video to prove it. >> not hearing any shots fired but they're seeing a building on fire. you have firefighters and police ats the scene. that's going to be scary for the firefighters especially knowing that there's been shots fired from that building that they're trying to put out. >> exactly. wondering if something that exploded in there and they shot it was shots fired. >> at one point, firefighters
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rescuing a woman from the third story. wtnh spoke with the eyewitness. >> i know the lady that lives there with her son and the son has some mental issues. >> the son believed to be the cause of the disturbance call was still inside. police had to go in and make sure they could clear the building before firefighters was sent in. you see that man taken to bridgeport hospital, suffered second-degree burns and suffered from smoke inhalation. so far police can't confirm there were any gun shots or can't locate a gun either. they said that because there was so much snow, if residents had chipped in recent days to clear the snow, clear the streets, they're not sure that this rescue would have gone down so smoothly. >> what does an astronaut playing music with a bare naked lady look like? kind of like this. >> he sings too? >> he's doing a duet with ed. >> find out why chris hatfield and musician ed robertson have teamed up. and, three, two, one.
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takeoff. >> you have a real first person view of what it's like to fly off an aircraft carrier. >> get
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chris hatfield, the canadian astronaut currently on the space station has probably done more to bring the international space station into the news than any astronaut in a long while. well, he is at it again. >> welcome. ready to play a little music. >> chris hatfield along with ed robertson from the bare naked ladies. >> you got everything you need? do you have your trustee floating guitar pick with you? >> they've cowritten a song called "iss is somebody singing" and as you notice ed robertson and a choir, the wexford gleeks about to do the face to earth first musical collaboration ever. ♪ turn the key and light the fire ♪ ♪ we're leaving earth today
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♪ that ball of shiny glue >> he sings too. ♪ everybody, anybody ever knew >> he's doing a duet with ed! ♪ i'm drifting, i'm lifting >> this isn't fair. this guy got way too many cool genes when he was born, astronaut, singer, cool mustache. ♪ from the international space station ♪ >> this song is actually a really big deal. i was commissioned by cbc music and the coalition for music education to celebrate music education in school and larger than that, they have this huge thing called music monday in canada. this year it's happening on may 6th. they're going to perform this song for music monday and that's a huge deal about raising awareness and celebrating music education in the schools in canada. ♪ you know why i want to get
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back soon ♪ it's beensa th w pretty cool jobs here at "right this minute." i think this guy's job is even cooler. welcome to the "uss dwight d. eisenhower" aircraft carrier. we're riding with frances according to the back of his helmet, piloting an f-18 ef super hornet, just super cool visuals in this 12-minute video. you have a real first-person view of what it's like to fly off an aircraft carrier. you see the pilot here grab on to the holy crap handle. get ready for the catapult to take off and before you know it, boom, off he goes. there's like no room to take off. just like ten feet and then there's water. just skimming across the top of the water and then boom, watch, he's like a rocket. the thing goes straight up in the air. you see the curvature of the earth and then after this, it is just the clinic in awesome flying. i love this part.
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looks like he calls in to -- for permission to buzz the tower. right past the aircraft carrier. ♪ >> get to see the landing. >> if it looks short taking off, probably looks shorter when you're landing. look at this. no room for error here. you have to nail this one. >> everyone has to be disciplined for this to work. >> spectacular. nick, no matter the fight when a guy looks like this, i'm pretty sure everybody in the arena knows the fight is over. everybody except the girl in charge of the round number. because she apparently thinks it's time for round two. >> oh. >> that's not the case at all. the fight is over. obviously in round one. but she diligently wants to continue to do her job. strut around there with the ring card until the winning fighter over here has to tell her, did you see the guy? it's over, lady. hey. she had one job to do.
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>> when the bell rings you walk out there, that's all she had. >> maybe they have like one girl for each fight. if this was her fight and only got to do one round, i don't care if this guy is knocked out. i'm showing them round two even if it's actually already over. it's a video that's dedicated to beyoncbeyonce. the beyonce sandwich. >> they had me at the texas and bacon. >> all that goes into making the beyonce sandwich. >> still to come. >> she's a girl. >> singing sensations linen and mazy team up with kid president for one adorable -- >> hear the song that will make you swoon. plus, friday's buzzword is on the way. stick around for your chance to
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s they is not only a sly old fox but a smart guy. and spunky because he is approaching some ice fishermen. that's ha he does. he comes up to sniff their cooler. i'm assuming there are fish inside that have been caught by the ice fisherman and fox likes the smell and wants to remember where this cooler is. pee on it. >> oh. >> or maybe he thinks if i pe, on this they won't want it anymore and i can eat whatever is inside. >> we think the fox's work here is done. oh, no. he goes up to inspect mr. ice
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fisherman on the other side of the pond. decides not to pee on him. >> oh, no. i thought you were going to tell me he peeed on that guy. >> i can smell my pee i think i'm hungry. i think i'm going to go back. >> he was sizing up what everybody else had. these guys have the fish i like. i'll mark that. see if anybody else has today's special. >> and here he finds the buffet just laid out before him. >> he is spunky that fox. >> he is spunky. >> and friendly. >> yeah. he likes people. >> and peeing on stuff. who better than to spread a little happiness than the kid president. >> i thought we could make a song so i met up with my friends to make awesome music. i have a big crush on both of them. >> [ inaudible ]. >> sur t phenomenal,
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amazing, inspiring, incredible. he's everything that you just want someone to be. >> they are there to make a little music called "i would still love you." the song written by brad managu, his brother-in-law. >> she's a girl. ♪ ♪ i'd still love you >> this is the song version of that game you play with the person when you first fall in love with them, like if my arm got bitten off by a dog, would you still love me? ♪ if one day you started making weird animal sounds if one day you weighed 799 pounds
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oh, i, i'll put you on a diet ♪ >> oh. >> but he would still love you. >> yeah. ♪ i would still love you >> and they're encouraging you to send this video to somebody you love, so go to our website, and click on best of rtm, get the link and send it to someone you love. >> darling. it's friday, everybody. and we're going to celebrate by giving away an ipad mini. >> you need friday's buzzword and don't forget you have to be 18 or older to enter. >> now when you get friday's buzzword head over to our facebook page, using a mobile phone or tablet, go to the first post and tap on the mobile link. >> the buzzword for friday is super. now head on over to >> and then enter friday's buzzword super, sup-u-p-e-r for your chance to win an ipad mini.
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good luck you guys. on your mark, get set, swim 50 meters in the snow. >> my skin feels tingly and like burning from that cold.
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not so long ago i showed you the video of the three of us all like -- >> whoa. >> because adam miller performed this crazy stunt involving three skateboard, six stairs, flies off the board, gets clipped by the other board, does like a
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backflip, lands on the thing, nails it. how do you do this. >> impressive. >> the answer, how you do it, is you try, try, try again and take about a million slams along the way. this is all the attempts leading up to the successful one and just watch adam bite it. >> oh. >> over and over and over. >> what? >> we were like he really made it look easy when he nailed it. wasn't so easy. >> he's banging his shins, his elbows, landing on his hands every single time. >> how did he not break his ankle? legs? >> maybe he just can't flip like he would normally if he was wearing a bunch of gear? >> looks like he is conscious of how he lands. >> just shows when you really want something you have to try hard, you have to commit. the butterfly is supposed to be one of the most difficult swimming techniques for swimmers. combine that with some of the snow from this blizzard that's hitting the east coast and you get this. >> take your mark.
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>> oh, my gosh. >> crazy. >> this is john and students at the university of maine and he's doing the 50 meter butterfly on the snow. >> he could dive into the snow like that on the ground and not get hurt. it was like a big pillow he was jumping. >> my skin feels tingly and like burning from the cold. the cold burn you get. >> yeah. >> i'm feeling freezing cold but i am impressed at how he is able to do this for the entire length of what would be the 50 yards. >> right. >> cool. >> a strong flip turn too. >> yeah. >> he got speed off the wall. >> also notice how his skin starts getting more red as he continues to sprint. >> the swim back has to hurt more. you don't have all the padding of fresh snow. he's going back through his strakes. >> and stay in your lane. iou tin the b do if you are able to push off from hard ground. >> get up and look how red his face and chest are. >> i'm miserable for him.
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>> that's great. >> wasn't so bad. gayle, cute animal patrol, found some really good video. let's start with corgi in boots. ♪ >> why do people do this to their animals? >> i mean dogs have roamed this planet for millenia without boots. >> yeah. >> look these boots were made for hopping if you look at this corgi. it's funny the way it tries to manage walking. >> the corgi's legs are short already. for these peg legs to be walking like that it's cuter. >> like trying to jump and fling them off. >> his buddy goes running by. laughing at his disgrace. he's like you're next. >> you're going to love this, beth, last time you saw a dog doing this, you likened it to the moves of a dolphin. >> i do love a dog trying to get through deep snow. i've always loved it. >> he disappears completely
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there. >> that's 30 inches of snow according to the person who posted this video. he's slow now. here he's trying to catch his breath. >> like okay. now i'm back. i can get it now. >> combine the last video, this video, and get this guy some like doggy snow shoes. it's like he's swimming. >> it is dolphin like, you're right. >> he loves it, though. he's so happy right now. a pink ball, pile of snow, this is heaven. that's going to do it for
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