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tv   BBC World News  PBS  September 20, 2010 5:30pm-6:00pm EDT

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>> bbc wornse is presented by kcet, los angeles. funding for this presentation is made possible by the freeman foundation of new york, stowe, vermont and honolulu. newman's open foundation. the john d. and catherine t. macarthur foundation. union bank. and siemens. union bank has put its financial strength to work for a wide range of companies from small businesses to major corporations. what can we do for you?
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somewhere in america there's a doctor who can peer into the future. there's a nurse who can access in an instant every patient's past. and because the whole hospital is working together, there's a family who can breathe easy right now. somewhere in america we've already answered some of the nation's toughest health care questions. and the over 60,000 people of siemens are ready to do it again. siemens -- answers. >> and now, bbc wornse. >> british troops in afghanistan pull out of the area where more than 100 of their comrades died. 10 years on, what progress is being made on meeting the u.n.'s millennium development goals as mothers still die in child birth and children go hungry? more controversy for international cricket amid another match fixing allegation.
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welcome to bbc world news, broadcast to you on pbs in america and also around the globe. coming up, showing off the latest wheels in gaza as israel allows new cars into the territory for the first time in three years. >> i don't believe it. oh, god, oh, thank you, thank you. >> a moment a bbc team saw the pictures that confirmed the existence of a lost population of tigers. hello and welcome to british soldiers in helman province in southern afghanistan has been one of the most dangerous places in the world. the past four years more than 100 british troops have died there, almost a third of all british losses in afghanistan.
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well, today the u.k. handed over responsibility for the area to the americans. commanders say progress has been made, but admit their work is unfinished. >> captain david patton, sergeant paul bartlett. private damian jackson. corporal -- >> 337 british lives lost. >> staff sergeant olaf schmidt. >> almost a third happened here. in sangin. we join british and u.s. marines as they prepared for one of their last joint patrols. for a final few days, they must brave their demons and reflect on the sacrifices that have been made. commanders were keen to show was they've achieved, how the area has proffered prospered, how much safer it's become. but this is what we saw.
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a long and brutal fight throughout much of the day. it doesn't happen all the time anymore, but it shows the taliban still battling coalition troops. and now america must try to finish the job britain started. no british troops were injured this time but they faced too many days like this. >> i find it very difficult to talk about actually having someone have been there, you can't describe the smells, the sights, there's no way to describe all this, even pictures don't seem to work. you have to actually be there and go through the emotions to have a true understanding of what the people here go,000. >> handing over to the americans is a bittersweet moment for the troops. they're happy to be going, but there are also regrets the mission is still far from over.
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>> the amount of effort, time, lives lost, i do feel a little hollow that we didn't break this place, we didn't bring it to our way of thinking. yeah. it's definitely -- i feel a little bit of heartbreak we didn't finish here. however, i'm 100% sure the yanks will and that's a good thing. >> britain's mission in this troubled part of melmand is coming to an end. it cost the lives of 106 men. the debate over the sacrifice and rewards goes on, in a war that still shows few signs of easing. ian panel, bbc news, afghanistan. >> it's 10 years since the u.n. marked the new millennium by setting out ambitious development goals.
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today a summit is underway to look at what has and hasn't been achieved this the last 10 years. more than 140 leaders are meeting to review progress so far, among them the president of france, who suggested new funds could be raised from a tax imposed on financial transaction. u.n. secretary-general said there had been progress towards one of the goals, eradicating poverty but added that the clock was ticking. >> swree the power at this very -- we have the power at this very hour. none of us can be comfort while so many lack the basics for a life of dignity. none of us should be able to rest easy knowing the fear and dispair that pervade the human family. let us make this investment in a better future for all. there is no global project more worthwhile. let us send a strong message of hope, a fundamental hope.
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let us keep our promise. >> we'll be speaking to our correspondent at the u.n. in a few minutes' time. the main newspaper in juarez, mexico has appealed to to the drugs gangs following a murder. the front page editorial refers to them as the de facto authorities and asked them what news it should publish or stop publishing to avoid its staff being attacked. times are still hard for many americans in the wake of the financial crisis. speaking at a meeting on american tv, president obama said it was going to take more time than expected to solve an economic problem that had taken years to develop. officials in northern india say more than 60 people have died in flooding and landslides in the past two days after heavy monsoon rains. thousands of people in the worst affected districts have been forced to leave their homes. some rivers have burst their
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banks, houses being crushed by falling rocks. the iraqi national museum has found more than 600 missing ancient artifacts in a storeroom in baghdad. these include clay tablets, spearheads, beads and statues from different periods of iraqi history. the items were originally found two years ago by u.s. forces and handed over to the iraqi government. the england and wales cricket board and players are considering legal action against the chairman of the pakistan kict cricket board. it comes after he alleged there was talk some england players had taken enormous amounts of money to throw last friday's one-day international. in a statement the england said they refuted the allegations completely and would be working with the e.c.b. to explore all legal options. correspondent dan rowan reports. >> they're here but only just.
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england's players are taking part in today's one-day international at lords but the match came close klose to being abandonned after yet more allegations of corruption. following england's defeat of the oval on friday the i.c.c. launched an inquiry ri into scoring patterns. pakistan's cricket chief responded by claiming bookmakers told him some england players had thrown the game in return for money. >> what i have said is very clear. currently there is a lot of talk in the bookies' circle that some of the england players were involved in losing the match to pakistan. at one state ticket. this is my statement. >> england says they are dismayed and demid admit they had strong misgiffings about playing the last two matches but the team agreed to continue. the players could follow suit. the bigger picture has to be to
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restore integrity in cricket and having only played three games i don't know if three two matches that are left will do that. there is too much swirling around in this atmosphere. pakistan players have already been suspended by the i.c.c. after claims of spot fixing and deliberate no balls during the lords test match. the end of a turbulent tour is in sight but the impact will stretch well beyond this summer. >> dan rowan reporting. an influential separatist leader in india kashmir says protests will continue unless the government meets his core demands. the hard-liner made the remarks after a meeting several members of a parliamentary delegation. he wants indian security forces withdrawn and the kashmir issue made an international dispute. more than 100 people have died in clashes over the past three months alone. let's return to the story on the millennium development goals at the u.n.
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we can speak to the bbc's barbara pleth who joins us from new york. eight goals. how many on track, barbara? >> well, there are some on track, for example the big plan to cut poverty by half by 2015 seems to be within reach. that is largely because of very big economic growth in china and india which has raised the worldwide figures. one of the other goals that's on target is to increase the number of people who have access to clean drinking water, but that isn't the case for people who have access to clean sanitation. that's fallen far behind. there has been quite a lot of progress made in prevention of aids and malaria, of getting children into primary school but in these particular areas still they're not on target to meet the goals and those that have fallen most far behind have to do with the most basic and vulnerable, the number of children who die below the age of 5 and the number of women who die in child birth.
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these targets are way off. >> the president of france was suggesting a transaction tax, to raise extra funds. is that gaining any traction? >> there's going to be quite a high level seminar on that here at the summit. and i think that there could be some interest if not in the tobin tax, certainly in what they call innovative financing, a way to raise development money rather than digging deeper into your own pocket and rich countries giving aid. some people support the tax and some who don't, we'll be hearing from both sides but this kind of idea is what's being batted around particularly in the current economic climate where developed countries have budget cuts there are austerity plans, doesn't seem likely they will increase aid. having said that, critics will would say the aid shortfalls happened well before the economic crisis. most rich countries, not all but most were not meeting their
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aid obligations before the crisis. you certainly have had quite a bit of criticism in the general assembly before the summit from representatives of developing nations who have tried to put most of the blame for the failure of the menen yum development goals on rich countries who haven't given money. >> do you get a sense this is galvanizing political will, this meeting? >> that's the idea. it's a very high-level event, taking place at a critical time, 2/3 of the way through a period where very specific targets were supposed to be met and many are off course. it's attended by a lot of heads of state and government and has been earmarked by many countries as something that is important or seen to be important. and it is hoped that this show of commitment will result in political leadership as well and political will to actually take the steps that will make the changes that are necessary. but already we have had criticism from some aid workers and development workers about the final declaration which is
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a cumbersome 30-page document saying it's got a lot of good words but aren't enough practical steps and practical action plans laid out in there to take us forward quickly the way we need to go. that will also be an issue that comes up during the summit. >> barbara, thank you, at the u.n. you're watching bbc world news. still to come -- south africa's president has called for unity in the a.n.c. while launching an attack on party divisions. in sweden a far right anti-immigrant party has entered parliament for the first time denying the center right governing coalition a majority. the rise in support for the sweden democrats mirrors an increase in votes in the european union. the party denies its racist but the mainstream blocs have ruled out working with it.
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>> the surge of support for the far right sweden democrats was the big story on election night. the party was able to celebrate its historic entry into parliament having promised to put the brakes on immigration in sweden. we've written political history together, say the sweden democrats leader. it's fantastic, he said. preliminary results show the center right coalition led by the prime minister winning 172 of the 349 seats. it's a clear victory over the opposition social democrats center left bloc which has 157 seats. but not quite enough to form a majority government. the right-wing sweden democrats with 5.7% of the vote won 20 seats. it was not the result the prime minister had been hoping for. frederick ryanfelled said his party would not cooperate with
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the sweden democrats, we'll not be dependent on them, he said. 90% of the swedish population detests the sweden democrats. so there is still a lot of distaste and a lot of unhappiness with the way the results have gone. >> immigrants make up 14% of sweden's population and to members of the mainstream parties are said to be dismayed at the rise of the far right. amid the uncertainty the prime minister will remain in office but may now seek the support of the opposition green party to form a working coalition. peter biles, bbc news. >> this is bbc world news. the headlines this hour, british troops leave southern afghanistan where they suffered a third of their casualties. u.s. marines take over the fight against the taliban. and at a special summit held at the u.n. to review progress on
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the millennium development goals, the secretary-general warns leaders not to use the economic downturn as an excuse for missing targets. israel has allowed new cars to enter gaza for the first time in more than three years. no commercial vehicles have been legally allowed into the palestinian territory since israel tightened the economic bloked three years ago -- block aid when hamas took control. >> there are only 20 and they are a rarity. the first cars to be legally allowed into gaza for over three years. brought in from israel and destined for the show rooms. and they are much needed. transport in the strip can be dilapidated and rickety to say the least. during the past three years, the only way to get a new car in gaza was literally underground. earlier this year, the bbc obtained the first pictures of whole brand-new cars being
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smuggled in through tunnels from egypt. under the blocked a, others have resorted to having old cars touched up and resprayed. but in may this year, nine turkish activists aboard the free gaza flotilla were killed as they tried to break the blocked a and the international pressure, israel announced it was easing its restrictions. they had originally been tightened to stop weapons getting into gaza and to put pressure on hamas. but it is an easing, not a lifting. food, consumer goods and now cars coming in more easily but construction supplies are still restricted, exports are banned, and there remains a blocked a on people. it is still difficult for palestinians to get permission to get out of gaza. for now 20 new cars for gaza and more expected to follow but
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one key question -- with gaza's economy devastated by the blockade and unemployment near 40%, how many can actually afford one? >> on this day two years ago jacob zimmer won the leadership of the south africa's grass roots, who were fed up with his predecessor. now the trade unions and the left are disillusioned with him as well. there has been a three-week strike, allegations of corruption surrounding the president's family. he appeals for party unity. karen allen reports from durbin. >> strike talk has filled the streets of south africa. the unions holding the county at ransom for pay, so as the a.n.c. embarks on a major policy summit, two sides are
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squaring off. the unions and big business battling for control. modernists, young entrepreneur making a living for himself, to a teacher like lydia, employed in a state school demanding more pay. life in urban south africa is not cheap. a single mother of two, lydia is frustrated with eight years teaching experience she still struggles to make ends meet and she sees political leaders she feels have forgotten their roots. >> but i know that as an educator i deserve more. i went to school for it and i need to be respected for it and i need to be rewarded for it. >> another side, a new generation of entrepreneur is coming of age. a generation that embraces free
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enterprise and awards. like a mentor to other students, here in soweto. with his sister he runs a catering firm. though he respects the blend of business and neighbor he fierce a culture of entitlement is taking hold. >> people are still sitting around having the mentality that the job should come to them. where we probably need to start equipping people in terms of you need to get what's rightfully yours. that might be through education. >> at the grass roots, the attacks on the ruling party have got more personal. this week some of the banners during strike -- but also on durbin the president can still fill a crowd. open advice on how to juggle the factions to take the unions who helped keep him to power
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and keep the business on his side. he is in durbin to deliver some home truths. president criticized his detractors and called for unity among the a.n.c. >> headlines about the imminent death of the alliance are a waste of time and ink because the alliance will lead for a long time to come. however, there are challenges that must be dealt with. the recent strike by public servants requires serious introspection. >> it was clearly what the party faithful wanted to hear. although the president has spoke to packed party divisions with one of the boldest speeches of recent times it
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looks like the knives are out and the succession battle has already begun. and one man the media is watching closely is the standard bearer for south africa's workers who helped bring the president to power. a man critical of corruption within the party and now describes the relationship with the a.n.c. as dysfunctional. so is he going to back the president for another round? >> we know how divisive that discussion will be. if we were to open the discussion to say yes to a second term, no to a second term, we are going to make a midterm assessment and that will be cooling too early. -- cooling too early. >> president zuma's populist credentials are likely his saving grace. he is, after all, a political survivor. and though there may be disarray in the a.n.c. and questions about his leadership,
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he looks like a man in control. karen allen, bbc, durbin. >> you're watching bbc world news. the father of one of the victims of the lockerbie airliner bombing has visited the man convicted of the crime who is in hospital in libya. dr. jim swine whose daughter was among the 270 killed above the town of lockerbie, said he was in better shape than he expected though still gravely ill. >> his status hasn't changed much. he gives the impression of a man fighting a desperate illness and how long he's got, i wouldn't want to fall in the trap of hazarding a guess. it could be a long time, it could be -- something could happen catastrophically as we're talking even. because cancer with active
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secondary such as he's got can lead to sudden complications that are irreversible. i have no idea how long he's got. >> he lost his daughter flora in the lockerbie bombing. a lost population of tigers has been captured on camera living in the kingdom of bhutan. a series of camera traps, documenting the mountain tigers. it's proof they're able to survive away from the jungle habitats and could improve efforts to protect them. >> high in the himalayas, the tiny kingdom of bhutan. the bbc natural history team chose this remote and mysterious place for their fourth expedition series. local people told the team that tigers were living up in the mountains. if that's true, then that's a really big deal because the
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base of tiger mountain is well above the treeline and much higher than tigers are actually thought to ever go. >> good luck. >> dozens of remote cameras were left out on possible tiger trails. after three months, cameraman gordon buchanan returned to check the footage and was astonished. >> oh, my gosh, oh, my gosh! oh! i don't believe it! oh, god! thank you, thank you, thank you! >> if he thought that was exciting, a thousand meters higher up, there was even more. >> oh, man. >> apparently a breeding pair, far from the jungle. >> these tigers are living right in the shadow of the high himalayas. we are above 4,000 meters at this point.
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these are the highest living tigers in the world. >> the team presented their findings to the prime minister of bhutan who promised to work with neighboring countries and use this evidence to help save the tiger. john kay, bbc news. >> fantastic pictures. fantastic story. much more on that of course and all the other of today's stories, >> funding was made possible by the freeman foundation of new york, stowe, vermont and honolulu. newman's own foundation. the j.d. and catherine t. macarthur foundation. and union bank.
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union bank has put its financial strength to work for a wide range of companies from small businesses to major corporations. what can we do for you? >> i'm julia styles. >> i'm ken burns. >> i'm henry lewis indicates jr. public broadcasting is my source for news about the world for intelligent conversation. >> election coverage you can count on. south dakota a commitment to journalism. >> deciding to who to vote for. >> i'm terry washington and public broadcasting is my source for intelligent connections to my community. >> bbc world news was presented
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